developing relationships begins day one by elisa y spry zucan participation and engagement manager 1

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Objectives: Creating a detailed IRP based on the customer’s short- term and long-term employment goals; Assign work activities based on the career goals of the customer; Provide both positive re-enforcement when goals are achieved; and, Hold customers accountable for when steps towards goals are not being completed. 3


Developing Relationships Begins Day One By Elisa Y Spry ZuCan Participation and Engagement Manager 1 Objective: Developing the relationship during the applicant process or initial contact by: reviewing the assessment; developing the Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP); discussing barriers; and, establishing goals. 2 Objectives: Creating a detailed IRP based on the customers short- term and long-term employment goals; Assign work activities based on the career goals of the customer; Provide both positive re-enforcement when goals are achieved; and, Hold customers accountable for when steps towards goals are not being completed. 3 Objective: Continue to provide support for the customer once employment is achieved; and, Provide any support that may be needed for the customer to maintain employment. 4 Initial Contact Applicant: Review initial assessment Discuss and overcome barriers to employment Establish goals Develop IRP Mandatory Review initial assessment Discuss and overcome barriers to employment Establish goals Develop IRP 5 Customers First Time Receiving TANF 6 Initial Assessment 7 Class assignment 8 Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) A customer-focused IRP can only be created after the assessment has been reviewed. The IRP must contain: The customers goals; The activities the customer is assigned to complete or participate in; The number of hours the customer must complete each week in the activities; The expected completion dates or deadlines for each activity; and, The services the customer has been provided to remove or reduce barriers. 9 Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) The ZuCan program uses a locally developed document called the Career Plan. The first page is a SWOT. Staff review the assessment and outline the customers Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; and, Threats. The rest of the document focuses on the steps the customer needs to take to reach his/her goals. 10 Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) Hints to strong steps: Begin with an action word; Contain the what, when and the who; Should be able to stand alone; Have the customer read it back to staff to demonstrate an understanding; and, Have the customer sign the steps to show they agree with the plan of action. 11 Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) 12 Accountability must be provided when a customer achieves a goal or step, as well as, fails to achieve a goal or step. Class assignment How much time do you have to develop a Career Plan or IRP? How do you prepare for the appointment? When do you review the assessment that should serve as the foundation for the plan? 13 Transitional Customer We still work with the customer once employment is secured; This allows the customer to still remain connected in the world of work; and, Provides services, if applicable, for the customer to become self-sufficient. 14 Conclusion Remember, reviewing the assessment and overcoming barriers before creating the IRP is the first step to developing that relationship with the customer. 15 Conclusion Steps for the IRP must be clear and concise. 16 Conclusion Each step must begin with action word Submit Fax Attend Complete Continue 17 Conclusion Accountability must be provided once a step or a goal is achieved. 18 Conclusion Accountability is also provided when the customer fails to achieve a step or a goal. 19 Developing a relationship is building a bridge. When you are successful developing a relationship with a customer, you are able to lead the customer to true self-sufficiency. 20 Questions 21