describing people

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Post on 26-May-2015




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  • 1. Read the descriptions and help the police identifying the criminals.

2. John Smith has got a round face. Hes gotshort curly light brown hair hair. His eyes are big and dark. Hes got a beard. 3. Mary Jane has got an oval face. Shes gotshort straight brown hair and her eyes are bigand green. 4. Peter Baker has got a long face. Hes gotshort straight dark hair and his eyes are bigand green. 5. Samuel Green has got a long face. Hes gotshort straight brown hair and his eyes are bigand brown. Hes got a beard. 6. Katie Baker has got a long face. Shes got longcurly red hair and her eyes are big and blue. 7. Jake Carter has got a long face. Hes gotshort wavy grey hair and big blue eyes. Hes got a moustache. 8. Melissa Free has got a long face. Her hairis long, wavy and brown and her eyes are big and brown. 9. Philip Gardener has got a round face. Hes got small brown eyes and short straight brown hair.