devoxx : being productive with jhipster

Being productive with JHipster Julien Dubois & Deepu K Sasidharan 1

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Being productive with JHipsterJulien Dubois & Deepu K Sasidharan


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Who we are

● Julien Dubois○ JHipster creator & lead developer○ Chief Innovation Officer at Ippon Technologies

● Deepu K Sasidharan○ JHipster co-lead○ Product developer at XebiaLabs


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React to the talk!

● Mention @java_hipster● We’ll do our best to answer you during the talk!


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Introduction to JHipster

● Spring Boot + AngularJS application generator● Fully Open Source● +250 contributors● +5300 Github stars● +320,000 installations● +100 companies officially using it


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Server side frameworks


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Client side frameworks


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Section I Installation & Application Generation


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● Installation with NPM● Alternative installations: Docker, JHipster Devbox

> npm install -g [email protected]


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● oh-my-zsh is a framework for managing your ZSH configuration○

● Specific JHipster plugin○ Also recommended: git, docker and docker-compose plugins

> jh


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Creating an application

● Questions & answers to generate an application tailored to your needs● Questions depend on the previous answers● Validation & help to avoid mistakes

> mkdir myapp && cd myapp> yo jhipster


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IDE configuration

● Intellij IDEA, Eclipse, Netbeans○ Specific “IDE” profile for MapStruct

● Visual Studio Code○ Usage with Maven/Gradle or JHipster App

> idea .


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What has been generated?

● Spring Boot application● AngularJS application● Liquibase changelog files● Configuration files


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The generated screens: security

● Several generated screens○ Login, logout, forgot password…○ Account management○ User management

● Useful for most applications○ Pages must be tuned depending on business needs○ User roles will be added/extended

● Provide also good examples of working screens○ Forms, directives, validation...


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The generated screens: administration

● Administration screens○ Monitoring○ Health○ Spring Boot configuration○ Spring Security audits○ Log management

● Very useful in production● Will probably be a separate module in JHipster 4


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Maven / Gradle usage

● Maven/Gradle wrappers● Available goals: clean, compile, run, test...● Specific profiles: “dev” and “prod”

> ./mvnw clean test


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Docker and Docker Compose

● JHipster generates full Docker & Docker Compose configuration○ Build an image for the current application○ Launch services: MySQL, Elasticsearch, Kafka...○ Sonar

● Very useful in development, and for microservices

> docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml up -d


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SQL Database support

● Can use different development & production databases● H2 disk-based and in-memory● Supported databases: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle● Spring Data JPA● HikariCP


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● Liquibase manages database updates○ Using changelogs

● Great for working in team○ After a “git pull”, your database is always up-to-date!

● Tables, relationships, data are all created by JHipster at generation time, and applied when the application starts


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Hibernate 2nd level cache

● 3 options○ No cache○ Ehcache

■ Default for monoliths■ Upgrade soon to Ehcache 3

○ Hazelcast■ Default for microservices, with a specific configuration for clustering

● Automatically monitored○ Production defaults are low, should be tuned depending on your business/hardware


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● Alternative to SQL databases● Faster startup, works great for cloud applications● Spring Data MongoDB● Changelogs are managed by Mongobee


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● Another alternative to SQL databases● Custom implementation using the DataStax Java Driver● Custom changelog implementation● Spring Boot Cassandra support comes from JHipster!


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● Optional add-on to the other options○ Very popular

● Use Spring Data Elasticsearch● Add server-side and client-side code for searching entities● Uses by default an embedded server in development, we recommend the

Docker image for faster turnaround


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● Optional add-on○ For handling very large amount of events○ Some people use it to handle load and failover with microservices

● Use Spring Cloud Stream● Simple integration for the moment


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● Session-based authentication○ Stateful○ Classical “form-based” authentication with Spring Security○ Improved remember-me over the standard Spring Security implementation

● OAuth2○ Stateless○ Needs a specific back-end, only works with SQL and MongoDB

● JWT○ Stateless○ Very good for microservices


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● i18n is managed by Angular Translate on the client-side● “normal” Java i18n is used on the server-side● 26 langages out-of-the-box, easy to extend


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● Automatic documentation for all REST APIs● Executable and easy-to-use● Great for AngularJS developers (no need to read the Spring MVC REST



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● Optional add-on● Uses Spring WebSockets

○ Easy to integrate○ Hard to scale on several nodes

● Sample generated screen to track users live○ Tracks who is logged in, their current screen, all in real time


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Creating an entity

● The entity sub-generator is our more complete and more popular sub-generator

● Creates an entity, with full CRUD support○ Liquibase changelog○ Spring Data JPA repository○ Spring MVC REST endpoint○ AngularJS router/controller/service/view○ i18n○ Tests

● Tip: use Git to save your work before/after running a sub-generator!28D

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Creating fields

● Fields are created one after the other● Lots of types are available

○ Types depend on the underlying database (SQL/MongoDB/Cassandra)

● Validation is available○ AngularJS validation on the client side○ Bean validation used by Spring MVC REST and Hibernate○ Database constraints


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Managing relationships

● Relationships only work for SQL databases● All JPA relationship types are supported

○ one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many

● Unidirectional and bidirectional relationships● Multiple relationships on the same 2 entities


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The “User” entity

● Specific entity, generated with the core application○ Used by Spring Security○ Can be extended

● Supports many-to-one, many-to-many (non owner side) and one-to-one (non owner side) relationships

● Tip: some people do a one-to-one relationship to a specific “CustomUser” entity, which they modify/extend (modifying the User entity can cause issues when upgrading the application)


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Using DTOs

● DTOs = Data Transfer Objects● Very useful in business applications, where basic CRUD entities are not

enough○ Add business logic○ Separate the view layer from the persistence layer○ Helps with lazy-loading

● Uses MapStruct to generate the mapping○ Java annotation processor


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Using a service layer

● Very useful in business applications, where basic CRUD entities are not enough

○ Like DTOs○ Usually both options are selected at the same time, but it depends on what you want to do

● Service beans are Spring beans: security, transactions, monitoring are available

● Option to use just an implementation, or an interface + an implementation


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Pagination options

● 3 pagination options are available:○ Simple pager○ Pagination links○ Infinite scroll

● Depends on your business needs and database capabilities (Cassandra can’t do pagination links)

● Very useful if you have data (all situations except reference tables)○ Common pitfall is to do Gatling tests on non-paginated entities


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Re-generating an entity

● The entity sub-generator can re-generate an existing entity○ Just call it again with the entity name○ Fields and relationships can be removed/added

● Tip: advanced users modify directly the .jhipster/*.json files○ Internal JHipster configuration files○ In fact just the answers serialized in JSON - easy to understand and modify if needed


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Upgrading an application

● Upgrades can be done automatically with the Upgrade sub-generator● Use Git branches to generate the application with a different version● Automatic merge if there is no problem● Conflicts must be resolved manually

> npm install -g [email protected]> yo jhipster:upgrade


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Section II Working with the Generated Application


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Setting up a good development environment

● “Developer Experience” is very important for JHipster○ Lots of effort to make your development environment great

● Hot reload should work everywhere● IDEs should work automatically● Docker Compose for all 3rd-party tools, so they are easy to manage


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Spring Boot devtools

● Automatically reloads the application when a compilation occurs○ The application classloader gets refreshed○ The JVM and third-party libraries are not refreshed

● Hot reload is very quick: 2 to 4 seconds depending on your setup● Liquibase being managed by JHipster, the database schema is also

automatically updated● Tip: configure your IDE to do automatic compilation, and everything is

updated automatically!


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Spring Data JPA

● Easily generate SQL requests from Java method names○ List<Product> findByOrderByName()○ List<Item> findByUser(User user)○ List<Customer> findByLastName(String lastName)

● Tip: type the method name in the REST controller that uses it, and then use your IDE to automatically generate the method


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Fluent methods in JPA entities

● JPA entities generated by JHipster have fluent methods● Allows to chain method calls on entities

Post post = new Post() .title("Fluent methods are cool!") .createdOn( .addPostComment(postComment);


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● Changelogs are generated by JHipster, and can also be hand-coded● Another solution is to use the Maven “liquibase:diff” goal

○ Modify the JPA code○ Compile the application○ Run “./mvnw liquibase:diff”○ This will generate a changelog to update your database schema○ Add the resulting changelog to the master changelog

● Changelogs are applied at application start-up (also works with Spring Boot hot reload)


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Gulp & BrowserSync

● Gulp allows to run many JavaScript tasks: minification, injection, tests…● One of its main usage with JHipster is to run BrowserSync● BrowserSync has 2 great features

○ Synchronizes clicks, scrolls and inputs on different browsers: great for testing with several screen resolutions!

○ Reloads the browser(s) when a file changes: great for doing web application development!

● Tip: combined with Spring Boot devtools and Liquibase, a correct JHipster development environment should have everything hot reloaded automatically!


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● Installation and update of JavaScript/CSS libraries for the client-side application

● If BrowserSync runs in the background, libraries are automatically injected in the index.html page (otherwise, do a “gulp inject” to force the injection)

● Tip: in JHipster 4.0, Bower should disappear, and will be totally replaced by NPM

> bower install bootstrap-material-design#0.3.0 --save


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● JHipster manages profiles both at runtime (Spring profiles) and at build time (Maven/Gradle profiles)

● 2 main profiles○ “dev” for development: focuses on great Developer Experience○ “prod” for production: focuses on the best performance for production

● Other profiles are for specific situations○ “swagger” Spring profile to enable/disable Swagger○ “no-liquibase” Spring profile to disable liquibase○ “ide” Maven profile to help configuring the IDE (for MapStruct usage)


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Working with AngularJS

● JHipster follows the John Papa style guide○ Official guide, endorsed by the AngularJS team○ Lots of rules and best practices, clearly explained○ Gives a migration path to AngularJS 2

● JHipster uses a few third-party libraries○ UI Router for routing○ Twitter Bootstrap○ Datepicker, infinite scrolling

● All other libraries are supposed to be installed easily through Bower


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A word on Angular 2

● Angular 2 support is coming soon in JHipster!○ Work is 90% ready on the main generator○ The entity sub-generator is not migrated yet○ We will have a new option to generate either an AngularJS 1 or an Angular 2 project○ Both options will live next to each other○ Focus will shift to Angular 2 as more projects adopt it, and as it becomes more stable

● This will be the main focus of JHipster 4.0


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Customizing Bootstrap

● JHipster uses the “standard” Twitter Bootstrap classes● They can be overridden as usual

○ Update the main.css file if using CSS○ Update the main.scss if using Sass

● It’s also easy to install a specific theme (often automatic just using Bower)● Bootstrap 4 support is coming in JHipster 4.0


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Section III Testing the Generated Application


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Spring integration tests

● JHipster provides JUnit and Spring integration test support○ Integration tests are fast as the Spring context and the database are re-used over each

test○ Mockito is used to mock dependencies○ @WithMockUser from Spring Security is great○ Yes, using field injection with Spring is annoying for tests!

● The entity sub-generator generates specific tests for each CRUD operation


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● Unit tests are generated for the main application and for the entities○ Uses mock to simulate the back-end


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● Available as an option● Generate load testing simulations for CRUD entities

○ Uses the 4 CRUD methods○ Must be tuned depending on your real business needs○ Generates a great dashboard○ Don’t forget to use pagination!

● Gatling tests can be run directly from Maven● Simulations are developed with a Scala DSL

○ Not very complex to use○ Scala compilation is slow at startup!


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● Available as an option● Behavior-driven tests becoming more and more popular● Simple integration at the moment

○ Might not evolve as we can’t generate business code


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● Great way to do integration testing with AngularJS○ End-to-end test of the application○ Needs a fully working back-end server○ Uses by default a Firefox browser, which often leads to issues


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Code quality with Sonar

● Sonar gives a complete quality report of the application○ Java and Spring code○ JavaScript code

● JHipster provides a Docker Compose configuration with a fully working Sonar server

> docker-compose -f src/main/docker/sonar.yml up -d> ./mvnw clean test sonar:sonar


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Continuous integration

● Travis configuration is generated○ Full test of both the back-end and the front-end○ Similar to what the JHipster team uses to test the generator itself!

● Jenkins 2 configuration is generated○ With complete documentation on the JHipster website for Jenkins 1 and 2


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Section IV Going to Production


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JHipster production build

● Generates an executable WAR file with production options○ Minified front-end○ GZip filter○ HTTP cache headers

> ./mvnw clean package -Pprod> docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml up -d> cd target> ./myapplication-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war


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Monitoring JHipster

● Standard Spring Boot Actuator endpoints are available○ With a UI!

● Dropwizard Metrics is configured○ JVM & HTTP request metrics○ Spring Beans metrics○ Ehcache metrics

● Logs can be sent to an ELK server○ More about the JHipster Console in the “microservices” section


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Building a Docker image

● Full Docker configuration has been generated in the src/main/docker folder

○ A Dockerfile○ A Docker Compose configuration with the application and its dependencies

● The Docker daemon must be running when the Docker image is built

> ./mvnw package -Pprod docker:build> docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up


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The Docker Compose sub-generator

● Works for both monoliths and microservices● Allows for more complex setups than the default Docker Compose file

○ Adding monitoring with the JHipster Console○ Mostly useful for microservices


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Docker Compose & Docker Swarm

● Docker Compose applications can be deployed to Docker Swarm cluster○ Having a production-grade Docker Swarm cluster is very hard○ Deploying to a cluster is similar as deploying locally

● Applications launched in a cluster can be scaled○ Works out-of-the-box for microservices○ A gateway/load balancer is necessary to handle port conflicts○ Hibernate 2nd level cache must be disabled, or distributed

> docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml scale myapplication-app=3


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Deploying on Kubernetes

● Kubernetes sub-generator is in BETA○ Developed by Ray Tsang (@saturnism) from Google○ Similar to the Docker Swarm sub-generator

> yo jhipster:kubernetes


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Deploying to Cloud Foundry

● Specific sub-generator to deploy to Cloud Foundry● Uses the “cf” command-line to deploy the application, bind a database

service, etc.○ Can only support services available on your Cloud Foundry marketplace

> yo jhipster:cloudfoundry


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Deploying to Heroku

● Specific sub-generator to deploy to Heroku○ Developed by Joe Kutner from Heroku

● Uses the “heroku” command-line to deploy the application, bind a database service, etc.

> yo jhipster:heroku


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Other deployment platforms

● AWS● BoxFuse● Application servers● Executable WAR


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Section V Tooling & sub-projects


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● JHipster Domain Language● Makes generating complex entity models easily● Supports all entity sub-generator features

○ Field types○ Validation○ Relationships○ DTOs○ Service○ Enumerations○ ...


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JDL Studio

● Open Source Web application○ Available at

● Auto-completion and validation● Sublime Text keymap● Graphical view● Share as URL● Import/export models


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JHipster IDE

● IDE support for JDL○ Eclipse, IDEA, Visual Studio Code○ Still in Beta


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● JHipster modules gives all the power of JHipster sub-generator to everyone

○ Modules are independent from JHipster○ Modules are Yeoman generators, using the JHipster public API○ Release when you want, use the license you want…

● If you want your module to be public, you can publish it on the JHipster marketplace

○ Available at○ 24 modules available today○ Free for everyone, as always with JHipster!


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Section VI Microservices


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Microservices architecture

● JHipster provides a full microservice architecture● Gateway(s) to give access to the microservice architecture

○ Based on Netflix Zuul

● Registry to find services○ JHipster Registry (based on Netflix Eureka) or Hashicorp Consul

● Microservices● Security● Monitoring● Scaling


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Microservices architecture


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● Gateways are normal JHipster applications○ Full JHipster capabilities

● Provide access to the microservices○ Using Netflix Zuul for routing, load balancing, failover○ Provide security using JWT or OAuth2○ Provide quality of service using a custom Zuul filter + Cassandra○ Provide full Swagger documentation for both the gateway and the microservices

● Tip: you can have several gateways, specialized on your business needs


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● Microservices are normal JHipster applications, without the AngularJS front-end

● All database combinations, Elasticsearch and other options are available● The JDL Studio can also be used to generate the CRUD entities● Main limit is that Websockets are not available

○ Will change with Zuul 2


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JHipster Registry

● JHipster Registry is an Open Source application developed specifically for the JHipster microservices architecture

○ Uses Netflix Eureka for service registration/discovery○ Uses Spring Cloud Config to push Spring Boot configuration to microservices

■ Very useful for pushing secrets (like database passwords)■ Can re-configure microservices■ Configurations can be stored in Git, allowing to version/tag them easily

○ Has an easy-to-use Web interface (built with JHipster!)○ Is available pre-built as a Docker image on the Docker Hub


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HashiCorp Consul

● Alternative to the JHipster Registry○ Focus on consistency (while Eureka focuses on availability)

● More efficient than Eureka on many points○ Faster service registration/un-registration○ Smaller footprint○ DNS server included○ UI included

● But the JHipster Registry is more stable, is easier to extend (it’s a JHipster application) and has better Spring Cloud Config support


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JHipster Console

● Monitoring application built with ELK (Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana)● Optimized for JHipster

○ Receives directly events from JHipster over a socket, with the correct format○ Has pre-configured dashboards for JHipster

● Can be automatically set up with the Docker Compose sub-generator● Available pre-built as a Docker image on the Docker Hub


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Customizing Netflix Zuul

● Gateways use Netflix Zuul to provide routing, load balancing and failover● Netflix Zuul can be customized using filters

○ JHipster provides pre-built filters, for example for quality of service

● New filters can be added depending on your business needs


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Generating entities with microservices

● Entities can be generated for microservices, like any JHipster application○ Only the back-end code is generated (no AngularJS client code is generated)○ All usual options are available○ The JDL Studio can be used as usual

● For Gateway(s), entities can also be generated from microservices○ The front-end is generated on the gateway, and connect through Netflix Zuul to the

microservice back-end

○ Front-end applications can gather entities from several microservices, as well as from entities from the gateway itself


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Hazelcast distributed cache for microservices

● Hazelcast is the default Hibernate 2nd level cache for entities generated on microservices

● JHipster generates specific configuration, using the JHipster Registry, so that different instances of the same microservice join each other in the same distributed cache

● Distributed cache with Hazelcast will work automatically with Docker Swarm, when a microservice is scaled

> docker-compose scale mymicroservice-app=3


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Security for microservices

● Default security is JWT○ The JWT token is generated by the gateway○ All microservices accept the token, as they share a secret key with the gateway

○ This secret key is sent to all gateway(s) and microservices by the JHipster Registry, using Spring Cloud Config

● Beta option to support OAuth2○ Using the JHipster UAA server


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Deploying and scaling on Docker Swarm

● Same as deploying on a local Docker, but on a full cluster!● Main difference is that we can scale microservices

○ This is why distributed cache and JWT are important

> docker-compose up -d> docker-compose scale mymicroservice-app=3


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Deploying and scaling on Kubernetes

● Basically the same as Docker Swarm, but on Kubernetes○ Works on Google Cloud Platform○ Still in Beta

> kubectl apply -f myapplication> kubectl scale --replicas=3 jhipster/myapplication


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Section VII Getting help


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Community help

● #1 rule: everything is public● Questions are on StackOverflow with the “jhipster” tag● Bugs & feature requests are on our GitHub issue tracker● Please follow our contributing guidelines if you want help!


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