以device shadows與rules engine串聯實體世界

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Hong Kong Programming the Physical World with Device Shadows and Rules Engine Dickson Yue Solutions Architect, AWS

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AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Hong Kong

Programming the Physical World with Device Shadows and Rules Engine Dickson Yue Solutions Architect, AWS

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers


•  Shadows •  Rules •  Sample code •  Demo

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Interact with with unreliable connections thing Device Shadow

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS IoT Device Shadows flow


Thing 7. Device Shadow confirms state change

1. Device publishes current state

report {light: off}

3. App requests device’s current state

get {light : off}

4. App requests change the state desire {light : on} 5. Device Shadow syncs

updated state

delta {light : on}

6. Device publishes current state report {light : on}

2. Persist JSON data store

reported {light : off} desired{light : on}

reported {light : on}


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS IoT Device Shadow - Simple Yet { "state" : { “desired" : { "light": “on” }, "reported" : { "light" : “off” }, "delta" : { "light" : “on” } }, "version" : 10 }

Device Report its current state to one or multiple shadows Retrieve its desired state from shadow

Mobile App

Set the desired state of a device Get the last reported state of the device Delete the shadow

Shadow Shadow reports delta, desired and reported states along with metadata and version

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS IoT Device gateway

reported: {temp:27, humidity: 80%}

Light Amazon Alexa

Service AWS Lambda


Light Bulb Shadow

4. Update shadow desired: {light: off}

Environment Monitor

3. Switch off the light

2. Update shadow


1. Sensors update

MQTT MQTT over the WebSocket HTTP Alexa + Lambda

$$ charged by Prices are based on the number of messages published to AWS IoT (Publishing Cost), and the number of messages delivered by AWS IoT to devices or applications (Delivery Cost).

6. Update shadow reported: {light: off}

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Create a thing AWSREGION='us-east-1’



aws iot create-thing --thing-name $THINGSNAME --region $AWSREGION >things/thing-$THINGSNAME.json

CERTARN=$(aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --set-as-active --certificate-pem-outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-cert.pem --public-key-outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-publicKey.pem --private-key-outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-privateKey.pem --output text --query 'certificateArn' --region $AWSREGION)

aws iot attach-thing-principal --thing-name $THINGSNAME --principal $CERTARN --region $AWSREGION

aws iot attach-principal-policy --principal $CERTARN --policy-name $POLICYNAME --region $AWSREGION

aws iot list-thing-principals --thing-name $THINGSNAME --region $AWSREGION





AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS IoT Policy

{ "Version": "2012-10-17",

"Statement": [


"Effect": "Allow",


"Resource": ["arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/home/${iot:ClientId} "]



"Effect": "Allow",


"Resource": ["arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/home/*"]



"Effect": "Allow",        

"Action": ["iot:Connect"],        

"Resource": ["*"]        




AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Load cert and private key Generate certivate with AWS IoT




Copy the cert through SSH

JITR - Just In Time Certificate Registration

1.  You will register and activate the CA certificate. 2.  Use this certificate to create and sign the certificates you will use per device. 3.  Let the device present the certificate to AWS and then activate it, i.e. through Lambda 4.  Finally, use an AWS Lambda function to notify you when a new certificate is present to AWS.

It can also activate the certificate and handle any registration or initialization.

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Connect through MQTT library import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

def init():

global client


client = mqtt.Client()

client.on_connect = on_connect

client.on_message = on_message

client.clientid = clientid

client.tls_set( "../../certs/root.pem",


keyfile="../../certs/grove-privateKey.pem", tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, ciphers=None )

client.connect("data.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", 8883, 10)



print "Mqtt Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]

Do not duplicate your clientid

MQTT Event handler

Cert, Private key, Root CA

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Connect through Python SDK from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTClient

def init():

global client


client = AWSIoTMQTTClient(clientid)

client.configureEndpoint(host, 8883)

client.configureCredentials(rootCAPath, privateKeyPath, certificatePath)

client.configureAutoReconnectBackoffTime(1, 32, 20)

client.configureDrainingFrequency(2) # Draining: 2 Hz

client.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(10) # 10 sec

client.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(5) # 5 sec


thingLightbulb = client.createShadowHandlerWithName(thingLightbulbName, True) thingLightbulb.shadowRegisterDeltaCallback(lightbulbShadowCallback_Delta)


print "Unexpected error at init:", sys.exc_info()[0]

Auto reconnection with progressive backoff Offline publish queue

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Read sensor data from Grove try:

[ temp,hum ] = dht(dht_sensor_port,dht_sensor_type)

ppm = grovepi.analogRead(air_sensor)

aq = getairquality(ppm)

loudness = grovepi.analogRead(loudness_sensor)

light = grovepi.analogRead(light_sensor)

state = {

"temp" : temp,

"humidity" : hum,

"lightsensorvalue" : light,

"lightsensorresistance" : resistance,

"ppm" : ppm,

"airquality" : aq,

"loudness" : loudness,

"createdat" : nowstr


Extract sensor value

Prepare your message

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Update shadow through MQTT state = {

"temp" : temp,

"humidity" : hum,

"lightsensorvalue" : light,

"lightsensorresistance" : resistance,

"ppm" : ppm,

"airquality" : aq,

"loudness" : loudness,

"createdat" : nowstr


msg = {


"reported": state



topicshadow = "$aws/things/grove/shadow/update"


Update shadow through publish a MQTT message

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Connect through JavaScript

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Connect through JavaScript AWS.config.region = region;

AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials(

{ IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId }



function(err) {

if(err) {var requestUrl = SigV4Utils.getSignedUrl(

'wss', c.AWS.iotEndpoint, '/mqtt', 'iotdata', c.AWS.iotRegion,






Get credential through Cognito

With temp access token

Get signed url

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Connect through JavaScript function initClient(requestUrl) {

var clientId = String(Math.random()).replace('.', '');

var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(requestUrl, clientId);

mqttClient = client;

var connectOptions = {

onSuccess: function() {




useSSL: true, timeout: 3, mqttVersion: 4,

onFailure: function() { console.error('connect failed'); }



client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;

client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;


Signed url

MQTT Event handler

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Update shadow through MQTT function updateLightShadow(state) {

lightstate = state;

msg = "{\"state\": {\"desired\" : { \"light\":\"" + lightstate + "\" }}}";

topicshadow = topiclightbulbUpdate;


mqttClient.send(topicshadow, msg);


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Button Control

Click +

Publish a msg to a topic +

Rules +

Trigger Lambda

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Update shadow through Lambda var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var config = {iotendpoint: 'A1OMFFL4UASE1E.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'};

var iotdata = new AWS.IotData({endpoint:config.iotendpoint});

var newstate = reported.light === "on"? "off" : "on";

var state = {

"state" : {

"desired" :{

"light" : newstate




var params = {

payload: JSON.stringify(state),

thingName: thingName


iotdata.updateThingShadow(params, function(err, data) {



Update shadow through publish a AWS SDK Flip the switch

Prepare your state

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Voice Control

Alexa +

Skill +


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Bind a Lambda function with your skill

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Update shadow through Lambda if ("AskLightControlIntent" === intentName) {

handleLightControlIntent(intent, session, callback);


function handleLightControlIntent(intent, session, callback) {

var switchSlot = intent.slots.Switch;

var sw = "";


sw = switchSlot.value;

speechOutput = "The light is now " + sw +".";

var data = sw=="on" ? LightblubShadow.on : LightblubShadow.off;

var next = function(){


buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession)); }


Handle the corresponding intent

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Rules engine

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Extracting the value from messages

•  Filter messages with certain criteria •  Move messages to other topics •  Move messages to other systems •  Transform the payload of messages •  Predict messages based on trends •  React based on messages

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

But how?

instance database


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

But how? Highly available?


Easy to operate?

Easy to change?

Easy to implement? instance database

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Rules Engine

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS IoT rules engine

predict, republish

Amazon Machine Learning


archive, analyze

Amazon DynamoDB

AWS Lambda

Amazon Redshift


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

AWS IoT - SQL Reference


•  Like scanning a database table •  Default source is an MQTT topic EXAMPLES: •  FROM mqtt(‘my/topic’) •  FROM mqtt(‘my/wildcard/+/topic’) •  FROM (‘my/topic’)

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Rules Engine

•  Familiar SQL syntax •  SELECT * FROM topic WHERE filter

•  Functions •  String manipulation (regex support) •  Mathematical operations •  Context based helper functions •  Crypto support •  UUID, timestamp, rand, etc.

•  Execute Simultaneous Actions

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Secure Pub/Sub broker


Log {1,2,3,4}

Monitoring DB {1,2,3,4}

Alarm {4}

blue/1 {temp:15} blue/2 {temp:16} blue/3 {temp:12} blue/4 {temp:40}

temp = *

temp = select temp, lux

temp > 30

temp = * Search {1,2,3,4}

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers


AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

ES Index PUT awsiot-grove{

"mappings": {

"grove": {

"properties": {

"temp": { "type": "double" },

"humidity": { "type": "double“ },

"lightsensorvalue": { "type": "double“ },

"lightsensorresistance": { "type": "double“ },

"createdat": { "type": "date","format" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }, "time": { "type": "date" },

"timestamp": { "type": "date" }





AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Get Started with AWS IoT Device SDK

C-SDK (Ideal for embedded


JavaScript-SDK (Ideal for Embedded

Linux Platforms)

Arduino Library (Arduino Yun)

Mobile SDK (Android and iOS)

Java-SDK Python

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Key take away

•  Program with Shadows •  Nodejs, Python, JavaScript •  MQTT library vs AWS SDK •  Cert vs Cognito •  Message routing Rules Engine configuration •  Elasticsearch integration

AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers

Hong Kong

Thank you