demographics of horror

(Research) Assign 12: Horror film target audience By Adam, Zak, Marcus, Harry

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Page 1: Demographics of horror

(Research) Assign 12: Horror film target audience

By Adam, Zak, Marcus, Harry

Page 2: Demographics of horror

a) Screen shot of Conjuring from pearl & dean 

Page 3: Demographics of horror

b) Screen shot of conjuring demographic and psychographic from yougov profiler 

Page 4: Demographics of horror

Demographics of Possession

Explanation Psychographics 

Age: 15 - 24 This film is aged at a younger audience due to social media promotion and the genre of Supernatural Horror.

Attitude:Good, curuous 

Gender: Female Females find this film more appealing as it is counter typical to the normal representation of women being weak. In this film they are potrayed as strong willed aginst the demon.

Values: Right wing political,Students, religious 

Class:  C2 The class of this film is middle to working class because it applies to most of the nation.

Type: Young

Page 5: Demographics of horror

Demographics of conjuring 2

Explanation Psychographics

Age: 18-30 Due to the idea of supernatural interference with the world appeals to many different age groups.

Attitude: Relatable 

Gender: Male and Female  There will be a clear balance in the ratio between male and female as the horror genre is appealing to a mass audience.

Values: Right wing,family ,  Religious 

Location: London  Due to the mainstream of mass audience there 

Type:Young and Mainstream 

Page 6: Demographics of horror

Demographics of chainsaw massacre 3

Explanation Psychographics

Age: 30-45 This is because this film is a sequel of old 80's films.Therefore it appeals to films of people of that time period.

Attitude: Curious, nostalgic

Gender:Male Males enjoy gore films more than females. Slashers.

Values:left wing, cult classics

Class:C1D This is because it is a cheap film,can be seen in 3d and not much story at all therefore no need for  much intelect or thinking.

Type:Older people, mass audience.

Page 7: Demographics of horror

Demographics of World war Z 

Explaination  Psychographics 

Age: 16-30  Due the mass audience and the different aspects of a zombie film relating to people of different ages. Eg. Young aspects of survival that can relate to the video games they play, The father characters protecting their families relating to older men.

Attitude: Relatable as it foreshadows real life events and chances of epidemics and pandemics.

Gender: Male As it has a lot of gory scenes, action and has little detail in the story line, furthermore.In most of the zombie films the protagonist is a male and that appeals to the male audience.

Value:Family, Evolution

Location: London The spectacle of the big action pact zombie film applies to a mass audience as it has easy story line and generic conventions from other zombie/virus films 

Type: Young and middle aged.