developments in uk business demography andrew allen

Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

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Page 1: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Developments in UK Business Demography

Andrew Allen

Page 2: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

UK Business Demography

• UK user demand

• Currently available data

• Changes to accommodate business demography

• Future demand

Page 3: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

UK User Demand

• Main user BERR • Monitoring changes in business population-

briefing politicians• Compare performance between regions

• Regional Development Agencies • To monitor policy on creating and sustaining

businesses• High growth businesses – contributors to job


Page 4: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

User Demand

• Both BERR and RDAs need data quickly

• Both central and local government demand

• Most users interested in regional variations or smaller geographical areas

Page 5: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Current Publication

• BERR use register data to publish VAT based enterprise registrations and de-registrations

• A narrower methodology – i.e. VAT only

• Business Demography will replace BERR VAT based publication

• Much broader - any active business included.

Page 6: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Need for Speed

• To satisfy UK users we have to publish as quickly as BERR VAT registrations

• Within a year of the reference period

• Problem with Business Demography – time lag for deaths - 2 years

• Reactivations

Page 7: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

ONS Plan

• Publish on 28 November

• Birth, Death and Survival – SBS variables

• Births and Provisional Deaths 2007

• Will include NACE 3 digit and County, District for 2007

Page 8: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Provisional Deaths

• 2007 Deaths will be provisional.

• An estimate for reactivations has been made

• A table showing raw deaths and the reactivation estimate will be published in the press release

• Risk, but more useful for users

Page 9: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Other Products

• Local Authority Indicators

• Births by 10,000 adult population for each Local Authority

• Businesses with <50 employment , with growth in employment between year 1 and year 2 - for each Local Authority

Page 10: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Enterprise versus Local Unit

• ONS regional demography being done using enterprises

• Considered a better indicator of entrepreneurship

• Methodology already in place

• UK register focussed on enterprise continuity

• LU continuity has been a problem

Page 11: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Future Demand

• Investigating creating sub–annual indicators of births and deaths

• Could use all data sources, but simplest to just use VAT

• VAT quickest source.

• Beware -administrative processes can confuse signal

Page 12: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

VAT Births and Deaths

VAT Births & Deaths Aug 2007- Sept 2008











32 35 38 41 44 47 50 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40






Births Deaths

Page 13: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen


• User demand has encouraged quick demography results

• Balance of risk between speed and revisions

• Regional demography also produced

• Administrative data flows being explored for sub-annual demography.

Page 14: Developments in UK Business Demography Andrew Allen

Issues for Discussion

• Regional - Enterprise or LU

• Speeding up annual delivery

• Higher frequency data