delivering disability equality in the uk

Delivering Disability Equality In The UK Tim Cooper, Director Office for Disability Issues

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A presentation delivered by Tim Cooper, Director of the Office for Disability Issues, to a seminar hosted by the Indian National Human Rights Commission on 14 January 2011.


Page 1: Delivering Disability Equality in the UK

Delivering Disability

Equality In The UK

Tim Cooper, Director

Office for Disability Issues

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Delivering Disability Equality In The UK

1. Disability in the UK

2. Political Context

3. Rights Framework

4. Case Studies:• Welfare Reform• Co-Production• Personalisation• Attitudes

5. Web Links

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“We want disabled people to have a great start to life, with equal access to education and play.

……to find work, have interesting careers and access to training.

……to have equality in their everyday lives, getting around on public transport, living in housing that meets their needs and accessing goods and services.

……to enjoy their Social lives, have family and friends and serve the community.

We want all this and much more”

UK Government: Roadmap to Disability Equality, December 2009

Disability Equality Means……….

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A Disabled Person:

General definition in Equality Act 2010:

“A mental or physical impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”

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10 Million plus Disabled People

1 in 7 working age adults

Employment ratio 48% v 78%

23% families in relative poverty

Twice as likely not to hold qualifications

19% report unfair treatment at work

Current Position In The UK

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Coalition Government: Conservative / Liberal Democrat

Managing financial deficit

“Small Government Big Society”

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Old Way

Something Should Be Done

Produce Central Guidance

Create a new target

Look after the poor

Set up a new agency

Big Government to Big Society

New Way

Is this our problem?

Trust the frontline

Put users in charge

Stop poor being poor

use private / voluntary sector

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Equality Act 2010

Disability Equality Duty (DDA 1995)

UN Convention on Rights of Disabled People

Disability Rights

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Equality Act 2010

• Disability is reflected in generic provisions covering other protected characteristics such as gender. But some provisions are specific to disability, e.g. the duty to make reasonable adjustments.

• New principle to provide protection from indirect discrimination & by ‘association’ with a disabled person.

• Duty to make Reasonable Adjustments. To avoid disabled people being at a substantial disadvantage compared with non-disabled people.

• The new Equality Duty will require public authorities to pay due regard to the need to:o Eliminate discrimination, harassment or victimisationo Advance equality of opportunityo Foster good relations

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UN Convention

ODI - Focal point for UK Government

Equality & Human Rights Commission

United Kingdom Disabled People’s Council – Civil Society

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Welfare Reform


Universal Credit

Employment & Support Allowance

Participation & Independence Payment

Employment Support

Work Programme – mainstream programme

Work Choice - intensive support for disabled people

Access to Work – assists employers with costs of adjustments

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Hours worked (customer)


R (


Current system

Universal Credit

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Equality 2025

Independent Advisory Group

Paid Chair & 9 other disabled people as members

High level advice to Ministers and Senior officials

ODI provides Secretariat

Co-Production “Nothing About Us…Without Us”

UN Convention Group

United Kingdom Disabled People’s Council

Independent NGO – controlled by disabled people

Takes independent soundings,eg ‘Network of Networks’

Will produce ‘shadow’ report

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Personalisation : Making the User the Customer


Developing the market



Advocacy& Support


Right toControl

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Changing Attitudes: 2012 Games

Games Legacy:

Participation in Sport

Accessible Business

Perceptions of disabled people

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Delivering Disability

Equality In The UK

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Useful Web Links

Office for Disability Issues:


Right to Control/Personalisation

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Useful Web Links

Equality & Human Rights Commission – UN Convention

Government Equalities Office

United Kingdom Disabled People’s Council