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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 1




    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Students : Nguyen Trong QuynhTelecomucation - AP - K53

    Advisors : Lam Hong Thach Ph.D

    Hanoi, 5 - 2013

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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 2




    Design Array of Microstrip Patch Antenna

    Students : Nguyen Trong Quynh Telecommunication K53

    Advisors : Lam Hong Thach Ph.D

    Critical Staff :

    Hanoi, 5 2013

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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 3



    --------------------------------------- --------------------------

    ENGINEERING THESIS MISSIONFull name: . Student Identity: Course: ....... School: Center for Training of Excellent Students Subject: ........................1. Thesis Title: 2. Initial data: 3. Content of theory and equation:

    4. Graphs and drawings: 5. Advisors Full name: ..... 6. Starting Date: 7. Finishing Date: ..

    Date: ././.. Dean of subject Advisor

    Student had been completed and submitted this thesis in: ././

    Critical staff



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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 4


    Full name: . Student Identity:

    Subject: . Course: .. Advisor: . Critical Staff: . Content of thesis: Comment of Critical Staff:

    Date: ././.. Critical Staff


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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 5

    CONTENTSLIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................7

    LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................................................................10

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................11

    ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................12

    INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................13

    CHAPTER 1 ...........................................................................................................................................13

    MICROSTRIP ANTENNA ....................................................................................................................13

    1.1 MICROSTRIP ANTENNA ..........................................................................................................14

    1.1.1 The basic shape of the micro-strip antenna ............................................................................15

    1.1.3 The digital power supply for micro strip antennas (feed method) .........................................19

    1.1.4 Bandwidth of MSA ................................................................................................................22

    1.1.5 Principle of the radiated micro strip antennas ........................................................................24

    1.1.6 Radiation field of micro strip antenna ....................................................................................27

    1.1.7 The polarized waves ...............................................................................................................31

    1.2 ANALYSIS MODELS MICROSTRIP ANTENNA ....................................................................32

    1.2.1 Model line (Transmission Line) .............................................................................................33

    1.2.2 Model cavity ..........................................................................................................................44

    CHAPTER 2 ...........................................................................................................................................55

    MICROSTRIP ANTENNA ARRAY .....................................................................................................55

    2.1 TWO ARRAY ELEMENT ...........................................................................................................57


    2.2.1. Broadside array and End-Fire array ......................................................................................64

    2.2.2 Phased Scanning Array ..........................................................................................................68

    2.3 N ELEMENT LINEAR ARRAY - THREE DIMENSIONAL PROPERTIES ............................70

    2.3.1 N elements along the z axis ....................................................................................................70

    2.3.2 N elements along the X or Y axis ..........................................................................................71

    2.4 N ELEMENT LINEAR ARRAY - UNIFORM DISTANCE, BORDER HETEROGENEITY ...722.4.1 Coefficient array.....................................................................................................................73

    2.4.2 Binomial Arrays .....................................................................................................................75

    2.4.3 Schebyscheff Arrays ............................................................................................................77

    2.5 TWO DIMENSIONAL ARRAY ..................................................................................................78

    2.5.1 Coefficient array.....................................................................................................................78

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    2.5.2 Beamwidth .............................................................................................................................82

    2.5.3 The orientation .......................................................................................................................84



    CHAPTER 3 ...........................................................................................................................................90

    DESIGN AND SIMULATION MICROSTRIP ANTENNA .................................................................90

    3.1 DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF A MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA ...............................90

    3.1.1 Design ....................................................................................................................................90

    3.1.2 Simulation ..............................................................................................................................93

    3.2 DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA ...................................97

    3.2.1 Design ....................................................................................................................................97

    3.2.2 SIMULATION OF MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA ARRAY .......................................99


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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

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    Figure 1.1: Microstrip Antenna

    Figure 1.2 - The micro strip antennas form commonly used

    Figure 1.3 - Power by transmission line

    Figure 1.4 - Power by cables coaxial

    Figure 1.5 - Power grafting using slot - Aperture coupled

    Figure 1.6 - Power close coupling method - Proximity Coupled

    Figure 1.7 - Distribution of charge and current in the antenna of rectangular strips.

    Figure 1.8 - Effective Dielectric Constant

    Figure 1.9 - Physical length and effective length piece patch

    Figure 1:10 - Patch and Rectangle in the equivalent circuit model of the transmission


    Figure 1.11 - Change the location of the feed impedance to match

    Figure 1:12 - electrical distribution and power lines

    Figure 1:13 - Analysis of micro-strip antenna pattern axis coordinates

    Figure 1:14 - The mode of the antenna radiation range

    Figure 2.1 - Four types of antenna array geometry

    Figure 2.2 - 2 geometry of the array elements along the z-axis at

    Figure 2.3 - If the remote array and phase diagram of N isotropic elements

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    Figure 2.4 - Graph of the three-dimensional radiation array broadside and broadside /


    Figure 2.5- two-dimensional graph of the radiation array broadside and broadside /

    end- fire

    Figure 2.6 - Graph of radiation of three-dimensional and two-dimensional array of 10

    identical scanning elements (N=10, 0coskd , 0 =600 , d= / 4 )

    Figure 2.7 - N linear array of isotropic elements placed along the x axis\

    Figure 2.8 - The layout of the antenna element

    Figure 2.9 - Correlation coefficient amplitude of an array of 10 elements.

    Figure 2.10 - Geometry of linear array and two-dimensional array

    Figure 2.11 - The degree half power beam width of the main beam and the direction0

    Figure 2.12 - Block Diagram impact process signals through complex weights.

    Figure 2.13- Sort band antenna in the plane of E and H

    Figure 3.1 - Window simulation program

    Figure 3.2 - frequency response of S parameters

    Figure 3.3 orientation of the antenna

    Figure 3.4 - Grap of 3D radiation

    Figure 3.5- The Smith Chart

    Figure 3.6- 2-dimensional array system

    Figure 3.7- 2x2 2D array system designed

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    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 9

    Figure 3.9 - frequency response of S parameters

    Figure 3.8 - Window simulation program of patch antenna array

    Figure 3.10- Bandwidth of patch antenna array

    Figure 3.11 Orientation of the array of antenna

    Figure 3.12 - Grap of 3D radiation

    Figure 3.13 The Smith Chart

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    Table 2.1 The null point, half of the maximum power, maximum sidelobes for uniform

    amplitude array broadside

    Table 2.2 The beam width for uniform amplitude array broadside

    Table 3.1: The antenna design parameters

    Table 3.2: The calculated parameters patch antenna 2.4 GHz range

    Table 3.3 - S11 parameter

    Table 3.4- S 11 parameter

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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 11


    The completion of this thesis could not have been fulfilled without the support

    of many people, to whom I am profoundly indebted.

    Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, Mr. Lam

    Hong Thach (Ph.D.), for his immeasurable assistance and valuable comments

    throughout the conduct of the research.

    Secondly, I am thankful to teachers of my faculty for their consultancy and

    attentiveness to the completion of my thesis paper.

    Last but not least, I am particularly thankful to the support I have had from my

    family and friends during the five years of my tertiary study and their encouragement

    when I conducted this graduation thesis.

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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 12


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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 13

    INTRODUCTIONA patch antenna (also known as a rectangular microstrip antenna) is a type of

    radio antenna with a low profile, which can be mounted on a flat surface. It consists of

    a flat rectangular sheet or "patch" of metal, mounted over a larger sheet of metal calleda ground plane.

    In this orientation, the thesis is divided into three chapters as follows:

    Chapter 1: Microstrip antenna

    Chapter 2: Microstrip antenna array

    Chapter 3: Design and Simulation microstrip antenna


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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 14


    The concept of band radiation was first initiated by Deschamps in 1953. But it

    was not until 20 years later, an antenna engineering applications of the new range is

    made. Micro-strip antenna experiments were first developed by Howell and Munson

    and continue research and development in many different areas.

    Micro-strip antenna simplest including a very thin metal patch (thickness t

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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 15

    Figure 1.1 - Microstrip Antenna

    There are dielectric backgrounds can be used to design micro-strip antenna and

    dielectric constants are usually in the range 2.2 < r

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    Coaxial-line feeds, where the inner conductor of the coax is attached to the

    radiation patch while the outer conductor is connected to the ground plane, are also

    widely used. The coaxial probe feed is also easy to fabricate and match, and it has low

    spurious radiation. However, it also has narrow bandwidth and it is more difficult tomodel, especially for thick substrates (h > 0.02 0).

    All micro-strip antenna is divided into four basic categories: micro-strip patch

    antenna, micro strip dipole, slot antennas used in engineering, antenna band traveling-

    wave behavior.

    Micro str ip patch antenna

    A micro-strip patch antenna includes a conductive patch as flat or planar

    geometry on one side of the piece of dielectric substrate and ground plane on the other

    surface of the substrate. Patch antenna with strips of different types, but their radiation

    characteristics virtually identical because they act like a dipole. Among the micro-strip

    patch antennas, antenna square and circle are two types of commonly used and widely


    Dipole microstrip

    Dipole micro strip antenna shaped like a square patch of bands but different

    ratio L / W. The width of the dipole typically less than 0:05 wavelengths in free space.

    Dipole radiation pattern of the antenna patch and strips of the same great features but in

    others, such as radiation resistance, bandwidth and cross-polarized radiation, they

    hardly differ. Dipole antennas, the range of suitable for high frequency applications

    because they use pieces of dielectric substrate thickness is relatively thick so that they

    achieve significant bandwidth. The choice of source model is very important and must

    be taken into account when analyzing micro-strip dipole antenna.

    Printed Slot Antenna

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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 17

    Printed Slot Antenna structure includes a slot in the ground plane of a grounded

    substrate (substrate ground). This slot can have many different shapes such as

    rectangles, circles, candles, .. This type of antenna radiation in both directions means

    that our radiation on both sides of the slot, we can create unidirectional radiation usinga reflective surface on one side of the slot.

    Traveling -Wave M icrostri p Antennas (M TA)

    MTA is constituted by a series of chain conductors together or a strip of the line

    is long enough and wide enough to support the TE mode transmission. In particular,the antenna is grounded and the other end is the impedance to avoid standing waves on

    the antenna. MTA antenna can be designed to direct the beam in any way from

    broadside to endfire.

    1.1.2 Characteristics of Microstrip Antennas (MSAs)

    Micro strip antennas (MSAs) have many advantages compared to traditional

    antennas. Therefore, micro-strip antenna used in many applications in the range of bands from 100MHz to 100GHz. MSA has proven to be an effective emission devices

    for many applications with many advantages, however, it is still a number of

    weaknesses that need to be overcome.


    There is the small size and weight, thin thickness.

    Low production costs, easy mass production.

    Ability to linearly polarized with the simple power engineering.

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    Design of Microstrip Antenna Array

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    The supply lines and the impedance components can be producedsimultaneously with the fabricated antenna.

    Easy integration with other MIC on the same substrate.

    Flexibility between circularly polarized and linearly polarized.

    Compatible for personal mobile devices.


    MSA have narrow bandwidth and tolerance issues.

    Some MSA with low gain.

    Ability to low-power storage.

    Almost all radiation MSA in half the space above the ground plane.

    There is excess radiation from transmission lines andconnections.

    MSA has a very narrow bandwidth, typically only about 1-5%, this is the

    biggest drawback in the application of MSA to cover a broad spectrum.

    With the advantages that MSAs that become suitable for many applications.

    Some applications of MSAs:

    The antenna used in radio communications to a compact MSA is used.

    The radar reflector used MSA emission ranges.

    Aviation information systems and satellite MSA arrays used to locate

    Smart Weapons used by the MSA their compact size.

    GSM and GPS can also use the MSA.

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    1.1.3 The digital power supply for micro strip antennas (feed method)

    Due antenna with a range of radiation on a surface of the dielectric substrate so

    the technique to power micro-strip antenna baseline by using a micro-strip transmission

    line or a coaxial probe through the ground plane connection to the metal patch microstrip antennas. Along with the development of science and technology, a new power

    supply specifications for the micro strip antennas have been studied and developed.

    Currently, the common method used to supply power for micro-strip antenna is: use the

    power of strip transmission lines, coaxial probe, join slot (aperture-coupling), liver

    transplantation (proximiti-coupling).

    The choice of power supply is dependent on many different factors. However,

    the most important factor is the efficiency of energy transfer between the radiation and

    the power that is to be coordinated resistance between two parts together. In addition,

    the impedance transformation step, the bend .. also give rise to leakage radiation and

    surface wave attenuation. The unexpected radiation raises the secondary radiation of

    the antenna radiation pattern of bands. minimizing radiation leakage and the effects of

    radiation on the plot it is one of the key factors evaluating the supply is good or not? Power transmission range by transmission line

    The stimulus for micro-strip antenna micro strip transmission lines on the same

    substrate is a natural choice because the patch can be considered as a transmission

    range of both open and can be designed on the same circuit. However, this technique

    has several limitations. It is the unwanted emission from the feed line to feed the line

    size is negligible compared with patch (for example in the case of L is small enough

    for a few mm).

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    Figure 1.3 - Power by transmission line Power by coaxial probe

    Power over probe is one of the most basic methods for high-frequency

    transmission capacity. With this feed, the feed section of the core is connected to the patch, ground plane connected to the outside. The advantage of doing this is simple in

    design process, with the ability to feed at every position on the patch panel so easy to

    coordinate resistance. However, the downside is this:

    First, because the feed using the feed should be made to the outside antenna is

    not perfectly flat and loses its symmetry. Second, the need for a powered coaxial range

    would require increasing the number of connections and thus would be difficult to

    manufacture and reduced reliability. Third, the need to increase bandwidth of the

    antenna is required to increase the thickness and length of the probe. As a result,

    radiation leaks and the inductance of the probe increases.


    im tip xc in

    Cp ng trc

    r GND


    Figure 1.4 - Power by cables coaxial

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    Nguyen Trong Quynh- Class Telecommunications-Advanced Training Program-Course 53 Page 21 Power slot transplant method - Aperture coupled





    ng cp ngun vi di

    Figure 1.5 - Power grafting using slot - Aperture coupled

    Power method often used to eliminate the unnecessary radiation of the

    microstrip line. The structure consists of two dielectric layers. Patch antenna is placed

    on top, in the middle ground with small slot 1 slot, transmission line feed at the bottom

    dielectric layer. Typically, the dielectric pads above low dielectric constant, the

    dielectric layer under high dielectric constants have aimed to optimize the antenna's

    radiation. However, this method difficult to implement power to do so many layers,

    and the thickness of the antenna increases. This method is supplied for Narrowband

    (narrow bandwidth). Power grafting using near - Proximity Coupled

    This structure consists of two dielectric layers, piece patch antenna located on a

    piece of dielectric, the feed line in between two dielectric layers. This method has the

    advantage of removing the maximum height that the radiation of power lines (line

    feed) and broadband (approximately 13%).

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    ng cp ngun vi di

    Figure 1.6 - Power close coupling method - Proximity Coupled

    This method is also called electromagnetic coupling method. This method is

    essentially capacitive coupling between the patch and the power supply. Parameters of

    the two layers can be selected to improve bandwidth and reduce radiation leaks in the

    open end of the transmission line. Also for this reason, the thickness of the second

    dielectric layer is thinner. Radiation in this case will be greater. However this method

    more complex manufacturing and production.

    1.1.4 Bandwidth of MSA

    As we know, the biggest drawback of the MSA is the width of the bandwidth.

    Bandwidth (BW) can be determined through a standing wave ratio (VSWR),

    impedance changes in the frequency or radiation parameters. for circularly polarized

    antenna, BW are axial ratio (AR).

    BW is determined by the frequency at which the impedance is the ability of the

    antenna within a given limit. BW of the MSA inversely proportional to the quality

    factor Q:

    1VSWR BW

    Q VSWR (1-1)

    The VSWR is determined by the reflection coefficient :

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    1 | |1 | |



    Reflection coefficient assessment reflected signal at the antenna feed poin

    is determined by the input impedance of the antenna Zin and Zo the characteristicimpedance of the feedline:

    in o

    in o

    Z Z Z Z


    Generally, the BW is defined in the frequency that is less than 2 VSWR (return


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    From the above formula we can see if we can increase W, the increasing BW,

    but W is limited by because if W> can not single-mode transmission.

    1.1.5 Principle of the radiated micro strip antennas

    We know that the radiation of micro strip lines, a structure similar to the micro-

    strip antenna, can be significantly reduced if the dielectric substrate is used and the

    thickness of thin dielectric coefficient is relatively low. In other words, it helps to

    radiation micro strip antennas better with higher radiation efficiency. Thus, in a range

    of antennas, we use the dielectric coefficient of low permeability. Radiation from

    micro-strip antenna can be determined from the distribution between the patch and the

    ground plane or in the form of electric current distribution on the surface of the patch.

    At a micro-strip antenna is powered by a high frequency source (microwave

    source). The power supply for the patch to form the charge distribution at the top and

    bottom of the patch, as well as on the surface of the ground plane. Under the effect of

    the thrust force formed by the interaction of the electrons with the same sign, on the

    surface of the patch makes a number of charges in the periphery of the surface patch

    moving from bottom to top surface patch. The movement of electrical charge to form

    on the surface of the patch under the current density vector and vector current density

    on the surface.

    J t

    J b r h


    Figure 1.7 - Distribution of charge and current in the antenna of rectangular strips.

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    As in most of the antenna is very small ratio because the electrical attraction

    between the dominant and the most concentrated and line charge still exists beneath the

    surface patch. And so, only a small amount of movement from the edge of the patch

    piece on top of the patch to form a small way to the edge of the tangent patch.Therefore, to simplify the calculation, we approximate that the tangential magnetic

    field is zero and the tangential magnetic field can be established from the walls around

    the perimeter of the patch. The assumptions are more reasonable than in the case of

    dielectric substrate thickness thin with large dielectric constants. Similar to the case of

    the electromagnetic field, because the thickness of the dielectric substrate is very thin

    compared to the wavelength in the dielectric layer transmission, so the high variability

    along the electric field is constant and almost perpendicular to the surface the patch.From the condition of the electric and magnetic fields, the patch can be seen as the

    model of a resonant cavity (cavity) with the electromagnetic field radiation above and

    below (due to the electric field perpendicular to the surface of patch) and four along the

    wall from the edge of the patch (due to tangential magnetic field is almost zero). From

    the resonance condition of the cavity just mentioned, only the TM mode can be

    transmitted in the resonant cavity.

    Four side walls of the cavity corresponding to the four slot radiation. Patch of

    micro strip antennas can be represented by a vector corresponding current density.

    Meanwhile, the four slots in the side radiation is characterized by the vector density

    and lines respectively with the electric and magnetic fields in the radiation slot.

    n a J n H (1-8)

    a s M n E (1-9)

    Since we consider dielectric substrate t J thickness on the current density should

    be very small compared with the current density b J of the patch below. Therefore, will

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    be set to zero to indicate that virtually no radiation from the surface of the patch.

    Similarly, the tangential magnetic field along the edges of the patch and the

    corresponding current density s M is set to zero. Therefore, only one other current

    density component vector density s M is not along the lines of patch perimeter. In order

    to demonstrate the presence of the ground plane image we use the theory that the

    current density will double compared to when not at the ground plane. The density of

    the new line will be:

    2 a s M n E (1-10)

    The electromagnetic field in the slot radiation determined:

    0.a E z E for two slots of length W and height h

    0. sina x

    E z E L

    on slot length L and height h

    Due to the conditions considered above, we realize as a result of the radiation of

    the slot along the x-axis is almost zero because the current distribution and reversed by

    the slots together. However, the results of radiation along the y axis exists in the formof a strip of two components with the same current density component amplitude and

    phase and separated by a distance L - length of the patch. Thus, radiation from the

    patch can be described as two longitudinal slots (vertical slots).

    The analysis of longitudinal slots in dielectric medium heterogeneity is a very

    difficult problem to the gaps along the slit is replaced by two flat (planar slots). For the

    micro-strip antenna configurations can also be represented by the corresponding slots

    of the same type.

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    1.1.6 Radiation field of micro strip antenna

    If radiation from antennas that great line from surfaces like walls along the

    perimeter of the patch. In another method, but a bit more radiation field is determined

    from the power line on the surface of the conductive patch antenna piece of strip. Bothmethods are considered equivalent. The micro-strip antenna radiation is sometimes

    seen as the radiation range of open circuit transmission line. The graph of a radiation

    transmission openings of similar range of radiation pattern of a Hertz dipole. This

    method is also used to calculate the effects of radiation on the quality factor Q of the

    resonance box of strips. Theoretical and experimental results shows that the high

    frequency attenuation due to radiation higher than the attenuation due to dielectric and

    conductance. In addition, it also shows that the range of open circuit transmission lineradiation is more powerful when made with thick dielectric layer with low dielectric


    Vectors that are used to determine the radiation field due to the currents. The vector and a formula for calculating the radiation

    First, we assume that there exist lines from. Where electric and magnetic field at

    any point P (r, , ) external antenna is represented as follows:

    1( )m E r F


    1( ) .( . )m H r F j F



    With a dielectric constant and is the absolute permeability of the mate

    the letter "m" implies that the by- line from cause and is the angular frequency. Thvector F is defined as follows:

    0 | '|

    ( ') '4 | ' |

    jk r r


    e F M r dS

    r r


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    In particular, the constant k 0 is the free space wave and surface current density

    from the point of origin at a distance r '.

    Similarly, using the vector A , the currents induced by can be performed

    1( ) .( . )e E r F j A



    1( )e H r A


    In particular, since the vector is given by

    0 | '|

    ( ') '

    4 | ' |

    jk r r


    e A J r dS

    r r


    Therefore, the total current due to both the source and cause of

    1 1( ) .( . )e m E r E E A j A F



    1 1( ) .( . )e m H r H H F j F A



    For the remote, the components of net components perpendicular to thedirection of propagation, ie, and component. In particular from the line, we h

    H j F v H j F (1-19)

    In free space:

    0 0 0( ) ( ) E r H H H j F F (1-20)

    Which 0 120 is constant free space. Similarly, when looking only at

    current own:

    E j A v E j A (1-21)

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    And in free space:


    r E H


    Far field is described by the following conditions: r >> r 'or r >> 2


    2 L , where L

    is the length of the slot. Hence, from (1-13) instead of | ' |r r = r- r'cos in the

    numerator and | ' |r r in the denominator, we get:


    0 'cos( ') '4

    jk r jk r


    e F M r e dS



    And from:


    0 'cos( ') '4

    jk r jk r


    e A J r e dS



    In which case is the angle by and. Here, we will apply the results to constructthe far field distribution of rectangular lines. Radiated Power

    Radiated power of the antenna can be calculated by taking the integral of the

    Poynting vector radiation slots:

    1Re ( )

    2r aperture P E H dS (1-25)

    For micro-strip antenna, electromagnetic field inside the patch pieces

    perpendicular to the ground plane and the conductive pads and magnetic fields are

    parallel to the edge of the antenna. Also, we can calculate the radiated power from the

    radiation graph the following equation:

    2 2 2


    1(| | | | ) sin

    2r P E E r d d


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    Power dissipation in micro-strip antenna attenuation inductor including Pc and

    Pd dielectric loss:

    2 ( . *)2



    R P J J dS (1-27)

    In which, Rs is the real part of the impedance of the metal surface, S is the area

    of the patch piece and the surface current density.

    We calculate the dielectric loss by integrating over the entire volume of the

    cavity resonance of bands:

    2 2" "| | | |2 2d V S

    P E dV h E dS (1-28)

    With is the angular frequency, "is the imaginary part of the complex permeability and h is the slice thickness of the pieces. Energy accumulation

    Energy accumulation of micro strip antennas is the total energy of both electric

    and magnetic components:

    2 21 ( | | | | )4t e m V

    W W W E H dV (1-29)

    In particular, is the magnetic permeability. At the resonant frequency electric magnetic energy are equal. When the accumulated energy


    | |2T s

    hW h E dS

    (1-30) Resistance to

    Almost all micro strip antennas must be coordinated preparation of the source

    impedance and load it into the calculation of the antenna impedance is very important.

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    field vector describes a point in space as a function of time is always directed along a

    street, then known as the linear polarization. However, the electric candle shape that

    outlines a case ellipse, the ellipse called polarization. Linear polarization and circular

    polarization are special cases of elliptical polarization because they can be achievedwhen the ellipse becomes a straight line or a circle, respectively.

    * Polarization vector:

    Polarization vector P (, ) is given by:

    ( , ) ( , )( , )

    ( , )

    F F P



    With : 2 2( , ) | ( , ) | | ( , ) | F F F (1-37)

    ( , ) F : The amplitude field function


    There are many different methods to analyze the micro-strip antenna. Each

    method offers an approximate model to analyze antenna. The model is the most

    popular model of the transmission line (microstrip line), model cavity (cavity model).

    The models provide a meaningful analysis of great practical reality for the


    Help us to reduce a large number of test cycles and removed by an impacthe design process.

    Help us evaluate correctly the strengths and weaknesses of antennas bystudying its parameters.

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    Provide operational principles of micro strip antennas from it as the basisthe research and development of future designs.

    Transmission line model considered a micro strip antenna rectangular patch as a

    piece of micro-strip transmission lines. This is the simplest model, it gives us a deeper

    understanding of physics, but less accurate and difficult to apply to the transplant

    model, and can not be applied to the antenna complex shapes.

    Unlike the transmission line model, cavity model is more accurate but also more

    complex. However, the advantage of this model can be applied on different types of

    patch. Like a transmission line model, cavity model also gives an in-depth

    understanding of physics and quite complex when applied to the antenna couplingmodel and it is also used quite successfully. Here, we consider the transmission line

    model and the cavity model. However, it is also used in some of the results of the

    design calculations and full-wave models. In particular, we consider only the micro

    strip antennas as popular and most practical rectangular patch.

    1.2.1 Model line (Transmission Line)

    The model is the easiest way to transfer all kinds of little but for the mostaccurate results because it lacks flexibility. However, it gives a relatively clear

    understanding of physical properties. A rectangular microstrip antenna can be

    described as an array of radiation two narrow slits, each slit width is W, the height h

    and separated by a distance L. The model describes the basic transmission range of two

    slot antennas separated by a low impedance transmission line and length L. Z c Fringing EffectsDue to the size of the patch is limited by the length and width, the border being

    at the edge of the patch. General outline of a function of patch size and the height of

    the dielectric layer. In-plane E-plane (xy plane), as a function of contour length ratio of

    the patch, the dielectric layer length (L / h), and dielectric constant. When micro-strip

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    antenna L / h >> 1, border effect is reduced, but it must be taken into account because

    it significantly affects the resonant frequency of the antenna.

    As we know, most of the electric field lines in the dielectric layer and a portion

    of a line exists in the air. When L / h >> 1, r >> 1, the electric field lines most

    concentrated in the dielectric. Fringing effects in this case makes the transmission of

    wide range of power seem more real size no.Khi a few waves into the dielectric layer,

    and some others went into the air. Effective dielectric constant reff is used to correct

    the effects of fringing effects of waves on the transmission line.

    To make the effective dielectric constant, we assume the lead center line of the

    strip on the size and height of the original land surface it is put into a homogeneous

    dielectric layer as shown in Figure 1.9. For a transmission line with the air in the

    background, the effective dielectric constant value in the range 1 < reff < r . In most

    applications where a dielectric constant greater than 1 ( r >> 1), the value of the

    effective dielectric constant will be close to the value of the dielectric constant is more

    realistic. Effective dielectric constant is also a function of frequency. As the operating

    frequency increases, most of the electric field lines should be concentrated in the

    dielectric. So the line will be nearly identical to the range of transmission line located

    in homogeneous dielectric with dielectric constant to the effective value of the

    dielectric constant over.

    At low frequencies, the effective dielectric constant is fundamental. At

    intermediate frequencies the value of it and have started to increase towards the end of

    dielectric constant values platform. The initial value (at low frequency) of the effective

    dielectric constant can be represented as a static value.

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    r w

    (a) Microstrip line (b) Trng in

    (c) Hng s in mi hiu dng

    Figure 1.8 - Effective Dielectric Constant

    Effective dielectric constant is given by the formula:

    121 1

    1 122 2

    reff r reff



    v i W/h >> 1 (1-38) Effective Length, resonant frequency and the effective width

    Because of fringing effects, micro-strip patch antenna of the phone looks bigger

    than its physical size in the xy plane. This is demonstrated in Figure 1.10, where the

    electrical length of the patch beyond some physical length L of each side, with a

    function of the effective dielectric constant and width ratio of the dielectric thickness

    (W / h). The difference between length and length make this power is approximated bythe formula:

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    0.3 0.2640.412

    0.258 0.8



    W h L h

    W h


    When the length of an extended patch on each side about the length of time the

    patch is:

    Lreff = L +2 L (1-40)

    Suppose the dominant TM010 mode, the resonant frequency of the antenna's

    range of modes as a function of length and are due by the formula:


    0 0

    1( )

    2 2r

    r r

    v f

    L L (1-41)

    In particular, the speed of light in free space. But due to fringing effects and

    impact on the length of the effective dielectric constant in the formula should be

    replaced by:


    0 0 0 0

    1 1( )2 2( 2 )


    reff reff reff

    f L L L


    0 0


    2 2r r

    vq q

    L L (1-42)

    with 010010

    ( )( )



    f q


    ''q'' coefficient is expressed as the coefficient contour (attenuation coefficient

    length). When the height of the dielectric increases fringing effects also increase and

    lead to a big difference between the edge of the radiation and the lower resonance


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    (b) Mt phng ct ngang


    L L

    (a) Mt trn

    Figure 1.9 - Physical length and effective length piece patch Design Problem

    Based on the simple formula has been described, a process design calculations

    for a rectangular strip of the antenna is outlined. Suppose we had the initial parameters:

    dielectric constant, the operating frequency f0, and the height h of the dielectric layer.

    We have designed the following sequence:

    Hypothesis: r , f 0 and h

    Determination of: W, L

    The design steps:

    Step 1

    To achieve efficient radiation, the width of the patch is calculated using the formula:

    0 00 0 0

    1 2 21 2 12 r


    f f


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    With c :speed of light , c = 310 8m/s

    f 0 : Operating frequency of antenna


    : Dielectric constant

    Step 2

    Determination of the effective dielectric constant of the micro strip antennas using the


    121 1

    1 122 2

    reff r reff


    Step 3

    As the length increases due to side effects formula

    0.3 0.2640.412

    0.258 0.8



    W h L h

    W h

    Step 4

    Actual length of the patch can now be calculated by:

    L = L reff +2 L Electrical leads

    Each slot radiation is described by any admittance Y (with conductance G and

    susceptance B) are shown in Figure 1:10. The slots are named 1 and 2, the equivalent

    admittance of slot 1 based on infinite width, uniform slot.

    In that slot with a finite width W:

    Y1 = G 1 jB 1 (1-45)

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    1 241


    hk W







    [1 0.636ln( )120 o

    W B k h

    ] ;






    W B1G 1 B2G 2


    (a) Ming patch hnh ch nht (b) Ti tng ng

    Figure 1.10 - Patch and Rectangle in the equivalent circuit model of the transmission


    Slot 2 is considered as the best slot 1, its equivalent admittance

    Y 2= Y 1 G2=G 1 B2=B 1

    Electrical conductivity of a single slot can be calculated by analyzing the

    radiation cavity model. Meanwhile, the inductor is calculated by the formula:

    1 20

    2| |

    rad P GV


    Use of electromagnetic fields radiated energy we have:




    0 0

    sin cos| | 2 sin2 cosrad

    k W V

    P d


    So inductor in formula (1-46), can be calculated by

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    11 2120

    I G


    In which:




    sin cos2 sin


    k W

    I d

    = sin2 cos( ) ( ) X X XSi X X


    X = k 0W Input impedance at the resonant frequency

    Leading the charge is calculated by reflecting the admittance of the 2nd slot in

    the output of the input by the formula reflects the impedance of the transmission line.

    In the ideal case, the two slits spaced about 1/2 with a wavelength in the dielectric.

    However, due to fringing effects of the patch electrical length longer than its actual

    length. Thus, the distance of two smaller slots / 2. If using reduced length is calculated

    using the formula (1-39), the admittance of slot 2 is:

    2 2 2 1 1Y G jB G jB


    2 1G G

    2 1 B B

    So the result is loaded into the resonance

    1 2 12inY Y Y G

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    As a result the total number of load carried, the input impedance at resonance is

    also real numbers:


    1 1

    2in in


    Z RY G


    Impedance at resonance is given by equation (1-49) does not take effect

    between the two slots. If after this impact can adjust the formula as follows:

    1 12

    12( )in

    RG G


    In particular, the "+" for each distribution mode voltage resonance odd

    (asymmetric) patch underneath and between the slots, the "-" solution for voltage-moderesonant distributed parity (symmetry). G12 mutual inductance is defined in terms of

    the remote as follows:

    12 1 220


    | | sG E H dS

    V (1-51)

    With E 1 electromagnetic field radiation is 1 slot, H2 is the magnetic field

    radiated by slot 2, V0 is the voltage across the gap, and the integral is taken over the

    sphere of radius larger. Using some of the results already, G12 can be calculated:



    312 0 02


    sin cos1 2 ( sin ) sin

    120 cos

    k W

    G J k L d


    In that J 0 is the Bessel function of order 0 1. For the range of standard antennas,

    mutual inductor G12 calculated from equation (1-52) is relatively small compared tothe G1 conductance formula (1-46) and (1-48).

    As shown in formula (1-47) and (1-48), resistance does not depend on the

    thickness h of the dielectric layer. In the real world, with very small values h ( k 0h

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    1), the resistance does not depend on h. From (1-47) and (1-48), we see resistance at

    the resonance can be reduced by increasing the width W of the patch, this is acceptable

    as long as the ratio W / L does not exceed 2 because the resonance effect of a single

    patch will be interrupted when the ratio W / L exceeds 2.

    Resistance resonance is given by formula (1.48), is described by the slot 1.

    Resistance in resonance can be altered by grafting supply lines into some y0 from slot

    # 1 as of 1:12. This technique can be used effectively to coordinate with the supply

    impedance. The impedance of the transmission line is given by the formula



    0 0

    60 8ln


    1.393 0.667ln 1.4444 4





    w h Z

    w wh h








    In that w0 is the width of the strip line. Coupling impedance is calculated by:

    2 22 21 1 1

    0 0 0 021 2

    1 2cos sin sin

    2in c c

    G B B R y y y y y

    G G L Y L Y L


    In which:



    Y Z

    For most micro-strip antenna, 1 1c


    and 1 1c


    so formula (1:54) become

    2 20 0 0

    1 2

    1cos ( 0) cos2 inin R y y y R y yG G L L


    Often the impedance with 50 ohm resistors should have

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    L y





    (a) V tr im feed cho patch antenna





    0 0.5 1.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9y0/L

    R i n

    ( y = y 0

    ) / R

    i n ( y =

    0 )

    (a) th biu din tr khng vo


    Figure 1.11 - Change the location of the feed impedance to match

    The value calculated by the formula (1:55) quite correctly compared with

    experimental results. However, the introduction of a feed on the border between y0

    also creates a physical slot formed a junction capacitance. Physical slot junction

    capacitance and its small image to the resonance frequency (typically generate about1% change).

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    1.2.2 Model cavity

    Micro-strip antenna similar to the homogeneous dielectric cavity and give us

    higher-order resonances. The standardized field in the dielectric (between the patch and

    the ground plane) can be found by looking at the exact space between the patch and theground plane as a resonant cavity is limited by the inductor material (in above and

    below it), and from the walls (to see an open circuit) along the perimeter of the patch.

    This is an approximate model which in principle leads to an input impedance response

    (resonance value zero or infinity), and it does not emit any power to do. However,

    assuming that the real case is similar to cases generated by this model, radiation

    pattern, resulting in the load, and the resonances are relatively accurate in comparison

    with experiment.

    To better understand the resonant cavity model, we give a physical

    interpretation of the formation in the cavity and the radiation through its walls. When

    the energy patch received a distribution charge will be set at the top and bottom of the

    patch, as well as on the surface of the ground plane. The charge distribution is

    controlled by two mechanisms: one push mechanism and a suction mechanism.

    Mechanism of electrical attraction between the different marks on the underside of the

    patch and the ground plane tends to maintain focus on the underside of the charge

    patch. The mechanism of the charge repulsion between the marks on the bottom

    surface of the patch tends to push a couple of electric rings from the bottom of the

    patch around the edges of the patch to the upper surface of the patch. The movement of

    electrical charges creates the equivalent current density Jb and Jt corresponding surface

    beneath and above the surface of the patch.

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    J t

    J b r h


    Figure 1.12 - electrical distribution and power lines

    Since most of the range of actual antenna ratio on the dielectric height of the

    patch width (h / W) is small, the dominant mechanism of smoking and most focus and

    the flow of electricity primarily in underneath the patch, a few flow around the edges

    of the patch. However, this current will decrease with the decrease of the ratio (h / W).

    When you reach a certain limit, the flow on the surface of the patch will not, then in the

    ideal case would seem to create tangential component of the magnetic field. This

    allows as four surrounding walls created by the perfect surface that resulted from the

    ideal case would not disturb the magnetic field and electric field distribution under the

    patch. Due to the fact the limit of the ratio h / W, although small, tangential component

    at the edges will not completely zero, but very small value. An approximate way we

    see the walls surrounding the leads from this entirely will result in a good distribution

    of the electric field and magnetic field under the standardized patch, making analysis


    If micro-strip antenna is regarded as only a cavity, it will not be enough to

    calculate the absolute magnitude of the electric and magnetic fields. In fact, regarded

    by the walls of the cavity in which it is material loss at least, will not cavity radiation

    and its impedance to be fully reflected. To calculate the radiation loss mechanisms are

    included. That is taken into account radiation resistance resistors RA and two resistors

    RL loss making in complex impedance on its function extremely complex. The saps

    are taken into account by introducing the coefficient of loss tangent (loss of) effective.

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    Due to the thickness of the micro strip antennas very small waves generated within

    dielectric (between the patch and ground) are subject to significant reflection when we

    go to the edge of the patch. So only a small fraction of the energy to be radiated, so the

    antenna is considered to be very inefficient. The patch below the standing wave can bedescribed by the wave function varies with the cosine. When the height of the very

    small (h

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    Figure 1.13 - Analysis of micro-strip antenna pattern axis coordinates

    With k x , k y , k z are constant wavelength along the axis x, y, z. As A1 , B1, A2 , B2,

    C 2 , A3 , B3 is the integration constant that we need to determine based on the initial

    conditions. The electromagnetic field in the cavity is related to the vector Ax by:








    x x

    x y

    x z

    E j k A

    x A

    E j x y

    A E j

    x z




    x y

    x z

    H A

    H z

    A H



    The boundary conditions for the above, the below patch and four walls around:

    ( ' 0, 0 ' , 0 ' ) ( ' , 0 ' , 0 ' ) 0

    (0 ' , 0 ' , ' 0) (0 ' , 0 ' , ' ) 0(0 ' , ' 0, 0 ' ) (0 ' , ' , 0 ' ) 0

    y y

    y y

    z y

    E x y L z W E x h y L z W

    H x h y L z H x h y L z W H x h y z W H x h y L z W

    Solve the above equation using the boundary conditions we get

    1 2 30, 0, 0 B B B

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    h m = 0,1,2,


    k h n = 0,1,2



    h p = 0,1,2

    From the above results, we have:

    cos( ') cos( ') cos( ') x mnp x y z A A k x k y k z (1-57)

    With mnp A is the amplitude coefficient of the MNP mode. As m, n, p is the

    number of half wavelengths along the respective axes x, y, z.

    We have:

    2 2 22 2 2

    x y z

    m n pk k k

    h L W


    The coefficient kr is the wave propagation in the dielectric. From here we calculate the

    resonant frequency:

    2 2 21

    ( )2

    r mnp

    m n p f

    h L W


    To determine the dominant mode is the lowest resonance, we need to consider the

    resonant frequency. Mode with the lowest frequency resonance mode called dominant.

    The resonant frequency higher than the level determined by the operating mode. For

    most of the micro-strip antenna h < L and h < W. If L> W> h, the dominant mode is

    TM x010 , its resonant frequency is given by:


    2 2r


    v f

    L L (1-60)

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    With v0is the velocity of light in free space. If L> W> L/2> h mode higher than

    the next (Monday) is TM x001 , its resonant frequency is given by:



    2 2r


    v f

    W W (1-61)

    If L> L2> W> h, is TM x020 secondary mode (instead of TMx001), the resonant

    frequency is given by:




    v f

    L L (1-62)

    If W> L> h is TMx001 dominant mode, the resonant frequency is given by (1-61).

    Whereas if W> W / 2> L> h, the secondary mode is TM x002 . Distribution of the

    tangential electric field along the walls surrounding the cavity mode in the TM x010 ,

    TM x001 , TM x

    020 , TM x

    002 performed in the order shown in Figure 1.14

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    TM x010 TM x001















    (a) TM x010 (b) TM x001

    (c) TM x020 (d) TM x002

    Figure 1.14 - The mode of the antenna radiation range Radiation School - Mode TM x010

    Micro-strip antenna radiation field radiation field is the sum of two element

    array, with each element representing a slot. When two identical slots can be calculated

    by the total generation capacity of the array for two slots.

    The radiation slot

    If remote power radiated by each slot is based on the equivalent current density

    as follows:

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    00 0 0


    sin( ) sin( )sin cos sin sin

    2 2



    jk r e

    E E E E

    E E

    k hWE e k L X Z E j

    r X Z




    sin cos2


    k h X

    k W Z


    When very small height (k0h

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    Use the equivalent current density of 1 slot no radiation along the axis + z is:


    '2 2 cos s a y


    y M nE a E



    Similar to the z-axis. Using the same reasoning as for the radiation slot.

    Standardized components crazy remote field radiated by each slot is given by:

    0( )0 0

    2 2

    sin coscos

    2 ( / 2)

    jk r j X Y ek hL E e X Y E j Y e

    r X Y


    0( )0 0

    2 2

    sin coscos sin

    2 ( / 2)

    jk r j X Y ek hL E e X Y E Y e

    r X Y


    0 sin cos2

    k h X

    0 sin sin2

    ek LY

    When there are two slots radiation does not form a two-element array with

    amplitude but opposite phase, separated along the z axis between the W and a

    coefficient array is:

    0( ) 2 sin cos2 z

    k W AF j


    When the total radiation field is determined by the distance (1-68) with coupling

    coefficient array above. In the E-plane ( 0 0 0 0 090 ,0 90 , 270 360 ), (1-69) is

    zero because the radiation field a quarter of each slot cycle suppressed by the radiation

    field of the other slots. Similarly in the plane H ( 0 0 090 ,0 180 ) is the zero sum

    suppressed by AF. This means that the radiation because this slot should be destroyed

    by the radiation of the other slots. In fact, two slots away from the radiation the plane,

    but the density of them in the other plane is small compared with the radiation and the

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    radiation of the two slots is often overlooked. Therefore they are not considered as

    radiation slot. The orientation

    As the other antenna, the orientation is one of the important parameters, which

    are defined as follows:

    max max0




    U U D

    U P (1-74)

    For single-slot () to use the power of (1-30), the maximum intensity of radiation

    and the radiated power can be written as follows:


    0max 2

    0 02

    V W U



    0 3

    0 0

    sin cos2 sin

    2 cosrad

    k W V

    P d

    So the orientation of a single slot is:2

    00 1

    2 1W D



    In which





    sin cossin2 sin 2 cos( ) ( )

    cos i

    k W X

    I d X XS X X


    With 0 X k W

    Asymptotic value of the orientation is changed as follows

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    3.3 5.2dB

    4 D W





    For the second slot, the orientation given by:

    20 2 0

    2 215 rad

    W w D

    I G


    In that rad G is radiation conductance and



    3 2 02

    0 0

    sin cos2 sin cos sin sin

    cos 2


    k W k L

    I d d


    General orientation of D2 for two slots broadside radiation, the dominant mode

    segregated schools TMx010 (distribution voltage asymmetry), can be written as

    2 0 012

    21 AF

    D D D D g


    122 21 AF D g ( 12 1 g ) (1-82)

    D 0= the orientation of a single slit

    D AF = coefficient of orientation of AF

    0cos sin sin2

    ek L AF

    G12 = Relative normalized conductance = G12/G1

    We have the asymptotic value of D2 following changes

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    6.6 8.2dB

    8 D W







    In the previous chapter we have discussed and analyzed the characteristics ofthe antenna elements of a single strip. However, the radiation beam micro strip

    antennas typically a relatively large and highly oriented, low-gain. In many practical

    applications, we need to design the antenna orientation properties (high gain) to meet

    some of the requirements of long-distance communication. To do that we need to

    increase the size of the antenna. However, there is another way: instead of increasing

    the size of one antenna would like to include multiple antennas to form a multiple

    antenna system, called the antenna array, the shape and size appropriate, and each of

    which is called a single antenna element antenna. In general, an antenna array can be a

    set of arbitrary antenna elements, but in reality people often use these elements is

    identical to facilitate the analysis and theory construction.

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    b/ Mng trn

    a/ Mng tuyn tnh

    c/ Mng 2 chiud/ Mng 3 chiu

    Figure 2.1 - Four types of antenna array geometry

    The total radiation field of the antenna array is determined by taking the vector

    sum of the radiation from the antenna element. To get a level of radiation is high, the

    orientation of the magnetic field vector element should resonate intersect in a desired

    direction and cancel each other out in the remaining space. In an antenna array of the

    same element, we can change the characteristics of the radiation through an array of the

    following controls:

    Changing the geometry of the array (linear, circular, rectangular, bridges).

    Changing the relative distance between the particles.

    Change the stimulus amplitude signal for each element.

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    Change phase excitation signal for each element.

    Figure 2.1 illustrates some of the different geometry of the antenna array.

    including uniform linear array, circular array, two-dimensional array, 3-dimensional


    Within the scope of this topic, we will focus more research on two-dimensional

    array antenna (planar array) is built on the basis of one-dimensional linear array. For

    simplicity, we will first learn two-element antenna array as a basis for theory building

    two dimensional array antennas.


    Suppose we consider an array of two elements of infinite horizontal dipole

    antenna along the z axis as shown in Figure 2.2 (a):

    d / 2

    d / 2



    r 1


    r 2



    d / 2

    d / 2





    (a) Hai dipole v hn (b) im kho st vng xa

    Figure 2.2 - 2 geometry of the array elements along the z-axis at

    The total radiation field of the array is the sum of the two radiation antenna

    elements separately and in total the yz plane is given by:

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    1 2/2 /20

    1 2 1 21 2

    | cos | | cos |4

    j kr j kr


    kI l e e E E E a j

    r r


    In such is a phase difference signal between the two antenna elements, and

    the signal amplitude of the radiation is the same two elements. When surveyed schools

    in remote areas, as shown in Figure 2.2 (b), we have:

    1 2





    d r r

    d r r

    for phase change

    1 2r r r for amplitude changes

    Then (2-1) becomes

    ( cos )/2 ( cos )/20


    | cos |4

    1 | cos | 2cos ( cos )4 2

    jkr j kd j kd




    kI l e E a j e e

    r kI l e

    E a j kd r


    It is clear from (2-2), we find the total field of the array is equal to the radiation

    field of an antenna element with a number of human origin, called the coefficient array.

    So for the two-element array with the same amplitude coefficient array given by:

    12 cos cos2

    AF kd


    Standardized format:

    1( ) cos cos2n

    AF kd


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    The coefficient is a function of the array geometry and array signal phase

    excitation. By changing the distance d and, or between two phases, the characteristic

    element of the array factor and the total radiation field of the array can be controlled.

    General form:

    E (total) = [E (antenna in the benchmark)] [coefficient array] (2-5)

    This expression is considered as the radiation rules for array elements in the

    same array (array uniformity).

    Each segment has its own array of coefficients and in general it is a function of

    the number of elements in the array, the geometric arrangement, amplitude, phase andrelative distance of them. Expression array coefficient becomes easier when the

    elements in the array have the same amplitude, and phase, and the same distance.

    Because the system does not depend on an array of characteristics of the orient

    themselves antenna radiation elements, so we can identify it by replacing the source

    element carried by the (isotropic) and assuming a point source with phase, amplitude,

    and position of the element to which it replaced. Once we have identified the

    coefficient arrays using arrays of point sources, the radiation field of the array to getfrom (2-5).

    In the previous chapter, we give the expression of the intensity of the antenna

    elements of a single band, it was rewritten as follows:

    00 0 0sin sinsin cos sin sin


    jk r t ek hWE e k L X Z E j

    r X Z


    0 sin cos2

    k h X

    0 sin sin2

    ek LY

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    Thus, the remaining problem is going to find the array AF system so that can get

    a total field strength of micro strip antenna array. Here we will find an array coefficient

    of linear arrays and two-dimensional array.


    Considering the array of n identical elements are placed along the z axis as

    shown in Figure 2.3 (a), assuming N elements have the same signal amplitude but the

    phase difference between two consecutive elements is. When the array is called array


    Coefficient array can be when we see the antenna element is the point source(isotropic source). When the element is not the source of the total radiation field is

    obtained by the radiation field of an antenna element is taken as the reference (usually

    at the origin) with a coefficient array of point sources. These are the rules of the

    radiation field (2-5) and only applies to the array of the same element. Array factor is

    calculated as follows:

    ( cos ) 2( cos ) ( 1)( cos )1 j kd j kd j N kd AF e e e

    ( 1)( cos )


    N j n kd


    AF e (2-7)

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    d c o s ( )









    A F

    (b) S pha(a) Cu trc hnh hc

    Figure 2.3 - If the remote array and phase diagram of N isotropic elements

    Rewrite the coefficient array:

    ( 1)


    N j n


    AF e (2-8)

    With coskd Because the array is the sum of the coefficients of the exponential complexity so

    it can be performed by any of the vector sum of the vectors have unit amplitude and

    phase relative to the previous vector. This idea is shown in Figure 2.3 (b). From the

    phase diagram we see that for the AF uniform arrays can be controlled by selecting the

    appropriate phase relative. As for the heterogeneous array amplitude and phase can be

    used to control AF.

    AF array factor can be expressed in the reduced form as follows: je the two

    sides of (2-8) and then be

    2 3 ( 1)( ) ..... j j j j j N jN AF e e e e e e (2-9)

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    Taking (2-9) except (2-8) have been

    ( 1) 1 j jN AF e e (2-10)


    ( /2) ( /2)

    ( 1)/ 2(1/2) (1/2)


    jN j N j N j N

    j j j

    e e e AF e

    e e e

    ( 1)/ 2sin



    j N




    If benchmarking is taking care of the physical array, the array factor of (2-11) becomes






    To standardize the system so that the array of its maximum value by one unit,

    then (2-12) is rewritten as follows:

    sin1 2( )





    AF N


    For small values of , the above expression approximates

    sin2( )




    AF N


    To find the null point of the array, we assign (2-14) to zero. That is:

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    1 2sin 0 cos2 2 2n n

    N N nn

    d N


    n = 1,2,3 .. ,2 ,3 , .....n N N N

    the value of N will determine the degree of the null (level 1, level 2, ...). To survive, the

    zero value of the expression arccosine argument is not greater than one. Thus the

    number of null values may be a function of the distance d and phase deviation.

    The maximum value of (2-13) occurs when:

    11 ( cos ) cos2 2 2m m

    kd m md


    m = 0,1,2,

    Array factor in (2-14) has only one maximum value and occurs when m = 0 in

    (2-16), it means = 0. This is evident when one observes phase diagram in Figure 2.3

    (b). When = 0, all vectors are located on a straight line. At this point AF module vector

    sum of the vector module components. We have:

    11 ( cos ) 0 cos2 2m m

    kd d


    So if you want the array direction of maximum radiation is the phase difference

    between two consecutive antenna elements will be:

    cos mkd (2-18)

    3dB point of the array factor (2-14) occurs when

    sin2( ) 0.707 ( cos ) 1.391

    2 22


    N N N

    AF kd N

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    1 2.782cos2h d N


    Once calculated the maximum angle () 3dB power half angle () is the half-

    power beam width:

    2h m h

    For the array factor (2-14), there exists a maximum value (second maximum

    sidelobes) and occurs when the numerator of (2-14) reached its maximum value, which


    2 1sin sin ( cos ) 1 ( cos )2 2 2 2 s s

    N N N skd kd

    1 2 1cos2 s

    sd N

    ( 2-20)

    s = 1,2,3,

    2.2.1. Broadside array and End-Fire array

    In many applications we need to design the array so that the maximum radiation

    direction perpendicular to the axis of the array of array (broadside, = 900 of Figure

    2.3A). Then in order to optimize the design of the antenna array elements and factors

    should be calculated as = 900 directions. For this antenna element can be done by

    selecting the appropriate radiation pattern, but for us, we need an array of choices

    about how and how the signal level for a reasonable element .

    As we mentioned above, the peak of the array:

    cos 0kd (2-21)

    As to the design maximum radiation direction = 900 should be:

    90cos 0okd (2-22)

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    Therefore, for uniform linear array with maximum radiation direction is

    broadside-axis perpendicular to the array - then all the elements in the array should be

    mixed excitation signal (but it also has the same amplitude signals effect). The distance

    between the elements can be any. However, to ensure there is no maximum valueappear in the other direction (called grating lobe), the distance between the elements is

    not equal to a multiple of the wavelength ( , 1,2,3,...d n n ) when 0 . If

    , 1,2,3,...d n n and 0 then:


    cos 2 cos 2od nkd n n


    With this value instead of the one (2-13) will also make the system reach a

    maximum value array. Thus for uniform arrays when 0 , d = n and maximum

    broadside direction ( 90 o ), the array also has the maximum value in the direction

    along the axis of the array ( 0,180 o ) - called end-fire radiation.

    In the real world design, in addition to the main beam peak, people often avoid

    the other peak beam (called grating lobe) have the same value as the main beam. This

    requires the greatest distance between the particles must be smaller than a wavelength.That is maxd .

    To illustrate the idea of this design, three-dimensional radiation pattern of the

    array factor for uniform array of 10 elements (N = 10) with 0 and d = / 4 are

    plotted in Figure 2.4 (a). We find the maximum value of the array radiation appears

    only in the broadside direction ( 90 o ). For comparison, if the distance between the

    particles d = increases the radiation pattern of the array coefficients are plotted inFigure 2.4 (b). I found out in the direction of maximum radiation, the array also

    appeared in two different directions and maximum in 0o and 180 o .

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    (a) Broadside, =90 0 (b) Broadside/End-fire, =0,90,180 0

    Figure 2.4 - Graph of the three-dimensional radiation array broadside and broadside /end-fire

    d = /4d =

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    Figure 2.5- two-dimensional graph of the radiation array broadside and broadside /


    If the distance between the elements in 2d , the maximum range in

    Figure 2.4 (b) in the direction 0o of moves to the corner 0 90o o , and the

    maxima in direction 180 o will translate into the corner 90 180o o . When 2d

    the maximum will occur in the direction and 0 , 60 ,90 ,120o o o o and 180 0.

    To be clear, but what is