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Delivering Exceptional Web Experience for your Customers

The Next Era of Business

Nancy Toda

Program Director

Worldwide Marketing – ICS

Demand Generation

A 5th wave of IT-enabled business transformation

is emerging: Social Business





People are transforming the way they interact...

The World is Increasingly More Connected: Economically, Socially, Technically...

and transforming the way they work, purchase goods, and

get services...

The World is Increasingly More Connected: Economically, Socially, Technically...

An Increasingly Social World Means Exceptional Experiences Matter More Than Ever...

78% of consumers trust peer recommendations only 14% trust advertisements.

(Socialnomics Blog, August 2009)

78% of consumers trust peer recommendations only 14% trust advertisements.

(Socialnomics Blog, August 2009)

25% of search results for the World's top 20 brands are linked to use generated content.

( (Socialnomics Blog, August 2009)

25% of search results for the World's top 20 brands are linked to use generated content.

( (Socialnomics Blog, August 2009)

53% of people on Twitter recommend companies and/or products in their Tweets, with 48% of them delivering on their intention to buy the product.

(ROI Research for Performance, June 2010)

53% of people on Twitter recommend companies and/or products in their Tweets, with 48% of them delivering on their intention to buy the product.

(ROI Research for Performance, June 2010)

An Increasingly Social world MeansExceptional Experiences Matter More Than Ever...

90% of respondents report measurable business benefits from Web 2.0 tools, including better access to knowledge, lower costs of doing business, and higher revenues.

– McKinsey Global Survey 2010

Standout organizations are 57% more likely to allow their people to use social and collaborative tools.

– IBM CHRO Study 2010

Social Business benefits are real and are helping drive sustainable differentiation

Interviewed over 1700 CMO’s worldwide and 67% believe Customer collaboration will most impact marketing in the next 3-5 years

– IBM CMO Study 2011

Exceptional Web Experiences are...

Know Your Intended Audience: Deliver Precisely What They Need/Want

Balance Form & Function: Visual Appeal + Ease of Use Equally Important

People Are Everywhere: Explosion of Mobile Means A Moving Target!

Turn Customers Into Advocates: Ensure A Reliable, Secure Experience

For CEMEX, becoming a social business meansto Increase process innovation

Goal: to shift culture towards more open collaboration across a global organization

Campaign: Project Shift - an internal social network

“It can make a big company look like a small company"

– Gilberto Garcia, Director of Innovation

CEMEX, a global cement supplier, created a social network to accelerate new product development through open collaboration among their 20,000 employees. It resulted in a new global brand of cement mix being delivered in less than 4 months compared to 12

• Rapid organic adoption = 17000 employees connected in the first year, 400 new communities, innovation initiatives increased from 5 to 9

• Bring new products to market faster = 600 participants across several countries develop CEMEX' first globally-branded ready-mix product

Social Business in ActionSocial Business in Action

IBM's Exceptional Web Experience StrategyUser Expectations Define the Experience

People (not technology) are at the center of an exceptional experience

People – whether internal or external users – have the same expectations for online experiences

Capabilities are employed as necessary to help achieve experiences that meet/exceed the expectations of the intended user(s) – many entry points

Exceptional Web ExperiencesEngaging across all web experiences – customer, partners, employees and


Over 300 million named users in our top 15 customers alone!!1 in 6 people worldwide with internet access is a

named user in a WebSphere Portal application

10,000+ WW customers w intranets, B2B apps,

& customer-facing internet apps

IBM ranked #1 (2010)In web portal market

(Source: Gartner)

Smallest customer has 11 employees

Largest customer has

1.8M+ employees

Globally…9 of top 10 banks

8 of top 10 retailers12 of the largest telcos

50 major health providers500 gov’ts + every G8 nation

47% of customers are SMB

IBM Portal11 Years & Going Strong!

#1 market share for10 years running

The Social Intranet and ExtranetBest-of-Breed Web Experience & Market-leading Social Software






Intranet &


IDC ranked IBM as the worldwide market share leader in the social platform software segment, based on total worldwide revenue for 2010. (IDC, "Worldwide Social Platforms 2010 Vendor Shares", Doc#228808, June 2011)

IBM Portal Server has the broadest set of portal capabilities of all the portal product vendors' products. There is little that organizations can't do vis-a-vis portals with this product.(Gartner, "Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals", ID Number: G00206214, September 2010)


Products released in last 12 months

• IBM Customer Experience Suite• Portal & WCM version 7• Web Experience Factory v 7 • Mobile Portal Accelerator v 7• Forms v 4 with Workflow• Virtual and cloud deployment strategies• Horizontal and vertical templates• Mashup Center v 3


Release strategy

You, our customers and partners, told us...– You don't want to have to upgrade your core platform often– You want to selectively employ incremental new functionality– You need us to stay agile

So we established a philosophy of...– 2 years between major releases– Open betas for previewing new core functionality– Catalog releases for significant incremental capability– Strategic product partnerships for value-add elements


Key Investment Areas for Web Experience

Content Social Analytics




Content Social Analytics Mobile

Key Investment Areas for Web Experience



Flexible integration approaches enable customers to craft a targeted web experience w/ SAP in right context

Success Stories HR Direct Sales Online Training CareersEmployee ServicesHelp / FAQ

Related Links

APJ EMEAAmericas

Home Company Portfolio Employees Services Development Sales Marketing

Customer Information

Software Services GMBHSoftware Services GMBH

Software Items Software Items

Company or Customer “Name”

Customer Information

Software Services GMBHSoftware Services GMBH

Software Items Software Items

Company or Customer “Name”

SAP Portal

SAP Services

SAP Services

WebSphere Portal

WebSphere PortalIBM® Portal Integrator for SAP*

IBM® Web Experience Factory

The joint SAP and IBM portals integration provides a reliable, out-of-the-box, deep integration solution: iViews and pages content integration Session Management Single Sign On (SAML 2.0 based) Full role structure consumption via web-services Branding

• Discover SharePoint servers using the new Omnifind crawler now entitled as a feature of Portal 7.0

• Access SharePoint sites and teamrooms through an IBM Portal interface using the new Web Application Bridge, with a simplified configuration process

• Single Sign-On: IBM Portlet for Exchange supports Microsoft Exchange 2010 for Mail and Calendar functions leveraging new Exchange Web Services.

• Access SharePoint 2010 documents or services through

• Interface in IBM Web Content Manager 8.0 beta

• New builders in Web Experience Factory 7.0.1

• New sample RAD application showcasing easy SharePoint integration

SharePoint Site

Custom Apps or Sharepoint Document Library

Web Application Bridge

Web Experience Factory

Do you know where SharePoint servers are on your intranet? New Omnifind crawlers entitled in IBM Portal Extend let you locate them easily

Sharepoint Integration

Available Now


IBM Business Process Manager (WebSphere Process Server &Lombardi)

Unified (Process) Task List Portlets integrated to multiple process engines

Launch a task page The dynamic user interface of IBM Portal

allows to launch task pages which are specific to a selected task instance.

Open an external URL An external URL could be launch to reuse

an existing workflow user interface. Use portlet communication The task id could be sent to one or more

portlets on the same or different portal page (portlet wiring).

Development of Human Task User Interfaces with Portlet Factory/Web Experience Factory (Builders) and IBM Forms

WebSphere Portal

Human Tasks

SAP Custom Engines

FileNet BPM

IBM Case Manager

Available Now on Catalog



Social Analytics MobileContent

Key Investment Areas for Web Experience

Web Content Template Catalog V3 20+ Templates to Speed the Time to get a Site Going- in 30 seconds!


Complete set of templates – content, page, site – makes initial web site development a snap

Prescriptive approach makes it easy to 'get it right‘

Instrumented for Analytics Ready for SEO Drag & Drop of content

Available Now on Portal Business Solutions Catalog!




Analytics Mobile

Key Investment Areas for Web Experience


IBM Social Portal Strategy Flexible Approaches for Using WebSphere Portal and IBM Connections


CommunityPages / Portlets




Support for Open IDLink Social Sites to Your Web Site

Enable Log On From Facebook, Google and more!

Enable Users to authenticate, register & access shared profile settings using an existing OpenID with Portal

Provides SSO experience for your site with full control of allowed external services

Implementation can be either standalone or based on Tivoli Federated Identity Manager (TFIM)

Available from Solutions Catalog for WebSphere Portal

Available Now & in Beta V8





Key Investment Areas for Web Experience



Instrumented out of the Box for Web Analytics

17 integration points

Add additional metrics including logging for WCM content

Post install config enables you to turn on the appropriate scripts within portal pages (themes)

Scripts for partner analytics products OOTB

Extensible architecture to integrate with other analytics providers

Available Now

WebSphere Dashboard Framework entitlement

Full entitlement in: Portal Extend v 7.0 Customer Experience Suite v 7.0• New Version in Q4 2011

– Focused on building dashboards for Exceptional Web Experiences

– Based on Web Experience Factory 7.0.1

– Support for Portal 7.0.x• Business Intelligence Builders

– Surface Cognos, Hyperion or Business Objects data in a Portal dashboard

• Build once, deploy where you need Portal, WAS, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry

Available Now




Social Analytics

Key Investment Areas for Web Experience

Mobile Web applications or content for virtually any mobile device browser


8,000 + Devices

IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator

Portal Mobile Webkit Themes

Works with your favorite development tools!

...extend a Web experience to mobile devices for specific smart phone browsers

..rapidly develop & deploy web & hybrid mobile applications that have a native smart phone look and feel

..write once, run on many devices - Browsers and Smartphones, Tablets, Kiosks, even Web TV

Web Experience Factory

+ Portal Mobile Webkit Themes


Mobile Tiered strategy

Extensible, Configurable Software Templates Software to accelerate solution construction for specific business needs Prebuilt collaboration components, Portal sites and structure commonly used in a target

industries Code that customers or partners can easily modify and customize

Built-in Best Practices To help IT speed deployment and reduce the cost of portal-based business solutions Solve recurring user needs in a best practice way

Retail Vendor PortalOnline BankingGovernment Self Service Healthcare Patient Portal Insurance Agency Portal

Industry templates & components now free on the catalog Industry Templates

Available Now on the Catalog

IBM Exceptional Web Experience Offerings


Time to value progressExponentially faster - from 6.1 to 8.0

4 wks 1 hr

Create mobile app w/ device rendering

2 hrs3 wks

30 clicks 10 seconds

Content Templates

Page content & map site area

4 wks 30 min

Instrument for analytics

30 clicks 5 clicks

Create page w/ Connections portlets

3 wks 5 clicks

Integrate SAP iViews

2 wks 5 clicks

Integrate Sharepoint screens

2 wks 1 hr

Integrate web application







Customer Successes- Web Experience

Content Social Analytics



City of Wroclaw


VasaloppetCity of Gothenberg

Russian State of Voronezh

35© IBM Corporation 2011

Revolutionizing Dealer and Channel Integration

Worldwide Dealer Web portal deployed with WebSphere Portal.

Eliminates the need for dealers to access multiple, disparate systems, and makes it easy to get new dealers online quickly.

Delivers access to all the tools, information, news, and processes dealers need in a unified, personalized Web experience.


Revolutionizing Vendor Management

Significantly improves collaboration between vendors, carriers and internal Best Buy business groups with faster and more structured on-boarding.

Establishes a secure, efficient, and consistent way of accessing and exchanging information through intranet and extranet solutions.

Allows Best Buy to streamline vendor management and deliver a positive customer experience and drive value to shareholders.

A growth company focused on better solving the unmet needs of customers

Finnair – Customer Site 2010 WEBAWARD - Web Marketing Association (Airline Standard of Excellence)

Boston Medical Center – Patient Site 2010 WEBAWARD - Web Marketing Association (Outstanding Website)

US Tennis Association – US Open Site 2010 Webby Award Nominee – Event Site (Finalist) – Customer Site 2010 WEBAWARD - Web Marketing Association (Automobile Standard of Excellence)

Brocade Communications – B2B Site 2010 WEBAWARD - Web Marketing Association (B2B & Technology Standard of Excellence)

International Enterprise Singapore – G2B Site2010 WEBAWARD - Web Marketing Association (Government Standard of Excellence)

Tyco International – B2B Site 2010 WEBAWARD - Web Marketing Association (B2B Standard of Excellence)

AMP Limited – Employee Intranet 2010 Intranet Innovation Award, Step two Designs (Gold award: Communication & Collaboration)

Omron Europe – Employee Intranet 2010 Intranet Innovation Award, Step two Designs (Gold award: Frontline Delivery)

Exceptional Web Experiences RecognizedCareFirst BlueCross BlueShield – Member Portal 2011 WEBAWARD – Web Marketing Association (Outstanding Website)

US Tennis Association – US Open Site 2011 WEBAWARD – Web Marketing Association (Best Sports Website - Winner)

RBC Royal Bank – Online Banking Site 2011 Best Consumer Internet Bank in Canada - Global Finance Magazine (Winner)

AMP Limited – Employee Intranet 2011 Intranet Design Award, Nelson Norman Group (Winner)

BMO Financial Group – Online Business Banking 2011 CIO 100 – CIO Magazine (Winner)

Dubai Government – eGovernment Site 2011 Middle East eGovernment and eServices Excellence Award – Best eGovernment Portal (Winner)

Qatar National Government – eGovernment Site 2011 World Summit Award – Arab e-Content Award (Winner)

Lufthansa – Customer Site 2010 WEBAWARD - Web Marketing Association (Best Airline Website)

RBC Royal Bank – Online Banking Site 2010 Surviscor’s Online Banking scorCard (Winner)

Duke University Health System – Patient Portal2008 Healthcare Informatics Innovator (Finalist)

Bharti Airtel – Mobile Portal2008 Strategy Analytics Wireless Media Lab (Best Portal)

Spatial Information eXchange Portal2008 Delivering the plan – Business (NSW Premier's Gold Award)

State of Missouri – Emergency Response Information System Portal2008 Computerworld Honors (Laureate)

Miami-Dade County – Housing Central Portal2007 Digital Government Achievement Award (Winner)

AO Foundation – AO Surgery Reference2007 International Health & Medical Media Award (Winner)

IBM – developerWorks 2010 Forrester Groundswell Award – Forrester Research (Winner: B2B division)

IBM – developerWorks 2010 US SMB Social Media Marketing Award – AMI-Partners (Winner: Community Development award)

City of Helsinki – Citizen Portal2007 UN Report: Digital Governance in Municipalities (#1 in Europe)

Los Angeles County – Municipal Portal2009 National Association of Counties Achievement Award (Winner)

HSBC Bank Brazil – Employee Portal2009 Intranet Design Award, Nelson Norman Group (Winner)

Saudi Shoura Council – eGovernance Portal2009 Best Website for Parliaments (Winner)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission – Electronic Information Exchange 2009 Excellence.Gov Award (Finalist)

City of Gothenburg – Citizen Portal 2009 GT Newspaper Achievement Award (Recognized)

US Army Publishing Directorate – Army Action Tracking System 2009 Army Knowledge Management Award (Winner)

Exceptional Web Experiences Recognized


Get Bold!Using Social Media to Create a New Type of Social Business


Available NowISBN-10: 0132618311ISBN-13: 9780132618311

• Build YOUR Social Business AGENDA!– Commissioned by IBM to convey its perspective on social – Offers a systematic approach to implementing a social

business strategy– Moves your company beyond the basics of social media

to realizing tangible business results– Provides 75 real customer case studies


Efficiency and Green IT Savings

Using the web instead of paper saved the company printing and mailing costs for 1,285,000 paper commissions and payment statements annually

Reduced carbon footprint by 5.79 tons of CO2 per year

Virtual front office for agents enabled company to grow from #17 in the private insurance market to #3 in less than two years

Using the web instead of paper saved the company printing and mailing costs for 1,285,000 paper commissions and payment statements annually

Reduced carbon footprint by 5.79 tons of CO2 per year

Virtual front office for agents enabled company to grow from #17 in the private insurance market to #3 in less than two years

Business Need

One platform targets capabilities to 4 diverse audiences: customers, independent agents, employees, and channel development associates

Employee intranet to help

– Streamline HR and company communication

– Enable employee self service

– Simplify access and sign on to a range of business applications

– Simplify customer service using an offering toolkit with a benefits illustrator, financial planning tools, medical test calculator and more

– Manage sales performance with online commission planning and performance dashboards