department of histology and embryology li jinxin no.1020603

Department of Histology and Embryolog Li jinxin No.1020603

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Page 1: Department of Histology and Embryology Li jinxin No.1020603

Department of Histology and EmbryologyLi jinxin No.1020603

Page 2: Department of Histology and Embryology Li jinxin No.1020603

Objectives General structure of salivary glands (唾液腺) . Histological organisation of the exocrine and en

docrine pancreas and the three cell-types of pancreatic islets (胰岛) and their hormones.

General structure of the liver, the histological organisation of a liver lobule (肝小叶) , and the micro-Structure and functions of hepatocytes(肝细胞) and Kupffer cells.

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component Within the wall of

various regions of the digestive tract.

Digestive glands outside the digestive tract include three pairs of large salivary glands, pancreas and liver.



salivary glands

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1. Salivary glands around and open into the oral cavity 1.1 General structure The salivary glands are compound tubuloa

cinar( 复管泡状腺) . The acini (腺泡) can be serous (浆液性

的) , mucous (粘液性的) or seromucous. The duct system consists of intercalated

(闰管) , secretory (striated), interlobular and major excretory ducts.

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1.1.1 Serous acini (浆液性腺泡) Composed of serous cells

with a small lumen. Serous cells are pyramid

al in shape with a round nucleus.

Apical cytoplasm contains zymogen granules ( 酶原颗粒 ).

Produce serous (watery), secretion containing more enzymes( 酶 ).

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1.1.2 Mucous acini (粘液性腺泡) Composed of mucous cells with a large lumen. Mucous cells are pyramidal with a flattened nucleus ag

ainst basal plasma membrane. Pale stained or foamy( 泡沫状的 ) appearance. Cytoplasm is full of mucigen granules( 粘原颗粒 ). produce mucous (viscous), secretion containing more m

ucus glycoprotein( 糖蛋白 ).

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1.1.3 seromucous (mixed acini) composed of both serous and mucous ce

lls, mainly mucous cells with a serous demilune ( 半月 ).

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1.2 Distinctive features of three pairs of salivary glands (自学内容)

1.2.1 Parotid gland ( 腮腺 )

entirely serous. long intercalated

duct. large amount of a

dipose cells.

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1.2.2 Submandibular gland ( 下颌下腺 )

mixed, mainly serous acini; longer secretory duct (striated duct).

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1.2.3 Sublingual gland ( 舌下腺 ) Mixed, mainly mucous acini; rare intercalated and secretory ducts.

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2. Pancreas

Exocrine pancreas

Endocrine pancreas

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2.1 Exocrine pancreas2.1.1 Acini Serous acini– basophilia of basal cytoplasm,

zymogen granules in apical cytoplasm. Centroacinar cells (泡心细胞) -- small,

pale stained cells in the lumen of acini, beginning of the intercalated ducts.

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2.1.2 Ducts Long intercalated ducts (squamous epitheliu

m), no striated ducts. Intralobular ducts (cuboidal) → interlobular

ducts (columnar) → main pancreatic duct (high columnar with goblet cells).

2.1.3 Function Secrete pancreatic juice containing enzymes,

such as trypsinogen (胰蛋白酶) , amylase(淀粉酶) , lipase (脂肪酶 ) .

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2.2 Endocrine pancreas (pancreatic islets )

Groups of endocrine cells scattered among exocrine acini; more in the tail of pancreas.

Cells arranged in cords, pale stained, invested with fenestrated capillaries.

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Three different cell-types can be distinguished by Mallory staining:A-cell, B-cell and D-cell.




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A-cells 20%,located at the periphery. red granules can be seen in the cytoplasm. secrete glucagon (胰高血糖素) raising bloo

d glucose level.


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B-cells 70%; located in the central portion. Yellowish secretory granules. secrete insulin (胰岛素) lowering blood gluco

se level. Damage of B-cells induces diabetes (糖尿病) .


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D-cells 5%; scattered between A-cells or B-cells. secrete somatostatin ( 生长抑素 ) which inhibits the release of insulin and glucag



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PP cells

secrete pancreas polypeptide (胰多肽) .

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3. Liver largest internal organ. diverse functions. divided into hepatic lobules (肝小叶) a

nd portal areas (门管区) .

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hepatic lobules (a)

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hepatic lobules (b)

Central vein

Hepatic plates

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hepatic lobules (c)

Central veinHepatic plates

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hepatic lobules (d)

Central vein

Hepatic plates

Portal area

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3.1 Hepatic lobule basic structural unit; polygonal prism

with a central vein in the center and radially arranged hepatic plates ( 肝板) and sinusoids.

Central vein

Hepatic plates


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3.1.1 Central veins terminal hepatic venules with numerous po

res in their very thin walls.

Central vein

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3.1.2 Hepatic plates anastomosing plates of

1 row of hepatic cells (hepatocytes), between which are tiny anastomosing secretory channels called bile canaliculi (胆小管) .

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Hepatocytes liver parenchymal cel

ls. large polygonal cells

with 1 or 2 large and round nuclei.

acidophilic cytoplasm containing basophilic "granules".

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EM:a. abundant mitochondria (1000-2000/cell), energ

y supply.b. Golgi complexes (about 50/cell). c. abundant RER, synthesis of plasma proteins.d. numerous SER, metabolism of glycogen and li

pids; production of bile; detoxication (解毒) of toxin (毒素) or drugs; inactivate hormones.

e. lysosomes f. Peroxisomes (微体) g. inclusions (glycogen particles, lipid droplets, pi


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Three functional surfaces sinusoidal surface(35%)

have numerous microvilli projecting into the Disse space.

canalicular surface (10%) .

cellular surfaces possess cell junctions.

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3.1.3 Sinusoids Large and irregular sinusoidal capillaries bet

ween hepatic plates. Lined with endothelium Have Kupffer cells, part of mononuclear phag

ocytic system.


Kupffer cell

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3.1.4 Perisinusoidal space (space of Disse) The space between endothelial cells and hepatocytes, about 0.4

µm. Contains fluid similar to plasma and microvilli from liver cells. Fat-storing cells are found in the space, which store vitamin A

and produce type collagen fibers (reticular fibers). Ⅲ The site of exchange of materials between blood and hepatocyt


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3.1.5 Bile canaliculi Formed by indented plasma membranes of

opposing hepatocytes. Microvilli extend into canalicular lumen wh

ich contains bile, secretion of liver. Junctional complexes.

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3.2 Portal areas connective tissue with por

tal triad ( 门三联管 )at the corners among adjacent hepatic lobules.

Interlobular veins -- branches of the portal vein.

Interlobular arteries -- branches of the hepatic artery.

Interlobular bile ducts -- intrahepatic branches of the hepatic duct.

Interlobular artery

Interlobular bile ducts

Interlobular vein

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3.3 Blood supply portal vein (75%, nutrients) → interlobular veins ↓ sinusoids → central vein → hepatic artery (25%, oxygen) → interlobular arteries↑ (lobules) (hilus) (portal areas) sublobular veins → hepatic vein → inferior vena cava.

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bile (liver cells) → bile canaliculi → interlobular bile ducts

(hepatic lobules) (portal areas)

3.4 Passage of bile

→ left and right hepatic ducts (hilus)

→ common hepatic duct → commom bile duct.cystic duct ↗

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1.What’s the function and stucture of pancreas islet.2.What is hepatic lobule ? Describe the structure and functions of a liver lobule.3.Explain the structure and function of hepatocyte.

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