development theories and concepts

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  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Development Theoriesand Concepts

    Objectives of Development

    Obstacles to Development

    Factors (+/-) InfluencingDevelopment

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts



  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Objectives of Development

    To change nature of the workplace. Ourworkers today want feedback on theirperformance, a sense of accomplishment,feelings of value and worth, and commitmentto social responsibility. They need to be moreefficient, to improve their time management.

    And, of course, if we are to continue doingmore work with less people, we need tomake our processes more efficient.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Objectives of Development

    Global markets. Our environments arechanging, and our organizations must alsochange to survive and prosper. We need tobe more responsible to and develop closerpartnerships with our customers. We mustchange to survive, and we argue that we

    should attack the problems, not thesymptoms, in a systematic, planned, humanemanner.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Objectives of Development

    Accelerated rate of change. Taking an open-

    systems approach, we can easily identify thecompetitions on an international scale forpeople, capital, physical resources, andinformation.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Objectives of Development

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Objectives of Development

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Objectives of Development

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Objectives of Development

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts



  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Obstacles to Development

    Lack of education in managing the

    reaction to development At the managerial setting, even the term

    development management indicates that we don'tproperly teach managers how to manage theirorganizations through development. People'sreactions to development efforts follow areasonably static set of responses.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Obstacles to Development

    People are slow to recognize

    development People don't really resist development as a

    general rule. However, they often fail to recognizethe extent or importance of development. This isactually a survival mechanism. And while it is inmany ways a good thing, this delay can causeissues when surviving a development requiresquick reaction times.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Obstacles to Development

    Lack of time and energy to do it right

    Often as managers, we are faced with a lack oftime and energy to convince our people to adaptto the development. In fact, sometimes we'refaced with a lack of time to even convince themthat a development is needed.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Obstacles to Development

    Complexity of the developments

    Delopments we are facing occurring faster and inmore complex patterns than have ever occurredpreviously. The complexity of these developmentsmakes the primary response difficult to identify.

    In addition, it can also make identifying the bestway to manage reactions difficult.

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    Obstacles to Development

    Contradictory developments

    Part of the problem involved with the complexityof the developments being dealt with is that manyof the developments are in fact contradictory.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Obstacles to Development

    Contradictory developments

    For example, the emergence of the job boardmeant that job seekers could submit applicationswith less effort and greater control. However, italso meant that human resources became quicklyoverloaded, reducing the probability of a job

    seeker being selected.

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  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Positive Effects of Development

    Employee Confidence When you successfully complete a significant development

    in your organization, and the employees see that none ofthe fears they held regarding development are realized, youare paving the way for smoother development in the future.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Positive Effects of Development

    Employee Confidence One of the positive effects of efficient development

    management is that it instills confidence in your staffregarding the management's ability to lead the companyand make good business decisions. This not only makesfuture developments easier, but employee confidence alsomakes day to day decision-making simpler as well.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Positive Effects of Development

    Competitive Advantage The ability for your organization to development helps

    maintain your competitive advantage in the marketplace.

    For example, if your competition has implemented a neworder-entry system that makes the process of doingbusiness easier on the customers, then your ability to adaptto that development and institute your own order-entrydevelopments helps keep you competitive.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Positive Effects of Development

    Competitive Advantage The ability to institute development quicker and more

    efficiently than the competition gives you an advantage thatcan help you achieve, or maintain, the status of an industryleader.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Positive Effects of Development

    Growth Your company must experience development to experience

    growth. You can continue to do things the same way for aslong as you like. But, at some point, your infrastructureneeds to development to accommodate a growing customerbase and industry developments.

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    Positive Effects of Development

    Growth New manufacturing processes, new marketing concepts

    and improved ways of reaching your target market allrequire developments within your organization. Yourcompany's ability to facilitate development enables it togrow.

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    Positive Effects of Development

    Dynamic A corporate culture that embraces development is one that

    tends to remain dynamic in the marketplace. Becauseemployees are confident that the company can managedevelopment, new ideas flow more freely.

    A dynamic atmosphere with an openness to development isa productive and forward-thinking workplace.

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  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts


    Negative Effects to Development

    Paradigm Shift

    This is one of the major problems of development.This shift pertains to an all-suddenimplementation of development that led tochange. A certain degree of dynamism has beeninvolved, especially gradual change.

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    Negative Effects to Development


    Maladjustment pertains to a rapid turn ofcircumstances of management that led toresilience to change. People involved may resistit, some may follow but later on, as they findthemselves as not holding to the grassroots

    anymore, try to slowly abandon theirconnectedness with the company.

  • 7/31/2019 Development Theories and Concepts



    Beckhard, R., Organization development: Strategiesand models. Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley,

    Reading, MA, 1969, p. 9. Bennis, W., Organization development: Its nature,

    origin and prospects. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,1969, p. 12.

    Beckhard, R. & Harris, R. Organizational Transitions.

    Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1987. Jacobs, R., Real Time Strategic Change. San

    Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., SanFrancisco, 1994, p.122.