delta queue bi extr cvpm ba 6

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  • 7/25/2019 Delta Queue BI Extr CVPM BA 6



    How to create a BI Extraction using Delta Queues with usage

    of CVPM for Bank Analyzer 6.0

    This document is published with

    SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396778 Generic Delta Queue BI Extraction with CVPM

    1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................2

    2 Creation of the DataSource for Delta Queue extraction .............. .............. .............. ....... ..............3

    2.1 Initial creation of the DataSource ........................................................................................3

    2.2 Modification of the DataSource ...........................................................................................3

    3 Preparing the CVPM for Delta Queue extractions ............ .............. ........ .............. .............. ....... ...5

    3.1 Install SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396125.................................................................................5

    3.2 Create a CVPM process ........................................................................................................5

    3.3 Create a CVPM step sequence .............................................................................................6

    3.4 Create own CVPM-callback classes ......................................................................................8

    4 Test execution .............................................................................................................................9

    4.1 Initialisation in the BI system ...............................................................................................9

    4.2 Execute the CVPM process ................................................................................................ 10

    4.3 Check the Delta Queue in the OLTP system ........................................................................ 11

    4.4 Extract the data to the BI system ....................................................................................... 12

    5 References ................................................................................................................................ 13

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    1 Introduction


    Bank Analyzer 6.0 does not support BI Extraction using Delta Queues.

    Note 1007325 Generic Bank Analyzer DataSources with Delta Queue describes how to

    apply a Delta-Queue-Extraction logic with the DPF (= Data Processing Framework) of the

    Bank Analyzer.

    Bank Analyzer 6.0 is featured with the CVPM (= Calculation and Valuation Process Manager)

    which is functionally superior to the DPF, e.g. it supports a process step Close SDL (SDL =

    Source Data Layer).

    You would like to apply a BI Extraction using Delta Queues with usage of CVPM in the Bank

    Analyzer 6.0.


    There is no standard solution for a BI Extraction using Delta Queues with usage of CVPM in

    the Bank Analyzer 6.0.


    This How to-guide describes how an implementation of a BI Extraction using Delta Queues

    with usage of CVPM in Bank Analyzer 6.0 might be attempted. The following descriptions are

    suggestions, they may not be complete, and they may not be correct in all situations. Please

    make modifications to your system cautiously.


    These suggestions are for Bank Analyzer 6.0 only.

    You are familiar with the Generic BI extraction of the Bank Analyzer.

    You are familiar with the Delta Queue extraction concept.

    You are familiar with the CVPM of the Bank Analyzer.


    For Bank Analyzer 7.0 a standard solution for BI Extraction using Delta Queues with usage of

    CVPM exists. It is very similar to the solution as described here.

    The descriptions in this How To-document do not replace any existing documentation

    regarding the used functions.

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    2 Creation of the DataSource for Delta Queue extraction

    2.1 In i t i a l cr eat ion of the DataSource

    You create a DataSource within the Bank Analyzer by using the features of the Data Processing


    First create or use an existing primary data source of type work list (PDS)

    Create a module editor module etc.

    Create a selection group/selection ID and assign PDS and module editor

    Create a Generic BI DataSource by using the already created DPF-Selection ID

    This is a standard procedure mainly via the IMG activities below the IMG-node Generic BI Data



    These steps as described before are uncritical, they are a standard procedure for creating Generic BIDataSources in the Bank Analyzer.

    2.2 Modif icat ion of the DataSource

    The previously created DataSource is not ready for being used within a Delta Queue-extraction. Two

    modifications must be done:

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    The Delta mode must be adjusted

    Mandatory selection fields must be removed, in particular for field CALDAY

    The modification of the DataSource must be done via a Z-Report, e.g.




    REPORT z _change_del t amode.


    p_dat as TYPE r oosource-ol t psour ce, "DataSource

    p_del t ap TYPE roosource-del ta def aul t ' AI M' , "Process for DataSource

    p_ f l ag TYPE xf l ag DEFAULT ' X' . "remove mandatory selection fields


    r oosour ce.


    l s_roosour ce TYPE r oosour ce.

    SELECT SI NGLE * FROM r oosour ce I NTO l s_roosource

    WHERE ol t psour ce = p_dat as AND obj ver s = ' A' .

    I F sy-s ubrc EQ 0.

    l s_r oosour ce-del t a = p_del t ap.

    UPDATE r oosour ce FROM l s_r oosour ce.

    MESSAGE ' The Dat aSour ce has been updated successf ul l y. ' TYPE ' I ' .


    MESSAGE ' The DataSour ce ent er ed i s not val i d, t ry agai n. ' TYPE ' E' .

    ENDI F.

    * remove mandatory selection fields, in particular for CALDAY

    DATA: l s _r oos f i el d TYPE roosf i el d.

    I F p_f l ag = ' X' .

    SELECT SI NGLE * FROM roos f i el d I NTO l s_ roos f i el d

    WHERE ol t psour ce = p_dat as AND sel ect i on = ' M' .

    I F sy-s ubrc EQ 0.

    l s_ roosf i el d- sel ect i on = ' X' .

    UPDATE roos f i el d FROM l s_roos f i el d.

    ENDI F.

    ENDI F.

    Run this report with the DataSource that you have created previously and change the Delta mode

    accordingly, e.g. to AIM, and change mandatory selection fields from value M to X.

    Check tables r oosour ce and roosf i el d via transaction se11 that your changes were done


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    3 Preparing the CVPM for Delta Queue extractions

    3.1 In stal l SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396125

    Note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396125 provides you with 2 examples of implementations for CVPM class

    methods that are required when customizing the CVPM step sequences.

    3.2 Cr eate a CVPM pr ocess

    Go to the IMG activity Edit Analytical Processes:

    Create a new process, e.g. Z_DELTA_QUEUE_WITH_SDL_CLOSE, apply entries as show in thefollowing screen shot:

    Open the view Process Parameter and create 2 entries:

    Attention: the process parameter /BA1/C61POSTXT is the place holder for a proper info object that

    points to BI DataSources. You must create such an info object in the customer namespace first. For

    test purposes you may use the characteristic /BA1/C61POSTXT, but this is just a work around here.

    Now open the view Data Reading Groups:

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    In case of using the SDL close as leading process do not use Data Reading Groups 001 and 003 on the

    selection screen, because their usage would overwrite the SDL-close based timestamps for these


    If you do not want to use the SDL close then create another CVPM process without leading process

    and flag DRG IDs 001, 002 and 003 for being used on the selection screen.

    3.3 Cr eate a CVPM step sequence

    Open IMG activity Edit Step Sequences for Analytical Processes.

    Select the previously created CVPM process:

    Create a new step sequence, e.g. Extract:

    Create a first step in the sequence and apply type parameter enrichment:

    Assign step execution class /BA1/CL_AL_R7_GEN_BI_CVPM_PE (see SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS


  • 7/25/2019 Delta Queue BI Extr CVPM BA 6



    Create a second step of type work list:

    You should use here the same PDS work list as you have assigned to the DPF-Selection ID that was

    used for generating the Generic BI DataSource.

    You can add now additional steps, according to the DPF-selection-ID, e.g.

    module editor or


    Finally you have to add a step type data enrichment for which you can use class

    /BA1/CL_AL_R7_GEN_BI_CVPM_ST (see SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396125):

    So in the simplest case you get:

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    You may copy now this step sequence to EXTRACT_DY and add a last step ALV display with

    callback class /BA1/CL_AL_FW_DISPLAY:

    Delete step 30 (write to Delta Queue). This second sequence is more or less the same as before, but

    you can run it in test mode and display the selected data.

    3.4 Cr eate own CVPM-call back classes

    After having installed SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396125 you have the two callback classes

    /BA1/CL_AL_R7_GEN_BI_CVPM_PE and /BA1/CL_AL_R7_GEN_BI_CVPM_ST in your system. These

    classes refer to the info object /BA1/C61POSTXT that you may have used as process parameter in

    the CVPM process. If you have not used /BA1/C61POSTXT, then copy the mentioned classes into your

    own development namespace as transportable objects (because you need them in your productive

    system), adjust them accordingly and use them in the step sequences as described above.

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    4 Test execution

    4.1 In i t ia l isat ion in the BI system

    Replicate the metadata of the DataSource to the BI system via transaction RSA1 - Modeling - DW

    Workbench, activate the DataSource and create an InfoPackage:

    Use Update Mode Initialize Delta Process without Data Transfer:

    Then start the InfoPackage. The result should show a green traffic light with 1 (dummy) record.

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    4.2 Execute the CVPM pr ocess

    For test purposes we first execute an SDL-close-process via transaction /BA1/B0_CLOSE_SDL - Set

    SDL Timestamp:

    Execute the process:

    Then execute the CVPM process via transaction SE38:

    At first we run the process in display mode with sequence EXTRACT_DY:

    Here in our example we get:

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    Then we run the step sequence EXTRACT that writes data to the Delta Queue (comment: the Delta

    Queue is here cluster table in the OLTP system):

    The protocol is ok:

    4.3 Check the Delt a Queue in t he OLTP system

    Via transaction RSA7 we can check the result of the second CVPM process already in the OLTP system

    (= the same system where we started the CVPM process):

    Click on the Display button:

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    4.4 Extr act the data to the BI system

    Create a second InfoPackage for reading the Delta Queue. Choose Update Mode Delta Update:

    Start Data Load immediately and check the Monitor for results:

    If you check now RSA7 in the OLTP system you still find all data packages in the Delta Queue. This

    ensures restartability:

    After you have started another InfoPackage right now (that will find 0 records because we did not

    run the CVPM again)

    RSA7 will be empty:

    So the complete data transfer has been verified by a subsequent extraction.

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    5 References

    [1] SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396778 Generic Delta Queue BI Extraction with CVPM.

    [2] SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1396125 Example implementation for BI Delta Queue with CVPM.

    [3] SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1007325 Generic Bank Analyzer DataSources with Delta Queue.

    [4] How-to Guide SAP NetWeaver 2004s How ToCreate Generic DataSources which use the Delta

    Queue. This document is attached to SAP note FS-BA-IF-ERS 1007325.