deswarte intrusion tolerance panel raid2001

Panel on Intrusion Tolerance RAID 2001 UC Davis October 11, 2001

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Panel onIntrusion Tolerance

RAID 2001UC Davis

October 11, 2001

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vCrispin Cowan, WireX CommunicationsvAndreas Wespi, IBM Zurich Research Lab.vAl Valdes, SRI InternationalvDan Schnackenberg, Boeing Phantom Works

vModerator: Yves Deswarte

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On Dependability,Intrusion Tolerance,

and the MAFTIA project

Yves DeswarteLAAS-CNRS

Toulouse, [email protected]

David Powell

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vTrustworthiness of a computer system suchthat reliance can justifiably be placed on theservice it delivers

J.-C. Laprie (Ed.), Dependability: Basic Concepts and Terminologyin English, French, German, Italian and Japanese,265p., ISBN 3-211-82296-8, Springer-Verlag,1992.

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Fault, Error & Failure



adjudged orhypothesizedcause of anerror

that part of system state whichmay lead to a failure


occurs when delivered service deviates fromimplementing the system function

H/W faultBugAttackIntrusion

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Internal,dormant fault

Example: Single Event LatchupSELs (reversible stuck-at faults)may occur because of radiation

(e.g., cosmic ray, high energy ions)

Satellite on-board computer

Internal,active fault






Lack ofshielding

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Internal,dormant fault

IntrusionsIntrusions result from

(at least partially) successful attacks:

Computing System

Internal,active fault







account withdefault password

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Fault Tolerance




Fault Treatment



Fault TreatmentFault Treatment


ReconfigurationReconfigurationError ProcessingError Processing

Detection Detection Damage assessment Damage assessment Recovery Recovery

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Error Detection (1)

vLikelihood checkingo by hardware:§ inexistent or forbidden address, instruction, command…§ watchdogs§ error detection code (e.g., parity)

o by software (OS or application) =verify properties on:

§ values (absolute, relative, intervals)§ formats and types§ events (instants, delays, sequences)

o Signatures (error detection code)

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Error Detection (2)

vComparison between replicates

o Assumption: a unique fault generates differenterrors on different replicates

§ internal hardware fault: identical copies§ external hardware fault: similar copies§ design fault / interaction fault: diversified copies

o On-line model checking

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Backward recovery

Forward recovery

Compensation-based recovery (fault masking)

4 5 6 7

1 2 3


12 13111 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7

Error Recovery

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Error Processing (wrt intrusions)

vError detectiono + Backward recovery (availability, integrity)o + Forward recovery (availability, confidentiality)

vIntrusion maskingo Fragmentation (confidentiality)o Redundancy (availability, integrity)o Scattering

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Intrusion Masking

Intrusion into a part of the system should give access onlyto non-significant information

FRS: Fragmentation-Redundancy-Scattering

§ Fragmentation: split the data into fragments so thatisolated fragments contain no significant information:confidentiality

§ Redundancy: add redundancy so that fragmentmodification or destruction would not impedelegitimate access: integrity + availability

§ Scattering: isolate individual fragments

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Fault Tolerance




Fault Treatment



Fault TreatmentFault Treatment


ReconfigurationReconfigurationError ProcessingError Processing

Detection Detection Damage assessment Damage assessment

Recovery Recovery

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Fault Treatment (wrt intrusions)

vDiagnosiso Non-malicious or malicious (intrusion)o Attack (to allow retaliation)o Vulnerability (to allow removal = maintenance)

vIsolationo Intrusion (to prevent further penetration)o Vulnerability (to prevent further intrusion)

vReconfigurationo Contingency plan to degrade/restore service§ inc. attack retaliation, vulnerability removal

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vMalicious- and Accidental-Fault Tolerance forInternet Applications

IST Dependability InitiativeCross Program Action 2Dependability in services and technologies

University of Newcastle (UK) Brian Randell, Robert StroudUniversity of Lisbon (P) Paulo VerissimoDSTL, Malvern (UK) Tom McCutcheon, Colin O’HalloranUniversity of Saarland (D) Birgit PfitzmannLAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (F) Yves Deswarte, David PowellIBM Research, Zurich (CH) Marc Dacier, Michael Waidner

c. 55 man-years, EU funding c. 2.5M€Jan. 2000 -> Dec. 2002

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vArchitectural framework and conceptualmodel (WP1)vMechanisms and protocols:

o dependable middleware (WP2)o large scale intrusion detection systems (WP3)o dependable trusted third parties (WP4)o distributed authorization mechanisms (WP5)

vValidation and assessment (WP6)

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Referencesv Avizienis, A., Laprie, J.-C., Randell, B. (2001). Fundamental Concepts of Dependability, LAAS Report

N°01145, April 2001, 19 p.

v Deswarte, Y., Blain, L. and Fabre, J.-C. (1991). Intrusion Tolerance in Distributed Systems, in IEEESymp. on Research in Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA, USA, pp.110-121.

v Dobson, J. E. and Randell, B. (1986). Building Reliable Secure Systems out of Unreliable InsecureComponents, in IEEE Symp. on Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA, USA, pp.187-193.

v Laprie, J.-C. (1985). Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance: Concepts and Terminology, in 15thInt. Symp. on Fault Tolerant Computing (FTCS-15), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, IEEE, pp.2-11.

v J.-C. Laprie (Ed.), Dependability: Basic Concepts and Terminology in English, French, German, Italianand Japanese, 265p., ISBN 3-211-82296-8, Springer-Verlag, 1992.

v D. Powell, A. Adelsbasch, C. Cachin, S. Creese, M. Dacier, Y. Deswarte, T. McCutcheon, N. Neves, B.Pfitzmann, B. Randell, R. Stroud, P. Veríssimo, M. Waidner. MAFTIA (Malicious- and Accidental-FaultTolerance for Internet Applications), Sup. of the 2001 International Conference on Dependable Systemsand Networks (DSN2001), Göteborg (Suède), 1-4 juillet 2001, IEEE, pp. D-32-D-35.