delegation visits wairarapa moana house

WAIRARAPA MOANA December 2007 March 2010 ISSUE SEVENTEEN: TEKAU MA WHITU MARCH 2010 ›› CONTINUED OVER ... Delegation Visits Wairarapa Moana House Joining the delegation were the Chief Registrar, Ma ¯ ori Land Court, Julie Tangaere, Wellington; and Takitimu District Office members, Huia Harrison, Manager Advisory / Land Registry Team; Mana Tomlins, Team Manager, Ma ¯ori Freehold Land Registrations; and Chimmea Greening, Case Manager; accompanied by Gareth Seymour, Cultural Adviser, Ma ¯ori Land Court. IN THIS ISSUE: p2 Hurunui-O-Rangi Marae p4 Dates, Venues and Times for Ma ¯ ori Land Court Clinics, and Courts for Masterton 2010 p5 From the Farm Gate p6 Sponsored Walk over the Southern Crossing of the Tararua Range p7 Scholarship in Law p8 Te Ore Ore Marae Update p8 Wairarapa in Brief p9 Wairarapa Moana Incorporation New Staff Member p10 Pouakani Marae Update p10 Trade Training And Apprenticeship Scholarships 2010 p11 Shareholder/Beneficiary Search p12 50 Unclaimed Dividends p12 Shareholder Bank Account Details Wairarapa Moana Incorporation hosted a delegation from the Papua New Guinea Magisterial Service Headquarters on Friday 19 February. The delegation is currently on a visit to New Zealand visiting Ma ¯ ori Land Court district offices and requested a visit to a Ma ¯ori Land Incorporation to view its administrative and Share Register functions. The delegation comprised Deputy Chief Magistrate, Stephen V. Oli, MBE; Policy and Planning Manager, Rodney Togumagoma; Manager Information and Technology, Murphy Saesaria and Registrar – District Courts, Clivson Philip. Group photo taken outside Wairarapa Moana House. From Left: Clivson Philip, Murphy Saesaria, Mana Tomlins, Henare Manaena, Ngaere Webb, Rodney Togumagoma, Charmaine Kawana, Stephen Oli MBE, Huia Harrison, Tia Tuuta and Chimmea Greening.

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Page 1: Delegation Visits Wairarapa Moana House


December 2007

March 2010



Delegation Visits Wairarapa Moana House

Joining the delegation were the Chief Registrar, Maori Land Court, Julie Tangaere, Wellington; and Takitimu District Office members, Huia Harrison, Manager Advisory / Land Registry Team; Mana Tomlins, Team Manager, Maori Freehold Land Registrations; and Chimmea Greening, Case Manager; accompanied by Gareth Seymour, Cultural Adviser, Maori Land Court.

IN THIS ISSUE:p2 Hurunui-O-Rangi Marae

p4 Dates, Venues and Times for Maori Land Court Clinics, and Courts for Masterton 2010

p5 From the Farm Gate

p6 Sponsored Walk over the Southern Crossing of the Tararua Range

p7 Scholarship in Law

p8 Te Ore Ore Marae Update

p8 Wairarapa in Brief

p9 Wairarapa Moana Incorporation New Staff Member

p10 Pouakani Marae Update

p10 Trade Training And Apprenticeship Scholarships 2010

p11 Shareholder/Beneficiary Search

p12 50 Unclaimed Dividends

p12 Shareholder Bank Account Details

Wairarapa Moana Incorporation hosted a delegation from the Papua New Guinea Magisterial Service Headquarters on Friday 19 February.

The delegation is currently on a visit to New Zealand visiting Maori Land Court district offices and requested a visit to a Maori Land Incorporation to view its administrative and Share Register functions.

The delegation comprised Deputy Chief Magistrate, Stephen V. Oli, MBE; Policy and Planning Manager, Rodney Togumagoma; Manager Information and Technology, Murphy Saesaria and Registrar – District Courts, Clivson Philip.

Group photo taken outside

Wairarapa Moana House.

From Left: Clivson Philip,

Murphy Saesaria, Mana

Tomlins, Henare Manaena,

Ngaere Webb, Rodney

Togumagoma, Charmaine

Kawana, Stephen Oli MBE,

Huia Harrison, Tia Tuuta and

Chimmea Greening.

Page 2: Delegation Visits Wairarapa Moana House


Hurunui-O-Rangi Marae

‘Tu mai ki runga i a Uhi Manuka, tu mai ki runga i a Parikouiti

Titiro whakararo, ko te auahi o nga ahika, e pupu ana

Koinei nga takawaenga, koinei nga papakainga

O o matau tipuna…...’

Tena tatau katoa nga uri o te Wairarapa Moana. E mihi kau ana ki a koutou i runga i te ahuatanga o te wa. Ki a koutou o te kupenga o nga hapu o Hurunui-o-rangi anei te pitopito korero, mo to koutou karu, to koutou taringa, hei mangai mo te whanau whanui. No reira, tena koutou katoa.

We welcome the opportunity to provide an update on the happenings at Hurunui-o-rangi Marae.

MeetingsThe marae trustees, marae committee and the urupa trustees hold regular meetings to inform the whanau and community of matters of interest. The trustees and the committee hold their meetings bi-monthly on the third Sunday of the month starting at 2.00pm at the marae.

The next trustee meeting will be held on March 21st and will focus solely on marae development. A freshwater presentation is proposed along with an opportunity to express your ideas for the marae complex, and we will consider leadership roles for focus groups. Our meetings are targeted to last no longer than two and a half hours.

The marae trustees are currently looking for a secretary. If there is someone who would like to be involved and can dedicate some time to this position please contact Charmaine 06 378 9413 evenings.

Marae – taken 2004


Currently 97% of lands in Papua New Guinea are still in Customary ownership, with no formal administrative structures in place. This presents difficulty in that any organisational body or entity that may wish to enter into any business arrangement with the land owners has great difficulty in locating the rightful owners. The problems are exacerbated by the fact that there are 800 different spoken dialects in Papua New Guinea today.

Office member Henare Manaena gave a comprehensive presentation of the History of Wairarapa Moana followed by Charmaine Kawana on the Operations of Wairarapa Moana and Ngaere Webb on the Function and Role of the Share Register.

Deputy Chief Magistrate, Stephen Oli, commented that it was encouraging to meet with a multiply-owned, land-based entity that has

progressed as far as Wairarapa Moana has today from the hardships of the late 1800s. Stephen added ‘we are today at the stage you were at in the 1800s’.

Their visit to Masterton on Friday included a sitting of the Maori Land Court where they were given the opportunity to spend some time with Judge Coxhead.

On their return to Wellington, the delegation visited Papawai Marae

in Greytown.

››CONTINUED ...Chief Registrar MLC, Julie Tangaere and Mana Tomlins

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Hurunui-o-Rangi Trustees Charmaine Kawana, Chair Frances Reiri-Smith, Trustee (Sec) Mary Nunn, TrusteeHine Webster, TrusteeMarlene Matiaha, TrusteeTiki McGregor, TrusteeKahurangi Manaena, Treasurer

Marae Committee Mihi Namana, Chair Josie Matiaha, SecretaryKahurangi Manaena, TreasurerMary Nunn, Marae bookings

Urupa Trustees Mary Nunn, Chair/SecretaryHawea Paku, Trustee/TreasurerKapu Matiaha, TrusteeBarney Taueki, Trustee Gale Namana, Trustee

Treaty Claims RepresentativesHenare Manaena and Frances Reiri-Smith

New Marae Complex The marae whanau has been fundraising for the past 20 years and has also been successful in receiving grants to help with the re-building of our marae complex. We are dedicating the next two years to fulfilling the long held vision. The trustees are looking for support from the whanau to ensure the re-building of our marae complex is a success. All those with skills, time and a desire to be involved are asked to make contact – Remember ... many hands make light work! People power is powerful!

He aha te mea nui, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

LogoWith the marae development underway, we are keen to look for a logo for stationery and merchandise including clothing. Ideally the logo should represent a part of our history. If you or someone you know is keen to give this a go, great – please let us know as we are happy to help with the history. The designer of the approved logo will receive a surprise gift.

Urupa CommemorationIn May 2008 the Wairarapa Moana Trust granted funds to the trustees of the two urupa adjacent to the marae, Te Amahua o Ngai Tahu and Ngai Taneroa. The project was to erect a memorial stone (in both urupa) to those who were buried in unmarked graves during the flu epidemic. This was completed and the commemoration stones were unveiled on 21st November 2009.

The trustees are also looking at future projects to enhance our urupa. These will include further boxing and cementing of graves, spreading of lime where needed, replacement of deteriorated gate boards, a further commemoration to acknowledge whanau who are buried at other urupa throughout the motu and an on-going project to develop a register of graves and memorial gravestones within Te Amahua o Ngai Tahu and Ngai Taneroa urupa.

We acknowledge the hard work that has been achieved since the urupa trustees have been appointed. There is always room for anyone who would like to help lighten the load for the trustees.

Earth, Wind & Fire at Te PapaWe encourage those who have not yet been to see the exhibition to set a couple of hours aside to visit. The section that tells the story of ahi kaa has a focus on Hurunui-o-rangi. The exhibition includes the viewing of the pou whenua and the korero associated with it. A ‘must see’ for all Wairarapa whanau.

Marae – taken 2004

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Wednesday 10th February Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Friday 19th February Frank Cody Lounge Court All Day

Wednesday 24th February Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 10th March Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 24th March Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 7th April Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Thursday 15th April Frank Cody Lounge Court All Day

Wednesday 21st April Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 12th May Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 26th May Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 9th June Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Thursday 17th June Frank Cody Lounge Court All Day

Wednesday 23rd June Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 7th July Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 21st July Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 4th August Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 18th August Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Thursday 19th August Frank Cody Lounge Court All Day

Wednesday 8th September Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 22nd September Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 13th October Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Thursday 21st October Frank Cody Lounge Court All Day

Wednesday 27th October Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 10th November Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 24th November Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Wednesday 8th December Frank Cody Lounge Clinic 10.30 – 3.00pm

Thursday 9th December Frank Cody Lounge Court All Day


Huia HarrisonManager

Advisory / Land Registry Team Takitimu District Office


Page 5: Delegation Visits Wairarapa Moana House

assets and managing cash flow levels to keep debt levels at a reasonable level set by the shareholders.

Beyond the farm gate there are challenges that are constantly under review to find feasible solutions to benefit the long-term WMI business strategy. The Emissions Trading Scheme has a number of political unknowns at present, there is talk about additional land taxes and nutrient planning and water allocation are hot topics as we balance environmental implications against actual science and the strategy of sustainable farming.

So I am pleased to report at this stage of the year there are no significant adverse events to report and that the WMI assets are performing well. As a team we look forward to the AGM at Mangakino this year as an opportunity to highlight the on-going developments and strategic outlook for WMI.

Andy MacLeodGeneral Manager

Our apologies ...The article regarding the LACTANZ investment in Western

Australia will be published in the

next issue of the Mailer.

next issue



As Wairarapa Moana Incorporation is halfway through another year it is pleasing to report that the latest financial forecasts for 2010 have significantly improved compared with the disappointing 2009 results disclosed at the last AGM.

From the Farm Gate

Global prices for milk have strengthened, and cost structures have stabilised and WMI is on target to match last year’s record production levels which is pleasing as this lifts the goalposts for expected results going forward in future years.

This season we have experienced tough climatic spring conditions balanced out with favourable late summer conditions for the year so far. Pasture growth and rainfall is still below the last five year average but the farm teams are managing the situation well. Management is also adapting its new policies to counteract climatic conditions as they arise.

Chris is currently focusing on reviews of forty-plus staff and also in the process of advance planning for next season with feed plans and stock numbers. Staff members are being pushed to perform and take ownership of their roles so they too can grow with Wairarapa and add value to the team.

The improvement in productivity levels is materialising as planned and generally staff are contributing well to the Incorporation’s performance.

Brian is now well settled into his role as Manager of the Sheep and Beef Unit. The pricing for the sheep and beef sector is slightly weaker compared with last year, however, production levels are sound and synergies with the dairy unit always improving.

Currently on-farm projects are kept to a minimum as we are focusing on improving the performance of existing

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The tramping party members comprised myself, Peter Te Tau; Danny Te Tau and Kerry Hayes of Masterton; Patrick Te Tau, Wellington; and Vincent Te Tau of Carterton.

We started by heading up the Cone Saddle Track where we would see nice views of the mountain range ahead and then we went down to Cone Hut where we rested and had a bite to eat. Cone Hut is a very old hut (c1946) made of roughsawn timber with an open fire place, sited in the Upper Tauherenikau River Valley near the river at the bottom of the track down from Cone Saddle.

It was nice and cool as we forded the river. Ahead were stands of native bush all around us and then a good strong tramp up to the Bull Mound. It was very open and flat with wetlands (looked like a big sponge) and it had great views overlooking Masterton down to the Lake Ferry and also great views of Mt Alpha (1361m) and Mt Hector (1529m), the highest point of the Southern Crossing. Hells Gate was our next destination and then a good strong tramp to Alpha Hut where we made it by 2pm. It’s a cosy hut with 20 beds, a wood oven, tank water and toilet.


It was an early-morning start on our 30-kilometre tramp as we gathered at the car park at the Waiohine swingbridge at 6:30am on the 6th of February. The Southern Crossing is a classic route over the peaks in the southern part of the Tararuas.

Our guide, Chris Peterson, arrived late in the day to join us for Day Two. We set up for the night and got an early night. The hut was filled with trampers.

We all got an early start from Alpha Hut to go up to Mt Alpha and Mt Hector. It was a good tramp to Mt Alpha where we had great views of both Wairarapa and Wellington and it was a bit misty over on the Kapiti Coast. There were some good wetlands on the tops and a strong walk up to Mt Hector with a little wind to cool us down. There were great views from Mt Hector where we stopped to rest and eat and to take some great photos of Wairarapa, Wellington and the Kapiti Coast and of the old wooden cross, a memorial to trampers who lost their lives in WWII, then a good tramp to Kime Hut. It provides good views out over Wairarapa with nice wetlands around the front of the hut. Kime Hut is located below Hut Mound (1440m). We wrote in the log book and headed off down to Field Hut.

Field Hut (c1924) has 20 bunks and was built by woodsman, Joe Gibbs, for the Tararua Tramping Club. It has the distinction of being the oldest tramping hut in the Tararua

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The directors of Johnston Lawrence Limited,

Barristers and Solicitors, of Wellington, have

established a Scholarship in Law for students

from whanau associated with the Mangakino/

Pouakani land.

Johnston Lawrence has a long association with the Wairarapa Moana ki Pouakani Incorporation and previously the Mangakino Township Incorporation and Pouakani 2 Trust.

The Scholarship in Law was established in 1997. Holders of the Scholarship, both past and present, may be given priority in consideration for summer clerk positions in the Johnston Lawrence law offices.

1. The Scholarship will be known as the Johnston Lawrence Wairarapa Moana Scholarship in Law.

2. The value of the Scholarship is $1,000 per annum.

3. The Scholarship is generally awarded to a third-year student of law studying at Victoria University of Wellington. Both academic ability and financial need will be taken into account when awarding the Scholarship.

4. Applicants must be descended from an original Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa owner of the Mangakino/Pouakani lands and certification must be obtained of that descent from the Wairarapa Moana Trust.

5. If, for any reason, the Scholarship is not awarded in any one year, the funding may be available for an additional award the following year.

6. Application forms are available from the office of the Dean of Law. Award of the Scholarship will be decided by a committee of three, being a nominee of the Dean of Law, a representative from Johnston Lawrence and a representative from the Wairarapa Moana ki Pouakani Incorporation Committee of Management.

7. Applications for the Scholarship close on 31 May each year.

If you would like more information about this Scholarship, please contact the Dean of the Law Faculty, Victoria University, Wellington.

Scholarship in Law




Forest Park. It has an historic designation and is located on the track above Otaki Forks.

From Field Hut we tramped down to Otaki Forks, the end of our adventure where we saw the welcome sight of the vans there to collect us.

Vincent and his whanau would like to take this time to thank our wonderful guide, Chris Peterson, who assisted us with camping gear and food, for all of his time and hard work with the tramp, also, for all our supporters with their kind donations to date. Vincent is grateful for the donations to assist him with his year-long AFS Student Exchange to Switzerland from July 2010.

Peter W. H. Te Tau


From left to right:

1. Vincent Te Tau at Cone Hut

2. Group photo at Mt Hector. Highest point of the Southern Crossing

3. Overlooking the Otaki Forks

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The Te Ore Ore Maori Committee is incorporated under the Charitable Trust Act 1957 and is registered as a charitable entity with the Charities Commission.

The whanau has continued to use the Marae for various functions; over the past six months, records show the Marae was used for Marae stay-over for educational groups, education wananga, an 80th birthday, a wedding, tangihanga, kawemate, and school visits.

Hine Te Arorangi te Kohanga Reo occupies a portion of land on the Marae free of charge and acts independently of the Maori Committee.

The Maori Committee has the right to occupy nine Kaumatua Flats in Montgomery Crescent, Masterton and rents them to kaumatua. There is a 100% occupation rate presently with no sign of change.

Te Ore Ore Marae

Ko Rangitumau te Maunga

Ko Ruamahanga te Awa

Ko Paora Potangaroa te Poropiti

Ko Ngati Hamua te Hapu

Ko Ngati Kahungunu me Rangitane nga Iwi

Tihei Mauriora.

Te Ore Ore Marae is situated on Bideford Road some five kilometres north-east of Masterton. The Governance body is the Nga Tau E Waru Marae Trustees, chaired by Kaumatua, James Rimene, and Mere Kerehi attends to the secretarial duties.

The management body of the Marae complex is the Te Ore Ore Maori Committee Inc.; its current Chairperson is Angeline Pourau, the Secretary is Darleen Rameka and Mere Kerehi attends to the custodial duties and Marae bookings in the absence of a Custodian. She may be contacted on (06) 378-2232.

The Te Ore Ore Maori Committee meets at 5.30pm on the first Monday of each month. It is proposed to hold the Committee’s AGM at the Marae during April 2010, the date is yet to be determined and this will be advertised in the local newspaper.



Wairarapa Moana descendant, DERYCK HUMPHRIES, of Tauranga, represented New Zealand at the International Masters Hockey Tournament in Hong Kong, at the end of 2009. Competing in the Men’s 50+ team in the Senior Masters Division, the New Zealand team finished 3rd equal. Another Workman whanau member playing Hockey!!

Congratulations go out to ZAC GUILDFORD who was named Junior Maori Sportsman of the Year and SHELDON EDEN-WHAITIRI who was named Maori Sports Umpire/Referee of the Year at the 2009 Maori Sports Awards held at the Telstra Clear Pacific Events Centre in Manukau City during December.

Wairarapa in brief Wairarapa Moana descendant TANIA HUNTER was successful in winning the Maori Coach of the Year at the 2009 Ngati Kahungunu Sports Awards. Receiving the award in Tania’s absence was sister, Sonya Rimene, past Chair of Wairarapa Moana Trust. Our congratulations go out to Tania.

Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Elections are due to take place during 2010. All participants, whether candidate, nominator or voter, must be registered to participate in this election. All registered participants must be Nga Uri a Kahungunu. Voting papers are to be posted to all registered participants on Thursday 1 April and voting will close on Friday 30 April.

The Riwai-Couch and Matthews tamariki were the winners of the Te Puni Kokiri Te Reo and Tikanga Maori Award for the Outlook for Someday Sustainable Film Awards held in Auckland on December 10, 2009. Their film entitled “Our Whare”, as well as the other winning entries, can now


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Tia is the daughter of Marama and Eddie Tuuta. She has one older brother Tanerau and a younger whangai sister Piriairini, and they all grew up in Wellington and Wairarapa. Tia’s parents worked hard to give them all the best opportunities that they could have, even though Tia was the one that got into the most trouble they were good memories.

Leaving Wairarapa to study and to regain some sense of stability, Tia gained her Bachelor of Maori Laws and Philosophy, returning to Wairarapa in 2006 with her partner, Joe Nuku, and daughter, Paranihia. They now have a one-year old son named Tuteremoana. Tia’s whanau is heavily involved with Waka Ama. Their


Ko Tararua te maunga O nga Maunga o WharekauriKo Ruamahanga te awa Ko Te Ripae te MaraeKo Papawai te marae Ko Ngati Mutunga me Toa Rangatira nga IwiKo Ngati Moe me Kaiparuparu nga hapu Mai i nga waka o Tokomaru me TainuiKo Ngati Kahungunu te iwi Ko Pomare te TangataMai i te waka o TakitimuTena koutou ...

Mai i te kopi ki te urupa, ka ako tonu tatou

New Staff Member Tia Tuuta

daughter, Paranihia, literally grew up around it. Her first time on a waka was at the age of 3 months at Evans Bay, in Wellington, with her mother screaming at her father to bring her back. 2012 will be Paranihia’s first year of eligibility to compete, a milestone Tia’s whanau is eagerly anticipating.

Having been lucky to have worked for her iwi on her father’s and mother’s side, Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa and Ngati Mutunga ki Wharekauri, has provided opportunities to learn off some amazing people, some that have passed on and others that are still giving themselves to others.

The biggest lesson that Tia has learnt was in 2003 when her mother had a stroke from years of working hard to give back to others, and that her mother lives by now, is to do one thing and do it well, not to give 20% here, 30% there and 5% over there, it is just not worth it and unfair on others.

Last year was a hard year for Tia and her whanau and being given this opportunity to work for Wairarapa Moana Incorporation has provided a new path for them. With a young family Tia is able to be with them and to pick them up from kohanga and kura.

Tia finds the working environment at WMI is so positive and hard-working and there is always something new to do, there are your usual outcomes that need to be completed and the ones that pop up out of the blue, it all provides a challenge and keeps things interesting.


be seen on the Outlook For Someday website at as well as

Agreement has been found short of the Environment Court between Masterton District Council and groups that opposed, including Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, plans for its wastewater treatment plant upgrade. As a result of the contribution by all parties the council has modified the discharge protocol to ensure there are minimal effects to the Ruamahanga River.

UCOL Wairarapa has revealed plans for a new $300,000 Masterton complex to benefit budding tradesmen. Under construction is an automotive training facility which is the first stage of a Trades Centre complex proposed for the area. It is hoped the facility will be up and running by the start of the 2010 academic year.


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The Future Leaders fund is to provide educational funding to assist the descendants of the original owners of the Wairarapa Moana.

Trade Training and Apprenticeship scholarships are available to students studying trade training courses and who meet the Trust’s criteria.





Kia ora nga whanau o Pouakani ara o Wairarapa Moana.


It’s that time again for another update on what’s happening with the mahi in Mangakino/Pouakani on our marae hou.

We are drawing to a close with regards to the construction part of the re-build. The carpenters will be finishing within the next couple of weeks and all that will be left to do are the ‘subbies’ to come in.

We have received confirmation of funding from Trust Waikato and The Lotteries Commission so this was good news.

The whakairo will be starting mid March. Takirirangi will be on site so we are looking forward to that.

We have been advised by Mr Shuster that this is the optimum time to harvest kakaho for our tukutuku panels. He has suggested that he could send someone out to help harvest and to give a korero on how to cut, strip and store the kakaho stems. We have not yet set a time to do this but will have that posted on our site so whanau could come and take part in that.

Check out the following website for more information and pictures:

If this is you, or someone you know ... contact Ngaere on 06 3702608 or 0800 662 624 with any inquiries or to request application forms.

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Shareholder/Beneficiary Search

The Incorporation has had mail returned to the office for the following shareholders or trustees.

If you are able to provide any relevant information or contact details, please call Ngaere Webb

on 06 3702608 or 0800 662 624.

Aperahama Te Aika Kipa

Camelia Rimene

Caroline Elizabeth Mita

Charles Hetapere Harden

Christina Joan Mita

Dorothy Leteta Chown

Elaine Harawira

Frederica Panapa

Gloria Josephine Namana

Hineteaorangi Whatuira

Hokoaka Waaka

Hiria Yorston

Jason Russell

Josephine Georgina Tiapa Raston

Karyn Katie Araiti

Linda Kay Karaitiana

Lucy Watson

Maria Butler

Matthew Edward Chase

Riki Cameron Hilton

Mona Towler

Nancy Dorothy Jackson

Noti Nepe Ria Maxwell

Pakia Karena Rangiwhetu Enoka

Patrick Te Kuru

Rangituhia Poutu

Sharleen Joyce Whatuira

Sheena Pele-Toalepai

Tangi Haeata

Tekiato Fitzgerald

William Isaac Edward Watson

William Papanui

Nigel Nicholas Papanui

Marianne Bernice Papanui

Ruth Anamia Pike Trust

Emily Nahona

Graham Nahona

Richard Matiaha

Marshall Rewi Gillies

Cecelia Piki Gardiner

Jacqueline Anne Maria Porou

Josephine Renata

Eliza Burke

Ruth Renata

Donna Maria Gillies

Dolly Te Omeka Kani

Jeanette Heni Mason Thompson

Samantha Alicia Nepe

Lorraine Warren

Graham Ngatuere

Brian Ngatuere

Pamela Arohaina Webber

Ngarongoa Hera McLeod

Eileen Hutchings St Martin

Madge Thorby

Agnes Smiler

Michael John Bristowe

Thomas Hutana

Daphne Hikinoa Kingi

Reta Edith Retimana Nicholls

Dianne Margaret Murphy

Marina Corren Brown

Reuben Tuari

Gail Annette Tuari

Micheal Denton Tuari

Terrance Thomas Tuari

Te Amokura Wairata Puhunga Gaffey

Taungaroa Taungaroa Emile

Lavina Agness Orlowski

Betty Elizabeth Olive Winitana

Mereana Te Maari Whanau Trust

Genevieve Ann Wright

Zephaniah Taueki

Monica Flutey Danger

Robert Te Miha

Ngaio Kingi

Troy Hanita Paki

Mita Taupopoki and Amelia Nancy Anne Aporo Whanau Trust

Francis McNally-Te Maari

Andrew Pahoro Paku

Tahu Brown Parata Whanau Trust

Janine Love

He Whenua Tapu Whanau Trust

Te Kama Phillip Paewai

Urania Peita

Francis Paewai

Norman Pendue Rangi

Adrienne Denise Hesketh

Ian Francis Waaka

Gerard Mongeta Waaka

Nicola Waaka

Pania Waaka

Colleen Margaret Hiri

Jamie Lee Sherry

Tania Cherie Russell

Kim Arahia Rangiihu

Susan Moira Namana

Keita Logan Riki

William Karauria Namana

Merle Pohorama

Phillip Mathew Pohorama

Allen Francis Karipa

Elizabeth Watene Whanau Trust

Violet Rosena Kawana Whanau Trust

Peter Williams

Te Reremoana Nepe

Hikatoa Nepe

Hamuera Nepe

James Teowai Karaitiana

Douglas Foley

Erepi Te Hau II Whanau Trust

Shea Ryan Taueki Whanau Trust

Hutana Family Trust

Arapata John Watson

Ian Thomas Watson

Ngaroma Darling Watson

Cambell Newman Ashby

Ruma McDonald

Jennifer Ruth Karaitiana



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The team at the Wairarapa Moana office in Masterton is: Charmaine Kawana, Ngaere Webb, Annette Pile, Tia Tuuta and Henare Manaena. If you have any questions please give us a call or send a fax, email or letter.

Freepost 158415 Wairarapa Moana HousePO Box 2019 4 Park AvenueKuripuni Masterton 5810Masterton 5842

Ph: 06 370 2608 Freephone: 0800 662 624Fax: 06 370 2609 Email: [email protected]

Contacting Wairarapa Moana

We are always interested in talking to you about news for the Mailer. Please let us know if you would like to contribute an article or panui or if you would like us to interview someone for future editions.

Closing Dates for Articles for the Mailer

Closing Dates Distribution DatesFriday, May 7, 2010 Wednesday, June 2, 2010 Friday, August 20, 2010 Wednesday, September 16, 2010

50 Unclaimed Dividends

The following is a selection of Unclaimed Dividends that are held in the office. If you are able to provide any information that may enable the office to make contact with these shareholders or their descendants please contact Ngaere Webb on 06 3702608 or 0800 662 624 or [email protected]



Shareholder Bank Account DetailsPayment of dividends to shareholders resident in New Zealand is made by way of Direct Credit to shareholders bank accounts. Under the current policy, shareholders resident in New Zealand no longer receive cheques.

Shareholders residing overseas will continue to be paid by cheque. If, however, the shareholder living overseas holds a bank account in New Zealand you may elect to have your dividend paid into the New Zealand bank account.

Bank account details are required to be verified by the bank.

The office does not accept bank account numbers over the phone, fax or email or written by letter.

Please be reminded that if you are required to provide new bank account details because you have changed your banking facility or your account has been closed, please call the office to request a Direct Credit account form.

New Zealand IRD NumberIf we hold your IRD number you will pay 19.5% in dividend tax. If we do not hold your IRD number your dividend will be taxed at the rate of 39%. To receive the lower rate of taxation you must provide the Incorporation with your New Zealand Inland Revenue Department number.

Contact Ngaere Webb with any inquiries relating to shareholding in Wairarapa Moana Incorporation.