development in mechanical work

7/23/2019 Development in Mechanical Work 1/26 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals College of Environmental Design Construction Engineering & Management Department CEM – 520 Thesis’s Summary  “Development of mechanical Wor’s !ssem"ly Cost Data Mo#el for $esi#ential %uil#in&s in Sau#i !ra"ia'  Done By : Mohammed Bohari !D : "#$%' Prepared for : Dr( )adi *ssaf Date DEC 20( 200) T!%*E +, C+-TE-TS +  

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Page 1: Development in Mechanical Work

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King Fahd University of Petroleum & MineralsCollege of Environmental Design

Construction Engineering & Management Department

CEM – 520

Thesis’s Summary 

“Development of mechanical Wor’s !ssem"ly

Cost Data Mo#el for $esi#ential %uil#in&s in

Sau#i !ra"ia'


Done By : Mohammed Bohari

!D : "#$%'

Prepared for : Dr( )adi *ssaf  


DEC 20( 200)

T!%*E +, C+-TE-TS

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./ !%ST$!CT // 1

2/ -T$+D3CT+- / )

1/ 4$E+3S ST3DES 5

)/ +%6ECTE !-D *MT!T+-S / 5

5/ $ESE!$C7 MET7+D+*+89 :

:/ $ES3*TS ; D!T! !-!*9SS .0

,( C+-C*3S+-S 2.

</ $EC+MME-D!T+-S /// 21

=/ $E,E$E-CES 2)


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.ne of the main causes of pro/ect0s poor cost estimation in )audi *ra1ia is lac of the

cost data in 2hich results in contractor0s failures especially residential 1uilding0s

contractors( 3esearch develops a cost data model for preparation of detailed estimates

for plum1ing and heating4 ventilating and air conditioning 567*C8 2ors for small

si9e residential 1uildings( he research use ME*;) Cost Data Boo pu1lished in

U)* as the assem1ly estimate method(


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3esidential 1uildings represent a ma/or part of the )audi *ra1ia industry( !n +"#" the

residential construction starts 1ooming after the increasing in the oil price and its

demand( !n this period4 "' < of the construction permits issued annually(


*ssem1ly cost estimate is defined as =a collection of group of precise line items unit

 price data into a single unit price line item for faster and more convenient estimating>

5Bledsoe +""-8( he assem1ly estimate is very important tool to estimate costs of

residential 1uildings construction due to the repetitive performed(

T7E -EED +, T7E $ESE!$C7

!n )audi *ra1ia4 the contractors depend mainly on their historical cost data 2hich are

incorrect4 incomplete or unorgani9ed data 2hich lead to poor estimation practice(

*nd according to many studies 1efore4 the construction industry in )audi *ra1ia in

need of development of cost data to assist them in performing a correct cost estimate(

ST!TEME-T +, T7E 4$+%*EM

!n the United )tates4 the contractor can use cost data 1oos plus his o2n historical

data to come up 2ith a correct estimate( hese 1oos contain data collected from

many construction contractors firms( .n the other hand4 there is a lac of these 1oos

in )audi *ra1ia construction maret(

he main purposes of using these 1oos are to improve estimate practices and to

minimi9e errors( he data cost 1oos 2ill provide the contractor 2ith the la1or 

 productivity in addition to la1or4 material and e?uipment costs and profit(

Plum1ing and 67*C 2ors in residential 1uildings are selected for the development

of the cost data model(

4$E+3S  ST3DES

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*l Barra 5+""#8 found out that the poor estimating practices 2ere raned the third of 

fourteen factors that cause contractor failure in )audi *ra1ia( )audi 1uildingAs

contractors raned lac of cost data as the tenth out of t2enty pro1lems facing their 

estimators in preparing costs 5*l 6ar1i +""@8( )hash 5+""-8 found out that the

 productivity standard is raned second out of ten factors affecting the contractor 

estimating process(

here are lacs of assem1lies cost data 1oos on mechanical 2ors in )audi *ra1ia

that sho2 the cost and the manpo2er productivity 1ut4 in United )tats there are many

assem1lies cost data 1oos have 1een pu1lished(

+%6ECTE !-D *MT!T+-S

he main o1/ective of this study is to prepare an assem1ly cost data model for 

mechanical 2ors in residential 1uildings 2hich include plum1ing and 67*C 2ors(

he follo2ing steps sho2 ho2 to achieve the study o1/ective:

+( !dentifying the types and ma/or components of systems and assem1lies

re?uired for mechanical 2ors in residential 1uildings(

-( Classifying the materials and e?uipment type of mechanical 2ors(

#( Use the current methods in estimating the productivity of the man

 po2er and the costs of materials and la1ors(

@( a1ulating all the collected information

%( Develop the re?uired formula to ?uantify each 2or(

( Find 2hat are the overhead and profit costs(

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,( Calculate all a1ove costs and develop cost data model(

he research limitations are as follo2s:

+( For plum1ing and 67*C 2ors4 this research is limited fro a small

residential 1uilding: t2ostories4 middleclass house 57illa or four 5@8

apartmentAs 1uilding(

-( he direct costs in this research are la1or and material all other costs

related to them are considered as overhead(

#( .nly mechanical 2ors for contractors 4 suppliers and manufacturers

of e?uipment and materials are considered in this research

@( he area of this research is Dammam Metropolitan area in the Eastern

Province of )audi *ra1ia(

%( !n this research4 there is no preparation of cost indees for forecasting

of future cost of mechanical 2ors(

$ESE!$C7 MET7+D+*+89

he research methodology of this study to develop the assem1ly cost data model is

summari9ed as follo2:

+( )tudy and revie2 technical literature and cost data 1oos for 

mechanical 2ors in residential 1uildings

-( )ummari9ing the mechanical assem1lies and related e?uipment4

materials and accessories used in residential 1uildings

#( Preparing a standard format for intervie2s


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@( Collect data through intervie2s to determine the methods utili9ed to

 prepare a detailed estimate for mechanical 2ors4 i(e(4 materials4 la1or4

e?uipment4 overhead and profit(

%( *naly9ing the collected data

( Providing recommendations as a result of data analysis(

his research is 1ased on intervie2s 2ith contractors4 manufacturers4 la1ors and

suppliers of mechanical systems and accessories for residential 1uildings Dammam

Metropolitan *rea(

he thesis follo2ed the B) used 1y 3()( ME*;) in the num1ering and ta1ulation

of systems and assem1lies of the research >,i&ure – .8( here are t2o reasons for 

using this method( First4 it is easy to use 1ecause itAs 2ell prepared & presented(

)econd4 it follo2s the C)! coding mechanism(

he follo2ing are the systems and assem1lies used in this thesis:

+( he same num1ering code has 1een assigned to any systems or 

assem1lies similar to the one indicated in the ME*;) Cost Data Boo(

For eample4 the 2estern 2ater closet is assigned the code B$(+@,'

-''' 2hich is the same code given 1y the ME*;)

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,i&ure ? .@ ME!-S !ssem"ly of Cost Data Ta"le

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-( he systems or assem1lies that are part of a ma/or classification of the

ME*;)4 1ut not listed4 are given the num1ering code %</.ABBBA==BB

for plum1ing and %</1ABBBA==BB for 67*C( For eample4 the eastern

2ater closet system is given the code B$(+@,'""+'(

#( ;e2 system or assem1lies that are not classified in the ME*;) are

assigned the codes:

B$(+""""+ 5;e2 Plum1ing )ystem8

B$(#""""- 5;e2 67*C )ystem8

B$(+""+" 5;e2 Plum1ing *ssem1ly8

B$(#""-" 5;e2 67*C *ssem1ly8

*fter the completion of the intervie2s 2ith construction maret4 the lo1ar costs and

types of cre2 had 1een formed( he la1or costs had 1een determined 1y man hour(

he data collection is o1tained 1y using the follo2ing steps:

+( 3evie2ing ME*;) Cost Data Boos on unit and assem1ly estimates

-( Developing assem1ly cost data sheet 2hich is more detailed than the one

 presented in the ME*;) assem1ly Cost Data Boo(

#( 3evie2ing some actual engineering dra2ings for residential 1uildings(

@( 7isiting residential 1uildings under construction or in the finishing stage

%( Developing mechanical systems and assem1lies 52or pacage8

( Preparing B.G for each system and assem1ly(

,( Performing formal individualsA intervie2s to attain a high response rate and to

clarify any confusion 2ith representatives from

,(+( Mechanical e?uipment manufactures and suppliers for price ?uotations

,(-( )uppliers of materials and accessories for price ?uotations

,(#( Contractors for determination of cre2 si9e4 la1or productivity and cost(

,(@( Construction engineers and trades

$( *rranging collected data in standard format(

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!n net the division4 analy9es and evaluation is going to 1e discussed to develop the

cost data model and their findings(

$ES3*TS ; D!T! !-!*9SS

he thesis has developed 5+'8 ne2 plum1ing systems4 forty 5@'8 ne2 plum1ing

assem1lies and t2enty H one 5-+8 ne2 67*C assem1lies( Moreover4 it identified four 

5@8 plum1ing systems and seven 5,8 plum1ing assem1lies same as the one that

ME*;) specified(

From the previous intervie2s4 the overhead cost and profit 2ere in the ranges of @'

'< of the la1or cost for plum1ing 2ors and +% H -% < of the material direct cost

for 67*C 2ors(

!n this4 thesis the overhead cost and profit is calculated as %'< of la1or direct cost for 

 plum1ing 2ors and -' < of the material direct cost for 67*C(

he follo2ing ta1le >Ta"leA . had 1een used for the system and assem1lies costs:

+( From intervie2s the cre2 type and daily output are o1tained

-( From intervie2s the cre2 cost per hour is o1tained

#( Manhours I unit J $ 5hours I day 8 I Daily output

@( *s per type of the system or assem1ly component the unit is determined

%( Material cost is the maret purchasing cost

( *ssem1ly Bare Costs

(+( *ll assem1ly ?uantities 2ill 1e determined 1y B.G

(-( material Cost J maret purchasing cost Guantity

(#( a1or Cost J LCre2 direct cost I hour ?uantity

(@( E?uipment Cost J the rental rate of similar e?uipment from the local maret

(%( *ssem1ly total 1are cost J material N la1or N e?uipment

,( otal including overhead and profit:

,(+( For plum1ing J material N 5 +(% O la1or8 N e?uipment

,(-( For 67*C J 5+(- O material8 N la1or N e?uipment


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$( *ssem1ly total costs for all components 5material4 la1or4 e?uipment4 overhead and

 profit8 are indicted at the 1ottom of the ta1le(

he follo2ing ta1le 5Ta"leA 28 sho2s the actual direct cost for the mechanical la1ors

2hich form the re?uired cre2s4 are an 67*C mechanic4 a plum1er and helper


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!ssem"ly ComponentsCre












3nitMat/ Cost

per 3nit

Cost Development 4er !ssem"ly

.==< %are Costs 4er assem"ly






T!%*E A .

!ssem"ly Cost Data Ta"le


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Ta"le – 2

*a"or’s Cre Direct Cost





%are Cost >S$


7 A.

*Ic mechanic+%+-'

Cre Total.5.20

7 – 2

*Ic mechanic+%+-'

6elper ,%

Cre Total22.G:

7 – 1

*Ic Mechanic+%+-'

6elper ,%

6elper ,%

Cre Total2=212

4 – .

Plum1er +'$'

Cre2 otal+'$'

Cre Total.0<0

4 – 2

Plum1er +'$'

6elper ,%

Cre Total.G.1:


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he cost data prepared for plum1ing 2ors is divided as follo2s:

+( )ystem: 2hich consist of each plum1ing fiture including its valves4

accessories4 piping and fitting

-( *ssem1lies: 2hich a com1ination of more than one system

For plum1ing system4 the thesis developed ten 5+'8 plum1ing systems: nine for 

 plum1ing fitures 2hich had fied B.G and one 5+8 for piping and fittings 2hich had

varia1le B.G since it depend on the num1er of fitures installed in the toilet(

)ince the plum1ing contractors could not estimate la1or productivity for each

component of the system as ME*;) Cost Data Boo estimated4 ta"le – 1 sho2s the

la1ors productivity 2hich is divided into t2o categories as follo2s:

+( he cre2 si9e and time needed for complete installation of each system

-( he cre2 si9e and time needed for complete installation of piping and fittings

for each plum1ing system

Ta"leA ) summari9es the total costs for each plum1ing system(


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SystemCre Type*a"or pro#uctivity


3ecessedP H -$

)tall sho2er P -@

Corner Bath1allP H -+-

Eastern ater ClosetP H -@

estern ater ClosetP H -@

BidetP H -@

avatoryP H -@

%' Hliters electric heater P H -#

$' liter electric heater P H -#

.ne Fiture oilet Piping & FittingsP H -@

2o Fitures oilet Piping & FittingsP H -$

hree Fitures oilet Piping & FittingsP H -$

Four Fitures oilet Piping & FittingsP H -+'

Five Fitures oilet Piping & FittingsP H -+-

T!%*E – 1

*a"or’s 4ro#uctivity for 4lum"in& Systems


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Cost Development 4er !ssem"ly

.==< %are Costs 4er assem"ly



+;4 uantityMat/*a"orEFuip/Total




Eastern )ystem+%'%$%,#',

estern )ystem+,--$,"'$-%


)ingle Compartme)ystem+,"$$#,$,+

T!%*E – )

4lum"in& Systems Cost Summary

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he thesis identified seven 5,8 plum1ing assem1lies:

+( oilets 2hich are classified 1ased on the num1er of fitures

+(+( .nefiture toilet 5- types8 toilets

+(-( 2oHfiture toilet 5+' types8

+(#( hreeHfiture toilet 5+@ types8

+(@( FourHfiture toilet 5, types8

+(%( FiveHfiture toilet 5 types8

Follo2ing layout is one eample of the a1ove thirty H nine 5#"8 layouts that have 1een

discussed a1ove(

-( Dou1le compartment lavatory

#( Kitchen sins 5- type8

@( Building main drainage4 2aste and vent piping assem1ly eternal to toilets 5-


%( Building main 2ater supply piping assem1ly eternal to the toilets 5 - types8

( ater tan 

,( Booster pump

Plum1ing B.G for each system include pipes4 fittings4 valves4 fitures and

applications( he estimator has to measure the length of the main line including

fittings and state the type of fittings4 method of /oining4 ind and ?uality of material(

7alves are listed 1y si9e4 method of /oining and ?uality( Fitures and appliances are

specified 1y type4 ?uantity and accessories(

he B.G for any plum1ing assem1ly is the total num1er of the systems( For eample4

the toilet in figure ++ consists of four 5@8 systems: recessed 1athtu14 2estern 2ater 

closet4 1idet and lavatory( Figure +- & +# sho2 the piping isometric diagrams( !n

Ta"le 54 the total cost of the assem1ly is represented(


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Ta"le -o/







+3ecessed Bath u1+"+'%$+#+--

-estern ater Closet-#,--$$-@#Bidet-@%%$,%,


%Electric ater heater -#"-%+@"

Piping & fittings-"%$%+,'$@'


Ta"le A 5

Metho# of 4reparin& a 4lum"in& !ssem"ly Cost Data


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67*C ors in 3esidential Building:

he thesis developed cost data for the follo2ing assem1lies:

+( 3oom air conditioner 5@ type4 Ta"le A:8

-( Mini)pilt air conditioning unit 5+- type8

#( Central station air conditioning

67*C B.G includes e?uipment4 duct2or4 air terminal devices4 ventilators4 control4

and insulation( 3oom air conditioners4 cost include purchasing4 delivery and

installation and is affected 1y the selection of either cooling and cooling and heating


From comparing the studyAs data to 3( )( ME*;) *ssem1ly Cost Data for similar 

systems and assem1lies4 the follo2ing are o1served:

• he cost in the 3( )( ME*;) *ssem1ly Cost Data is much higher 

than the study cost

• he material cost in the study is much lo2er than the 3()( ME*;)

*ssem1ly Cost Data(


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3nitMat/ Cost

per 3nit

Cost Development 4er !ssem"ly

.==< %are Costs 4er assem"lyTotal


+;4 uantityMat/*a"orEFuip/Total





%</ 1A==2$oom Con#itioners

a1le H


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+( o develop an assem1ly cost data4 this thesis has clarified the procedures and


-( *ny local residential contractor can utili9e the data availa1le in this thesis

since it is a practical study on cost estimation(

#( Utili9ing the assem1ly cost estimation method in any repetitive construction

activity is very efficient( Moreover4 it is more accurate and ?uic in

 preparation the residential 1uilding detailed estimates(

@( he development of cost data re?uires collection of a lot of information

summari9ed in large num1er of ta1les(

%( +@ plum1ing systems4 @, plum1ing assem1lies and -+ 67*C assem1lies had

 1een developed as cost data in this research(

( he material B.G and cost 2ere identified for each system and assem1ly(

,( he current methods in estimating la1or productivity and cost 2ere provided

for each system and assem1ly(

$( he profit and overhead costs 2ere found to 1e @' < ' < pf the la1or direct

costs for plum1ing and +% -% < of the materials direct cost for 67*C

"( he researcher esta1lished the re?uired formula to calculate cost of la1or4

material4 e?uipment4 overhead and profit(

+'( he researcher used the B) method in num1ering of the systems amd


++( *ll calculated costs for each system and assem1ly have 1een ta1ulated clearly


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+-( he la1or cost in the ME*;) *ssem1ly Cost Data Boo is much higher than

the la1or cost in )audi *ra1ia as found though the study(

+#( he plum1ing la1or productivity is estimated for a complete assem1ly

installation nod per each component as in the ME*;) Cost Data Boo(

+@( he o2ner provides all materials re?uired for plum1ing 2ors 2hile the

contractor provides all materials for 67*C 2ors as part of the contract4

hence4 +' < etra cost for material handling 2as not considered as in the


+%( he price calculated for 67*C 2ors are sometimes less than the ones

availa1le in the maret( he different is considered as the 1argaining range(

+( he 67*C e?uipment cost is mainly handled 1y one person such as pro/ect

manager or engineer 2hich puts the firm under ris if he decides to leave

+,( he contractors cost data is not systematically organi9ed


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+( his thesis can 1e used as a model to develop any assem1ly construction cast

data in the future

-( Further studies can 1e performed for other types of 2ors in residential

 1uildings such as architectural4 civil and electrical 2ors 2ith the aim of 

having a complete cost data pacage for residential 1uilding in )audi *ra1ia

#( Mechanical 2ors cost data can 1e further epanded and developed for 

commercial and industrial facilities(

@( he cost data developed in this thesis can 1e loaded into one of the availa1le

cost estimation programs for ?uic estimate and continuous updating( *lso4

the data can 1e used on computer spread sheets(

%( Construction cost indees shall 1e developed for )audi *ra1ia construction

industry for forecasting of future construction(


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*drian4 ((4 +"$-4 Construction Estimating 4 Prentice6all4 !nc(4 Engle2ood

Cliffs4 ;e2 /ersey(

*lBani4 M(f(4 +""@4 Developing a concrete Cost Estimating model for Small

 Residential Buildings, master hesis4 King Fahd University .f Petroleum and

Minerals4 Dhahran(

*lBarra4 *(*(4 +""#4 Causes of Contractor's Failures in Saudi Arabia4 Master

hesis4 King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals4 Dhahran(

*l6ammad4 *(*(4 +""$4 Recruitment and development of GCC nationals4 *l

Gafilah4 7olume @4 pp( +-+%4 Dhahran

*l6ar1i4 K(4 ohnson4 D(2( and Fayadah4 h(4 +""@4 Building Constructiondetailed estimating Practices in Saudi Arabia4 ournal of construction

Engineering and management4 *)CE4 7olume +-'4 ;o( @pp( ,,@,$@(

*l)u1aie4 .()(4 +"$,4 Construction claims in Residential ouses in Saudi

 Arabia4 Master hesis4 King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals4


*shar? *l*2sat ;e2spaper4 +""4 Preparation to Face Population Gro!t" in

t"e #ear $%$%4 ondon(

Ba1a?i4 *(4 +""#4 Construction Sectors in t"e Coming Future4 *lBenaa 47olume +-4 ;o(,+4 pp( %%%,(

Bledsoe4 (D(4 +""-4 Successful Estimating &et"ods4 3()( means Company4 !nc(4

Kingston4 Massachusetts(

 Dodge Construction Cost nformation S(stem4 +"$%( Manual for Building

Construction Pricing )cheduling4 McQra2 6ill !nc(4 Princeton4 ;e2 ersey

Dre2in4 F((4 +"$-4 Construction Productivit(4 Elsevier )cience Pu1lishing Co(4

!nc(4 ;e2 Ror(

 Engineering Economics )otes4 +""#4 King Fahd University of Petroleum and


Ferrey4 D((4 and Brandon4 P()(4 +"$'4 Cost Planning *f Buildings4 Fourth

Edition 4 Qranada Pu1lishing imited 4 ondon(

G+C+C main Economic ndicators4 +""+( 3esearch !nstitute4 King Fahd

University .f Petroleum and Minerals

6ardie4 Q(M(4 +"$,4 Construction Estimating ec"ni-ues4 Prenticehall4 !nc(4

Engle2ood Cliffs4 ;e2 ersey(


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Mana9erna4 !(4 +""-4 Cost Engineering References4 )audi *ramco4 Dhahran

 &eans Assembl( Cost Data4 +""-4 3()( Means Company4 !nc(4 Kingston4


 &eans Estimating andboo. 4 +""'4 3()( Means Company4 !nc(4 Kingston4Massachusetts(

 &eans Grap"ic Construction Standards4 +"$4 3()( Means Company( !nc(4

Kingston4 Massachusetts

 &eans /ig"t Commercial Cost Data 5+""#84 +""-4 +-th *nnual Edition4 3()(

Means Company4 !nc(4 Kingston4 Massachusetts(

 &eans &ec"anical Estimating  H )tandard and Procedures4 +"$,4 3( )( means

Company4 !nc(4 Kingston4 Massachusetts

Metra Consulting Qroup imited4 +",%4 Saudi Arabia0 Business *pportunities4

he Financial imes imited4 ondon(

Ministry of Finance and national Economy4 +@', *(6(4 /abor /a! and 1or.men4

)ith Edition4 3iyadh(

Ministry of Finance and national Economy4 +""-4 Annual Report 4 Middle East

Print4 3iyadh(

Ministry of Municipalities and rural *ffairs4 +""-4 Annual Report 4 3esearch and

)tatistics Department4 7olume @-4 - th Rear4 3iyadh(

Ministry of Municipalities and rural *ffairs4 +""4 Annual Report 4 3esearch and

)tatistics Department4 7olume @4 #'th Rear4 3iyadh(

Ministry of Planning4 +""-4 Fift" Development Plan 23445 6 34478, Ministry of

Planning Print4 3iyadh(

Ministry of Planning4 +""#4 Ac"ievement of t"e Development Plans 2349% 6

344$80 Facts and Figures4 Ministry of planning Print4 3iyadh

Paulson4 B(C(4 +",%4 Estimation and Control of Construction labor Costs4

ournal of the Construction Division 4 *)CE4 7olume +'+4 ;oC'#4 pp(-# H ##(

Purify4 3((4 +",%4 Estimating Construction Cost 4 #rd Edition4 McQra2 6ill4 !nc(4

 ;e2 Ror 

3eal Estate Development Fund4 +""%4 Annual Report 4 3eal report4 3eal Estate

Pu1lic 3elation4 *l 6yatt Printing 3iyadh(


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)audi *ra1ia .il Company4 +""$4 Saudi Aramco Diar(4 Pu1lic relation

Department Dhahran(

)hash4 *(*(4 and *lKhaldi 4 S(4 +""-4 "e Production of Accurate Construction

Cost Estimate in Saudi Arabia4 Cost Engineering ournal4 7olume #@4 ;o($4

 pp(+% H -@

)te2art4 3&D(4 +"$-4 Cost Estimating4 ohn iley & )ons4 !nc(4 ;e2 Ror(

)te2art4 3&D(4 and ayside4 3(M(4 +"$,4 Cost Estimator:s Reference manual 4

ohn ily & )ons4 !nc(4 ;e2 Ror(

Uman4 D(M(4 +""'4 s Standard )eeded for Estimating Building Design and

Construction Costs;4 Cost Engineering ournal4 volume #-4 ;o( $4 pp(+%-@(

Sahran4 *(S(4 +"",4 1ill /imiting ours in t"e & and

Commercial Sector elp to Ac"ieve Saudi<ation;, *l!itsad4 7olume -"%4 pp(- H ##(