deliberately wrecking our planet

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  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    Deliberately Trashing The Planet

    By Ian R. Thorpe

    "Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by

    maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for

    expressing that. That's what's insane about it" !ohn ennon

    Those "with eyes to see and ears to hear", to steal a phrase from the Bible, will

    eventually find themselves asking the big question; why would the self appointed

    elite (ur !ew nhappy #ords$, the unseen rulers of the world and wannabe members

    of the global totalitarian government so many apparently sane people %rave, want to

    lay waste to the planet on whi%h they, as well as we ordinary punters, must live&

    'urely the Big harma %orporations have not %ome up with va%%ines against

    radiation, %hemi%al pollution, geneti% mutation, hunger and thirst) *embers of the

    elite will surely suffer like the rest of us& +rent their %hildren in peril -ust like ours

    There are rumours of floating islands on whi%h they may live safely, underground

    #cid rain
  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    bunkers, there was even a s%heme to build and laun%h inflatable .evlar spa%e hotels, self

    sustaining environments in whi%h the wealthy and the highly intelligent (and their

    des%endants be%ause it would take a few generations$ %ould live, orbiting the planet

    while the depopulation took pla%e, the surplus humans were %omposted and the

    environment fi/ed itself)

    The rapid deterioration of our

    environment is leading toward a dead

    planet if the s%hemes of the power hungry

    and profiteering politi%al 0 %orporate 0

    a%ademi% %abals are not halted very soon)

    1n a short arti%le like this it is only

    possible to slightly s%rat%h the surfa%e of

    the a%tivities of %orrupt, malfeasant

    individuals and organisations who think it serves their narrow self interest to destroy

    our environment) There is mu%h more going on as 1 have reported previously or will

    report in future) But for now a few e/amples of what is happening that you are not

    hearing about on television news or reading of in print news media)

    2hat these manipulators are up to is not life giving, it is death dealing) 3or

    humanity and all of nature) 2hy would anyone4anything do su%h a thing& To answer

    that, people first need to reali5e that thats what theyre doing)

    They are deliberately wre%king our planet for short term profit)

    The mindset of these people is beyond our %omprehension) To us they are %learly

    insane, we are nothing more than dumb sheep in theirs, or at best mules whose

    usefulness has been superseded by ma%hines)

    The land on whi%h we live and grow or rear our food is being %ontaminated with

    deadly poisons that are finding their way into the food %hain and per%olating down

    into the water tables from whi%h our drinking water is drawn6

    "+ sho%king new study finds that glyphosate, the a%tive ingredient in, 7oundup

    7eady herbi%ide may be the most biologi%ally disruptive %hemi%al in our

    Inflatable $pace $tation artist's impression
  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    environment," %apable of %ontributing to a wide range of fatal human diseases)

    + new report published in the -ournal 8ntropylinks the a%tive ingredient in

    7oundup herbi%ide known as glyphosate with a wide range of fatal diseases)

    This one persi%ide alone has been asso%iated with over 9: serious health risks)

    There %an be few people who are not aware of the %atastrophi% %ollapse in bee

    %olonies over the past few years) The seriousness of this %annot possibly be

    e/aggerated, in spite of all the s%ien%e, the geneti% engineering and the agri%ultural

    te%hnology, most of the %rops we depend on for the bulk of our food depend on bees

    to pollinate them) +nd yet the +gri%ultural orporations, the hemi%als

    manufa%turers and governments, pushed by their "s%ientifi%" advisers, %ontinued to

    promote the verypesti%idesthat have been identified as the %ause of bees heading

    towards e/tin%tion until long after the damage these pesti%ides was known) 8ven

    now, while some %ompanies have withdrawn %ertain produ%ts that %ontain the bee

    killing to/ins others are fighting regulators< attempts to ban the %hemi%alsworldwide

    The o%eans are being deliberately killed off) The *a%ondo oil well in the =ulf of

    *e/i%o, it is reported is still leaking oil and other to/i% elements into the seas, these

    are then %arried by +tlanti% %urrents, prin%ipally The =ulf 'tream up the ' %oast and

    # farmer shows alleged glyphosate contamination
  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    over to 8urope) 2hat did anyone e/pe%t would happen when you drill miles down

    into a geologi%ally unstable undersea region& To then spray the banned dispersant

    ore/itover the area so it wouldnt look so bad, further killing off sea life and

    dangerously to/ifying the entire region is even further insanity)

    +nd oil leaks and spills

    %ontinue worldwide with

    hardly a mention anymore)

    *eanwhile with the Trafigura

    %ase swept neatly under the

    %arpet we wonder how that

    %ompany is now fulfilling it

  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    sea life e/tin%tions)

    The entire biodiversity of the planet is shrinking dramati%ally as plant and animal

    spe%ies after spe%ies disappear) ne or two spe%ies are not missed in the great s%heme

    of things, even the %ute, pretty ones like andas and olar Bears) 1f the bees disappear

    however and with them s%ores of other flying inse%ts that play a part in pollinating

    wild plants and agri%ultural %rops, we are in big trouble)

    +nd talking of soni% equipment, what do you think might be %ausing the %ra5y

    weather that seems to be happening everywhere& arbon >io/ide& =lobal 2arming&

    ?ave you heard of ?++7, The ?igh 3requen%y +%tive +uroral 7esear%h rogram is

    an ionospheri% resear%h program -ointly funded by the )') +ir 3or%e, the )') !avy,

    the niversity of +laska, and the >efense +dvan%ed 7esear%h ro-e%ts +gen%y

    (>+7+$) Built by B+8 +dvan%ed Te%hnologies (B+8+T$, its purpose is to analy5e

    the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheri% enhan%ement

    te%hnology for radio %ommuni%ations and surveillan%e)@A The ?++7 program

    operates a ma-or sub0ar%ti% fa%ility, named the ?++7 7esear%h 'tation, on an +ir

    3or%eCowned site near =akona, +laska)

    onspira%y theory you might say, for years, while governments and other

    involved parties kept denying the e/isten%e of the pro-e%t, those who said it was all a

    %onspira%y theory had a sustainable argument) nfortunately those agen%ies that

    %ommissioned this e/periment (but a%%ept no responsibility for it

  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    3or a long time we %ould only spe%ulate about what the pointy 0 headed people

    inside the ?++7 stations were playing at, in fa%t an overwhelming ma-ority are

    in%apable of admitting that the fa%ilities even e/ist in spite of this6

    )') !aval 7esear%h #aboratory onfirms ?++7

  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    stop at nothing to gain absolute power, aided and abetted by a s%ientifi% %ommunity

    so deluded, so ignorant of the limitations of their "s%ien%e" they believe they really

    %an improve on nature and supplant =od) The only obsta%le to either of these is

    publi% opposition)

    nless we are prepared to %o operate in our own enslavement and ultimate

    termination, it is we who are invin%ible) There are -ust too many of us and the elitists

    have more need of us than we of them)


    1s Te%hnology .illing s& 8le%trosensitivity, the ADst %entury disease

    Is modern life making us ill? Yes, say those who suffer from electrosensitivity.

    Are they cranks, or should we all be throwing away our mobile phones? Well that

    might be a bit extreme, but maybe we should be thinking about how we use all our

    wireless gadgets.

    Pesiticides To Blame For Bee Extinction, Not Natural Causes

    hemtrails +nother onspira%y Theory& 3ind ut

    ver the last few years, and in%reasingly in the past few months there has been a lot of bu55 about Ehemtrailsand

    the alleged spraying ofEhemi%alsmi/ed in with military and %ommer%ialE+ir%raftfuels and sprayed into the

    upper atmosphere) !aturally any referen%e to the idea that those while streams left behind by high flying air%raft

    brought shouts ofEonspira%y0theoryand those

    They alled s onspira%y Theorists But !ow Big harma >rug +nd Fa%%ine riminality, Bribery,

    3raud, ri%e 3i/ing 1s 8/posed 3or +ll To 'ee)ig Pharma criminality exposed and those who were called conspiracy theorists


    = * rops6 3eeding The 2orld %an%er ausing hemi%als

    *onsanto 2rote The #aw That uts 1t +bove The #aw

    We have reported on how !onsanto plans to gain control of the world"s food

    supply, how the biotech corporation with a long track record for black hat

    tactics has been placed beyonmd legal sanction by #$ lawmakers. %ow we report

    how corrupt politicians and government officials invited the corporation to

    draft the law that gives it"s genetically engineered seeds immunity from legal

  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    '%ien%e and 7eality

    '%ientists qui%kly get out of their depth when venturing into the territory of

    philosophy, espe%ially when they try using mathemati%s to e/plain how we

    e/perien%e reality)?ere we take a not entirely serious look at one s%ientist

  • 7/30/2019 Deliberately Wrecking Our Planet


    is in power the poor seem to get poorer and are hardest hot by taxes aimed at

    redistributing wealth while the wealthy elite become more firmly embedded in

    positions of power$

    The Leader

    ?e seemed an unlikely politi%al leader, puny, odd looking and a foreigner by birth in the %ountry he

    aspired to lead but somehow The #eader formed an emotional %onne%tion with enough of )))

    The ra!it" O# The Situation

    '%ientists (well people who like to %all themselves s%ientists$ hate those who aren