dependable msi and app-v application...

Smart Packager Pro is a simple to use yet powerful solution ready to help you avoid the common pitfalls of deployment and update packaging caused by nonin- tegrated, unwieldy manual processes. Smart Packager Installation (page 2) To create a new MSI package (page 5) Another example with Acrobat Reader 9.1 (page 9) How to deploy MSI package via GPO (page 13) Smart Packager - MSI Installer / Application packaging and MSI packaging IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A MSI INSTALLER APPLICATION PACKAGING OR MSI AND APP-V PACKAGING YOU ARE IN GOOD HANDS. SMART PACKAGER PRO IS IDEAL FOR IT ADMINISTRATORS BUT POWERFUL ENOUGH FOR DEVELOPERS. DEPENDABLE MSI AND APP-V APPLICATION VIRTUALIZATION PACKAGING ACCELERATED WINDOWS 7 AND 8 MIGRATIONS All in One / The best easy-to-use product of the market © 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved

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Post on 25-Aug-2018




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Smart Packager Pro is a

simple to use yet powerful

solution ready to help you

avoid the common pitfalls of

deployment and update

packaging caused by nonin-

tegrated, unwieldy manual


Smart Packager

Installation (page 2)

To create a new MSI package

(page 5)

Another example with Acrobat

Reader 9.1 (page 9)

How to deploy MSI package

via GPO (page 13)

Smart Packager - MSI Installer / Application packaging and MSI packaging







All in One / The best easy-to-use product of the market

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


In the example below is, we start from a virtual machine with Windows XP Pro SP3 on which we install Smart Packager. Then we use Smart

Packager to prepare an installation of Landpark IP Network 5.1.0 program distributable on the network.

Creating a Windows virtual machine and install Smart Packager on it



Packager installation

Click Next >

Select I accept the terms… then click Next >

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Fill in the entry boxes

then click Next >

You will then receive an email with

the code for your demo version by

clicking Next >

You have just received an email

with your code

for your demo version

Select Smart Packager CE or the

demo of Smart Packager Pro or

Suite then click Next >

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Enter the code received by email

Click Next >

Click Install

Click Finish

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


To create a new MSI package

Name the new package (IE: Network

IP 5.1.0)

by filling Package Name and then

Click Next >

You can also specify a new location

for the creation of the package by

filling Output Folder

Launch Smart Packager

from the Windows menu

Run Discovery to create an « image

disk » before installation

Click Next >

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Click Start Discovery

This window is now awaiting the

launch of the installation of your


(IE :Network IP 5.1.0)

Choose the language

Installation of Landpark Network IP


(which is an example to work on)

Then Next >

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Installation of Landpark Network

IP 5.1.0

Then Next >

Installation of Landpark Network IP


Then Next >

Installation of Landpark Network IP


Then Next >

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Installation of Landpark Network IP


Then Next >

Installation of Landpark Network IP


Then Finish

Click now on Stop Discovery to

indicate that the installation is


© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved



Click on Start Discovery

This Windows is now awaiting

that you launch the installation

of your program

(for example Adobe Reader 9.1)

Installation of Adobe Reader 9.1

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Installation of Adobe Reader 9.1

Click now on Stop Discovery

to indicate that the installation

is finished

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Once the programmes are installed

(for example Network IP ou Adobe


Click Next >

You can now visualize modifications

made during the installation

(modified files, deleted files

modified keys et deleted keys)

Click Next >

Click on Finish to end the

preparation of the MSI file

(add new package and open


© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Creating the MSI file

Into the folder that you choosed (Ouput Folder), 2 files have been created :

the MSI file (to make installations) and the HTML file which show modifica-

tions made during the installation of Landpark Network IP 5.1.0.

Your preparation for the installation of Landpark IP Network 5.1.0 in MSI is now completed. Left now the launching of the MSI file

to prepare.

Create a batch file to launch msiexec.exe. For example, we name it "NetworkIP510.bat".

Add the following line into your batch file:

msiexec.exe /i "\\VBOX-WINXPPRO\Scalable\Smart Packager\Packages\Landpark Network IP 5.1.0\ Landpark Network IP


Complete information how to use msiexec from Microsoft Technet site:

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Open « Group policy management »

from « Administration tools »

Right-click on the Organizational Unit

(OU) where you want add the policy.

Select menu

« Create a GPO in this domain, and

Link it here... ».

HOW TO DEPLOY MSI PACKAGE VIA GPO Manipulations were performed on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard for the deployment of the « Royal TS version 1.5 » software.

Enter the name of the new object

and click the button « OK ».

Right-Click on the new object

and select menu « Edit... »

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


In « Group Policy Management

Editor » which just open, select the

choice « Computer Configuration \

Policies \ Software Settings \ Soft-

ware Installation »

Right-click on « Software Installa-

tion » and select menu

« New \ Package... »

Select the MSI file that you pre-

viously copied to the folder

« sysvol » of Windows.

Warning : you must use

a network path.

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Click « OK ».

The MSI file si ready for his

deployment on computers

belonging to the selected UO.

You can close « Group Policy

Management Editor ».

If necessary, change the « Security

Filtering » to affect only computers

and/or users impacted.

You can close « Group Policy

Management ».

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved



Support for Microsoft App-V 5.x Smart Packager now supports App-V 5.x with the functionality to discover and create a App-V application. Convert a MSI or Citrix CAS to an App-V application. Edit and modify existing App-V applications. New system-check page in Discovery The Discovery wizard has a new system-check page that scans the computer for common conditions that typically result in bad pack-ages. Things like other running programs, anti-virus software, pending reboot operations, etc. From this dialog the user can easily right-click on an issue to resolve it, or if they so choose ignore them and continue with the repackaging. The two Discovery programs were merged into a single program Previously there were two versions of Discovery, the wizard-driven GUI and the scriptable command-line version. These have been merged into a single program. The new Discovery can be run as either a wizard-driven GUI or a scriptable command-line version. The Workflow tab has been removed The workflow tab in Smart Packager has been removed. Whereas this tab was good "eye-candy" it offered no real substance. It was to the point that once users realized how little it offers it's an embarrassment to the product. The workflow tab will return in a future version of the product, once we have more real steps to warrant a workflow UI (e.g. conversion between formats and integration with SCCM and others).

Better Assembly detection during repackaging The assembly detection and processing has been greatly improved. Also added is the ability to repackage .NET assemblies, some-thing we couldn't handle before.

Legacy code is gone All of the legacy code has been removed from Smart Packager making the Discovery more reliable.

Reduced the "package contains both per-user and per-machine components" warning By far the most asked question from customers is about the warning message saying the new package contains both per-user and per-machine components, which is something not technically supported by MSI. Whereas we can't solve this Microsoft limitation, we have restructured how we handle things to greatly reduce this warning.

Package language translation options When repackaging an application, Discovery now offers a language option which allows the user to set the language for the output package (any of the 37 languages supported by Microsoft). Changing this option will create a package with dialogs and strings in that other language. The translations for these are provided by Microsoft. Smart Packager itself is only translated to English, but you can now generate packages of different languages.

Easier access to Discovery options Accessing options in Discovery was previously hidden behind a right-click on the caption bar. The welcome page in Discovery now includes a hyperlink to easily access program options, licensing, and upgrades.

Options to exclude common "noise" when repackaging When repackaging the most common source of "noise" in a package is from Windows Explorer, background services, and web browsers. Unfortunately, we can't outright filter these out because often times what the user wants to capture is exactly this type of info. So Discovery now has three simple checkboxes to include/exclude the above noise sources.

Discovery offers 3 compression levels Previous Discovery offered two compression levels; fully compressed and uncompressed. It now offers a third option of partially com-pressed which is compressed cabinet files along side the uncompressed MSI file.

MSI schema version option is gone The option to select MSI schema version is gone. Even a power user who fully understands MSI would never had need to change this, so we no longer offer it in the UI and it is just be confusing to most users.

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved


Repackaged applications work across more Windows platforms In the previous version of Discovery, an application repackaged on Windows 7 or 8.x would not work on Vista, XP, or 2003 (because of the default MSI schema version). Discovery now generates packages that work across the greatest number of Windows platforms by using the MSI schema with the greatest compatibility level. Improved Discovery filters The filters in Discovery are greatly improved. We basically started from scratch on the filters with an emphasis on filtering out "noise" by process instead of location. The result is almost 100% elimination of all "noise" on all versions of Windows. Noticeable performance improvements The new code written to replace all the old Legacy code is noticeably faster. For example take iTunes (which is a deceptively large package). The new code is 32% faster than the old code. The cool part is, for the most part the new code has not been optimized for performance. So if/when we have time to actually tweak this for performance we'll be able to squeeze even more performance out of the new code. Registry bug fix in the event monitor driver Found and fixed a bug in the code that monitors registry access. Under certain circumstances on certain versions of Windows the old code would not detect all registry key access. The new code fixes this problem. Better MSI installation detection For CE and Pro Eval versions we need to know if an MSI was installed. The old code would sometimes produce a false-positive be-cause of application dependencies such as the C runtime. Discovery now accurately detects MSI installations without these false-positives.

Better 32-bit / 64-bit handing The old code would always create a 64-bit package when running on 64-bit Windows even if the application was 32-bit. Discovery now does its best to create a 32-bit package for 32-bit applications regardless of the host OS. However, because of the way the Win-dows registry works, this is not always possible. More accurate registry tracking The new Discovery does a better job of exactly replicating the original package's registry key access. Enhanced output log The output log from a repackage job has been enhanced. It includes hyperlinks to easily navigate to different sections, additional use-ful info (such as the version of Windows the repackage was performed on), and even a splash of color to make the log more appeal-ing. Files are only cleaned up on success The previous version of Discovery had a command line option (/d) that was for diagnostic mode. When enabled, it did not cleanup files after repackaging. This was useful when diagnosing customers with bad packages. The downside was, when things went wrong, the customer had to run it twice, they had to run is a second time to add the /d option. Now, Discovery keeps these files around if a problem occurs during package creation. So the customer won't need to rerun Discovery a second time. Half the size of the previous version Mostly because of the elimination of the Legacy code, the new version of Smart Packager is half the size of the previous version. This translates into a smaller download and quicker install.

© 2018 Landpark SAS. All rights reserved

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