development strategy of national spatial data ... · to connect spatial data network of vietnam to...

Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF NATIONAL SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE FOR VIETNAM Dang Hung Vo Hoang Lam Son Vo Anh Tuan Summary At the end of 2011, the World Bank and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam established a joint working group to implement a study on development strategy of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for Vietnam. This report is focused to present the results from the said above study. The Vietnam NSDI (VNSDI) is considered including the components: (1) Spatial data set (including spatial data, framework spatial data and meta-data); (2) Standards (including Standard of spatial data contents, Standard of data exchange, Standard of meta-data and Standard of data services); (3) Access to data (including Data Discovery, Data Access and Data Process); (4) Technology (including Hardware and Software Equipment, Data Communication Network); (5) Policy - Legislation (including Mechanism, Policy and Legislation regulated by the State); (6) Organization - Institution (including Organizations Arrangement and Relationship between Organizations); and (7) Partnership (including Investment Funding, Human Resources Development, Public Awareness Raising, Scientific Research and International Cooperation). Up to now, these components are not regarded in the concept of an infrastructure. The Vietnam Government has spent more than USD 75 million per year for NSDI development but mostly for spatial data collection and a few for surveying and ICT equipment. Based on analyses of experiences from other countries, Opportunities and Challenges for NSDI development in Vietnam, the report proposes a long-term vision and near future objectives of VNSDI development as follows 1. Long-term vision: Take advantage of benefit from using spatial data infrastructure to attract participation of community in NSDI development in order to bring more benefits to each user, each locality, whole Vietnam in spatial linkage with regions and the whole world. The goal of 'Spatially Enabled Governments and Societies' that has been shown in the UN Declaration from Kuala Lumpur is to be become the goal of NSDI development of Vietnam. The State plays leading role in the process of NSDI development through promulgating policy, legislation and ensuring financial investment for fundamental infrastructure to encourage non-state sectors' investment for value-added services and for what the State isn't doing. For now, the State plays a dominant role in investment, but for the future, State's investment will be replaced step by step with growth of non-state sectors' contribution. 2. Major objectives for the next 10 years (2011-2020): Objective 1: Agencies related to spatial data infrastructure at central and local levels are linked on the basis of an agreed general action program on VNSDI development, supporting directly for e-Government program and enhancing effectiveness of land administration and planning management.

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Page 1: DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF NATIONAL SPATIAL DATA ... · to connect spatial data network of Vietnam to global spatial data network, facilitate Vietnam's participation in international

Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam



Dang Hung Vo – Hoang Lam Son – Vo Anh Tuan


At the end of 2011, the World Bank and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of

Vietnam established a joint working group to implement a study on development strategy of

National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for Vietnam. This report is focused to present the

results from the said above study.

The Vietnam NSDI (VNSDI) is considered including the components: (1) Spatial data set

(including spatial data, framework spatial data and meta-data); (2) Standards (including

Standard of spatial data contents, Standard of data exchange, Standard of meta-data and

Standard of data services); (3) Access to data (including Data Discovery, Data Access and

Data Process); (4) Technology (including Hardware and Software Equipment, Data

Communication Network); (5) Policy - Legislation (including Mechanism, Policy and

Legislation regulated by the State); (6) Organization - Institution (including Organizations

Arrangement and Relationship between Organizations); and (7) Partnership (including

Investment Funding, Human Resources Development, Public Awareness Raising, Scientific

Research and International Cooperation). Up to now, these components are not regarded in

the concept of an infrastructure. The Vietnam Government has spent more than USD 75

million per year for NSDI development but mostly for spatial data collection and a few for

surveying and ICT equipment.

Based on analyses of experiences from other countries, Opportunities and Challenges for

NSDI development in Vietnam, the report proposes a long-term vision and near future

objectives of VNSDI development as follows

1. Long-term vision:

Take advantage of benefit from using spatial data infrastructure to attract participation of

community in NSDI development in order to bring more benefits to each user, each locality,

whole Vietnam in spatial linkage with regions and the whole world. The goal of 'Spatially

Enabled Governments and Societies' that has been shown in the UN Declaration from Kuala

Lumpur is to be become the goal of NSDI development of Vietnam.

The State plays leading role in the process of NSDI development through promulgating

policy, legislation and ensuring financial investment for fundamental infrastructure to

encourage non-state sectors' investment for value-added services and for what the State isn't

doing. For now, the State plays a dominant role in investment, but for the future, State's

investment will be replaced step by step with growth of non-state sectors' contribution.

2. Major objectives for the next 10 years (2011-2020):

Objective 1: Agencies related to spatial data infrastructure at central and local levels are

linked on the basis of an agreed general action program on VNSDI development, supporting

directly for e-Government program and enhancing effectiveness of land administration and

planning management.

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1 Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam

Objective 2: Standardized and updated framework spatial data system (with adequate meta-

data) is early completed for easy discovery and process of spatial data in order to meet all

demands of spatial data use.

Objective 3: The VNSDI development program is introduced to business community, related

professional associations, and individual by disseminating GIS, GNSS technologies, spatial

data network in order to enhance knowledge, encourage using spatial data in daily works,

promote market of spatial data and related services, gradually bring enterprises to

participate in investment to VNSDI and people to participate in using, collecting, updating

and supplying spatial data.

Objective 4: Vietnam effectively participates in international cooperation activities in order

to connect spatial data network of Vietnam to global spatial data network, facilitate

Vietnam's participation in international activities on sustainable development,

implementation of millennium development goal and coping with climate change.

3. Specific objectives for the period of 2011-2015, 2016-2020, and after 2020:

Objective for the period 2011-2015: according to the approved VNSDI development strategy,

it is necessary to concentrate on developing a master plan on VNSDI development in order to

implement simultaneously all components of VNSDI in principle of giving priority to upgrade

weak and insufficient components. State supplies spatial data free of charge or at low rate

and technological services of spatial data in order to attract participation of enterprise

community and people. The State issues a system of policy and legislation on VNSDI and

increase investment from State's budget for VNSDI to create effectiveness and efficiency in

using spatial data. Application of VNSDI is focused on land management and development

planning with high priority to bring real effects in economic growth, social stability and

environmental sustainability.

Objective for period 2016-2020: The VNSDI components that was upgraded in previous

period are continuously improved; technological capability development is concentrated, in

which user-based service network of geo-spatial data shall be developed to extend larger and

larger community of delivering and using geo-spatial data. Based on benefits recovered from

using spatial information, the State encourages investment from communities for VNSDI in

order to reduce gradually investment from the state budget. From the experiences of VNSDI

development in land management and development planning, continuous application of

VNSDI in extended to other sectors.

Objective for the period after 2020: The VNSDI services system is linked to the e-Government

services system in an unified services to implement e-Government program successfully in

reforming totally administrative system aiming at serving people; and the VNSDI is actively

participated in the regional and global spatial data infrastructure; together with other

economies in the world the VNSDI realizes successfully the UN goal "spatial enablement of

governments and societies".

The last content of the report is concentrated on proposals of specific objectives of each

component of the VNSDI for the period 2011-2015, 2016-2020 and after 2020.

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I. General Introduction

In 1970s and 1980s, development of 3S technology including GPS, RS and GIS have brought

a breakthrough in conceptual knowing the Earth and supported people to decide their

development steps correctly.

In the early 1990s, commencing in the US under the coordination mechanism of the Federal

Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), there was a consensus that geo-spatial information

needed to be considered as 'soft infrastructure' and in order to ensure its sustainability - the

concept of infrastructure would mean that government would ensure that it was assigned

recurrent and investment budgets - in the same manner that 'hard infrastructure' is funded. Since

then, there was a new concept of enhancing role of geo-spatial data in development process. All

geo-spatial data must be managed and exploited on the basis of an unified infrastructure

including several elements which focus on not only data and data processing equipments, but

also data standardization for common use, data access to extend scope of use, policy and

legislation to ensure legal corridor; organization and institution for easy implementation,

technology to increase capability of use, trainings on human resources and public awareness

raising to enhance using effectiveness, etc. As a result, concept of Spatial Data Infrastructure

(SDI) has been formed at different levels such as local, national, regional and global level.

In 1996, the UN initiated the Program 'Global Mapping' and in 2009, the United Nations

started preparatory process to create Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM),

which aims at playing a leading role in setting the agenda for the development of global

geospatial information and to promote its use to address key global challenges and provides a

forum to liaise and coordinate among Member States, and between Member States and

international organizations.

During 24 - 26 October 2011, the First High Level Forum on Global Geospatial Information

Management (GGIM) held in Seoul and issued the Seoul Declaration on GGIM. In February

2012, a joint conference organized by GGIM and other international organizations held in

Kuala Lumpur and adopted the Kuala Lumpur Declaration, in which there is an important

content 'Agree that spatially enabled societies and governments, recognizing that all activities

and events have a geographical and temporal context, make decisions and organize their

affairs through the effective and efficient use of spatial data, information and services'. That

means NSDI is the pre-requisite for what is now being universally called 'Spatial Enablement

of Governments and Societies'.

II. What is SDI?

Definition in legal document of the US Federal Government (1994): SDI as a minimum

infrastructure, includes applications, standards, technology and institutional governance

necessary for effective and efficient spatial data and services management within or across

organizations. The way to group elements of this definition is aim to exploit spatial data

effectively and efficiently. Since then, several definitions of SDI have been proposed but

almost all are based on description of SDI components. SDI of a country is called as NSDI.

Analyzing these definitions, components of Vietnam NSDI (VNSDI) can be defined as follows:

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3 Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam

(1) Spatial data set (including spatial data, framework spatial data and meta-data);

(2) Standards (including Standard of spatial data contents, Standard of data exchange,

Standard of meta-data and Standard of data services);

(3) Access to data (including Data Discovery, Data Access and Data Process);

(4) Technology (including Hardware and Software Equipment, Data Communication


(5) Policy - Legislation (including Mechanism, Policy and Legislation regulated by the State);

(6) Organization - Institution (including Organizations Arrangement and Relationship

between Organizations);

(7) Partnership (including Investment Funding, Human Resources Development, Public

Awareness Raising, Scientific Research and International Cooperation).

III. The benefits that NSDI can bring

The report introduces benefits of NSDI including:

1. NSDI is a large data resource for setting up real world model to ensure completeness,

accuracy and updating that help people to conceive exactly about current status, know

thoroughly about potentiality and risks to decide development steps aiming at a better future.

2. NSDI is a large data bank accelerating speed up of developing the information society

and knowledge-based economy.

3. NSDI is an important data infrastructure serving for development of e-Government

with objectives of renovating administrative system aiming at serving people better, more

effectively, transparently and democratically.

4. NSDI facilitates people to join hands to ensure sustainable development, implement the

Agenda 21 and millennium development goal, and cope with climate change.

5. NSDI is the sole solution to economize geo-spatial data production in order to avoid

overlapping investment and enhance information resources.

6. NSDI creates a platform to encourage all resources from community to update, manage,

access and exploit data in principle of ensuring spatial data resources more and more

adequately, accurately and timely.

IV. Process of SDI formation

Since 1990s, President of the US, Bill Clinton, took great actions to NSDI development

process with the issuance of the Executive Order 12906 (1994) coordinating geographic data

acquisition and access on the basis of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure - NSDI.

Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) of the US has operated actively in the US and

international organizations to propagandize the concept of NSDI.

The United Nations has issued policies on encouraging formation of regional permanent

committee on geographic information infrastructure including European Umbrella

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4 Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam

Organization for Geographic Information, and Permanent Committees on GIS Infrastructure

in America, in Asia and the Pacific, and in Africa.

From 24 to 26 October, 2011, the first high level forum on global spatial data management

was organized in Seoul, and from 15 to 16 February, 2012, the International Symposium on

Spatially Enabled Government and Society was jointly organized by GGIM, PCGIAP, GDSI,

FIG in Kuala Lumpur. The concept of NSDI is now being universally called the Spatial

Enablement of Governments and Societies (UN Declaration from Kuala Lumpur).

V. Experiences of NSDI development in some typical countries

The report presents the development process of NSDI in some typical countries including the

US, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand, India, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and European

Union to provide some lessons can be learnt for Vietnam as follows:

1. Government’s policies and investments play an important role to lead NSDI

development; The Government is both a large provider and a large user, and Government

also plays the role in encouraging community to deliver and use geo-spatial data.

2. The Government takes the leading role in the process of NSDI development. However,

active participation of non-State organizations, enterprises and citizens plays an important

role in raising effectiveness of using spatial data, increasing value of spatial data in market

and developing spatial information market and geo-services to make success of NSDI


3. NSDI development process must be associated with process of developing e-

Government to ensure unification and suitability.

4. It is necessary to focus on technology to make more practical, effective and quicker

steps in NSDI development process. Especially, popularization of using GNSS and GIS

technologies has a direct positive impact on pushing up NSDI development process.

5. Open service-based architecture on the basis of Geo-spatial One-Stop portal must be set

as a principle of developing NSDI.

6. It is necessary to select land administration as the central issue in NSDI development

and then extend to other sectors in order to make cautious steps but to facilitate success of the

NSDI development process.

7. Human resources development and public awareness raising play the decisive role in

enhancing participation of community and assisting community to know how to use spatial

data and helping people to participate in governance.

8. Usage of NSDI not only raises general effectiveness of economic development, social

stability and environment protection but also increases State's revenue by raising

effectiveness of land administration, property related tax collection, etc.

VI. Development process and status of SDI in Vietnam

Major achievements in developing NSDI’s components in Vietnam are described as follows:

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1. Spatial data has been collected including:

a. National coordinates is constructed based on National Geodetic Reference System VN-

2000 connected to International GPS Service (IGS).

b. Geodetic coordinates networks of the "0" and 1st and 2nd orders include over 2,000

points covering whole country and major islands; the 3rd order (cadastral coordinates

network) includes over 10,000 points to ensure at least 1 point per one commune.

c. Digital topographic maps at the scales 1/1,000,000, 1/500,000, 1/250,000, 1/100,000

and 1/50,000 covering whole country were completed. Digital topographic maps at the scale

1/10,000 covering whole country and at the scale 1/5,000 and 1/2,000 covering urban areas

are implementing (topographic map system includes the information layers: relief elevation,

administrative boundary system, hydrologic system, transport system, vegetation cover,

population distribution and economic infrastructure, and place name).

d. Geo-spatial databases and information network of natural resources and environment

including land, water resources, geology, mineral resources, environment, meteorology,

hydrology, sea and islands are implementing.

e. Marine hydrographic chart system at scale 1/250,000 is being re-edited on the basis of

collecting available marine charts in association with updating survey. Seabed topographic

map system at the scale 1/50,000 is being implemented in coastal zone.

f. Cadastral records including cadastral books and maps and real property certificates are

completed at about 70% of total land parcels, in which 70% are made in digital form.

g. Other maps including national and administrative boundary maps, administrative maps,

current land use map, land use planning map, soil map, etc. have been completed and are

being updated in accordance with Government's plans.

h. Catalogues of administrative and international place names were published. Place

names of geographic objects are being implemented.

2. Data and service standards:

The first version of geographic data standards, cadastral data standards and land registration

standards was already completed and approved; information service standards have not been

approved yet.

3. Technology:

a. Surveying and mapping technology has been completely changed into digital

generation in both State and private sectors.

b. Satellite Receiving Ground Station regularly receives SPOT and EnviSat satellite images.

c. The network of 4 DGPS permanent stations are well operating for sea-bed topographic

survey, national boundary demarcation, topographic and cadastral survey in mountainous areas.

d. Communication network infrastructure, computer software and hardware have been

equipped adequately for accessing and processing geo-spatial data.

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4. Policy and legislation:

National Assembly and Government have paid much attention to legal frame and policy on

ICT application and development, aiming at building e-Government, implementing

administrative reform and publicizing administrative information. MoNRE has initially

regulated mechanism of delivering geo-spatial data for needs of the State and private use.

Since 2012, the State of Vietnam has considered the ICT as a national infrastructure with

concentration on building the national database and encouraging the linkage with

international networks to aim at developing e-government, e-citizen and implementing the

promise of E-ASEAN. The development of ICT is decided as the first priority task in the

process of country's industrialization and modernization. In June, 2012, the Vietnam ICT

summit was held in Hanoi for discussing and issuing recommendations to the State and

business community on the works which should be done to develop the ICT in Vietnam.

5. Community supplying and using geo-spatial data and related services:

Community supplying and using ICT service generally developed considerably in Vietnam

with large investment of the State and great contribution from non-State sectors. This context

promises a potential community of NSDI.

6. Current funding for components of NSDI

Vietnam Government has spent the State's budget for development of NSDI components at

the following level:

a. Land administration sector: about USD 60 million per year for collecting spatial data

and total USD 20 million for ICT equipments.

b. Topographic surveying and mapping sector: about USD 10 million per year for

collecting spatial data and total USD 3 million for surveying and mapping equipments; it is

expected to invest about USD 10 million for developing National Continuously Operating

Reference Station network (CORS network).

c. Integrated management of information about natural resources and environment: about

USD 2 million per year for building geo-spatial databases and USD 1 million per year for

building information network.

d. Satellite images receiving sector: about USD 2 million per year for receiving satellite

images and total USD 25 million for construction of satellite receiving ground station.

Thus, total expenses is USD 74 million per year for framework spatial data production, USD

1 million per year for spatial data network construction, and USD 2 million for technology

and equipments (do not include investments for ICT general infrastructure).

VII. Outstanding issues in NSDI development in Vietnam

On practical point of view, outstanding issues during past time are easily seen as follows:

1. Vietnam has not had a policy on NSDI development according to the concept of unified

infrastructure. Among 7 components of NSDI, Vietnam has just focused on data set

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component only; standards component has been initiated; technology component is not yet

synchronized; and other components are limited in implementation.

2. The Vietnam Government has invested a lot of expenses from State budget to develop

geo-spatial data in the forms of topographic maps, cadastral maps, land records and satellite

images. According to general evaluation, only 40% of cadastral data are put into use in land

administration. Topographic maps are not powerfully used for modernization of planning on

the basis of spatial analysis. Satellite images are not used to update topographic maps and to

monitor current land use as well as other natural resources and environment. Moreover, these

spatial data are not updated regularly and always out of date. Spatial data are archived in the

form of data set or single database that are not connected in the form of an unified data

network. Up to now, no province has publicized land information on a public network. State's

agencies in charge of surveying - mapping, land administration and remote sensing

management at Central level have not developed geo-spatial portal to deliver spatial data and

related services. Information monopoly is occurring in State's agencies responsible to archiving

and managing data. Therefore, enterprises and people are difficult to access to geo-spatial data.

3. Due to lack of a State's decision on NSDI development program, policy and legislation

system does not have specific documents on NSDI development.

4. Regarding organization, State agencies responsible to collecting and managing

framework spatial data are belonging to MoNRE. This is an advantage to concentrate on

accelerating State’s role to NSDI development, but it may create monopoly in which driving

force of development is lost.

5. Enterprises doing business in ICT in Vietnam are reaching perfectly to technology of

the world level. However, they are afraid of doing business in geo-spatial data services.

Community delivering and using spatial data in Vietnam includes State's agencies only.

6. Knowledge of people with geo-spatial data is not high because of impossible availability.

However, enterprises and people have no urgent demands on use of geo-spatial data.

VIII. Opportunities for NSDI development in Vietnam

Analyzing the current status, advantages for NSDI development in Vietnam can be shown as


1. The State's political line that information is considered as an important national

infrastructure was defined which ensures appropriate conditions for Vietnam's NSDI


2. State has paid attention to and invested considerable expenses for geo-spatial data


3. State has focused on development of ICT, computerization of administrative system,

formation of e-Government; and spent a lot of expenses on upgrading national

communication network infrastructure.

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4. National Assembly and Government are implementing Program on e-Government

development that is focused on reforming administrative procedures on the basis of

enhancing publicity and transparency of information as well as quality of public services. The

development of e-Government will facilitate the process of NSDI development.

5. Technical staff in spatial data sector of Vietnam are not so adequate, but they are able

to learn new technology easily and create particular technology features suitable with context

of Vietnam.

6. ICT and GIS technologies are developing unceasingly in the world. Vietnam can select

new technology solutions for NSDI development.

7. Technical assistances and experiences of international development organizations are

advantages to help Vietnam to shorten NSDI development process.

IX. Challenges for NSDI development in Vietnam

1. Leaders at central level are not yet ready to make decision on issuance of policies and

strategies for NSDI development in Vietnam. It takes time to submit needed reports to central

Government to get agreement on approval of strategy and master plan of implementation,

issuance of legal documents and policies for implementation.

2. Ministries get used to concept of power monopoly, in which there is information

monopoly. Agencies responsible to archiving and managing information do not support to

share and publicize information in large scale.

3. All spatial data are adequate and accurate but not updated. In order to develop a timely

updated system, it takes enough time and needed efforts from several parties.

4. At present, there are no specialized geo-spatial portal to delivery and share geo-spatial

data, no agencies to help interested people to access to needed spatial data.

5. There are no policies on encouraging enterprises and people to participate in collecting

and delivering services on geo-spatial data.

6. Works on human resources development and public awareness raising are not focused

during past time.

7. In order to develop comprehensively and uniformly all components of NSDI, it requires

a large financial fund. Current financial fund is not enough and not regularly to satisfy

demand, especially it is difficult to mobilize capital from community.

8. Framework spatial data are managed centrally in MoNRE. In this context, driving force

of NSDI development is able to be lost because of monopoly mechanism in spatial data


X. Main solutions

Main solutions for NSDI development are proposed as follows:

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1. To issue Government's regulations on forming open mechanism to access and use geo-

spatial data sets archived in State's agencies with low fees or free of charge for all

organizations and individuals those have demands.

2. To issue Government's regulations on compulsory use of geo-spatial data in policy

analysis, development planning, investment decision, industry management, approaching the

goal 'spatially enabled governments'.

3. To adopt a new law on NSDI and to supplement some current laws such as Law on

Land, Law on Urban Planning, Law on Forestry Protection and Development, Law on

Information Technology, Law on Electronic Transaction, etc. with the contents related to

NSDI application, approaching the goal 'spatially enabled societies'.

4. To improve the National Geo-spatial Data Standards in order to suit the International

Geo-spatial Data Standards. To arrange enough fund from State's budget for standardization

of the geo-spatial data sets archived in State's agencies.

5. To increase investment from State's budget for NSDI development in current period

together with to issue Government's policy on encouraging non-state partners to participate in

NSDI investment. In further periods, State's investment will be decreased while financial

contributions of non-state partners will grow.

6. In current context of Vietnam, NSDI development plan should give high priority in

application to three sectors which can bring clearly effectiveness including land management

and development planning.

Vision and major objectives

The first task is to define long term vision in developing VNSDI, then define development

process for each stage. As mentioned above, studies on VNSDI development is a little bit late

in comparison with demand of development process in the world and regions. According to

the strategy defined by the State, Vietnam basically will become an industrial country by

2020. This means that it is necessary to develop VNSDI more quickly and urgently in order

to contribute technical infrastructure for Vietnam to meet standards of industrial country.

VNSDI continuously will be an important information infrastructure for development in post-

industry period of Vietnam in order to meet standards of information society and high

effectiveness of knowledge-based economy.

Vision of VNSDI development can be defined as follows:

Take advantage of benefit from using spatial data infrastructure to attract participation

of community in NSDI development in order to bring more benefits to each user, each

locality, whole Vietnam in spatial linkage with regions and the whole world. The goal of

'Spatially Enabled Governments and Societies' that has been shown in the UN

Declaration from Kuala Lumpur is to be become the goal of NSDI development of


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The State plays leading role in the process of NSDI development through promulgating

policy, legislation and ensuring financial investment for fundamental infrastructure to

encourage non-state sectors' investment for value-added services and for what the State

isn't doing. For now, the State plays a dominant role in investment, but for the future,

State's investment will be replaced step by step with growth of non-state sectors'


Major objectives for VNSDI development in the next 10 years (2011-2020) are defined as


Objective 1: Agencies related to spatial data infrastructure at central and local levels are

linked on the basis of an agreed general action program on VNSDI development,

supporting directly for e-Government program and enhancing effectiveness of land

administration and planning management.

Objective 2: Standardized and updated framework spatial data system (with adequate meta-

data) is early completed for easy discovery and process of spatial data in order to meet all

demands of spatial data use.

Objective 3: The VNSDI development program is introduced to business community,

related professional associations, and individual by disseminating GIS, GNSS

technologies, spatial data network in order to enhance knowledge, encourage using spatial

data in daily works, promote market of spatial data and related services, gradually bring

enterprises to participate in investment to VNSDI and people to participate in using,

collecting, updating and supplying spatial data.

Objective 4: Vietnam effectively participates in international cooperation activities in

order to connect spatial data network of Vietnam to global spatial data network, facilitate

Vietnam's participation in international activities on sustainable development,

implementation of millennium development goal and coping with climate change.

Specific objectives for the period of 2011-2015, 2016-2020, and necessary works for the

period after 2020 are defined as follows:

1. For the period 2011-2015: according to the approved VNSDI development strategy, it

is necessary to concentrate on developing a master plan on VNSDI development in order to

implement simultaneously all components of VNSDI in principle of giving priority to upgrade

weak and insufficient components. State supplies spatial data free of charge or at low rate

and technological services of spatial data in order to attract participation of enterprise

community and people. The State issues a system of policy and legislation on VNSDI and

increase investment from State's budget for VNSDI to create effectiveness and efficiency in

using spatial data. Application of VNSDI is focused on land management and development

planning with high priority to bring real effects in economic growth, social stability and

environmental sustainability.

2. The period 2016-2020: The VNSDI components that was upgraded in previous period

are continuously improved; technological capability development is concentrated, in which

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11 Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam

user-based service network of geo-spatial data shall be developed to extend larger and larger

community of delivering and using geo-spatial data. Based on benefits recovered from using

spatial information, the State encourages investment from comunities for VNSDI in order to

reduce gradually investment from the state budget. From the experiences of VNSDI

development in land management and development planning, continueous application of

VNSDI in extended to other sectors.

3. After 2020: The VNSDI services system is linked to the e-Government services system

in an unified services to implement e-Government program successfully in reforming totally

administrative system aiming at serving people; and the VNSDI is actively participated in the

regional and global spatial data infrastructure; together with other economies in the world

the VNSDI realizes successfully the UN goal "spatial enablement of governments and


XI. Specific objectives of developing each components of VNSDI

Specific objectives of developing each components of VNSDI are presented in a table below.


2011 - 2015 2016 - 2020 After 2020

1. Standardize available spatial data in

the 3D form

2. Continue to collect additionally no

available spatial data

3. Create meta-data and geo-spatial data


4. Establish and operate updating

mechanism for framework geo-spatial


5. Integrate framework geo-spatial data

to GOS portal

1. Upgrade national geodetic

reference system on the basis of

establishment of CORS network,

connected with international system


2. Upgrade technological level for

geo-spatial data collecting and


3. Standardize, create meta-data and

integrate other spatial data related to

natural resources and environment to

GOS portal

4. Encourage contribution of spatial

data and update of spatial data from


1. Create 4D spatial data

system (3D data integrated

with temporal dimension)

2. Operate stable mechanism

for collecting and updating

spatial data with leading role

of State's agencies and

activities of enterprise and

users community


1. Study to decide application and

guidance on application of OGC and

W3C services standards

2. Widely instruct creation of meta-data

and standardization of geo-spatial data

according to issued standards system

3. Decide to permit use of under-

standard geo-spatial data and instruct to

accept these data

1. Issue next version of framework

geo-spatial data standard to suit

international standards

2. Study to extend geo-spatial data

standard to temporal geo-spatial data

standards (4D standard)

3. Issue standards of spatial data

related to natural resources and


4. Enhance public awareness about

standard application for all

stakeholders participated in NSDI

5. Update other standards of OGC

Continuous aiming at full

application of international

standards issued by GSDI

community to facilitate

connection of SDI in global

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12 Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam

and W3C in accordance with

international standards


1. Overcome information monopoly

barrier in State's data center by issuing

legal regulations, policies and

mechanisms to facilitate access to

spatial data

2. While on-line access to data is not

good enough, it is necessary to create

off-line access to data mechanism

3. Prepare catalogue of geo-spatial data


4. Develop and operate GOS portal, and

create connection to GOS portal of

State's agencies at central level and

People’s Committee at provincial level

1. Apply Volunteered Geo-

Information mechanism in order to

enhance contribution and share of

geo-spatial data from community

2. Develop Cloud-Computing and

next generations in order to develop

spatial data services market and

extend community of spatial data


3. Upgrade activities of GOS portal

and ensure connection to other


1. Operate open spatial data

system in order to easily

access to different spatial

data that serves for demands

of an industrial country

2. Operate well GOS portal

in safe connection to whole

portals of e-Government and

to portals of community

3. Make it possible to access

spatial data easily in GSDI



1. Upgrade the national geodetic

coordinates system and the national

geodetic reference frmame.

2. Develop application of GNSS and RS

to collecting and updating spatial data in

order to enhance quality, shorten time

and reduce expense

3. Popularize application of GIS, Web-

GIS, Mobile-GIS in order to enhance

effectiveness of spatial data use

4. Encourage to apply Cloud Computing

in GIS technology aiming at

development of spatial data service


1. Develop continuously application

of advances of GNSS and RS to

collecting and updating spatial data

in order to encourage participation

of community

2. Apply Cloud-GIS technology and

next generations to VNSDI

3. Develop domestic technology

aiming at application and

development of open source


Popularize GNSS, RS and

GIS in VNSDI community

and encourage development

of open source GIS software

in order to be active with

technology and reduce

expenses for VNSDI



1. Prime Minister approves VNSDI

development strategy

2. Government issues a decree

regulating legal corridor for VNSDI

development (with above introduced

main contents)

3. Amendment of land and development

planning legislations with contents of

VNSDI application

4. Prime Minister issues a decision on

compulsory application of VNSDI to

land management and development


1. National Assembly adopts Law on


2. Prime Minister decides to

accelerate policy on encouraging

communities' contributions to

develop VNSDI

3. Amendment of other related

legislations with contents of VNSDI


4. Prime Minister decides to extend

compulsory application of VNSDI to

other sectors

1. Prime Minister issues a

decision on comprehensive

application of VNSDI to e-


2. Prime Minister decides all-

round cooperation with other

countries/economies at

regional and global levels to

conduct UN goal 'spatial

enablement of governments

and societies'

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13 Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam


1. Government reviews functions and

tasks of Ministries to establish a

Steering Committee on VNSDI


2. The Steering Committee on VNSDI

development orients to develop pilot

VNSDI in land administration,

development planning, monitoring

natural resources and environment

3. Government encourages to establish

VNSDI Association in order to orient

development of VNSDI community

1. VNSDI Association links to other

profession associations such as

Vietnam Association of Geodesy -

Cartography - RS, Soil scientific

association, IT association in order

to reach an agreement on a general

action plan for VNSDI development

2. The Steering Committee on

VNSDI development in cooperation

with VNSDI association submits to

Government a system of policies to

encourage community to participate

in VNSDI development

1. Extend functions of

VNSDI association to

manage NSDI standards and

popularize technology of

collecting, updating and

processing spatial data

2. Create regular connections

between State's agencies and

NSDI community in order to

create high effectiveness in

use of VNSDI for different



Every year State budget spends about

USD 100 million for components of

VNSDI and encouraging communities

to participate in investment for VNSDI

Investment from State's budget is

reduced annually by 5% and from non-

State sectors is increased annually by

7% of total investment for VNSDI.

In 2020, investment from State's sector

is 75% of total, and from non-State

sectors is 25%.

Total annual investment for

VNSDI is USD 50 million, in

which 50% from the State's

budget and 50% from non-State


Conduct short term training courses on

VNSDI development for officials of

State's agencies and public sector

relating to spatial data

Generalize SDI subject in universities, colleges where are teaching

ICT, survey-mapping, land administration and other related subjects.

Government approves communication

program to raise public awareness about

VNSDI and simultaneously attach

public awareness content about VNSDI

to other communication programs

relating to environment, land and

climate change

Concentrate on enhancing public

awareness in order to develop spatial

data service market and encourage

enterprises to participate in

investment to collect, update and

deliver spatial data services

Concentrate on enhancing

public awareness to

encourage people to

participate in updating spatial

data via Internet

Government approves nation scientific

program on research and development


Concentrate on research and

development of open source

software to apply to VNSDI

Concentrate on research and

development of open source

GIS software

Acceleration of Vietnam's activities in UN RCC and PC GIAP

Active participation in activities of GGIM

Active discussion with other countries in ASEAN on initiating a regional

program on developing ASEAN SDI

Regionally and globally

associated implementation of

the UN goal 'spatially

enabled governments and

societies', firstly to build

'spatially enabled ASEAN'

XII. Conclusions

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14 Asia Geospatial Forum, 17-19 September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam

This report provides sufficient information about the formation process of SDI concept from

1992 at the initiative of the US Federal Geographic Data Committee to 2012 at the UN

declaration from Kuala Lumpur with 'spatial enablement of governments and societies'.

The main contents of the report is to provide recommendations on development strategy for

VNSDI with the vision to 2020, development objectives for each 5 year period and specific

objectives of each component of VNSDI.

The report presents the benefits of NSDI development, the direct impacts on e-government

construction and administrative reform, the indirect effects on economic development, social

stability, environmental sustainability and coping with climate change. Based on this report,

development strategy of VNSDI can be prepared to submit to Prime Minister for approval.

The report's suggestion is that implementation of VNSDI in land management and

development planning should be selected as highly prioritized sectors. Geo-spatial

information supports in these sectors will bring effectiveness and efficiency in governance

and use of natural resources focused on sustainable development and spatial enablement of

governments and societies.


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