development of a kindergartener

Development of a Kindergartener By: Sarah Armstrong

Upload: saraha11

Post on 02-Aug-2015




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1. Development of a Kindergartener By: Sarah Armstrong 2. What Will I See? Developmental highlights of 5-7 year olds Signs of delay Applications to the classroom 3. Cognitive Highlights Begins to recognize, understand and create patterns Calendar, math, stories Connecting symbols to representations Connecting counting or numbers to real objects Learns through language and logic (abstract thinking and reasoning skills) as opposed to observationAge 6, 7 Cognitive Milestones Video 4. Social Highlights Play longer with other children 15-20 minutes is ideal Having best friends This changes frequently Understands right and wrong Can follow rules in games and when working in groupsAge 6, 7 Language Milestones Video 5. Emotional Highlights Can express their feelings with words to other children and adults You can discuss how to handle feelings appropriately Is learning to understand other peoples feelings You can teach how to respond to a friend being upset or sad Confidence emerges (high and low) Positive feedback and encouragement is necessary Hurt by criticismAge 6, 7 Emotional Milestones Video 6. Physical Highlights Large motor skills are being refined Run, hop, skip, catch and throw This is the time to get them started in sports Fine motor skills are being used and continue to be developed Painting, drawing, cutting and writingAge 6, 7 Motor Development Video 7. Age 6 and 7 Delay Signs Unable to hold a pencil Cannot follow directions You cannot understand them Unable to keep up physically with peers Withdrawn or not social with peers or family members Lose skills theyve already mastered 8. In the Classroom Allow them to be involved in physical activities and activities requiring problem solving and social time with others Teach them how to make and keep friends They have a can do attitude and a large capacity for learning and vocabulary. Teach them new, big words and what they mean. They have a desire to be verbal and to be leaders. Activities like singing, telling stories and drama are great! 9. Resources HowCast Child Development Stages playlist: 1NDrjbMxEhMd41O9M-QqMG96v2 KidsGrowth ail.cfm?id=326