detailed analysis of music magazine

Detailed Analysis Of Music Magazine Typography: The typography of this magazine include different styles for the cover story and the cover lines. The main story about Justin Bieber is much larger than the rest which shows the audience that he is the cover story in this magazine. All the font styles are in sans serif which signifies that its more masculine than feminine and it stands out more to the audience, it’s also quite modern which shows its audience is more of a younger type of audience. The cover lines are all much smaller so they can fit more of them on the front cover to give the impression there are more stories on the inside of the magazine, which people can read on the front magazine, and attracts them to buy it. The main cover story is in white which makes the font stand out more, but the other fonts are in either red or orange to also attract the audience with the colours. The masthead of this cover is the biggest font on the page so people can easily see what the magazine is. The pull quote on the front cover about Justin gives you a little insider of what he’s going to be taking about in his interview, It also makes people want to read more. The text of

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Detailed analysis of music magazine


Page 1: Detailed analysis of music magazine

Detailed Analysis Of Music Magazine


The typography of this magazine include different styles for the cover story and the cover lines. The main story about Justin Bieber is much larger than the rest which shows the audience that he is the cover story in this magazine. All the font styles are in sans serif which signifies that its more masculine than feminine and it stands out more to the audience, it’s also quite modern which shows its audience is more of a younger type of audience. The cover lines are all much smaller so they can fit more of them on the front cover to give the impression there are more stories on the inside of the magazine, which people can read on the front magazine, and attracts them to buy it. The main cover story is in white which makes the font stand out more, but the other fonts are in either red or orange to also attract the audience with the colours. The masthead of this cover is the biggest font on the page so people can easily see what the magazine is. The pull quote on the front cover about Justin gives you a little insider of what he’s going to be taking about in his interview, It also makes people want to read more. The text of the date In the top right corner is the smallest on the front cover as it is less important. The fonts are all in a bold type sans serif font, as 82% of readers are graduates so they’re educated, so that the bold writing seems more sophisticated and mature. The boldness is easy to read so its much easier for the readers to see what’s included in this magazine.


The layout of this magazine follows the route of the eye as firstly you look at the primary optical area then go down to looking at the left third and the terminal area then end up looking at the bottom right hand corner, this is conventional for a music magazine. This

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magazine is also quite ordered to show that it’s quite neat and it’s not all squashed together which sometimes can be really off-putting, this is conventional for a pop magazine. This shows a detailed enough amount of stories what are on the inside of this magazine. All the cover lines are in the left third which is conventional for a music magazine as it is a key area of the page so more people will focus on that. The main image of the celebrity is used in the layout as he is moved in front of all the text which is also conventional for a music magazine as now he is the key area in this magazine.


This magazine is a colourful front page, which attracts more people to it, especially the younger audience because younger people like bright colours. The bright colours connote happiness and pop. The blue background stands out as it is the brightest colour on the page and it also contrasts to the other colours of the text on the cover. The white masthead stands out and it also grabs people’s attention. The text background to the pull quote is red which signifies passion which also contrasts with the blue background and the white text within it. The mid shot of the artist on the front cover stands out to the other colours on the page as the colours of his clothes are quite plain and normal. The masthead is in white and it shows its more sophisticated and just look smarter. There is also a limited amount of colours on this page, blue, yellow, white and red which makes it stand out even more, and look better otherwise it will look a bit too much and too cluttered. The colours go well with the main image which makes it stand out as a whole.


The main image on this magazine makes it stand out, as it’s a new young popular celebrity, that many people will want to read about and hear new stories about them, especially younger females as he is a good looking person. It’s a mid-shot so it looks more professional and it is conventional. The text also fits around Justin which is also typical for a magazine cover, as it makes the whole magazine look better and not too cluttered. The way Justin is dressed also makes the magazine target at a younger audience as it is quite fashionable and in trend. He is also hunching over in this image which makes him seem cooler, which could also attract a younger target audience, it also connects to the theme of the magazine as it’s quite chilled and cool. Justin’s facial expression in this image shows it’s going to be a passionate story and that the way he is pouting can also draw attention of younger girls, as they see Justin as an icon and would want to buy this and read about him. The only feature of mise-en-scene in this magazine is the piece of chain jewlerrey around Justin’s neck. This connotes that he is quite fashionable and the way he has hold of it makes him seem like a bit of a ‘gangster’, it also tells the audience that he’s quite ‘fresh’. Also the main image goes over the masthead of this magazine which signifies importance and also its dominance, it shows the audience that Justin will be the main piece and an important part in this magazine, It also shows us that the magazine is very popular and people will recognise it anyway. The serious facial expression shows that he wants to maybe be treated like more of an adult and be more serious about his music, which maybe he wasn’t before.

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The language of this magazine has a friendly tone to it. It easily portrays it as a music magazine. The pull quote ‘Everything I do, I do to be the greatest’ makes the main story interesting and makes the audience want to read it. The mode of address for billboard is quite informal, to appeal to the younger audience.


One convention of this magazine is that the left third is filled with information. Another convention is that the masthead is big and bold which attracts the audience as they can tell which magazine it is, also the main image of Justin Bieber is going over the masthead, this is also conventional for billboard magazine.


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The typography on this contents page is all small so you can fit more text onto the page so there is more information for the audience. There is a mixture of serif and sans serif fonts In this to attract male and female audience, as serif fonts are more feminine and sans serif fonts are more masculine. They use the serif fonts for the captions of the sections, for example, ‘FEATURES’, and ‘MUSIC’. These are also bigger so you know what you’re reading and it grabs your attention the first time you look at the page. ‘CONTENTS’ at the top is to clearly display what this page contains, so it’s easier to locate the different sections and different pages. This magazine also clearly display the music and the charts on the left third of this page, because its aimed at younger audience who like new popular music, which billboard includes. They’ve also split the typography into a lot of sections so it not too much to read and its not too cluttered on the one page.


The layout of this contents page is using the route of the eye, which is conventional for a music magazine. This contents page is quite ordered so its easier and clearer to read, this is also quite sophisticated which will appeal to the more educated and sophisticated audience. It is also using the left third which is conventional for music magazine, billboard uses this section to show the top music charts which will appeal to the target audience as they will be interested in new popular music, which is what this will tell you about. The photos are also laid out on this neatly and ordered, which makes the page look better as a whole.

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The colour of this contents page is quite plain, it’s got strips of bright colours (pink/blue) to contrast with the main grey/white colour. The ‘CONTENTS’ at the top of the page is in black which stands out and catches your eye. Some of the text is also in blue this shows the audience that some of that text is more important than the plain black text. It also links in with the colours of the front cover, which is conventional.


There is a range of images on the contents page, this is just to show some of the popular artists that will feature in this magazine, which will draw attention from the audience. The medium long shot of the main image is to show you her body language, which is fun, as she looks like she’s jumping in the air. She is also wearing dark clothes, which contrasts to the white background and maybe goes with the music she sings? It also goes with the whole vibe of the magazine, which isn’t too colourful. The other 3 images under the masthead is conventional for billboard magazine as they are some of the artists that feature in this. magazine. There are also various artists in the contents which appeal to a larger audience, for example there are female artists, male artists, and groups, which can appeal to many different people.


The language in this is quite informal. It is also using quite short snappy language in this which will attract to the younger audience as they wouldn’t want to read a lot. ‘MILEY STRIKES BACK’ is using quite an aggressive tone to it, this is also quite an interesting caption as people will be interested and want to find out more.


One of the conventions in this contents page is the use of the left third, as there is normally one, which includes the music an the charts which the audience (who are into music) will be into. You will also have the smaller images at the top of the magazine, to show the audience what’s in this issue.

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All the typography is in serif, which is more informal and is also easier to read. There is also a kicker in this piece of text, the ‘A’ which signifies the start of a sentence, is also breaks the page up and draws the eye in. The headline and the stand first are much bigger than the rest of the text, which catches the audience’s eye and to show that it’s going to be an important part in this piece of text, the stand first is also acting as a ‘pull quote’ and therefore adding more information and an insider of what’s going to be in this article. The rest of the text is quite small as it is a full article about Katy Perry, and they want to fit more text onto the page so it is more informative.


The layout is quite basic but also typical for a double page spread. All the text is in sections which is quite conventional for a double page spread, this is so that you can fit more on a page and that it looks formal and is quite ordered. Also on one side of the pages there is a big image which grabs the audience’s attention and showing them who the articles about.


All the texts are in black which is standard and contrasts with the background which is easier to read. The colour is also quite contemporary and modern which can attract the younger audience. Katy Perry’s lipstick is bright red which is quite vibrant and sexual, this can also attract the male audience. The brightness is coming in from behind makes Katy Perry stand out more.


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The main image on this is of a popular singer, Katy Perry, which many people would be interested in reading about. Her body language is quite sexy and sensual which will also attract the male audience. Her facial expression is quite tense and quite aggressive which also makes her to seem more sexual. Her clothes are quite revealing, which, again will appeal to the male audience and grab their attention. Also the clothes are quite fashionable which will attract the female audience. Her hair is blowing in the wind which makes her stand out more, and blends in with the whole image.


By the language on this double page spread, you can tell it’s aimed at a younger target audience, as it says ‘I took mushrooms as a daft punk show’ which is associated with drugs/violence which will make the audience more interested, it’s also in quite a formal tone which will be aimed at the more sophisticated target audience.


One convention of this is that half the page is filled with an image, which all double page spreads will have. Also the headline and the stand first are in the middle of all the text which is conventional, and it also makes the page look better as it gives you a little insider and attracts more of the audience.