detailed programme of courses in the english version

SYLLABUS of the Advanced Chemistry and Engineering Degree at the ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE RENNES 2013-2014

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Page 1: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


of the

Advanced Chemistry and Engineering Degree

at the



Page 2: Detailed programme of courses in the English version

Table of contents “The Engineer Training programme at ENSCR” ........................ pp 3 to 4

Credits/Coefficients for Modules/Courses of the 1st year p 5

Credits/Coefficients for Modules/Courses of the 2nd year p 6

Credits/Coefficients for Modules/Courses of the 3rd year p 7

Table of contents for the 1st year p 8

Table of contents for the 2nd year p 10

Table of contents for the 3rd year p 13


•••• 1st year Programme ............................................................... pp 17 to 65 •••• 2nd year Programme .............................................................. pp 66 to 127 •••• 3rd year Programme .............................................................. pp 128 to 213

Page 3: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


The Engineer Training programme at ENSCR The training programme offered on the engineering degree course is characterised by the following key points:

� The common syllabus takes up terms 5, 6 and 7 and includes expanding the basic knowledge of chemistry and industrial training in the fields of process engineering, methodological tools, production processes, computing, health and safety and quality assurance. Teaching in human sciences and modern languages is offered throughout the three years.

� From term 8 onwards, students choose one of the two major specialisms offered by

the school, which strengthen the link between training and research:


The majors constitute two new forms of cross-disciplinary training, which enable students to construct, in liaison with a tutor, their own personalised course corresponding to professional standards of reference and suited to their professional plans. Chemistry & Technologies for the living world Major (CTV) trains engineers capable, in a spirit of sustainable development, of designing, producing, formulating and analysing innovative chemicals and materials in the service of the living world. The Environment, Processes and Analysis (EPA) major trains engineers capable of designing and developing (i) procedures to improve the management of manufacturing processes and to minimise the consumption of raw materials and the production of waste, by developing special treatments; (ii) processes to reduce pollution; (iii) analytical methods for rigorously monitoring processes and what happens to chemicals in the environment. Training in the issues of Environmental law is also offered in the major. In semester 8, student engineers follow the compulsory parts of the common core of the major and then they can opt for one of the two optional modules offered in the major: (i) "Advanced organic chemistry" or "Chemistry of solids & materials" in the CTV major and (ii) "Process and environmental engineering" or "Analysis & the environment" in the EPA major. In semester 9, study concentrates on the majors. After the common core of the major, the student-engineer chooses 126 Hours of tuition corresponding to one of the specialities offered in the major (each speciality corresponds to two 63-hour modules), or one of the specialties of the Research Master, or the Master in Business administration or the Business management option, plus a further module (63 Hours of tuition) taken from another intra- or inter-major speciality. This last module from either the same major or the other major is another opportunity for students to focus their training course more specifically on the profile that they want to acquire.

Chemistry & Technologies for the living world:

� "Biotechnologies & pharmacology" track

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� "Analysis & Formulation" track � "Chemistry & clean processes" track � A Research Master’s degree specialising in chemistry with two special subjects at

the ENSCR: Molecular chemistry and Chemistry of solids and materials � Training in Business Management in partnership with the Rennes institute of

management: Master’s degree in Business Administration with the Option Business Management (financial management, industrial marketing, production management, human relations, employment law and human resource management)

Environment, Processes and Analysis:

� "Process and Environmental Engineering " track � "Analysis and the Environment " track � "Environmental Management and Sustainable development" complementary

module � A speciality of the Research Master M2 with distinction in chemistry at the ENSCR:

Chemistry and Microbiology of Water � Training in Business Management in partnership with the Rennes institute of

management: Master’s degree in Business Administration with the Option Business Management (financial management, industrial marketing, production management, human relations, employment law and human resource management)

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First year of the Engineering master degree


Name Term Page


Atomic Physics and Chemical Bonding 5 17 Molecular symmetry 5 18 Descriptive Chemistry 5 19 Magnetochemistry 5 20 Terniary phase diagrams 5 21 Inorganic chemistry Lab I 5 22 MODULE II: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICO-CHEMISTRY (6 ECTS CREDITS)

Chromatography 5 23 Chemical kinetics 5 24 Complexation and solution chemistry 5 25 Electrochemistry 5 26 Analytical chemistry Lab I 5 27 MODULE III: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (6 ECTS CREDITS)

Organic chemistry 5 28 Biological chemistry 5 29 Organic chemistry Lab I 5 30 MODULE IV: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING -ENVIRONMENT –METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS (7 credits)

Fluid Mechanics 5 31 Heat and Mass Transfer 5 32 Mass Balancing and flowsheeting 5 33 Physico-chemical treatment of industrial waters 5 34 Statistics for Engineers and Data analysis 5 35 Water chemistry Lab 5 36 Chemical Engineering Lab I 5 37 MODULE VI: GENERAL, INORGANIC AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (6 ECTS CREDITS)

Thermodynamics 6 38 Nuclear chemistry 6 39 Crystallochemistry 6 40 Quantitative analysis 6 41 Electrochemistry Lab 6 42

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Name Term Page


Spectroscopy 6 44 Interaction of Radiation with Matter 6 45 Interfaces and dispersed matter I 6 47 Organic chemistry Lab II 6 48 MODULE VIII: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING – METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS (5 ECTS


Unit Operations I 6 49 Unit Operations II 6 50 Chemical Engineering Lab II 6 51 Introduction to computer programming 6 52 Programming training Lab 6 53 MODULE IX: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOL. (5 ECTS CREDITS)

Computing, office automation and internet 6 54 Education and information technology Project 6 55 MODULES V AND X: FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND BUSINESS TRAINING (4 AND 5 ECTS


English language 5 and 6 56 German language 5 and 6 57 Spanish language 5 and 6 58 French as foreign language 5 and 6 59 Bibliography and documentation 5 60 Introduction to business life 5 61 REACH Regulation 7 62 Safety 6 63 Introduction to management 6 64 WORK PLACEMENT

Placement as an introduction to company 6 65

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Second year of the Engineering master degree


Name Term Page



Materials 7 66 Interfaces et dispersed matter II 7 67 Lab training in Physical chemistry of colloids 7 68 Inorganic chemistry lab II 7 69 MODULE II: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (5 ECTS CREDITS)

The Cell 7 70 Organometallics and Homogeneous catalysis 7 71 Organic chemistry lab III 7 72 MODULE III: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS (5 ECTS


Ideal reactor design 7 73 Experimental Design 7 74 Process Dynamics and Introduction to control 7 75 Lab training on Process Dynamics and Logical control 7 76 MODULE IV: SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT: QUALITY, SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT


Management of quality 7 77 Information retrieval, industrial and intellectual properties 7 78 Health and safety project 7 79 MODULE V: FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND BUSINESS TRAINING (6 AND 3 ECTS


English Language 7 and 8 80 German language 7 and 8 81 Spanish language 7 and 8 82 French as foreign language 7 and 8 83 Attendance and conduct 7 and 8 84 Communication 7 85 The main functions of a company 7 86 Introduction to business life 7 87

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The Majors

In term 8, student engineers choose one of the two majors offered by the college and follow the compulsory courses of the common core of that major. They also choose one of the two optional modules offered in the major they have opted for. MAJOR "CHEMISTRY & TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE LIVING WORLD"



Materials for living systems 8 88 Advanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 8 89 Formulation I 8 90 Analytical chemistry Lab II 8 91 CTV-TC-2: MOLECULES OF THE LIVING WORLD (5 ECTS CREDITS)

Biopolymers 8 92 Natural Products 8 93 Reactivity of biomolecules 8 94 Computer programming project 8 95 CTV-TC-PROJECT (5 ECTS CREDITS)



Retrosynthetic analysis 8 97 Radical chemistry 8 98 Concerted reactions & Transpositions 8 99 Stereoselective synthesis 8 100 Biochemistry Lab 8 101 MODULE CTV-B: SOLID AND MATERIALS CHEMISTRY (5 ECTS CREDITS)

Advanced crystallography 8 102 Physical Properties of Materials 8 103 Synthesis of solid materials 8 104 Inorganic chemistry lab III 8 105 WORK PLACEMENT MODULE (7 ECTS CREDITS)

Placement as an introduction to research, business, … 8 106

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Drinking water production 8 107 Waste water treatments 8 108 Air treatments 8 109 Introduction to environmental regulations 8 110 Computer programming project 8 111 EPA-TC-2: ANALYSES AND THE ENVIRONMENT (5 CREDITS ECTS)

Methods of electrochemical analysis 8 112 Industrial sensors in analysis 8 113 Process control 8 114 Process control Lab 8 115 EPA-TC-PROJECT (5 ECTS CREDITS)


Heat exchangers and heat recovery 8 117 Absorption – Adsorption 8 118 Porous media flow 8 119 Gas-liquid Reactors 8 120 Chemical Engineering Lab III 8 121 MODULE EPA-D: ANALYSING THE ENVIRONMENT (5 ECTS CREDITS)

Elementary Analysis 8 122 Traceability and validation of methods 8 123 Analytical strategies 8 124 Chemistry and Ecology of natural water 8 125 Practical work in analysis 8 126 WORK PLACEMENT MODULE (7 ECTS CREDITS)

Placement as an introduction to research, business, … 8 127

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Third year of the Engineering master degree

Name Term Page MODULE: HUMANITIES AND BUSINESS TRAINING (common core; 5 credits)

Accounting and financial management 9 128 Lectures on industry 9 129 Attendance, conduct 9 130 Communication 9 131



Toxicology 9 132 Organic mass spectrometry 9 133 Surface and interface interactions 9 135 3rd year Projects (pair-work, literature review) 9 136 “Biotechnologies & pharmacology” track – Choice 1.1


Microbiological engineering 9 137 Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering 9 138 Bioconversions 9 139 Metabolic Biochemistry 9 140 Active pharmaceutical ingredients 9 141 MODULE B: BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES AND PHYSICOCHEMISTRY (5 ECTS credits)

Bio-analytical methods 9 142 Methods of isolation and separation 9 143 Industrial enzymes 9 144 Innovative pharmaceutical formulations 9 145 Drug delivery & Targeting 9 146 An introduction to the field of Virtual Medicinal Chemistry 9 147 “Analysis & Formulation” track – Choice 1.2 MODULE C: ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL (5 ECTS credits)

Characterisation of soft and condensed matter 9 148 Data management and analysis 9 149 Chromatographic separation techniques 9 150 Thermal analysis 9 151 MODULE D: FORMULATION (5 ECTS credits)

Phase diagrams of amphiphilic molecules 9 152 Solutions of polymers 9 153 Sol-gel synthesis 9 154

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Lectures from formulation engineers 9 155 Encapsulation 9 156 Formulation in cosmetics and detergency 9 157 Food dispersions 9 158 “Chemistry & Clean processes” track – Choice 1.3 MODULE E: INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND CLEAN PROCESSES (5 ECTS credits)

New technologies and clean processes 9 159 Microfluidics 9 160 Nano-objects 9 161 Renewable Raw materials 9 162 MODULE F: INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF PHARMACEUTICALS (5 ECTS credits)

Synthesis of active heterocycles 9 163 Chemical process design for scale-up 9 164 Catalytic reactors 9 165 Regulatory requirements for drug substances 9 166 “Business Management” track– Choice 1.4 (10 ECTS credits) Financial management 9 168 Industrial marketing 9 169 Production management 9 170 Interpersonal skills 9 171 Employment law and human resource management 9 172 WORK PLACEMENT MODULE (30 ECTS CREDITS)

Work placement introducing to Engineer activities 10 173

Dual Master Degrees within “CTV” Major






See: IGR-IAE de Rennes, Head of masters’ programme: Mr Armel Liger ([email protected])

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Name Term Page



Chromatographic separation techniques 9 174 Corrosion 9 175 Solid waste management 9 176 3rd year Projects (pair-work, literature review) 9 177 “Process engineering & Environment” track – Choice 2.1 MODULE G: PROCESS ENGINEERING (5 ECTS credits)

Flow in reactors 9 178 Catalytic reactors 9 179 Bioconversions 9 180 Microbiological engineering 9 181 Membrane technology 9 182 Oxidation processes 9 183 MODULE H: ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (5 ECTS credits)

Biological treatments 9 184 Water distribution and collection networks 9 185 Principles of design for water treatment plants 9 186 Chemical water treatments 9 187 Suspended matter treatment 9 188 Series of lectures on solid waste 9 189 “Analysis & Environment” track – Choice 2.2 MODULE I: ANALYSIS (5 ECTS credits)

Data management and analysis 9 190 Organic mass spectrometry 9 191 Analytical applications of radionuclides 9 193 Near infra-red spectroscopy 9 194 Use of natural isotopic ratios 9 195 Gas analysis 9 196 MODULE J: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS (5 ECTS credits)

Analysis of trace elements and molecules 9 197 Ecotoxicity and biodegradability 9 198 Bacteriological analysis and disinfection 9 199 Fate and transport of contaminants in the environment 9 200 Chemical speciation in soils 9 201

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Systems of environmental management 9 202 The environment and sustainable development 9 203 Assessment: carbon balance/ Lifecycle analysis /Eco-balance 9 204 Renewable raw materials 9 205 Process intensification 9 206 Series of Lectures 9 207 “Business Management” track– Choice 1.4 (10 ECTS credits) Financial management 9 208 Industrial marketing 9 209 Production management 9 210 Interpersonal skills 9 211 Employment law and human resource management 9 212 WORK PLACEMENT MODULE (30 ECTS credits)

Work placement introducing to Engineer activities 10 213

Dual Master Degrees within “EPA” Major




See: IGR-IAE de Rennes, Head of masters’ programme: Mr Armel Liger ([email protected])

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Course description


Atomic Physics and Chemical Bonding


Eric Furet @: [email protected]

Hours: 24 hours + 6 hours (computer modelling)


Coefficient: 2.5

Teaching method

Classroom training session + Computer simulation practical training

Main objectives of the course

To get some knowledge about the electronic structure of atoms and molecules in the framework of the quantum theory.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Understanding the origins of quantum mechanics • to be acquainted with the concepts and tools of quantum theory (operators, wave-function,

observables and measurements, ...) • Understanding of the electronic structure of atoms and to atomic spectroscopy • to be able to qualitatively rationalize molecular properties

Detailed programme

• Introduction to quantum physics • Hydrogenic-like and poly-electronic atoms • Atomic spectroscopy • Molecular Orbitals diagrams • Rationalisation of bonding in molecules • Quantum chemical calculations and analyses by means of the WebMO graphical interface


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Physical Chemistry - P. W. Atkins •••• Molecular quantum chemistry - P. W. Atkins

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Molecular symmetry


Jean-Yves Pivan @: [email protected]

Hours: 18 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Identifying the molecular symmetric elements in order to interpret analytical data, etc …

Detailed programme

• Introduction • Identifying elements of symmetry and their corresponding operations. • Notions about local symmetry groups • Research strategy. • reducible et non-reducible representations. Character tables: Schoenflies and Mulliken’s

nomenclature. • Applications • Molecular orbitals • Ligand field theory • Optic and magnetic properties • Vibrational properties: Infra-red and Raman spectroscopy


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature:

• F. A. Cotton, Applications de la théorie des groupes à la chimie, Dunod Université, 1968 • C.S.G. Phillips & R. J. P. Williams, Chimie Minérale, Dunod Université, 1971 • Vincent, Molecular symmetry and group theory, John Wiley & Sons, 1977 • J. L. Rivail, Eléments de chimie quantique à l’usage des chimistes, Savoirs Actuels, InterEditions

CNRS Editions, 1994

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Descriptive Chemistry


Jelena Jeftic @: [email protected]

Hours: 5 h 20


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

To know the history origins of the periodic table of elements and the discovery of different chemical elements. to be able to give the periodical properties of elements such as atomic radii, electronegativity, ionisation potential... To be able do describe the allotropes of carbon and silicon, their main chemical compounds as well as their medical and industrial applications..

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To gain the basic knowledge on the conception of the periodic table of chemical elements and the discovery of different elements. To be familiar with different conceptions of the periodic table of elements before Mendeleyev, to understand and to be able to apply the "Aufbau principle".

� To be familiar with the tendency of different periodical properties of chemical elements such as atomic radii, electronegativity, the first and the second ionisation potentials, oxidation number, atomic number, boiling point, melting point and describe the physical aspect of elements.

� To be able to identify the main physico-chemical properties and structures of carbon and its allotropic forms: the amorphous carbon, graphite, graphene, diamond, fullerenes and nanotubes. To be able to give their main medical and industrial applications.

� To master main chemical properties of silicon and different methods of its purification. To be able to give the chemical and structural description of its oxides and different classes of silicates. To be familiar with some medicinal and industrial applications of silicone and its compounds.

Detailed programme

� Historical part: The conception of the periodic table of chemical elements and the discovery of different elements. The conceptions of different forms of classification of chemical elements before and after Mendeleyev.

� Periodical properties: the atomic or ionic radii of elements and its periodicity - the electronic affinity - the energy of the first and the second ionisation - the electronegativity - the electronic structure of elements - the "Aufbau principle" - the oxidation number - the boiling point and the melting point

� Carbon: the possible chemical bonds, the allotropes of carbon: the amorphous carbon, graphene, graphite, diamond, fullerenes and nanotubes. Their main medical and industrial applications.

� Silicon: abundance, preparation of the metal, the methods of purification, compounds with hydrogen and halogens, compounds with oxygen (silicones, silicates, zeolites), main medicinal and industrial applications...


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Eric Scerri "La classification périodique des éléments", Pour la Science N° 253, Nov. 1998. � Y. Jin, R. J. Curry, J. Sloan, R. A. Hatton, L. C. Chong, N. Blanchard, V. Stolojan, � H. W. Kroto, S. R. P. Silva, J. Mater. Chem, 2006, 16, 3715. � L’Actualité Chimique, Août - Septembre 2003. � Ulrich Müller "Inorganic Structural Chemistry", Wiley, 1999, New York. � M. Yatzschke and P. Pyykkö, Chem. Commun. 2004, 17, 1982.

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Jean-Yves Pivan @: [email protected]

Hours: 6h40


Coefficient: 0.5

Information not provided by the corresponding lecturer(s)

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Supporting Literature

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Ternary phase Diagrams


Jean-Yves Pivan @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

The different phenomena that occur in chemical systems at equilibrium are explained (eutectics, peritectics, etc...). At the end of the course, the solubility diagrams are presented and various examples with industrial interest are developed.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Inorganic chemistry lab

Lecturer(s): Various lecturers @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

The students have to conduct different experiments with an analytical aim (calibration of equipment). Qualitative and quantitative measurements are performed using well-known methods such as pH-metry, complexation, specific electrodes, UV-visible spectroscopy, atomic absorption, flame emission.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Written Lab report

Supporting Literature

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Vincent Ferrières @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Hybrid course (8 hours distance learning, 4 hours on site)

Main objectives of the course

Master the basic knowledge of the main analytical and preparative chromatographic techniques: liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, quantitative analysis, materials, interpretation of results.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know and understand the main chromatographic methods (analytical and preparative scales). � Understand and interpret chromatographic phenomena. � Being able to choose the most appropriate chromatographic method. � Ability to interpret a chromatogram. � Mastering the main quantitative methods.

Detailed programme

� The main principles in chromatography. � Theoretical aspects. � Gas Phase Chromatography. � High Performance Liquid Chromatography. � Quantitative analysis. � Supplementary lessons: Ionic chromatography; Electrophoresis; Preparative chromatography

and industrial applications..


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� “Analyse chimique – Méthodes et Techniques Instrumentales Modernes”, F. Rouessac, A. Rouessac, 2e édition, 1995,Masson Eds.

� “Chromatography - Concepts and Contrasts”, J.M. Miller, 1987, Wiley-Intersciences Pub. � “Chromatographic Methods” A. Braithwaite, F.J. Smith, 5th edition, 1996, Chapman & Hall Pubs. � HPLC - “Practical and Industrial Applications” 1996, J. Swadesh Ed.

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Chemical kinetics


Khalil Hanna @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

Understanding the chemical kinetics in both homogeneous and heterogeneous phases.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowing how to determine reaction rates � Knowing how to determine reaction orders � Knowing elementary reactions, transition state, complex reaction mechanisms

Detailed programme

� Basic knowledge � Thermodynamic aspects, equilibrium and non-equilibrium � Kinetic aspects, homogeneous phase and solid/liquid interfaces


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Complexation and solution chemistry


Didier Hauchard @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours 40


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions + multimedia sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

• Operations and applications in solution chemistry. • Equilibrium calculations in solution. • Ligands and complexes. Complexation reactions. Complexation coefficients. Effects of acidity

on complexation coefficients. • Solubilisation and precipitation. • Oxidation-reduction and complexation effects. • Phase transfer reaction and separation by extraction. • Practical applications of control reactions operating in solution chemistry.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� 543 TRE Electrochimie analytique et réactions en solution. Tome 1: Réactions en solution: traitement analytique en vue de their exploitation dans les procédés de transformation et de séparation / B. Trémillon. - Paris: Masson, 1993. - 518 p.

� 541.3 FAB Chimie des solutions : résumés de cours et exercices corrigés /Fabre P.-L. Ellipses , 2001 � 541.3 BAR Mini manuel de chimie générale: Chimie des solutions / Bardez E. Dunod , 2008 � 541.3 CHI Chimie des solutions / M. Roche, J. Desbarres, C. Colin [et al.].. - Paris: Technique &

Documentation, 1990. - 358 p. � 541.3 MOR Solutions aqueuses: classe de mathématiques supérieures / P. et J.-C. Morlaës. - Paris:

Vuibert, 1989. - 310 p. � 543 GAB Physico-chimie des solutions: cours et problèmes corrigés / R. Gaboriaud. - Paris: Masson,

1996. - 330 p. � 543 MAR Metal complexes in aqueous solutions / A. E. Martell and R. D. Hancock. - New York: Plenum

press, 1996. - 253 p. � 541.3 ZUM chimie des solutions / Zumdahl S., Rouleau M., Gagnon J.M. De Boeck université, 1999 � 543 SKO Chimie analytique Skoog, West, Holler: De Boeck université, 1997 � 543 GUE Chimie analytique: équilibres en solution: rappels de cours, questions Guernet M., Guernet E.,

Herrenknecht C.: Dunod, 2000

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Yann Trolez @: [email protected]

Hours: 19 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

Understanding the electrochemical processes and knowing some industrial applications

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowing how to interpret intensity-potential curves � Knowing how to use a E-pH diagram � Knowing some industrial applications

Detailed programme

� Basic knowledge � Thermodynamic aspects � Kinetic aspects � Intensity-potential curves � Corrosion


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Electrochimie, des concepts aux applications F. Miomandre, S. Sadki, P. Audebert, R. Méallet-Renault, Ed Dunod.

� L'électrochimie, C. Lefrou, P. Fabry, J.-C. Poignet, Coll. Grenoble Sciences. � H Prépa Chimie 2ème année PC-PC*, Ed. Hachette Supérieur.

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Analytical chemistry Lab


Véronique Alonzo et Yann Trolez @: [email protected]

Hours: 17 hours 30


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Laboratory work sessions

Main objectives of the course

Using different techniques for performing quantitative or qualitative analyses

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

� HPLC and GPC analyses � Karl-Fisher titration � Statistics in analytical chemistry � UV-visible spectroscopy


written practice report

Supporting Literature

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Organic chemistry


Audrey Denicourt, Vincent Ferrières, Loïc Lemiègre @: [email protected] [email protected] Loic. [email protected]

Hours: 39 hours (33 h academic, 6 h practice on line)


Coefficient: 3.5

Teaching method

Classroom training session On line for exercises

Main objectives of the course

Know the basic principles governing the reactions in organic chemistry to solve problems of synthesis and retrosynthesis.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know the main mechanisms of organic chemistry: substitutions, eliminations, aromatic chemistry, chemical reactions of enolates.

� Master the key factors influencing these reactions. � Know how to solve problems of synthesis, even retrosynthesis

Detailed programme

� Fundamental mechanisms � Stereochemistry � Aromatic chemistry (aromaticity, reactivity) � The ylides (phosphonium, sulphonium) � Chemical reactions of enolates and assimilated (formation, responsiveness, enamines, malonic

synthesis, etc.)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Chimie organique avancée, Carey & Subdberg, DeBoeck Université Eds. � Organic Chemistry second edition, Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves and Stuart Warren, Oxford


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Biological chemistry


Christophe Crévisy, Caroline Nugier-Chauvin @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

To know structures, major physicochemical and biological properties of biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins)

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To acquire basic knowledge on the structure and properties of amino acids and peptides, on the structure and the conformation of proteins.

� To acquire and be able to apply basic knowledge on physicochemical properties of proteins, on separation and purification methods for proteins.

� To acquire basic knowledge on the structure and cyclic conformations of carbohydrates and of common mono, di- and polysaccharides.

� To identify the main biological roles of these compounds.

Detailed programme

� Amino acids: definitions, classification, physicochemical properties. � Peptides: peptide bond, biologically active natural peptides. � Structure and conformation of proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structures.

Super secondary structure elements and protein domains. Fibrous and globular proteins. � Behaviour of proteins in solution, separation procedures based on solubility, chromatographic

methods, electrophoretic methods, dialysis. � Carbohydrates:

o Classification and stereoisomerism of monosaccharides o Aldose and ketose filiation, cyclic structures and conformations of monosaccharides o Naturally-occurring monosaccharide derivatives o Disaccharides, homopolysaccharides, glycosaminoglycans, glycoproteins, the roles of

sugars in intercellular recognition. � Lipids and fatty acids

o Structure and behaviour of lipids in water (plasma lipoproteins, an example of aggregated cellular lipids), functional roles of some lipids.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Biochimie, J. D. Rawn, De Boeck � Biochimie, L. Stryer, Flammarion � Biochimie Générale, J. H. Weil, Masson

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Organic chemistry Lab


Loïc Lemiègre, Laurent Legentil, Olivier Baslé @: Loic. [email protected]

Hours: 25 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Laboratory course

Main objectives of the course

Being able to overcome basic experimental techniques of organic synthesis

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To identify purification techniques of organic molecules (Distillation, recrystallisation, chromatography, ..).

� To identify the appropriate purification techniques depending on the nature of the organic compound.

� To be able to implement the synthesis of an organic compound, to work-up the reaction mixture, to purify the resulting product

� To respect the safety rules

Detailed programme

� Separation of compounds not having the same chemical properties. � Separation of compounds having similar chemical properties. Fractional distillation and

preparative column. � The carboxylic acid function: esterification of pentan-2-ol by benzoic acid.


Based on practical work and on practical report, practical exam

Supporting Literature

� Films available on the e-formation website (ENSCR)

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Fluid Mechanics


Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours 40


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom training sessions

Main objectives of the course

There are two objectives: • understand the underlying physical phenomena represented by the equations of real fluid

mechanics, • perform estimation of some usual macroscopic situations: final drop velocity, flow in pipes,

selecting an adequate pump, selection of an agitator,…

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

� Detailed presentation of the components of the fundamental equations of the fluid mechanics � Mass balance - Continuity Conservation of Momentum, Navier-Stokes equation, Energy balance � Introduction to the rheological behaviours of fluids � Nondimensionalisation and similarities. � Elements of turbulence and boundary layer � Macroscopic balance - Bernouilli 's equation � Friction forces, movement of a solid object through a fluid � Flow through pipes, Head loss � Pumps and compressors � Metrology � Agitation and mixing.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Heat and Mass Transfer


Pierre Le Cloirec [email protected]

Hours: 22 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

To approach the heat and mass transfer

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To know mechanisms of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation � To know mechanisms of mass transfer: Fick's laws, diffusion in gas, liquids and porous solids � To be able to calculate an heat exchanger � To be able to apply Fick’s law in matter exchangers

Detailed programme

HEAT TRANSFER o Introduction o Conduction o Convection o Radiation o Global coefficient of exchange o Technology of heat transfer equipments o Design of a heat exchanger o Exercises

MASS TRANSFER o General equations - Fick's law o Diffusion in liquids and gas o Diffusion in solid and porous materials o Global coefficient of mass transfer


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� R.E. Treybal, Mass transfer operations, McGrawHill, USA (1981) � J.M. Coulson, J.F. Richardson, Chemical engineering, Butterworth Heinemann, GB (1997) � Les Techniques de l’Ingénieur, Paris, France

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Mass Balancing and flowsheeting


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Fundamentals about Mass balance and Flowsheeting

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

� Flowsheet elaboration � Generalities � Input-Output flowsheet � Mass balance � Economic potential � Process flowsheeting


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Conceptual design of chemical processes, J.M. Douglas, Ed. Mc Graw Hill 1988 � Process flowsheeting, A.W. Westerberg, Ed. Cambridge University Press 1979 � Chemical Engineering, Coulson Richardson, Ed. Pergamon Press 1990

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Physico chemical treatment of industrial waters


Sylvain Giraudet @: [email protected]

Hours: 9,5 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Apprehend the industrial water cycle, from resources to final release into the environment, including water usage optimisation on chemical production sites.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know the regulations � Know the main characteristics of industrial water and how to measure them � Water softening, remineralisation, calco-carbonic equilibria � Optimize the use of water on production sites � Define a waste water treatment line

Detailed programme

� Generic aspects of water management � Water characteristics � Calco-carbonic equilibria � Water production for industrial use � Optimisation of use � Wastewater treatment


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Degrémont Suez, Memento Technique de l'Eau � J. Rodier, B. Legube, N. Merlet et coll. L'analyse de l'eau

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Statistics for Engineers and Data analysis


D. Wolbert, R. Gautier @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 17 hours



Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

understanding key aspects of methods for data analysis and prediction.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Descriptive statistics, probability calculus, probability laws, Normal law. � Estimation by value and by intervals, sampling distribution, Student and χ2 laws � Statistical inference: hypothesis testing and risk taking, test of a mean, of a variance,

comparison of means and of variances, distribution fitting tests and normality tests; Statistical Process control..

� Multiple regression: residues analysis, prediction, outliers. � Artificial neural networks: biological and mathematical models, learning, advantages and

drawbacks. Principal components analysis.

Detailed programme


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Statistique et probabilités pour l’ingénieur, R. Veyseyrre, Dunod � La Validation des méthodes d'analyse: Une approche chimiométrique de l'assurance qualité au

laboratoire, M. Feinberg, Dunod

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Water chemistry Lab


Nicolas Cimetière / Lidia Favier @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 20 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Laboratory courses

Main objectives of the course

Discover on hand, some water treatment operation and methods for water analysis

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Perform analysis to characterize the important water parameters (TOC, IP, TAC, TH, COD….) � Operating unit treatment operations (potabilisation / waste treatment) � Evaluate the efficiency of the processes

Detailed programme

� Calcium carbonate stability � Coagulation and flocculation. � Mineral composition and interaction with metal � Chlorination (break point curve). � Biological waste water treatment.


1 report per experiment

Supporting Literature

� Cours “Cycle des eaux industrielles” - Sylvain Giraudet (EI1-ENSCR) � L'analyse de l'eau: Eaux naturelles, eaux résiduaires, eau de mer. Rodier et al, 2009 Ed. Dunod � Degremont - Memento technique de l'eau

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Chemical Engineering Lab


Sylvain Giraudet, Khalil Hanna, Abdelkrim Bouzaza, autres intervenants @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Laboratory courses

Main objectives of the course

To practice basics in fluid dynamics and unit operations

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Thermodynamics, kinetics, fluid dynamics

Detailed programme

� linear and singular pressure drop, heat pump, kinetics in a mix reactor, convection, viscosity, adsorption


1 report per experiment

Supporting Literature

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Jelena Jeftic @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

Understand the fundamental principles of Thermodynamics and know how to apply them to various problems in Thermodynamics. Understand the functioning of homeothermia in mammals.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To know the main notions and the four principles of Thermodynamics as well as their application. � To be able to deduce the fundamental relations, Maxwell equations, Clapeyron equation, Gibbs-

Duhem equation and to know how to use the chemical potential in different problems. � To know how to characterize thermal equilibrium, physical equilibrium and chemical equilibrium

as well as the conditions of the stability of the equilibrium (stable, metastable, indiferent, instable ...).

� To understand the Linear Thermodynamics of irreversible phenomena and its application to everyday problems

� To be able to apply the principles of thermodynamics to biological systems and to develop the thermodynamic models corresponding to the notion of homeothermia.

Detailed programme

� General notions and fundamental principles: - Zero Principle of Thermodynamics - The First Principle of Thermodynamics - The Second Principle or Thermodynamics - The Third Principle of Thermodynamics - Entropy - Exergy.

� Fundamental Equations: - Helmholtz free energy A - Gibbs free energy G - Differential expressions (closed system of constant composition): Elementary transformations. Maxwell relations. Clapeyron relations. Thermodynamic potentials generalized. Monophase systems. Work other than pressure work. Clapeyron relation. Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. Chemical potential. Open systems. Gibbs-Duhem equation. Physical interpretation of chemical potential.

� Thermodynamic equilibrium - Thermal equilibrium - Physical equilibrium - Chemical equilibrium - Conditions of the stability of equilibrium.

� Linear Thermodynamics of irreversible phenomena - Phenomenological approach: equations and laws - Irreversible phenomena - Coupling between two or more irreversible phenomena.

� Principle of reciprocity of Onsager and Casimir: Introduction - Definition of "forces" and "flows" - Entropy creation.

� Biological phenomena - Introduction - Theorem of Prigogine - Different models of homeothermia - Stability.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� P. W. Atkins “Chimie Physique”, Oxford University press 1998. � B. Jancovici “Thermodynamique et physique statistique” � P. Grécias “Exercices et problèmes de physique: Thermodynamique”. � J. Bergua, J. P. Beynier, P. Goulley “Les Grands Classiques de Chimie et Thermodynamique”,

Breal, Paris, 1996. � J. P. Pérez, P. Laffont “Travaux Dirigés de Thermodynamique” Flash Masson, Paris, 1997.

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Nuclear chemistry


Didier Hauchard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To understand the process which causes radioactivity, its effect on matter and how to detect and protect oneself from the radiation arising from disintegration of the nucleus. To understand how a nuclear power station operates and the fuel cycle involved in the production of nuclear power.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know the different processes of nuclear decay, know how to describe the various patterns of decay and to identify them from databases.

� Know and understand the different interactions between matter and radiation from the processes of nuclear decay in order to master the basics of radiation protection and detect this radiation.

� Demonstrate a sufficient degree of knowledge to apply for an work placement in the nuclear field

Detailed programme

� Characteristics of nucleus. The nucleides. The radioactivity. Different types of emission radiations (α, β, γ, CE). Radiation-matter interactions. Detections and measurement of radioactivity. Radioprotection. Nuclear energy and production of electricity. Cycle of nuclear fuel.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� J. FOOS, Manuel de la radioactivité à l’usage de l’utilisateur, Tomes 1,2 et 3; Ed. Formascience (1995 et 2001)

� D J GAMBINI et R. GRANIER, Manuel pratique de Radioprotection, Tec-Doc Lavoisier (1997).

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Jean-Yves Pivan @: [email protected]

Hours: 16 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Information not provided by the corresponding lecturer(s)

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Supporting Literature

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Quantitative analysis


Yann Trolez @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

Knowing methods in quantitative analysis commonly used in a laboratory

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowing the main stationary and non-stationary electrochemical methods � Knowing how to use UV-visible spectroscopy in different cases � Knowing basics of fluorimetry

Detailed programme

� Electrochemical methods (stationary and non-stationary methods, electrochemical titration) � Spectroscopic methods (UV-visible spectroscopy, fluorimetry)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Electrochimie, des concepts aux applications, F. Miomandre, S. Sadki, P. Audebert, R. Méallet-Renault, Ed Dunod.

� Analyse chimique, F. Rouessac, A. Rouessac, D. Cruché, Ed Dunod.

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Electrochemical practical


Didier Hauchard, Véronique Alonzo and external tutors @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours:28 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Practical work in half-groups

Main objectives of the course

This practical work approaches the different aspects of electrochemistry by way of analysis and industrial processes, and also builds on the basic concepts taught in the classroom from a viewpoint that covers several disciplines being taught. The practical work is based on:

• The fundamentals of thermodynamics that govern electron transfer at the interface; the effect of the hydrodynamics of fluids on its application;

• Methods of analysis (sampling, preparing solutions, calibration, standard addition method, chemometrics)

• Process engineering as applied to industry and its part in the global scheme of processes • Solution chemistry (complexation, role of acid-base reactions and redox) • Chemistry itself, whether inorganic or organic • Computing: electro analytical methods are increasingly run and managed using computer


Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Learn and gain practical expertise in different methods of electrochemical analysis such as potentiometry, polarography, voltamperometry and amperometry.

• Know how to apply appropriate methods of analysis to monitor processes and study the phenomena of corrosion

• Understand the major parameters when applying electrochemical processes • Know the parameters for using a sampler in automated methods of analysis

Detailed programme

Practical work consisting of 8 experiments of 3½ hours each: • Measuring conductivity and conductibility of electrolytes. • Building a pH sensor – Application to a fluoride medium. • Electrodialysis – Application to the separation of cations and monitored by potentiometry with

special electrodes. • Electrolysis of copper on a volume electrode, spectrophometric monitoring of the copper in a

complexing medium. • Using an automatic titrator – Analysing drinking water (TA, TAC, chlorine) using

potentiometric sensors. • Electrochemical methods of analysing electrode reactions and metal corrosion. • Oxygen sensor applied to the study of iron corrosion. • Analytic applications of a catalytic polarography wave to the dosage of nitrate ions in water.


Report on each experiment and performance during the session

Supporting Literature

•••• 543 TRE Electrochimie analytique et réactions en solution. Tome 1 et Tome 2 / Bernard Trémillon. - Paris: Masson, 1993. - 518 p.

•••• Techniques de l’ingénieur •••• P 2135v2 Polarographie – Les techniques polarographiques en analyse, D. Hauchard (2008)

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•••• P 2136 Polarographie – Principe d'application et mise en œuvre des techniques polarographiques, D. Hauchard (2011)

•••• J1606 “Électrochimie. Caractéristiques courant-potentiel: théorie (partie 1); G. Durand et B. Trémillon

•••• J1607 “Électrochimie. Caractéristiques courant-potentiel: théorie (partie 2)”; G. Durand et B. Trémillon

•••• P 2 126 “Volampérométrie. Théorie et mise en œuvre expérimentale”; F. Bedioui •••• P 2 175 Chronopotentiométrie; G. Picard, F. Chouaib et S. Sanchez (2008)

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Loïc Lemiègre, Jelena Jeftic, Laurent Le Polles, Thierry Benvegnu @: Loic. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 28 hours


Coefficient: 2.5

Teaching method

Classroom training session and web tutorials

Main objectives of the course

Acquisition of competences in NMR, IR, Raman spectroscopy and mass spectrometry for the determination of organic molecular structures.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To identify the principle of 1H and 13C NMR in solution • To identify the working principle of a mass spectrometer • To identify all ionisation modes and all types of analysers used in mass spectrometry • Know-how in analysing 1H and 13 NMR spectra in order to determine organic molecular

structures. • Know-how in analysing mass spectra (isotopic mass, molecular peak, fragmentation, ..) in

order to determine organic molecular structures. • To identify infra-red/organic molecule interactions. Identify the differences between IR and

Raman spectra and know-how in analysing such spectra.

Detailed programme

• Generality about Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in solution. • Description of the principles of 1D NMR (1H and 13C) in solution. • Application of the NMR in solution to the determination of organic molecular structures. • Generality about mass spectrometry (MS). • Description of the main techniques of mass spectrometry. • Application of the MS to the determination of organic molecular structures. • IR and Raman Spectroscopy. Examples.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• P. W. Atkins “Chimie Physique”, De Boeck Université, Paris, 2000. • M. Hessen H. Meier, B. Zeeh “Méthodes spectroscopiques pour la chimie organic”, Masson,

Paris, 1995.

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Interaction of Radiation with Matter


Jelena Jeftic and Tanja Pott @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 17 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom sessions, multimedia classroom sessions, exercises with feedback for autonomous student training

Main objectives of the course

Gain basic knowledge on light and x-ray scattering in colloidal systems, understand the underlying phenomena, be able to use these techniques for the characterisation of colloidal systems. Understand and apply the methods of structure determination of crystalline compounds from their diffractograms obtained from x-ray diffraction. Be able to class crystals into different crystalline types on the basis of their spectra. Become familiar with different diffraction techniques and their application perimeter.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• basic knowledge on light and x-ray scattering in colloidal systems • understand the underlying phenomena of light and x-ray scattering in colloidal systems • be able to use these scattering techniques and to analyse the obtained data • Gain the basic knowledge on interaction of different types of radiation with matter (gamma, x-

rays, visible light and ultraviolet light, thermal neutrons, accelerated electrons) • Distinguish different crystalline structures, understand and apply the basic notions of

crystallography • Identify and analyse the diffractograms of x-ray diffraction on different types of crystals • Become familiar with various diffraction techniques and their utility

Detailed programme

• Interaction of matter with light: gamma-rays, x-rays, visible and ultraviolet light, neutrons, electrons

• Crystalline structure: crystalline lattice, unit cell, Miller index, Bravais lattices, space groups, crystalline systems

• Production of x-rays and their diffraction. Analysis of diffraction patterns. Bragg law. Powder methods: method of Debye-Scherrer and Bragg-Brentano. Analysis of diffractograms and indexation of reflections.

• Systematic extinctions. Factors of atomic diffusion. Phase differences. • Diffraction of x-rays by a single crystal. Structure factor. Diffraction of neutrons and electrons. • Static light and x-ray scattering: Rayleigh, Debye, fractal and Porod regime • Dynamic light scattering • Bragg diffraction in colloidal systems, i.e., systems that exhibit long range order


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• U. Müller “Inorganic Structural Chemistry” Wiley, New York, 1993. • Casalot, J. Estienne, A. Duruphty “Structure de la matière” Hachette, Paris, 1998. • M. Van Meerssche, J. Feneau-Dupont “Introduction à la crystallographie et à la Chimie

Structurale”, Peeters, Paris, 1984. • J. Protas “Diffraction des rayonnements” Dunod, Paris, 1999. • P. Lindner, Th. Zemb, Ed. “Neutrons, X-rays and Light: Scattering Methods Applied to Soft

Condensed Matter”, North Holland, Elsevier, Paris, 2002.

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• International union of pure and applied chemistry - Division of physical chemistry: Manual of symbols and terminology for physicochemical quantities and units - Appendix II: Definitions, terminology and Symbols in colloid and surface science

• P. C. Hiemenz et R. Rajagopalan. Principles of colloid and surface chemistry. Marcel Dekker, New York (1997)

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Interfaces and dispersed matter I


Philippe Méléard et Tanja Pott @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

online multimedia learning module, classroom sessions, multimedia classroom sessions, exercises with feedback for autonomous student training

Main objectives of the course

to know, understand and use correctly basic IUPAC definitions and classification of colloids to know, understand basic physical and physico-chemical properties of colloidal systems

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� to know, understand and use correctly basic IUPAC definitions and classification of colloids � to know, understand basic physical and physico-chemical properties of colloidal systems � to be able to use some typical techniques for the characterisation of colloids

Detailed programme

� Introduction to dispersed matter and interface/surface chemistry � Basic IUPAC definitions and classification of colloidal dispersions (lyophobic colloids), lyophilic

and association colloids � Basic physical and physico-chemical properties of colloidal systems � Capillary phenomena � Interfacial energy in a biphasic system � Interfacial tension � Contact lines


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� International union of pure and applied chemistry - Division of physical chemistry: Manual of symbols and terminology for physicochemical quantities and units - Appendix II: Definitions, terminology and Symbols in colloid and surface science

� P. C. Hiemenz et R. Rajagopalan. Principles of colloid and surface chemistry. Marcel Dekker, New York (1997)

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Organic chemistry Lab II


Loïc Lemiègre, Christophe Crévisy, Marc Mauduit @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 28 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Laboratory courses

Main objectives of the course

Being able to overcome advanced experimental techniques of organic synthesis.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To identify the purification techniques of organic molecules (Distillation, recrystallisation, chromatography, ..).

� To be able to estimate the purity of organic compounds by chromatographic methods (GC, HPLC) and characterise it by spectroscopic techniques.

� To be able to implement the synthesis of an organic compound under inert atmosphere, to work-up the reaction mixture, to purify the resulting product

� To respect the safety rules

Detailed programme

� Alkyne compounds: nucleophilic substitution under inert atmosphere. � Grignard reaction: synthesis of 2-methylheptan-4-ol. � Preparation of an aromatic butyrolactone by a Friedel-Crafts’ reaction. � Condensation of the dianion of ethyl acetoacetate on benzophenone


Based on practical work and on written practice reports.

Supporting Literature

� Films available on the e-formation website (ENSCR)

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Unit Operations I


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: Abdelkrim [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

� Liquid-liquid extraction: � Ternary diagram � Co and Counter current extraction � Humidification-dehumidification: � Humid air diagram � Design of humidification-dehumidification column � Drying � Filtration


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Mass transfer operations, R.E. Treybal, Ed. Mc Graw Hill � Mass transfer, Sherwood, Ed. Mc Graw Hill � Chemical Engineering, Coulson Richardson, Ed. Pergamon Press 1990

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Unit Operations II


Sylvain Giraudet @: Sylvain [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To be able to design a distillation column. Understand the mechanisms of crystallisation and acquire the tools for designing an industrial crystalliser.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• Distinguish between the operations of continuous and discontinuous distillation, and rectification.

•••• Design a distillation column using the McCabe-Thiele or the Ponchon-Savarit methods •••• Know the main technologies •••• Understand the stages of crystallisation and the mechanisms by which crystals form and

grow •••• Design a crystalliser making full use of the matter and heat transfers

Detailed programme

Distillation: •••• Elementary laws, graphical equilibrium and the concept of theoretical plates •••• Methods of calculation •••• Technologies

Crystallisation: •••• Basic concepts and mechanisms of crystallisation •••• Crystallisation techniques •••• Technologies


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Chemical Engineering Lab II


Various lecturers (Sylvain Giraudet, Khalil Hanna, Abdelkrim Bouzaza and others) @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Laboratory courses

Main objectives of the course

To practice basics in fluid dynamics and unit operations

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• Thermodynamics, kinetics, fluid dynamics

Detailed programme

•••• calorimetry, PROPHY/PROSIM, absorption, extraction liquid-liquid, distillation, drying, centrifugal pumps


Written report per experiment

Supporting Literature

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Introduction to computer programming


Eric Furet @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

Introduction to the general concepts of computer programming using a high-level general purpose language (Fortran)

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• to be able to analyze a given problem in order to find the recipe required to perform the process •••• to be able to perform the coding phase to Fortran

Detailed programme

� Generalities on computer programming: compilation, data types, memory storing � Control structures: loops, tests � Arrays: static and dynamical allocations, array sections � Derived types � Files: I/O � Subroutines and functions


Written assessment

Supporting Literature

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Programming training Lab


Eric Furet @: [email protected]

Hours: 18 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Practical lessons

Main objectives of the course

Application of the programming concepts presented during the classroom training session. Initiation to the OpenGL image library. To apply the Analysis-Coding-Compilation-Testing procedure.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Written practice report

Supporting Literature

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Informatics, office automation and internet


Julien Morice @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

To validate skill in relation to C2I certification (computing and internet certificate) and prepare student for TICE (technology in education and training) projects.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• Work in a digital environment •••• Be responsible in a digital world (copyright, data protection, …) •••• Produce, process, use and broadcast digital documents •••• Work in a network system, communicate and collaborate

Detailed programme

•••• Lesson 1: Use word processing software •••• Lesson 2: Use spreadsheet software •••• Lesson 3: Use presentation software •••• Lesson 4: HTML and CSS programming •••• Lesson 5: Develop professional digital identity •••• Lesson 6: Develop knowledge in relation to C2I certificate


Portfolio: Skill validation by student tutor and teacher Quiz test to valid knowledge

Supporting Literature

•••• National website about C2i: •••• Video course by Hervé Le Crosnier: •••• “Site du 0” website / HTML development:

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Education and information technology Project


Julien Morice et Vincent Ferrières @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 30 hours


Coefficient: 4

Teaching method

No classroom session but autonomous group work

Main objectives of the course

Develop transversal skills related to knowledge, skills and life skills through project-based teaching. The projects are also an opportunity to validate some of the computer and internet certificate. Students must build, in groups of 7 to 8 people, a site for educational purposes under the supervision of a teacher / tutor.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Master the basics of programming needed to create a website • Network, Communicate and Collaborate • Have a responsible approach and comply with the laws and regulations • Observe the legal and technical specifications • Conduct a search for information in the digital age • Create a digital presentation of his or her work • Speak in front of a large group • Chair a meeting

Detailed programme

Various themes from year to year.


Oral presentation in front of the whole year

Supporting Literature

• Some examples: • Video: • HTML development:


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English language


Pierre Briend, Marcel Videlo @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 18 hours in S5 + 18 hours in S6


Coefficient: 1.5 and 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom training sessions

Main objectives of the course

To be able to able to understand and communicate in English in specific contexts in field related to chemistry and the chemical industry.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To be able to understand the company environment and a research laboratory environment •••• To explore the field of recruitment (understanding company profiles, job adverts) •••• To be able to write cover letters and CVs •••• To be able to use the Kompass database •••• To be able to read research papers and to present research results

Detailed programme

•••• Recruitment: company profile, work opportunities, the job interview technique, cover letters and CVs

•••• Scientific English •••• TOEIC preparation


Written assessment and oral assessment

Supporting Literature

•••• Tamzem Armer, 2011. Cambridge English for Scientists, Ed Cambridge University Press •••• (Royal Society of Chemistry) •••• (U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board) •••• (American Chemical Society)

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German language


Isabelle Brémaud-Richard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours in S5 + 12 hours in S6


Coefficient: 1 and 1

Teaching method

Classroom training sessions

Main objectives of the course

The aim of the German course is to give the learners the linguistic tools they needs to develop their abilities in verbal and written expression and communication. During the first two semesters , priority is given to consolidating the language (it is not a beginner's course!)

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� to improve spoken and written communication skills by stimulating observation and comprehension of usage and by training comprehension capacities.

� to acquire and be able to apply basic knowledge to media language. � to discuss current issues in German-speaking countries. � to demonstrate effective oral communication skills during their presentation

Detailed programme

� Documents and topics: � German teaching uses authentic documents and documents adapted for students. � The main topics are based on media-language occurring prominently in everyday life. � Other themes approached in the first and second academic years are chosen in the light of their

topicality and in the light of current interests / work on a recent film. � Learning activities:

� Training in oral and written expression by means of conjugation, grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation drills and through learning games.

� Occasional teaching sessions are done in multimedia settings. � Training through listening-comprehension units and written exercises. � Thematic work focussing on training in four linguistic skills: reading, understanding speaking

and writing abilities (spoken language will be given priority). � Student's presentation of events which occurred in German-speaking countries over the past week

(or on a social or cultural topic) and acquiring a moderator's competence to conduct a discussion with the other participants.


Written assessment

Oral assessment: participation throughout the course and a specific presentation will be assessed

Supporting Literature

� � �

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Spanish language


Pierre Briend and outside speakers @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours S5 + 12 hours S6


Coefficient: 1 and 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To achieve level B1/B2 of the common European frame of reference for language learning.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Working in themes and in group � Improving written and oral expression

Detailed programme

� Knowledge of the contemporary Spanish-speaking world


Written exam and oral (in the form of presentations)

Supporting Literature

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French as foreign language


Isabelle Brémaud-Richard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours in S5 + 12 hours in S6


Coefficient: 1 and 1

Teaching method

Classroom training sessions Specifically designed for the non-French speaking foreign student in the first and second year Occasional teaching sessions are done in multimedia settings.

Main objectives of the course

The aim of the FFL course is to give learners the linguistic tools they need to develop their abilities in verbal and written expression and communication. FFL courses are designed for all foreign students at the ENSCR who have registered.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� to improve spoken and written communication skills by stimulating observation and comprehension of usage and by training comprehension capacities.

� to acquire and be able to apply further knowledge of academic and corporate worlds � to demonstrate effective oral communication skills during their oral interventions;.

Detailed programme

� training in oral and written expression by means of conjugation, grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation drills and through learning-games.

� training through listening comprehension units and written exercises. � Thematic work focussing on training in four linguistic skills: reading, understanding speaking and

writing abilities (spoken language will given priority). � training in taking down detailed notes (in order to be able to understand lessons) and work on

understanding the wording of lessons and the instructions given by teachers. � written work on how to write CVs and covering letters..


Written assessment oral assessment: participation throughout the course

Supporting Literature

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Bibliography and documentation


Nicole Talibart @:

Hours: 1.5 hours



Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

To present the tools and the different resources available at ENSCR to do a research of technical, scientific, technologic information.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Supporting Literature

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Introduction to business life


ENSCR and external speakers @:

Hours: 30 hours


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching method


Main objectives of the course

� Understand and know the environment of the ENSCR � Discover the branches of chemistry and possible careers � Prepare one’s own life plan

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� An introduction to the world of industry. Employability of graduate engineers in chemistry. � Knowledge of business and engineering jobs in the different sectors of industrial activity. � Training in professional and personal ethics, and working on a career plan. � Lectures by engineers presenting their company and their professional careers. Lecture on

“The first job”. Introduction to drawing up a career plan. � CVs and application letters.

Detailed programme



Supporting Literature

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REACH Regulation


Julie Borras from ECOmundo @:

Hours: 2 hours 40


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching method


Main objectives of the course

Practical implementation of regulations.

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Nicolas Noiret – Maxime Le Bris @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 8 hours


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

The aim is to give students knowledge which will enable them to keep themselves and their environment safe throughout their course of study, and also to assess the risks in units that they will be responsible for in their future professional activity and to establish a general safety-aware approach. To be able to react if faced with an emergency.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme:

The course is devoted to presenting the general principles of accident prevention, and the dangers in working with chemicals, both in the laboratory and in industry. Safety measures are explained for each hazard. This falls into three parts: •••• Safety rules: Health and safety charter, introduction to safety •••• Workshops on good laboratory practice and presentation of the major risks (organised with the

help of second-year students) •••• Safety exercise before leaving on work placement (1½ hours)


Supporting Literature:

Charte de santé-sécurité de l’ENSCR.

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Introduction to management


Didier Danet @:

Hours: 20 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

to acquire basic knowledge on management and legal aspects of entrepreneurial organisation.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

•••• Economic dimension of business: strategy, organisation, strategic deployment •••• Legal dimension of business: individual employment relationships, collective employment



Written assessment

Supporting Literature

•••• Johnson et al, Stratégique, Pearson Education •••• Ferry-Maccario et al, Gestion juridique de l’entreprise, Pearson Education

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Placement as an introduction to company

Corresponding Faculty(s):

Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Length: 8 weeks


Coefficient: bonus during 2nd year

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

Work placement “Introduction to business” Initial contact with the world of industry, knowledge of how a business and its different departments are organised, knowledge of management structure and the importance of personal relationships.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


After all work placements there a written report and a viva (10 to 15 minutes depending on the year of study) before a panel of two teachers (a course tutor and a viva supervisor appointed from the school’s research fellows) and the placement supervisor if he is able to and wishes to make the journey. The student is responsible for organising his own viva. The final assessment takes several factors into consideration: the report, the viva, the placement supervisor’s assessment and information from the placement database.

Supporting Literature

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Course description





Eric Le Fur, Véronique Alonzo and Laurent Legentil @: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 41 hours 20


Coefficient: 3

Teaching method

Classroom session

Main objectives of the course

Knowing the different classes of materials (metals and alloys, glasses and ceramics, polymers): synthesis, structure, properties, uses.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To know the industrial processes for making certain metals and alloys •••• To know the differences between crystalline and vitreous states •••• To know the characteristics of glass •••• To know about ceramics and some of their applications •••• To know the different elements of the periodic table (transition elements and lanthanides), their

chemistry and their applications •••• To know the mechanical properties of the different classes of materials

Detailed programme

The different classes of materials: ceramics and glasses, metals and alloys, and polymers (their synthesis, elaboration, properties and applications) •••• Classification of materials according to their chemical composition. •••• Comparison between the crystalline and the amorphous states, definition of glasses •••• Characteristics of the vitreous state: vitreous transition •••• The different constituents of glasses (network formers and modifiers, intermediary oxides) •••• Zachariasen’s rules •••• Making and shaping glass: industrial processes, glass fibres •••• Making metals and alloys (steel and cast iron, aluminium, titanium, chromium, copper, zinc, etc.):

from the ore to the finished product •••• The oxides of transition metals: link between structure, properties and applications (fuel cells,

materials for batteries, magnets, pigments and luminescent materials) •••• Some particular classes of compounds (clusters and polyanions)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Interfaces and dispersed matter II


Philippe Méléard and Tanja Pott @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 18 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To know, understand and use correctly IUPAC definitions and classification of colloids To know and understand physical and physico-chemical properties of lyophobic, lyophilic and association colloids

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• to know, understand and use correctly IUPAC definitions and classification of colloids •••• to know and understand physical and physico-chemical properties of lyophobic, lyophilic and

association colloids •••• to be able to analyse and characterize colloidal systems

Detailed programme

•••• Introduction to amphiphiles and association colloids •••• Interfacial adsorption of insoluble and soluble amphiphiles •••• Micellisation •••• Self assembly of amphiphiles and molecular geometry •••• Basic behaviour of oil-water-surfactant systems •••• Introduction to colloidal polymers •••• Polydispersity of polymers •••• Emulsion polymerisation and latex •••• Introduction to the stability of lyophobic colloids (latex) •••• Industrial application of latex dispersions •••• Introduction to lyophilic polymers


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée - Division de la chimie physique: Manuel de symboles et de la terminologie des quantités et des unités physico-chimiques - Annexe II: Définitions, terminologie et les symboles colloïde et science des surfaces

•••• P. C. Hiemenz et R. Rajagopalan. Principes de colloïdes et de la chimie de surface. Marcel Dekker, New York (1997)

•••• D. Myers. Surfaces, interfaces et colloïdes. Principes et applications. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New York (1999)

•••• D. F. H. Evans et Wennerström. Le domaine colloïdal. Où la physique, la chimie, la biologie et la technologie se rencontrent. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New-York (1999)

•••• P. Munk. Introduction à la science macromoléculaire. John Wiley & Sons, New York (1989)

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Lab training in Physical chemistry of colloids


Philippe Méléard et Tanja Pott @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 18 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Lab sessions

Main objectives of the course

Consolidation of the different notions acquired in the lectures “Interfaces and Dispersed Matter 1 & 2” and “Interaction of Radiation with Matter” To know and understand how to manipulate and characterize experimentally basic colloidal systems

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• to know, understand how to manipulate and characterize experimentally basic colloidal systems •••• to be able to develop and optimize an experimental protocol

Detailed programme

•••• Experimental study and characterisation of a water-surfactant phase diagram •••• Experimental study and characterisation of a water-oil-surfactant state diagram •••• Experimental study and characterisation of a nanolatex obtained by microemulsion polymerisation


experimental work and written assessment

Supporting Literature

•••• International union of pure and applied chemistry - Division of physical chemistry: Manual of symbols and terminology for physicochemical quantities and units - Appendix II: Definitions, terminology and Symbols in colloid and surface science

•••• Hiemenz et Rajagopalan “Principles of colloid and surface chemistry”, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997

•••• Myers, D. Surfaces, interfaces and colloids. Principles and applications; 2. ed.; Wiley-VCH: New York, 1999

•••• Evans, D. Fennel; Wennerström, H. The colloidal domain. Where physics, chemistry, biology and technology meet;, 2. éd.; Wiley-VCH: New-York, 1999

•••• Munk, P. Introduction to Macromolecular Science; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1989

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Inorganic chemistry lab II


Laurent Le Pollès @: [email protected]

Hours: 21 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Practical work

Main objectives of the course

•••• To be familiar with different techniques for characterising matter, •••• To understand what information these give, •••• To know how to use and interpret the experimental observations combined with measurements. Techniques used: X-ray diffraction, thermal analyses (differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry), UV-visible spectroscopy, magnetic measurements.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Characterisation of materials by X-ray diffraction: •••• Study of a solid solution, applying Végard’s law. •••• Indexing a diffraction diagram by isotypy. •••• Indexing ab initio. •••• Refining lattice parameters by linear regression. •••• Characterising a glass by X-ray diffraction.

Thermal analysis •••• Differential scanning calorimetry: detecting phenomena observable by DSC •••• Vitreous transition, crystallisation and fusion, •••• Structural transformation, •••• Chemical decomposition, •••• Modification of magnetic properties.

Thermogravimetric analysis: •••• Interpreting the thermal decomposition of different materials •••• Studying the influence of different parameters on the TG signal: speed of temperature rise,

particle size, gaseous atmosphere, sample size. Studying the electronic structure of complexes of transition metals:

•••• Studying different complexes in solution, using UV-visible spectroscopy. Using and interpreting data with the aid of Tanabe-Sugano diagrams

•••• Studying magnetic properties: detecting diamagnetism and paramagnetism, applying Curie’s and Curie-Weiss laws, determining the number of lone electrons and establishing the electronic structure of a metal centre in a material.


Report and final written exam.

Supporting Literature

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The Cell


Sylvain Tranchimand, Christophe Crévisy @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 17 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

To give knowledge about organisation of cells, mechanisms and properties of enzymes, and transport across membranes.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To gain basic knowledge on enzymatic reactions (properties of the enzymes, mechanisms, kinetics) •••• To gain basic knowledge on mechanisms of transport across membranes. •••• To gain basic knowledge on cell structure, organisation and function (prokaryote, eukaryote) •••• To be able to access to kinetic constants of enzymatic reactions (KM, VMax), to determine the type of

enzyme inhibition caused by an inhibitor and to calculate the inhibitor constant.

Detailed programme

The cell: •••• Cell structure: prokaryote (bacterial cell wall role), eukaryotes (animals, plants). Water: the biological solvent •••• Solvation and hydrophobic interactions •••• Basics of buffer and ionic strength •••• Cell buffer systems. Enzymology: •••• Generalities and classification •••• Enzyme catalysis: factors contributing to the efficiency and the selectivity of enzymes. Example of

mechanism at the active site. •••• Kinetics of reactions catalyzed by enzymes. •••• Enzyme inhibition •••• Enzyme regulation: allosteric enzymes •••• Cofactors Membrane transport: •••• Simple diffusion •••• Facilitated diffusion •••• Active Transport: Primary active transport and membrane potential, secondary active transport,

group translocation. •••• Endocytosis •••• Ionophores •••• Gap junctions •••• Introduction to the mechanisms of signal transmission


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Biochimie, J. D. Rawn, De Boeck •••• Biochimie, L. Stryer, Flammarion •••• Biochimie Générale, J. H. Weil, Masson •••• La cellule vivante, Ed Belin

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Organometallics and Homogeneous catalysis


Alain Roucoux @: [email protected]

Hours: 22 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching method

Classroom session

Main objectives of the course

To understand the activation of molecules by metallic compounds and their use in basic catalytic applications

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To know the basic principles of coordination chemistry (Ligands, complexes and specific bonding) •••• To be able to identify the main reactions of organometallic chemistry •••• To gain basic knowledge on the main industrial processes (reactions and catalytic cycles)

Detailed programme

•••• Introduction •••• Ligands, complexes and specific bonding in coordination chemistry •••• Fundamental reactions of organometallic chemistry •••• Complexes of transition metals and their reactivity •••• Stoechiometric and catalytic reactions •••• Homogeneous catalysis: The most important reactions and their value in the chemical industry


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Chimie organométallique - Auteur: Didier Astruc - Editeur: EDP Sciences - Collection: Grenoble Sciences Collection Grenoble Sciences - Available at the ENSCR library

•••• Catalyse homogène par les complexes des métaux de transition - Auteurs: BREGEAULT, J.M - Editeur: MASSON – Available at the ENSCR library

•••• Aqueous-Phase Organometallic Catalysis: Concepts and Applications, Eds: B. Cornils and W. A. Hermann, Second Edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co - - Available at the ENSCR library

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Organic chemistry lab III


Loïc Lemiègre, Christophe Crévisy, Laurent Legentil, Olivier Baslé @: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 21 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Laboratory courses

Main objectives of the course

Being able to overcome advanced experimental techniques of organic synthesis and to accomplish a multi-step synthesis.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To be able to implement the synthesis of an organic compound under inert atmosphere, to work up the reaction mixture, to purify the resulting product

•••• To be able to estimate the purity of organic compounds by chromatographic methods (GC, HPLC) and characterise it by spectroscopic techniques.

•••• To comply with safety rules

Detailed programme

The laboratory courses are chosen by the students from the following list of projects: •••• Application of asymmetric Sharpless epoxidation to the synthesis of non racemic intermediate of

natural products having a biological activity. Determination of optical purity. •••• Preparation of an antidepressant: diastereoselective multi-step and HPLC. •••• Chemical and enzymatic preparation of aspartame. •••• Synthesis of a beta-lactone from glutamic acid: Preparation of a degradable polymer. Malic polyacid.


Based on practical work and on practical reports.

Supporting Literature

Films available on the e-formation website (ENSCR)

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Ideal reactor design


Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Design of ideal chemical reactors

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

•••• General approaches to reactors. •••• Technology and examples of reactors in the chemical industry. •••• Kinetic and thermodynamic tools. •••• Ideal homogeneous reactors:

o Ideal batch reactor o Mixed flow reactor o Plug flow reactor

•••• Design of ideal reactors. •••• Non-isothermal reactors


Written assessment

Supporting Literature

•••• P. Trambouze, J.P. Euzen (2002), Les réacteurs chimiques, Edition Technip, Paris. •••• J. Villermaux (1992), Génie de la réaction chimique, Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris. •••• O. Levenspiel (1972), Chemical reaction engineering, John Wiley & Sons , NY, USA.

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Experimental Design


Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours 40


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Understand the usefulness but also the limitation of the experimental design approach,

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

being able to design, organize experimentations and analyse, graphically and statistically, the results,

Detailed programme

•••• Fundamentals of experimental design. •••• Result analysis tools. •••• Randomisation, blocking , … •••• Non factorial designs: Latin Squares, … •••• Factorial designs: full factorial designs, Fractional designs and aliases (Tagushi, Box, …),

complementary designs. •••• Other types of Designs (Doehlert, Box-Behnken, …).


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Process Dynamics and Introduction to control


Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours 50


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

•••• Modelling instructions, •••• First order of linear system , Second order of linear system, Delay system, Distributed variables

system. •••• The input output model. Definition of Laplace Transform, some basic functions, characteristic of

Laplace Transform. Solution of differential equations, inversion of Laplace Transform, transfer functions.

•••• Logic automatic, combinatorial and sequential logic, introduction to Grafcet


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Lab training on Process Dynamics and Logical control


Sylvain Giraudet and Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 20 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Lab work (2 or 3 student groups)

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To observe the behaviour of real system and compare and fit to theoretical models. •••• To know more about industrial sensors. •••• To built logical and combinatorial automation systems

Detailed programme

•••• Dynamics and sensors for the pressure in a tank (1st order), •••• Dynamics of tanks in series (2nd order), •••• Dynamics of the mixing in a packed column (order 2-3 + delay). •••• Combinatorial logic examples. •••• Sequential automation of a batch reactor.


Written practice report

Supporting Literature

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Management of quality


Eric Ménager @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To know the principles of operating systems for improving an organisation, the associated tools, implementation of internal audits. Topics covered: Quality, Environment, Safety.

� To Interpret and respond to the main requirements of the standards ISO standards. Detailed programme

I - Introduction to quality (2 h) II – Management of quality according to ISO 9001 (2h) III – The integrated management (Q, S, E) (2h) IV- The internal audit (3h) V – The quality tools (3h)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

ISO 9001 ISO 14001 OHSAS 18001 ISO 19011

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Information retrieval, industrial and intellectual properties


Xavier Bourdon @:

Hours: 4 hours


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Basic knowledge of patents and strategies for implementation of protection of intangible heritage companies

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

To know how to read and understand a patent

Detailed programme

1) General Intellectual Property 2) Patents: Acquisition Law - General Principles 3) Patents: The filing of the application and issuance 4) Patents: procedures for the issuance abroad 5) Intellectual Property Strategy


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Health and safety project


Julien Morice, Nicolas Noiret @: [email protected]

Hours: 30 hours


Coefficient: 4

Teaching method


Main objectives of the course

To grasp the regulatory bases and the diversity of HSE in the professional environment.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To know and recognise industrial risks and the corresponding regulations •••• To work on a project •••• To know the methods of analysing risks and accidents •••• To be able to take part in implementing accident prevention in a company under HSE

Detailed programme

•••• G1: The importance of professional risks •••• G2: The main legal guidelines •••• G3: Analysis of accidents •••• G4: Preventing risks in a company •••• G5: Identifying, analysing and preventing risks •••• G6: Chemicals, toxicity and regulations •••• G7: Chemical risk: dangers to people and property •••• G8: Other sources of risk at work •••• G9: Approach to ergonomics •••• G10: Buildings and laboratories •••• G11: The company and its environment •••• G12: International HSE regulations and social protection systems



Supporting Literature

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English Language


Marcel Videlo @: [email protected]

Hours: 18 hours (S7) and 18 hours (S8)


Coefficient: 1.5 and 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom training sessions

Main objectives of the course

To be able to able to understand and communicate in English in specific contexts in field related to chemistry and the chemical industry.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To be able to understand the company environment and a research laboratory environment •••• To explore the field of recruitment (understanding company profiles, job adverts) •••• To be able to write cover letters and CVs •••• To be able to use the Kompass database •••• To be able to read research papers and to present research results

Detailed programme

•••• Recruitment: company profile, work opportunities, the job interview technique, cover letters and CVs

•••• Scientific English •••• TOEIC preparation


Written and oral assessment (presentations)

Supporting Literature

•••• Tamzem Armer, 2011. Cambridge English for Scientists, Ed Cambridge University Press •••• (Royal Society of Chemistry) •••• (U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board) •••• (American Chemical Society)

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German language


Isabelle Brémaud-Richard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours (S7) and 12 hours (S8)


Coefficient: 1 and 1

Teaching method

Classroom training sessions, occasional teaching sessions are done in multimedia settings.

Main objectives of the course

The aim of the German course is to give the learners the linguistic tools they needs to develop their abilities in verbal and written expression and communication. This course is considered as the continuation and progression of the first and the second semesters .

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• to improve spoken and written communication skills by stimulating observation and comprehension of usage and by training comprehension capacities.

•••• to improve one's knowledge of media-language. •••• to discuss current issues in German-speaking countries. •••• to demonstrate effective oral communication skills during their presentation

Detailed programme

•••• Documents and topics: o As in the first academic year, German teaching makes use of authentic documents and

documents specially adapted for students. This year will focus on scientific subjects as well as professional ones.

o The main topics are socio-cultural themes chosen in the light of their topicality and in the light of current interests or suggestions of students; scientific subjects.

•••• Learning activities: o training in oral and written expression by means of conjugation, grammar, vocabulary or

pronunciation drills and through learning-games. o training through listening comprehension units and written exercises. o theme work focusing on training in four linguistic skills: reading, understanding speaking and

writing abilities (spoken language will be used predominantly on the course). o student's presentation of events which occurred in German-speaking countries over the past

week (or on a scientific topic) and acquiring competence as a moderator to conduct a discussion with the other participants.

o written work about the redaction of CVs and cover letters in order to find a placement in a German-speaking country.

o spoken work about mail / phone contact... o presentation of companies; basic introduction into the language of chemistry


Written assessment oral assessment: participation throughout the course and a specific presentation will be assessed

Supporting Literature

• • •

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Spanish language


Pierre Briend and external speakers @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours (S7) and 12 hours (S8)


Coefficient: 1 and 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To achieve level B1/B2 of the common European frame of reference for language learning.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Working in themes and in group � Improving written and oral expression

Detailed programme

� Knowledge of the contemporary Spanish-speaking world


Written exam and oral (in the form of presentations)

Supporting Literature

• Authentic documents (audio and video); internet resources

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French as foreign language


Isabelle Brémaud-Richard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours (S7) and 12 hours (S8)


Coefficient: 1 and 1

Teaching method

Classroom training sessions, occasional teaching sessions are done in multimedia settings. FFL courses are designed for all foreign students at the ENSCR who have registered in.

Main objectives of the course

The aim of the FFL course is to give the learners the linguistic tools they needs to develop their abilities in verbal and written expression and communication. The teaching of FFL aims to enable students to acquire sufficient knowledge of the language to communicate and learn, and also improve the related language skills required for further studies.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to improve spoken and written communication skills by stimulating observation and comprehension of usage and by training comprehension capacities.

• to acquire and be able to apply further knowledge on academic and corporate worlds • to demonstrate effective oral communication skills during their oral interventions;

Detailed programme

• training in oral and written expression by means of conjugation, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation drills and through learning-games.

• training through listening comprehension units and written exercises. • Thematic work focussing on training in four linguistic skills: reading, understanding speaking

and writing abilities (spoken language will given priority). • written work on how to write CVs and cover letters. • spoken work about mail/ phone contacts.


Written assessment oral assessment: participation throughout the course

Supporting Literature

• • •

Page 84: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Attendance and conduct





Coefficient: 2

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Supporting Literature

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Fabienne Guidal @:

Hours: 8 hours



Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To know the different profiles of manager • To identify the different types of management • To optimise interpersonal abilities

Detailed programme

• to think about manager function in business • to identify the different profiles • to develop four specific profiles • theoretical aspects and exercises, tests, discussion, simulation exercises, observations.



Supporting Literature

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The main functions of a company


Laurent Le Hen (company law), Arnaud Devillez (marketing innovation), Laurent Bironneau, Roselyne Crambert @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching method

Classroom session

Main objectives of the course

To Understand the fundamentals of business management.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To Know interact and communicate with all business functions � To Understand the constraints of each function

Detailed programme

An introduction to six functions: 1) Strategy: Understanding the decisions that allow the company to provide competitive

advantage, sustainable and defensible. 2) Marketing: Know the 4 P's of marketing: product policy, pricing, sales, distribution and

communication. 3) Logistics and supply chain management: understanding current issues and the role of

logistics in organisations at the workflow, showing the links between this function and other business functions (production, marketing ...) understand the main concepts used in logistics to speak the same language that business leaders are key concepts used in operations management and links with policy and strategic marketing.

4) Labour Law and Human Resource Management: Understanding the employment contract, the terms of mobility, remuneration policy.

5) Business Law: To familiarize students with the vocabulary and concepts to analyze the legal operation of a business.

6) Right to intellectual property: the right to use intellectual property as a competitive advantage.


Written assessment

Supporting Literature

Page 87: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Introduction to business life


ENSCR and external speakers @:

Hours: 30 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method


Main objectives of the course

•••• Understand and know the environment of the ENSCR •••• Discover the branches of chemistry and possible careers •••• Prepare one’s own life plan

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The Majors



Materials for living systems


Véronique Alonzo @: [email protected]

Hours: 8 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

� Inorganic materials generated by living systems

� Biomaterials: general aspects (biocompatibility, bioactivity,...) and description of the different biomaterials classes and their uses (metallic, inorganic...)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Advanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nicolas Noiret, Laurent Le Pollès @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 20 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Liquid-state NMR (N. Noiret) Know and use the usual techniques of 1D and 2D NMR to determine organic structures Introduction to Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Liquid-state NMR Depending on the initial problem, to be able to choose the appropriate techniques to analyse a chemical

•••• To be able to use NMR spectra other than 1H and 13C, in particular where the spin is not 1/2 •••• To know the main transposition reactions •••• To be able to read a spectrum •••• To be able to understand the basics of solid state NMR spectroscopy

Detailed programme

Liquid-state NMR •••• 1D NMR •••• 2D NMR •••• Magnetic resonance imaging / NMR of proteins •••• Notions of isotropic liquids, anisotropic liquids and solids in the context of NMR

spectroscopy •••• Interactions in nuclear magnetic resonance •••• Introduction to basics solid state NMR techniques in the case of 1/2 and quadrupolar

nuclear spins


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• "Spin Dynamics" M. Levitt, edited by Wiley

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Formulation I Lecturer(s):

Philippe Méléard and Tanja Pott @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Face to face Objectives of the course

To know and understand the physical and physico-chemical properties of lyophobic, lyophilic and association colloids and their role in liquid formulations

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� to know and understand physical and physico-chemical properties of lyophobic, lyophilic and association colloids

� to know and understand basic liquid formulations and the role of their ingredients

Detailed programme

� From atomic and molecular to colloidal scale interactions � Van der Waals interactions at the colloidal scale � Electrostatic interactions at the colloidal scale � DLVO theory and stability of colloidal dispersions � Conformation of polymers in solution � Lyophilic polymers as rheology modifiers � Amphiphilic polymers for steric stabilisation


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée - Division de la chimie physique: Manuel de symboles et de la terminologie des quantités et des unités physico-chimiques - Annexe II: Définitions, terminologie et les symboles colloïde et science des surfaces

� P. C. Hiemenz et R. Rajagopalan. Principes de colloïdes et de la chimie de surface. Marcel Dekker, New York (1997)

� D. Myers. Surfaces, interfaces et colloïdes. Principes et applications. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New York (1999)

� D. F. H. Evans et Wennerström. Le domaine colloïdal. Où la physique, la chimie, la biologie et la technologie se rencontrent. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New-York (1999)

� P. Munk. Introduction à la science macromoléculaire. John Wiley & Sons, New York (1989)

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Analytical chemistry Lab II


Yann Trolez @: yann.trolez@ensc-rennes;fr

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Practical lessons

Main objectives of the course

Knowing methods for analyzing organic compounds

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowing pH-metry � Knowing UV-visible spectroscopy � Knowing basics of electrochemistry � Knowing conductimetry

Detailed programme

� pH-metry � UV-visible spectroscopy � Cyclic voltammetry � Conductimetry


written practice report per experiment

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Audrey Denicourt, Thierry Benvegnu @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions and multimedia classroom session (study of documents relative to 'Modified Starches' including publications and ENVAM Module 'Chemistry of Renewable Raw Materials')

Main objectives of the course

� To introduce to the students various families of biopolymers (structure, production processes, properties and application fields)

� To make the students aware of the notions of biodegradability and bioresorbability

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To gain basic knowledge on the most important families of biopolymers and their production pathways.

� To be able to identify the main biopolymer formulations suitable for targeted properties and applications.

Detailed programme

� Introduction - Notion of biodegradation � Polyhydroxyalkanoates � Polylactic acids � Protein materials � Polysaccharides (one session in the multimedia classroom allows the students to self-train about

'modified starches'; they have to prepare a written report to give answers to the questions asked by the teacher)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Traité des Matériaux. Comportement des matériaux dans les milieux biologiques. Vol 7. Rainer Schmidt (Ed) Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes

� Additifs et auxiliaires de fabrication dans les industries agroalimentaires. Collection Sciences & Techniques Agroalimentaires, J. L. Multon (Ed) TEC & DOC

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Natural Products


Caroline Nugier @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To be able to identify general structures of natural products, to class them into the main known families and to design the general elaboration pathways for these secondary metabolites by organisms and micro organisms.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To gain basic knowledge on the most important families of natural products, i.e. secondary metabolites, essentially from eukaryotic organisms and elucidation of the general biosynthetic pathways from the simplest precursors (primary metabolites).

� To gain basic knowledge on the main industrial syntheses for a few economically significant terpenes as well as on their biological properties and roles (household, medical, cosmetic, …)

� To be able to identify the main secondary metabolites among the largest families of natural products.

� To be able to design, according to the known elaboration strategies, the biosynthesis of important terpenes and the one of the most common shikimic acid derivatives.

Detailed programme

� General aspects and classifications based on the biogenesis (construction rules for the most important families of natural products from different kingdom).

� Terpenes, Sterols and Steroids: o Aliphatic terpenoids of industrial significance (ex: camphor, citral…: raw materials for the

perfume industry, insecticide pyrethrins …) o Phytosterols, cholesterol o Hormonal steroids (glucocorticoids, sexual hormones), vitamins D (Ca metabolism) o Carotenoids

� Metallobiomolecules and biological roles of metallic ions: o Chlorophyll (Mg) photosynthetic activity o Iron: metal of biological importance (coenzymes, electrons carriers,…)

� Natural products from the shikimic acid pathway: o Phenolic acids, cinnamic acids, lignins, lignans, coumarins, phenylpropene derivatives,



Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Medicinal Natural Product: a biosynthetic approach, P. M. Dewick, Ed J. Wiley & sons. � Natural Product Chemistry, K. B. G. Torssell, Ed J. Wiley & sons. � Chimie des Substances Odorantes, P. J. Teisseire, Ed Lavoisier. � The Chemistry of Natural Products, R. H. Thomson, Ed Blackie Acad. & Professional. � Stérols et steroïdes, J-C Gaignault, D. Bidet, M. Gaillard, J. Perronnet, Ed. Ellipses.

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Reactivity of biomolecules


Christophe Crévisy and Vincent Ferrières @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To understand the reactivity of carbohydrates and amino acids and to be able to apply it to the synthesis of oligosaccharides and peptides.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowledge of chemical reactivity of amino acids. � Knowledge of the main protecting groups used in peptide and glycoside synthesis. � Knowledge of the main chemical glycosylation methods (types of donors, glycosylation conditions,

mechanisms and consequences on stereochemistry). � Knowledge of classical methods used for the formation of peptide bonds and knowledge on the

strategies employed in the solution and the solid phase synthesis of peptides and proteins. � To be able to plane a simple synthesis of a glycoside from usual glycosyl donors and taking into

account the nature and the roles of promoters and protecting groups. � To be able to design the most efficient strategy for the synthesis of a peptide, taking into account

all the parameters of the synthesis: disconnection, protecting groups, coupling methods, solution or solid-phase synthesis.

Detailed programme

� Anomerisation in solution, anomeric effect and consequences on the reactivity of carbohydrates. � The chemical synthesis of oligosaccharides - glycoside bond formation:

o General mechanism of glycosylation (participating groups) o Strategic aspects of oligosaccharide synthesis (block condensation, one-pot strategy, …) o Fischer-Helferich, Koenigs-Knorr glycosylations. Glycosylations from thioglycosides, from

glycosyl trichloroacetimidates � Reactivity of hydroxyl groups: classical protection and deprotection methods � Peptide synthesis: a complex problem: activation and chirality � Protecting groups used in peptide synthesis � Activated forms and coupling methods � Strategy and tactics � Solid-phase synthesis � Ligation of unprotected peptide segments � Synthesis of cyclopeptides � Peptides containing disulfide bridges � Peptide conjugates


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

- Glycoscience, B. Fraser-Reid, K. Tatsuta, J. Thiem, Ed Springer - Chimie moléculaire et supramoléculaire, S. David, Inter Editions/ CNRS Editions - Preparative Carbohydrate Chemistry, S. Hanessian, Ed M. Dekker Inc. - Peptides: chemistry and biology, N. Sewald, H.-D.Jakubke, Ed. Wiley-VCH - Amino acids and peptide synthesis, J. Jones, Ed. Oxford University Press

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Computer programming project


E. Furet, R. Gautier @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 40 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching method


Main objectives of the course

Application of Fortran 90 programming and use of the related image library to handle scientific problems

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Report + computer program

Supporting Literature

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Lab project (CTV)


Multiple tutors @:

Hours: 112 hours


Coefficient: 7

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

A practical, tutor-guided, cross-disciplinary project, including a brief literature search, designing methods of operation, implementing them, and analysing and presenting results. To acquire new technical skills and learn time-management. To develop critical ability and a spirit of initiative.

Detailed programme

Varies each year. Each teacher proposes one or more projects to be carried out by a three-student team with 9 days in the laboratory. Some examples of projects:

� Synthesis and application of chiral amino acid derivates as catalysts � Synthesis of imino-C-furanosides : glycosidases inhibitors � Biotechnology and natural products : synthesis of aldonic acids � Studies of foaming detergents, typical of shampoo or shower gel (Personal Care) � Physical and chemical stability of perfume-water-oil emulsions � Synthesis of new eco-compatible surfactants from algae for applications in detergents


Written (laboratory notebook) and oral

Supporting Literature

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Retrosynthetic analysis


Christophe Crévisy and Marc Mauduit @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To be able to design a strategy for the synthesis of a given molecule.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowledge of the methods used for the protection and the deprotection of functional groups. � Basic knowledge in organic synthesis. � To be able to select a set of protecting groups for a multi-step synthesis and to be able to adapt the

strategy of a synthesis according to the possibilities offered in term of protecting groups. � To be able to identify the various synthons in a target molecule et to plan a suitable strategy of

synthesis, taking into account the presence of various functional groups in the molecule.

Detailed programme

� Protecting groups: o General principles o Base-labile protecting groups o Acid-labile protecting groups o Deprotection by beta-elimination o Silyl protecting groups o Reductive methods o Heavy metal salts assisted cleavage o Allylic protecting groups o Enzyme-labile protecting groups o Oxidative deprotections o “Two-stage” protecting groups o Strategies for the choice of protecting groups: examples from various total syntheses.

� Retrosynthetic analysis o General points o Search for bond disconnections o Mono-functional synthons o Examples


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Protecting groups, P. J. Kocienski, Ed. Thieme � Protecting group strategies in organic synthesis, M. Schelhaas, H. Waldmann, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

1996, 35, 2056 � La Rétrosynthèse, Daniel Sparfel, Ed Ellipses

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Radical chemistry


Nicolas Noiret @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To know the methods of analysis, the methods of generation and the reactions in organic chemistry which make use of free radicals.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To know how to generate radicals for applications in organic synthesis. •••• To know how to analyse and detect radicals. •••• To be able to include one or more radical steps in a retrosynthetic scheme.

Detailed programme


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Organic Chemistry second edition, Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves et Stuart Warren, Oxford Eds.

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Concerted reactions & Transpositions


Thierry Benvegnu, Loïc Lemiègre @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To have a good knowledge of organic chemistry reactions based on concerted mechanisms or atoms/atom groups transposition reactions

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To gain knowledge of the main cycloaddition reactions ([2+2], [4+2]) •••• To be able to predict reactivity, selectivity and cycloaddition reaction products through the Orbitals

theory •••• To gain knowledge of the main sigmatropic rearrangements •••• To gain knowledge of the main transposition reactions

Detailed programme

•••• [2+2]-type Cycloaddition reactions: reactivity and selectivity •••• [4+2]-type Cycloaddition reactions (Diels-Alder, 1,3-dipolar): reactivity and selectivity •••• Sigmatropic rearrangements (Cope, Claisen,..) •••• Transposition reactions (Baeyer-Villiger, Beckmann,..)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Organic Chemistry second edition, Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves and Stuart Warren, Oxford Eds.

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Stereoselective synthesis


Audrey Denicourt @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

•••• To get some knowledge about stereochemistry •••• To be acquainted with the modern synthetic methodologies to obtain optically active compounds

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To be able to propose a synthesis for the preparation of optically enriched molecules.

Detailed programme

•••• Introduction •••• Stereochemistry, Resolution methods, Chiral pool •••• Asymmetric synthesis (chiral substrates, chiral auxiliaries chiral reagents and asymmetric

catalysis) •••• On the industrial scale ?


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Synthèse et catalyse asymétriques. Auxiliaires et ligands chiraux. J. Seyden-Penne •••• Chirality in industry: the commercial manufacture and applications of optically active compounds.

A.Collins, G. Sheldrake, J. Crosby

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Biochemistry Lab


Caroline Nugier-Chauvin @: [email protected]

Hours: 21 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Practical lessons

Main objectives of the course

To experiment the main classical methods of extraction and purification of proteins and nucleic acids.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To perform the classic experiments in biochemistry: production and analysis of a gel electrophoresis, purification of a protein by affinity chromatography on ionic resin, protein quantification

•••• To make an enzymological study including assessment of kinetic parameters •••• To extract and purify DNA from cells, to amplify and identify a polynucleotidic sequence

Detailed programme

•••• Detection of a specific DNA sequence by PCR - Isolation of polynucleic acid from mouth cells and amplification by PCR to detect specific ALU sequence

•••• Lysozyme: extraction and purification of an enzyme from egg white. •••• Kinetic study of the yeast alcohol dehydrogenase: determination of Michaelis-Menten parameters.


on-line practice report

Supporting Literature

•••• Biochimie Voet & Voet •••• Protein Purification: Principles and Practice, R. K. Scopes, Springer.

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Advanced crystallography


Jean-Yves Pivan @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Deeper knowledge of crystallography and the related characterisation techniques

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Radiation used, interaction between radiation and matter, neutrons, electrons, X-rays, Diffraction of radiation by a periodic structure, properties of the structure factor, diffracted intensity, principle of the determination of structures, dynamic theory of diffraction.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Physical Properties of Materials


Jelena Jeftic, Laurent Le Pollès, Régis Gautier @: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 16 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To gain insight in physical properties of materials. To acquire the knowledge of processes present in solid state matter and the intermolecular movements involved. To understand the connection between the chemical structure and the conductivity properties of materials.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

To be able to distinguish between different properties in solid state materials. Understanding the concept of phonons and its application in form of acoustic, optical and thermal phonons. Identify Brillouin zones and deduce the band structure of materials. Be able to identify the main optical properties of materials on the basis of their structure.

Detailed programme

•••• Brillouin zones. •••• Band structure •••• Electrical, ionic and thermal conductivity. •••• Semiconductors. •••• Electrons in solids •••• Acoustic, thermal and optical phonons •••• Ionic conductivity...


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• C. Kittel “Physique de l'état solide” •••• N. D. Mermin & N. W. Ashcroft “Physique des solides”

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Synthesis of solid materials


Tanja Pott et Eric Le Fur @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To know the different methods for synthesising materials (solid-solid reactions, aqueous-phase reactions, growing large crystals, thin layers) To know the different classes of templated materials and understand the conception, synthesis and advantages of several templated materials

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• To know and understand the constraints on solid- and liquid-phase reactions •••• To know and understand the reactions leading to the formation of a solid from a liquid phase •••• To know and understand physical and physico-chemical properties of lyophobic, lyophilic and

association colloids •••• To know and understand basic liquid formulations and the role of their ingredients

Detailed programme

•••• Solid-solid reactions: diffusion mechanisms, progression of the reaction, specific surface area. Improving the reaction: co-precipitation method, precursor method

•••• Liquid-phase reactions: the species present in a solution, reaction mechanisms (theory of germination, growth, Ostwald ripening)

•••• Forming (fritting, growing crystals, preparing thin layers) •••• Introduction to templated materials •••• Advanced materials and nanocomposites •••• Surface modifications, superhydrophobicity and self-cleaning surfaces •••• Mesoporous materials based on colloidal crystal templates •••• Mesoporous and nano materials based on soft matter templates"


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Inorganic chemistry lab III


Laurent Le Pollès @: [email protected]

Hours: 21 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Practical work

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

- Know the different techniques for characterising matter, - Understand the information they can provide, - Know how to use and interpret experimental observations combined with measurements. Techniques discussed: X-ray diffraction, thermal analyses (differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry), UV-visible spectroscopy, magnetic measurements.

Detailed programme

Characterisation of materials by X-ray diffraction: •••• Study of a solid solution, applying Végard’s law. •••• Indexing a diffraction diagram by isotypy. •••• Indexing ab initio. •••• Refining lattice parameters by linear regression. •••• Characterising a glass by X-ray diffraction.

Thermal analysis •••• Differential scanning calorimetry: detecting phenomena observable by DSC •••• Vitreous transition, crystallisation and fusion, •••• Structural transformation, •••• Chemical decomposition, •••• Modification of magnetic properties.

Thermogravimetric analysis: •••• Interpreting the thermal decomposition of different materials •••• Studying the influence of different parameters on the TG signal: speed of temperature rise, particle size, gaseous atmosphere, sample size.

Studying the electronic structure of complexes of transition metals: •••• Studying different complexes in solution, using UV-visible spectroscopy. Using and interpreting data with the aid of Tanabe-Sugano diagrams •••• Studying magnetic properties: detecting diamagnetism and paramagnetism, applying Curie’s and Curie-Weiss laws, determining the number of lone electrons and establishing the electronic structure of a metal centre in a material.


Report and final written exam.

Supporting Literature

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Placement as an introduction to research, business , …


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Length: 3 to 4 months


Coefficient: credit in 3rd year

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

Work placement as “Engineer” To become part of a team of professionals and take part in a project to understand the work of an engineer

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Students are strongly encouraged to gain this work experience abroad, and various grants are available to help them. In 2007, the percentage of students abroad was 70%; in 2013, it is 90.1%.


After all work placements there a written report and a viva (10 to 15 minutes depending on the year of study) before a panel of two teachers (a course tutor and a viva supervisor appointed from the school’s research fellows) and the placement supervisor if he is able to and wishes to make the journey. The student is responsible for organising his own viva. The final assessment takes several factors into consideration: the report, the viva, the placement supervisor’s assessment and information from the placement database.

Supporting Literature

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Drinking water production


Pierre Le Cloirec @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Principles of drinking water treatment facilities

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• to know the quality of raw water •••• to know the principles of drinking water treatment facilities •••• to be able to propose a drinking water treatment facilities from raw water analysis data

Detailed programme

•••• Quality of raw water •••• Drinking water - legislation •••• Correlation water quality and treatment processes •••• Coagulation flocculation •••• Gravity separation •••• Filtration - membranes •••• Adsorption •••• Oxidation •••• Disinfection •••• Examples of water treatment plants


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• J.M. Montgomery (1985), Water treatment, Principles and Design, New-York, NY, USA •••• L. Siggs, W. Stumm, Ph. Behra (1994), Chimie des milieux aquatiques, Masson, Paris •••• S.R. Qasim, E.M. Motley, G. Zhu (2000), Water Works Engineering, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,

NJ, USA •••• Memento Technique de l'Eau, Degrémont-Suez-Paris (2005) •••• Le Guide de l'Eau, Edition Johannet, Paris (2010)

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Waste water systems


Lidia Favier @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To train analysts in the methods of taking and handling samples.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To master the theoretical aspects of sampling � To know what resources to use in taking a sample from the environment (air/water/soil) � To know how to select a method of preparing samples for a given analytic technique � To know how to identify the risks of analytical bias

Detailed programme

� Revision of statistics and theory � Sampling from different matrices � Storing, keeping and transporting samples � Preparing samples for analysis � Choosing the method of analysis � Quality and presentation of results � A major part of the course will deal with analysis for the environment.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Introduction to Environmental Analysis - Reeve, R. 2002. Wiley � Analyse chimique: Méthodes et techniques instrumentales. Rouessac et al., 2009. Ed Dunod � Analyse chimique quantitative de Vogel. Mendham et al. 2006. De Boed Ed. � Techniques de l’Ingénieur � Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater � L'analyse de l'eau: Eaux naturelles, eaux résiduaires, eau de mer. Rodier et al., 2009 Ed. Dunod

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Air treatments


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To introduce the processes of air treatment an how they operate

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To know the problem of air pollution and its treatment � To be able to choose the process or system of air treatment � To be able to compare the efficacy of different processes of air treatment

Detailed programme

� Law on gas emissions � Treatment of particulates (dusts and aerosols) � Treatment of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) � Non-destructive treatments � Destructive treatments � Basics of odours and their treatment


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Analyse et traitement physico-chimiques des rejets atmosphériques industriels, M. POPESCU, Ed. Tec et Doc Lavoisier (1998)

� Les composés organics volatils dans l’environnement, P. Le Cloirec, Ed. Tec et Doc Lavoisier (1998)

� Transferts gaz-liquide dans les procédés de traitement des eaux et des effluents gazeux, M. Roustan, Ed. Tec et Doc Lavoisier (2003)

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Introduction to environmental laws and regulations


Hervé-Fournereau Nathalie @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme:

“The law on air and climate change” Introduction: Legal protection of air quality and the atmosphere, European policy and climate change, Diversification of protection rules.

� PART I: The early EU expansion of the future international market in emission rights: the controversial legal aspects of emission rights; the establishment of the EU exchange system, o 1) EU harmonisation of the allocation of quotas, o 2) The establishment of national plans for allocating quotas; the control and

supervision of the EU exchange system. � PART II: The progressive and limited dovetailing of the EU system of emission permits and

the mechanisms of flexibility allowed by the Kyoto agreement; the progressive dovetailing of the EU system, the national systems and the international market; the limited dovetailing of the EU system and the two other mechanisms for flexibility under the agreement: the conditional and progressive acquisition of emission coefficients, o 1) Joint implementation, o 2) The clean development mechanism. The EU and carbon sinks.

“The law on water” Introduction: The worrying ecological situation; the growing economic stakes; the legal status of water.

� PART I The general legal framework: the legal players and orders; changes in approach to the protection and management of water; the wide range of legal instruments (unilateral/contractual – planning – SDAGE, SAGE, protected areas, limits of protection – administrative procedures, water policies – financial instruments (…); EU water legislation and France.

� PART II The framework directive on water and the proposed French law on water: Directive 2000/60/CE of the European Parliament and Council of 23/10/2000; establishing a framework for a EU policy covering water; the proposed French law on water.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting literature

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Computer programming project


Eric Furet, Régis Gautier @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 40 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching method


Main objectives of the course

Application of Fortran 90 programming and use of the associated image library to handle scientific problems

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme:


Report + computer program

Supporting literature

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Methods of electrochemical analysis


Didier Hauchard @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours 40


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

An introduction to some analytic and fundamental applications of electrochemical techniques such as the voltamperometric and polarographic methods

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To be able to choose a method of electrochemical analysis suited to the analytes and the matrices for analysis

� To be aware of the analytical capacities and particularities of the electrochemical methods to be able to use them or suggest their use in the student’s future career as an engineer.

Detailed programme

Principal methods of analysis by voltamperometry: � Conventional polarography; � pulse polarographic methods; � Anodic and cathodic redissolutions; � Analyses with confinement of the substrate; � Thin film electrolysis.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� 543 TRE Electrochimie analytique et reactions en solution. Tome 1 et Tome 2 / Bernard Trémillon. - Paris: Masson, 1993. - 518 p.

� P 2135v2 Polarographie – Les techniques polarographiques en analyse, D. Hauchard (2008)

� P 2136 Polarographie – Principe d'application et mise en œuvre des techniques polarographiques , D. Hauchard (2011)

� J1606 “Électrochimie. Caractéristiques courant-potentiel: théorie (partie 1); G. Durand et B. Trémillon

� J1607 “Électrochimie. Caractéristiques courant-potentiel: théorie (partie 2)”; G. Durand et B. Trémillon

� P 2 126 “Volampérométrie. Théorie et mise en œuvre expérimentale”; F. Bedioui Pre-requisite: Electrochemisty (CC3ELECC) and (CC3ELECP) and Quantitative analysis (CC3ANAQC)

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Industrial sensors in analysis


Didier Hauchard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

� To know the principles on which the different chemical and biochemical sensors operate and understand the elementary mechanisms giving rise to measuring

� To know the analytic methods and apparatus using sensors to solve problems of analysis

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To be able to choose, put in place and advise on the purchase of sensors suited to the analytes and matrices to be analysed

� To be able to make a critical diagnosis of the results of analyses obtained using sensors, and judge their pertinence.

Detailed programme

� Introduction to the role and importance of sensors in chemical and biochemical analysis. � Definition of characteristics and parameters of choice. � Metrological characteristics. � Principles on which different sensors (electrochemical, optical, mass) operate. � The special case of chemical and biochemical biosensors. � Implementation and applications (measuring pH, ionic species, molecular species, gases).


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

Pre-requisite: Electrochemistry (CC3ELECC) and (CC3ELECP) and Quantitative analysis (CC3ANAQC)

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Process control


Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Many processes require the control of one or more parameters (temperature, pressure, intensity, ...) to ensure a stable and reproducible operation despite the effects of external fluctuations. the objective of this course is to give the sufficient knowledge to setup simple control loops and to understand the main possibilities, constraints and limitations which makes it possible to collaborate with control engineers for the definition of the specifications of more complex regulations.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

To give basic knowledge in order to master control systems in an industrial environment (PID regulation, measurements, writing of a specification)

Detailed programme

� Linear feedback systems (models, temporal and frequency responses, stability, compensators), digital systems (Z-transform, Shannon's theorem), Parametrical identification, Implementation in the chemical processes.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Commande des Procédés, J. P. Corriou. � Chemical Process Control, G Stéphanopoulos. � Automatique, P. Clerc. � Automatique, systèmes linéaires et continus, P. Codron, S. LeBallois

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Process control Lab


Sylvain Giraudet et Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Practical work

Main objectives of the course

To implement the principles of controlling processes

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Basic aspects of the study of stability and control � Testing and optimising the P.I.D. control of processes � Determining the actual transfer functions

Detailed programme

� Controlling pressure � Tanks in cascade � Controlling a mixture � Speed servo control � Level servo control � Forced convection



Supporting Literature

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Lab project (EPA)


Multiple tutors from among those teaching the EPA Major. Responsible for organisation: A. Bouzaza @:

Hours: 112 hours


Coefficient: 7

Teaching method

Practical projects Main objectives of the course

To have students working in threes on an experimental project and familiarise them with the organisational and practical aspects of research.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To know how to manage a research project � To familiarise oneself with the practical aspects of research � To know how to work in a group

Detailed programme

Each teacher proposes one or more projects to be carried out by a three-student team over 9 days in the laboratory. Some examples of projects:

� Adsorption of organic pollutants in mineral phases � Degradation photocatalysis of pollutants in aqueous phase � Study the biodegradation of slightly biodegradable xenobiotics by Streptomyces spp. � Nano-catalytic ozonation of organic compounds � Study the process of adsorption coupled to a heat pump � Study the electro-Fenton process for the breakdown of persistent pollutants in water


Written report and oral presentation

Supporting Literature

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Heat exchangers and heat recovery


Sylvain Giraudet @: [email protected]

Hours: 9.5 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Determine and calculate the sizes and efficiency of current exchangers. Demonstrate, using examples, applications to environmental engineering

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Study the operation of the major types of exchangers (tubular, shell-and-tube and plated) � Calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient � Define the major calculation method (correction F, NTU Method) � Explain the major types of exchangers and the relevant calculation methods � Applications of environmental engineering

Detailed programme

� General aspects and classification of exchangers � Efficiency and calculation � Overall heat transfer coefficient � Technologies � Phase-change exchanger � Intensified heat transfer

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• J Padet. Echangeurs thermiques. Masson, Paris, 1994 • T Kuppan. Heat exchanger design handbook. Marcel Dekker, New-York, 2000 • RK Sinnott. Coulson & Richardson’s chemical engineering. Vol. 6 Chemical engineerieng design. 3rd

ed., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 1999 • DW Green, RH Perry. Perry’s chemical engineers’ handbook. 8th ed., McGraw-Hill, New-York, 2008 • JE Hesselgreaves. Compact heat exchangers – selection, design and operation. Elsevier, Oxford,


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Absorption – Adsorption


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

� Designing and calculating Absorption and Adsorption columns � Knowledge / Abilities / Skills � Know the processes of adsorption and of absorption - Know how to calculate the size of the


Detailed programme

Absorption � General introduction, Two-film theory, Heat transfer coefficients � Calculating sizes of packed and plate columns to plateaux (NTU, HUT, NPT)

Adsorption � Adsorption equilibrium (monolayer, multilayer, competition adsorption) � Adsorption kinetics � Adsorption dynamics (pattern breakthrough curve)

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• Chemical Engineering Series (Vol.2), Coulson Richardson, Ed. Pergamon Press (1993) • Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Mc Cabe, Smith, Harriott, Ed. Mc Graw Hill (2001) • Mass Transfer Operations, R. E. Treybal, Ed. Mc Graw Hill (1981)

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Porous media flow


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Familiarise the student with the dynamics of a fluid flow through porous media, in movement or not

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Basics in fluid dynamics

Detailed programme

• Generalities about porous media • Packed towers • Two-phase fluidised beds • Three-phase fluidised beds

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• W.L. McCABE, J.C. SMITH, P. HARRIOTT (1993) - Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5th edition - Chap. 7, 22, 30

•••• M. ROUSTAN (2003) - Transferts gaz-liquide dans les procédés de traitement des eaux et des effluents gazeux - Tec & Doc

•••• D. KUNII, O. LEVENSPIEL (1991) - Fluidization Engineering - Butterworths-Heinemann - J. Wiley

•••• J.F. DAVIDSON, R. CLIFT, D. HARRISON (1985) – Fluidization - Academic Press •••• L-S. FAN (1989) - Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidization Engineering - Butterworths Series in

Chemical Engineering - Editor H. Brenner •••• TECHNIQUES DE L’INGENIEUR, •••• Perry’s Chemical engineers’ handbook (1984)

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Gas-liquid Reactors


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To present the various gas-liquid contactors found in industries. To describe measurement methods and give some basics of design

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Basics in fluid dynamics and mass transfer

Detailed programme

• Characterisation of gas-liquid contactors • Application fields of gas-liquid contactors • Reactors with a liquid continuous phase • Reactors with a gaseous continuous phase

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• M. ROUSTAN (2003) - Transferts gaz-liquide dans les procédés de traitement des eaux et des effluents gazeux - Tec & Doc TECHNIQUES DE L’INGENIEUR

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Chemical Engineering Lab III


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Laboratory courses

Main objectives of the course

Put into practice the semester 7 and 8 course on environmental processes

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

porous media, mass and heat transfer, perfect reactors, thermal exchanger

Detailed programme

� ultrafiltration, � thermal exchange, � residence time distribution, � Carman-Kozeny, � fluidisation, � hydrodynamics in a packed tower

Assessment methods

A report on each experiment

Supporting Literature

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Elementary analysis


Eric Le Fur @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Know various analytical techniques to allow identification and quantification of elements in a sample.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know various techniques of Elementary analysis � Be able to interpret a publication describing an analytical problem � Identify the potential problems during elementary analysis depending on the technique used

Detailed programme

� General introduction to chemical analysis � Techniques using a plasma: ICP-MS and ICP-AES: taking samples, formation of a monodisperse

aerosol, definition and role of the plasma, problems of measurement and solution � Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry plasma atomic emission spectroscopy � Atomic absorption and flame emission: Kirchhoff’s experiments - relationship between

absorbance and concentration – concentration – apparatus: graphite burner or furnace – problems of measurement and solutions

� X-ray fluorescence – a method for analysing solids and some liquids: Concept: excitation of elements and radiative de-excitation – Apparatus: energy dispersive spectrometers and wavelength spectrometers – Applications

� Some examples of standards involving the use of the analytical techniques studied

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Traceability and validation of methods


Loïc Raymond (Contact ENSCR: Nicolas Cimetiere) @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Train future R&D managers in the validation of environmental analytical methods

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Acquiring knowledge relating to setting up laboratory methods: standardisation, accreditation, regulations etc.

� Presentation of quality management tools relating to setting up and validating methods. � Acquiring the methods needed to create analytical method: identifying needs, selecting methods,

feasibility study, development etc. � Acquiring and using method validation tools: detection limit, quantification limit, calibration,

selectivity, accuracy etc. � Master the concepts of measurement uncertainty.

Detailed programme

� Presentation of the background for R&D in environmental analysis laboratories. � Accreditation, regulations and standards: three essentials for laboratories. � Management through quality and its applications for R&D. � The various stages in developing an analytical method. � Validation tools for analytical methods: selection and use. � Measurement uncertainty: concepts, identification of sources, expression and use.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature


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Analytical strategies


Nicolas Cimetiere @:

Hours: 7 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Train analysts in the methods of taking and processing samples.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Master the theoretical aspects of sampling techniques � Know the methods of taking samples in the environment (air/water/soil) � Know how to suggest a method of preparing samples for a given analytical technique � Know how to identify the risks of analytical bias

Detailed programme

� Review of statistics and theories � Sampling in different matrices � Storage, conservation and transport of samples � Preparation of samples for analysis � Selecting an analytical method � Quality and expression of results � A substantial part of the course will be devoted to analysis in the environment.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• Introduction to Environmental Analysis - Reeve, R. 2002. Wiley • Analyse chimique: Méthodes et techniques instrumentales. Rouessac et al., 2009. Ed Dunod • Analyse chimique quantitative de Vogel. Mendham et al. 2006. De Boed Ed. • Techniques de l’Ingénieur • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater • L'analyse de l'eau: Eaux naturelles, eaux résiduaires, eau de mer. Rodier et al., 2009 Ed. Dunod

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Chemistry and ecology of natural water


Nicolas Cimetiere @:

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Know the mechanisms of transformation and transfer in aquatic environments

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know the major characteristics of water from various origins � Use appropriate tools to obtain more exhaustive or quantitative information about the

composition of water � Understand the major families of (bio)chemical reactions which take place in aquatic

environments and their interfaces (air/soil/sediments) � Know the operation of biogeochemical cycles in surface water bodies � Predict the conduct (speciation/transfer/degradation/transformation) of a compound in an


Detailed programme

� Basics of hydrology � Analysis and composition of natural water � Reactions and balances in the chemistry of water � Cycles and conduct of aquatic environments

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

Chimie des milieux aquatiques, L. Sigg, P. Behra, W. Stumm.

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Practical work in analysis


Nicolas Cimetiere / Didier Hauchard @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Instructor led

Main objectives of the course

Major techniques used in analytical chemistry: Liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, atomic absorption spectroscopy, electrochemistry. Further study of some analytical methods in association with various issues dealt with during the EPA major (trace analysis, separation methods for the analysis of water, methodology of sludge analysis, gas analysis). Taking a practical look at the various stages in the validation of analytical methods.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Use analytical tools to analyse various environmental matrices (air/water/soil) • Master the basic techniques of analytical development • Critical interpretation of the signals and results produced by the apparatus • Draw your own conclusions from the sample under consideration

Detailed programme

� Study the quantity of cations in water using high performance capillary electrophoresis (4 hours).

� Trace analysis of lead in tap water by anodic stripping without mercury (4 hours). � Analysis of heavy metals in industrial sludge (8 hours). � Study of an adsorption procedure for air treatment (acetone on activated carbon) (8


Assessment methods

A report on each experiment

Supporting Literature

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Placement as an introduction to research, business, …


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Length: 3 to 4 months


Coefficient: bonus in 3rd year

Teaching methods

Main objectives of the course

“Engineer” work placement Join a team of managers, take part in a project to appreciate the work of the engineer

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Students are strongly encouraged to go abroad and are given financial help in the form of various bursaries. In 2007, 70% of students went abroad; in 2013, it was 90.1%.

Assessment methods

All work placements require a written report and a viva (10 to 15 minutes depending on the year of study before a panel composed of two teachers (course tutor and a viva supervisor appointed from the school’s research fellows) and the placement supervisor if he is able to and wishes to make the journey. The student is responsible for organising his own viva. The final assessment takes several factors into consideration: the report, the viva, the placement supervisor’s assessment and information from the placement database).

Supporting Literature

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Course description

Third year MODULE: HUMANITIES AND BUSINESS TRAINING (common core; 5 credits)

Accounting and financial management Lecturer(s):

In collaboration with the IGR (Rennes Institute of Management) @:

Hours: 36 hours


Coefficient: 3

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To understand and analyze the accounting language often encountered in business

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Presentation of the accounting process • Current operations and the company's inventory and account • Reading and constructing a balance sheet and an income statement • Current Concepts of Financial Analysis • Cash flow analysis and budgeting • Current concepts of accounting • Calculation of production costs

Detailed programme

PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING •••• Principles, organization and functioning of the accounting system: •••• Origins of accounting; Subject Accounting; heritage analysis: balance sheet income statement;

Operation of accounts, accounting principles, accounting information registration •••• Processing operations: •••• Transactions with suppliers (procurement) transactions with customers (sales) VAT Payment

Terms, Conditions specific to international •••• Processing operations at year end: •••• Depreciation; Impairment PART 2: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS • Intermediate balances • Investment decision, Methods of financing investment • Selection of investment projects • Profitability study PART 3: ACCOUNTING SUMMARY • Introduction to Management Control, Vocabulary and basic concepts • Methods for partial costs • Methods of full costs

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Siegwart J.L. et Cassio L. (2007), Introduction à la comptabilité, Epreuve n°9 DCG, Nathan, Paris •••• Collain B., Déjean F. et Le Theule M.A. (2011), Manuel de comptabilité, Dunod, Paris •••• Bouquin H. (2008), Comptabilité de gestion, Economica, Paris

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Lectures on industry


Lionel Algarra (Costing a business plan, 4 hours), Xavier Bourdon (Industrial property, 4 hours), François Hubert (Engineers & international business, 6 hours, course in English). @:

Hours: 14 hours


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Costing a business plan: o Know about business plans in the life of the company (prediction and communication

tool) o Understand the structural relationship between the various sections of the business

plan o Have the key skills for understanding and taking part in drawing up a business model

for company • Industrial property and protection by patent

o Know about databases for patents o Be able to perform literature searches on the patent databases o Know the basics of business intelligence

• Engineers & international business (course in English) o Context: Globalisation (why engineers are involved in international business, what

international business is today and how it evolves) o How Engineers are involved (trade, partnerships, R & D, organization etc.) o What engineers should do (preparation, language, cultural approach etc.)

Detailed programme

Part 1: Costing a business plan: • The business plan: why? for whom? • Elements of a business plan: the market, the product, technological and human resources,

process and organisation, marketing and commercial action plan, financial component • La overall consistency: the major challenge of a business plan • Costing the business plan: validate the strategic choices • Models and specific cases

Assessment methods

Non-assessed practical exercises during the course or through distance learning

Supporting Literature

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Attendance, conduct





Coefficient: 2

Teaching methods

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Assessment methods

Supporting Literature

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Fabienne Guidal @:

Hours: 16 hours



Teaching methods

Classroom group sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Know the different profiles of manager • Identify the different types of management • Improve interpersonal skills

Detailed programme

• Consider the management function in business • Identify the different profiles • Develop 4 specific profiles • Theoretical aspects and exercises, tests, conversations, simulation exercises, observations.

Assessment methods


Supporting Literature

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C. Aninat, A. Guillouzo, L. Sparfel, L. Vernhet, research fellows in toxicology (U. Rennes 1) @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Know how to assess the dangers and risks of chemicals in the laboratory

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Knowledge of the evolution of a chemical within the organism; • Knowledge of the major toxic mechanisms of toxic chemicals; • Knowledge of how to monitor exposure to a chemical, objectives for skills acquired at the

end of the module

Detailed programme

� Toxicology: definition and general introduction � Evolution of chemicals in the organism: ADME cycle (absorption, distribution, metabolism and

elimination) � Mechanisms of the toxic action of chemicals: damage to macromolecules, cell defence systems,

cellular and systemic consequences � Assessment of exposure to chemicals

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology. The basic Science of poisons. McGraw-Hill, 2008 - 1310 pages

• A textbook of modern toxicology. John Wiley and Sons, 2010 - 672 pages • Toxicologie industrielle et intoxications professionnelles. Robert R Lauwerys, Vincent

Haufroid, Perrine Hoet. 2007 - 1252 pages

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Organic mass spectrometry

Lecturer(s): David Rondeau


Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Be able: •••• to put forward an analytical method involving mass spectrometry in an industrial and

environmental context •••• to make a relevant interpretation of the analytical results obtained.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know the special features of the various methods of ionisation in order to make an appropriate choice of the source of gaseous ions for the sample to be analysed.

� Know the physical properties of the various analysers that make up a mass spectrometer to develop an analytical method either to detect specific molecules in a complex mixture or to identify the structure of potentially original compounds (synthetic molecule or metabolite).

� Know how to make a rational interpretation of the mass spectra obtained from source fragmentation of ions or derived from dissociations induced in MS/MS mode.

� To be proactive when developing analytical methods in mass spectrometry and while preparing plans for acquiring this type of equipment.

Detailed programme

1- General introduction to mass spectrometry • Introduction and definitions • Mass spectrometry and Isotopy • Features of a mass spectrometer • Precise mass measurements to determine empirical formulae

2- Source of ionisation by electron ionization (EI) • Formation and nature of ions produced in EI • Fragmentation reactions by simple breakdown of radical ions • Fragmentation reactions by breakdown with rearrangement of radical ions • Fragmentation reactions by compensation for loss of linkage • Secondary fragmentation

3- Mass spectrometry analysers • Ion acceleration away from source • Sector or magnetostatic instruments • Quadruple ion trap analysers • Single ion monitoring with gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric detection • Time-of-flight analysers (TOF) • Quadruple ion trap analysers • Linear ion trap analysers (2D traps) • Orbitrap analysers • Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance analysers (FT-ICR)

4- The source of chemical ionisation (CI) • General description • Thermochemistry of positive chemical ionisation • Reactivity of ions in CI

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• Negative chemical ionisation 5- Sources of Ionisation in the gaseous phase at atmospheric pressure(API)

• Chemical ionisation at atmospheric pressure (APCI) • Photo-ionisation at atmospheric pressure (APPI) • Ionisation by electrospray (ESI) • Observation of protonated and multiply protonated molecules in ESI • Observation of adducts of polar molecules with alkaline earth metal cations

6- Source of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) • Major stages in laser ablation electrospray ionization and the role of the matrix • Analysis of synthetic polymers in MALDI • Analysis of proteins in MALDI • Analysis of peptidic fragments derived from tryptic digestion

7- Mass spectrometry in Tandem mode or MSn • Advantages and principle of the MS/MS • Main MS/MS configurations in space (BEBE, QqQ, BEqQ, BETOF, QqTOF) and their

applications in structural analysis • Main MS/MS configurations in time (IT 3D, LIT, LIT-TOF, QqLIT, LTQ-Orbitrap, FT-ICR) and

their applications in structural analysis • Activation methods in MS/MS and MSn mode (PSD, CID, ECD, SID, IRMPD, BIRD) • Detection modes en MS/MS associated with chromatographic separation and their

applications in trace searches (Precursor ion Scan, Constant Neutral loss, Single Reaction Monitoring)

• Fragmentation of protonated molecules in low-energy CID • Fragmentation of ions in high-energy CID • The case of trapped charge fragmentation

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• Spectrométrie de masse: Cours et exercices corrigés - E. De Hoffmann et V. Stroobant - Ed. Dunod. • Interpretation of Mass Spectra, Fourth Edition – F.W. McLafferty et F. Tureček – Ed. University

Science Books. • Principe de la spectrométrie de masse des substances organiques – P. Longevialle – Ed. Masson. • Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry – K. Vekey, A. Telekes et A. Vertes – Ed. Elsevier. • Spectrométrie de masse – Résumés de cours et exercices résolus – Guy Duguay - Ed. Ellipses.

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Surface and interface interactions


Philippe Méléard and Nicolas Noiret @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Know and understand physical and physicochemical properties of lyophobic, lyophilic and association colloids and their role in liquid formulations. Knowledge of current industrial surfactants (synthesis, basical characterizations and potential impurities).

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to know, understand physical and physicochemical properties of lyophobic, lyophilic and association colloids

• to know, understand basic liquid formulations and the role of their ingredients • to be able to source the right surfactant for application and to discuss with providers

Detailed programme

• Consolidation of the understanding of lyophobic, lyophilic and association colloids • Classes of industrial surfactant (synthesis and sourcing, uses, possible impurities,


Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• C. Hiemenz et R. Rajagopalan. Principes de colloïdes et de la chimie de surface. Marcel Dekker, New York (1997)

• D. Myers. Surfaces, interfaces et colloïdes. Principes et applications. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New York (1999)

• D. F. H. Evans et Wennerström. Le domaine colloïdal. Où la physique, la chimie, la biologie et la technologie se rencontrent. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New-York (1999)

• P. Munk. Introduction à la science macromoléculaire. John Wiley & Sons, New York (1989)

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3rd year projects CTV (in pairs or groups of three, literature)


Various teachers @:

Hours: 60 hours


Coefficient: 8

Teaching methods

Work through projects, in pairs.

Main objectives of the course

Students are asked to search the literature and prepare a full bibliographic paper on a given scientific subject

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Learn to work in a group • Apply the knowledge acquired during the course to specific subjects. • Know how to look for scientific information using data banks, • Know how to prepare an abstract of publications on a given subject. • Know how to prepare a "retrospective" of the area concerned or an economic market study

considering the applications in the relevant fields and/or patent study (Synthesis or application for most of the cases)

• Each student is asked to prepare a specific added part to this report and the specific subject is to consider with the supervisors.

Detailed programme

Subjects will be suggested by the students who may ask assistance to the supervisors. Examples of projects working in pairs or groups of three:

• Formulation and Characterization of Medical Adhesives • Oil pollution in the aquatic environment: green solutions • The vaccine spray • Lactones in industry : production and uses • Natural and synthetic essential oils in cosmetics (origins, extractions, applications, market, use,

production) • Progeria: the syndrome and treatment • The gold nanoparticles: New ways to fight against cancer • PCR application of a thermophilic archae: Pyrococcus furiosus

Assessment methods

Written report and oral presentation

Supporting Literature

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“Biotechnologies & pharmacology” track – Choice 1.1


Microbiological engineering


Lidia Favier @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Understanding the control of microbial cultures. Acquire bases on: microbial growth of a kinetic point of view and its modelling, biological reactors and bioreactor design

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To know and understand the growth kinetics of bacteria • To differentiate and to know the major bacterial metabolic pathways in order to understand

the mechanisms involved in the bioconversion of organic pollutants • To know the main modes of implementation of biological reactors and predict the influence of

operating parameters on their performance and to solve their technological problems

Detailed programme

• Industrial applications of microbiological engineering (food industry, pharmaceutical industry, environment, etc.).

• Microbiological aspects: biological taxonomy and nomenclature. • Basic concepts of microbial metabolism: catabolic and anabolic reactions. • Kinetic aspects: phases of microbial growth, influence of physical and chemical factors on

microbial growth, technical Assessment methods of microbial growth (direct and indirect), modelling of growth kinetics.

• Bioreactor fundamentals: operating mode of bioreactors (batch culture, fed-batch and continuous culture mode). Bioreactors design and use.

Assessment methods

Technical research report (8 pages in Word and 10 PowerPoint slides)

Supporting Literature

• Applied Microbial Physiology: a practical approach, P.M. Rhodes et P.F. Stanbury, 1997, Oxford University Press

• Physiologie de la cellule bactérienne: une approche moléculaire, F.C. Neidhart, J.L. Ingraham, M. Schaechter, 1990, Masson

• Réacteurs enzymatiques, J.-P. Riba, Téchniques de l’ingénieurs (F 3600) • Microbiologie – Prescott, Harley et Klein, 2003, DeBoeck Université • Biotechnologie R. Scriban, Tech & Doc • Principles of fermentation technology- P.K. Stanbury, Whitaker A. et S.J. Hall, 1995,

Butterworth Heinemann

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Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering


Sylvain Tranchimand @: [email protected]

Hours: 16 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To understand the general mechanisms of gene expression and to know the different steps required in the development of a recombinant protein.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To understand how the transfer of information from gene to protein occurs. • To understand the new techniques of recombinant DNA and their contributions to the

industry. • To start a consideration of problems related to the emergence of biotechnology. • To use appropriate scientific vocabulary. • To be able to interpret and write a protocol to produce a recombinant enzyme. • To be able to programme a thermocycler. • To master the bioinformatics tools for the alignment of gene sequences.

Detailed programme

1. Structure and function of nucleic acids. 2. Synthesis of oligonucleotides. 3. The genetic code, translation and regulation. 4. The tools of molecular biology: enzymes, vectors, host cells. 5. The techniques of molecular biology: electrophoresis, sequencing, PCR, site-directed

mutagenesis. 6. The applications of recombinant DNA technology. Bioethics. 7. The contributions of bioinformatics..

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Biochimie” (572 VOE) � “Principes de Génie génétique” (660.65 PRI). � “Atlas de poche de Biotechnologie et de génie génétique” (660.6 SCH). � “L’ADN recombinant” (Deboeck université).

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Caroline Nugier-Chauvin @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To know the main features of enzymes, to be able to assess their efficiency and design their use for synthesis or biodegradation purposes

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To know the nature of biocatalysts (enzymes versus whole cells), the principles of enzymatic catalysis and the main enzyme-catalyzed reactions

• To evaluate the efficiency parameters of biocatalytic reactions (activity, selectivity, enantiomeric ratio)

• To design a bioconversion reaction (biocatalyst, reaction, process, stereochemistry prediction, etc.).

• To know the main enzymatic immobilization methods • To know the most important aerobic metabolism pathways of aromatic pollutants

Detailed programme

• Characterization of a biocatalyst • Efficiency parameters of the enzymes: activity, selectivity, stability • Enzymatic technology: immobilization on carriers, entrapment, cross-linking, etc. • Enzymatic bioconversions: Hydrolytic reactions, biocatalysis in organic solvents, kinetic

resolutions, enantioconvergent processes, redox reactions, cofactors recycling • Bioconversions by whole cells: yeast reductions • Bacteria and biodegradations: oxygenases and oxidases for oxidation and dehalogenation of

aromatic pollutants (pesticides, PHA, etc.)

Assessment methods

Technological research report (8 pages in Word and 10 PowerPoint slides)

Supporting Literature

� Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry, K. Faber, Springer � Biocatalysis A. S. Bommarius, B. R. Riebel, Wiley � Biocatalysis from discovey to applications, W.D. Fessner, Springer � Enzymologie moléculaire et cellulaire, J. Yon-Khan & H. Guy, EDP Sciences � Biotechnologie R. Scriban, Tech & Doc

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Metabolic Biochemistry


Caroline Nugier-Chauvin @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To gain basic knowledge on the main primary metabolism pathways for aerobic organisms

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To gain basic knowledge on the most important oxidative catabolism pathways of primary metabolites (glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, etc.).

• To gain basic knowledge on the carbohydrates and the lipids metabolic regulation pathways. • To be able to analysis the biochemical systems according to the transfer and the use of the free

chemical energy (ATP) (Assessment methods of the Gibbs energy variation, determination of exergonic and endergonic processes, etc.).

Detailed programme

• Energy in biochemistry: organization and regulation of the metabolic pathways, signal transduction, energetic aspects

• Production of cellular energy by the main catabolic pathways (cellular oxidation, glycolysis, citrate cycle, amino acid and fatty acid catabolisms)

• Regulation of the carbohydrates and the lipids metabolic regulation pathways (blood-sugar levels, ketogenesis, Cori cycle, etc.)

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Biochimie, J. D. Rawn, De Boeck -Biochimie, L. Stryer, Flammarion -Biochimie Générale, J. H. Weil, Masson

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Active pharmaceutical ingredients


M. Capet (Bioproject), L. Mulard (Pasteur) @:

Hours: 15 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Basics of the effects of an active ingredient in the organism. Strategies for successfully following a lead. How to eliminate the interaction with hERG, CYP3A4, CYP2D6. The major principles of immunity. Proposals of ways of making progress with research which is being perfected. Master the principles of the design of glycoside vaccines

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Active pharmaceutical ingredients extract from natural products. • Synthesis of analogues of natural products; molecular variations. Active pharmaceutical

ingredients with “original” structure. • New tools for rational drug design and the synthesis of active ingredients.

Detailed programme

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• A.L. Lehninger, M.M. Cox, D.L. Nelson “Principles of Biochemistry” (W.H. Freeman) • C.G Wermuth “The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry” (Academic Press) • Hansch Sammes Taylor “Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry” (Pergamon press)

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Bio-analytical methods


Sylvain Tranchimand @: [email protected]

Hours: 16 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To know the main methods of detection and quantification of biomolecules in complex biological samples.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To understand how these new biotechnological tools works. • To gain basic knowledge on genomics and proteomics • To be able to use appropriate scientific vocabulary • To be able to design, theoretically, a biosensor or a biochip

Detailed programme

1) Introduction: importance of these tools in the industry. 2) Biosensors:

� the different kinds of ligands (enzymes, antibodies, DNA). � procedures for immobilization. � the transducers.

3) DNA and RNA microarrays.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� “Les biocapteurs: principes, construction et applications” (660.6 TRA) � “Biotechnologie enzymatique” (660.6 BUR) � “Capteurs et mesures en biotechnologie” (660.6 BOU)

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Methods of isolation and separation


Surbled Michel (Archimex); Gourdon Isabelle @:

Hours: 3 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Selection criteria for a procedure for the extraction of natural products (Michel Surbled) • Regulatory framework - example for products intended as food • Solvents: the dipole moment and the dielectric constant • Standard procedures applied to lipids • Standard procedures applied to compounds that are both water and fat soluble • Alternatives to traditional procedures (Supercritical CO2, microwaves, fluorinated solvents,

membranes etc.) • Using Supercritical CO2 for the extraction of natural products (principles and examples of

applications) Centrifugal partition chromatography (Isabelle Gourdon) • Principle of the partition of solutes between two immiscible liquid phases (use of ternary

phase diagrams) • Approach of perfecting a separation: selecting biphasic systems (rapid approach using TLC),

study of productivity, presentation of the various methods of elution • Presentation of equipment • Comparison of CPC with the Preparative HPLC and Flash chromatography • Examples of applications

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Industrial enzymes


Tanja Pott @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom session

Main objectives of the course

to know, understand the industrial diversity of enzyme applications and their specific requirements

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to know several industrial enzyme applications • to understand the specific requirements of different enzyme assisted processes

Detailed programme

The lectures focus on the most important applications in terms of enzyme tonnage used worldwide. The biochemical specificity of these enzymes, their stability and engineering as well as the exigency of the different industrial sectors (detergency, textile and food industry) are discussed in details.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Innovative pharmaceutical formulations


Tanja Pott @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

to become familiar with innovative pharmaceutical formulations

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to be able to develop innovative pharmaceutical formulations and to collaborate with the specialists of the drug molecule (only students with a strong background in formulation and analysis and characterization)

• to be able to opt for the development of an innovative pharmaceutical formulations of an active ingredient and to collaborate with a formulator (only students with a strong background in drug molecules and active ingredients)

Detailed programme

The lectures start with an overview of historical/classical pharmaceutical formulations and an introduction to the specificity of the pharmaceutical industry. The lecture then focus on advantages, limitations and requirements of today’s pharmaceutical formulation. Several innovative formulations are presented with a detailed analysis of the role of the different excipients.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Drug delivery & Targeting


Thierry Benvegnu @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To introduce the main drug delivery systems developed in nanotherapy as well as targeting and controlled release strategies. To propose 'mini-projects' during some multimedia classroom training sessions with the aim of analyzing a scientific publication related to basics exposed by the teacher.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To gain basic knowledge on chemical and physical-chemical concepts required for developing drug nanocarriers

• To be able to identify, classify and describe the main drug delivery systems based on nanotherapy

• To be able to select the most appropriate nanocarrier for the targeted drug and administration route

• To be able to design systems suitable for a targeting delivery and a controlled release of drugs in their action sites

Detailed programme

• Definition of nanotherapy concept • Examples of nanoparticle vectors: structure, preparation, physical-chemical characterizations

and applications for the encapsulation and the controlled release of drugs (micelles, liposomes, nanoparticles, microemulsions)

• Passive and active targeting - Strategies for the coupling of 'targeting' moieties: post-insertion method, preformed nanovectors, avidin/biotin complex, pre-formulation

• Stimuli-sensitive nanosystems (controlled destruction): thermo-sensitive, fusogenic, pH-sensitive, and photo-sensitive nanocarriers

• Gene delivery nanosystems (gene therapy) • 'Mini-projects': to study an example of nanovector application (structure, properties and

application for the encapsulation, the release of drugs or nucleic acids). 1. Micelles; 2. Liposomes; 3. Nanoparticles based on polymers; 4. Microemulsions; 5. Nanovectors and targeting; 6. Stimuli-sensitive nanovectors

Assessment methods

Oral (PowerPoint) and written (report) Assessment methods

Supporting Literature

•••• Surfactants and polymers in drug delivery, M. Malmsten, M. Dekker, Inc. New York, Basel. •••• Drugs and the pharmaceutical sciences, vol 122. (ISBN: 0-827-080-0)

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An introduction to the field of Virtual Medicinal Chemistry


Franck Auge @:

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom session with applications on professional dedicated software

Main objectives of the course

This course is an introduction to the field of virtual medicinal chemistry. It aims to understand the role of this discipline in a context of R&D in a pharmaceutical company. Moreover an introduction to the several techniques used is presented with a particular highlight on their strengths and weaknesses.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To know the optimisation process of a new drug candidate and to be able to identified the different stages where molecular modelling approaches could help in the understanding of complex molecular systems.

• To know the two main theories that are underlying all molecular modelling approaches currently used in drug design (molecular mechanics and quantum chemistry) and their applications spectrum.

• To know the principle of the main techniques currently used in molecular modelling; docking, pharmacophore modelling, molecular dynamics etc.

• To know the philosophy of usual modelling software’s used in drug-design. Being able to build and manipulate molecular object in Maestro.

Detailed programme

• The course is organized around a theoretical and a practical part that are presented simultaneously.

• The theoretical section is divided into 3 main parts. The first one is about the process of research within a pharmaceutical company and the role of the virtual medicinal chemistry in the different stage of this process. The second part presents the basic theoretical requirements that are necessary to understand the functioning of the molecular modelling tools that are presented in the third part.

• The practical part consists in the use of professional software called Maestro from Schrodinger. It mainly consists in the building and manipulation of molecular/biological entities in the maestro’s graphical user interface, as well as the running of several calculations like molecular minimisation, molecular dynamics, conformational research, docking or pharmacophore modelling.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

Molecular Modelling, Principles and Applications, A. R. Leach, Pearson

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“Analysis & Formulation” track – Choice 1.2 MODULE C: ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL (5 ECTS credits)

Characterisation of soft and condensed matter


Eric Le Fur, Jelena Jeftic, Philippe Méléard, Tanja Pott @: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 32 hours 20


Coefficient: 3

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• to know, understand and use several techniques for the characterization of the solids, colloidal dispersions and soft matter

• to be able to opt for the development of an innovative pharmaceutical formulations of an active ingredient and to collaborate with a formulator (only students with a strong background in drug molecules and active ingredients)

• To be capable to identify the analytical methods related to different types of materials and understand their principles and functions.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to know, understand and use several techniques for the characterization of the solids, colloidal dispersions and soft matter

• to be able to choose appropriate techniques for the characterization of such systems • to be able to collaborate efficiently with a specialist of a given techniques • To gain knowledge of the domains of application of rheology, the main rheological models as

well as the instrumentation used in rheology related to different materials.

Detailed programme

• Optical and electron microscopy • Zetametry • Spectrofluorimetry • Small angle diffraction • Solid state NMR of soft matter • Rheology

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� G. Courazze, J;L. Grossiord, “Initiation à la rhéologie” TecDoc, Paris, 2000. � R.G. Larson “The structure and Rheology of Complex Fluids”, Oxford University Press, 1999. � Y. Malkin, “Rheology Fundamentals”, Chem. Tec. Publishing, 1994. � N. Midoux, “Mécanique et rhéologie des fluides”, TecDoc Lavoisier, Paris, 1993

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Data management and analysis


Régis Gautier @: [email protected]

Hours: 9 hours 20


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions + multimedia exercises

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Master the challenges associated with data analysis and the treatment of a large quantity of data.

• Master elementary statistical tools for description and prediction

Detailed programme

• Review and further study of linear regression: Review – Further study – Prediction - Discarding atypical observations - Regression methods step by step.

• Artificial neural networks. Introduction to connectionism: The neurophysiological model - Mathematical models – automated learning – Advantages/Disadvantages of artificial neural networks - Applications of neural networks.

• Data analysis: Introduction - Automatic classification - Hierarchical classification - Principal component analysis - Discriminant analysis

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• M. Tenenhaus, “Méthodes statistiques en gestion”, Dunod • M. Feinberg,” La validation des méthodes d’analyse”, Masson • M. Volle, “Analyse des données”, Economica

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Chromatographic separation techniques


Khalil Hanna @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowing various chromatographic separation techniques

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Knowing how to use a chromatographic technique, identify and quantify a compound • Knowing coupled techniques LC/MS and GC/MS, and how to interpret a chromatogram • Knowing how to prepare a sample for analysis, extraction a compound from a complex matrix.

Detailed programme

• Theoretical aspects of chromatographic separation techniques; • physicochemical phenomena of advanced separation techniques; • coupled Chromatographies GS / MS and LC / MS; • solid phase extraction (SPE); • Exercises.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Thermal analysis


Laurent Le Pollès @: [email protected]

Hours: 9 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

The aim of this course is to give a brief overview of thermal analysis techniques used for materials characterisation

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Being able to select a temperature measurement system adapted to a given case • Being able to interpret Thermogravimetric analysis data • Being able to interpret Differential scanning calorimetry data

Detailed programme

• Presentation of various thermometry approaches (with and without contact) • Thermogravimetric analysis • Differential scanning calorimetry

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Techniques de l'ingénieur, Thermogravimétrie

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Phase diagrams of amphiphilic molecules


Philippe Méléard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1.2

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• to know and understand the behaviour of amphiphilic molecules when mixed with water, oil, salt and cosurfactant.

• to explain the obtained phase diagrams in terms of spontaneous curvature and elasticities of interfacial films.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to know, understand the behaviour of amphiphilic molecules when mixed with water, oil, salt and cosurfactant

• to be able to explain the obtained phase diagrams in terms of spontaneous curvature and elasticities of interfacial films

Detailed programme

• From microscopic interactions to phase diagrams of one-component systems • Binary phase diagrams of ionic and non-ionic surfactants mixed with water • Phase diagrams of oil/water/non ionic surfactant • Phase diagrams of oil/water (+salt)/cosurfactant/ionic surfactant

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• P. C. Hiemenz et R. Rajagopalan. Principes de colloïdes et de la chimie de surface. Marcel Dekker, New York (1997)

• D. F. H. Evans et Wennerström. Le domaine colloïdal. Où la physique, la chimie, la biologie et la technologie se rencontrent. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New-York (1999)

• R. G. Laughlin. Le comportement de la phase aqueuse de tensioactifs. Academic Press (1994) • B. Jönsson, B. Lindman, K. Holmberg et B. Kronberg. Tensioactifs et polymères en solution

aqueuse. John Wiley & Sons (1998)

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Solutions of polymers


Philippe Méléard @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1.2

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• to know and understand the behaviour of polyelectrolyte solutions. • to understand the main behaviours of polymer solutions when mixed with surfactants. • to know and understand how adsorbed polymers stabilize colloidal dispersions. To know and

understand depletion interactions

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to know, understand the behaviour of polyelectrolyte solutions • to understand the main behaviour of polymer/surfactant mixtures • to know and understand the role of adsorbed polymers • to understand and work with depletion interactions

Detailed programme

• Polyelectrolyte solutions • Polymer and surfactant mixtures • Polymers at interfaces • Depletion interactions

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� P. C. Hiemenz et R. Rajagopalan. Principes de colloïdes et de la chimie de surface. Marcel Dekker, New York (1997)

� D. F. H. Evans et Wennerström. Le domaine colloïdal. Où la physique, la chimie, la biologie et la technologie se rencontrent. 2e édition, Wiley-VCH, New-York (1999)

� P. Munk. Introduction à la science macromoléculaire. John Wiley & Sons, New York (1989) • B. Jönsson, B. Lindman, K. Holmberg et • Recent literature

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Sol-gel synthesis


Eric Le Fur @: [email protected]

Hours: 3 hours


Coefficient: 0.25

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Know the major stages sol-gel procedures for the development of materials

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Know the standard techniques for creating a gel. • Know the techniques for determining the properties of sols and gels • Understand les mechanisms governing the formation of a gel and its ageing

Detailed programme

• Definition of a sol, and a gel • Formation of a sol • Stability / instability of a sol: formation of a gel • Gelling and gelling time, ageing of a gel • Formation of a solid (xerogel, aerogel, etc.)

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Lectures from formulation engineers


Engineers working in formulation (train students from the ENSCR if possible) @:

Hours: 6 hours


Coefficient: 0.45

Teaching methods

lecture and face-to-face discussions between students and the industrial speakers

Main objectives of the course

to gain knowledge of the main aspects to a successful career as formulation engineer

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Encapsulation Lecturer(s):

Tanja Pott @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1.2

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• to become familiar with the challenges of encapsulation • to be able to use known encapsulation strategies and to develop encapsulation methods

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to know, understand and use known encapsulation strategies • to be able to develop encapsulation methods (only students with a strong background in

analysis and characterization of colloids and soft matter) • to be able to opt for the development of an encapsulation method and to collaborate with a


Detailed programme

Encapsulation is a widely used principle to protect and deliver active compounds. Applications are found in pharmaceutics, detergents, cosmetics etc. Different types of colloids are particularly suited for the encapsulation of active compounds, such as liposomes and emulsions or more generally self-assemblies of amphiphiles, as well as nano- and microparticles and gels. The lectures focus on the fabrication, stabilization and characteristics of these different colloids and examples of patented formulation are presented. A special attention is paid to liposomes and their functionalisation.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Formulation in cosmetics and detergency


Tanja Pott @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1.2

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• to become familiar with the challenges of consumer good formulation • to be able to develop consumer good formulations

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to understand the complexity of consumer good formulations and • to be able to develop and to characterize consumer good formulations in cosmetics, personal

care and detergency (only students with a strong background in analysis and characterization of colloids and soft matter)

• to understand the challenges of consumer good formulations and be able to collaborate with formulation engineers

Detailed programme

Formulation of soft matter for detergency and cosmetics is rather complex as the optimal product should combine several properties such as high efficiency, high stability, low cost and being pleasant to the consumer. The lecture introduces the particularities of formulated consumer goods. The lecture focus on major classes of formulation and discusses formulation relevant choices such as how to select ingredients in respect to their physical-chemical properties.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Food dispersions


Philippe Méléard @: [email protected]

Hours: 6 hours


Coefficient: 0.5

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• to become familiar with the behaviours of some food dispersions • to understand the underlying physicochemical principles that control some of these


Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• to know the main classes of natural compounds in human food • to be able to understand how the concepts of colloidal chemistry control the characteristics of

the end products.

Detailed programme

Food processing involves a lot of physical and physicochemical principles. Some of them are clearly concerning the colloidal state. From a description of the main classes of natural ingredients (milk, egg, flour, meat, vegetables, etc.), we will describe how our knowledge of physicochemistry help the formulator to make reproducible and delicious preparations.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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“Chemistry & Clean processes” track – Choice 1.3 MODULE E: INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND CLEAN PROCESSES (5 ECTS credits)

New technologies and clean processes


Alain Roucoux, Marc Mauduit @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 20 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To understand new approaches for the synthesis and catalysis in the clean technologies area

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To gain basic principles to the European standard (REACH) • To gain basic principles of green chemistry • To be able to identify new technologies and their advantages for clean approaches in synthesis

and catalysis • To gain basic knowledge in sustainable chemistry. To be able to identify the main industrial


Detailed programme

• Introduction. • Unusual media for the organic synthesis and catalysis: aqueous media, amphiphilic and

immiscible solvents, Fluoride solvents • Supercritical fluids, Ionic Liquids. • Clean technologies: Ultra-sounds, Microwaves, Photochemistry

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Chimie organométallique - Auteur: Didier Astruc - Editeur: EDP Sciences - Collection: Grenoble Sciences Collection Grenoble Sciences – Available at ENSCR library

� Aqueous-Phase Organometallic Catalysis: Concepts and Applications, Eds: B. Cornils and W. A. Hermann, Second Edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co - - Available at ENSCR library

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Laurent Courbin @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To gain basic knowledge on microfluidic techniques employed for high-throughput analyses.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Soft lithography techniques: production of microfluidic devices made of PDMS, glass etching, multilayer devices and pumps;

• Flows of drops and stratified streams at small scales; • Basic functions used in digital microfluidics: drop generation, dilution/concentration of

droplet trains, drop deformation, production of alternated droplet trains, encapsulation, mixing, etc;

• Developments in process engineering: screening of fast chemical reactions, phase transfer, liquid-liquid extraction, capillary viscometer, surface tension measurements, and protein crystallization;

• Microfluidics for the design of novel colloidal materials.

Detailed programme

The recent advances of soft lithography techniques offer possibilities for designing mechanical devices that allow handling precisely very small amounts of liquid; typically of the order of a few tens of picolitres. This scaling down in size of fluidic devices coupled with analytic techniques pave the way to numerous applications in a variety of domains that include biology, analytical chemistry, physics, and pharmacy. A lively topic these days is the quest for the lab on a chip: the massive integration of basic operations on fluids in devices as small as a few square inches. This aspect of microfluidics is important for biology but also for chemistry, for instance, to increase the yield of chemical reactions. We will discuss the general principles behind these developments in high-throughput microfluidics. We will then illustrate theses advances using various examples in chemical process, material formulation, and biology.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

S. Colin, “Microfluidique”, Hermès Science Publications, 2004. P. Tabeling, “Introduction à la microfluidique”, Belin, 2003.

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Alain Roucoux, Loïc Lemiègre, Nicolas Noiret @: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Acquire basic knowledge on nano-objects, especially on metallic nanoparticles, nanotubes, fullerenes and nanowires, and on molecular motors Understand the concept of nano-objects and the potential applications of such nanomolecular structures

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

To identify the notion of nano-objects and the applications of such nanostructures.

Detailed programme

Metallic Nanoparticles 1. Introduction 2. General principles of metallic Nanoparticles 3. Main methods of preparation 4. Applications

Carbon nanotubes, fullerenes and nanowires 5. Description of nanotubes, fullerenes 6. Chemical modifications 7. Nanowires Applications

Molecular motors 8. Concepts and what nature do 9. Sources of energy 10. Characterization and manipulation tools for manufacturing of nanomachines 11. Motors: unitary mechanical functions and commands 12. Machines: assemblies and activations 13. Applications: science and fiction

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies Ed. Timothy D. Burchell – Elsevier 1999 � Carbon Nanotechnology Ed. Liming Dai – Elsevier 2006 � G. Schmid (Eds.), Nanoparticles. From theory to application. WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, 2004 � D.L. Feldheim, C.A. Foss Jr, (Eds.), Metal Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization and

Applications, Marcel Dekker New York, 2002 � “Artificial Molecular Machines”, V. Balzani, A. Credi, F.M. Raymo, JF Stoddart, Angew. Chem. Int.

Ed., 2000, 39, 3348-3391.

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Renewable Raw materials


Thierry Benvegnu, Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 13 hours 20


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• To have an idea of the economic issues related to renewable resources as raw materials or energy sources.

• To introduce the main bioresources. • To describe the synthetic pathways to transform bioresources into simple or high valued

bioproducts or biofuels.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To gain basic knowledge on the most important bioresources derived from biomass and their production channels.

• To be able to identify the main synthetic pathways for the transformations of bioresources into bioproducts and biofuels as well as their application fields.

• To gain basic knowledge on the public or private initiatives for supporting the ‘Chimie du végétale’ channel.

• To be able to analyse the industrial, technological, environmental and social issues related to the valorisation/transformation of biomass.

Detailed programme

• Bioresources • Bioproducts derived from biomass • Applications • Incentive policies • Various types of biofuels (ETBE, EMHV,..) • Production processes • Resources • Economic and environmental issues

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Coma, S. Iborra, A. Velty, Chemical Reviews, 2007, 107, 2411-2502 � Feuille de Route R&D de la filière Chimie du végétal, Ademe � Module ENVAM sur les matières premières renouvelables

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Synthesis of active heterocycles


Audrey Denicourt, Loïc Lemiègre @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• Acquire basic knowledge in the main families of heterocycles, which are present in various natural or biological compounds.

• Understand the reactivity and synthesis of heterocyclic molecules.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Know-how in proposing a synthetic scheme for the preparation of heterocyclic molecules.

Detailed programme

• Non aromatic Heterocycles: Interest, Preparation, Reactivity. Examples: oxirane, aziridine, azetidine, pyrrolidine, piperidine, THF, THP, lactone, lactam, etc.

• Aromatic Heterocycles: Interest, Preparation, Reactivity. Examples: pyrroles, furans, pyridines, imidazoles, thiazoles, indoles etc.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Chimie Organique Hétérocyclique - R.Milcent, F. Chau – EDP Sciences, 2003. � Organic Chemistry – J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers - Oxford University Press,

2001. � The Handbook of Heterocyclic Compounds – A.R. Katritzky

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Chemical process design for scale-up


Christian Diolez @:

Hours: 16 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To be able to design and run chemical and process development for new pharmaceutical chemical entity. To understand and anticipate all needs from customers in the pharmaceutical industry (regulatory requirements, toxicology, formulation, analytical...).

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To gain an overall knowledge of the challenges of the pharmaceutical, chemical and process development, with emphasis on safety of the process and safety for the patients.

• Review of the pharmaceutical network in which chemical development operate, supply versus development.

• To be able to design the best development plan based on examples published by pharmaceutical leaders companies.

Detailed programme

� Generalities on Chemical and Process Development / Pharmaceutical R&D projects � Health, Safety and Security � « Synthesis Route Design » (starting material, etc.) � Special case: assymetry (resolution and spontaneous resolution, enrichment etc.) � Optimisation (DoE, solvants, reagents, etc.) � APIs Characterization (specifications etc.) � « New Technology » (Quality by Design, DoE..) � Reglementary impact (IMPD, IND and DMF files) � Synergy with other departments (Toxicology, Formulation, pharmacokinetic..) � Examples from main pharmaceutical companies

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Numerous examples from: Organic Process Research and Development. � Other: Chemical and Process Development handbooks

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Catalytic reactors


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Operation with heterogeneous chemical reactions in continuous reactors. Know the limitations and specific features of the system.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know the basics of how to implement reactors � Know the limitations to the performance of the system � Know various types of industrial reactors used � Know how to choose the right reactor for a given reaction

Detailed programme

� Review of ideal reactors � Basics of heterogeneous catalysis and catalysts � Material transfer and chemical reactions � Various types of reactors (fixed bed, fluid-bed, moving bed etc.)

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Les réacteurs chimiques-De la conception à la mise en œuvre, P. Trambouze, Ed. Technip 2002 � Génie de la reaction chimique, D. Schweich, Ed. Tec et Doc 2001

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Regulatory requirements for drug substances


Yannick Lefevre @:

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 2

Teaching methods

Classroom training session

Main objectives of the course

To have some minimum knowledge regarding: • the good manufacturing practices (GMP) requirements applicable to the manufacture of the

drug substances • the Chemical Manufacturing and Control (CMC) information which need to be submitted to the

health authorities regarding the drug substance (in relation to marketing applications for drug products)

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

To gain some basic knowledge about: • the quality system that must be in place in order to manufacture active pharmaceutical

ingredients (API) including the operations of receipt of materials, production, packaging, repackaging, labelling, relabelling, quality control, release, storage and distribution of APIs and the related controls

• the various types of regulatory dossiers (for the drug substance) and procedures of registration with the health authorities in the main pharmaceutical markets (Europe, USA, Japan, Canada)

• the content of the regulatory dossier in relation to the chemistry, manufacturing and controls information for the drug substance

Detailed programme

• Review of the main chapters (see details below) of the GMP guide for active pharmaceutical ingredient (API):

• Quality management • Personnel • Buildings and facilities • Process equipment • Documentation and records • Materials management • Production and in-process controls • Packaging and identification labelling of APIs and intermediates • Storage and distribution • Laboratory controls • Validation • Change control • Rejection and re-use of materials • Complaints and recalls • Contract manufacturers (including laboratories) • Agents, brokers, traders, distributors, repackers, and relabellers • Review of the various types of regulatory dossiers for API (Certificate of Suitability to the Ph.

Eur., Active Substance/Drug Master File) and procedures of registration (National procedure, Mutual recognition procedure/Decentralised procedure, Centralised procedure)

• Review of the content (according to the following Common Technical Document sections) of the regulatory dossier for a drug substance:

• General Information

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• Manufacture • Characterisation • Control of Drug Substance • Reference Standards or Materials • Container Closure System • Stability Brief presentation of the European and US pharmacopoeia

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Bibliography / webography

� Good manufacturing practice guide for active pharmaceutical ingredients - ICH Q7 ( or

� The common technical document for the registration of pharmaceuticals for human use: quality – M4Q(R1) (

� Guideline on Active Substance Master File Procedure (

� Guideline on summary of requirements for active substances in the quality part of the dossier (

� Guideline on the chemistry of new active substances (

� Certification of suitability of Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia - Content of the dossier for chemical purity and microbiological quality (

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“Business Management” track– Choice 1.4 (10 ECTS credits)

Financial management


Aubier Angélique @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be confirmed by the teacher

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Understand the major financial decisions which must be made by a company.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

1. The major financial flows (general introduction). 2. Investment decisions (in a certain and uncertain environment). 3. Financing decisions (optimum financial structure, equity financing, debt financing)

Assessment methods

Written assessment

Supporting Literature

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Industrial marketing


Droulers Olivier @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be confirmed by the teacher

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Acquiring the basic concepts of marketing then further study of the market (in particular for the industrial environment) in order to be able to carry out market research independently, during a work placement for example.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Assessment methods

Written assessment

Supporting Literature

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Production management


Bironneau Laurent @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be confirmed by the teacher

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Initiate the student in the major concepts of production management- Familiarise the student with some of the techniques and methods which apply to production management, to enable him to understand their application using appropriate examples and exercises. Enable the student to understand the major relationships between production management and other aspects of the company.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

• General introduction to production management, • The major functions of production management, • The major methods and techniques used in production management: MRP, Kanban, • Techniques of lean production, methods of project and workshop scheduling, • Continual improvement – Just-in-Time

Assessment methods

Written assessment

Supporting Literature

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Interpersonal skills


Alis David @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be confirmed by the teacher

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

The development of the skills of managers and engineers is a key factor in the success of an organisation. Student engineers will have to manage projects, teams etc. This course is intended to develop engineers’ interpersonal skills: empathy, defence mechanisms, non-verbal communication, assertiveness, creativity, conflict management etc. The course is based on concepts derived from the social sciences and management research. The teaching methods use active involvement: case studies and role-plays. Students are recommended to take part.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

1) Communication. Perception bias, from conventional rationality to bounded rationality. Listening to the verbal and the non verbal: empathy, defence mechanisms 2) Managing. Being assertive without being aggressive or manipulative. Negotiating a win-win agreement 3) Self-development. Show creativity. Prepare and lead a meeting

Assessment methods

Written assessment

Supporting Literature

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Employment law and human resource management


Joyeau @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be confirmed by the lecturer

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

The objective is to initiate students, who will be future managers, in the practice of human resources management, both the administrative aspects with one part on employment law and operational aspects and another part covering le recruitment, training, managing careers and pay

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Assessment methods

Written assessment

Supporting Literature

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work placement introducing to Engineer activities


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Length: 4 to 6 months


Coefficient: 12

Teaching methods

Main objectives of the course

Training in research and through research on a fundamental or applied subject, process improvement, developing management projects. This work placement is a springboard for the first job (about ⅓ of graduates are employed following this end-of-course work placement).

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Assessment methods

All work placements require a written report and a viva (10 to 15 minutes depending on the year of study) before a panel composed of two teachers (course tutor and a viva supervisor appointed from the school’s research fellows) and the placement supervisor if he is able to and wishes to make the journey. The student is responsible for organising his own viva. The final assessment takes several factors into consideration: the report, the viva, the placement supervisor’s assessment and information from the placement database).

Supporting Literature

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Chromatographic separation techniques


Khalil Hanna @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowing various chromatographic separation techniques

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowing how to use a chromatographic technique, identify and quantify a compound � Knowing coupled techniques LC/MS and GC/MS, and how to interpret a chromatogram � Knowing how to prepare a sample for analysis, extraction a compound from a complex


Detailed programme

• Theoretical aspects of chromatographic separation techniques; • physicochemical phenomena of advanced separation techniques; • coupled Chromatographies GS / MS and LC / MS; • solid phase extraction (SPE); • Exercises.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Véronique Alonzo @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To know the different forms of corrosion and how to prevent them.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

� General considerations and economic aspects of corrosion � Thermodynamics of corrosion � Kinetics of corrosion � Aqueous corrosion: Uniform corrosion and localized corrosion � Atmospheric corrosion � High temperature corrosion � Corrosion protection

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Solid waste management


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Present the problem of treatment of solid waste and discover the various treatment methods

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Know the legislation concerning waste and the various treatment methods. • Discover the recycling sector

Detailed programme

� General introduction to waste � The various types of waste treatment � Heat treatment � Biological treatment � landfill sites or final waste disposal sites � Stabilisation � Recycling � Treatments by type of waste

Assessment methods

research project on a particular sector. Written report and oral presentation

Supporting Literature

� Guide du traitement des déchets, A. Damien, Editions Dunod 2004 (3e édition) � Gestion des problèmes environnementaux dans les industries agroalimentaires, R. Moletta,

Editions Tec et Doc Lavoisier 2002 � Techniques de l’ingénieur

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3rd year projects EPA (in pairs or groups of three, literature review)


Several teachers, Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 60 hours by project


Coefficient: 8

Teaching methods

Work through projects. In pairs or groups of three for group work and singly for literature searches

Main objectives of the course

For projects working in pairs or groups of three, students are asked to study real life examples of designing air or water treatment facilities or to design an analytical laboratory for example. For literature searches, they will be asked to search the literature and prepare an abstract on a given scientific subject (often linked with the subject of the end-of-course work placement)

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Projects working in pairs or groups of three: learn to work in a group and to find the necessary information from manufacturers or publicly available data (scientific literature, data bases, regulations, …). Apply the knowledge acquired during the course to specific cases.

• Literature searches: know how to look for scientific information using data banks, know how to prepare an abstract of publications on a given subject.

Detailed programme

Subjects will be suggested by the supervisors. Examples of projects working in pairs or groups of three:

• Smoke treatment from a household waste incinerator • Study of a system for grey water treatment and reuse • Design of a small industrial effluents treatment unit, • Study of the reinstatement of a former industrial site, • Assessment of the analysis of the by-products of chlorination • etc.

Examples of literature searches:

• Sludge from sewage works (treatment and disposal), • State of the art of carrier materials potentially usable in the biofiltration of VOC for air

treatment, • Draw up an assay protocol for haloacetic acids, • Analysis of perfluorinated compounds in liquid matrices, • Recycling waste from the food industry • etc.

Assessment methods

Written report and oral presentation

Supporting Literature

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“Process engineering & Environment” track – Choice 2.1 MODULE G: PROCESS ENGINEERING (5 ECTS credits)

Flow in reactors


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Discover the problem of flow in reactors and its influence on the performance of the procedure.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Know how to predict the performance of a reactor, be able to make a diagnosis of a malfunction in a reactor.

Detailed programme

• Basics of RTD – Measurement of RTD – Modelling RTD and its influence on performance • states of aggregation (micro and macromixing) - Earliness of mixing

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� D. Schweich, Génie de la reaction chimique, Ed.Tec et Doc Lavoisier (2001) � P.Trambouze et J.P. Euzen, Les réacteurs chimiques-De la conception à la mise en œuvre, Ed.

Technip (2002)

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Catalytic reactors


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Operation of heterogeneous chemical reactions in continuous reactors. Know the limitations and specific features of the system.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know the basics of how reactors are implemented � Know the limitations to the performance of the system � Know various types of industrial reactors used � Know how to choose the right reactor for a given reaction

Detailed programme

� Review of ideal reactors � Basics of heterogeneous catalysis and catalysts � Material transfer and chemical reactions � Various types of reactors (fixed bed, fluid-bed, moving bed etc.)

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Les réacteurs chimiques-De la conception à la mise en oeuvre, P. Trambouze, Ed. Technip 2002

� Génie de la reaction chimique, D. Schweich, Ed. Tec et Doc 2001

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Caroline Nugier-Chauvin @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To know the main features of enzymes, to be able to evaluate their efficiency and to develop their use for synthesis or biodegradation purposes

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To know the nature of biocatalysts (enzymes versus whole cells), the principles of enzymatic catalysis and the main enzyme-catalyzed reactions

� To evaluate the efficiency parameters of the biocatalytic reactions (activity, selectivity, enantiomeric ratio)

� To Design a bioconversion reaction (biocatalyst, reaction, process, stereochemistry prediction, etc.).

� To know the main enzymatic immobilization methods � To know the most important aerobic metabolism pathways of aromatic pollutants

Detailed programme

� Characterisation of a biocatalyst � Efficiency parameters of the enzymes: activity, selectivity, stability � Enzymatic technology: immobilization on carriers, entrapment, cross-linking, etc. � Enzymatic bioconversions: Hydrolytic reactions, biocatalysis in organic solvents, kinetic

resolutions, enantioconvergent processes, redox reactions, cofactors recycling � Bioconversions by whole cells: yeast reductions � Bacteria and biodegradations: oxygenases and oxidases for oxidation and dehalogenation of

aromatic pollutants (pesticides, PHA, etc.)

Assessment methods

Technological research report (8 pages on Word and 10-slides on PowerPoint documents)

Supporting Literature

� Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry, K. Faber, Springer � Biocatalysis A. S. Bommarius, B. R. Riebel, Wiley � Biocatalysis from discovey to applications, W.D. Fessner, Springer � Enzymologie moléculaire et cellulaire, J. Yon-Khan & H. Guy, EDP Sciences � Biotechnologie R. Scriban, Tech & Doc

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Microbiological engineering


Lidia Favier @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Understanding the control of microbial cultures. Acquire bases on: microbial growth of a kinetic point of view and its modelling, biological reactors and bioreactor design

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� To know and understand the growth kinetics of bacteria � To differentiate and to know the major bacterial metabolic pathways in order to understand

the mechanisms involved in the bioconversion of organic pollutants � To know the main modes of implementation of biological reactors and predict the influence of

operating parameters on their performance and to solve their technological problems

Detailed programme

� Industrial applications of microbiological engineering (food industry, pharmaceutical industry, environment, etc.).

� Microbiological aspects: biological taxonomy and nomenclature. � Basic concepts of microbial metabolism: catabolic and anabolic reactions. � Kinetic aspects: phases of microbial growth, influence of physical and chemical factors on

microbial growth, technical Assessment methods of microbial growth (direct and indirect), modelling of growth kinetics.

� Bioreactor fundamentals: operating mode of bioreactors (batch culture, fed-batch and continuous culture mode). Bioreactors design and use.

Assessment methods

Technological research report (8 pages on Word and 10-slides on PowerPoint documents)

Supporting Literature

� Applied Microbial Physiology: a practical approach, P.M. Rhodes and P.F. Stanbury, 1997, Oxford University Press

� Physiologie de la cellule bactérienne: une approche moléculaire, F.C. Neidhart, J.L. Ingraham, M. Schaechter, 1990, Masson

� Réacteurs enzymatiques, J.-P. Riba, Téchniques de l’ingénieurs (F 3600) � Microbiologie – Prescott, Harley et Klein, 2003, DeBoeck Université � Biotechnologie R. Scriban, Tech & Doc � Principles of fermentation technology- P.K. Stanbury, Whitaker A. et S.J. Hall, 1995,

Butterworth Heinemann

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Membrane technology Lecturer(s):

Anthony Szymczyk @:

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Introduction to the procedures of liquid phase air membrane separation and the theory of trans-membrane transport

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Knowledge of the potential and limitations of air membrane separation procedures � Perfecting an air membrane procedure (minimising the impact of phenomena which limit the

transfer of mass) � Understanding des physical phenomena at the membrane interface / solution and mechanisms

of trans-membrane transport

Detailed programme

� Membrane materials used in air membrane procedures � Principles and applications of air membrane procedures (microfiltration, ultrafiltration,

nanofiltration and inverse osmosis) � Phenomena which limit the transfer of mass (concentration polarisation, osmotic pressure and

clogging) � Exclusion mechanisms (steric effect, Donnan exclusion etc.) � Introduction to membrane transport theory (neutral solutes and single or mixed electrolyte


Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� *Handbook of industrial membrane technology, M.C. Porter, Noyes Publications, Westwood, New Jersey, USA, 1990.

� *Handbook of membrane research, V. Gorley, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, USA, 2009.

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Oxidation processes


Khalil Hanna @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowing the different oxidation techniques used in the treatment of water and air

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Knowing the different chemical oxidants and free radicals: the pros and cons. • Knowing the different oxidation techniques used in water purification and wastewater

treatment • Knowing the different oxidation techniques used in the treatment of VOCs

Detailed programme

� Oxidants and radicals; � Chlorine and its derivatives; � Ozone and its chemistry � TiO2 photocatalysis; � Fenton-based reactions

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Biological treatments


Lidia Favier @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Understand the biological pathways for the conversion of organic pollution in an aerobic or aerobic environment, of nitrate pollution and of phosphorus pollution in domestic or industrial waste water. Presentation of the major mechanisms brought into play during the stages of bioconversion and the optimum conditions for the operation of these reactions. Know the major technological aspects and principles for the operation of procedures for biological sewage treatment using free and immobilised biomass (trickle filters, rotating biological contactors, biological filters, etc.).

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

� Know and understand bacterial growth kinetics � Distinguish and know the major pathways of bacterial metabolism in order to understand the

mechanisms brought into play during bioconversion of organic pollutants � Know les major types of operation in bioreactors and predict the influence of the operational

parameters on performance and resolve problems of malfunction

Detailed programme

� Industrial applications of biotechnology (food industry, pharmaceutical industry, environment, etc.).

• Microbiological aspects: taxonomy of the biological Kingdoms and microbial nomenclature. � Metabolic and energy aspects: supply reactions and biosynthesis. � Kinetic aspects: microbial growth, influence of chemical and physical factors of bacterial

growth, techniques of assessing microbial growths (direct and indirect), modelling of microbial growth.

� Bioreactors: major behaviour patterns de microbial culture (batch culture, in Fed-batch mode, in continuous mode). Design of bioreactors. Applications

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• Small and decentralized wastewater management systems, Crites & Tchobanoglous,1998 McGraw Hill Series in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

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Water distribution and collection networks


Dominique Wolbert @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours 40 minutes


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

to understand the specific problems of the distribution of drinking water and collection of waste and rain waters. to know Information about the fluxes. to master the concepts used for the design of networks and their maintenance.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Distribution networks: • flow estimation, • crisis management, • design of non-meshed and meshed networks, • technological aspects.

Sewer networks: • unitary and separate networks, • waste water flows estimation, • rain water flows estimation, • introduction to free surface flow, • design of sewer networks, • technological aspects.

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• “Réseaux d'assainissement (Le): calculs, applications, perspectives”, Bourrier Régis / Claudon J.-G / Périères J.

• “Distribution et collecte des eaux”, Brière François G. • “Water distribution modeling Haestad methods”, / Walski Thomas M. / Chase Donald V.


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Principles of design for water treatment plants


Poyrault Nathalie (OTV Cesson-Sévigné) @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Information to be confirmed by the teacher

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Be able to define and determine the major workings of a water treatment plant

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

• People involved in responding to a call for tenders for a water treatment plant. • Design of a plant (pre-treatment, water treatment, sludge treatment, odour control, etc.). • les procedures nouveaux

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• Hydraulique générale (Armando LENCASTRE). • Mémento des pertes de charge (IDEL’CIK). • Précis d’épuration biologique par boues activées (Paul BROUZES

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Chemical water treatments


Nicolas Cimetière @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course Know and master the lime-carbonic acid balance and operations in water treatment units that might change this balance

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Have the theoretical knowledge needed to describe water (hardness, alkalinity etc.) • Use computational or graphic tools to describe water or predict the effect of treatments • Know the various procedures used to change the lime-carbonic acid balance • Implement one or more consistent treatments to deal with a problem

Detailed programme

This module is based on presentation of the major atmospheric pollutants and their sources of emissions, the phenomena which govern the outcomes and analytical methods needed to describe and quantify the pollutants. A part is also devoted to quantitative analysis and another to preparatory laboratory or industrial techniques.

• Introduction and review of the composition of water and the analytical methods needed to define the lime-carbonic acid balance

• Lime-carbonic acid balance: presentations of the fundamental relationships • Graphic methods for defining the balance (Tillmans, Langelier, Hallopeau and Dubin, Legrand

and Poirier) • Water softening and remineralising processes (decarbonising, remineralising, use of ion

exchange resins etc.)

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Mémento technique de l’eau - Degremont � Techniques de l’Ingénieur

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Suspended matter treatment


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Hours: 10 hours 40 minutes


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To acquire knowledge on clarification – To design apparatus (coagulation – flocculation – settling)

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Water treatment files, Basics in Fluid dynamics

Detailed programme

• Issue, particles, characterisation • Coagulation • Flocculation • Separation by Settling • Separation by Flotation and coagulation on filters

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Techniques de l'Ingénieur � Mémento Technique de l'eau, Degrémont � Processus unitaires du traitement de l'eau potable, W.J. Masschelein (Tec & Doc)

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Series of lectures on solid waste


Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 9 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Instructor led lectures

Main objectives of the course

Specialists will present some aspects in the field of waste treatment (incineration, composting, storage)

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Discover specific aspects of waste treatment • Discussions with specialists in the field • Acquire skills in the field of waste treatment

Detailed programme

• Lecture 1: Storage of non dangerous waste • Lecture 2: Waste treatment by composting • Lecture 3: Heat treatment of waste

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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‘’Analysis & Environment’’ track – Choice 2.2 MODULE I: ANALYSIS (5 ECTS credits)

Data management and analysis


Régis Gautier @: [email protected]

Hours: 9 hours 20 minutes


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions + multimedia exercises

Main objectives of the course

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Master the challenges associated with data analysis and the treatment of a large quantity of data.

• Master elementary statistical tools for description and prediction

Detailed programme

• Review and further study of linear regression: Review – Further study – Prediction - Discarding atypical observations - Regression methods step by step.

• Artificial neural networks. Introduction to connectionism: The neurophysiological model - Les mathematical models – automated learning – Advantages/Disadvantages of artificial neural networks - Applications of neural networks.

• Data analysis: Introduction - Automatic classification - Hierarchical classification - Principal component analysis - Discriminant analysis

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� M. Tenenhaus, “Méthodes statistiques en gestion”, Dunod � M. Feinberg,” La validation des méthodes d’analyse”, Masson � M. Volle, “Analyse des données”, Economica

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Organic mass spectrometry Lecturer(s): David Rondeau


Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Be able: •••• to put forward an analytical method involving mass spectrometry in an industrial and

environmental context •••• to make a relevant interpretation of the analytical results obtained.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• Know the special features of the various methods of ionisation in order to make an appropriate choice of the source of gaseous ions for the sample to be analysed.

•••• Know the physical properties of the various analysers that make up a mass spectrometer to develop an analytical method either to detect specific molecules in a complex mixture or to identify the structure of potentially original compounds (synthetic molecule or metabolite).

•••• Know how to make a rational interpretation of the mass spectra obtained from source fragmentation of ions or derived from dissociations induced in MS/MS mode.

•••• To be proactive when developing analytical methods in mass spectrometry and while preparing plans for acquiring this type of equipment.

Detailed programme

1- General introduction to mass spectrometry • Introduction and definitions • Mass spectrometry and Isotopy • Features of a mass spectrometer • Precise mass measurements to determine empirical formulae

2- Source of ionisation by electron ionization (EI) • Formation and nature of ions produced in EI • Fragmentation reactions by simple breakdown of radical ions • Fragmentation reactions by breakdown with rearrangement of radical ions • Fragmentation reactions by compensation for loss of linkage • Secondary fragmentations

3- Mass spectrometry analysers • Ion acceleration away from source • Sector or magnetostatic instruments • Quadruple ion trap analysers • Single ion monitoring with gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric detection • Time-of-flight analysers (TOF) • Quadruple ion trap analysers • Linear ion trap analysers (2D traps) • Orbitrap analysers • Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance analysers (FT-ICR)

4- The source of chemical ionisation (CI) • General description • Thermochemistry of positive chemical ionisation

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• Reactivity of ions in CI • Negative chemical ionisation

5- Sources of Ionisation in the gaseous phase at atmospheric pressure(API) • Chemical ionisation at atmospheric pressure (APCI) • Photo-ionisation at atmospheric pressure (APPI) • Ionisation by electrospray (ESI) • Observation of protonated and multiply protonated molecules in ESI • Observation of adducts of polar molecules with alkaline earth metal cations

6- Source of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) • Major stages in laser ablation electrospray ionization and the role of the matrix • Analysis of synthetic polymers in MALDI • Analysis of proteins in MALDI • Analysis of peptidic fragments derived from tryptic digestion

7- Mass spectrometry in Tandem mode or MSn • Advantages and principle of the MS/MS • Main MS/MS configurations in space (BEBE, QqQ, BEqQ, BETOF, QqTOF) and their applications

in structural analysis • Main MS/MS configurations in time (IT 3D, LIT, LIT-TOF, QqLIT, LTQ-Orbitrap, FT-ICR) and

their applications in structural analysis • Activation methods in MS/MS and MSn mode (PSD, CID, ECD, SID, IRMPD, BIRD) • Detection modes en MS/MS associated with chromatographic separation and their applications

in trace searches (Precursor ion Scan, Constant Neutral loss, Single Reaction Monitoring) • Fragmentation of protonated molecules in low-energy CID • Fragmentation of ions in high-energy CID • The case of trapped charge fragmentation

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Spectrométrie de masse: Cours et exercices corrigés - E. De Hoffmann et V. Stroobant - Ed. Dunod.

� Interpretation of Mass Spectra, Fourth Edition – F.W. McLafferty et F. Tureček – Ed. University Science Books.

� Principe de la spectrométrie de masse des substances organiques – P. Longevialle – Ed. Masson.

� Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry – K. Vekey, A. Telekes et A. Vertes – Ed. Elsevier.

� Spectrométrie de masse – Résumés de cours et exercices résolus – Guy Duguay - Ed. Ellipses.

Page 193: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Analytical applications of radionuclides


Didier Hauchard and external lecturer (Mokili M.) @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• Master the processes of radioactive decay and emitted radiation along with its detection and radiation protection

• Know the analytical methods and equipment used to solve the analytical problems within the appropriate sectors

• Know les industrial sectors which use nuclear analytical methods • Be able to design and use des analytical methods which rely on the analysis of radionuclides

and the radiation emitted by radioactive decay including the problems of radiation protection within the various sectors using these methods (EDF, nuclear waste, CEA, environment, nuclear medicine, radiopharmacology, analysis and test laboratories).

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

• Review of radioactivity • Radiation effects on matter, detection, basics of radiation protection and measurement of

radioactivity • Various analytical applications • Analytical methods and strategies appropriate for these applications

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• J. FOOS Manuel de la radioactivité à l’usage des utilisateurs-Formascience (orsay) • Tome 2- les désintégrations radioactive, les interactions rayonnements matières, les

applications de la radioactivité (1994) • Tome 3 Les effects biologiques des rayonnements, Eléments de radioprotection (1995)

• M. COMET et M VIDAL Radiopharmaceutiques, Chimie des radiotraceurs et applications biologiques Presse universitaire de Grenoble (1998) G. SIMONET Les radioisotopes en analyse biologique, Détection et radioprotection Masson, Paris (1994)

• D. J. GAMBINI et R GRANIER Manuel de Radioprotection Tech Doc Lavoisier (1997) • CAILLOT La radioactivité au service de l’Industrie et de l’environnement Tech Doc

Lavoisier (2002) • CETAMA, G GRANIER, G Le PETIT Spectrométrie gamma appliquée aux échantillons de

l’environnement Tech Doc Lavoisier (2002)

Page 194: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Near-infrared spectroscopy


External teachers @:

Hours: 9 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Acquire the basics of near-infrared spectroscopy and the associated analytical techniques, while being aware that this technique is used mainly in industry and that there are few reference works on the subject.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

• Introduction: how and why near-infrared spectroscopy is used • General principle and measurement methods

o Transmission measurements o Reflectance measurement o Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR)

• Instrumentation: the various equipment available on the market • Chemometrics and software

o Metrology o Signal processing o Application of statistical and chemometric methods for discrimination, quality control

and quantitative analysis • General approach to the development of an application • Applications in industry and examples

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Use of natural isotope ratios


Christine Hatté @:

Hours: 11


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• definitions and notations

• recognise instruments used for isotopic measurements

• understand their use in various fields

• discover some applications Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Definitions and methodology

• definition of isotopes • notations • major isotope systems • isotopic fractionation • measurement of isotopic composition • process and result of an analysis • implications of working methods

o practical exercises Applications

• metal speciation in sediments • speciation of Pb in wine • certification of the Cd content in the contents of an artificial stomach • Isotopy of boron and ocean acidification • thermometry and paleoclimate

Practical exercises • description of the major land-based sources (water, plants, etc.) • applications in ecology (food chain, migration, etc.) • agronomy • archaeology • medicine • atmospheric pollution • fraud • practical exercises

Assessment methods

Supporting Literature

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Gas analysis


Nicolas Cimetière @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching methods

Hybrid course (on-line and instructor led)

Main objectives of the course

Train analysts in specific methods for taking samples from and analysing industrial and environmental atmospheres.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Have the basic knowledge needed to analyse the behaviour of atmospheric pollutants. • Master the theoretical bases going from sampling to analysis • Know how to put forward a relevant analytical protocol for dealing with a particular problem • Interpret the results in relation to the environment under consideration

Detailed programme

This module covers the major atmospheric pollutants and their sources of emission, the phenomena which govern what happens to them and the analytical methods needed to describe and quantify these pollutants. Another part is devoted to quantitative analysis and the last part is devoted to preparatory techniques for the laboratory or industry.

• Major atmospheric pollutants • Basics of atmospheric chemistry • Gas analysis • Particle analysis

Assessment methods

Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� Introduction to Environmental Analysis - Reeve, R. 2002. Wiley � Analyse Chimique Quantitative de Vogel - Mendham et al. 2006. De Boeck Ed. � Air pollution control engineering - De Never, N. 1999. McGraw-Hill � Techniques de l’Ingénieur

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Analysis of trace elements and molecules


Didier Hauchard and Lidia Favier @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 17 hours


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching methods

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Acquire a knowledge of analytical methods for the specific analysis of organic or inorganic traces and ultratraces in various matrices (water, air, sols, living organisms, food matrices) Know la legislation.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

• Introduction to the specific problems of trace and ultratrace analysis. • General strategies for analysis: sampling point(s), sampling, conserving the sample,

purification and concentration. • Methods of analysis used for organic trace and ultratrace analysis. • Application to micro-organic pollutants in air and water • The special case of inorganic trace and ultratrace analysis • Projects performed by students working in pairs in order to meet the course requirement to

apply a technique to a problem, which can be used to create a lesson that can be consulted on-line.

Assessment methods

Assessment methods of the multimedia materials produced in the pairs and produced as a presentation to the group.

Supporting Literature

� Introduction to environmental analysis, Roger N. Reeve, 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. � Analyse et traitement physicochimique des rejets atmosphériques industriels emissions

fumées et odeurs, Popescu, 1998, Tech & Doc. � L'analyse de l'eau: Eaux naturelles, eaux résiduaires, eau de mer. Rodier et al., 2009 Ed. Dunod � Analyse chimique: Méthodes et techniques instrumentales. Rouessac et al., 2009. Ed Dunod

Previous study required: Advanced separation techniques (CC5TSEPC), Analytical strategies (CC4STRAC), Electrochemical analytical methods

Page 198: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Ecotoxicity and biodegradability


Dominique Ambrosi @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To help future engineers working in the chemical industry at large to understand the European regulatory systems on marketing chemical products, particularly in the field of the environment and ecotoxicology.

Detailed programme

Module 1: Definitions, basic data, presenting tests (4h)

• Cycle of a chemical product, entry points into the environment (water, air, soil). • Definition of the physico-chemical and environmental parameters (FBC, Kco, LogPoe,

Pvap, Cte de Henry, Solubility, etc.) • Definitions : Toxicity, ecotoxicity, bioaccumulation, biodegradation, danger, risk, DL50,

CE50, etc. • Definitions of standards: OCDE, AFNOR, CIPAC, ASTM, etc. • Good Laboratory Practice (BPL): European, American, OCDE • Tests of environmental behaviour and ecotoxicity • Bioaccumulation • Abiotic degradation • Biotic degradation • Distribution in the environment • Ecotoxicity: birds, fish, daphnia, algae, bees, earthworms, micro organisms in the soil,

non-targeted plants • Alternative methods: structure-activity relationship (QSAR)

Module 2: EU regulatory requirements regarding the environment (4h) • Phytopharmaceutical products • Biocidal products • Chemical products • Detergents • Cosmetic products • Pharmaceutical and veterinary products

Module 3: Applications (4h) • Classification and labelling: Globally Harmonized System (GHS) • Safety Data Sheet (SDS) • SEVESO classification of industrial sites • European database of chemical and biocidal products REACh-IT and IUCLID5 • risk assessment

o Models, ESD, EUBEES, ECETOC, EUSES, Europoem o REACh - Chemical safety Reports – C.M.R. and P.B.T. substances


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Bacteriological analyses and disinfection


Jacques Frère @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To give future engineers a solid grounding to support their decision-making in professional life on the microbiological quality of water.

Detailed programme

• Introduction to the microbiology of water: micro-organisms (revision); the natural environment and eutrophication 2 h

• Micro organisms in the water system: biofilms (formation, evolution, cellular communication); nutritional context; disinfection (possibilities and limits) 3 h

• The micro organisms found in water: indicators of contamination; the different waters and the regulations; quantification of micro-organisms (specific environments, molecular methods) 7 h


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

• Microbiologie. Prescott et al., DeBoeck Université 1995

• Microbiologie. Perry et al., Dunod 2004

• Surveillance sanitaire et microbiologique des eaux. Delarrase, Lavoisier 2003 And for the brave: The handbook of Water and Wastewater microbiology, Duncan et al., Elsevier 2003

Page 200: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Fate and transport of contaminants in the environment


Khalil Hanna @: [email protected]

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowing the different methods of assessment, prediction and modelling of transport of chemical contaminants

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• Knowing how to assess the fate of a contaminant • Knowing how to determine the distribution of a contaminant in different compartments:

water, air and soil. • Knowing the different models of speciation, reactive transfer and transport of a pollutant.

Detailed programme

• Assessment of pollutant emissions and fate of a chemical in the environment; • Contaminants in the Food Chain; • Key mechanisms controlling the fate of pollutants in the environment; • Biogeochemical cycle of metals in aquatic environments; • transfer mechanisms at small and large scales. • Modelling fate and transport of contaminants; • chemical speciation models • microscopic and macroscopic physicochemical models. • Environmental modelling: the concept of fugacity • simple models for estimating contaminant fate in surface waters.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

Page 201: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Chemical speciation in soils


Khalil Hanna @: [email protected]

Hours: 11 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Knowing the different techniques and methods for analysis and chemical speciation of major and trace elements in soils

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• Knowing how to analyze the major elements in soil •••• Knowing how to determine the speciation of trace elements •••• Knowing the different techniques and methods of soil analysis "direct" and "indirect"

Detailed programme

•••• Properties and characteristics of soils; •••• Evolution and Erosion of soils; •••• Soil contamination; •••• Speciation and dynamics of trace elements; •••• Chemical analysis in soil


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

Page 202: Detailed programme of courses in the English version




Systems of environmental management


Jacques Salamitou @:

Hours: 8 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To grasp what is involved in managing the environment in a company, and to learn the principles and the requirements of international standard ISO14001 in order to put in place or understand a system of environmental management that meets this standard, leading to certification by a third party.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

To know the principles of setting up a system of environmental management (SME)

Detailed programme

Presentation of the scale of the challenge The environment for a business – the economic, human and scientific dimensions, and also the emotional and cultural significance (the importance of the interested parties; the role of regulations; position compared with the mission of the company, relativity of the level of performance) and the importance of managing them.

Notion of System of Management Environment and characteristics of such a system if it is to be effective (defining the limits of the system; commitment of managers; taking interested parties into account; simplicity and robustness, progressiveness and flexibility; continuous improvement; importance of communication; compatibility with systems of management of other aspects)

Principles and content of ISO14001 Standard applies to the system, not the performance, prescriptive, certifiable, universal; the PDCA loop (Plan, Do, Check, Adjust); continuous spiral of improvement; description of requirements.

Using ISO 14001 to manage products •••• Assessment by third party: certification ISO 14 001; •••• EMAS registration •••• Implementing an Environmental Management System in stages: Standard ISO 14005 •••• Integrated management system •••• Quality, Safety, Environment: organisation, advantages, inconveniences.

Tutorials on complying with the main requirements of ISO 14001 •••• Policy, environmental analysis, action plans, documentation, skill and training, audits,

communication, management review


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

� NORME NF EN ISO 14001: Systèmes de management environnemental; Exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisation; AFNOR 2004

� NORME NF EN ISO 14004: Systèmes de management environnemental; Lignes directrices générales concernant les principes, les systèmes et les techniques de mise en œuvre; AFNOR 2004

� Jacques Salamitou: Management environnemental; DUNOD (2004) � Michel Jonquières: Management environnemental (100 questions pour réussir); AFNOR 2005

Page 203: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


The environment and sustainable development


Sylvie Ollitrault @:

Hours: 8 hours 40


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

The aim of this course is to trace the major steps in protecting the environment internationally and the emergence of the concept of sustainable development

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Know the problems of environmental law

Detailed programme

Chapter 1: The origins and issues of environmental mobilisation 1: A historic view of the environment 2: Nature – a social construct 3: The Anglo-American wilderness and its influence in the world of conservation 4: Environmental movements and ecologists today 5: The environment – a new legal category 6: Today’s major issues on the environment or the theme of crisis

Chapter 2: The rise in power of international policy on the environment: the birth of sustainable development

1: International cooperation on the environment before Rio (1992) 2: From Rio to Johannesburg: the emergence of sustainable development 3: North/South relationships and development aid

Chapter 3: International and European policies on the environment: implementing sustainable development internationally

1: The multilateral system: the crucial role of IGOs 2: The essential international players: governments and civil sociéty 3: The issue of environmental safety 4: Environmental policies in the context of free trade: the example of food security 5: Global warming: a political matter.

Chapter 4: Local diffusion of environmental challenges: the example of sustainable development 1: Europe and its set of standards 2: Environmental issues and their introduction into French law (acts of parliament) 3: Renewed militant behaviour in the environmental context in France 4: Those involved in sustainable development: the French example 5: The example of sustainable development in Brittany: stakeholders, issues, agenda 21


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

- Aubertin C., Re-présenter la nature; la biodiversité au prisme des ONG, éditions de l’IRD, 2005. -Barthe Y., « le recours au politique ou la problématisation politique « par défaut », in Lagroye (J.), La Politisation, Paris, Belin, 2003. -Lascoumes P., L’éco-pouvoir. Environnements et politiques, La découverte, Paris, 1994. -Neveu E., Sociologie des mouvements sociaux, Paris, La découverte, 1996. -Ollitrault S., « Les écologistes français, des experts en action », in Mayer (N.), Fillieule (O.) dir, Carrières Militantes, Revue Française de Science Politique,vol 51, n°1-2, février-avril 2001, p.105-131. -Ollitrault S. « Des plantes et des hommes. De la défense de la biodiversité à l'altermondialisme » Revue Française de Science Politique, vol 54, n°3, juin 2004, p.443-465

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Assessment: carbon balance/ Lifecycle analysis /Eco-balance Lecturer(s): Dominique Lanquetin


Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To acquire the ability to assess the environmental consequences of industrial activities or products. To be able to use simple assessment tools. To understand and use the results of complex environmental assessments

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

Three half-days centred on the following issues: • environmental assessment

o defining environmental impacts (greenhouse effect, acidification, ozone layer,…) o measuring environmental impacts, o environmental indices and other qualitative estimates

• simplified tools for quantitative assessment o product balance (ADEME methodology), o carbon balance (ADEME methodology) o principles, demonstration, examples and recommendations on use

• Lifecycle analysis o principles and standards, o practical requirements and examples, o using the information for environmental communication


Pair-working on environmental assessment of a current problem, using one of the tools presented, preferably Bilan Produit (“Product Assessment”).

Supporting Literature

• Ecoconception, concepts, méthodes, outils de J.Vigneron et JF Patingre ed. Economica • Econcevoir, pratiquer et communiquer de J.Vigneron, JF Patingre et Ph. Schiesser ed.


Page 205: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Renewable Raw materials


Thierry Benvegnu , Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected] [email protected]

Hours: 13 hours 20


Coefficient: 1.5

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

• To have an idea of the economic issues related to renewable resources as raw materials or energy sources.

• To introduce the main bioresources. • To describe the synthetic pathways to transform bioresources into simple or high valued

bioproducts or biofuels.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To gain basic knowledge on the most important bioresources derived from biomass and their production channels.

• To be able to identify the main synthetic pathways for the transformations of bioresources into bioproducts and biofuels as well as their application fields.

• To gain basic knowledge on the public or private initiatives for supporting the 'Chimie du végétal' channel.

• To be able to analyze the industrial, technological, environmental and social issues related to the valorisation/transformation of biomass.

Detailed programme

• Bioresources • Bioproducts derived from biomass • Applications • Inciting politics • Various types of biofuels (ETBE, EMHV,..) • Production processes • Resources • Economic and environmental issues


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

•••• Coma, S. Iborra, A. Velty, Chemical Reviews, 2007, 107, 2411-2502 •••• Feuille de Route R&D de la filière Chimie du végétal, Ademe •••• Module ENVAM sur les matières premières renouvelables

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Process intensification


Laurent Falk @:

Hours: 12 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Illustrated presentation of the major principles of intensification in process engineering. Proposal and illustration of one method of intensification.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

• To discover the major principles of process intensification • Skills in the field of sustainable chemistry

Detailed programme

• Process intensification is one of the essential components of sustainable chemistry. • It produces cleaner, safer and more compact processes, and reduces energy consumption. • In this course are presented the major principles of intensification by various illustrations:

multifunctional reactors, reactive distillation, chromatographic reactors, periodic operations, supercritical fluids, micro reactors.

• A simple method is also proposed for analysing processes, based on characteristic times, which shows how to intensify a process. This method is illustrated by a concrete example of transformation of batch reactions into a continuous process in a fine chemistry reactor.


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Series of lectures


Several lecturers from industry and Abdelkrim Bouzaza @: [email protected]

Hours: 9 hours


Coefficient: 1

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Discover the problem of pollution of sites and polluted soils and the environmental assessment of waste processing.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

•••• Know the details of legislation on polluted sites •••• Discover the processes for diagnosis and remediation of soil •••• Know the outcome of environmental assessment of treatment processes

Detailed programme

•••• Environmental assessment of the processes of waste treatment •••• Assessment of environmental risk – polluted sites and soils


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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“Business Management” track– Choice 1.4 (10 ECTS credits)

Financial management


Aubier Angélique @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be checked by the lecturer

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

Understand the main financial decisions to be taken in a company.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

1) The main flows of finance (general introduction). 2) Investment decisions (in certain and uncertain universes). 3) Financing decisions (optimum financial structure, equity financing, debt financing)


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Industrial marketing


Droulers Olivier @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be checked by the lecturer

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To acquire the basics of marketing and then extend these through a market study (in particular in an industrial context) to be capable of carrying out market research independently, for example, as part of a work placement.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

Page 210: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Production management


Bironneau Laurent @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be checked by the lecturer

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

To introduce the student to the main concepts of production management. To familiarise students with some of the techniques and methods that apply to production management, and help them understand their application through appropriate examples and exercises. To help students to understand the principal relationships between production management and the other functions of the business.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

•••• General presentation of production management, •••• The main functions of production management, •••• The main methods and techniques used in production management: MRP, Kanban, •••• Techniques of management by constraints, methods of project and workshop scheduling, •••• Continuous improvement of performance – Just-in-Time


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

Page 211: Detailed programme of courses in the English version


Interpersonal skills


Alis David @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be checked by the lecturer

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

The development of the skills of managers and engineers is a key factor in the success of an organisation. Student engineers will have to manage projects, teams etc. This course is intended to develop engineers’ interpersonal skills: empathy, defence mechanisms, non-verbal communication, assertiveness, creativity, conflict management etc. The course is based on concepts derived from the social sciences and management research. The teaching methods use active involvement: case studies and role-plays. Students are recommended to take part.

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme

1) Communication. Perception bias, from conventional rationality to bounded rationality. Listening to the verbal and the non verbal: empathy, defence mechanisms 2) Managing. Being assertive without being aggressive or manipulative. Negotiating a win-win agreement 3) Self-development. Show creativity. Prepare and lead a meeting


Written assessment

Supporting Literature

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Employment law and human resource management


Joyeau @:

Hours: 24 hours


Coefficient: 2.4

Information to be checked by the lecturer

Teaching method

Classroom sessions

Main objectives of the course

The objective is to initiate students, who will be future managers, in the practice of human resources management, both the administrative aspects with one part on employment law and operational aspects and another part covering le recruitment, training, managing careers and pay

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


Written assessment at the module level

Supporting Literature

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Work placement introducing to Engineer activities


Annabelle Couvert @: [email protected]

Length: 4 to 6 months


Coefficient: 12

Teaching method

Main objectives of the course

End-of-course work placement Training in research and through research on a fundamental or applied subject, process improvement, developing management projects. This work placement is a springboard for the first job (about ⅓ of graduates are employed following this end-of-course work placement).

Knowledge / Skills / Learning outcomes

Detailed programme


All work placements require a written report and a viva (10 to 15 minutes depending on the year of study) before a panel composed of two teachers (course tutor and a viva supervisor appointed from the school’s research fellows) and the placement supervisor if he is able to and wishes to make the journey. The student is responsible for organising his own viva. The final assessment takes several factors into consideration: the report, the viva, the placement supervisor’s assessment and information from the placement database).

Supporting Literature