destination malawi 2015-16


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A destination, hotel and entertainment guide for Malawi. Published by Land & Marine Publications on behalf of the Malawi Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Culture.


DESTINATION2 0 1 5 - 1 6



Destination Malawi was published by:

Land & Marine Publications Ltd 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way Severalls Business Park Colchester, Essex CO4 9RA United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 Fax: +44 (0)1206 842958 E-mail: [email protected]

Printed by: Buxton Press

Photographs: Malawi Department of Tourism, Land & Lake Safaris, Danforth Yachting, Fisherman's Rest.

The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor nor of any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions.

ISSN 2045-6484 ©2014 Land & Marine Publications Ltd

Malawi Department of TourismMinistry of Information, Tourism and Culture Tourism House, Off Convention Drive Private Bag 326, Lilongwe 3

Tel: +265 1 775 499; 772 702 Fax: +265 1 775 4943 Email: [email protected]

malawitourism @malawitourism

25 AIRLINESRebirth of flagship airline

26 AIRPORTSAirports offer better-than-ever facilities






2 FOREWORDA hidden gem that will change your life

4 NATIONAL PARKSMalawi’s breathtaking choice of wildlife hot spots


11 FOREST RESERVES Forest reserves offer a pageantry of flora and fauna

12 LILONGWE AND BLANTYRECapital and seat of government offers charm and green spaces

14 ANNUAL EVENTSExciting events bring sport and music stars to Malawi


16 GOLFWhen it comes to great golf courses…small is beautiful

17 PLANTATIONSA plantation holiday could be your cup of tea

18 MOUNT MULANJEFabulous world of Tolkien’s favourite mountain

20 EATING OUTUpmarket or low budget – you’ll eat well in Malawi

22 CULTUREVibrant culture that springs from tribal living

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29 SS Rent a car

31 Crossroads Hotel

33 Riverside

35 Golden Peacock

37 Ethiopian Airlines

39 Countrywide car hire

39 MSB Forex Bureau

41 Danforth

41 African Parks Majete

43 Victoria Forex Bureau

43 Land and Lake Safaris

45 Game Haven Lodge

45 Fisherman’s Rest

46 Blue Zebra Island Lodge

47 Ideal Travel & Tours

48 Africa Wild Truck

48 Kwacha Dawn

49 Tongole

49 Hu_cess Executive Lodge




Welcome to Destination Malawi – the Department of Tourism’s

official guide to the Warm Heart of Africa.

For those unfamiliar with our nation,

Malawi is neatly squeezed between

Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique

– a hidden gem awaiting discovery.

Perhaps not for much longer,

however, as Lonely Planet nomi-

nated Malawi one of its Top Ten

destinations for 2014.

Lake Malawi – our ‘Lake of Life’

– is the body of water that domi-

nates our country and the lives

of many of our people. No visit to

Malawi is complete without a visit to

Lake Malawi, whose shores are dotted

with excellent hotels and good-quality

campsites. Lake Malawi National Park is

one of our two Unesco World Heritage Sites.

Our nine national parks and wildlife reserves

have been, or are being, restocked and

restored to their former glory – often in close

collaboration between the Department of

National Parks & Wildlife and non-profit-

making outside agencies.

Malawi also has a delightful

selection of forest reserves,

all with their own attractions

and ecosystems and located at

varying altitudes. In contrast to

other parts of Africa, our parks

and reserves are inexpensive and

uncrowded. There are strict limits

on the construction of new camps

and lodges, thus ensuring that our

wilderness areas remain just that.

Our two main cities of Lilongwe and Blantyre

offer top-quality accommodation and have

the necessary facilities to host large interna-

tional conferences.

I wish to offer an invitation to visit Malawi.

For many, it’s a life-changing experience; one

they wish to repeat again and again.

Patricia Liabuba Director of Tourism

A hidden gem łhał will change your life




Malawi is a paradise for naturalists, offering a rich variety of large mammals in many of its parks and reserves. Most

species of big game are now restricted to game reserves and national parks owing to an increase in poaching over the past decade. There are three types of protected areas in Malawi: national parks, wildlife reserves and nature sanctuaries. They cover an estimated 11 per cent of the country’s total land mass.

Malawi’s breałhłaking choice of

wildlife hoł społs



Kasungu National Park, stretching along the

Zambian border, 175 km north of Lilongwe,

is Malawi’s second-largest park. The park

is located in the central region about 1,000

metres above sea level. It consists mainly of

miombo woodland and also has grassy river

channels known as dambos. Flowing through

the park are the vitally important Dwanga

and Lingadzi rivers, the main water sources

that support its ecosystem.

Some of the best game viewing in Malawi

can be found at Kasungu, especially in the

warmer months of August to November,

when water levels begin to drop, forcing the

animals to stay close to the park’s remaining

waterholes. During the annual heavy rains

of March the park closes for the month –

perhaps earlier if the rains begin in late

February – as tracks are washed out and

become inaccessible.

Large populations of elephant can be found

roaming the plains, although the increase in

poaching over the past five years has reduced

their numbers. In addition to elephant,

Kasungu is home to other intriguing wildlife

including various species of buck (sable,

roan, kudu and impala) as well as buffalo

and zebra. Hippo can also be spotted on the

Lifupa River, in particular where it dams at

Lifupa Conservation Lodge, a peaceful retreat

next to the dam. Predators such as hyena and

wild dog are most active in the evening and

their signature laughs can be heard as they

roam the park.

Lake Malawi


Lake Malawi National Park has been a

World Heritage Site since 1984 and is the

only park in Malawi to be created for the

conservation of fish and aquatic habitats

as opposed to most parks that protect

wildlife. Considered Malawi’s touristic

jewel, this landlocked freshwater lake is

second to none, with a length of about 600

km and a width of 75 km. In the north, the

lake is an extraordinary 700 metres deep.

Looking almost like the ocean itself, this

huge expanse of blue water is a breath-

taking sight. The lake is filled with brightly

coloured fish and aquatic wildlife unique to

the lake. Lake Malawi is located between

Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania and for

this reason it is also referred to as Lake

Nyasa. Fishing villages scattered along

the shore have also contributed

to the naming of Lake Malawi.

As the fishermen set out each

evening they often set adrift many

lanterns, which from a distance

look like stars, leading to the fond

nickname of ‘Lake of Stars’.

The national park offers an

unmatched experience, blending a

classic beach holiday with adventure,

sport and wildlife. The southern and central

areas of the park contain the most popular

sites for tourists. These are the areas where

most of the lakeside accommodation can be


There is an impressive choice of accommoda-

tion for visitors, ranging from lodges to hotels

to backpacker establishments. Mangochi

Lakeshore and Monkey Bay have the highest

concentration of lodges and hotels, with

popular resorts such as Makokola Retreat

and Sunbird Nkopola Lodge. Nkhata Bay,

located in Nkhata Bay District, is ideal for

both couples and families and is especially

popular with honeymooners. The bay has

golden beaches and the resorts and lodges

offer romantic settings.


Lake Malawi offers great yachting adven-

tures through Danforth Yachting, which has

named its fleet of boats after characters

in ‘The Lion King’. For visitors wishing

to experience the lake, the ‘Mufasa’ – the

only live-aboard yacht on Lake Malawi – is

highly recommended. Dining experiences on

the yacht include dishes prepared by local

and international chefs using only fresh local

ingredients. Alfresco dining is available for


Lake Malawi offers a freshwater

scuba diving experience like no

other. Danforth Yachting has

a fully equipped PADI resort

scuba diving centre. Divers can

enjoy the warm, clear, fresh

water with no tides or currents

or salt water and a chance to see



the brightly coloured tropical fish known as

cichlids. Dive spots are easily accessible and

with PADI certified scuba divers on hand, the

experience is quite magical.

In addition to diving, Lake Malawi offers

kayaking, sailing in Laser dinghies, Hobie

Cat sailing, water-skiing, wakeboarding,

tube rides, mountain biking, hikes and

nature walks in the hills around the national



A ferry trip across Lake Malawi is highly

recommended. This can be experienced

on board the 620 tonne ‘Ilala’, which has

recently been fitted with new engines. The

‘Ilala’ has a passenger capacity of 400 and

provides an essential means of travel both for

tourists and for local people, who transport

goods for trading. The ‘Ilala’ goes to the

Mozambican territory of Likoma Island as

well as to Ulisa Bay Lodge, Kaya Mawa and

Mango Drift.

The ferry operates on a weekly schedule

between Chipoka and Chilumba, with nine

other stops en route including Nkhotakota,

Nkhata Bay, Likoma Island and Metan-

gula on the Mozambique shore. It travels

northbound Saturday to

Monday and southbound

Tuesday to Thursday.

Accommodation on board

the ‘Ilala’ is charming, with five

double cabins (one en-suite) and two

single cabins on the upper decks for tourists.

The top deck above the cabins is reserved for

cabin-class passengers except when in port.

There is a spacious recreation area with a

covered bar.


Salima, on the shore of Lake Malawi, is

the site of one of the region’s largest fish

farms, operated by Stuart M. Grant Ltd,

which focuses on the professional fishing

and transport of cichlids both locally and

internationally. The lake contains hundreds

of species of fish which are in demand by

enthusiasts around the world. The cichlids

are collected by professional local divers

and the fishing sites are carefully moni-

tored to ensure there is no overfishing or

destruction of the aquatic ecosystem. The

fish farm also reintroduces cichlids on the

brink of extinction through various breeding

projects carried out on the farm. Working

closely with the Department of Fisheries, the

company releases the fingerlings back into

the lake.

More and more tourists have shown

an interest in close interaction with

the cichlids. It was for this reason

that Red Zebra Tours was born,

offering picnic and hiking

excursions and lake safaris

as well as accommodation

at the Red Zebra Lodge

with its views of Lake



Lengwe National Park, about 50 km from

Blantyre, is different from most parks in

Malawi as it consists of dense woodland.

Man-made pools assist game viewing as

wildlife congregate around the water catch-

ments, especially in the dry season. It is also

a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 300

bird species. Guests on game drives can easily

spot Livingstone’s suni, bushbuck and impala

as well as baboon, monkey, warthog, bush pig

and buffalo. At the entrance of the park is the

‘Tisunge!’ heritage centre (meaning ‘Let us

preserve!’ in Chi Chewa), formed to preserve

Lower Shire culture. Various artefacts are on

display at the centre’s museum.


Liwonde National Park lies on the east bank

of the Shire River in southern Malawi. With

scenic views and a hippo-filled river running

through it, the park is a true reflection of

beautiful African bushland. The environment

of the park is untouched and less travelled

than most parks in Africa, thus enhancing

its beauty and tranquillity. There are several

lodges in the area that allow visitors to take

full advantage of the surroundings. Wildlife

on view here include elephant, lion, leopard,

warthog, greater kudu, vervet monkey,


baboon, impala, waterbuck, bushbuck,

mongoose, crocodile and monitor lizard.

The black rhino has been introduced to

Liwonde and the population has now grown

to 10 as the result of a conservation project

in partnership with the government. These

animals usually steer clear of the beaten

track, so it can be a challenge to spot them.

The park is ideal for birdwatchers, with nearly

300 species of birds. And there are opportuni-

ties for beautiful photography, with orchids

and lilies in full bloom just after the rains.


Nyika National Park, 500 km north of

Lilongwe, is Malawi’s largest national park,

covering 3,200 sq km. The park covers

the entire Nyika plateau and is one

of the country’s most important

catchment areas. ‘Nyika’

means ‘where the water

comes from’ and this is

the wettest area of the

country. It has an incom-

parable ecosystem that

supports the local wildlife

and the surrounding environment and is

perfect for the traveller seeking to experience

both these aspects in full. The landscape is

breathtaking, with rolling hills and grasslands

as far as the eye can see, dotted with over

200 species of orchids when in season. Over

400 species of birds thrive here, including the

rare Denham’s bustard.

Large populations of antelope reside here

owing to the vastness of the grassy plains and

perhaps it is for this reason that the park has

the highest population of leopard in Central

Africa. Visitors can also expect to see eland,

roan, zebra, elephant and lion.

Activities in the park include trekking,

mountain biking and 4x4 excursions as well

as horse-riding safaris with beautiful views.

Waterfalls, trout pools and even the famous

‘magic lake’ of Kaulimi are a ‘must see’ for

visitors, who will find accommodation in one

of the lodges dotted around the park.

Initiatives are under way by various govern-

ment ministries to conserve wildlife and the

environment. These include development

of the national park infrastructure as well

as administrative support. Trans-Frontier

Conservation Area (TFCA), Peace Parks

Foundation and the Norwegian govern-

ment contribute significantly while joint

government initiatives with Zambia form

institutional frameworks to manage

the protected area.


Although Elephant Marsh is not classified

as a national protected area, efforts are still

made to preserve this important catchment

area, which sustains both human life and

wildlife. Lying in the flood plain of the lower

Shire River, the marsh provides water for

local communities and their livestock.

A revenue-sharing scheme through Wildlife

Fund Order allows the government to share

revenue gained from tourist fees. Through

the Kasungu Treasury Fund and Lake Malawi

Treasury Fund, the money goes towards

health, education and human welfare.

Tackling climate change is top of the conser-

vation agenda and the development of carbon

agreements with participating international

states is well under way. Private as well as

government institutions work closely with

local communities on projects to tackle defor-

estation in protected areas.


Located in the heart of Malawi’s capital,

Lilongwe Wildlife Sanctuary is the place

where ‘wildlife and people meet’. The

wildlife centre, located in the sanctuary, is

an award-winning rescue, conservation and

education hub. It was the Born Free Founda-

tion that helped to set up the centre in 2007

and this renowned animal conservation

body is still actively involved in projects. In

partnership with the Department of National

Parks & Wildlife and some of the world’s

leading international wildlife charities, the

centre aims to raise the profile of wildlife




welfare and conservation, working with

local communities to preserve habitats in

protected areas.

Education involves working with hundreds

of schools across the country and providing

information about environmental conserva-

tion. The community outreach programmes

promote community empowerment and

sustainable livelihoods so that issues such as

human wildlife conflict are addressed.


Located just an hour from Lilongwe is Kuti

Wildlife Reserve, one of Malawi’s smallest

reserves, run by a non-profit trust committed

to the conservation and protection of wildlife

and the environment. This tiny gem offers

lots of activities and sights for tourists.

They include horse-riding, bike safaris,

birdwatching and, of course, the wonderful

sunsets. Giraffe, zebra and antelope are the

predominant wildlife here.


The story of Majete Wildlife Reserve is

perhaps the most interesting of all parks

in Malawi. In the late 1990s most species

of large game had been eradicated, mainly

as a result of poor law enforcement and an

inability to deal with poaching. In 2003,

however, a project spearheaded by the

government, in liaison with local commu-

nities and a non-profit organisation, took

control of the situation and turned it around

so that rehabilitation of the park could go

ahead. Today, as a result of infrastructure

development including new fences, tracks

and waterholes, nearly 3,000 animals of

13 species have been introduced including

black rhino, elephant, Lichtenstein’s

hartebeest and eland. In fact, Majete

Wildlife Reserve is the only protected area

in Malawi where the famous ‘big five’ can

be seen. Poaching has been reduced signifi-

cantly as a result of community outreach

programmes and government enforcement.

There are various lodges offering a choice of

accommodation with activities such as game

drives, birdwatching and treks.


Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve, in southern

Malawi, is the country’s smallest wildlife

reserve, with only 135 sq km of protected

area. The reserve is not easily accessible

because it is so remote, thus allowing a large

variety of habitat to thrive. Wonderful views

of woodland and surrounding environs can

be seen in the course of game drives or treks,

which can be arranged by the local reserve

authorities. Various lodges and campsites

have been established, including Njati Lodge,

close to Mwabvi Gorge, where guests can

admire the beautiful sunsets. This once-empty

reserve is exceptional for those wishing

to experience the ‘road less travelled’ in

Malawi’s tourist circuit.


Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve is said to be

Malawi’s oldest reserve, covering some 1,800

sq km of rocky terrain filled with woodland

stretching from the Great Rift Valley in

the west to within a few kilometres of Lake

Malawi in the east. The plateau is dotted

with streams and waterfalls

and there are great spots

for fishing and canoeing.

Various lodges have been

established within and

outside the reserve to take

full advantage of this once-

inaccessible reserve. Tongole

Wilderness Lodge opened

up accessibility even further

by creating an airstrip that allows

visitors to reach the reserve by charter

flight. Lion, leopard, elephant and buffalo

can be spotted on game drives organised by

the reserve’s authorities. For guests staying

at a lodge, the management will offer various



Along the Zambian border lies Vwaza

Wildlife Reserve, a 400 sq km marsh plain

filled with an outstanding number of bird

species and a backdrop of woodland that is

second to none. Although accommodation is

not yet available, tourists can still enjoy what

nature has to offer, such as the hippo-filled

Lake Kazuni or the numerous herds of buffalo

and elephant.

LakeChilwaS h i r



i r e












































Ntchisi Forest Reserve is one of Malawi’s last

remaining rainforests with thriving vegeta-

tion and trees that form a canopy 30 metres

high. True to its nature as a rainforest, Ntchisi

contains a range of flora and fauna that is

second to none. Wild orchids thrive here

and after the rains edible wild mushrooms

flourish and are often used in dishes served at

Ntchisi Forest Lodge located in the park. The

rainforest covers an area of 75 sq km and is

home to a wide variety of bird species,

monkeys and baboons. There have

been reported sightings of a black

leopard in the mountain terrain

near the park.


Located in the Great Rift Valley about

80 km from Lilongwe is Thuma Forest

Reserve, filled with lush miombo woodland

and a striking variety of plants and indig-

enous trees. Like most of the country’s

forest reserves, Thuma has an exceptional

number of bird species and an ecosystem

that is closely monitored and protected by

the Department of Forestry. Also joining

conservation efforts is the Wildlife Action

Group, which spearheads the Thuma Forest

Reserve Eco-system Rehabilitation Project

as well as conservation in Dedza-Salima

Forest Reserve. In partnership with local

communities, the group has a mission to

protect the forest’s flora and fauna. Elephant

and buffalo roam the rugged terrain and

can often be seen in one of the patches of

bamboo around the park.


Dzalanyama Forest Reserve, 40 km south-

west of Lilongwe, has been a protected area

since 1922 in order to guarantee the capital’s

water source.

Miombo, the main tree that grows in these

parts and covers large areas, is part of an

amazing ecosystem filled with indigenous

orchids and birdlife.

This 989 sq km reserve also has pine and

eucalyptus trees that were introduced to the

area in 1977. Tourists can take advantage of

the reserve’s beauty by staying in one of the

lodges located on the outskirts.

At the heart of the forest lies Dzalanyama

Forest Lodge, with comfortable accommoda-

tion overlooking the Makata River. In the

early morning, the many different species of

birds can be heard for miles around while

indigenous butterflies form a colourful

pattern beside the river. In the afternoons,

guests can take a refreshing dip in one of

several natural pools and streams in the


Foresł reserves offer a pageanłry of flora and fauna




Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, lies right in the centre of the

country and is divided into two. The Old Town is characterised by informal settlements and is home to many of the city’s markets, while the New Town is filled with modern buildings, cafés and restaurants.

Named after the Lilongwe River, which

flows through the centre of the city into Lake

Malawi, Lilongwe has a fascinating

history, growing from 19th-century

settlements into a charming city

with green open spaces.

Lilongwe is distinguished

by its remarkable

degree of planning and

infrastructure, with

large indigenous trees

throughout the city as

well as shopping centres and cosy suburbs.

Lilongwe is the administrative centre of

Malawi, where parliament, diplomatic

missions and other state departments are


The Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary adds a novel

dimension, providing visitors with an opportu-

nity to couple a city experience with a wildlife

adventure. Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, located

within the sanctuary, is home to wild animals

that have been rescued, including lions as

well as various species of monkeys.

Modern shopping outlets can be found

throughout the city. The Four Seasons

shopping centre features boutiques, quaint

coffee shops and speciality restaurants as well

as a tranquil garden where visitors can relax

in the afternoons. The Crossroads Shopping

Complex has modern banking facilities as

well as international clothes shops, minigolf,

car hire services and a wide range of fast

food outlets.

Malawian art and craft work is second to

none and there are various markets and

arcades in Lilongwe where visitors can

view high-quality creations. Ishq sells

upmarket items ranging from recycled

mahogany tables to hand-woven rags,

while craft markets in the Old Town

offer batik, basketware, jewellery and

traditional wood carvings. The Old

Town Mall also has a

few craft shops as well as

bookshops offering a range of travel


Lilongwe has a good a choice of accommoda-

tion, from budget hotels to luxury properties.

Kumbali Country Lodge is a favourite with

travellers who want to stay in a tranquil

location close to a city. This high-end lodge

offers modern conferencing facilities and

excellent cuisine as well as beautiful gardens

where guests can stroll or enjoy a sundowner.


Blantyre, the nation’s commercial hub and

second city, has a vibrancy that attracts both

business travellers and seekers of adven-

ture. This cosmopolitan city is a popular

centre of business in East Africa. It contains

iconic buildings such as the 19th-century St

Michael’s Church as well as museums and

markets. Blantyre is the country’s oldest city

with an air of time-honoured charm.

Multi-storey buildings are now part of the

city’s horizon. They include financial institu-

tions such as international banks and the

Malawi Stock Exchange. Carlsberg opened

its first brewery outside of Denmark in

Blantyre in 1968. Today the brewery organ-

ises tours during which visitors can sample

Capiłal and seał of governmenł offers

charm and green spaces




the speciality beers that have been brewed

here for decades.

Blantyre is a key transport hub and is

famous as the northwest terminus of the Tete

Corridor connecting Zimbabwe with Malawi

via western Mozambique. This route was

popular with travellers crossing between

South Africa and East Africa.

The weather is pleasant for the most of the

year and this is reflected in the dense green

of the suburbs and nearby valleys. The city

has many attractions, including upmarket

shopping areas, restaurants, pubs and clubs,

while hikers are drawn to the nearby Michiru,

Ndirande and Soche hills.


Mandala House, one of the oldest buildings in

Malawi, was constructed in 1882. It houses

a remarkable library and archive with an

unrivalled collection of books and journals.

The art gallery, La Caverna, is a favourite with

visitors. After touring the house, they can relax

in the café and enjoy tea, fragrant local coffee

and an assortment of sweets and snacks.

There is a range of business hotels in Blantyre

offering executive services with international

standards. There is also a choice of comfort-

able, budget-friendly accommodation for both

business and holiday travellers.



Exciłing evenłs bring

sporł and music słars ło MalawiLake Malawi


Date: Late June, early July

The annual Lake Malawi Sailing Marathon

is an international event that draws sailing

enthusiasts from around the world. Initiated

in 1984, the marathon has grown steadily

over the years and now is a six-leg race that

allows competitors to fully demonstrate

their prowess on the water. The competition

is usually divided into two categories – for

yachts with spinnakers and for those without.

The competition involves a handicap system

and the event is closely monitored by the

marathons committee, which consists of

veteran sailors.


Date: September

Lake of Stars is a three-day international

festival that brings together some of Africa’s

top artists. Renowned musicians from else-

where, such as Groove Armada and Beverley

Knight, have also graced the festival. All

performances take place on the shores of

Lake Malawi and this wonderful setting may

be the reason why the festival has been classi-

fied as one of the top three in Africa.


Date: October

The Blantyre Arts Festival, usually known

as BAF, was initiated in 2009 with the aim

of giving a platform to Malawi’s performing

arts community. The festival celebrates

Malawian cultural diversity through theatre,

song and dance and is a ‘must attend’ for

both local and international tourists.





Balaka, Blantyre, Chikhwawa, Chiradzulu,

Chitipa, Dedza, Dowa, Karonga, Kasungu,

Likoma, Lilongwe, Machinga, Mangochi,

Mchinji, Mulanje, Mwanza, Mzimba, Neno,

Ntcheu, Nkhata Bay, Nkhotakota, Nsanje,

Ntchisi, Phalombe, Rumphi, Salima, Thyolo,


AREA: 118,484 sq km (land: 94,080 sq km,

water: 24,404 sq km)

BORDERS: 2,881 km (Mozambique 1,569

km, Tanzania 475 km, Zambia 837 km)

BANKING HOURS: Mon to Fri 8 am to 3 pm;

Sat 8 am to 11 am.

BUSINESS HOURS: Mon to Fri 7.30 am to

5 pm.

CAPITAL: Lilongwe.

CLIMATE: Subtropical. Rainy season

November to May; dry season May to

November. Maximum average temperature in

southern lake region varies from 21°C in June

and July to 27°C in October to March.

CURRENCY: The Malawian kwacha (MWK)

is divided into 100 tambala.

ELEVATIONS: Lowest point is junction of the

Shire River and international boundary with

Mozambique at 37 metres above sea level.

Highest point is Sapitwa (Mount Mulanje) at

3,002 metres.

ETHNIC GROUPS: Chewa, Nyanja,

Tumbuka, Yao, Lomwe, Sena, Tonga,

Ngoni, Ngonde, Asian, European.

ELECTRICITY: 230 to 240 volts,

AC 50 Hz. Square-pin plugs mostly



MWK 438 (October 2014)

HISTORY: Established in 1891, the

British protectorate of Nyasaland became

the independent nation of Malawi in 1964.

INDUSTRIES: Tobacco, tea, sugar, sawmill

products, cement, consumer goods, mining

minerals such as uranium, coal and rare


GEOGRAPHY: Malawi is landlocked. Lake

Malawi, 580 km long, is the most prominent

physical feature.

LANGUAGES: English is the official

language, Chichewa is the national language.

Other widely spoken languages are Tumbuka,

Yao, Lomwe and Sena.

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 1 January, 15 January

(John Chilembwe Day), 3 March (Martyr’s

Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, 1 May

(Labour Day), 15 June (Freedom Day), 6 July

(Independence Day (Republic Day), 6 July

(1964), second Monday in October (Mother’s

Day), 25 December (Christmas Day), 26

December (Boxing Day).

POPULATION: 16.36 million (2013 estimate)

RELIGIONS: Christian 80 per cent, Muslim

13 per cent, other 3 per cent, none 4 per cent

(1998 census).


1 hour, UTC + 7 hours.

TOPOGRAPHY: Narrow elongated plateau

with rolling plains, rounded hills and some


Ał a glance. . .



When ił comes ło scenic golf courses…

small is beaułifulMalawi may not feature on the

list of top international golfing destinations; yet there are some remarkable courses in both Lilongwe and Blantyre that would impress any avid golfer.

Visitors will find a dozen nine-hole golf

courses spread across Malawi, along with

just one 18-hole golf course; but this should

not detract golfers from travelling to

Malawi with the aim of enjoying a

satisfying round.

Mbawa Country Club is

located in a 500 acre

game park surrounded

by one of the last

remaining indigenous

areas of forest and

grassland in Malawi. This nine-hole course

was designed and constructed by renowned

golf architect Peter Matkovich, who has

created a series of acclaimed courses world-



Golfers are in for a treat when they play at

Mbawa as their round is likely to be accom-

panied by exceptional viewing of wild animals

such as giraffe and zebras plus the ‘big six’

antelope (kudu, eland, roan, sable, nyala

and waterbuck) as well as a proliferation of


Game Haven Lodge provides first-rate

accommodation and guests can enjoy beau-

tiful views of Mbawa Country Club. The lodge

has five luxurious en-suite cottages, each

with a fireplace and a veranda. There is also

a choice of 20 spacious executive suites, all

equipped with modern amenities to ensure a

thoroughly comfortable stay. The

decor in each room is a

perfect complement

to the surroundings, while the standard of

service and cuisine at the Ambrosia Restau-

rant is a reflection of the property’s class and


Right in the heart of the capital is Lilongwe

Golf Club, a semi-private 18-hole course,

the only one in Malawi. Built in 1930, the

course has beautiful fairways and, thanks to

the recently upgraded irrigation system, it is

now playable year-round. Lilongwe Golf Club

is home to the Malawi Open and continues to

attract professional golfers from across the



Malawi has eight other golf courses. They

include Blantyre Sports Club (founded in

1896), Limbe Country Club, Mulanje Golf

Course, Thyolo Golf Club and Nchalo Golf

Club. There is also a nine-hole, par-3 course

at Mlambe belonging to the Makokola

Retreat on Lake Malawi.




Malawi is quickly making a name for itself as a unique holiday

destination thanks to the range of special visitor experiences on offer, from Lake Malawi to Mount Mulanje.

Joining this stable of remarkable experi-

ences are tea plantation holidays offered at

the Thyolo estates. Tea has been grown here

for over a century and this accounts for the

signature landscape of the Shire Highlands,

where tea-covered hills stretch as far as the

eye can see. There are various packages on

offer that allow visitors to tour some of the

region’s estates. Some tours also include the

opportunity to visit Malawi’s friendly farming

communities as well as a chance to taste a

variety of indigenous tea at various factories

in the area.


Chawani Bungalow is located on the working

Fair Trade tea estate of Satemwa. Its beau-

tiful gardens are surrounded by tea fields,

making this an ideal getaway for family and

friends. This recently refurbished property is

available on a self-catering basis. Decorated

in Edwardian rustic style, the bungalow

retains the character and charm that have

made it so popular with visitors to the

Highlands over the years. Chawani Bungalow

has large entertainment rooms, a beautiful

wooden deck and a fireplace for those cold

nights. Staff members are on hand to make

your stay more comfortable.

A short distant from Chawani Bungalow is

Huntingdon House, a charming boutique

property. Once a family home, it is filled

with 19th-century pieces of art. The house

is set in grounds with manicured lawns and

surrounded by gigantic blue gum trees. There

are five tastefully decorated suites, quaintly

named Mother’s Room, Father’s Room, The

Nursery, Planter’s Suite and The Chapel. All

come with magnificent king-sized beds and

superb bathrooms featuring clawed tubs,

separate showers, bath robes and bamboo

cotton blend towels.


The culinary experience here is second to

none, with an à la carte menu that features

meals made from locally sourced ingredients

made to perfection by the resident chef.

Huntingdon House is an ideal place to stop

and relax while exploring the countryside of

Malawi and a perfect venue for visitors who

appreciate a temperate climate.

A planłałion holiday could be your cup of tea


Fabulous world of

Tolkien’s favouriłe mounłain



Mount Mulanje – known locally as ‘chilumba mu mlengalenga’

(‘island in the sky’) – covers an area of 650 sq km and is the highest peak in southern central Africa at an impressive 3,002 metres above sea level.

The mountain, located in the south-eastern

corner of Malawi, has a fascinating

ecosystem. As many as 500 unique species

of animals and plants are found here and the

area is recognised as a biodiversity hot spot.

Since time immemorial there have been

myths and legends about Mount Mulanje,

mostly originating from the people of the local

Lhomwe, Yao and Mang’anja communities,

who believe that spirits control life on the

mountain. It is said, for example, that the

trees where the spirits live can regrow within a

day of being cut down. It is also believed

that the Dziwe la Nkhalamba pools

at the head of the Likhubula

River are inhabited by the

spirits who can be spotted

in human form swimming

in the pools. A sighting is

said to bring good luck.

One of the mountain’s

most popular venues is

the beautiful Likhubula

Waterfalls and pools.

These can be accessed

only on foot and are located

about one hour from Likhubula

Forest Office.


The story goes that J.R.R Tolkien, author

of ‘The Lord of the Rings’, visited Mount

Mulanje in the 1930s and was inspired by

its mystery, magic and beauty – so much

so that he chose the mountain as part of

the backdrop for his book. Many travellers Ake


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have followed suit, seeking to experience the

magic of Malawi’s second most outstanding

geographical feature after Lake Malawi.

On the south side of the mountain lies

the Great Rift Valley, with spectacular

free-standing eroded mountains known as

monadnocks or inselbergs. Their geographical

features are similar to those described by

Tolkien in ‘The Lord of the Rings’.

Hiking to Mount Mulanje is an exceptional

experience, whether one approaches from the

south or north side of the mountain. Trails

are clearly marked and visitors can choose

between a gentle trek and a serious climb.

Wildlife is limited on Mount Mulanje, but

vervet monkey, rock hyrax, leaf-nosed bat

and klipspringer are not uncommon. Profes-

sional porters and guides are on hand to help

visitors get the best out of their experience.


The Mount Mulanje Porters’ Race, held every

July, has been attracting both local and inter-

national participants since it was first held in

the late 1990s. Definitely not for the faint-

hearted, this 25 km event involves running

up and across the challenging plateaux of the

mountain. Usually it would take about 12

hours to cover the whole distance, but some

athletes have done it in less than three hours.

The race is open to men and women. Although

it may be described as gruelling, the race is

considered a great alternative way to enjoy

the unique surroundings of the mountain.


In 1927 the Mount Mulanje area was

gazetted as a forest reserve owing to its

unique ecosystem, home to a variety of rare

life forms. The government felt it was impor-

tant to create the reserve in order to protect

the area and safeguard the water catchment

as well as preserving indigenous flora such

as Malawi’s national tree, the Mulanje cedar,

from extinction.

The high rainfall,

deep ravine and dense

vegetation have led to the

formation of many rivers

which supply clean water to

thousands of households in the

surrounding plains. The indigenous

communities have always revered Mount

Mulanje, seeing it as a gift from God that

preserves and sustains life. Traditional rites

are often performed to appease the mountain

spirits who provide the food that they culti-

vate and harvest. This settlement, however,

has placed great pressure on the land and

this has led to a close working relationship

between the Department of Forestry and

Mount Mulanje Conservation Trust (MMCT).

They now spearhead conservation efforts

aimed at protecting the forest’s irreplace-

able natural resources as well as encouraging

community participation.

Also involved in conservation efforts is the

Mountain Club of Malawi, a social club for

residents of Malawi and visitors affiliated with

mountain clubs internationally. The club aims

to encourage and assist people to make the

most of the country’s unique opportunities as

well as helping to provide long-term solutions

for the conservation of natural resources.

The Mulanje Mountain Biodiversity Conserva-

tion Project contributes by raising awareness

of the value of biodiversity and its importance

for the local communities. This not only ensures

that conservation takes place but also allows

the community to play its part in conservation.


The Mountain Club of Malawi (MCM) works

with Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust

and the Forestry Department to maintain nine

of the 10 huts on Mount Mulanje: Chambe,

Chinzama, Chisepo, France’s Cottage,

Lichenya, Madzeka, Minunu, Sombani and

Thuchila. The remaining hut,

Hope Rest Cottage, is maintained

by the Church of Central Africa,

Presbyterian (CCAP). All provide

basic amenities for a comfortable

stay including mattresses, cooking

and eating utensils and other useful

items. Visitors climbing Mount Mulanje

have the option to join the MCM. Benefits

include the provision of cooking and camping

kits and other basic equipment. Most of the

huts have spectacular views of the terrain and

are used regularly.


Mountain weather can be severe and

unpredictable. Visitors are advised to check

with local weather advisories before setting

off. Information and weather forecasts

relating to the main mountain areas of

Mulanje, Zomba, Dedza and Nyika are

available at


The country’s tea-growing industry is centred

around Mulanje and Thyolo in the south

of Malawi. The tea estates around Mount

Mulanje bring the landscape to life and are

part of Mulanje’s heritage. The mountain

offers spectacular views of the plantations

stretching up to Mozambique. Various

tea estates are open to the public. Tours

give visitors a chance to learn more about

the various types of tea and how they are

produced. Tea tastings are an enjoyable and

popular part of these tours.




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Whether you’re exploring a city, going on a wilderness safari or

relaxing on the lake shore, Malawi serves up an amazing culinary experience.

Most restaurants serve traditional Malawian

cuisine, offering delicacies such as chambo (a

freshwater fish), vegetables in season and an

assortment of meats cooked with traditional

herbs and spices. Word has it that Area 18

serves the best street food in Lilongwe. Here,

in rustic sheds, visitors will find barbecued

fish, chicken and goat being served

with traditional side dishes.

Buchanan’s Grill at the Four

Seasons Centre in Lilongwe

serves mouth-watering steaks

and a range of freshly made

sandwiches. The restaurant is

set in beautiful gardens with

lily ponds. Guests can opt to

dine indoors or on the terrace.


For a relaxed night out, Don Brioni’s

in the centre of town is highly recommended.

This recently renovated bistro offers quality

Italian cuisine in a charming setting served

by friendly hosts.

Another popular spot is Mamma Mia’s in Old

Town Mall, renowned for fresh pastas, pizzas,

seafood and an impressive wine list. Attentive

staff are a key factor in the great atmosphere

of this restaurant, a cosy retreat from the

city’s bustle.

The Sanctuary Restaurant on the corner of

Kenyatta and Youth Drive offers a cool dining

experience with its silent fans and exposed-

brick decor. The serene ambience is enhanced

by mature fig trees in which cicadas sing.

This tin-roofed lodge offers an outstanding

vegetarian menu as well as meatballs, fish,

steaks and also breakfasts. In the evening,

guests can enjoy perfect privacy with a

romantic candlelit dinner.


There are other speciality restaurants in

Lilongwe serving Chinese, Mediterranean and

Indian cuisine. Blue Ginger located in Pacific

Mall in Area 10 serves authentic Indian

cuisine in a beautifully designed dining area.

Chicken vindaloo, a variety of fish curries and

an assortment of accompaniments are among

the delicious items on offer. Many restaurants

with seafood on the menu serve prawns,

mostly from Mozambique.

A number of pubs and clubs can be found

in Lilongwe, serving popular international

beverages and beers. For tourists who like

to dance the night away, Legends is


Blantyre, too, has a good selection

of restaurants and watering holes.

As Malawi’s commercial hub, the

city is home to various restaurants

located in upmarket hotels dotted

around the city. The Ethiopian

cuisine at Alem Ethiopian Restaurant

(Victoria Avenue) is second to none, while

Bombay Palace (Hanover Avenue) serves

popular curries in a great ambience.

Most upmarket hotels, lodges and resorts

in Malawi offer a range of fine dining that

includes buffets and private dining. Visitors to

Lake Malawi will find out-of-the-way restau-

rants serving freshly caught fish including

chambo when in season. It is possible to have

a memorable dining experience by the lake on

a relatively small budget.

There are, however, also signature tourist

lodges across the country that offer classy fine

dining experiences.

In both Lilongwe and Blantyre, fast food

outlets are located in all the main shopping

outlets and malls serving favourites such as

chips, burgers, pizzas and fried chicken.

Upmarkeł or low budgeł –

you’ll eał well in Malawi


Vibranł culłure łhał springs from tribal living



Malawi, fondly known as the ‘The Warm Heart of Africa’,

has a rich cultural heritage based on a symphony of tribes and traditions with a long history. The cultural diversity of Malawi (formerly Nyasaland) is a continuing source of fascination for historians and travellers alike.

The first inhabitants are believed to have

settled around what is now Lake Malawi as

long ago as 10,000 BC. It was not until 1859

that the Scottish explorer David Livingstone

became the first European to set eyes on the

lake, which he named Lake Nyasa.

Today, Malawi has both European and Indian

communities that have added to its cultural

diversification – particularly in the cuisine

and entrepreneurial spirit to be found in the

main cities of Lilongwe and Blantyre.

The life of indigenous communities has been

guided by traditional practices since time

immemorial. This is especially so for rural

communities, where a spirit

of cooperation is at the heart of all they do.

Indigenous Malawians are of Bantu origin,

which includes the Nyanja, Yao, Lomwe

and Ngonde tribes. The Chewa are the most

recognised tribal community and Chichewa

is an official national language along with

English. Both languages are part of

the national education system and

are spoken in many parts of the


Mealtimes are seen as an

important cultural activity,

bringing together the family

as well as the larger commu-

nity. Food has always had

a special place, especially in

ceremonies such as initiation rites,

weddings and even burials. Malawians

are renowned for their hospitality, going

the extra mile to please guests, especially

when it comes to cooking. In the villages,

‘chippies’ serve low-budget food, often

cooked over an open fire. Local chefs pride

themselves on using the best readily available

ingredients including fresh fruit and vegeta-

bles in season.


Nsima is the staple food in Malawi – in the

same way as fufu in Nigeria and ugali or

posho in East Africa. It is a thick starch made

from maize and usually served with a relish.

The locally grown fragrant rice is popular

both locally and internationally and is

served in most restaurants.

Malawi is a ‘Nation of Growers’

who depend on agriculture

for their livelihood. Produce

such as pineapples, guavas,

mangoes, cucumbers and

peanuts are common and,

when in season, sugar, tea

and tobacco are exported.




The Kungoni Centre of Culture

and Art in Dedza District, about

an hour’s drive from Lilongwe,

brings together artists in a space

where religious and cultural artefacts

are displayed. The centre, founded in

1976 by Claude Boucher Chisale, was one

of the first training schools in Malawi to

offer practical instruction in the development

of artistic expression using natural resources.

For about 40 years a notable number of

Malawians who make a living from art as

a form of cultural expression and preserva-

tion have passed through the centre. Over the

years, art has provided local communities

with an alternative source of revenue to agri-

culture, so that families need not wait until

harvest time for their income. Every day is a

potential pay day.


Visitors to the cultural centre can purchase

high-quality arts and crafts, original pieces

that are never duplicated. Masters of the

craft teach novice artists until they, too,

become masters and this is how it has

been since the art school began. At

the centre, Claude Boucher teaches

the idea that ‘sand becomes

crystal’ and almost anything

can be turned into creative

art. The artists are encour-

aged to be environmentally

conscious as most raw materials

are sourced from

natural products. Artists ‘immortalise’ wood,

elephant grass and even seeds by turning

them into pieces of art.

Museums across the country are maintained

by the National Museums of Malawi through

private and public collaborations. Blantyre is

home to the Museum of Malawi, also known

as the Chichiri Museum, a major exhibition

centre for the natural and cultural heritage of

the nation. There are guided tours, lectures,

film shows, traditional dances and excursions

that help visitors to understand the artefacts

as well as an impressive ethnology collec-

tion from Malawi’s history. The government

has also helped to establish mobile museums

to make culture and history accessible to

children and communities in rural areas.

Archaeological finds, including traces of

prehistoric man found in Malawi, can be

viewed in the museum. There is a large collec-

tion of insects and geological matter found

in 1981. One of the museum’s most popular

features is an outdoor exhibition relating to

the modernisation of transport in Malawi.

There is an impressive fraternity of authors

such as John Lwanda, Harvey Sindima,

Frank Chipasula and Aubrey Kachingwe who

have captured the attention of readers both

at home and abroad. Although the tradition

is predominantly oral, through storytelling

and proverbs, the written word (with tradi-

tional cultural

undertones) is rapidly

gaining in popularity.

Plays are widely enjoyed in

Malawi and a budding theat-

rical community can be found in both

Lilongwe and Blantyre. Travelling theatre

companies go across the country, especially to

rural venues, performing comedy and drama.

The theatres also give people access to works

published by local writers in a creative way,

bringing large groups together. Debates are

often held after the show to discuss its under-

lying message.


The traditional music of Malawi has a

distinct sound that has been influenced by the

cultures of eastern and southern Africa. There

are different types of instruments across

tribes but, as in most African communities,

the drum is universal. Some of the traditional

musicians have found reached the interna-

tional stage such as Alan Namoko and folk

fusionists Pamtondo. Tony Bird, famous for

his anti-colonial lyrics, combined traditional

Malawian sounds with Dutch melodies and

reached stardom in the 1980s when he toured

with the South African group Ladysmith

Black Mombazo.

Various cultural festivals are held throughout

the year including the end-of-year celebra-

tions with traditional music, fireworks and

plenty to eat and drink. The Malapenga

Dance Season in August is a traditional

celebration of one of Malawi’s most iconic

art forms. The day is marked by exhibitions

around the country to showcase Malawi’s

cultural heritage.



When Malawian Airlines announced it would be

launching its operation and taking its first inaugural flight at the beginning of 2014, there was just cause for celebration.

Formerly Air Malawi, the carrier was

rebranded after the government identified

a strategic partner, Ethiopian Airlines,

to get the airline back on its feet.

Through a public-private part-

nership agreement, Ethiopian

Airlines owns 49 per cent of Malawi Airline

Ltd, the Malawi Government 20 per cent and

Malawian citizens the remaining 31 per cent

with about $20 million of start-up capital

invested by Ethiopian Airlines.

The much-needed capital investment in

Malawian Airlines has resulted in the acquisi-

tion of two new-generation aircraft: a 67-seat

Bombardier Q400 (with business class) and a

Boeing 737-800.

Malawian Airlines took to the skies on

31 January and has since established

regular routes to southern Africa, including

Johannesburg and Harare, with plans to

expand into East Africa in the near future.

Passengers flying Malawian Airlines enjoy

signature Malawian hospitality service from

the cabin crew; and the domestic service

between Lilongwe and Blantyre makes

business travel within Malawi that much

more convenient.

In addition, there are now daily flights to

Johannesburg from Lilongwe with a stopover

in Blantyre – the first time daily flights have

been available from Lilongwe or Blantyre to


This year and next, Malawian Airlines will

open up routes to Mozambique, flying to

Beira and Tete, as well as to the Kenyan

capital, Nairobi. Passengers can take advan-

tage of Ethiopian Airlines’ Star Alliance

membership programme, which offers a range

of benefits including very competitive air

fares worldwide.

Things are definitely looking up for Malawian

Airlines as it continues to offer value-for-

money air travel into the Warm Heart of

Africa and beyond. The airline is expected to

be an invaluable asset for Malawi as it gears

up to support the business and tourism sector

through domestic and international travel.

Residents of Malawi can also look forward

to easier access to education and medical

services as the airline opens up more routes

in the region.

Rebirłh of flagship airline is good news for Malawi

Kamuzu International Airport, about 35 km north of Lilongwe,

is Malawi's main airport. It has modern facilities including a website providing useful up-to-date information for those planning to travel to Malawi.

The relatively new main terminal is

managed by Airport Developments Ltd

(ADL), a commercial parastatal that is

wholly owned by the Government of


Malawi Catering Services Ltd,

also owned by ADL, provides

in-flight meals at Kamuzu

International Airport as well

as catering services at the

Terminal Restaurant, bars

and Tilipano Leisure Centre in


ADL works closely with key

stakeholders such as the Depart-

ment of Civil Aviation, the Department

of Immigration, the Department of Port

Health, the Malawi Police Service, the

Malawi Revenue Authority, Air Cargo Ltd

and Lilongwe Handling Company

to ensure that airport services are

delivered efficiently and to international


The major international carriers Malawian

Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways

and South African Airways operate services

to and from Kamuzu offering flights to key

destinations worldwide.


The commercial city of Blantyre is served

by Chileka International Airport, located 16

km from the city centre. To cope with the

growth in international traffic into Blantyre,

there has been strategic investment in the

renovation of airport buildings and runways.

These renovations are to be carried out

mostly in the course of 2014 and 2015. All

the major carriers into Malawi also operate

into Chileka, thus providing a convenient

travel option for both leisure and business


There is a series of airports located across

Malawi, handling mostly charter flights to

the popular centres of tourism. They include

Kasungu, Likoma, Chelinda Makhanga,

Makokola Retreat and Salima.


The Ulendo group of companies, established

in 1998, is one of Malawi’s leading tour

operators and service providers.

Ulendo deals with inbound international

travel from Europe and North America.

Together with its original partner, Club

Makokola, it provides support services such

as ground handling for tourists travelling to

Mfuwe Lodge and the Bushcamp Company

in Zambia as well as Makokola Retreat in

Malawi. Recently a 25 per cent interest in

Ulendo was acquired by the owners of Kaya

Mawa Lodge on Likoma Island.

Ulendo has won top agent awards from South

African Airways, British Airways, KLM and

Kenya Airways in Malawi and is accredited

by the International Air Transport Associa-

tion (IATA). The group continues to introduce

new products and services.

Airporłs offer

bełłer-than-ever faciliłies





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SS Rent A Car has the distinction of being not only the longest-

running car rental company in Malawi but also the largest.

Wholly owned and entirely run by the

Singh family, this Malawian company was

founded in 1978 and boasts the largest fleet

of vehicles in the country. As the country’s

oldest car rental company, SS Rent A Car has

been responsible for setting the trend in the

industry. It has a reputation for high stand-

ards in terms of the quality of its vehicles.


Today, in addition to operating the largest

fleet of rental cars in Malawi, SS Rent A Car

can also lay claim to the country’s newest

fleet of vehicles. Its vehicle fleet ranges from

small cars to executive saloons and from

four-wheel-drive vehicles to utility vehicles

and trucks. It offers a selection of Mercedes-

Benz vehicles in its executive range, while its

saloon cars, 4x4 vehicles and off-roaders are

supplied by Nissan, Suzuki and Toyota.

SS Rent A Car can provide both 16-seat

and 30-seat buses, while for lovers of

adventure the

company also has motorcycles available for


The company’s fully equipped garage ensures

a high level of service and maintenance of its

fleet. A 24-hour back-up service is in place.

SS Rent A Car employs a professional team

with a broad knowledge of the car rental

business and of Malawi. The team also has

experience in cross-border travel and is able

to advise customers on all aspects of their


Whether it’s a business trip or a tour, a

group holiday or a conference, a wedding

or even a funeral, SS Rent A Car aims to

provide each customer with a satisfactory

and personalised level of service.

Bigger is better for firsł-rałe car hire


At the Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe it’s all about location

and luxury. Ideally situated in the heart of the central business district, about 25 minutes from Kamuzu International Airport, the hotel offers ready access to government buildings, the diplomatic district, the offices of major NGOs and other key amenities.

Linked to the Crossroads Shopping Complex,

the hotel caters for both leisure and business

travellers, offering business services,

state-of-the-art conference facilities and

contemporary dining.

Guests can enjoy a memorable stay at

this elegant hotel, with its reputation

enhanced by good staff, personalised

service, beautifully appointed dining

venues and a luxury spa.


Accommodation consists of 101 elegantly

styled and varied rooms, with 21 superior

twin rooms, 21 superior queen rooms, four

superior suites, four superior family rooms,

a superior barrier-free room, 16 deluxe twin

rooms, 23 deluxe queen rooms and seven

deluxe suites. Each spacious room is fitted

with fine furniture and luxurious fabrics.

In-room facilities include air condi-

tioning, internet connection and en-suite

bathroom with complimentary toiletries.

There is also an express laundry service.

The hotel is conveniently located within

the Crossroads Shopping Complex, which

has eating places, coffee shops, banks, a

filling station, a gift shop, a supermarket

and a range of shops.

The delightful 18-hole, par 72 Lilongwe Golf

Club is just five minutes’ drive from the hotel.

Guests can also visit Lake Malawi.

Professional, fully serviced

meeting rooms are avail-

able for the convenience

of business guests, while

banqueting and confer-

ence facilities meet all

event requirements, from

weddings and banquets to

conferences and exhibitions.


The hotel has 2,000 square metres of meeting

and banqueting space with 10 well appointed

meeting rooms consisting of four board-

rooms, an auditorium and five multipurpose

rooms. Each room is uniquely decorated and

equipped with the latest audio-visual equip-

ment. Capacities range from 10 to 3,000

people for receptions and up to 800 people for


Locałion and luxuryin Lilongwe



Riverside Hotel and Conference Centre is part of one of the

fastest-growing hotel chains in Malawi. It is situated in a green residential area in the heart of the city and just 25 km from the international airport.

In close proximity to both the old town and

the main business areas of the city, this fully

air conditioned hotel is located in a safe

and quiet area, ideal for both tourists and

business travellers.

The hotel has 110 deluxe rooms

with modern facilities including

Wi-Fi, multi-channel DStv,

minibar and safe. Each room is

elegant in style and comes with air

conditioning, minibar, telephone,

DStv, fully fitted bathroom, separate

hanging closets and an executive

writing desk.

Privacy, tranquillity and personal attention

are the features that appeal to both business

travellers and leisure guests, drawing them

back to the Riverside Hotel experience time

and time again.


The hotel also features a spa and one of the

best conferencing facilities in Malawi for all

categories of business meetings. It offers a

selection of distinctive facilities for banquets,

conferences, seminars, meetings and social


For fine dining, the multi-cuisine Charcoal

offers a unique experience to suit any

occasion. Monalisa, the 24-hour coffee shop,

serves authentic regional fast food along with

refreshing hot and cold beverages and some

of the best dessert recipes.

For palates accustomed to refined tastes, the

hotel offers a whole new culinary dimen-

sion. No trip to Lilongwe would be complete

without at least one memorable meal at

Riverside Hotel. The options at Riverside are

sure to liven up any experience of dining in


Privacy, łranquilliły and ałłenłion ło dełail




The spacious and impressive four-star Sogecoa Golden Peacock

Hotel in Lilongwe is a stand-out property that has become one of the city’s best-known landmarks since it opened in August 2012.

It has brought new levels of style and

sophistication to Lilongwe while meeting the

previously unfulfilled needs of those visiting

Malawi from China and the Far East. Over 50

per cent of the hotel’s guests are from China.

The hotel has 245 clean and spacious rooms

comprising deluxe twins, deluxe queens, as

well as deluxe and presidential suites. The

presidential suites were used by visiting heads

of state during the 2012 COMESA summit in

Malawi, when two presidents chose

to stay at the Sogecoa Golden


The hotel’s main restaurant specialises in

Continental, Chinese and Indian cuisine.

There is also a coffee bar and four VIP

restaurants, one for 20 guests and three for

10 guests each.

Leisure facilities include a 25 metre open-air

swimming pool and a gym. Complimentary

internet connection is provided in all guest



The conference centre has various fully

functional meeting rooms to suit different

purposes for up to 600 delegates, as well as

seven 35 seat meeting rooms. Other amenities

include a boutique, a hair and beauty salon, a

massage facility and a fitness centre, all with

first-rate facilities, and a banquet hall for

up to 245 people. The hotel complex covers

30,000 square metres and there is about

10,000 square metres of grassed areas for

parties and weddings.

The Sogecoa Golden Peacock Hotel is

located on Plot 13/97 in Area 13 along the

Presidential Way in the City Centre. It is

one of many Sogecoa hotels in 36 countries

including Zimbabwe, Mozambique,

Côte d’Ivoire and


A landmark in słand-ouł hospiłaliły



Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) is said to be the fastest-growing

airline in Africa. In nearly 70 years of operations, Ethiopian has become one of the continent’s leading carriers, unrivalled in efficiency and operational success.

Ethiopian commands the lion’s share of the

pan-African passenger and cargo network,

operating the youngest and most modern fleet

to more than 80 international destinations

across five continents.


The Ethiopian fleet includes ultra-

modern and environmentally friendly

aircraft such as the Boeing 787,

Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing

777-200LR, Boeing

777-200LR Freighter

and Bombardier

Q-400 with double

cabin. In fact,

Ethiopian is the first airline in Africa to own

and operate these aircraft.

Ethiopian is implementing a 15-year

strategic plan called Vision 2025 that

will see it become the leading aviation

group in Africa with seven business

centres: Ethiopian Domestic and Regional

Airline; Ethiopian International Passenger

Airline; Ethiopian Cargo; Ethiopian MRO;

Ethiopian Aviation Academy; Ethiopian

In-flight Catering Services; and Ethiopian

Ground Service.

Ethiopian is a multi-award-winning airline

registering an average growth of 25 per cent

in the past seven years.

Unrivalled air services in Africa


Countrywide Car Hire stands out

from the crowd as the preferred option for car hire in Malawi, with a range of distinctive services. It offers a fleet of brand-new vehicles, flexible conditions, tailor-made services and a guaranteed customer service.

The growth in second-hand vehicles in Malawi

has eased the transport problem in urban

areas, but they are not ideal for the country’s

rural terrain. Countrywide Car Hire offers

more than just alternative transport in rural

terrain. The cost of maintaining high-quality,

reliable and glamorous vehicles is prohibi-

tive for most people in Malawi including

organisations, private companies, government

institutions and tourists.

Whether the car is required for business or

prestige, Countrywide is an excellent choice.

It offers reliable, comfortable and brand-new

vehicles that are serviced by dealers.

Countrywide offers a choice of over 50 vehicles

of various makes, types and configurations

suitable for all terrains and occasions in

Malawi. Its fleet includes, but is not limited

to, Toyota (Corolla, Hilux, Fortuner, Land

Cruiser, Prado GX, VX), Nissan (Teana, Patrol,

Hardbody), Suzuki (Vitara, Jimny), Volkswagen

(Polo, Jetta), Mercedes-Benz and Volvo.

All vehicles come with power steering, air

conditioning, fire extinguisher, radio, CD and

MP3 player and are fitted with an alarm

system and a car tracking device.

MSB Forex Bureau, a wholly owned subsidiary of Malawi

Savings Bank Limited was incorporated in August


The bureau buys and

sells foreign currencies

in US dollars, South

African rands, euros,

British pounds and

Tanzanian shillings.

The bureau also

sends and receives money through Western

Union and Money Gram money transfer

services. It is a registered bureau which

adheres to the Reserve Bank of Malawi rules

and regulations.

MSB Forex Bureau has outlets in the

following locations: KIA and Chileka

international airports, Mwanza and Songwe

Borders, Limbe – Aram Mall, Blantyre – Unit

House, Lilongwe Capital City – Kang’ombe

House, Lilongwe – Gelu House (opposite

Lilongwe Hotel), Zomba – Umodzi House,

Mzuzu – MSB House, and Mangochi –

Mangochi Boma.

Malawians wishing to travel abroad and

holding a valid passport and travel ticket

or documentation can buy forex, as can any

foreigner with a valid work permit and a

residency of over six months for those staying

in Malawi. Those visiting will need proof that

they sold forex while in Malawi.


• Highly competitive rates

• No commission

• Friendly staff

• Fast and efficient service

• Forex always available.

Reliable vehicles for all łerrains

Key service for łravellers






Place of beauły for all ło en joy

Imagine a luxury lodge beside a beautiful lake in the heart of Africa

with a focus on sailing and water sports. This is exactly what Danforth Yachting on Lake Malawi has to offer.

Danforth is both a yacht charter company

and a luxury lodge. Danforth Lodge at Cape

Maclear offers superb accommodation in

an idyllic location bordering Lake Malawi

National Park and surrounded by islands.

Danforth Yachting was established by owners

Howard and Michelle Massey-Hicks in 2001.

It focuses on sailing and water sports, deliv-

ering all-round excellence.

Danforth Lodge has eight en-suite rooms,

all with spectacular views of the lake and

overlooking Thumbi West Island. The garden

leads to a beachside infinity pool. The lodge

operates on a full-board basis. Dining is in the

thatched beachside gazebo.

Moored nearby is the 11.5 metre luxury yacht

‘Mufasa’. This fully equipped and crewed

oceangoing catamaran is the only live-

aboard yacht of its kind on Lake Malawi. The

‘Mufasa’ sleeps eight guests in comfort and

style and there is a choice of sailing safaris of

between five and 11 nights’ duration.

Guests can be as active or as relaxed as

they choose. Water sports instructors are on

hand to give expert tuition in water-skiing,

wakeboarding, snorkelling and sailing. There

is also a range of land-based activities.

The on-site PADI scuba diving centre is fully

equipped and there is a resident dive instructor.

Courses and casual diving are offered to

guests. There are more than 20 dive sites in

and around Cape Maclear. Lake Malawi is

ideal for diving enthusiasts, with clear, fresh,

warm water, no tides or currents and over 600

species of brightly coloured tropical fish.

The 700 sq km Majete Wildlife Reserve is located in the Lower

Shire Valley, part of Africa’s Great Rift Valley. It became a protected area in 1955.

In the 1980s and 1990s poachers

and a lack of resources caused

widespread damage to the

park; but in 2003 the Govern-

ment of Malawi entered into

a 25-year public-private

partnership with African

Parks for the rehabilitation, development and

management of Majete.

Through this partnership, African Parks

(Majete) was born. Since then, with the

help of donors and government support, the

reserve has been restocked with wildlife, a

perimeter fence has been installed to protect

the local communities and a successful

tourism product has begun.

Over 2,559 animals of 14 species have been

reintroduced to Majete to supplement the small

mammal population. In addition to elephant

and black rhino they include buffalo, eland,

sable, waterbuck, nyala, hartebeest, impala,

zebra and warthog. Leopards were reintroduced

from October 2011 and three lions in 2012.

The project has been a big success, prompting

a call for more such ventures elsewhere in the


A total of 130,000 people live around Majete

and they have input into park management

via community-based organisations. Sustain-

able resource harvesting is permitted within

the park, and micro-enterprises have been


Superb accommodałion,

fabulous wałer sporłs


LAND AND LAKE SAFARISExciłing iłineraries and sell-ouł safaris

Established in 1998, Victoria Forex

Bureau has become the leading foreign exchange bureau in


The demand for banking services

has grown with globalisation and

so has the demand for foreign currencies.

Some banks can keep customers waiting in

long queues. By contrast, Victoria Forex

has tackled this shortcoming in the banking

sector by offering a confidential, competitive

and reliable customer service provided by

friendly and efficient staff.

This successful and vibrant organisation has

become the leading forex bureau for buying

and selling of foreign currencies. A Victoria

Forex is never far away.

Strategically located in the central business

district of Blantyre along Victoria Avenue,

Victoria Forex offers competitive rates and

charges no commission on its services, so

that customers get real value for money.

At Victoria Forex, customers can relax in

pleasant, modern, spacious premises while

they complete their business.

Victoria Forex has a Limbe branch along

Churchill Road at Arram Mall; and it also

has a bureau in the arrivals hall of Blan-

tyre’s Chileka International Airport for those

arriving in Malawi.

For visitors to Lilongwe, on holiday or

business, Victoria Forex has a centrally

located bureau in the Shoprite Centre in Old

Town. And in April 2014 the bureau opened

a new branch in the Shoprite complex in the

heart of Mzuzu.

Victoria Forex Bureau is also an agent for

MoneyGram and Western Union.

Land and Lake Safaris is a company with 26 years in the

business and its staff know Zambia and Malawi like the backs of their hands.

In addition to its sell-out South Luangwa

safaris, the company has introduced exciting

new itineraries, with tours in North and

South Malawi as well as day trips and short

breaks in the Central Region.

Based in Lilongwe Old Town, this family-run

company has partners throughout Malawi

and Zambia, so guests can be sure of a

warm welcome. Regional guided tours,

self-guided itineraries, car hire, transfers

and a lodge reservation service can all be

arranged by Land and Lake. Catering for indi-

viduals and private bookings as well as large

specialised groups, the company can tailor any

itinerary to the client’s specific needs.

Land and Lake is committed to responsible

tourism and supports the Lilongwe Wildlife

Centre and Dzalanyama School Project. It is

a member of the Malawi Tourism Association

and the Wildlife Society of Malawi.

Getting more value for your cash



Escape from łhe ordinary

Game Haven Lodge is set in the serene and beautiful 500-acre

Chimwenya Game Park, conserving Malawi's wildlife, about 20 km from Blantyre. The park is located in one of the last remaining indigenous forests and grasslands of the Shire Highlands of southern Malawi.

In this tranquil setting there are five luxu-

rious en-suite cottages, each with a fireplace

and a veranda offering exceptional views.

There is also a choice of 20 spacious execu-

tive suites. Two conference halls in this quiet

environment provides the ideal venue for any

event or meeting.

The game park contains giraffe, eland, roan,

kudu, wildebeeste, sable, zebra, nyala, impala

and waterbuck. There are game drives,

walks, and mountain bike trails through the

park to view the wildlife. Enjoy international

cuisine at the Ambrosia Restaurant, relax in

the picturesque swimming pool or go fishing

and braaing at Nswala Malo lounge bar,

Lake Bvumbwe.


Mbawa Country Club offers a selection of

family-orientated recreational activities. It

gives access to a first-class golf course and a

brand-new clubhouse complete with a sports

bar as well as access to Lake Bvumbwe and

Mwana Park at Game Haven Lodge. Other

features include a swimming pool, discounts

on certain facilities and opportunities to drive

or walk in the game park.

Guests can enjoy a sundowner on the

clubhouse veranda and patio as they watch

the sun set behind the Mbawa trees and

game park.

Fisherman’s Rest offers enchanting accommodation, from lodges

to camping, in a 50-acre private park on the edge of the escarpment,

overlooking the Great Rift Valley.

From its location 2,000 ft up the

escarpment it offers magnificent

views over the Shire Valley. It

is also close to Blantyre, with

its many restaurants and

places to visit.

Accommodation consists of The Lodge, with

four bedrooms, a lounge, dining room, khonde

and kitchen for self-catering groups; The

Cottage, with two bedrooms, a bathroom,

lounge/dining room, kitchen and khonde; The

Woodland Suites, surrounded by a khonde,

with two en-suite bedrooms and self-contained

family accommodation; and The Teahouse,

accommodating more permanent visitors,

workers and gap year students with comfort.

There are also two Bushcamp Hides, located

in the park, with double beds, shower and

bathroom facilities.

The camp site, accessible by foot is a five

minute walk into the park. Group bookings,

dry season only.


Fisherman’s Rest also organises unforget-

table holidays including day trips and tours

to national parks, wildlife reserves and

the famous Lake of Stars, using lodges

and venues to meet all budgets. It offers

opportunities for individuals and groups to

help community projects in schools, clinics,

prisons, orphanages, churches and villages.

A special ambience in łhe game park




Exclusive lakeside hideawayTucked away on

Nankoma Island, part of the Marelli Island archipelago on Lake Malawi, Blue Zebra Island Lodge is an exclusive

retreat offering delightful accommodation and a range of

land and water-based activities.

Less than two hours from Lilongwe, Blue

Zebra is located on an unspoilt island

surrounded by nature and luxury. Under the

protection of Lake Malawi National Park,

these three islands offer a unique opportu-

nity to see Malawi’s rare cichlid fish, which

account for the area’s status as a Unesco

World Heritage Site. The islands are also

renowned for their dazzling array of birdlife.

Accommodation available includes luxury

tented chalets offering en-suite bathroom and

other first-rate facilities as well as private

access to the lake.

The lodge also has five safari chalets which

are set on the hillside overlooking the lodge

and lake.

Activities include kayaking, boat trips to

explore the beautiful archipelago and lake,

fishing, sunset cruises, snorkelling, bird-

watching and scuba diving.

Beach and safari lodges are found in plenty

across Africa, but what makes Blue Zebra

Island Lodge a unique experience is its

location in a completely uninhabited area,

yet only an hour from the capital, Lilongwe.

There is nothing quite like it anywhere else in

the world.


Ideal Travel and Tours is a locally owned and fully

registered travel agency operating from Lilongwe and serving clients from all over the world.

The team of dedicated staff at Ideal

Travel and Tours has many years of

experience in different sectors of the

tourism industry. Its experienced drivers,

guides and travel consultants offer a

high level of personalised service.

As well as organising tailor-made

travel experiences, the company can

arrange car hire and transfers, book

flights and take care of accommoda-

tion bookings.

The company ensures that all safaris

conform to green tourism principles

by choosing destinations on the basis

of strict regulations in terms of the

environment and interaction with

local people.

The advenłure starłs hereIDEAL TRAVEL & TOURS


Africa Wild Truck is a tour operator that organises

expeditions rather than trips.

It offers a combination of adventure

and responsible tourism on the ‘road

less travelled’ throughout Malawi,

Zambia, Mozambique and neigh-

bouring countries.

The tours provided by Africa Wild

Truck allow guests to experience the

life of Africa from a fully equipped,

self-sufficient 4x4 vehicle. These

tours are about adventure rather

than luxury. In addition to the classic

expeditions, there are specialised

photographic workshops with experi-

enced photographers.

Inspired by ecotourism, Africa Wild

Truck is involved with nature conser-

vation projects, donating part of its

income to conservation projects such

as Around AWT.

Customers who choose to travel in a Kwacha Dawn

safari car are bound to enjoy the full Malawian experience.

As one of the best safari

car hire companies

in the country,

Kwacha Dawn

offers a family-friendly service that

allows its customers to fully appreciate

the magic of beautiful Malawi and its

wonderful people.

Kwacha Dawn not only gives priority

to the safety and comfort of its

customers but also provides well

serviced and maintained

vehicles to suit every

taste and need.

Take łhe road less łravelled

Enjoy łhe full Malawian experience




Tongole Wilderness Lodge is a luxury eco-lodge nestled

deep among the beautiful Miombo woodlands of the Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve.

It is unique in being one of only two

lodges in the reserve and the only lodge

to provide high-end, luxury accommo-

dation and first-class facilities.

Each experience in the wilderness is

unique. Whether you’re a first-time

explorer or a safari veteran, every


at Tongole

can be fully


and personally

tailored to allow

guests to be as wild or

laid-back as they wish.

Following the snaking Bua River on

a canoeing adventure; trek through

the rugged wilderness bush with

an expert guide; or just relax in

a hand-built sunken bath before

enjoying a meal under the starlit

African sky.

Located in Lilongwe, the Hu_cess Executive Lodge

offers nine spacious air conditioned rooms and a private swimming pool.

Each room comes with a TV with

satellite channels (DStv), safety deposit

box, minibar and tea/coffee facilities.

There is also a laundry service. The

lodge also has a bar and restaurant,

Wi-Fi and a back-up power generator.

The whole lodge can also be rented

exclusively. A large, fully equipped

kitchen is available.

The lodge is only 30 minutes by car from

Kamuzu International Airport. There are

shopping malls and restaurants within a

20-minute walk of the lodge.

Creałe a wilderness adventure

Homely and exclusive lodge



AAfrica House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Africa Wild Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

African Parks Majete . . . . . . . . . . .68

Alcon Cottages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Alem Ethiopian Restaurant . . . . . .75

Andrews Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

Annie’s Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

Aonenji Nsanje Lodge . . . . . . . . . .58

Apex Rent-a-Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

Aqua Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Aquanuts Divers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Area 3 Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Aro Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Avis Malawi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

BBangwe Motel . . . . . . .68

Barefoot Safaris . . . . .59

Beach Chamber Motel .66

Beach Villa . . . . . . . . .53

Best Car Hire . . . . . . . .61

Betania Lodge . . . . . . . .75

Big Brother Lodge . . . . . .68

Blantyre Lodge . . . . . . . . . .68

Blue Elephant Restaurant . . . .75

Blue Lagoon Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Blue Zebra Island Lodge . . . . . . . .53

Bombay Palace Restaurant . . . . . . .78

Bongani Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Buchanan’s Restaurant . . . . . . . . .59

Budget Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

CCaesar Palace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

Café Rouge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

Cairo Resthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

California Dreams . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

Cape Mac Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

Casa Mia Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

Causerie Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . .59

CCAP Likhubula House . . . . . . . . .69

Cedar Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Chatonda Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Chenjes Nest Guesthouse . . . . . . . .75

Chez Maky Restaurant . . . . . . . . . .78

Chibanja City Resthouse . . . . . . . . .66

Chichiri Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Chicken Cottage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

Chilembwe Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Chipoka Lakeview Beach Lodge . . .58

Chitimba Campsite . . . . . . . . . . . .63

Cluny Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Comfort Inn Bed & Breakfast . . . . .75

Conforzi Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Cool Runnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Country Accommodation & Annexe 66

Countrywide Car Hire . . . . . . . . . .59

Creamy Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Crescent Guest House . . . . . . . . . .53

Crossroads Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . .60

Crossroads Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

DDanforth Yachting (Lodge & Yacht

Charters) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Daree Rent a Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Dorvic Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Dziwa zako Resthouse . . . . . . . . . .66

E, FFat Monkeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Fisherman’s Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Flame Tree Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

Floja Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Food & Refreshments Centre . . . . .78

GGalitos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Game Haven Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Gapa Resthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Garden Court Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .54

Gecko Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Golden Peacock Resthouse . . . . . . .54

Green Gold Restaurant . . . . . . . . .62

Green Valley Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .66

HHaest Restaurant & Resthouse . . . .78

Hakuna Matata Campsite . . . . . . .63

Hertz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Heuglin's Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54

Hippo View Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Hong Kong Restaurant . . . . . . . . . .78

Horizon Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Hotel Masongola . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Hotel Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

House Five Guesthouse . . . . . . . . . .71

Hu_cess Executive Lodge . . . . . . . .54

IIlala Crest Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

JJ B Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

J&K Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Jambo Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

Jaset Resthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Jenda Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Jungle Pepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

KKabula Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Kaka Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

Kameza Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Kande Beach Campsite . . . . . . . . .63

Kande Horse & The Stables

Guest House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

Kanjedza Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Kanjinga Town Lodge . . . . . . . . . . .58

Kapata Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Kapenga Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . .78




Kara O’Mula Country Lodge . . . . .71

Kaya Papaya Restaurant . . . . . . . .66

Kayak Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

Khamalanga Rest House . . . . . . . .58

Khulubvi Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Kiboko Town Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . .54

Kips Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Korea Garden Lodge . . . . . . . . . . .54

Krazy Foods Restaurants . . . . . . . .79

Kukuza Cottage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Kumbali Country Lodge . . . . . . . . .54

Kupenja Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Kuti Wildlife Reserve . . . . . . . . . . .60

Kwacha Dawn Safari . . . . . . . . . . .77

LL’Hostaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

Lakeside Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54

Legacy Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Leslie Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Likhubula Forest Lodge . . . . . . . . .71

Lilongwe Golf Club . . . . . . . . . . . .60

LISAP Guesthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Lodge Mungo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

London Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Lujeri Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Lusangazi Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Luwawa Forest Lodge . . . . . . . . . .63

Lwesha Resthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

MM’bawa Country Club . . . . . . . . . .77

Madidi Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Madison Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Maji Zuwa Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Malawi Sun Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . .72

Malawian Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

Mamma Mia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

Masuku Cottage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Matechanga Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Matunkha Safari Lodge . . . . . . . . .64

Mayoka Beach Lodge . . . . . . . . . . .64

Mbuta Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Mgoza Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72

Mikoma Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Milestone Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Mimiza Cottage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Mimosa Court Hotel . . . . . . . . . . .64

Mkulumadzi Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .72

Mkunkhula Baobab Lodge . . . . . . .55

Mo & Mic Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72

Moni Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Motel Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Mphatso Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Mphiri Guesthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Mphiri Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Mpingwe Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Mufasa Backpackers . . . . . . . . . . .76

Mulanje Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . .72

Mulanje View Motel . . . . . .76

Mundikhumbengi Lodge 66

Mushroom Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Mvuu Lodge and Camp . . . . . . . . .72

Mwai wa Abambo . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Mwanza Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

Mzoozoozoo Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .64

NNanchengwa Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .72

Ndindeya Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

Nelly’s Guest House . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Nezzer Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Ng’ona Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Ngala Beach Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Ngara Resort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Niyasu Guest Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .72

Njamba Club House & Take Away . .79

Njaya Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Nkhotakota Lay Training Centre . . .62

Nkhumano Resthouse . . . . . . . . . . .66

Noble China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

Norman Carr Cottage . . . . . . . . . .73

Nsanje Discovery Lodge . . . . . . . . .73

Nyachenda Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Nyala Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

Nyambadwe Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .73

OOriental Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

PPacific Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Palm Beach Leisure Resort . . . . . .76

Pasfic Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Pastoral Training centre . . . . . . . . .67

Pat & Ashley Town Lodge . . . . . . . .76

Pedro’s Grill & Lodge . . . . . . . . . .73

Peter’s Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

Pine Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Pine Tree Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Pizza Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Planet Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62


Protea Hotel Ryalls . . . . . . . . . . . .73

Pumulani Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

Q, RRaza Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Red Pepper Restaurant & Bar . . . .79

Red Zebra Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Renaissance Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Riverside Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Riverside Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Rob & Wills . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

Royal Palm Hotel . . . . . . . .76

Ruby’s Guesthouse . . . . . .76

SSabonabona Lodge . . . .67

Safari Beach Lodge . . . .56

Safari by Ulendo . . . . . . .60

Sambani Lodge . . . . . . . . .65

Sanctuary Lodge . . . . . . . . . .56

Sangilo Sanctuary Lodge . . . . .65

Satemwa Ulendo Lodge . . . . . . . . .76

Seneka Sunrise Lodge . . . . . . . . . .67

Serendib Suites & Conference Centre 73

Sheila’s Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Shire Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

Siku Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Siku Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Sino Garden Hotel & Restaurant . .62

Skywave Car Rentals . . . . . . . . . . .62

Sogecoa Golden Peacock Hotel . . . .56

Sputnik Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

SS Rent A Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

SS Rent-a-Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Star Rent A Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Status Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Steers and Debonaires . . . . . . . . . .79

Steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Studio de France . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Sun ‘n’ Sand Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . .74

Sunbird Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Sunbird Ku Chawe . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

Sunbird Lilongwe . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Sunbird Livingstonia . . . . . . . . . . .56

Sunbird Mount Soche . . . . . . . . . .74

Sunbird Mzuzu Hotel . . . . . . . . . . .65

Sunbird Nkopola Lodge . . . . . . . . .74

Sungawana Resthouse . . . . . . . . . .67

Sungeni Cottage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

Sunrise Ground Tours . . . . . . . . . . .78

TTasty Bites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Temptations Coffee Shop . . . . . . . .79

Terrapin Station (Doogles) Lodge . .79

The 18 Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

The African Parks Network . . . . . .68

The Makokola Retreat . . . . . . . . . .71

The Responsible Safari Co . . . . . . .78

Thirani Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Thuchira Tourist Lodge . . . . . . . . .76

Thumbi View Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . .74

Titanic Offshore Lodge . . . . . . . . . .57

Tiwili Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Tiyanjane Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

TJs Restaurant & Bar . . . . . . . . . .79

TM Accommodation & Travelling . .79

Tongole Wilderness Lodge . . . . . . .57

Top Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

Travel Shop Wilderness . . . . . . . . .62

Tree Tops Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . .62

Tulsi Veg Delight . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Tumbikani Yehova Guest house . . . .67

UUfulu Gardens Conference

Centre & Suite Hotel . . . . . . . . . . .57

Ulendo Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Ulendo Lodges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

VVas Cottage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Venice Beach Backpackers . . . . . . .75

Villa 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

Village Green Garden lodge . . . . . .76

Viyere Resthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

WWakwenda Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Wamkulu Palace . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

Wendels Guesthouse . . . . . . . . . . . .57

Wilderness Safaris . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

XXanalu Portuguese House . . . . . . . .58

Y, ZZinenani Highfield . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Zitherepano Restaurant . . . . . . . . .79

Zonse Ndi Chauta Motel . . . . . . . .76

Zoom Car Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Zulunkhuni River Lodge . .65




Accommodation CENTRAL REGION


Africa HouseArea 43, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 795 246; +265 (0) 1 795 246 Cell +265 (0) 999848586 Email: [email protected]

Visitors of all kinds will appreciate the tasteful accommodation of Africa House with its warm hospitality and excellent collection of arts and crafts . Whether the material is wood, stone, beads, paint, metal, fabric or leather, Africans continue to make powerful statements about their culture while creating a rich heritage of artistic expression . Each room is named after an African country, style or culture and decorated in that style . This, together with 15 years of experience in the tourism and hospitality industry, has made Africa House Malawi a true destination with a difference .

Area 3 LodgePO Box 1104, LilongwePlot 3/450. Selous Road, Area 3Tel: +265 1 753 180 Cell: +265 0888 205 789 Email: [email protected]

Area 3 Lodge is situated in an exclusive part of Lilongwe . A visitor described it simply as ‘a formidable new player in the hospitality industry’ . It is conveniently close to social, commercial and administrative facilities in the old part of the city and offers a hassle-free stay .

Beach VillaPO Box 357, SalimaSenga-BayTel: +265 1 263 263 Cell: +265 9999 40089; 8880 40089 Fax: +265 1 727 609Email: [email protected]

Beach Villa Lodge is on the shore of Lake Malawi . Built on top of a sand dune, the lodge features two-bedroom family container chalets, a conference hall with seating for up to 50 delegates, a restaurant and bar, a beautiful unspoilt beach, a safe water system, secure parking and a cruise boat for up to 40 people .

Blue Zebra Island Lodgec/o Waterlands, Lake Malawi National ParkTel: +265 992 244 244; 992 255 255 Email: [email protected]

Tucked away on Nankoma Island, part of the Marelli Island archipelago on Lake Malawi, the Blue Zebra Island Lodge is an exclusive hideaway offering a range of activities . Accommodation consists of a generously proportioned luxury tented chalet on the lake shore and five safari chalets set on the hillside overlooking the lodge and lake . Activities include kayaking, boat trips to explore the beautiful archipelago and lake, fishing, sunset cruises, snorkelling, birdwatching and scuba diving .

Cluny LodgeArea 9/69, LilongweTel: +265 1 751 633Cell: +265 888 764 805Email: [email protected]

Set in a quiet and serene cul-de-sac in Area 9 near Crossroads, Lilongwe, this guest house offers exclusive accommodation along with the helpful and friendly attention of its hosts, Bev and Marinus Taale . All rooms have cable TV, a desk for working executives and Skyband wireless internet .

Cool RunningsPO Box 441, Salima Tel: +265 1 263 398; 999 915 173Email: [email protected]

Cool Runnings is an ideal lakeside campsite and dorm for backpackers where they can relax and rejuvenate . Facilities include a bar, kayaks, surfing and a restaurant .

Crescent Guest HouseBox 1047, LilongweTel: +265 1 756 434

Crescent Guest House has 15 self-catering rooms in a strategic location in Lilongwe . It is ideal for business and leisure travellers and meetings, offering conference facilities, catering solutions and related banqueting services . It is 25 minutes from the airport with golf, tennis and a gym nearby .

Crossroads HotelCrossroads Complex, Mchinji Roundabout PO Box X1, Post Dot Net, Lilongwe Tel: +265 (1) 750 333 or +265 (1) 750 444 Fax: +265 (1) 750 336 Email: [email protected]

Crossroads Hotel is set in the heart of the business, shopping and commercial hub of Lilongwe . The hotel has 101 beautifully appointed guest rooms including luxurious suites . Each of the rooms and suites features a carefully chosen selection of fine furniture, luxurious fabrics and attention to detail . The hotel offers an unsurpassed level of hospitality and excellence set in a world of luxury and accompanied by a fine choice of food and drink complemented by impeccable service . It all adds up to a memorable experience .


CENTRAL REGION Accommodation

Garden Court LodgeBox 31150, LilongwePlot No 3056, Area 11, Tsiranana AvenueTel: +265 1 773 083Fax: +265 1 771 481Email: [email protected]

A guest house located less than 1 km from the city centre . Breakfast is provided and all rooms are en-suite .

Golden Peacock ResthousePO Box 793, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 756 632 Cell: +265 88 882 4534 Email: [email protected]

The Golden Peacock Resthouse is located in a residential area just a five-minute walk from the town centre . Accommodation consists of double and triple rooms .

Hu_cess Executive LodgePO Box 399, LilongweTel: +265 999 693 567Email: [email protected] in Lilongwe, the Hu_cess Executive Lodge has nine spacious air conditioned rooms and a private swimming pool as well as a restaurant and bar . Each room has a TV with satellite channels (DStv), safety deposit box, minibar and tea/coffee facilities . There is also a laundry service . Wi-Fi and a back-up power generator are provided . The whole lodge can be rented exclusively . A large, fully equipped kitchen is available . The lodge is only 30 minutes by car from Kamuzu International Airport . Shopping malls and restaurants within a 20-minute walk of the lodge

Kiboko Town HotelMandala Road 4/278, Old Town, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 751 226 Fax: +265 1 752 682 Cell: +265 9 838 485 Email: [email protected] www.kiboko-safaris.comThe Kiboko Town Hotel, opened in 2005, lies in the centre of Old Town Lilongwe . It is ideal for sightseeing and for the growing range of services in this part of the Malawian capital . The hotel is 16 miles from Lilongwe International Airport and just a few minutes’ walk from the craft market, banks and supermarkets . There are 14 comfortable en-suite rooms decorated in an attractive ethnic style with DStv . The hotel also has a lounge, a restaurant, a shady roof terrace, secure parking and Wi-Fi . Small conferences can be accommodated . There is a Kiboko Safaris office in the hotel, making it easy to book a tour or excursion .

Korea Garden LodgeBox 2181, LilongweArea 3, Old TownTel: +265 1 757 854; 1 753 467; 1 759 700/774Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]

The Korea Garden Lodge, standing in three acres of landscaped gardens, offers a blend of convenience, personal service and luxury . Situated 25 minutes from the airport, it has a central location with easy access to Lilongwe’s business centres, leisure attractions and shops . There are 53 rooms ranging from standard to luxury, with safe, Wi-Fi and TV . The lodge also has a swimming pool and conference services for up to 60 delegates .

Kumbali Country LodgeNature’s Gift Ltd, Capital Hill Dairy Farm Area 44, Lilongwe. www.kumbalilodge.comTel: +265 (0)99 99 63 402 Email: [email protected] Kumbali Country Lodge offers its guests exceptional comfort in individually decorated chalets along with an enthusiastic and professional service . There are 16 rooms comprising 14 executive suites and two deluxe suites, enclosed under ethnic thatch and with en-suite bathroom . Tea and coffee facilities, TV, internet and a private veranda are included . A small, newly renovated dining room offers a varied menu of healthy, excellent cuisine . Private events and cocktail parties can be arranged . The conference centre includes a beautiful multi-level facility . There is a fully catered service, so that groups can focus on the work of the day .

Lakeside HotelPO Box 493, LilongweSalimaTel: +265 1 263 400/500

Popular with business travellers and tourists, the Lakeside Hotel has a range of spacious rooms with TV, fridge, fans and Wi-Fi . Some rooms are lake facing and parking is available .

Heuglin's LodgeTel: +265 1 795 364Fax: +265 1 795 364Email: [email protected]

Heuglin’s Lodge is situated in the leafy residential suburbs of Lilongwe just minutes away from the city centre . This attractive rambling house is named after the Heuglin’s Robin, often seen in the garden . The guesthouse has eight spacious and tastefully furnished bedrooms; seven are en-suite and one with external bathroom facilities . Full catering is available and there is a swimming pool in the very attractive gardens . There’s a large comfortable lounge with its own wildlife library and a ‘help-yourself’ bar with television . Each room has a wireless internet connection for laptops and there is a small business centre .


Accommodation CENTRAL REGION

Madidi LodgeArea 9, no 367 Lilongwe, Private Bag 205 Tel/fax: +265 (0)1 752 661, Tel: +265 1 920 901 Cell: +265 888 607 169 Email: [email protected]

Madidi Lodge is tucked away in a quiet corner of Area 9 in Lilongwe, within walking distance of shopping malls . All the spacious self-contained rooms are decorated with colour and flair . The rooms are complemented by lounges, swing benches and rocking chairs set in the lush and tranquil gardens . The cosy restaurant serves snacks as well as a scrumptious breakfast and a different two-course dinner each day . The gym offers a wide variety of equipment and a TV in a charming area that provides a cool breeze during a workout .

Mkunkhula Baobab LodgeSenga Bay, SalimaTel: +265 1 263 495 Tel: +265 999 375 574

Mkunkhula Baobab Lodge provides accommodation, a restaurant and bar, and a camping site . It also offers conference services .

Nelly’s Guest HouseArea 9 / 156, PO Box 2187, Lilongwe Tel: +265 (0)1 759 514;920 037 Tel/Fax: +265 1 750 639 Cell: +265 8 823 505 Email: [email protected] www.nellyslodge.comSurrounded by beautiful gardens, Nelly’s Guest House is located in a tranquil neighbourhood, 3 km from Old Town, within walking distance of the Crossroads Shopping Complex and 30 minutes’ drive from Kamuzu International Airport . The guest house has 11 rooms in executive and standard categories . All standard rooms are self-contained with overhead fan, fridge, TV, mosquito nets and mosquito trays with mats . In addition to being self-contained, the executive rooms have coffee and tea making facilities, air conditioning and a well stocked fridge with complimentary juice and bottled water .

Ngala Beach LodgeBox 1, Ngala, NkhotakotaTel: +265 999 075 566; 888 192 003Email: [email protected]

Ngala Beach Lodge is only 400 metres off the main road, 15 km north of Dwangwa, with unrestricted views of the Vipya Mountains and Lake Malawi . There are three cottages, six executive rooms and two family rooms . The main lodge comprises the main bar and residents’ lounge, restaurant and sun deck . An infinity swimming pool is next to the main lodge . The residents’ TV lounge and conference centre, internet café and curio shop are situated close to the main lodge . The bar offers a sheltered yet open space on the beach and rocks where guests can appreciate the beauty of the lake .


Pacific HotelPO Box 2296, LilongweTel: +265 1 776 575; 1 776 571Email: reservations@

A comfortable and spacious three-storey hotel in the centre of Lilongwe, the Pacific Hotel offers a choice of 48 sophisticated luxury bedrooms with a full range of personalised services . It has two restaurants serving Indian, Chinese and Continental cuisine . It also has conference facilities for up to 400 delegates .

Pine LodgePO Box 802, Lilongwe Tel: +265 192 0077/2806 Fax: +265 175 1082 Email: [email protected]

Pine Lodge is in a major business area between Old Town and the city centre, 27 km from the international airport . It has 14 double en-suite and executive rooms with mosquito net, satellite TV, internet access, overhead fans, telephone and air conditioning . The restaurant serves à la carte, buffet meals and banquets, all featuring local and international cuisine . There are conference facilities with seating for up to 20 delegates, plus several meeting rooms for small groups . Other amenities include dry cleaning and laundry services, car parking and a TV lounge . Although the lodge has no bar, drinks can be arranged with management .

Red Zebra LodgeBox 123, SalimaOff Sunbird Livingstonia Rd, Senga BayTel: +265 1 263 034; 999 568 425; 999 913

Located at Kambiri Point, the lodge consists of eight en-suite rooms, each opening onto a small veranda . Each room has a double or two single beds as well as a shower, toilet and washbasin with hot and cold water . Both lake tours and land excursions are available, as well as underwater safaris to discover Lake Malawi’s diverse aquatic life .

Riverside HotelBox 1268, Lilongwe, Paul Kagame RoadTel: +265 1750 511; 888 345 080; 992 771 914Email: [email protected]

Riverside Hotel and Conference Centre is part of one of the fastest-growing hotel chains in Malawi . It is situated in a green residential area in the heart of the city just 25 km from the international airport . The hotel has 110 deluxe air conditioned rooms with modern facilities including Wi-Fi, multi-channel DStv, telephone, minibar and safe as well as a fully fitted bathroom, separate hanging closets and an executive writing desk . The hotel has a spa and conferencing facilities . The multi-cuisine Charcoal Restaurant offers a unique experience while Monalisa is a 24-hour coffee shop .


CENTRAL REGION Accommodation

Safari Beach LodgeTel: +265 (0)1 263 143/007 Cell: +265 (0) 993 265 538Skype: safaribeachlodge Email: [email protected]

Situated on the shore of Lake Malawi in a secluded forest reserve, Safari Beach Lodge has its own private beach, a swimming pool and a lush garden with views over Leopard Bay . There are six gazebos (chalets built from natural materials), all with big verandas overlooking the lake, while the main lodge, set in the garden, has four double rooms . Each of the gazebos, tents and rooms has its own private bathroom, electricity and hot water and rooms are air conditioned . The restaurant has a big veranda with views of the garden, pool and lake . A notable feature of the international menu is fresh fish from the lake .

Sanctuary LodgeBox 2140, LilongweNew Lilongwe Nature SanctuaryTel: +265 1 924 622Email: [email protected]

Sanctuary Lodge is a new eco-friendly lodge situated between Lilongwe city centre and the Old Town . The lodge is set in a quiet garden with a pool . The chalets have TV, telephone, air conditioning, a fridge and tea and coffee facilities . Buffet breakfasts and à la carte lunches and dinners are served in the restaurant or on the terrace and garden . There is also a coffee shop and a campsite .

Sheila’s LodgeBox 1847, LilongweArea 43, Sector 2Tel: +265 1 794 010; 999 950 764Email: [email protected]

Located in a quiet upmarket area of Lilongwe, Sheila’s Lodge is a boutique lodge offering air conditioned rooms with fridges, safes and flat screen TVs . The restaurant serves gourmet food at affordable prices . Sheila’s Lodge has six executive rooms, one meeting room, one executive boardroom, a restaurant and a visitors’ lounge .

Sogecoa Golden Peacock HotelPlot No 13/97,Area 13, PO Box 30759Lilongwe. Tel: +265 1 776 666Email: [email protected] hotel has 110 spacious rooms comprising 76 deluxe twins, 31 deluxe queens, one deluxe suite and two presidential suites . The hotel’s 170-seat main restaurant specialises in Continental, Chinese and Indian cuisine . There are also four VIP restaurants, one for 20 guests and three for 10 guests each . Leisure facilities include a 25 metre open-air swimming pool and a gym . Complimentary internet connection is provided in all guest rooms . The hotel complex covers 30,000 square metres and there is about 10,000 square metres of grassed areas for parties and weddings .

Sunbird Capital PO Box 30018, Chilembwe Road, Capital City, Lilongwe. Email: [email protected] Tel: +265 1 773 388

Located in the capital of Malawi, this hotel is set in magnificent parkland next to the government offices and only 500 metres from the new city centre, where most diplomatic missions are based . It has 182 air conditioned rooms including 73 superior rooms, eight suites, 93 standard rooms and eight deluxe rooms . Rooms are en-suite with DStv, international direct dialling, Wi-Fi, email, internet ports and 220 volt power points . There are also five conference rooms with a total capacity of 700 delegates for all types of conferences, meetings, seminars, workshops and product launches .

Sunbird Lilongwe Box 44, LilongweOff Chilambula Road,Old TownTel: +265 1 773 388 Email: [email protected]

The Sunbird Lilongwe is in the hub of the Old Town area of the capital, with easy access from all parts of the city . The property has 94 air conditioned rooms including nine studio, eight superior and 77 standard rooms . All rooms are en-suite with satellite TV, minibar, tea and coffee facilities, international direct dialling and email . The hotel has one of the best and largest conference venues in Malawi with modern facilities and seating for 170 delegates . A 20-seat boardroom is available for smaller groups, workshops and seminars .

Sunbird LivingstoniaSalima TownTel: +265 1 263 222/ 454 Email: [email protected]

Located on the lake shore in Senga Bay, Salima, 125 km from Lilongwe, the Sunbird Livingstonia has 32 rooms including nine deluxe rooms, eight rondavels and 15 standard rooms . There is a conference room with a maximum capacity of 30 delegates . A range of equipment is available including a video screen and VCR, an LCD projector, flip charts and an overhead projector . Other facilities include laundry, babysitting service, hotel shop, secretarial services, free open car parking and day excursions . Room service is available from 6 am to 10 pm .


Accommodation CENTRAL REGION

The 18 LodgeArea 18B, LilongwePO Box 31222, Lilongwe 3 Tel: +265 1 796 652/864/675 Cell: +265 99 9 679 633

The 18 Lodge has 25 comfortable and convenient rooms, all with a pleasant and welcoming ambience . Children under 12 stay for free, making the lodge ideal for families . Accommodation includes a complimentary breakfast, daily housekeeping services, satellite TV, laundry service, 24-hour room service and a work area designed for business travellers . Guests can relax in the beautifully designed Yamikani Restaurant and enjoy Continental or traditional Malawian cuisine . The compound is surrounded by attractive and well kept gardens .

Titanic Offshore LodgeBlantyre Street, Plot 409, Area 43, Lilongwe Tel/Fax: +265 1 794 412 Cell: +265 8 899500 Email: [email protected] in Lilongwe, 20 minutes from Kamuzu International Airport, Titanic Offshore Lodge is in a quiet and safe area on Blantyre Street . It offers a range of luxurious air conditioned rooms with facilities including TV and internet . The main building has five rooms with own bathroom on the first floor and shared spacious living room, dining room and kitchen on the ground floor . The dining and living rooms can be converted into conference rooms for business meetings . The Guest House behind the main building has two suites with their own living room, dining room, office, bedroom, bathroom and fully equipped kitchen .

Tongole Wilderness LodgeBox 1438, LilongweTel: +265 999 941 421Email: [email protected]

Tongole Wilderness Lodge features four riverside suites and 1 x two-bedroom cottage . All rooms come with a spacious shower, twin marble basins, a flushable lavatory and a large hand-built sunken bath . Each room comes with a spectacular raised wooden deck offering fabulous views of the surrounding area . Sit in perfect tranquillity and relax . Be soothed by the sounds of the river or watch the forest wildlife go by . Tongole is accessible by road and by air . Road transfers from Lilongwe can be arranged, as well as flight transfers from Lilongwe and to/from other destinations .

Ufulu Gardens Conference Centre & Suite HotelPO Box 30727, Lilongwe 3 Plot 43/365Ufulu Road, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 794 060/079Fax: +265 1 795 529 Email: [email protected] www.ufulugardens.mwSet in Lilongwe’s exclusive Area 43, only 15 minutes from the City Centre, Ufulu Gardens Hotel is a serene, three-star style experience along with being the only all-suite hotel in the Capital City, offering attentive services and excellent amenities . A stunning swimming pool, Lapa with bar, contemporary dining and lush private gardens are just a few of the ways business and leisure guests can take it easy at Ufulu Gardens Hotel, Malawi’s tropical paradise .

Ulendo Lodges441 Chilanga Drive, Area 10, PO Box 30728Capital City, Lilongwe 3Tel: +265 1 794 555Fax: +265 1 795 666Email: [email protected]

Ulendo Travel Group offers a selection of lodges managed to a high standard . Guests can experience the tranquillity and relaxed atmosphere of exclusive city properties in Lilongwe while a team of professional staff caters for every need . Burley House offers visitors to Lilongwe top quality services and facilities coupled with the serenity and security of an executive home . Ulendo’s selected lodges can be offered in all regions of the country .

Wamkulu Palace343 Chinula Avenue, Area 12P/Bag B395, Capital City, Lilongwe 3Tel: +265 1 776 764; 1 776 762Email: [email protected]

Accommodation consists of 16 executive and superior suites with separate lounges and bedrooms . All rooms are self-contained with a unique veranda approach . There is also one self-catering apartment, self-contained, and three standard rooms . All rooms are air conditioned . Extensive conference facilities including a room for up to 70 guests, a meeting room for 40 guests, a lounge, a business centre and a summer house with two separate rooms .

Wendels GuesthousePO Box 31037, LilongweTel/Fax: +265 1 771 771/770 237 Cell: +265 9999 40167/64167 Email: [email protected]

Wendels is a privately owned guest house opened in 1997 with seven en-suite rooms located around the private swimming pool . Facilities include Wi-Fi in all rooms and public areas; an office with computer, printer, fax and scanner; a private gym; a TV lounge with satellite channels; secure parking; and a restaurant serving full English and Continental breakfasts, light lunches and set-menu dinners . German and English are spoken and airport transfers are available .

Wilderness SafarisTel: +265 1 771 393Fax: +265 1 771 397Email: [email protected]

Wilderness Safaris is a conservation organisation and ecotourism company dedicated to responsible tourism throughout the areas where it operates in southern Africa . The 27-year-old company runs camps and safaris in Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Seychelles . Wilderness Safaris is based in Lilongwe, the capital, and Blantyre, the commercial centre . Properties include: Mvuu Camp and Lodge, Liwonde National Park; Chelinde Lodge and Chelinde Camp, Nyika National Park; Chinteche Inn; Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi National park; and Heuglin's Lodge Lilongwe .


CENTRAL REGION Accommodation

Aonenji Nsanje LodgeP/Bag 4, Likuni, LilongweTel: +265 1 766 441; 111 203 944/43

Chipoka Lakeview Beach LodgePO Box 45, Chipoka, SalimaTel: +286 999 292 523

Horizon HotelPO Box 45, SalimaTel: +286 1 263 855Email: [email protected]

Jaset ResthouseBox 582, SalimaKamuzu Road, SalimaTel: +265 999 911 590

Kanjinga Town LodgeBox 108, SalimaTel: +265 1 262 789

Khamalanga Rest HousePO Box 10, DedzaTel: +286 999 339 103

Kukuza CottageSalima

Mimiza CottagePO Box 504, SalimaTel: +286 1 262 301; 999 256 375

Nezzer LodgeSalimaTel: +265 1 262 488

Raza HotelPO Box 493, LilongweTel: +265 1 750 400; 755 400; 999 822 400Email: [email protected]

Renaissance LodgePO Box 52, LikuniTel: +265 999 782326Email: [email protected]

Riverside LodgeBox 884, SalimaKamuzu Rd, Salima

Thirani LodgePO Box 20016, LilongweTel: +265 995 645 696

Tiwili Lodge Box 4, LilongweTel: +286 1 766 799

Tiyanjane LodgeBox 11, LilongweTel: +286 999 318 702; 999 041 580

Vas CottageBox 1886, LilongweTel: +286 1 727 709

Xanalu Portuguese HouseArea 4, LilongweTel: +286 999 960 395


Ot her services CENTRAL REGION

Andrews Car HireShire Building, Off Paul Kagame RoadPO Box 30306, Lilongwe 3Tel: +265 1 755 186; 888 824 962; 888 833 127; 888 899 268

Andrews Car Hire offers a variety of vehicles for hire including Nissan Sunny, Toyota Camry, the 10-seater Nissan Patrol and Toyota Land Cruiser, as well as a 16-seater minibus and a 25-seater minibus .

Apex Rent-a-CarPO Box 1132, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 754 610/2/5 Fax: +265 1 751 430 Cell: +265 9 950 707

Apex Rent-a-Car is recognised as one of Malawi’s premier rental car companies . It has been providing quality rental cars for satisfied clients such as government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and embassies . Apex Rent-a-Car has a large fleet, ranging from 4x4 vehicles to executive saloons, but specialises in luxury 4x4 rental vehicles for off-road destinations including beaches, mountains and game reserves .

Avis MalawiLilongwe Car Hire, Off Chilambula Rd, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 756105

Avis Malawi is the nation’s leading car rental company, with over 75 vehicles . It operates five branches in Malawi at Chileka International Airport, Blantyre; Blantyre Downtown; Kamuzu International Airport, Lilongwe; Lilongwe Downtown; and Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe . The Avis Malawi fleet comprises a range of models including Toyota Corolla, Toyota Prado, VW Polo, VW Tiguan and 30-seat vehicles such as the Toyota Coaster . Avis Malawi is part of the worldwide Avis network, with over 5,000 outlets in 160 countries . Avis Malawi maintains a high standard of service, using internationally trained sales agents, chauffeurs and staff .

Barefoot SafarisP/Bag 357, Lilongwe10 km from Mchinji Roundabout Tel: +265 993 87 90 57Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Barefoot Safari Lodge and Camping Ground is situated 10 km from the centre of Malawi’s capital . The lodge is set in sixteen acres of lush landscaped gardens and boasts five 2/3 person chalets, one family chalet and five walk-in tents along with plenty of space for guests to pitch their own tents . Barefoot Safaris also offer complete, tailor-made services throughout southern Africa including logistics, sightseeing and accommodation both in its lodge and third party properties . Its dedicated team has 22 years’ experience of designing safaris that suits all budgets .

Buchanan’s RestaurantArea 12, Four Seasons, PO Box 31203Tel: +265 177 2859Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Buchanans Restaurant is situated in Lilongwe, Area 12 along Presidential Way, and very close to City Centre . It combines an outstanding restaurant and bar in beautiful outdoor surroundings . The restaurant is within the Fourseasons Lifestyle Centre . The restaurant is owned by John & Barbara Gray since 2010 . They have been in Malawi since 1978, mostly involved in farming but have always had a passion for hospitality, good food and entertainment .

Causerie RestaurantPO Box 30168, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 773828 Cell: +265 888 644905 Email: [email protected]

Operated under the same management since 1968, the Causerie Restaurant is situated on Robert Mugabe Crescent in Lilongwe . It offers lunch and dinner all year except Sundays and public holidays . Open Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm and 6 .30 pm to 10 pm . Specialises in steaks, seafood, Indian and European cuisine .

Countrywide Car HireGround Floor, Plantation House PO Box 975, BlantyreTel: +265 1 822 434/845/232 Cell: +265 88 883 5414; 99 9510951 Email: [email protected] www.countrywide-carhiremw.comCountrywide Car hire offers reliable, comfortable, brand-new vehicles serviced by its dealers . It can also provide driver/chauffeur services . The company was set up in response to the need for a reliable and affordable fleet of vehicles for hire in Malawi . In 2007 Countrywide Car Hire was reregistered as Countrywide Car Hire (2007) Ltd and restructured to suit the ever-changing market . Countrywide Car Hire is part of the Countrywide Group of Companies . It offers a wide range of vehicles to cater for every need, from a city excursion to game reserve visits .


CENTRAL REGION Ot her services

Kuti Wildlife ReserveOff Salima Rd, about 1 km from Kaphatenga turnoffTel: +265 997 334 683Email: [email protected]

Just an hour from Lilongwe and half an hour from the shores of Lake Malawi lies a little known wildlife reserve called Kuti . This bush retreat is home to all sorts of wildlife like zebra, impala, sable and giraffe, and can be explored by car, bike or on foot . Kuti is run by a non-profit trust which protects the reserve for the benefit of both people and wildlife . There is a range of accommodation options available, including bush villas, A-frames and a campsite .

Lilongwe Golf ClubPO Box 160, LilongweTel: +265 1 754 162 Fax: +265 1 753 118 Cell: +265 8 379 412 Email: [email protected]

Lilongwe Golf Club is the country’s only 18-hole course and home to the TNM Malawi Open sponsored by Telekom Networks Malawi . Dating back to 1930, it is a par 72, 6,225 metre course . The club is installing underground irrigation in an effort to improve the year-round playability of the fairways, which can suffer in the dry season, and is renovating the clubhouse .

Malawian StyleTel: +265 111 746 449Email: [email protected]

Offers services across Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique . Packages range from value for money scheduled departures to the most exclusive, luxury getaways . Experience true Africa, with great adventure, luxury and culture . The company has first hand experience of the routes, accommodation and activities and are passionate about using that knowledge to offer added value . Guests booking a two week stay will get two nights at Zomba Cottage for free .

Mamma MiaPO Box 30311, Lilongwe Tel: +265 (0)1 758 362 Fax: +265 (0)1 758 363 Email: [email protected]

Mamma Mia in the Old Town Mall is Lilongwe’s fanciest Italian restaurant, favoured by the expatriate community . Reservations strongly advised at the weekend . Serves Italian pizza, pasta and much more .

Noble ChinaArea 3, off Coloby Road near Lilongwe Hotel Tel: +265 (0) 750 075; 888 204 388

Located directly opposite the Lilongwe Hotel, China Noble Restaurant offers a wide range of cuisine to suit all tastes . Favourite dishes include beef kebabs with cumin, crispy chicken fillet, braised duck in spicy brown sauce and deep-fried spring rolls plus a selection of vegetarian dishes .

Safari by Ulendo 441 Chilanga Drive, Area 10,PO Box 30728, Capital City, Lilongwe 3Tel: +265 179 4555,Fax: +265 179 5666Email: [email protected] regarded as Malawi’s premier tour operator and travel service provider, the Ulendo group of companies has grown steady since it was established as a small marketing agent and inbound tour operator in 1998 . Its team of travel professionals will plan any itinerary to meet budget and preferred style of travel while catering for special interests . The Ulendo group has an intimate knowledge of the region’s reserves and lodges and liaises with top airlines, hotels, lodges and safari operators . Guests can be sure they have a professional team supporting them throughout their stay in Malawi, Zambia or Mozambique .

Crossroads Car HireMchinji Roundabout Crossroads Complex, LilongweTel: +265 1 750 333

Crossroads Car Hire is a locally established family owned business and part of the ZST Investments Ltd group of companies . The company is based at Crossroads Hotel, Lilongwe, and operates a fleet of new vehicles .


Ot her services CENTRAL REGION

Siku Car HireGreyvillia Road, Next To Speedy’s PO Box 51111, Limbe, Blantyre Tel: +265 1 847 122/174; 1 840 174 Fax: +265 1 847 099, Cell: +265 88 821 074 Email: [email protected] www.sikucarhire.comSiku Car Services is one of the longest established car hire companies in Malawi . Its head office is in Blantyre . The company offers high-quality services with a range of vehicles from luxury saloons to 4x4s to buses to trucks . The fleet includes such brand-names as Isuzu; Land-Rover; Mercedes-Benz; and Toyota (Camry, Coaster, Corolla, Hilux, Land Cruiser, Pajero) . Most of its vehicles are new with facilities such as radio, CD player and air conditioning .

Aro WheelsLimbe, BlantyreEmail: [email protected]: +286 1 845 152; 840 101

Best Car HireMpico Building off Paul Kagame Rd, Old TownTel: +286 1 751 097/0888 875 117/0888 352 094

Bongani Car HireTel: +286 111 925 520; 999 556 651; 888 334 035; 888 556 651; 999 512 029Email: [email protected]

Budget Car HireLilongwe HotelTel: +286 1 757 021/756 333 ext. 197; 888 337 414; 888 832 028Email: [email protected]

Creamy InnPO Box 575, LilongweLilongwe Shopping Mall, Next to PEP stores at the GAME ComplexTel: +265 1 755 181; 999 127 777

Sputnik Car HireKassam House, Kagame Road, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 758 253 Tel: +265 999 950 354; 888 950 354Fax: +265 1 758-256, Cell: +265 999 967 771 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Sputnik Car Hire, based in Lilongwe, offers a range of executive saloon cars with air conditioning available as well as minibuses (from 15 to 29 seats) and 4x4 vehicles . All vehicles can be self-drive or chauffeur-driven by arrangement . The company provides a fast and simple online booking system for car hire .

SS Rent-a-Car20 Glyn Jones Road, PO Box 2282, BlantyreTel: +265 1 822 836/822 882/821 597 Fax: +265 1 825 074Kamuzu Procession Road, PO Box 997, LilongweTel: +265 1 751 478/750 112, Fax: +265 1 751 529Email: [email protected]. www.ssrentacar.comWith over 30 years’ experience, SS Rent-a-Car is Malawi’s longest established car rental company . Its fleet ranges from the small to the executive, from 4x4s to utility vehicles and trucks, with Mercedes and BMW in the executive range . Most saloons, 4x4s and off-roaders are from Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi and Honda . The company also has 16-seat and 26-seat buses as well as motorbikes . SS Rent-a-Car operates a fully equipped garage to ensure the highest level of service and maintenance of its fleet . A 24 -hour back-up service is always on call .

Ulendo ExplorerTel: +265 1794 555/666Email: [email protected]/explorer

As part of the Ulendo Travel Group, Explorer offers both self-drive and chauffeur driven vehicles ranging from Sedan cars to 4WD and specialised safari vehicles . 24 hrs back up together with detailed personal briefing and pre loaded GPS gives Explorer the edge in both quality of vehicle and service . Ulendo Explorer offers self-drive as well as guided tours in Malawi exploring wildlife and beaches as well as cultural highlights for private and corporate travellers .


CENTRAL REGION Ot her services

Daree Rent a CarArea 4, Sacranie House, off Paul Kagame Rd, Old TownTel: +265 1 755 667; 999 393 167

GalitosPO Box 575, LilongweLilongwe Shopping Mall, Next to PEP stores at the GAME ComplexTel: +265 1 755 181; 999 127 777

Green Gold Restaurant & Take AwayDedza

HertzChileka Airport, Blantyre; KIA LilongweEmail: [email protected]: +265 111 692 494; 1 701 412

J&K Car HireBhagwanji Building, Mzimba Rd, LilongweTel: +265 1 756 591; 759 564; 999 950 496; 957 099; 888 824 988Email: [email protected]

J B Car HireOff Mzimba Rd, Old Town, Lilongwe

Madison Car HireLivingstone Treet, Bhana House, Room 5Tel: +265 1 832 300Email: [email protected]: +265 888 864 707; 999 922 668

Nkhotakota Lay Training CentrePO Box 83, Nkhotakota

Pizza InnPO Box 575, LilongweTel: +265 0175 51 81

Planet Car HireTithokoze House, Murray Rd, Old Town, LilongweTel: +265 1 753 121/124; 999 958 168; 999 957 531; 888 511 572

Sino Garden Hotel & RestaurantP/Bag A27, Lilongwe, Area 9Tel: +265 888 999 808; 1 922 168

Skywave Car RentalsLilongwe Tel: +265 1 759 196; 999 958 152; 999 313 172; 999 345 558; 888 958 152

Star Rent A CarPO Box 525, Lilongwe

Status Car HireArea 4, Betta House, off Paul Kagame RdTel: +265 1 753 050; 999 957 532; 999 958 192; 999 958 193

SteersPO Box A27, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1922 168, Cell: +265 899 9808

Tree Tops RestaurantSalima

Zoom Car Hireoff Moir Crescent Rd Kristwick, Ginnery Corner, Blantyre; Mai Aisha Trust Building, opp Crossroads, LilongweTel: +265 1 874 889/09; 888 827 280; 888 842 835; 1 750 892/1



Hakuna Matata CampsitePO Box 25, Chitimba2650 Chitimba, RumphiTel: +265 881 262 338/7 Email: [email protected]

Hakuna Matata Campsite is on the beautiful Chitimba Bay beach just below the magnificent Nyika mountains . Directly above the campsite is the town of Livingstonia, reached via a mountain road with 22 hairpin bends . The campsite has two-bed and four-bed rooms in a brick building as well as camping plots under the trees . It also has a beach bar with lake view, washing facilities, a beach volleyball court, a pitch-and-putt course and a children’s playground .

Chitimba CampsitePO Box 63, Chitimba Rumphi District Tel: +265 888 387116 Email: [email protected]

Chitimba Camp, on the northern shore of Lake Malawi, is a lodge and campsite set on a beautiful golden sandy beach among banana palms and papaya trees with views of the Livingstonia and Nyika mountains . The main focus is a large thatched bar, restaurant and lounge . There are five beach huts, four rooms with toilet and shower and a dormitory with six beds . There is space for 80 tents and a separate toilet and shower block . The camp is visited mostly by overland trucks and backpackers . It is the first stop in Malawi heading south and the last heading north .

llala Crest LodgeChimaliro Road, Past St John’s HospitalPO Box 869, Mzuzu Tel: +265 1 311 834; Fax: +265 1 311 349Cell: 088 889 4196 Email: [email protected]

Ilala Crest Lodge is about 150 metres after St John’s Hospital and offers excellent accommodation in Mzuzu . All 13 rooms are self-contained, carpeted or tiled, with five-channel cable TV . Workshop facilities for up to 20 people . The lodge is ideal for guests looking for a long stay in a quiet environment . Ilala Crest Lodge also runs the 12-room Ilala Bay Lodge at Nkhata Bay, a lakeside resort offering top quality hotel accommodation services . It has a bar, a restaurant and conference facilities for up to 40 delegates .

Flame Tree LodgePrivate Bag 150, ChinthecheTel: +265 1 994 023; 1 357 276Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Flame Tree Lodge is situated on a shaded, grassy promontory about 2 km south of Chintheche . It has beautiful white sandy beaches with views of Lake Malawi on two sides . Accommodation is in six double en-suite chalets and a self-contained cottage sleeping six in two bedrooms . A conference room/hall is available for up to 30 people . Facilities include bar, restaurant and camping with hot showers and kitchen . Flame Tree is a quiet, family-friendly lodge .

Kande Horse & The Stables Guest HouseThe Stables, P. Bag 22, Kande, Nkhata Bay S.Tel: +265 888 500 416, Tel: +265 881 479 357Email: [email protected]

Set in the Brachystegia forest 4 km from the shore of Lake Malawi . Offering 1, 2 or 3 hour rides through the forest, farmland villages, they end on the golden beaches for an unforgettable experience with a bareback swim in the lake with the horses . Suited for all levels of riders including supervised children’s rides . The Stables Guest House offers luxury farmhouse accommodation and home cooked meals, and all inclusive riding packages . For a longer experience guests can join from 1 week to 3 months getting involved in all aspects of stable life .

Kaka MotelPO Box 530, MzuzuTel: +265 1 320 074Fax: +265 1 330 352

Kaka Motel, about 4 km from Mzuzu city centre, provides accommodation for the cost-conscious traveller with well equipped semi-detached chalets set in a shady garden . Other facilities include a restaurant, bars, camping facilities, ample parking, satellite TV, a coffee house and a swimming pool . Kaka Motel is a perfect base for exploring Mzuzu .

Luwawa Forest LodgeLuwawa Forest Lodge, International Guest House & Outdoor Activity CentrePrivate Bag 43, Mzimba Tel: +265 134 2333; 199 1106/1266 Email: [email protected] www.luwawaforestlodge.comLuwawa Forest Lodge lies in the South Viphya Forest Reserve in the Viphya Mountains of northern Malawi, 5,200 ft above sea level, in a fresh and malaria-free climate . The lodge has a perfect forest setting overlooking Luwawa Dam, which is well stocked with wide-mouthed bream . Fishing in season is permitted . Hiking and mountain biking are popular at Luwawa and the lodge offers a range of activities to suit the whole family . The comfortable and spacious family accommodation, full catering and bar facilities make it ideal for a relaxing or active family holiday . Winner of the 2008 Ministerial Tourism award for sustainable tourism practices .

Kande Beach CampsitePrivate Bag 22, KandeTel: +265 826 3500 Cell: +265 986 3500 Email: [email protected] www.kandebeach.comKande Beach, on the shore of Lake Malawi, is an ideal place to unwind and relax . Accommodation consists of camping, 10 dorm beds, five single cabins, 12 beach chalets, eight en-suite chalets, two stone cottages with private front garden with access to the beach, one large en-suite family room and two standard rooms . The Kande Beach Bar has a relaxed atmosphere but can also cater for big party nights . Facilities include sailing, windsurfing, water sports equipment hire, on-site dive centre, pool table, mini soccer, table tennis, darts and board games . Beach games can also be organised .



Mayoka Beach LodgePO Box 229, Nkhata BayTel: +265 999 268 595; 199 4025 Email: [email protected]

Mayoka Beach Lodge lies on a shady slope on the edge of Lake Malawi . Local building materials have been used to create environmentally sensitive accommodation that blends with the lush foliage of the area . The gardens are a haven for wildlife, especially birds . Each of the fully furnished chalets is individual in shape, size and style . There are singles, doubles, twins, triples and a quadruple chalet . Every chalet has its own private balcony with a fine lake view and a peaceful and secluded atmosphere . There is ready access to the bar and restaurant .

Mikoma LodgePO Box 57, KarongaTel: +265 992 97 60 39

Mikoma Beach Lodge is located on one of the most beautiful and luxurious beaches of Lake Malawi, where Malawian hospitality can be experienced at its best .

Mushroom FarmPO Box 10, ChitimbaTel: +265 999 652 485 Cell: +265 888 591 564 Email: [email protected]

Mushroom Farm is a beautiful bush campsite (altitude 1,100 metres) located near the historical mission town of Livingstonia . It offers clifftop rooms/campsites with spectacular views across the Rift Valley, Lake Malawi and Tanzania . Mushroom Farm is a friendly and comfortable place to stay for international travellers, locals and expatriates .

Matunkha Safari LodgeMatunkha Development TrustPrivate Bag 62, RumphiEmail: [email protected]

Matunkha Safari Lodge offers quality accommodation in quiet surroundings . The lodge has self-contained rondavels, bedrooms with shared facilities and a well shaded campsite . Electricity and hot water are available . The Matunkha Restaurant offers both local and international cuisine . The lodge sources local products in order to support the local economy and produces milk from its own cows and goats . A wireless internet connection is available .

Maji Zuwa LodgePO Box 135, ChilumbaTel: +265 993 841 390; Email: [email protected]

Maji Zuwa, meaning ‘water and sun,’ is a social entrepreneurship venture encompassing a guesthouse lodge, conference centre and non-profit community-based NGO located in Sangilo Village, Chilumba, on the northern beach shores of Lake Malawi . Maji Zuwa hosts travellers who are looking for more than just a typical stop-over, whether for relaxation in the tranquil environment to enjoy some of the best views of the lake, or the chance to be immersed in partnership projects within the community . The rooms are clean, simple, and affordable with options ranging from self-contained, to self catering, inexpensive dorms, and camping sites which overlook the water .

Moni LodgePO Box 413 MzuzuTel: +265 119 30 876; 111 931 456Email: [email protected]

Only five minutes’ drive from Mzuzu city centre, Moni Lodge is situated in Lunyangwa, a quiet residential neighbourhood enriched by the Lunyangwa catchment area, where the mountain view, dam and forestry ecosystems combine . The lodge offers exceptionally fine accommodation set in beautiful gardens with self-catering, twin and double-bedded rooms, all en-suite with satellite TV, indoor and outdoor facilities, conference and restaurant services, high-speed internet connections, undercover barbecue, sturdy thatched gazebo and comfortable garden furniture .

Mimosa Court HotelBox 875 MzuzuOff Orton Chirwa Road, Behind FMB BankTel: +265 1 312 608Email: [email protected]

This quaint small hotel, nestled in the heart of Mzuzu, is known for its standards of excellence and cleanliness . It has twin superior rooms, executive double rooms and deluxe suites to match preference and budget . There is a conference room that can be booked hourly or for the day . In addition to the in-house Sombrero Restaurant and Jacaranda Bar, the hotel provides outside catering services and is credited with starting the take-away restaurant business in Mzuzu .

Mzoozoozoo LodgeCell: +265 888 864 493

Mzoozoozoo Lodge is the main backpackers’ residence in Mzuzu . It features a dormitory, a double room, a caravan and a garden where guests can pitch a tent . Facilities include electricity, mosquito net and hot water as well as drinking water, baggage storage and a parking area . The lodge has a restaurant and bar . Breakfast is available . There is usually a good atmosphere in the evenings .



Sambani LodgePO Box 89, ChinthecheTel: +265 888 713 857Email: [email protected]

Sambani Lodge is a beautiful property on the shore of Lake Malawi offering executive chalets, double rooms and single rooms. There is a wide range of home-style facilities, from spacious suites (with kitchenette) to resort-style amenities like a hot tub and a heated swimming pool, open all year round. Complimentary facilities include Wi-Fi, hot coffee and popcorn throughout the day and DVD movies. The lodge is a paradise for relaxing, swimming and activities.

Ngara ResortBox 230, NyungweTel: +265 8 168 150; 8 194 609

Situated just off the main road north, Ngara Resort has a beachfront location on Lake Malawi. It offers camping and chalet facilities as well as a restaurant and bar.

Sangilo Sanctuary LodgePO Box 45, Chilumba, Karonga District Tel: +265 999 395 203; 888 392 611Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Nestled in a secluded cove on the Sangilo peninsula, the Sanctuary offers an idyllic escape on Lake Malawi. Opened in December 2004, it is recognised for good food, a friendly bar and beautiful scenery. The tastefully furnished clifftop chalets (some en-suite) provide a unique view over the peninsula to Chilumba island and across Lake Malawi to the Livingstonia mountain range in Tanzania. Campers have a comfortable site with shower and toilet block in secure surroundings.

Njaya LodgePO Box 223, Nkhata BayTel: +265 997 409 Email: [email protected]

Njaya Lodge offers a range of rustic accommodation overlooking Lake Malawi. Choose between a garden chalet, beach cottage or rooms in the villa or beach house. All the chalets overlook Chikale beach, an enchanting sandy cove shaded by mango and wild fig trees. Njaya Lodge opened in 1993 and has become an established part of the community as well as a catalyst for local and international charity initiatives.

Zulunkhuni River LodgePO Box 16, Ruarwe Village Nkhata Bay DistrictTel: +265 999 071 914; 998 577 888Email: [email protected]

Zulunkhuni River Lodge is 60 km north of Nkhata Bay, near the fishing village of Ruarwe. Situated in one of the least developed areas on the coast of Lake Malawi, with steep forest ledges and waterfalls, the lodge is accessible only by foot or boat. Zulunkhuni is an ecolodge and accommodation is in the unspoilt Malawian jungle, overlooking the lake.

Sunbird Mzuzu HotelPO Box 23, MzuzuTel: +265 1 310 622 Email: [email protected]

Mzuzu Hotel is located at the gateway to Malawi’s most beautiful national park, Nyika. The hotel has 60 air conditioned rooms comprising 32 superior rooms, four suites and 24 standard rooms. All rooms are en-suite with DStv, telephone dialling facilities, minibar, tea and coffee facilities and views over the beautiful gardens or golf course. There are two conference rooms with a maximum capacity of 120 delegates, depending on the seating arrangement. Services include room service, laundry, DHL offices, hair salon, bar, coffee shop, free car parking, Air Malawi office, babysitting and a business centre.

Wakwenda RetreatP Bag 127, LikomaTel: +265 111 744 048

Wakwenda Retreat is on Chizumulu Island, 12 km north-west of Likoma Island. It is the only lodge on the island with accommodation consisting of two double rooms, a dormitory for backpackers and a camping area on the beach. Wooden decks have been constructed on the granite boulders to provide views over the bay. There is also an open-air bar from which you can watch the beautiful sunset.



Beach Chamber MotelBox 293, Karonga

Cairo ResthousePO Box 30Tel: +265 995 111 072

Chatonda LodgePO Box 443 MzuzuTel: +265 111 938 605; 013 10 957Email: [email protected]

Chibanja City ResthousePO Box 920, MzuzuTel: +265 1 331 361; 1 320 083

Country Accommodation & AnnexeBox 200, Rumphi

Dziwa zako ResthouseP/bag 49 MzuzuTel: +265 888 769 354

Gapa ResthouseBox 198, MzimbaTel: +265 1 342332

Green Valley LodgePO Box 185 MzuzuTel: +265 1 311 361

Jenda LodgePO Box 170, ChamphiraTel: +265 9 916 923; 999 916 925

Kapata LodgePO Box 73, Karonga

Kaya Papaya RestaurantPO Box 211, NkhatabayTel: +265 995 636 585

Kupenja LodgePO Box 115, Nkhata BayTel: +265 888 506 792

LISAP GuesthousePO Box 279, Ekwendeni

London LodgePO Box 67, ChinthecheTel: +265 1 357 291

Lusangazi LodgePO Box 531 LusangaziTel: +265 995 620 222

Lwesha ResthousePO Box 195, KarongaTel: +265 8 525 081; 9 132 666

Mbuta LodgePO Box 106, ChitimbaTel: +265 8 677 609; 9 950 782

Mphatso MotelKaronga Road Opp. Matabwa MarketPO Box 895, Mzuzu Tel: +265 01 311 624/205Fax: +265 1 311 624

Mphiri GuesthousePO Box 107, KarongaTel: +265 111 930 099

Mphiri LodgePO Box 763 MzuzuTel: +265 111 930 099

Mundikhumbengi LodgePO Box 184, Mzuzu

Nkhumano ResthousePO Box 114, ChilumbaTel: +265 945 70 55; 8 899 114


Ot her services NORTHERN REGION

Floja FoundationPO Box 170 Nyungwe KarongaTel: +265 884 333

Charity caring for orphans and other vulnerable children in Malawi. There is a beautiful camping spot next to the lake with shower and toilet facilities.

Aquanuts Divers PO Box 22 Kande, Nkhata Bay DistrictTel: +265 (0)991 922 242; 881 606 078Email: [email protected]

Aquanuts Dive School is located at Kande Beach Campsite. With its spectacular sunrises, unspoilt scenery and crystal-clear water, Lake Malawi is one of the world’s most popular locations for freshwater scuba diving. Both beginners and qualified divers are welcome to experience freshwater diving at its best. The owner-run dive school offers a professional scuba diving service with the emphasis on enjoyment, safe diving practice and environmental awareness. Easily accessible dive sites, an on-site training pool and the hazard-free dive environment make it an ideal training location.

Aqua AfricaPO Box 209, Nkhata BayTel: +265 (0)999 921 418Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Aqua Africa Scuba Diving School is located in Nkhata Bay, on the shores of Lake Malawi. No experience is necessary with a full range of PADI courses on offer. Beginners can choose from a half-day Discover Scuba Diving experience, to a full four-day Open Water course. Aqua Africa also offers refresher and advanced courses, as well as a variety of speciality dives. En-suite accommodation is available to suit all budgets and every room has a balcony with lake views. The Dive Deck restaurant offers a wide range of meals and treats, complemented by delicious drinks and an amazing view.

Nyachenda MotelBox 751 MzuzuTel: +265 999 431 239

Pasfic LodgePO Box 91, Karonga

Pastoral Training CentrePO Box 145, Nkhata BayTel: +265 1 352 231

Pine Tree LodgeBox 1294 Mzuzu · Email: [email protected]: +265 999 938 721; 995 634 395

Sabonabona LodgePO Box 20155, MzuzuTel: +265 111 93 18 35

Seneka Sunrise LodgeChilumba

Sungawana ResthousePO Box 726, Mzuzu

Tumbikani Yehova Guest housePO Box 33, Mzimba

Viyere ResthousePO Box 2063, Mzuzu



Big Brother LodgeChilembwe RoadPO Box 2702, BlantyreTel: +265 999 919 235Email: [email protected]

Big Brother Lodge is located in the heart of Blantyre, close to banks, restaurants and shops.

Blantyre LodgeNear Wenela Bus DepotPO Box 1116, BlantyreTel: +265 1 834 460Email: [email protected]

A large hotel situated near the bus station with good-value rooms.

Cape Mac LodgeCape MaclearPO Box 2269, Blantyre Tel: +265 9 621 279 Email: [email protected]

Cape Mac Lodge is on the lakefront with picturesque views of Lake Malawi and its island. The lodge has 12 air conditioned rooms with spacious en-suite bathrooms, fans, patio, safe and electric kettle for early morning coffee. Laundry and babysitting are available on request. The lodge offers a range of facilities including a swimming pool, Jacuzzi, Hobie cat sailing, canoeing, windsurfing, table tennis and volleyball. Froggies Restaurant offers a touch of French cuisine and is one of the best in Cape Maclear.

Casa Mia LodgeKabula Hill, BlantyreTel: +265 111 915 559Email: [email protected]

Located in Blantyre, the award-winning Casa Mia Lodge & Restaurant is close to the city centre and many other hotels, banks and shopping areas. The lodge has eight superior and two deluxe air conditioned rooms with en-suite facilities, minibar, tea and coffee facilities, satellite TV and Wi-Fi.

African Parks MajetePO Box 232, Chikwawa-MajeteTel: +265 999 521 741Email: [email protected] 700 sq km Majete Wildlife Reserve is located in the Lower Shire Valley, part of Africa’s Great Rift Valley. It became a protected area in 1955. In the 1980s and 1990s poachers and a lack of resources caused widespread damage to the park; but in 2003 the Government of Malawi entered into a 25-year public-private partnership with African Parks for the rehabilitation, development and management of Majete. A total of 2,559 animals from 13 species have been reintroduced including rhino, leopard, lion, rhino, buffalo, sable antelope, zebra, Lichtenstein’s hartebeest and eland.

The African Parks NetworkThe Oval Office Park, Cnr Sloan and Meadowbrook, Centurion House, Bryanston 2021. South Africa Tel: +27 11 465 0050, Fax: 2786 662 4992 Email: [email protected]

African Parks Network is an African solution to Africa’s conservation challenges. It is the first private park management institution in Africa to take on long-term responsibility for managing protected areas in partnership with governments. Its approach combines world-class conservation practice with business expertise. The network covers parks in Zambia, Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

Annie’s LodgePO Box 297, ZombaTel: +265 152 7002; 195 1636; Tel: +215 000 156Fax: +265 152 7807Email: [email protected]

Annie’s Lodge was established in 1986 in Area 2 of Lilongwe. Its head office is now in Zomba. A family-run business, it has expanded over the years and now operates two lodges in Lilongwe, one in Zomba and one in the Nyambadwe suburb of Blantyre.

Bangwe MotelPO Box 90583, BangweTel: +265 88 860 1495

Located on the outskirts of Limbe on the Robert Mugabe Highway.



Danforth Yachting (Lodge & Yacht Charters)Lodge and Yacht Charters, Cape Maclear Lake Malawi Tel: +265 99 996 0077/0770 Email: [email protected] www.danforthyachting.comDanforth Yachting is an owner-run lakeside lodge and yacht charter operation based at Cape Maclear on the shore of Lake Malawi. The lodge sleeps 16 guests. Bordering Lake Malawi National Park and surrounded by islands, this is one of the most beautiful spots on the lake. Its motto of ‘all-round excellence’ extends to every facet of the business. Danforth offers superb cuisine, a wide variety of water sports and activities and a PADI scuba diving centre as well as featuring the only live-aboard catamaran yacht for charter on Lake Malawi.

Dorvic HotelZalewa Road, PO Box 2195, Blantyre Tel: +265 1 830 854/864/862/809/852 Fax: +265 1 830 807, Cell: +265 8 785 313 Email: [email protected]

Dorvic Hotel offers 36 rooms including four suites, two family rooms and 30 superior rooms. All rooms are soundproofed and air conditioned with unique finishing, satellite TV and minibar. Dorvic has two elegant bars, one inside the hotel and the other by the pool. The modern swimming pool is segmented to accommodate both beginners and advanced swimmers and is ideal for hosting all sorts of summer functions. The hotel also has extensive conference facilities including two large conference rooms with seating for up to 150 delegates for full and half-day conferences, seminars, presentations, gala dinners, award evenings and cocktail parties.

CCAP Likhubula HouseLikhubula-Mulanje, PO Box 111, MulanjeTel: +265 1 980 611 Email: likhubula@malawi.netwww.ccapblantyresynod.weebly.comwww.ccap-likhubula-mulanje.htmlLikhubula House is an ideal base for exploring the paths and peaks of Mulanje Mountain. It has inspired fresh thinking, risk taking and team building since the 1960s. There is a meeting and catering space for groups of up to 40 plus a pavilion for open-air meetings by the reservoir pool. The youth centre has dormitory accommodation for 40 people with leaders’ accommodation nearby. There are five chalets for families and tourists. Walks and activities are available. Income from this business is recycled for the benefit of the youth centre and its programmes for local orphans and vulnerable children.

Cedar PlaceNamiwawaPO Box 5866, LimbeTel: +265 1 832 955Email: [email protected]

Set against the backdrop of Michiru Mountain and located in the heart of Blantyre city, Cedar Place has 30 apartments, comprising deluxe apartments, executive apartments and family apartments, each with bedroom, kitchen/dining room and en-suite bathroom. It offers luxury serviced apartment accommodation, complete with all modern amenities, with additional travel and culinary services.

Chichiri LodgePO Box 30310, Chichiri, Blantyre 3 Tel: +265 1 871 548 Fax: +265 1 871 548 Cell: +265 8 866 893 Email: [email protected]

Chichiri Lodge consists of 19 well furnished self-contained units, each with digital TV and overhead or upright fans. A secure spacious lounge is available for guests and there is a restaurant with a wide choice of fare. The multipurpose hall has a capacity of 100 people and is ideal for conferences, weddings and meetings. It is fully equipped with multimedia equipment. The lodge has a laundry and internet facilities. Wi-Fi will be available soon. The lodge is located between Limbe and Blantyre on the Chipembere Highway close to Independence Arch.

Chilembwe LodgePO Box 30653, Chichiri, Blantyre Tel: +265 824 688/649 Fax: +265 1 821 976 Email: [email protected]

Located a few hundred metres from the centre of Blantyre, but away from the noise and traffic, Chilembwe Lodge has 34 self-contained rooms with telephone, TV, fridge, fans and flasks. The restaurant is open from 6.30 am to 2.30 pm for breakfast and lunch and from 6 pm to 10 pm for dinner. It offers a reasonably priced à la carte menu, while room rates include breakfast.

Conforzi Lake HouseSouthern Lake Shore, Mangochi AreaGlyn Jones Road, PO Box 2279, BlantyreTel/Fax: +265 182 3709, Tel: +265 183 5356Cell: +265 888 202 420Email: [email protected]

Conforzi Lake House is a self catering lake shore unit comprising of one main house and a smaller cottage situated approximately 10 km north of Club Makokola and it is one of the older houses on the lake. It is built on a large plot and has been in the Conforzi family from 1958.The house was extensively refurbished a few years ago. It has a beautifully manicured beach overlooking Boa Dzulu Island. The beauty of the garden consists of ancient baobabs and other huge trees under which one can sit and admire the beautiful view and soak in the lake atmosphere.



Game Haven LodgeThyolo RoadPO Box 5443, Limbe Tel: +265 999 971 286/7/8Email: [email protected]

Exceptional up-close viewing of magnificent game and birdlife. Verdant lawns at Nswala Malo lounge bar at Lake Bvumbwe. Barbecue, fishing, mountain biking, game drives and nature walks. Children’s playground, international standard nine-hole, multiple tee box golf course at Mbawa Country Club. International cuisine at Ambrosia Restaurant and luxury accommodation at Game Haven Lodge, Bvumbwe.

Gecko LoungeCape MaclearTel: +265 999 787322Email: [email protected]

Gecko Lounge has two beachfront, en-suite, self-catering chalets with private verandas and fine views. Each room comes with basic kitchen facilities (small fridge), hot water, mosquito nets, fans, towels, a double bed and bunk beds. The chalets sleep up to four people and are ideal for couples, families or small groups. In addition there are two en-suite rooms with mosquito nets, fans, towels, safe box, a double bed and bunk beds that can sleep up to four people. The Reed Room sleeps up to eight, and is often used for couples, families and groups that require a more cost-effective alternative. It is divided into three sections with reed walls and Malawian fabric curtains.

Hippo View LodgeLiwonde, PO Box 53011, Limbe Tel: +265 1 542 118/542 822/542 221/542 255 Fax +265 1 542 116 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] View Lodge has 81 comfortable en-suite rooms including two suites, 11 deluxe rooms and 68 superior rooms, all overlooking the Shire River and the beautifully maintained gardens. The rooms have been designed for comfort with personal service provided by a dedicated staff. All rooms come with satellite TV (five channels) and telephone extensions. The lodge is 30 to 60 minutes from Lilongwe National Park and a 20-minute boat ride from the game park. Other facilities include room service on request, laundry and dry cleaning, car hire by arrangement, covered car parking and children’s playground.

Hotel MasongolaPO Box 98, ZombaTel:+265 1 524 688Fax:+265 1 524 142Email: [email protected]

The foundations of Hotel Masongola, formerly a government hostel, were laid by Captain Haimes in 1886 on 1,000 acres of land on the scenic slopes of Zomba Mountain which he bought from Chief Malemia. Today, the hotel has 51 rooms, two flats, a front office, a restaurant and bar, a kitchen, a launderette and staff accommodation.

Fisherman’s RestShire Valley Escarpment, MiralePO Box 1654, Blantyre Tel: +265 1 980 179 Cell: +265 888 836 753; 207 753 Email: [email protected] www.fishermansrest.netFisherman’s Rest offers enchanting accommodation in a 50-acre nature reserve. The property offers breathtaking views over the Great Rift Valley. Day trips and tours are available to the Lake of Stars, the national parks and wildlife reserves in Malawi. Each holiday is tailored to individual budgets. Fisherman’s Rest also encourages individuals and groups to get involved in community projects during their stay. There are projects in schools, clinics, prisons, orphanages, churches and villages. Fisherman’s Rest is an ideal venue for conferences, workshops and retreats.

Fat MonkeysCape Maclear, ChembeTel: +265 9 948 501; 1 599 133 Email: [email protected]

Popular with backpackers, Fat Monkeys is located in the centre of Chembe, a traditional fishing village beside Lake Malawi. There are four types of accommodation, consisting of basic double bedrooms; en-suite double bedrooms; family bungalows with kitchen and en-suite bathroom; and a campsite. Each bedroom is decorated with beautiful Malawian art and has spectacular views of the lake. The bar and restaurant are renowned for great meals and service. Activities such as boat trips, kayaking and scuba diving can be arranged. Wi-Fi is available.



Hotel VictoriaVictoria Avenue, BlantyrePO Box 31124, Blantyre 3Tel: +265 1 823 500

Located in the centre of Blantyre, the Hotel Victoria has 50 luxurious air conditioned bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms. There are 18 twin bedrooms, 10 suites, 21 double rooms and one luxury suite. Each room has digital satellite TV, safe and other features. The hotel also has a restaurant and conference facilities for up to 70 delegates.

House Five GuesthouseKabula Hill Road, Kabula, BlantyreTel: +265 212 953 053Email: [email protected]

House Five is on Kabula Hill in Blantyre, overlooking Mbayani. It has nine rooms, three of which are in the main house, with spacious rooms, all en-suite with showers. All rooms are equipped with fans, a safe, tea and coffee facilities, wireless internet and TV. In the garden are two long-stay cottages with all facilities including a kitchenette. The property contains a further three cottages, two of which face the pool, with TV, wireless internet, kettle, safe and cupboards. House Five is a bed-and-breakfast establishment, but light snacks are available on request.

Kabula LodgeOff Michiru Rd, KabulaTel: +265 1 821216Email: [email protected]

Accommodation includes highly decorated self-contained suites, furnished with a queen-sized double bed and single bed, while other rooms have a furnished kitchen and en-suite bathroom. Standard rooms have two single beds with study tables, wardrobe, sharing bathrooms with hot and cold showers, and two large furnished kitchens for those who prefer self-catering. Most of the rooms have views over the mountains and of Blantyre.

Kanjedza LodgePO Box 5623, LimbeTel: +265 1 842 500Fax: +265 1 870 105Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Kanjedza Lodge offers a range of modern accommodation in a quiet and peaceful environment with the latest amenities and facilities at affordable rates. Ideally located for conferences, it is close to Limbe market and Limbe’s business centre.

Kara O’Mula Country LodgeMulanje-Boma, PO Box 80095, Mulanje Tel: +265 1 466 515/516Email: [email protected] O’Mula Country Lodge is located at the foot of the Mulanje Mountain. The main structure is a 1905 renovated colonial building that was the residence of the district commissioner. It is 12 km from the Likhubula Falls and the Dziwe la Nkhalamba natural pool. The lodge has 27 rooms ranging from single to double to family rooms. Seven of these are corridor rooms within the colonial building. The rest are more spacious chalets spread out in various locations within a few metres of each other with vantage views of the Mulanje Mountain, the surrounding tea estates, the Thyolo Highlands and mountains across the border with Mozambique.

Leslie Lodge2 Leslie Road, Mount Pleasant Blantyre (Cnr Mahatma Gandhi Road, opposite Petroda Filling Station) Tel: +265 999 828 929/824 317, 1 871 671Fax +265 187 5676 Email: [email protected] www.leslielodge.comLeslie Lodge is a nine-room bed-and-breakfast establishment with a ‘home from home’ atmosphere in the quiet suburb of Mount Pleasant, Blantyre, a short distance from the town centre, hospital and medical college. The hosts are Ray and Lynne Finch. There is Wi-Fi throughout the complex and all rooms are light and spacious with a self-catering kitchen, garden and patio. Evening meals are available to order. Each room has a built-in safe, fridge, mosquito protection, satellite TV, air conditioning and heating. Credit/debit cards are accepted.

Likhubula Forest LodgeLikhubula-MulanjePO Box 267 MulanjeTel: +265 1 467 737Email: [email protected]

X Likhubula Forest Lodge has a beautiful location at the foot of Mulanje Mountain. It offers the perfect stopover or weekend away for those who wish to explore the forest and discover the beautiful rock pools and waterfalls. There is accommodation in the main lodge and camping site. The lodge has five bedrooms, of which two are en-suite. One of the en-suite rooms is in a separate annexe.

The Makokola RetreatMangochiTel: +265 1 580 244/445/469Email: [email protected]

The Makokola Retreat is a hand-built villa that blends ‘ethno chic’ with all that is traditional in Malawi. Its many comforts are accentuated by locally sourced wooden beams and traditional artwork beneath a thatched roof. Rooms are just a few steps from the beach, yet designed with seclusion in mind. Within the grounds, pathways lead to accommodation consisting of villas, beach rooms and family rooms nestled in natural gardens to provide a haven of rest and relaxation.



Nanchengwa LodgeMangochiTel: +265 (0)999 274 696; 888 474 079; 888 747 620Email: [email protected]

Located on the Southern Lake shore, halfway between Mangochi and Monkey Bay, the lodge has three en-suite rooms and three beach houses set in leafy surroundings. Camping is available and the restaurant serves good home-style meals.

Niyasu Guest LodgeSanjika/Chilomoni, PO Box 3240, BlantyreTel: +265 999 481 599Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Niyasu Guest Lodge has spacious rooms, all equipped with internet connection and TV. There are nine superior en-suite rooms. The cosy guest bar opens onto a balcony offering sunset views and a cooling breeze from Michiru Mountain. A shuttle service from the airport and coach terminals, together with specific guest travel requirements, are available on request.

Mo & Mic Lodge11 Majete Road, NamiwawaPO Box E430, BlantyreTel +265 995 600 213; 884 551 366; 111 608 064. Fax +265 830 324Email: [email protected]

Mo & Mic Lodge, only a five-minute drive from the city centre, provides a welcome haven for business, leisure and family guests. It has seven rooms comprising one family room and six en-suite bedrooms with double and king beds. Services include tea-making facilities in the rooms, bar fridges, DStv and Wi-Fi throughout the lodge. Momic has a conference room which takes 30 people. In addition to the rooms, there is a lounge where guests can relax and watch TV.

Mgoza LodgeCape MaclearTel: +265 995632105Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Mgoza Lodge is the perfect place to relax, with its shady gardens and swimming pool looking out over the lake. Mgoza Lodge has seven double en-suite chalets, a dormitory that sleeps eight; three A-frame thatched huts on the beach and a family room that consists of two en-suite chalets joined together.

Malawi Sun HotelRobins Road, KabulaNext to Air Malawi Offices, Robins Road Tel: +265 1 830 069; 824 808; 822 969 Fax: +265 1 830 718 Email: [email protected]

Located in the cool hills of Kabula, just five minutes’ walk from Blantyre’s central business district, the Malawi Sun offers the best of Malawian accommodation. The luxurious rooms have fine views and come with air conditioning, DStv and Wi-Fi. Room service is available. The hotel also has five conference rooms that can be customised for any needs. The Aamari Restaurant offers Continental, Indian, Chinese, Portuguese and Malawian cuisine. There is also the Deep End Grill and a food court. The Malawi Sun is the perfect place for business, work or leisure.

Mulanje MotelMulanje-BomaPO Box 203, Mulanje Tel: +265 1 466 245 Cell: +265 8 827 563 Email: [email protected]

Under the same ownership as Limbani Lodge, the Mulanje Motel has 12 rooms with communal toilets and bathrooms and one self-contained room. There is an excellent bar selling Malawian lager at competitive prices. The bar and its pool table are a popular spot for the local community. The cosy restaurant serves both Malawian and English dishes at reasonable prices. The motel also has conference facilities.

Mkulumadzi Lodgec/o Robin Pope SafarisTel: +265 (0) 1 794 491; 1 795 483 Email: [email protected]

X Mkulumadzi Lodge is located in Majete Wildlife Reserve, one of Malawi’s largest protected areas and soon to be a Big Five game park. The lodge has a feeling of exclusivity and privacy and its luxurious chalets blend in with the surrounding vegetation. All chalets have magnificent private views of the Shire River.

Mvuu Lodge and CampWilderness SafarisTel: +265 1 771 393Fax: +265 1 771 397Email: [email protected]

Mvuu Lodger is the sole lodge in Liwonde National Park and offers boat trips and games drives both during the day and at night. Walks with qualified scouts are also offered. Birdlife is prolific within the park and regarded as one of the finest birding spots in Africa. Just downstream, the 28-bed Mvuu Camp is an excellent option for those who want to enjoy the same bush experience in a comfortable, but somewhat less exclusive atmosphere. Dinner is often served in the open boma or on the banks of the river. Accommodation is offered in en-suite chalets.



Nsanje Discovery LodgeNsanje-BomaPO Box 10, NsanjeEmail: [email protected]

Nsanje Discovery Lodge has 26 rooms with a choice of en-suite or shared bathrooms. The lodge is located in the Lower Shire and there is a wall around the whole property. A wide range of amenities can be found in the town of Nsanje.

Nyambadwe LodgeNyambadwePO Box 30310, Chichiri, Blantyre 3 Tel: +265 1 835 551 Fax: +265 1 871 548Cell: +265 8 866 893 Email: [email protected]

Located in the exclusive Nyambadwe, this luxurious and homely lodge offers bed and breakfast at affordable rates. It has 20 well furnished and self-contained rooms. There is ample secure parking and camping facilities are available. The restaurant offers a wide range of meals prepared to customer’s taste and there is a common lounge with digital satellite TV. Conference facilities with a seating capacity of 25 are available, complete with flip boards and a digital video projector.

Pedro’s Grill & LodgePO Box 1699, Blantyre, SunnysideTel: +265 1 833 430Tel/Fax: +265 1 822 544Cell: +265 888 842 670Email: [email protected] Pedro’s Grill & Lodge is a conversion of a luxury residence in the Sunnyside area of Blantyre.Proprietors Lena and Jean Pierre have many years of experience as international restaurant and accommodation hosts. There are eight self contained rooms with telephone and TV. All windows are mosquito screened. Wi-Fi internet access and top up cards are available. The property stands in luxurious gardens with safe parking. The beautifully decorated restaurant offers a varied menu and there is a cosy bar with a selection of drinks. At the end of the day, guests can cool off in the attractive pool or enjoy a drink in the patio bar.

Protea Hotel Ryalls2 Hannover Avenue, PO Box 21, Blantyre Tel: +265 1 820 955Fax: +265 1 827 000 Email: [email protected]

Situated in Blantyre’s central business district, Protea Hotels Ryalls is perfectly located for business travellers and holidaymakers. The hotel’s spacious accommodation consists of 120 air conditioned and en-suite rooms with satellite TV as well as wireless internet access. Guests can relax in the newly renovated pool or work up a sweat in the new fitness centre. Wining and dining facilities are available in the hotel and in town. The hotel is also an ideal venue for conferencing and banquets, offering world-class facilities for up to 120 delegates in various seating configurations. There is a business centre plus other commercial facilities.

Norman Carr CottageMangochiTel: +265 999207506 Cell: +265 888355357 Email: [email protected] www.normancarrcottage.comNorman Carr Cottage is on the southern shore of Lake Malawi, in the sheltered bay of Namakoma, 15 km south of Monkey Bay. It consists of six executive suites and a two-bedroom family cottage. The executive suites are beach-facing. Each of the large and airy rooms is furnished with a four-poster king-sized bed and features an outdoor shower. The cottage is at the back of the property among the mango trees. It consists of two bedrooms, both with double beds. The rooms are not en-suite but share an open-air shower and separate toilet.

Nyala LodgeLengwe National Park, Lower Shire Valley, Chikwawa, PO Box 2279, BlantyreTel: +265 1 429 201, +265 111 945 383Email: [email protected]/lengwe.html

Nyala Lodge offers comfortable accommodation for both families and individuals on a visit to Lengwe National Park. The lodge offers views to the nearby water hole and bush where many animals come to drink. There are en-suite chalets with hot water, mosquito nets and overhead fans and/or air conditioning, sleeping two to four people. Nyala Lodge has a well stocked bar and the restaurant offers delicious meals served on the deck overlooking the bush where many animals graze nearby. There is a small swimming pool. The campsite has ablutions and barbecue facilities and tents can be rented from the lodge.

Serendib Suites & Conference CentreNamiwawaPO Box 5370, Limbe Tel: +265 111 910 444Fax: +265 212 400 400/401Email: [email protected]

Situated in the heart of the city, in Namiwawa off Chilomoni road, just a five-minute drive from the central business area and 15 minutes from Chileka International Airport. Spacious, modern and comfortable en-suite rooms offering remote control satellite, colour TV, direct-dial telephone, tea/coffee facilities, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, in-room safe and room service.

Pumulani LodgeTel:+265 1 770 540/60 Email: [email protected]

Pumulani is an exclusive beach lodge within Lake Malawi National Park. The lodge has 10 individually designed villas spread out along the hillside overlooking the lake. Each villa has a large bedroom, a spacious living area and a private deck with lake view. Guests can relax on the sandy beach or at the infinity pool. Activities include water-skiing, sailing, diving, wakeboarding, kayaking, snorkelling, fishing and birdwatching. At sunset, there are scenic cruises in a traditional wooden dhow. The lodge is part of Robin Pope Safaris, one of the finest safari companies in Africa.



Thumbi View LodgeCape MaclearTel: +265 997 463054; 998 599005Email: [email protected]

Thumb View Lodge is located on Lake Malawi with views over Thumb Island, which offers first-rate snorkelling and diving. All dorms, twins and double rooms are spacious and en-suite. There is a professional diving team at the lodge for excursions and courses.

Villa 33Chilomoni Ring Rd, NamiwawaTel: +265 999 960 231Email: [email protected]

Villa 33 is the perfect location for business and independent travellers who need short to medium-term accommodation in Blantyre. The lodge is set in 1.7 acres of tropical gardens in the quiet suburb of Namiwawa within easy reach of the town centre. There are five en-suite rooms, two one-bedroom apartments and two two-bedroom apartments, all stylishly and individually decorated. Accommodation is on a bed-and-breakfast basis with both Continental and cooked-to-order breakfast menus available.

Sungeni CottageSouthern Lake Shore, Mangochi AreaGlyn Jones Road, PO Box 2279, BlantyreTel/Fax: +265 182 3709, Tel: +265 183 5356Cell: +265 888 202 420Email: [email protected]

Sungeni Cottage is a self-catering four-bedroom lakeshore unit, with separate lounge dining room and bar. Situated about 2 km north of the turn-off to Palm Beach Lodge and another 1 km from the main junction after turning right. It has a family-friendly swimming pool with a baby section and a beach. There is also a beach-front entertainment shaded platform near the swimming pool with a wonderful view of the lake. Guests can have their meals and sundowners here, or just relax and read a book.

Sunbird Ku ChaweZomba PlateauTel: +265 1 514 211 Email: [email protected]

Sunbird Ku Chawe sits on the edge of the Zomba Plateau, which rises to nearly 2,200 metres. Around this rim are some of the most wonderful views in Africa. The inn has 32 well appointed rooms comprising 22 deluxe studios and 10 superior rooms. All rooms are en-suite with satellite TV, telephone, minibar, fireplace and power points. The inn also has a business centre, laundry, babysitting services and free car parking. The conference centre has two rooms with a total capacity of 50 delegates to accommodate various requirements.

Sunbird Mount SocheHead Offices, PO Box 376, Blantyre Tel: +265 1 820 588, Fax: +265 1 820 124 Email: [email protected] www.sunbirdmalawi.comSunbird Mount Soche is strategically positioned in the city of Blantyre and set among lush tropical gardens overlooking the city to the north and Ndirande Mountain to the south. There are 132 rooms comprising eight suites, 31 superior rooms and 93 standard rooms. There are two conference rooms. The hotel has the largest conference facilities in Blantyre. The main hall has a capacity of 350 delegates and there are two boardrooms for 10 and 15 people. Other facilities include Wi-Fi, designated non-smoking rooms, a modern business centre, a babysitting service (by prior arrangement), an airline office, hospitality bars and a swimming pool.

Sunbird Nkopola LodgeMangochi, PO Box 14 MangochiTel: 01 580 444Email: [email protected]

Located 24 km north of Mangochi district headquarters, Sunbird Nkopola Lodge stands on the southern lakeshore near the friendly fishing village of Chipoka, with spectacular views over the lake. Accommodation consist of air conditioned en-suite rooms with digital satellite TV, international direct dialling, Wi-Fi and 220 volt power points. There are 20 standard rooms, 32 superior rooms (16 superior rondavels and 14 superior beachfront rooms) and three family rooms. Next to the lodge is a campsite with eight self-contained chalets and seven tents.

Sun ‘n’ Sand HotelPO Box 333, Mangochi Tel: +265 01 594 545 / 550Fax: +255 01 594 473 Email: [email protected]

Sun ‘n’ Sand Holiday Resort is located on 700 metres of golden sandy beach on the shore of Lake Malawi. The resort has a variety of rooms, including 13 VIP rooms, 101 superior rooms and 11 self-catering family chalets as well as a campsite with 25 spacious two-person tents under a thatched roof. The resort has one of the best conference facilities in Malawi, able to accommodate groups of all sizes, from a small meeting to a major conference with breakaway events. The resort has a main restaurant and two bars. Activities include boating, speedboats, water-skiing, massages, excursions, snorkelling and parasailing.

Shire LodgeLiwondeTel: +265 1542 277Email: [email protected]

Shire Lodge is located in Liwonde Township in Machinga on the bank of the Shire River. Coming from Blantyre, descend towards the Liwonde Bridge over the Shire River and then turn right a few metres from the bridge.



Alcon CottagesCape Maclear Turn OffPO Box 31887Tel: +265 999 95 10301 Email: [email protected]

Alem Ethiopian RestaurantVictoria AvenuePO Box 2481, BlantyreTel: +265 1 822 529

Betania LodgeMwanza BomaPO Box 250 MwanzaTel: +265 999 928 296

Blue Elephant RestaurantGinnery Corner, 265 BlantyreTel: +265 1 915 559Email: [email protected]

Blue Lagoon LodgeChigumula NewlandsTel: +265 1 657243

Chenjes Nest GuesthousePO Box 5234, Chigumula

Comfort Inn Bed & BreakfastNear Independance Arch, Chichiri PO Box 30968, Blantyre

Kameza LodgeKameza, BlantyrePO Box 2522, Tel: +265 1 915 863; 27 21 783 1955Email: [email protected]

Khulubvi LodgePO Box 95, ChilekaTel: +265 999 209 846

Legacy LodgePO Box 206, LunzuTel: +265 1613 710; 1986 323Email: [email protected]

Lodge MungoNo 1 Mungo Chisuse Rd Mount PleasantPO Box 30500, BlantyreTel: +265 111 984 184Email: [email protected]

Masuku CottageZombaP/Bag 3537 ZombaTel: 08888 43961

Matechanga MotelPO Box 14 ChikwawaTel: +265 888 230 800

Milestone LodgePO Box 164, ChilekaTel: +265 111 989617; 88 4331132Email: [email protected]

Motel ParadiseZalewa RoadPO Box 12 BlantyreTel: +265 1 823 338Email: [email protected]

Mpingwe LodgeMpingwePO Box 5345, LimbeTel: +265 1 64 0814

Venice Beach BackpackersPO Box 179, Monkey Bay, Cape MaclearTel: +265 999 31 9453Email: [email protected]

Venice Beach Backpackers is a traveller’s lodge situated on a sandy beach in a quaint fishing village on the southern shore of Lake Malawi. It offers good accommodation and comfortable hammocks to laze around in on warm days.



Peter’s Lodge PO Box 20, ZombaTel: +265 950 046; 995671 596

Rob & WillsChitakale-MulanjePO Box 248 MulanjeTel: +265 888 847 341

Royal Palm HotelBlantyrePO Box 53011 LimbeTel: +265 21 297 5610

Ruby’s GuesthouseNamiwawaPO Box 3486, BlantyreTel: +265 99 191 0466

Satemwa Ulendo LodgeThyolo-Boma PO Box 5 Thyolo

Thuchira Tourist LodgeThuchira-PhalombePO Box 4 PhalombeTel: +265 88 110 3353Email: [email protected]

Top LodgeNamiwawaPO Box 30627, BlantyreTel: +265 111 910 872Email: [email protected]

Village Green Garden lodgeLink Namiwawa Rd, NamiwawaTel: +265 21 295 42 75Email: [email protected]º

Zonse Ndi Chauta MotelChinamwaliPO Box 512, ZombaTel: +265 999 72 7751

Mufasa BackpackersMonkey BayPO Box 7 LumbadziTel: +265 999 0710665Email: [email protected]

Mulanje View MotelMulanje-BomaPO Box 75

Mwanza HotelMwanza BomaPO Box 174 MwanzaEmail: patrickbanda@gmail

Ndindeya MotelPO Box 527 ZombaTel: +265 1 525 558

Ng’ona LodgeChikwawa- MajetePO Box 43 BlantyreTel: +265 999 216 399

Oriental LodgeChilembwe Road, BlantyrePO Box 2702, BlantyreTel: +2651 833 815

Palm Beach Leisure ResortPO Box 46, Mangochi

Pat & Ashley Town LodgeZalewa RoadPO Box 529, Blantyre


Ot her services SOUTHERN REGION

Jungle PepperChichiri Shopping MallPO Box 30624, Blantyre 3Tel: +265 888 826

Jungle Pepper Pizza has been run by two Portuguese sisters, Carla and Helga, since 1997. Their new shop, now located in Chichiri Shopping Mall, offers made-to-order food, clean atmosphere, friendly service and plenty of available seating both inside and outside. Open seven days a week.

Kwacha Dawn SafariNamiwawaPO Box 219, BlantyreTel: +265 888 822 892; 999 932 100; 1 910 881Email: [email protected] Dawn Safari is one of the best safari car hire firms in the country, offering a family-friendly service that allows customers to appreciate the beauty and hospitality of Malawi. The company provides well serviced and maintained vehicles to suit customers’ tastes and needs as well as giving priority to their safety and comfort. The overall aim is to provide customers with the full Malawian experience.

L’HostariaChristwickPO Box 30768, Blantyre 3Tel: +265 1 636 025 Email: [email protected]

L’Hostaria is famous for its authentic Italian cuisine and good service. The restaurant has ample space for hosting special parties.

M’bawa Country ClubThyolo RoadTel: +265 999 971 287Email: [email protected]

The M’bawa Country Club is located at the Game Haven Lodge. Membership at Mbawa Country Club provides access to a first class golf course, a brand new clubhouse complete with a sports bar, access to Lake Bvumbwe, a swimming pool, Mwana Park a children's playground, a discount on certain facilities. Guests can also taking a drive or walk through the game park. From the clubhouse veranda and patio enjoy sundowners as the sun sets over the Mbawa trees and game park, watch the wildlife enjoying the golf course.

Africa Wild TruckMulanjeTel: +265 99 594 1542Email: [email protected]

Africa Wild Truck is a tour operator based in Malawi that has a big passion for travelling. since 2005, it has provided adventure and responsible tourism on less travelled routes in Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and Botswana. As well as the classsic expedition of Africa Wild Truck, with space for photography lovers Africa Wild Truck offers photographic workshops of reportage, wildlife photographic workshops and art safaris.

Jambo AfricaGlyn Jones Road, PO Box 2279, BlantyreTel/Fax: +265 182 3709, Tel: +265 183 5356Cell: +265 888 202 420Email: [email protected] www.jambo-africa.comJambo Africa is one of the leading safari operators in Malawi. With many years’ experience combined with an intimate knowledge of the country, Jambo Africa can tailor exciting packages both in Malawi and elsewhere. Jambo-Africa’s wide range of services includes all kinds of vehicle hire, from saloons to 4x4 SUVs, twin cabs and various sizes of buses. For camping enthusiasts, 4x4s come fully equipped for camping and include fridge, rooftop tent, chairs, tables, gas lighting, cooking equipment, full insurance cover and unlimited mileage. Special rates for group bookings and long-term hire.

Kayak AfricaCape MaclearTel: +265 999 942 661Central reservations: Tel: +27 (0)21 783 1955 (Cape Town, SA)Email: [email protected] Africa is the founder and operator of camps on Mumbo Island and Domwe Island in Lake Malawi National Park. The company also specialises in sea kayak and small boat safaris on Lake Malawi, and bike kayak safaris around southern Malawi. Mumbo and Domwe are deserted tropical islands in a pristine natural state with a thick covering of miombo woodland forest. The waters around the islands are clean and calm, allowing all guests, irrespective of fitness or experience, to enjoy sea kayaking, snorkelling and scuba diving. The camps sleep 14 guests in furnished safari tents and are operated in an impeccably green and eco-friendly way.


SOUTHERN REGION Ot her services

Bombay Palace RestaurantHannover Avenue, BlantyrePO Box 1519 BlantyreEmail: [email protected]

Caesar PalacePO Box 2702, Blantyre

Café RougeChichiri Shopping MallPO Box 503 Limbe, Tel: 01 878 795Shoprite Complex, PO Box 5035Tel: +265 187 8795

California DreamsLunzuPO Box 1909, BlantyreEmail: [email protected]

Chez Maky RestaurantKabula HillP/Bag 246, Blantyre Tel: +265 999 203 029Email: [email protected]

Chicken CottageChichiri Shopping Mall. PO Box 51183, BlantyreTel: +265 212 727 272, Cell: +265 999 927 386; +265 212 927386Email: [email protected]

Food & Refreshments CentreHHI. PO Box 812, Blantyre

Haest Restaurant & ResthouseMulozaPO Box 3, Phalombe

Hong Kong RestaurantPO Box 719, BlantyreTel: +265 1 820 85

Kapenga RestaurantPO Box 5863 LimbeTel: +265 888 5621 55

Sunrise Ground ToursPlot MC348, BlantyrePO Box 814, BlantyreTel: +265 111 914 304/530Email: [email protected]

Sunrise Ground Tours (SGT) is a tour operator that can tailor-make any package, including kayaking on Lake Malawi, walking and hiking adventure safaris, sailing, snorkelling and diving, wildlife safaris and birdlife tours. Services include accommodation and car hire reservations, ground transfers, visa assistance, meet and greet services, conferencing and incentive travel management and destination marketing.

The Responsible Safari CoMandala, BlantyreTel: +265 111 602 407; 999 306

The Responsible Safari Co is a destination management company specialising in experiential travel to Malawi, working primarily within the educational, corporate and leisure markets and offering specialised planning and on-the-ground logistical support for school expeditions, university field trips, charity and adventure challenges, CSR groups and independent travellers.


Ot her services SOUTHERN REGION

Tasty BitesPO Box 855, ZombaTel: +265 212 936 490Email: [email protected]

Temptations Coffee ShopPO Box 166, BlantyreTel: +265 888 827 981

Terrapin Station (Doogles) LodgeNext to Wenela Bus Station, BlantyreTel: +265 1 602 710Email: [email protected]

TJs Restaurant & BarMount Pleasant,PO Box 191Tel: +265 999 951 207Email: [email protected]

Tulsi Veg Delight Gyn Jones Rd, BlantyrePO Box 2992 ChichiriTel: +265 212 919 705

TM Accommodation & TravellingMangochi

Zinenani HighfieldPO Box 1295, BlantyreTel: +265 152 6106

Zitherepano RestaurantMangochiPO Box 241, MangochiTel: +265 999 868666

Kips RestaurantsPO Box 788, BlantyreTel: +265 1 835 247Email: [email protected]

Krazy Foods RestaurantsPO Box 2702 BlantyreTel: +265 1 833 815

Lujeri LodgeLujeri Tea Estate-MulanjePO Box 133, Mulanje

Mwai wa AbamboPO Box 275, MangochiTel: +265 1 594 749

Njamba Club House & Take AwayChitawiraPO 30766, BlantyreTel: +265 999 512 584

Red Pepper Restaurant & BarYanakus-LimbePO Box 5828 Limbe

Siku Car HireLimbePO Box 51111, LimbeEmail: [email protected]

SS Rent A CarGyn Jones Rd, BlantyrePO Box 2282, BlantyreEmail: [email protected]

Steers and DebonairesPO Box 3549, BlantyreTel: +265 111 610 611

Studio de FranceNamiwawa,Chilomoni Ring RdTel: +265 1 669 626Email: [email protected]




Malawi Department of Tourism

Tourism House off Convention Drive, City Centre, Private Bag 326, Lilongwe 3, Malawi Tel: +265 1 775 499; 772 702 Fax: +265 1 775 4943 Email: [email protected]

Malawi Consulate General – South Africa

4 Dodge Street, Woodmead 2157, PO Box 3881, Rivonia 2128 Johannesburg Tel: +27 11234 8577/8; 11803 4919 Email: [email protected]

Department of National Parks & Wildlife

PO Box 30331, Lilongwe 3 Tel: +265 1 759 831 Fax: +265 1 759 832 Email: [email protected]

Lake of Stars

Email: [email protected]

Malawi Institute of Tourism

PO Box 2673, Blantyre Tel: +265 1 621 866 Fax: +265 1 621 923 Email: [email protected]

Malawi Tourism Council

PO Box 1044, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 770 010 Tel/Fax: +265 1 770 131 Cell: +265 888 865 250 Email: [email protected]

Malawi Tourism Marketing Consortium

c/o Geo Group & Associates 4 Christian Fields, London SW16 3JZ, UK Tel: + 44 115 982 1903 Fax: + 44 115 981 9418 Email: [email protected]

Tourism Association of Mount Mulanje

c/o Infomulanje PO Box 200, Mulanje Tel: +265 1 466 466 Email: [email protected]

Travel Agents Association of Malawi

c/o Bon Voyage Tours PO Box 31134, Lilongwe Tel: +265 1 774 780 Fax: +265 1 773 260 Email: [email protected]

MALAWI MISSIONS ABROADBELGIUM Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the Kingdom of Belgium and Mission to the European Communities Ground Floor, 46 Avenue Hermann-Debroux, B-1160 Brussels Tel: +32 2 231 09 80 Fax: +32 2 231 10 66 Telex: 24128 Mabel B Email: [email protected]

FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the Federative Republic of Brazil SHIS Q1 15 Conjonto 03 Casa 01 Lago Sul, CEP: 71635-230, Brasilia – DF Email: [email protected]

PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Embassy of the Republic of Malawi 500 Dongwai Street Diplomatic Office Building, No. 23 Dongzhimenwai Street Chaoyang Distric, Beijing: 100600 Tel: +86 1 0646 81380 Fax: +86 1 0665 91124 Email: [email protected]

ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the Arab Republic of Egypt Villa 44 Road, 254 Digla, Maadi, Cairo Tel/Fax: +202 25 177 598 Email: [email protected]

FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Woreda 23, Kebele 13, House No. 1021, PO Box 2316, Addis Ababa Tel: +251 9114 02899 Fax: +251 1166 20299 Email: [email protected]

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the Federal Republic of Germany WestfalischeStresse 86 10709, Berlin Tel: +49 0 30 8431 540 Fax: +49 30 8431 5430 Telex: 886989 MABN D Email: [email protected]

JAPAN Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to Japan Takanawa Kaisei Bldg 7th Floor 3-4-1 Takanawa Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0074 Tel: +81 03 3449 3010/47 Fax: +81 03 3449 3220 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

INDIA High Commission of the Republic of Malawi to India F-63, Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar New Delhi-110057 Tel: +91 11 4607 8800 Fax: +91 111 4607 8810/12 Email: [email protected]

MOZAMBIQUE High Commission of the Republic of Malawi to Mozambique No. 75 Kenneth Kaunda Avenue PO Box 4148, Maputo Tel: +258 21 492 676 Fax: +258 21 490 224 Telex: 6 300 MWEB MO Telegram: MALAWIAN, MAPUTO Email: [email protected]

REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA High Commission of the Republic of Malawi to the Republic of South Africa 770 Government Avenue Arcadia 0083, Pretoria, PO Box 11172, Hatfield 0082, Pretoria Tel: +27 12 430 9900, 342 0146/1759 Fax: +27 12 342 0147 Email: [email protected]

UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA High Commission of the Republic of Malawi to the United Republic of Tanzania Ohio/Sokoine Drive 1st Floor, Zambia House, PO Box 7617, Dar-es-Salaam Tel: +255 748 481740 Fax: +255 2221 36951/24623 Email: [email protected]

UNITED KINGDOM High Commission of the Republic of Malawi to the United Kingdom 36 John Street, Holborn, London WC1N 2AT Tel: +207 421 6010 Fax: +207 831 9273 Email: [email protected]

THE UNITED NATIONS Permanent Mission of the Republic of Malawi to the United Nations 866 United Nations Plaza Suite 486 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Tel: +1 212 317 8738/8718 Fax: +1 212 317 8729 Telex: 421807 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the United States of America Marshall B. Coyne, Building 1156 15th Street, NW Suite No. 320 Washington DC 2006 Tel: +1 202 721 0270 Fax: +1 202 721 0288 Telex: 64348 Telegrams: MALAWIEMB Email: [email protected]

REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA High Commission of the Republic of Malawi to the Republic of Zambia 31 Bishop’s Road, PO Box 50425 Kabulonga, Lusaka Telegram: KWACHA, ZAMBIA Tel: +260 1 265 768/69 Fax: +260 211 265 765 Telex: 41840 Email: [email protected]

REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the Republic of Zimbabwe 9-11 Duthie Road Alexandra Park PO Box 321 Harare Tel: +263 4 798 584-7 Fax: +263 4 799 006 Email: [email protected]


Malawian Airlines

Routes from Lilongwe and Blantyre to Dar es Salaam, Harare, Johannesburg, Karonga, Kusaka, Mzuzu and Nairobi. Domestic flights between Blantyre and Lilongwe twice a day.

Ethiopian Airlines

Operates daily flights into Blantyre and Lilongwe

Kenya Airways

Daily flights into Blantyre and Lilongwe.

South African Airways

Between Johannesburg and Blantyre on Wednesday and Saturday; Johannesburg and Lilongwe on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

DESTINATION2 0 1 5 - 1 6



Malawi Department of TourismMinistry of Information, Tourism and Culture Tourism House Off Convention Drive Private Bag 326, Lilongwe 3

Tel: +265 1 775 499; 772 702 Fax: +265 1 775 4943 Email: [email protected]

malawitourism @malawitourism