destination millersville 2013

• Hair Care (all phases) • Kenra and ISO, OSIS Pleasing you in 2013  At Billie-Jean’ s, our #1 goal is to please you. If you aren’t completely satisfied, we aren’t either. 250 manor ave., millersville 872-8001 hair & nail studio  Now Open in His toric Downtown  121 S. Prince St., Lancaster , P A 717.397.8298  www. schei dfun eralh ome. com  An dre w T . Sc hei d, C FSP , Su pervisor JOHN HERR’S VILLAGE MARKET, INC. a family owned supermarket 25 MANOR AVE, MILLERSVILLE 717-872-5457 Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 8am-5pm Thanks for your patronage Millersville! Great Food Served in a Quiet, Rustic Atmosphere for 42 Years!  One of Lancaster’s Best Kept Secrets!  Food & Spirits   B  a  r  n   D  o  o  r Visit for a Millersville Business Association member’ s directory as well as eve nts and other important information. Millersville In a program sure to delight the ear as well as the eye, COBALT Dance Company presents Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons,” Bach’s “Brandenburg Concerto No. 6” and the Choreographer’s Apprentice to music of Paul Dukas. e Four Seasons begins with humble walks and skips and nishes with dazzling leaps and slides in glorious ever-changing rustic colors. Bach’s upliing music is mirrored and illuminated in a new work for COBALT’s most accomplished dancers. And, in a magical new story ballet, technique runs amok and the wild force of contemporary ballet is unleashed when a child dares to step in for the absent dance teacher. TICKET INFORMATION: Sat., May 18, 7:30 p.m. at the Winter Center. Second performance Sun., May 19 at 2:30 p.m. is event is open to the public. General admission $20; $15 for children 12 and under; $10 for students with MU ID. Tickets may be purchased online, at, at the Student Memor ial Cente r Ticket Oce (Room 103, 21 S. George St., Millersville), by calling the Ticket Oce at 717- 872-38 11 or at e Ware Center B ox Oce (42 N. Prince St ., Lancast er). Ticket Oces are open Monday th rough Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Note: MU ID discount tickets are not available for purchase online or over the phone. MU ID must be prese nted at the MU Ticket Oce. COBALT Dance Company to Perform at The Winter Center 

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7/30/2019 Destination Millersville 2013 1/1

InHome Care for EverySeason of Your Life!

To Everything There is a Season, Time and Purpose Under Heaven

In-Home Care

• Hair Care (all phases) • Kenra and ISO, OSIS

Pleasing you in 2013 At Billie-Jean’s, our #1 goal is to please you.If you aren’t completely satisfied, we aren’t either.

250 manor ave., millersville 872-8001

hair & nail studio 

234 Manor Ave · Millersville ·


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Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Armative action institution. A member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

 Now Open in Historic Downtown 

121 S. Prince St., Lancaster, PA 717.397.8298

 Andrew T. Scheid, CFSP, Supervisor 

JOHN HERR’S VILLAGE MARKET, INC.a family owned supermarket 


Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 8am-5pm

Thanks for your patronage Millersville!

 Your NeighborsNeed Your Help!

If you are looking for an exciting & rewarding Volunteer Opportunity, join our team! 

BLUE ROCK FIRE26 E. Charlotte St, Millersville 717.872.9345

Serving Manor Township & Millersville Borough 

Great Food Served in a Quiet,Rustic Atmosphere for 42 Years! 

One of Lancaster’s Best Kept Secrets! 

Food &Spirits

14 Blue Rock Rd., Millersville717-872-9943

  B a r n

  D o o r

Visit fora Millersville Business Association

member’s directory as well as eventsand other important information.


In a program sure to delight the ear aswell as the eye, COBALT Dance Company presents Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons,” Bach’s“Brandenburg Concerto No. 6” and theChoreographer’s Apprentice to musicof Paul Dukas. e Four Seasons beginswith humble walks and skips and nisheswith dazzling leaps and slides in glorious

ever-changing rustic colors. Bach’s upliingmusic is mirrored and illuminated in a new work for COBALT’s most accomplisheddancers. And, in a magical new story ballet,technique runs amok and the wild force of contemporary ballet is unleashed when achild dares to step in for the absent danceteacher.


Sat., May 18, 7:30 p.m. at the Winter Center.Second performance Sun., May 19 at 2:30 event is open to the public.General admission $20; $15 for children 12 andunder; $10 for students with MU ID. Tickets may be purchased online, at, atthe Student Memorial Center Ticket O ce (Room103, 21 S. George St., Millersville), by calling theTicket O ce at 717-872-3811 or at e WareCenter Box O ce (42 N. Prince St., Lancaster).Ticket O ces are open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Note: MU ID discount tickets are not available forpurchase online or over the phone. MU ID mustbe presented at the MU Ticket O ce.

COBALT Dance Company to Perform at The Winter Center