delfin | atex industrial vacuums | eng


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Post on 26-Mar-2016




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The most complete range of ATEX certified industrial vacuum cleaners


Page 1: Delfin | ATEX industrial vacuums | ENG

D el n is a m anufacturer of ind ustrial vacuum cleaners and centralized vacuum sy stem s. In m ore than 20 y ears its solu-tions have m et and succeed ed com p anies req uirem ents throug hout the w orld .

A t D el n safety is not only a w ord it is a p hilosop hy . Starting from the eng ineering to the certi cation p rocess the g oal is to p rovid e the custom ers w ith state of the art, p erfectly safe p rod ucts. M achines that actually help them in their every -d ay w ork.

In ord er to be able to alw ay s p rovid e the rig ht ind ustrial vacuum for every ap p lication w e have d evelop ed a w id e sp eci c rang e, A TEX certi ed for each of the risk zones.

A TEX is an abbreviation of the F rench "A Tm os-p hères EXp losibles" and is the nam e of the g roup of Europ ean d irectives for the p revention and p rotec-tion from the d ang er of exp losion in areas w ith p resence of d ust and / or g as.

D el n d esig ns and m anufactures ind ustrial vacuum cleaners ( electric or air p ow ered ) A TEX certi ed for all areas of risk.

Zone Risk C ategory





O ccasionalRare

O ccasionalRare


Du st

There are m any ty p es of g as and d ust, m ore than y ou m ig ht think, that, g iven certain cond itions (p article size, air susp ension, electrical resistivity , etc..) can trig g er an ex-p losion.

Som e exam p les are the d ust of g rains, cereals, starches, sug ars, lig ht m etals, textiles, p ap er.

A m ong g as w e nd p rop ane, ethy lene, hy d rog en, and the g ases g enerated by the evap oration of solvents such as al-cohol, acetone, lubricating oils, hy d rocarbons.

D el n’s A TEX certi ed vacuum cleaners safety lies in their ability to cancel the p ossibility of ig nition. Each m achine is in fact d esig ned and built on the basis of sp eci c and strict stand ard s, thus ensuring safety , q uality and reliability .

Page 2: Delfin | ATEX industrial vacuums | ENG

M otors ATEX ce rti e d b y th e m anufacture r

Stainle ss ste e l construction AISI 304 or 316

Ele ctrical com pone nts ATEX ce rti e d b y th e m anufacture r

Safe ty cap for cle aning th e lte rs

Inte grate d lte rs cle aning syste m , autom atic or m anual

Safe Bagging syste m for th e colle ction of toxic dust or Longopac ® syste m

Grounding for m axim um anti-static prope rtie s of th e m ach ine

Antistatic w h e e ls as standard

All of D e ln’s vacuum cle ane rs are e q uippe d w ith lte rs w ith ce rti e d e fficie ncy (classe s L, M , H ). For

an additional le ve l of se curity all m ach ine for z one 21 are e q uippe d w ith an additional H EPA lte r (class H ) as standard.

D e ln produce s a w ide range of ATEX e le ctric industrial vacuum cle ane rs, from th e m ost com pact suction unit to th e b ig ce ntraliz e d syste m it can alw ays provide th e righ t solution.

+ 1.8 to 18.5 k w (m otors ce rti e d b y th e m anufacture r)+ Ce rti e d com pone nts+ Construction in stainle ss ste e l AISI 304 or 316+ Antistatic lte r in cat. M as standard( additional H EPA lte r for z one 21 as standard)

D e ln’s air pow e re d e xplosion-proof m ach ine s are state of th e art industrial vacuum s for q uality, e fficie ncy and safe ty.

Th e suction is ge ne rate d b y Ve nturi e je ctors th at, give n th e ab se nce of any e le ctro-m e ch anical com pone nt, are com ple te ly safe .

Ve nturi are pow e rful and re liab le . Th e ab se nce of m oving m e ch a-nism s in fact, in addition to e nsuring th e intrinsic safe ty of th e m ach ine , de te rm ine s th e total ab se nce of w e ar and w h ile m aintain-ing m axim um suction e fficie ncy.

Th e se units are provide d w ith stainle ss ste e l AISI 304 construction as standard.

Antistatic M -Class Filte rs as standard(1 m icron e fficie ncy)