dew wolves adaptation

Wolve s By: Dew Sarisa Vashrangsi

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Page 1: Dew Wolves Adaptation


By: Dew Sarisa Vashrangsi

Page 2: Dew Wolves Adaptation

Contents 1

Adaptations................... Pg 2-3

Predator And Prey 4 5

My Discoveries 6-7

Page 3: Dew Wolves Adaptation


Mexican gray wolves live in the woodland. It lives deep in the woods near the river. They live near the river because it has everything it needs there.

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Page 4: Dew Wolves Adaptation


Behavioral: Wolves have a very good sense of smell. They can smell 100,000 times better than humans. This helps them to catch their prey easier. Woves don't howl to the moon only, they howl to call their friends together. They also use body language to communicate.

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Structural: Wolves have two layers of fur to protect them from cold weather.

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Predator and prey relationships

When wolves hunt in packs, they will hunt deers, elks , moose, musk ox and bisons. When hunting alone, they will hunt chimpmuks, rabbits, hares, beavers, frogs, and dead animals. Sometimes they would also find plants and fruits. For example, melons and berries.

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Since Mexican gray wolves lives in forests, a forest fire

could happen and threaten them. People are chopping down to

many trees could mean loss of habitat. Overfishing may mean

wolves have no fish to eat.

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My discoveries

Do they live in a tribe?

They live in a pack instead of a tribe.

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Do they have enemies?

They do have one and that is humans. We hunt them to make coats.

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