delta green new age

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  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Delta Green - New Age Pt 1 This was a set of GM aids I created when running the New Age

    as an introduction for my group. It only covers Part 1.

    The idea was to give the group a taste of something very wrong,

    and the game ended pretty much where I expected, with thewhole team (non-DG) having a lot of explaining to do at the endof Pt 1.

    This left the team compromised, with a potential interest in theoccult and mythos. My plan was to restart the game 18 monthson, with 2-3 of the original characters being drawn back.

    Some of characters that arent named in the text are namedhere for ease.

    Dont read it if youre a player!

    The New Age is AS Glancy and J Tynes - this file is notintended as a challenge.

  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Initial Briefing from Special Agent in Charge, Louis Gaston. Travelling to home of Larry Daniels, retired USAF Colonel, member of board of McConnell-


    Mansion near the University City District on West Side of St Louis.

    About 0100 hrs, explosion at the Daniels residence.

    Six hours ago, the forensics team announced that they were stumped. According to thelaws of physics, the explosion was impossible. Easier to show than explain.

    Sex and drugs party in progress at the time of the incident. 9 people at the party were killed: Larry Daniels

    Neal Beagley - known procurer of refreshments and entertainers

    Stanley Cable, St Louis City Commissioners

    Amanda Curran, party-girl. Deneen Zimbello, party-girl

    Angela Stevens, party-girl

    Emma-Louise Naffakh, party-girl

    Sarah Armes, party-girl - dead hanging from ceiling

    Kat Washington, party-girl - dead through wall

    One survivor from party

    Sen. Antony DiTorrio, Democratic Senator for Missouri & Chairman of Senate Armed ForcesCommittee. Broken arm, under close armed guard in St Louis General.

    Servants survived okay, as not invited to party and in separate wing.

    FBI treating as a terrorist bombing - nature of the explosion, the party and the presence ofthe Senator are currently being kept from the press.

  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    The House - general. Colonial Style Mansion

    Sits in several acres of well manicured gardens.

    St Louis PD keeping reporters and gawkers away at front gate.

    Inside the wall, estate grounds are swarming with police cars, forensics vans and evidencecollection teams from FBI and ATF. Spot hidden - late model Sedan with USAF tags.

    Spot hidden - one of ports in 4 car garage is empty.

    Front door is guarded by two FBI agents - only federal agents inside.

    Dolores MontezFilipino Housekeeper

    Ernesto MontezHusband of DoloresButlerEmily BeaucampHaitian MaidJeanette BeaucampEmily's SisterHaitian CookHenry KimKorean GardenerJerry FletcherJamiacan Chauffeur

    Have Green CardsAll legally present.

    Mostly immigrant

    Idea%: All staff couldsee flash, no matterwhere they were.

    An hour after theywere dismissed.

    Sound like thunder& blinding flash.

    Has behaved 'like a sartyr'Several different women a weekSometimes at once.This all started after hegave up his S&M, a year ago.

    Daniel's Behaviour Do not know howmany people atparty that night.

    Can identify thatMercedes is missing


  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Result of explosion

    Obvious smoke & water damage from fires

    Smell of smoke

    Electrical Shorts have destroyed lighting

    No Lights except for carried

    Burnt & shattered chandelier

    Senator DiTorrio Escort

    Senator and Escort

    landed here

    Figure Outline taped

    on floor (to left under

    balcony as entering)

    Leads to Party room

    St Louis PD has

    vomited on seeing

    party room

    2 Photographers

    recording details

    Arm fused to ceiling

    SAN 1/ D3

    Woman, Naked,

    hangs from ceiling

    Room beyond Balcony

    Smell of Burnt Electrics & Vomit

    No sign of blast damage

    Door & Balcony are intact



    The House


    The Party Room Other Rooms

    Col Daniel's House


  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Removed with saw

    when players have

    looked at it.

    By waist, face down,

    fingertips dangle to floor

    SAN 0 / D2

    Girl, naked, fused

    through wall.


    All other bodies

    have been taken here

    Taken to St Louis

    General Hospital

    Idea%: Heat

    required to crisp would

    have incinerated room

    Hands cupped around

    crystal, naked, mummified or

    crisped by incident

    Daniel's corpse found

    in centre of floor


    All 4 walls & roof/ceiling

    bulge outwards

    All debris in house

    is from this room

    Debris found in 30m

    spherical pattern

    from blast point

    Hallway & rooms adjacent

    filled with fragments of furniture

    from party room.

    Wall buckles hemispherically

    Smooth and unbroken

    No furniture

    embedded in walls

    Room filled with shattered furniture

    Smells of alcohol from shattered

    bar in room

    The Party Room


    1 extra pair women's shoes


    Someone is missingProbably 1 male, 1 female

    1 Extra pair women's panties

    ForensicsMan's blonde hairType A blood

    1 extra pair gents trousers

    If counted, they will discover

    Clothing strewn around

  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Nothing of use for

    investigation in

    desk or PC.

    Daniels is board member

    of McConnell-Bayless.

    Access to Secret Projects


    Captains Picton &

    Wentzlauf - will

    not discuss what they

    are looking for

    2 USAF spooks

    Airforce Office of

    Special Investigations

    Checking Desk & PC

    Idea Roll

    Many well read but new

    books on crystals &

    related magic & rituals

    Publishers: Enolsis

    Zoom in

    gives 'Valiant'

    Dedicated: p204


    Book "inner Science: A

    Guide to Modern Reality'

    Herbert Price

    Includes books

    as p204

    Library includes extensive

    New Age Section (unusual)

    Library / Study

    Alternative point forDedication for Ron Valiant

    Certificates, pictures

    photos of Daniels

    with well known

    politicians inc. DiTorrio

    'I Love Me' Wall

    Idea roll

    These are old marks

    Spot Hidden:4 poster has marks

    from handcuffs.

    Collection of

    serious S&M kit

    Trunk in walk in


    Idea: Possibly couldhave held crystal.

    Some kind of stand

    (now empty)

    Has picture of crystal

    on cover similar to one

    found with Daniels


    Enolis Foundation

    Tusla, Oklahoma

    Details meditation

    exercises used for

    crystal to 'find your

    own light'.

    "Your Realiser& You'


    Bedside table

    Daniel's Bedroom

    The Other Rooms


  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    If tracked down, know nothing.Found abandoned car, stole purse

    and stripped the car.

    Several East St Louis Thugshave fingerprints on car.

    Shoeless, no panties (all backat party venue).No ID or purse.


    Partial fingerprint on backof skull. Others wiped off

    Fragments of brick in inhair & skull.

    Identify from fingerprints only Died about 0200 hrs


    Type A Blood trace fromsweat on steering wheel

    Forensics examination

    Rachel Marx body in adjacent dumpster(either by PCs or St Louis PD)

    Idea - she was alive when exiting car.

    Spot Hidden: Find blood & hairbelonging to Rachel on wall of



    Car stripped by local yobs

    Found across Mississippinext morning in East

    St Louis

    If APB put out...

    Found across Mississippiin afternoon in East St


    If No APB..

    The Mercedes


  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    stealing tourist wallet

    during prostitute session.

    Currently doing sixmonths, started three

    months ago.

    Angel O'RoukeEx-G/friend

    Disappeared 1992

    Sept 1992killed rival dealerEast St Louis by

    drugging & burning

    Cocaine dealerappeared 1989

    AKA 'Prince Valiant'

    St Louis PD Records

    Type A BloodBlonde hairfingerprintsAs those onRachel's neck.

    Joined 1980General Discharge1984 'unsuitable formilitary service'

    USMC Records

    Juvenile recordsKnown Juvenile


    Court Order

    According to Danielsis his illegitimate son.Used CIA contacts

    to get him out

    Nicaragua incidentLinks to Daniels, CIA


    State Department

    Known associate

    Cross referencewith Neal Beagley

    Ron + Valiant

    St Louis FBI OfficeImage Enhancement

    Ronald Valiant

    Ronald Valiant

  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Knows he torched rival.'Used to boast about it'

    Would beat up

    people and not knowwhy 5 min later.

    Beat her up regularly

    Violent mood swings

    Took steroids & cokeregularly

    Bodybuilding fanatic

    gun nut who liked toplay bigtime ex-CIAtrained mercenary

    No religious beliefs Met him via Beagley?

    Last saw Valiant 1992

    Angel O'Rouke

    Angel ORouke

  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    58 year oldClaims to be 50St Louis nativeCongress for 20 years

    Chairman of Senate Armed ServicesCommiteeFBI think clean, but since quiet & generous divorcestarted playing field party girls. No Children

    His private physician DrChichester is due the

    next day

    See p206for full details

    "My boy", "My boy""He's mine... all I got"


    Rambling if questioned

    Heavily Sedated

    First Visit

    Tanned, 50shandsomelooks like heshould be at a country club!

    Doesn't know names Doesn't know whatDaniels was doing with

    the crystal

    Doesn't know Valiant

    Initial response'Can't remember

    & don't know whatparty type'

    If DiTorrio threatenedResponds with threats

    of people in high places

    p207 detailsresponse

    Becomes nervous butwon't admit Valiant is

    his son unless playersclaim to know this

    If threatened with thepress or charges such

    as solicitation.

    If threatened convincingly(Chichester)

    eg IRS, AMA orObstruction of Justice

    Dr Chichester will tryand stop the investigators

    seeing DiTorrio

    2nd Visit

    Antonio DiTorrio

    Senator DiTorrio

  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Guarded by 12 FBI men,

    half with M16A2s

    DessicatedFull details p207

    Being investigated by

    Dr Kimberly Morris

    Forensics Team

    Col Daniel's corpse

    No entrance wounds butfragments in internal organs

    5 died from concusion &


    Neal Beagley

    Merged with chair

    SAN 1 /1D3

    Merged at a molecularlevel!

    2 girls merged with walls

    also here.

    Corpses of others

    Stolen? Subplot as p208

    Geologist Prof Travis Archer

    Spot Hidden: 3 agents in lobby

    If visited....

    Not present - at geology lab

    Washington University


    The Morgue

    St Louis General Hospital

  • 8/3/2019 Delta Green New Age


    Enolsis Handout

    General Library Search

    Chapter then taken overby Stobbin's assistant

    Doug Walters

    Stobbin murdered by mugge17 October 1993

    Broken into July 1993Wall Safe Stolen

    Opened 8 years agoby Ted Stobbins

    Local News orSt Louis PD

    Persuade% (with goodstory) - no record of

    Valiant here

    Stobbin murderBig blow, only heldtogether by Walters

    Theft?Only a large crystallike the ones they


    Analysis will show it'the same person!Valiant is Walters

    POW vs INT rollto get picture

    Flash a badgeWill get photo but

    Walters told

    Have pictures in walleAlso on wall

    Walters isn't in


    Sarah(Intelligent & resourceful)

    2 workers present

    No record of ValiantBranch has 42 more memberthan it claims to HQ

    Computer(if hacked)

    PresentationsBlack tapestries etcwere new members joinStorage

    Spare realisers etPrivate - stairs up tWalter's Apartmentp212

    3 areas off

    Large open area asdescribed p211

    Located @ Delmar BlvdUniversity City

    Local Chapter


    Enolsis Foundation