developing an offshore context-driven testing team

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Lee Hawkins Principal Test Architect Dell Software (Melbourne) @ therockertester. Developing an offshore context-driven testing team. Who am I?. 15 years at Quest Software / Dell Software in Melbourne, Australia. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Developing an offshore context-driven testing teamLee HawkinsPrincipal Test ArchitectDell Software (Melbourne)@therockertester#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialWho am I?15 years at Quest Software / Dell Software in Melbourne, Australia.Really testing since 2007 after attending Rapid Software Testing with Michael Bolton.Current role is Principal Test Architect.

We deliver scalable and affordable solutions that simplify IT and mitigate risk. Our offerings, when combined with Dell hardware and services, drive unmatched efficiency to accelerate business results.

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialHow did I get here and why did I bother?Because I want to share my story

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidential

Why China?


#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialStarting to build our test teamFirst hired Charles as a senior manager.Hired testers and automated test developers.Standard tester job spec.Good verbal English language skills a must!Not actively involved in the hiring decisions at this end.After about a year, we had:7 testers, and 6 automated test developers.#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialThe testing teamAaronCaroline



Testing experience before Dell:2-5 years:5+ years:0-2 years:#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialChallengesCultural differencesLanguage barriersTraditional testing status quo#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialDealing with cultural differences#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialCultural differences (1) - trainingStereotypical / too traditionalNo substitute for real interactions

Better than nothing!Stopped us making basic mistakesChinese cultural training sessions in Melbourne

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialCultural differences (2) - the big ticketsBelief in rigid hierarchy, from ConfuciusElders are respectedSeniority is valued & respectedCriticizing or questioning seniority is just not the done thing. Group harmony is very important.

Hierarchy#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialCultural differences (3) - the big ticketsPoliteness, respect, harmonyPride, social positionGaining faceLosing faceFace

"Saving Face in China" (Anne-Laure Monfret, French Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong)#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialCultural differences (4) - practicalitiesToo scared to email, Lync or call the architect. Visiting them and making personal connections helped build trust and more open communication.Tell us how to become a testing expert like youGive them permission to disagree with me.Encourage them to question everything, dont just follow me. Tell me Im wrong.Constant reinforcement that its OK to disagree.#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialCultural differences (5) - tipsThere is no substitute for face-to-face meetings to build trust relationships, so visit the team and visit often. Small gifts for the team work well (gain face).Demonstrate your interest in learning the culture and show respect for it. Take the team for dinner.Treat the offshore team as part of the team.Learn some basic phrases in their language.Keep abreast of the news headlines in their country.Did I mention visiting the team? Do it. And do it again.#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialThe language barrier

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialLanguage barrier (1) - learning

Our Melbourne cultural training also included a basic introduction to Mandarin.We devote a few hours per week (within work time) for them to improve their English, both in office study groups and through online learning.They are enthusiastic and strongly motivated to improve their English, so take advantage of that.On-going process on both sides.

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialLanguage barrier (2) - written vs. verbalWrittenBA to write user storiesProvide feedback on session sheetsUse simple and consistent languageVerbalTalk better than listenDont ask yes/no questionsUse simple and consistent language

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialLanguage barrier (3) - cultural influencesChina - primarily concerned with maintaining face and group harmony.Western culture - find and convey information, these individualistic societies thrive on debate and disagreement is OK.The way Chinese express yes or no is not straightforward

Yes more like maybeNo - evasiveness over explicit disagreementMaybe often equivalent to no

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialLanguage barrier (4) - tipsHire people with some English skills and provide opportunities for them to improve (within work time).Leverage their strong motivation to learn English.Use consistent language and terminology.Simple is good. Repetition helps.Learn to understand cultural nuances.Learn some simple greetings and phrases.Help out with English classes during visits (remember, youre visiting often).Simple is good. Repetition helps.#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialChallenging the testing status quo#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialTesting (1) - backgroundAll of our testers had only been in factory testing environments before.Original expectations were pretty low.Decided to try exploratory testing under supervision from day one!Young and inexperienced team, but very enthusiastic and eager to please.Encouraged them to take risks, be critical, and think creatively.The only thing more difficult than starting something new in an organization is stopping something old (Russell Ackoff)#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialTesting (2) - mechanicsCommunicationDaily standupsPhone and LyncRegular visits (have I mentioned this before?)ToolsWikiUser storiesSession sheetsReference materialsJIRAStory and task managementDefect trackingXMindMind maps in session sheets#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialTesting (3) - reality checksReinforcement that we want them to question.Some still see ET as risky and struggle to know when to stop testing.Local leadership is critical. Regularly make priorities very clear.Learning via books, blogs, etc. is slow.Learning during face-to-face sessions is much faster.Communication infrastructure needs improvement.

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialTesting (4) - tipsBelieve in your people. Always be available for them.Create an environment where its safe to fail - and they feel supported and rewarded.Be patient and recognize the need for very close support in the early stages (including frequent visits).Acknowledge their contributions and successes helps them be even more motivated, gains face for them.Make it easy to find good quality product information to help with testing.Make it easy to record testing notes.Look for leadership potential to create local leaders.#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialSuccess?

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialMeasuring success (1)Comments from Development Manager:

Finding the right defects - defects that cause workflow breakages or would cause annoyance to a customer.

I really do feel that I can trust any of the testers to do the same quality job as any local resource.

Although in a remote location, they are an active part of development and often dont feel remote.#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialMeasuring success (2)Completing feature testing within sprints (most of the time).Satisfied customers - no significant production defects.Our team champions the adoption of Exploratory Testing in other teams.Zero staff attrition (so far).Team morale is good (anecdotally).Able to work independently of Melbourne leadership.#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidentialThanks!So concludes the trailer, now for the main event!

[email protected]@therockertester

#07-May-1407-May-14Dell Software GroupConfidential