dental crown services


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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Dental crown services

Dental Crowns Services

A dental crown is intended to give protection to a tooth from being fractured. Teeth that

have large fillings or existing restorative measures and those that are under heavy pressure like

the teeth of those who are sleep grinders and those who clench their teeth a lot are prone to

cracks and fractures. The beauty in having dental crowns is that they are of natural shape and

color of teeth.

A dental crown serves as a helmet that protects the teeth from having cracks and

fractures. It is also considered a mechanical treatment that takes care of the hard tissues of the

tooth. What it does not do is to remove existing abscess, treat a tooth infection, or save the

damaged nerve tissues of a tooth. When there is pain and sensitivity on the tooth before the

placement of the crown, it is necessary to consult the dentist first since another procedure might

be necessary like root canal or tooth removal.

Before the crown placement, the tooth has to be prepared by taking away the broken part

of it. The crown or cap will then be placed on the remaining part of the tooth. This cap is made

of durable restorative material which can be any of the following:

What are the different types of dental crown materials to use?

The full metallic crown is one type. Gold used to be the most popular since it is biocompatible

and is easily contoured and carved. Due to the increasing amount of gold, people began to look

for more affordable alternative elements.

Another type is the porcelain fused metal dental crown or PFM. For better aesthetics,

ceramics can be used to cover the metal that will give it a tooth-like appearance. This technique

has been used in the dentistry field for years and even when computer-aided-design and

computer-aided-manufacturing technology.

Page 2: Dental crown services

Dental Crowns Services

There’s also the nonmetallic crown which is made of high medical grade ceramic. With us, you

can be sure of precision cut dental crowns since we make use of CADCAM technology.

How long is the life span of a dental crown?

We can guarantee replacement of dental crowns that get damaged within five years after

placement, given that the patient regularly visits the dentist and practices good oral hygiene.

When root canal therapy is needed after placing the dental crown, we can guarantee

replacement within 5 years after the therapy is completed. If within 5 years the tooth suffers from

infection and can’t be restored, the cost paid towards the crown can be taken out from the cost of

the implant crown or bridges.

How many visits are required for the dental crown?

It usually takes two to three visits for the dental crown to be placed completely. Since

everything is done in our own in-house labs, the dental crown can be placed in one visit.

How much will a dental crown cost?

Dental crowns in average cost from $1500 to $2500. Our in-house dental crowns cost

$990 with a warranty of 5 years. There are conditions stated however and these are: patient

should keep the receipt and undergo the 6-month routine checkup with the dentist. Free

replacement is part of the warranty when the dental crown failed due to mechanical failures like

fractures and de-bonds. What’s not covered by the warranty are: trauma or accident related

injuries, gingivitis, tooth decays, or root canal therapy unless prescribed by the dentist before the

procedure was done.

Page 3: Dental crown services

Dental Crowns Services

What are other choices other than dental crowns?

Our dental specialist can present to you the different options for you to gain the smile you

desire. You will also be presented a personalized treatment plan for achieving the individual goal

you intend to have.

For more details on dental crowns visit


