design thinking - getting there from here

How to get there from here Design Thinking Mario Van der Meulen @MarioVDMeulen

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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How to get there from here


Mario Van der Meulen @MarioVDMeulen

Why hello!

Graphic Designosaurus

It’s evolution baby!

Form no longer follows function

Interfacing with everything, everyone,any time, all the time

Design Thinking

The useful shelf life of skills has shrunk to less than five years source The Next Evolution of Learning Content, Bersin by Deloitte

Welcome to the deep end of the pool

Let’s open the kimono

Design is not a skill

Scout first, soldier later

Stop being islands

Collaboration is dead

Co-create; None of us is as

smart as all of us

Burst your bubble

Overload the problem

Reframe it

People are complicated


Find more low hanging fruit

Protect the idea

Design is never done

happy dance!

Design is a mindsetUnderstand first, define later Do not work linearPractice empathy as a processThink outside your bubble Find the right problem, get the problem right Protect the idea Iterate - done is better than perfect

No permission needed

Thank you!Mario Van der Meulen
