defeo 2005

7/27/2019 Defeo 2005 1/20 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 295: 1–20, 2005 Published June 23 INTRODUCTION At the time of the first international sandy beach symposium in 1983, sandy beach research was in a transition from early, mainly qualitative studies of macrofauna ecology and ecophysiology, to quantita- tive work (McLachlan & Erasmus 1983). Studies on energy flow and nutrient cycling in beach ecosystems © Inter-Research 2005 · *Email: [email protected] FEATURE ARTICLE: REVIEW Patterns, processes and regulatory mechanisms in sandy beach macrofauna: a multi-scale analysis Omar Defeo 1, *, Anton McLachlan 2 1 Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, AP 73 Cordemex, 97310 Mérida, Yucatán, México 2 College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman ABSTRACT: Physical and biological factors govern com- munity and population features of sandy beach macro- fauna. At the macroscale, species richness decreases from tropical to temperate beaches, and from macrotidal dissipative to microtidal reflective beaches. At the species level, life history traits are highly plastic over latitudinal gradients; large-scale variations in environmental vari- ables modulate intraspecific phenotypic differentiation. At the mesoscale, alongshore and across-shore distribu- tions tend to be unimodal, bell-shaped within a beach, with abundance varying from the central region to the boundaries, even though environmental gradients (wave exposure, salinity) can cause asymmetries. Zona- tion is highly dynamic and not sharply defined. This is attributed to short- (hourly, daily) or medium- (seasonal) term reactions to environmental conditions, passive transport and sorting by the swash (e.g. recruits), active micro-habitat selection (e.g. adults), and intra- and inter- specific interactions. Across-shore distribution may be- come multimodal due to intraspecific segregation by sizes during recruitment. At the microscale (individual neighbourhood or quadrat scale), behavioural factors and intra-/interspecific interactions become more important as density increases. Human induced impacts also gener- ate variability in population demography, structure and dynamics. We identify physical-biological coupling at dif- ferent temporal and spatial scales, emphasizing the role of life history traits in order to assess alternative regula- tory mechanisms and processes. Our synthesis suggests that: (1) biological interactions are more important regu- latory agents than previously thought: in benign dissipa- tive beaches or undisturbed sites, intra- and interspecific competition can be more intense than in reflective beach- es or disturbed sites, where the populations are physi- cally controlled; (2) supralittoral forms are relatively inde- pendent of the swash regime and show no clear response to beach type; (3) marked long-term fluctuations are noticeable in species with planktonic larvae structured as metapopulations, due to environmental disturbances and stochasticity in reproduction and recruitment. Sandy beaches are defined by just 3 factors— tide regime, sand particle size and wave energy—and occur as a range from reflective (upper) to dissipative (lower) types. Since macrofauna show clear patterns of response to beach type, these simple environments provide a unique opportunity to explore processes controlling community and population ecology. Photos by Dr. Andrew Short (University of Sydney, Australia) KEY WORDS: Sandy beaches · Macrofauna · Commu- nities · Populations · Patterns · Regulation · Processes Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher 

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Mar Ecol Prog SerVol. 295: 1–20, 2005 Published June 23


At the time of the first international sandy beachsymposium in 1983, sandy beach research was in atransition from early, mainly qualitative studies ofmacrofauna ecology and ecophysiology, to quantita-tive work (McLachlan & Erasmus 1983). Studies onenergy flow and nutrient cycling in beach ecosystems

© Inter-Research 2005 ·*Email: [email protected]


Patterns, processes and regulatory mechanisms insandy beach macrofauna: a multi-scale analysis

Omar Defeo1,*, Anton McLachlan2

1Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, AP 73 Cordemex, 97310 Mérida, Yucatán, México2College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

ABSTRACT: Physical and biological factors govern com-munity and population features of sandy beach macro-fauna. At the macroscale, species richness decreasesfrom tropical to temperate beaches, and from macrotidaldissipative to microtidal reflective beaches. At the specieslevel, life history traits are highly plastic over latitudinalgradients; large-scale variations in environmental vari-ables modulate intraspecific phenotypic differentiation.At the mesoscale, alongshore and across-shore distribu-tions tend to be unimodal, bell-shaped within a beach,with abundance varying from the central region tothe boundaries, even though environmental gradients(wave exposure, salinity) can cause asymmetries. Zona-tion is highly dynamic and not sharply defined. This isattributed to short- (hourly, daily) or medium- (seasonal)term reactions to environmental conditions, passivetransport and sorting by the swash (e.g. recruits), activemicro-habitat selection (e.g. adults), and intra- and inter-specific interactions. Across-shore distribution may be-come multimodal due to intraspecific segregation bysizes during recruitment. At the microscale (individualneighbourhood or quadrat scale), behavioural factors andintra-/interspecific interactions become more importantas density increases. Human induced impacts also gener-ate variability in population demography, structure anddynamics. We identify physical-biological coupling at dif-ferent temporal and spatial scales, emphasizing the roleof life history traits in order to assess alternative regula-tory mechanisms and processes. Our synthesis suggeststhat: (1) biological interactions are more important regu-latory agents than previously thought: in benign dissipa-tive beaches or undisturbed sites, intra- and interspecificcompetition can be more intense than in reflective beach-es or disturbed sites, where the populations are physi-cally controlled; (2) supralittoral forms are relatively inde-pendent of the swash regime and show no clear responseto beach type; (3) marked long-term fluctuations arenoticeable in species with planktonic larvae structured asmetapopulations, due to environmental disturbances andstochasticity in reproduction and recruitment.

Sandy beaches are defined by just 3 factors— tide regime, sandparticle size and wave energy—and occur as a range fromreflective (upper) to dissipative (lower) types. Since macrofaunashow clear patterns of response to beach type, these simpleenvironments provide a unique opportunity to explore processescontrolling community and population ecology. Photos by 

Dr. Andrew Short (University of Sydney, Australia)

KEY WORDS: Sandy beaches · Macrofauna · Commu-nities · Populations · Patterns · Regulation · Processes

Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher 

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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 1–20, 2005

remained a dominant theme through the 1980s. In the1990s most sandy beach research focused on commu-nity and population ecology. Beach research lagged farbehind studies of other coastal environments, andbefore 1980 it lacked a body of theory to drive it, butthis has steadily changed. Although they are still lessstudied than most other coastal systems, beaches aremuch better characterized in the new millennium. Asignificant body of knowledge has accumulated and avariety of hypotheses concerning sandy beach ecosys-tems and communities have been developed, so thatbeach studies have become increasingly theory driven.In this review we summarize the current status ofcommunity and population ecology for sandy beachmacrofauna (hyperbenthos not included), focusing onkey processes operating at different scales, and onhow they interact to yield the patterns observed.We also refine the theory, identifying the physical-biological coupling at different temporal and spatialscales and emphasising the role of life history traits inorder to assess the magnitude of alternative regulatory



The benthic macrofauna of sandy beaches includesrepresentatives of many phyla, but crustaceans, mol-luscs and polychaetes are usually dominant and can bedivided into intertidal and supralittoral forms (Brown &McLachlan 1990). Their habitat is dynamic and definedby 3 factors: tides, waves and sand. The interactions be-tween tidal regime, wave climate and sediment type

produce a range of beach morphody-namic types which span a continuumfrom microtidal reflective beaches,narrow and steep, to macrotidal dis-sipative systems, which are wide and

flat, and under conditions of largetides, grade into tidal flats (for reviewsee Short 1996). The most accretionalstate is the reflective beach, formedunder condition of small tides andwaves and coarse sand; here thereis no surf zone and wave energy isreflected back to sea from wavesbreaking directly on the steep beachface. In erosional or dissipativestates the beach is flat and fronted bya wide surf zone, in which wavesdissipate much of their energy. The

dissipative state forms under condi-tions of large tide range, high waveenergy, fine sand, and tends to bemore prevalent at higher latitudes. A

series of intermediate states are recognized betweenthe above extremes (Fig. 1).

Various indices of beach type have been used byecologists. Dean’s dimensionless fall velocity (Ω), ameasure of how reflective or dissipative a microtidalbeach is (Short 1996), is defined as:

where Hb is breaker height (m), Ws is sand fall veloc-ity (m s–1) and T is wave period (s). Ω < 2 characterizesreflective beaches, whereas Ω > 5 defines dissipativeones and 2 < Ω < 5 characterizes intermediate beachstates (Fig. 1). Essentially, Ω is a measure of the abilityof the prevalent wave energy to erode sand. Anothermeasure of beach type is relative tide range RTR =TR /Hb, where TR  is spring tide range (m). RTR indi-cates the relative importance of tides versus waves incontrolling beach morphodynamics (Fig. 1). As Ω doesnot take tides into account, the Beach State Index (BSI)has been used to compare beaches subject to differing

tide ranges; BSI is Ω multiplied by tide range andindicates the ability of waves and tides to move sand(McLachlan et al. 1993). Soares (2003) developed theBeach Deposit Index (BDI), a composite index of beachslope and grain size. Recently, McLachlan & Dorvlo(2005) developed the beach index (BI):

where Mz  is the mean grain size (in phi units + 1, toavoid negative values), TR is the maximum spring tiderange (m) and S  is beach face slope (dimensionless).

BI Mz TR  

S = ⋅⎛ 

⎝ ⎜ ⎞ 

⎠ ⎟ log10

Ω =⋅


Ws T 



Low tide terrace Ultra-dissipative


Dean’s parameter⍀10



2 5












e0 300Beach width (m)

0 100Beach width (m)

0 300Beach width (m)

0 600Beach width (m)

Fig. 1. Beach classification based on 2 composite indices developed for sandyshores: Dean’s parameter (Ω) and the Relative Tide Range. Dissipative, inter-

mediate and reflective domains are defined for microtidal open beaches wheretide range <2 m (after Short 1996)

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Water movement over the beach face,after a broken wave (bore) collapses onthe sand, is termed swash (McArdle &McLachlan 1991, 1992). In reflectivebeaches, waves break directly on the

beach face generating harsh swash cli-mates, i.e. dynamic, turbulent swasheswith short periods, with many swashesrunning above the sand water saturationlevel, and water draining rapidly into thecoarse sand. Conversely, dissipative sys-tems have benign swashes, where muchof the wave energy is consumed in thesurf zone so that swashes reaching thebeach face tend to be less turbulent andhave longer periods; swashes seldomgo above the saturated beach face sothere is little drainage into the sand (Mc-

Lachlan & Turner 1994). Sandy beachmacrofauna experience this environ-ment through 3suites of physical factors:the sediment texture and movement, the swash cli-mate, and the exposure/moisture gradient on the beachface (Brown & McLachlan 1990). Sediment texture andmovement includes particle size, sorting, fluidity andaccretion/erosion dynamics. Swash climate includesthe swash period, speed, turbulence and water move-ment over and into the beach face. The intertidalgradient is the degree of aerial exposure of the sedi-ment surface and the changing moisture content of thesand over the tidal cycle.


The large scale, or macroscale, concerns biogeo-graphic patterns in community and population fea-tures, including variations over beaches with differentmorphodynamics.


Latitudinal patterns

Matching the pattern recorded for other environ-ments (Willig et al. 2003), species richness increasesfrom temperate to tropical sandy beaches (Fig. 2)(Hacking 1997, McLachlan et al. 1998, Soares 2003,McLachlan & Dorvlo 2005). This contradicts the earlierpattern found by Dexter (1992), who did not take intoaccount beach type; the above studies allowed forbeach type by comparing species richness againstphysical variables or compound indices of beach state(e.g. BSI, Ω). Latitudinal variation in beach type is crit-

ical to elucidate these large patterns; tropical regionshad a greater proportion of reflective beaches thansubtropical or temperate regions, the latter beingdominated by dissipative beaches because of higherwave energy and fine sand (Soares 2003, McLachlan &Dorvlo 2005).

Following the opposite trend, abundance and biomassincrease from tropical to temperate beaches (Fig. 2), al-though these trends are less clear for polychaetes andmolluscs than for crustaceans (Soares 2003, McLachlan& Dorvlo 2005). Greater abundance and biomass on tem-perate dissipative beaches could be attributed to greaterfood availability, due to greater productivity mainly pro-vided by abundant benthic fauna and surf zone phyto-plankton (McLachlan 1990). The presence of surf diatomaccumulations has led to the definition of dissipativebeaches as semi-closed ecosystems (sensu McLachlan1980), in contrast to reflective beaches, defined as inter-faces with low productivity, subsidized by organic inputsfrom the sea (Brown & McLachlan 1990). Whereas in-creased wave energy in temperate areas seems to causeincreased productivity and biomass, stranded seagrass

or algae (Colombini & Chelazzi 2003), or the presence ofupwelling (Jaramillo et al. 2001) can also add to sandbeach energetics and biomass.

Relationships with physical parameters

McLachlan (2001) identified 3 paradigms whichdefine large scale community patterns on exposedsandy beaches: (1) the concept of overriding physicalcontrol in harsh environments, (2) the beach morpho-dynamic models (Fig. 1), and (3) the increase of species


Beach Index










Species richness




Beach Index

0 4R I DUD TF0

Biomass: g·m-1

       L     a      t       i      t

     u       d     e

Fig. 2. Conceptual model of latitudinal variations in species richness (numberof species per transect survey) and biomass (g m–1) as a function of beach type,as categorized by the Beach Index. The number of species increases at lowlatitudes under conditions of (1) fine sands and flatter slopes, (2) benign swashclimates, and (3) increasing tide range. Biomass is also highest towards tidalflats and increases from tropical to temperate sandy beaches (R = reflective,

I = intermediate, D = dissipative, UD = ultradissipative, TF = tidal flat)

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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 1–20, 2005

richness, abundance and biomass from microtidalreflective to macrotidal dissipative beaches.

Beach environments largely lack biogenic structureand are extremely dynamic in space and time. Thus,their intertidal macrofauna is considered to be physi-cally controlled in the sense of the AutecologicalHypothesis (Noy-Meir 1979). This hypothesis, asadapted by McLachlan (1990), states that sandybeaches are physically controlled environments wherecommunities are structured by the independentresponses of individual species to the physical environ-ment, biological interactions being minimal. A mainprediction of this hypothesis is the increase in commu-nity descriptors from harsh reflective to benign dissipa-tive beaches. In agreement with this prediction, sandy

beach communities increase in richness, density, totalabundance and biomass from microtidal reflectivebeaches to macrotidal dissipative beaches (McLachlanet al. 1981, 1993, 1996a, McLachlan 1990, Jaramillo etal. 1995). McLachlan & Dorvlo’s (2005) analysis ofworldwide data also showed that species richnessdecreases with coarser sand, steeper beach face slope,and smaller tide range (Fig. 3). Increasing tide rangemakes beaches more dissipative (McLachlan & Dorvlo2005), creating a vertical exposure gradient alongwhich intertidal species establish themselves, withwave effects being secondary. Neglect of the role of

tides may be due to the fact that mostworkers compared regions subject toa fairly uniform tide range.

The response of abundance tochanges in individual physical factors

and to composite indices of beachstate is exponential, being more vari-able than the response of species rich-ness. Biomass, which also respondsexponentially, is the most variable ofthe 3 community measures and seemsto be related to the amount of waveenergy, which may indicate produc-tivity (McLachlan 1990, McLachlanet al. 1993, Nel 2001, Soares 2003).McLachlan & Dorvlo (2005) showedthat abundance and biomass exponen-tially decrease with intertidal beach

face slope (see also Defeo et al. 1992a,Nel 2001, Brazeiro 2001, G. Stephen-son & A. McLachlan unpubl.). Slope isclosely related to swash climate, whichbecomes less harsh as beach faceslope flattens, indicated by longerswash periods, less swash activityabove the effluent line, and less tur-bulence (McArdle & McLachlan 1991,1992). Beach face slope is thus both a

measure of the dimensions of the intertidal zone andan index of swash climate and beach type.

In the context of the Autecological Hypothesis, thepattern of species richness was explained as exclusionof species from the reflective end of the gradient ofbeach types by a harsh swash climate. This idea wasrefined as the Swash Exclusion Hypothesis (SEH:McLachlan et al. 1993), based on the finding that theswash climate which the macrofauna experience onthe beach face is closely coupled to beach type (Mc-Ardle & McLachlan 1991, 1992). Exclusion of speciestowards the reflective end of the beach morpho-dynamic spectrum may be due to both harsh swashclimate and coarse sands, as reflected by strong rela-tionships between community attributes and com-

pound indices of beach state (e.g. BI, BSI, Dean’s para-meter) or individual physical factors (McLachlan, 1990,Defeo et al. 1992a, Hacking 1997, Brazeiro 1999, Ric-ciardi & Bourget 1999, Jaramillo et al. 2000a, Nel 2001,Soares 2003, Rodil & Lastra 2004, McLachlan & Dorvlo2005, G. Stephenson & A. McLachlan unpubl.).

The mechanisms which explain the presence orabsence of species across the continuum of beachtypes have not been fully elucidated (McLachlan2001). Ignoring the effects of latitude and exposure,swash climate and sand particle size define the imme-diate environment experienced by macrofauna, so that


Mean sand particle size (phi)







Log (1/beach face slope)

   M  a  r   i  n  e  s  p

  e  c   i  e  s  r   i  c   h  n  e  s  s

   M  a  r   i  n  e  s  p  e

  c   i  e  s  r   i  c   h  n  e  s  s






Log maximum spring tide range






Beach index







MSR = 2.45 + 5.70 Sand

r2 = 0.32MSR = –6.62 + 14.58Log(1/Slope)

r2 = 0.40

MSR = 7.05 + 17.35Log (Tide)

r2 = 0.38MSR = –7.04 + 9.38BI

r2 = 0.56

Fig. 3. Significant relationships (p < 0.01) between marine species richness, andsand particle size, beach face slope, tide range and the Beach Index (after

McLachlan & Dorvlo 2005)

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Defeo & McLachlan: Patterns in sandy beach macrofauna

increasing harshness in these factors (coarse sediment,short and turbulent swashes and accretion-erosiondynamics: the expanded SEH or Multicausal Environ-mental Severity Hypothesis) may exclude species fromreflective systems (Alexander et al. 1993, McLachlan et

al. 1995, Nel 1995, 2001, Dugan et al. 2000, Brazeiro2001, Defeo et al. 2001, Veloso & Cardoso 2001, G.Stephenson & A. McLachlan unpubl.). Soares (2003)questioned whether the exclusion of species towardsthe reflective extreme was due to pre- or post-settle-ment processes. Defeo et al. (2001, 2003) formulatedthe Habitat Harshness Hypothesis (HHH), postulatingthat in reflective beaches the harsh environment forcesorganisms to divert more energy towards mainte-nance, resulting in lower fecundity and higher mortal-ity. Thus, post-settlement processes may prevent somespecies from establishing populations on reflectivebeaches. We postulate that species richness is there-

fore mainly controlled by the physical environment onthe large scale (Fig. 4). At a finer scale and under moredissipative conditions, biological factors may becomemore important (Defeo et al. 2003, McLachlan &Dorvlo 2005).


Latitudinal patterns

Identification of large scale patterns underpinningspecies’ distributions in sandy beaches is often limitedby the short time series of population variables, therestricted spatial coverage of most studies, and the useof different methodologies. Many studies have beenbased on snapshot sampling of a large number ofbeaches, but this does not elucidate variations in pop-ulation features (Defeo 1996a).

Early studies of latitudinal patterns in sandy beachpopulations found large scale variations in life historytraits of cirolanid isopods, notably in reproduction (Fish1970, Jones 1970), distribution (Klapow 1970, Glynn etal. 1975, Dexter 1977), morphological and genetic vari-ations (Weinberg & Starczak 1988, 1989, Lessios et al.

1994, Lessios & Weinberg 1994) and sediment prefer-ences (Defeo et al. 1997). Marked variations in repro-ductive traits were also detected in Emerita species(Wenner et al. 1987, Dugan et al. 1991, 1994, Defeo &Cardoso, 2002, 2004), which were inversely related tosurf zone water temperatures and positively related tofood availability in dissipative systems. A review of 15clam species from ocean beaches around the worldshowed that bivalves with larger individual sizes andbiomass dominate dissipative beaches of temperatezones, whereas smaller species are found on subtropi-cal reflective beaches (McLachlan et al. 1996b).

Large-scale studies, recently conducted on the molecrab Emerita brasiliensis  (planktonic larvae) and thecirolanid isopod Excirolana braziliensis  (ovovivipa-rous) in South America, showed systematic and recur-rent patterns in population features within their range(Defeo & Cardoso 2002, 2004, Cardoso & Defeo 2003,2004). The main findings were changes from temper-ate to tropical beaches (Fig. 5), namely increases inabundance, growth and mortality rates, reduced pre-dominance of females, a shift from seasonal to con-tinuous reproduction, and decreases in individual sizeof ovigerous females, fecundity, length at maturity,mass and longevity. Scaling of population density tobody size was observed for Emerita, with densities andbody mass ranging over more than 2 orders of magni-tude. These patterns did not hold for male mole crabs,which showed increasing occurrence, individual sizesand growth intensity towards subtropical beaches,where the predominance of females was significantlylower. Moreover, the greater total densities in sub-

tropical reflective beaches (Defeo & Cardoso 2004)contradict worldwide trends that show greater macro-fauna abundance (community level) occurring in dissi-pative beaches (McLachlan 2001). Thus, large-scalevariations in abundance were ascribed to other factorsoperating at larger spatial scales (e.g. temperature),whereas departures from the patterns were attributedto the response to local variations in physical (e.g.beach morphodynamics and exposure) and biological(e.g. competition) characteristics rather than to biogeo-graphic effects (Defeo & Cardoso 2004). Asymmetriesand converse latitudinal trends between sexes, cou-



Biological interactions

Beach State


  S  p e c  i e s

   r  i c  h  n e

 s s

 A   b  u  n

 d a  n c

 e /  b  i o  m

 a s s

Fig. 4. General conceptual model relating biological descrip-tors and beach state. Species richness and abundanceincrease from reflective beaches to tidal flats. Towards thereflective domain, species richness is mainly controlled by theinteraction of physical factors such as sand, tides, waves, andbeach face slope. At a finer scale and under more dissipativeconditions, biological factors become more important. (R =reflective, I = intermediate, D = dissipative, UD = ultradissipa-

tive, TF = tidal flat)

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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 1–20, 2005

pled with studies conducted from local to large spatialscales (Defeo et al. 1997, Fiori & Defeo 2005), suggestthat sandy beach populations are regulated by density-dependent processes operating at the mesoscale (seebelow) and environmental factors acting together.

Phenotypic plasticity and genetic stasis may be char-acteristic of sandy beach species. Soares et al. (1998,1999) and Laudien et al. (2003) showed no large scalegenetic differentiation in the whelk Bullia digitalis 

(aplanktonic larval phase) and the surf clam Donax 

serra (planktonic larval phase) in South Africa. Bothstudies ascribed this to a high degree of plasticityin their behaviour, ecophysiology and morphology,which allowed them to rapidly adapt to environmentalchanges. The evidence provided above demonstratesthat life history traits in sandy beach populations canbe highly plastic over latitudinal gradients, with largescale variations in temperature and concurrent envi-

ronmental variables leading to an adjustment of thephenotype–environment relationship. Plasticity maytherefore lead to separate populations displaying dif-ferences in behaviour and life history patterns.

Species ranges, developmental modes and dispersal

Macroscale variations in coastal physiognomy ulti-mately interact with large scale environmental vari-ables (e.g. temperature) to create asymmetries in the

distribution of species. Defeo & Cardoso (2004) sug-gested that the mole crab Emerita brasiliensis  had askewed, unimodal distribution pattern within its range,i.e. abundance did not vary smoothly from the centralregion to range boundaries (see Sagarin & Gaines2002). This has been attributed to the disappearanceof dissipative sandy beaches, which constitute thesuitable habitat for Emerita brasiliensis , in tropicalregions, giving way to reflective and pocket beaches,mangrove stands, estuaries and coral reefs (Soares2003, Defeo & de Alava 2005).

Episodic environmental events may alter spatial andtemporal patterns of abundance, whereas climatic

variations over years to decades can result in interan-nual changes of distribution and abundance (Lima etal. 2000). Distribution limits of beach species canexpand and contract over time, displaying consider-able fluctuations in abundance coupled with episodicsettlement events and/or mass mortalities (Coe 1953).Arntz et al. (1987) showed dramatic fluctuations inthe sandy beach bivalves Donax peruvianus  andMesodesma donacium, and the mole crab Emerita

analoga in Peru. After the dominant M. donacium

experienced mass mortalities due to an increase in seawater temperature during an El Niño Southern Oscilla-tion event, D. peruvianus increased its representationwithin the community from 5 to 60–100% and its den-sity from ca. 20 to 185 ind. m–2, whereas E. analoga

increased from <1 to 29%, with densities increasingfrom 0 to 85 ind. m–2. This was accompanied by anexpansion of the distributional range to beaches previ-ously unoccupied by these species. On UruguayanAtlantic beaches, in a guild of suspension feeders ofthe same genera, Donax hanleyanus  and Emerita

brasiliensis dramatically increased in density for 10 yrafter the dominant Mesodesma mactroides  experi-enced mass mortalities (Defeo 2003). These examplessuggest both differential responses to climatic events

and also interspecific interactions because of com-petitive release of resources by dominant communitymembers. In both cases, changes in species com-position and abundance occurred after removal ofthe dominant species, strongly indicating competitiverelease. Accounting for differences in species life his-tories and range-limiting factors is therefore necessaryin order to better predict macroscale distribution pat-terns in sandy beach populations.

The mode of species development is crucial tounderstand the above processes. Sandy beach specieshave a wide range of development modes, including:



   B  r  e  e   d   i  n  g

   G  r  o  w   t   h

   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

   R  e  c  r  u   i   t  m  e  n   t

   F  e  m  a   l  e  :  m

  a   l  e  r  a   t   i  o


   A   b  u  n   d  a  n  c  e

   M  a  s  s  a  n   d   l  e  n  g   t   h

   F  e  c  u  n   d   i   t  y




E   m e  r   i  t  a    m a  l  e s 

Fig. 5. Emerita brasiliensis and Excirolana braziliensis. Latitu-dinal patterns in life history traits on South American sandybeaches. Breeding and recruitment refer, respectively, to thefrequency of occurrence of ovigerous females and of juvenilesthroughout a year. In E. brasiliensis , most of these patternsare only valid for females. ST = subtropical, WT = warm


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(1) internal fertilization, the absence of pelagic larvalstages, parental care and low fecundity, such as per-acarids and whelks, and (2) external fertilization, highfecundity and short-lived (h) or long-lived (from a fewweeks to months) planktonic larval stages (e.g. clams:

McLachlan et al. 1996b). Species belonging to the lat-ter group are usually structured as metapopulations,with variable degrees of connectivity between localpopulations through larval dispersal (Defeo 1996b).

Contrasting modes of development, usually found insandy shores, could influence dispersal patterns.Weinberg & Starczak (1989) showed an exceptionaldegree of genetic differentiation between populationsof the ovoviviparous isopod Excirolana braziliensis 

throughout its entire range of distribution in America.This was explained by events of extinction/recoloniza-tion, because immigrants of this species with distinctgenotypes appeared to not mate randomly and pro-

duced hybrids with local members (Lessios & Wein-berg 1994). Although it has been suggested that manylocal groups of broadcast spawners in open sandycoasts are self-sustaining (Efford 1970), a planktoniclarval stage suggests dispersal potential (Sorte et al.2001) and a variable degree of gene flow among sandybeach populations (Tam et al. 1996).

Population structure and habitat harshness:the source–sink hypothesis

Connectivity patterns between sandy beach popula-tions linked by larval dispersal are an unexplored fieldof research, and the mechanisms influencing larvaldistribution are poorly understood (McLachlan et al.1996b). Hydrographic effects on larval dispersal haveyet to be elucidated in terms of planktonic stages andthe role of near-shore hydrodynamics in settlementprocesses. This in turn will determine the spatial scalesat which the population is to be considered open, i.e.whether it is more related to the arrival rates of larvaethan to post-settlement processes, or whether it couldbe considered as self-sustaining (Defeo 1996b, Camus& Lima 2002).

The combination of geographic diversity and localand stable oceanographic structures provides the basisfor larval retention areas (Sinclair 1987). Caddy &Defeo (2003) considered source and sink componentsin sandy beaches; they assume that ‘source popula-tions’ are often in areas where there is a high probabil-ity of returning water masses or gyres assisting inreturning larvae to the local area. If this is true, theage/size structure of the population is probably a goodindex of the degree of local retention of larvae, and ofthe probability that their offspring will return to theparental grounds. Thus, source populations should

tend to show a good representation of different ageclasses, as a result of frequent successful annualrecruitments, whereas ‘sink’ populations would bemade up of one or few age groups, occurring irregu-larly in time. In this context, the population structure of

Emerita brasiliensis in the upper panel of Fig. 6 couldbe considered the main source area, because of thepresence of all potential year/size classes. Subsequentpanels in Fig. 6 represent irregular and sporadicrecruitment events of different periodicities. Sink pop-ulations have an irregular size structure with sporadicpulses of discrete cohorts, and in some cases biasedtowards larger size classes because of irregularrecruitment pulses causing a discontinuity in thearrival of larvae. Sporadic recruitment pulses and lowcapacity for self-replenishment in sink populations orat range margins could be caused by several factors,including low fecundity, irregular arrival of larvae due

to asymmetric connectivity, or low juvenile survival(Lercari & Defeo 1999, Sorte et al. 2001). In this case(Fig. 6), source populations with multiple size/agegroups coincide with dissipative (Defeo et al. 2002) orundisturbed (Lercari & Defeo 1999, 2003) systems, sothis approach can also be applied to evaluate the rela-







8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22



Benign or source




8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Carapace length (mm)

Harsh or sink


   N  u  m   b  e  r  o   f   i  n   d   i  v   i   d  u  a   l  s

Fig. 6. Emerita brasiliensis. The ‘source–sink hypothesis’, asillustrated by the length frequency distributions of the molecrab from different beach types. Reproductive females on dis-sipative beaches seed reflective beaches. Sources (upperpanel) and sinks (lower 2 panels) can be identified as a resultof larval dispersal, retention in the parental spawning areaand differential post-settlement mortality rates. The length/age population structure in each case depends on the degreeof connectivity between populations (from Defeo unpubl.)

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tive importance of morphodynamics or disturbancelevels at regional or local spatial scales (Lercari et al.2002, Defeo & Lercari 2004).

Information on long term variations in abundance orgenetic makeup could help to discern source from sink

populations. Large fluctuations in abundance are par-ticularly noticeable in species with planktonic larvae(Coe 1953, 1956, Ansell 1983, McLachlan et al. 1996b),when compared to otherwise similar one-phase spe-cies with aplanktonic stages. Moreover, most sandybeach species are short-lived (2 to 8 yr), have rapidgrowth to maturity, high recruitment fluctuations(McLachlan et al. 1996b), and are represented byage-class dominated populations (Defeo et al. 1992b).Thus, short term variations in abundance could maskthe elucidation of sources and sinks.

Population responses to the beach environment

The increase in species diversity, total abundanceand biomass from reflective to dissipative beaches isnow considered a paradigm at the community level.In contrast, there is a paucity of pertinent hypothesesconcerning predictions of population patterns (Defeoet al. 2001); few studies have investigated how spe-cies respond to the physical environment demographi-cally, i.e. in terms of abundance, growth, mortality,fecundity and other population features. Tests of theSEH (originally formulated at the community level)and the HHH (emphasis on population level) havefound 3 patterns:

(1) The SEH and the HHH have predicted variationsin abundance, population dynamics and life historytraits of truly intertidal species. Some species are capa-ble of maintaining populations across the whole mor-phodynamic spectrum, whereas species restricted todissipative systems are more sensitive to harsh habitats(Defeo et al. 1997, McLachlan & Dorvlo 2005). Fieldand laboratory studies have shown increasing abun-dance (McLachlan 1990, Defeo et al. 1992a, Dugan &Hubbard 1996, Jaramillo et al. 2000b, Defeo et al.2002), fecundity, growth, and survival rates (Defeo et

al. 2002, Brazeiro 2005) from reflective to dissipativebeaches, as well as limited or null capability of burrow-ing in coarse sands (McLachlan et al. 1995, Nel et al.1999, 2001, Defeo et al. 2001, de la Huz et al. 2002,Marcomini et al. 2002, Cardoso et al. 2003). Grain sizeand concurrent changes in swash climate/period mayexclude species from coarse-grained beaches (Nel etal. 2001). However, whether exclusion is due to pre-vention of settlement or to the inability to survive aftersettlement is uncertain. Higher values for femalesomatic growth, fecundity, size at maturity and weightat size in dissipative beaches have been related to

abundant food availability (Defeo & Scarabino 1990,Defeo 1993, Dugan et al. 1994). Higher intra-annualvariability in abundance and narrower reproductiveand recruitment seasons have been observed in re-flective beach populations (Defeo et al. 2003). This

synchronicity may be an adaptation to reduce theeffects of harsh reflective beaches and to increase theprobability of copulation with the sparse reproductivefemales (Defeo et al. 2001). Another explanatoryhypothesis proposed here is that ‘source’ dissipativebeaches may seed ‘sink’ reflective beaches. Thus, highfluctuations in larval supply, depending on con-nectivity between source and sink populations, mayoccur in reflective beaches. This new hypothesis needsfurther testing.

(2) In supralittoral forms, clear population responsesto beach type have not been observed in cirolanidisopods (Defeo et al. 1997, 2003, Contreras et al.

2003, Defeo & Martínez 2003, Caetano et al. 2005)or amphipods (Gómez & Defeo 1999). They areless influenced by the swash climate and generallyhave autonomous active movement on upper beachlevels (Giménez & Yannicelli 1997). Defeo & Gómez(2005) showed that the supralittoral amphipod Atlant-

orchestoidea brasiliensis  exhibited clear populationresponses to physical variables in a trend opposite tothat predicted by the HHH, including an increase inabundance (total, ovigerous females, and juveniles)and individual sizes from dissipative to reflectivebeaches. Existing hypotheses do not accurately predictpopulation dynamics of supralittoral forms because ofa limited appreciation of the role played by life historystrategies. The combination of short swashes and steepslopes may, in fact, make microtidal reflective beachesa more stable and safer environment for supralittoralspecies, because their risk of immersion is substantiallylower here than on dissipative beaches. Short (1996)defined modally reflective beaches as the most stablebeach type with low backshore mobility. Thus, reflec-tive environments appear to favour supralittoral forms.This has been called the Hypothesis of Habitat Safetyfor supralittoral forms (Defeo & Gómez 2005), a refine-ment of the theory developed to explain morpho-

dynamic effects on sandy beach populations. Thisseparates intertidal and supralittoral forms, taking intoaccount both swash and sand effects and differences inlife histories (Defeo et al. 2003, McLachlan & Dorvlo2005).

(3) Inadequate sampling of the appropriate temporaland spatial scales has limited testing of the predictionsof the SEH and HHH at the population level. In moststudies only 2 beaches have been used for comparison,so that trends in population features cannot be rigor-ously attributed to beach morphodynamics, but only tolocation. However, extended studies of mole crabs


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Emerita brasiliensis  (Defeo et al. 2002, Fig. 7a) andE. analoga (Brazeiro 2005, Fig. 7b) on several beachescovering a wide morphodynamic spectrum supportthe HHH.


The mesoscale concerns variations within a singlebeach, i.e. an uninterrupted sandy shore, both in thealongshore and across-shore directions.

Alongshore distribution

Marked alongshore variation has been documentedat the community and population levels. Species rich-ness may increase with beach length (Brazeiro 1999),with short or ‘pocket’ beaches supporting fewer spe-

cies than longer beaches. Species composition andabundance along the shore also decreases with in-creasing beach slope and grain size, and with decreas-ing width and relative tide range (Degraer et al. 2003).Lercari et al. (2002) and Lercari & Defeo (2003) showed

that species richness, diversity, evenness, and abun-dance significantly increased from disturbed sitesaffected by a freshwater discharge to undisturbedones.

Sandy beach populations and assemblages mayexhibit a well defined alongshore structure with sig-nificant across- and alongshore variations (James &Fairweather 1996). Populations tend to be aggregatedin elliptical patches from m to km, with the major axisparallel to the shore (Defeo et al. 1986, Defeo 1993,Giménez & Yannicelli 1997), and varying according tothe different susceptibility of each species and yeargroup (i.e. recruits vs adults) to environmental factors.

Alongshore distribution tends to be unimodal, bell-shaped within the beach, with decreasing abundancefrom the central region to range boundaries (Defeoet al. 1986, Defeo 1993, Defeo & de Alava 1995,Schoeman 1997, Schoeman & Richardson 2002). Dis-turbing agents can shift distributions from bell-shapedto asymmetrical.

Gradients in physical factors invoked to explainalongshore patterns (Bally 1981, McLachlan 1983,Schoeman & Richardson 2002) have included exposurefrom sheltered to exposed beach ends, changing sandparticle size, swash climate, morphodynamics, salinity,features associated with river mouths, and also passivesorting by the swash, localized food concentrations orbehavioural sorting (Wade 1967, Ansell 1983, Mc-Lachlan & Hesp 1984, Defeo et al. 1986, Donn 1987,Lastra & McLachlan 1996, McLachlan 1996, Dugan &McLachlan 1999). Alongshore variation may also resultfrom a combination of biotic (intra and interspecificinteractions) and abiotic factors (Wade 1967, Mouëza &Chessel 1976, Defeo et al. 1986, Defeo 1993, Defeo &de Alava 1995, Giménez & Yannicelli 2000, Schoeman& Richardson 2002). Additional sources of variabilityinclude human activity such as artisanal harvesting oftarget species (Schoeman 1996, Sims-Castley 1997,

Schoeman et al. 2000) and their interspecific competi-tors for food and space (Defeo & de Alava 1995), man-made structures, beach nourishment, and bulldozing(Nelson 1989, Lercari & Defeo 1999, 2003, Peterson etal. 2000, Brown & McLachlan 2002, Degraer et al.2003). Dillery & Knapp (1969) showed active along-shore movements of Emerita of 15 m d–1, extrapolatedto 5 km yr–1. However, alongshore movements are lessnoticeable in bivalves (Dugan & McLachlan 1999).Alongshore patchiness in supralittoral species hasbeen associated with sediment water content and dunevegetation cover (Giménez & Yannicelli 2000).


   G  r  o  w   t   h  r  a   t  e   (  m  m    d  -

   1   )








3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12





2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Emerita brasiliensis – Uruguay

 Abundance = ae-bSlope

Emerita analoga – Chile

Growthrate = aSlope-b

r = -0.58, p < 0.05



   A   b  u  n   d  a  n  c  e   (   i  n

   d .  m  -   1   ) r = -0.95, p < 0.001

Beach slope (%)

Fig. 7. Emerita brasiliensis  and E. analoga. Population fea-tures of 2 intertidal core species of the Americas in support of

the HHH. (a) Abundance in Uruguay (from Defeo et al. 2002)and (b) individual growth rates in Chile (after Brazeiro 2005)decrease as beach slope becomes steeper, suggesting harsher

conditions towards reflective states

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On a finer scale, intertidal organisms may experi-ence sorting by alongshore swash circulation resultingin aggregations. Concentration in cusps (spaced undu-lations of the beach face) has been documented inseveral sedentary filter feeders (Cubit 1969, Dillery &

Knapp 1969, Perry 1980, McLachlan & Hesp 1984,Giménez & Yannicelli 2000). Sorting by cusp swashcirculation tended to concentrate less motile forms inthe bays, where patches were composed of more smallindividuals compared to those on promontories (Donnet al. 1986, James 1999). Small organisms living closeto the sand surface are subject to greater rates of dis-lodgement and movement by swash action frompromontories to bays than large organisms (James1999). Alternatively, highly motile species may showuniform distribution throughout cusp systems or evenconcentrate on promontories (opposite to current

flows), suggesting active dispersal andmicrohabitat selection (McLachlan &Hesp 1984, Donn et al. 1986, James1999).

Habitat suitability may explain vari-

ations in the contraction/expansion ofthe alongshore distribution of a spe-cies on a beach. The yellow clamMesodesma mactroides  displayed asequential pattern of alongshorereplenishment along a 22 km sandybeach, from the central zones of regu-lar recruitment to the marginal por-tions disturbed by freshwater dis-charges, and by concurrent changes inother variables (Defeo 1993). Whencentral sites were fully occupied, mar-ginal sites were occupied by later

settlers. Alongshore patterns can beexplained by the salinity gradient,higher recruit densities in marginalhabitats (only in years of good recruit-ment), and differential growth andmortality between sites (Fig. 8a). Inthe same beach, mole crabs Emerita

brasiliensis  displayed reduced indi-vidual size and fecundity towardsthe unsuitable habitat (Fig. 8b), andrecruits were found in reduced num-bers near the freshwater discharge,a result of high pre-settlement andearly post-settlement mortality rates(Lercari & Defeo 1999).

In summary, the considerable along-shore variation in sandy beach popula-tions takes the form of patchiness onseveral scales, generated by a combi-nation of abiotic and biotic factors.

Synthesizing disparate information and followingrecent theoretical developments (Caddy & Defeo2003), we propose a mesoscale hypothesis of envi-ronmental favourability for sandy beach populations(Fig. 9). In benign environments, such as dissipative

beaches or sites undisturbed by human activity, highabundances promote intraspecific interactions (e.g.density-dependent growth and mortality rates); but inmarginal habitats, where harsh and fluctuating condi-tions lead to lower densities and limited biologicalinteractions, the population is physically controlledand environmentally-dependent growth and mortalityprevail over density-dependent mechanisms (Fig. 8a).Peripheral populations within the geographic range ofa species (macroscale), or those situated in a marginalportion of a habitat affected by a disturbance source(mesoscale) tend to be physically controlled, whereas































1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Length of sandy beach occupied (km)

Minor freshwater discharge Main freshwater discharge

   #   E  g  g  s  ·   f  e  m  a   l  e

  -   1

   N  o  r  m  a   l   i  z  e   d  a   b  u  n

   d  a  n  c  e

   L  e  n  g   t   h   (  m  m   )

Mesodesma mactroides

Emerita brasiliensis

Eggs per femaleLength (mm)

Fig. 8. Mesodesma mactroides  and Emerita brasiliensis. (a) Alongshore vari-ability of yellow clam (s) recruits and (d) adults, over favourable andunfavourable loci. Recruits occupied unfavourable habitats only during periodsof good recruitment. (b) Effect of habitat unsuitability, measured as the distancefrom a freshwater discharge, in individual size and fecundity of female molecrabs. Note the local effect produced by a minor freshwater discharge at Km 1

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populations situated at the centre of a range or in anundisturbed area are more likely to be influenced bybiological factors (cf. Figs 6, 8, 9). This model could alsoexplain the effects of morphodynamics on intertidalspecies; populations inhabiting reflective beachesshould be mostly affected by the harshness of the envi-ronment, whereas biological factors may become moreimportant in dissipative beaches (Fig. 4).


Zonation schemes

Descriptions of zonation of sandy beach macrofaunacan be grouped into 4 categories (McLachlan &Jaramillo 1995): (1) no clear zonation; (2) 2 zones, airbreathers above the drift line and water breathers(marine forms) below; (3) 3 zones based originally onDahl’s (1952) analysis of crustaceans (see below); and(4) 4 physical zones based originally on Salvat’s (1964)description of sediment moisture content. FollowingDahl (1952), 3 zones can be distinguished and definedas: (1) the supralittoral zone of air breathers, present on

all shores at and above the drift line and typicallyinhabited by talitrid amphipods, oniscid isopods orocypodid crabs; cirolanid isopods of the genusExcirolana may occur around the drift line; (2) thelittoral zone, present on all except the harshest reflec-

tive beaches, extends from the drift line down themidshore to just above the water table outcrop; trueintertidal species, such as cirolanid isopods, haustoridamphipods and spionid polychaetes, are typical; and(3) the sublittoral zone (or fringe) which extends fromthe surf zone up onto the swash zone a little way abovethe water table outcrop; a wide variety of species maybe encountered, such as donacid bivalves, hippid crabs,mysids, amphipods and polychaetes.

Quantitative analyses give partial support for 3zones, but the number of recognizable zones dependson beach type, reflective beaches having fewer zonesthan dissipative beaches (Defeo et al. 1992a, Jaramillo

et al. 1993, McLachlan & Jaramillo 1995, Borzone et al.1996, Brazeiro & Defeo 1996, Nel 2001, Veloso et al.2003, Aerts et al. 2004). In flatter, dissipative beaches,lower zones may frequently be fused and divided,whereas on reflective beaches this occurs in the midand upper zones. At the extremes of beach morpho-dynamics, only the supralittoral zone may be found onvery harsh reflective beaches and up to 4 zones arerecognized on wide dissipative beaches. Macrofaunalzones are dynamic and not sharply defined, corre-sponding loosely to the moisture gradient across theshore and being defined by the distribution of charac-teristic species. Aperiodic variation related to shortterm increases in sea level generated by storm surgesand barometric tides will cause the fauna to followthe high water level; alternatively, seasonal variationoccurs when species occupy higher levels duringspring and summer than in autumn and winter (Defeoet al. 1986, de Alava & Defeo 1991, Giménez & Yanni-celli 1997, Jaramillo et al. 2000a). As faunal zones aredynamic, temporal studies are needed for a full pictureof zonation patterns, requiring intensive sampling toprovide unbiased estimates.

Spatial structure and patch dynamics

At the population level, zonation patterns and patch-iness respond to an environment that is spatially andtemporally structured by sharp gradients (Bally1983a,b, McLachlan 1983, Defeo et al. 1986, de Alava& Defeo 1991, Jaramillo et al. 1994, Schoeman et al.2003). Aggregations persist in time, but in contrast tosessile species, the across-shore position of patchesand their structure varies according to the suscepti-bility of each species or population component (i.e.recruits and adults) to variations in beach topography,





Benign or Source Harsh or Sink



Distribution extent





   A   b  u  n   d  a  n  c  e   (   i  n   d

  -   1

  m  ·


Fig. 9. The Habitat Favourability Hypothesis in sandy beachpopulations reflecting variations in the contraction or expan-sion of the distribution of a species on a mesoscale (along-shore or across-shore) or macroscale (range). In benign habi-tats (dissipative beaches or undisturbed systems) populationsare mainly controlled by density-dependent mechanisms,whereas populations in reflective or in grossly disturbedbeaches are physically controlled. In a metapopulation con-text, the solid line shows the expected abundance withinsource populations (e.g. dissipative beaches), whereas thedashed line shows that sink populations in reflective beachesmay be absent in poor recruitment years (after Caddy & Defeo


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morphodynamics, sediment moisture, temperature (Gi-ménez & Yannicelli 2000, Colombini et al. 2002, Defeo& Rueda 2002, Cardoso & Veloso 2003), and food avail-ability, especially in supralittoral species which followchanges in drift line wrack levels (Marsden 1991,

Colombini & Chelazzi 2003).Population variations in across-shore distributionmay arise from physical and biological factors actingon different spatio-temporal scales. Daily variations inzonation are related to changes in tidal levels gener-ated by onshore winds, storm surges, and barometrictides (Brazeiro & Defeo 1996). Considerable changeshave also been observed between spring and neaptides (McLachlan 1983, McLachlan & Jaramillo 1995).A high orientation capability, particularly in talitridamphipods, permits zonal recovery in cases of abruptdisplacement due to stressful conditions (Scapini et al.1996). Shifts in zonation between the resting (diurnal)

and active (nocturnal) phase have also been shown intalitrid amphipods, with surface activity across-shorevarying between adults and juveniles (Scapini et al.1992, Kennedy et al. 2000, Cardoso 2002, Fallaci et al.2003). The main microclimatic factor modulating activ-ity in these and other species is sand temperature(Scapini et al. 1997).

Passive transport and sorting by the swash deter-mines differential zonation patterns and patchinessbetween population components. Smaller individualsizes tend to remain in the swash zone close to the sub-stratum surface and are more dependent on passivetransport by waves, whereas large adults regulatetheir position on the beach by greater mobility andbehavioural adaptations, including rapid burrowing(Trueman 1970, McLachlan & Young 1982, Defeo et al.1986, Veloso & Cardoso 1999). Patchy distribution mayalso be related to made of locomotion, particularly insupralittoral species (Scapini et al. 1995, Brown 1996,Giménez & Yannicelli 1997). Species-specific behav-ioural responses to swash climate, manifested in swim-ming ability, burying, and orientation are also relevant(Yannicelli et al. 2002). These zonation patterns mayvary between seasons and do not always coincidewith visible boundaries on the beach face, namely the

swash zone, the water table outcrop or the drift line(Brazeiro & Defeo 1996, Colombini et al. 2002).Segregation by size, documented for amphipods,

isopods, mole crabs and clams, suggests a differentialcapability of each population component to select adesirable microhabitat, as well as a possible evolution-ary process to partition space and avoid intraspecificinteractions for food or space (Defeo et al. 1986, deAlava 1993, Defeo 1993, Jaramillo et al. 1994, Mc-Lachlan & Jaramillo 1995, Cardoso & Veloso 2003).Beach levels with optimal environmental conditions (intheory at the centre of the across-shore distributional

range) tend to be occupied at high densities by domi-nant intraspecific competitors for space or food(adults), whereas small individuals (recruits) may bedisplaced towards suboptimal microhabitats on one orboth extremes of the distribution range (de Alava &

Defeo 1991, Kennedy et al. 2000). Between-sex dif-ferences in individual size can determine differentialzonation patterns, as in Emerita species (Trueman1970, Veloso & Cardoso 1999).

Interspecific interactions could account for variationsin zonation patterns, thus determining noticeable dif-ferences between allopatric and sympatric conditions.Defeo et al. (1997) reported maximum densities ofExcirolana armata similar in allopatry and sympatry,but allopatric populations of E. braziliensis were moreabundant lower on the shore than at sympatric loca-tions, where distribution was restricted to upper beachlevels. McLachlan (1998) and Dugan et al. (2004) pro-

vided further evidence of the role of competitive inter-actions in experiments where changes in burrowingperformance of one species were monitored at differ-ent densities of other species, even though theseeffects could be minimal at field densities (McLachlan1998). Yu et al. (2002) found that feeding habits in 4sublittoral amphipods could explain variations in zona-tion; when dietary composition overlapped, spatialsegregation reduced competition for food.

Predation can also explain temporal variations inzonation patterns on sandy beaches. Predators performsynchronized migrations that follow daily or seasonalchanges in zonation of prey (Ansell et al. 1999). Selec-tive predation by fish and aerial predators, dependingon beach levels, could also affect zonation patternsdifferentially, depending on individual sizes and preyavailability (Takahashi et al. 1999, Manning & Lind-quist 2003, Yu et al. 2003). Active microhabitat selec-tion could occur in order to avoid predators or searchfor food concentrations (Takahashi & Kawaguchi 1998).

Modelling the spatial structure of sandy beach popu-lations has received increasing attention (Defeo 1993,James & Fairweather 1996, Giménez & Yannicelli2000, Defeo & Rueda 2002, Schoeman et al. 2003).Recent analysis using geostatistical techniques

showed spatially highly autocorrelated and persistentannual zonation patterns of intertidal isopods andclams (Defeo & Rueda 2002); across-shore-structuredprocesses varied monthly in extent as a function oftemporal variations in environmental conditions. Thespecies tended to show bell-shape unimodal distribu-tions, but a bimodal distribution pattern could arise asa result of intraspecific segregation by size duringrecruitment (de Alava & Defeo 1991, Defeo & Rueda2002). Schoeman et al. (2003) showed that across-shore patches may develop in response to some pro-cess acting at spatial scales close to 3 m.


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Following the Habitat Favourability Hypothesis(Fig. 9), it is hypothesized that the centre of the across-and alongshore range of a species, under optimalconditions of sand moisture, penetrability, and temper-ature, may be occupied by larger and dominant

intraspecific competitors for space or food, whereassmall individuals (recruits) may be displaced towardssuboptimal conditions on one or both extremes of thedistribution range. The same holds true in the caseof interspecific competition.


The microscale or ‘quadrat scale’ (Defeo 1996a) con-cerns variations from mm to m and covers interactionsin high-density patches and encompasses the area ofinfluence of an individual (Hall 1983). Small-scale

environmental gradients, together with intra- andinterspecific interactions, affect populations at this finespatial scale (Defeo 1996a, 1998). Small-scale data col-lected to investigate spatial distribution patterns insandy beach populations are considered Type 1 (sensuOrensanz et al. 1998), i.e. counts of individuals withinquadrats. Type 2 (distances between individuals andtheir nearest neighbours) and Type 3 (maps of all indi-viduals in a 3-dimensional plot) studies have not beenconducted yet, despite their importance for describingspatial patterns.

Microscale spatial patterns in the Manila clam Tapes 

 philippinarum on a sheltered beach (Hall 1983)showed that recruitment depended partly on segregat-ing and congregating forces between larvae attempt-ing settlement and the adult population. The formermay result from negative interactions between adultsand larvae, which generate a moreregular spacing between individualsas a result of competition for spaceand food or from filtering of larvaeby adults during the feeding process.Defeo (1993) documented a morepatchy distribution among recruitsthan among adult clams Mesodesma

mactroides , suggesting that individ-uals tend to space themselves as afunction of size. Space limitationincreases with density of establishedadults; high adult density increasesthe probability that a resident adultpopulation filters out settling larvae,preventing colonization by new re-cruits (Hall 1983). As in suspensionfeeders, each animal would establish aterritory by its filtering activity, and a‘bottleneck’ occurs at high adult den-

sity or biomass; for yellow clams this was close to100 adults m–2 (Defeo 1996b). Filtering out larvae holdsbivalve population density below carrying capacity(cf. Peterson 1979).

Scatter diagrams of adult and recruit density per

quadrat have been used to assess potential intra- andinterspecific interactions (Caddy & Defeo 2003). At thissmall scale of spatial resolution, Defeo (1996a) showedthat the highest densities of recruits of the yellow clamMesodesma mactroides  were never coincident withthe highest densities of older clams. Maximum recruitdensity per quadrat occurred during a period of activefishing, whereas adult densities were highest immedi-ately after a fishing exclusion experiment. However, atadult densities >400 ind. m–2, recruits were almostabsent (Fig. 10). The upper boundary of the scatterplot,the Constraint Envelope Pattern (CEP sensu Marquetet al. 1995), represents optimal combinations of adult

and recruitment density, whereas values within this‘envelope’, well below the upper ceiling, representsuboptimal conditions. Fine scale segregation is con-sistent with the overcompensatory stock-recruitmentrelationship in the yellow clam, with inhibition ofrecruitment at highest adult densities under exclusionof fishing activities (Defeo 1998). Active filtering of lar-vae during feeding activity was a potential explanatorymechanism.

Dugan et al. (2004) demonstrated negative relation-ships between the mole crab Emerita analoga and thesurf clam Mesodesma donacium at small spatial scales.Spatial overlap in the intertidal distributions of thesespecies varied with abundance in time and space.Highest density zones of each species were distinctlyseparated at low tide and spatial overlap decreasedsignificantly with increasing density.








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

 Adults (ind.

   R  e  c

  r  u   i   t  s   (   i  n   d .  m

m-2 )

  -   2   )

Constraint envelope pattern

Experimental fishery closure Active fishery

Fig. 10. Mesodesma mactroides . Scatter diagram of yellow clam recruit densityplotted against adult density in each quadrat during recruitment periods;recruitment densities peaked under low adult densities and high extractionlevels between 1983 and 1987 (d) but were low in 1989–1990 (s) as a result ofexperimental fishery closure. The broken line defines the constraint envelope(Marquet et al. 1995) between stock and recruitment (data from Defeo 1996a)

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Detection of intra- and interspecific competition in

sandy beaches has proven difficult (Branch 1984,Defeo 1996b) because of (1) inherent difficulties inexperimentally manipulating the generally small andmobile infauna, (2) the 3-dimensional structure of thehabitat which enables horizontal and vertical spacepartitioning (Peterson 1991), and (3) the absence ofinformation about the scale-dependence of processesstructuring populations. However, results from analy-ses conducted at a variety of spatial scales suggest thatintraspecific (Defeo et al. 1992b; Defeo 1996a, Mars-den 2002, Schoeman & Richardson 2002) and inter-specific (Defeo & de Alava 1995, Defeo et al. 1997,McLachlan 1998, Dugan et al. 2004) competition may

significantly influence sandy beach fauna. The earliestevidence was provided by Croker & Hatfield (1980),who found horizontal and vertical space partitioningbetween 3 sympatric haustoriid amphipods along withdifferential survival in coexistence experiments in thelaboratory (see also Croker 1967). This section reviewsfindings on the role of competition since Croker &Hatfield (1980).

Zonation patterns (see above), abundance and sur-vivorship in the sympatric isopods Excirolana armata

and E. braziliensis are affected by interspecific inter-actions; a noticeable reduction in body size of bothspecies occurs in sympatric populations (Defeo et al.1997). E. braziliensis  is most abundant in fine sands,and has a greater niche breadth through most of itsrange than that observed in Uruguay, where it mainlyinhabits coarse sands and upper beach levels on reflec-tive beaches, being displaced by E. armata.

Human exclusion experiments are useful tools todetect the role of intra and interspecific competition,because humans can strongly impact the dynamicsand demography of sandy beach macrofauna (Defeo &de Alava 1995, Peterson et al. 2000). A long-term study(1983 to 1990), with a human exclusion experimentbased on a fishery closure for 32 mo showed density-

dependent growth, mortality, and recruitment of thetargeted yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides , suggest-ing that intraspecific competition affects its dynamics(Castilla & Defeo 2001). Particularly, there was strongovercompensation in the stock-recruitment relation-ship, i.e. inhibition of recruitment at high adult densi-ties (Defeo 1993, 1996b). Stochasticity in reproductiverates and asymmetric intercohort interactions (density-dependent recruitment and survival rates) operatingtogether have been identified as key processes gener-ating large variability in yellow clam recruitment(Brazeiro & Defeo 1999, Lima et al. 2000). Fishing pres-

sure on M. mactroides explained temporal variationsin recruitment in non-targeted species: recruitmentdensity of the sympatric non-targeted bivalve Donax 

hanleyanus  was inversely related to the density of juveniles and adults of the sympatric yellow clam

Mesodesma mactroides  (de Alava 1993, Defeo 1998),defining an ‘interspecific stock-recruitment relation-ship’ (sensu Pauly 1980).

McLachlan (1998) found that intra- and interspecificinteractions could occur during burrowing at high den-sities (400 to 600 ind. m–2) of the sympatric Donax serra

and Donax sordidus . Asymmetric competition was pos-tulated: the larger D. serra, occupying more space atexperimental densities, had significant effects on thesmaller D. sordidus , but not viceversa. However, thedensities required to produce these effects exceededthose normally recorded in the field. In a similar study,Dugan et al. (2004) investigated the hippid crab

Emerita analoga and the clam Mesodesma donaciumfinding burrowing times of large crabs significantlylonger in all densities of clams than in controls, andlarge crabs displacing small clams from the sandwhile burrowing. Cardoso & Veloso (2003) showed anegative relationship between densities of Donax 

hanleyanus and Emerita brasiliensis over time duringa 2 yr study, suggesting competition.

We propose that these biotic interactions are particu-larly meaningful in dissipative beaches with highspecies richness, high densities, and relatively stablesubstrate; whereas populations at reflective beachescould be mainly regulated by individual responses tothe environment (Defeo et al. 2003, McLachlan &Dorvlo 2005; see Fig. 4). Since sandy beach popula-tions are highly spatially structured, compensatory andovercompensatory mechanisms are expected to occurat small spatial scales in dissipative beaches with highmacrofauna densities.

Predation, mutualism and parasitism

There is little information on effects of these pro-cesses on population dynamics or community struc-

ture. Concerning predation, studies on ecosystemenergetics have quantified the main trophic structuresand energy flows, which vary between beach types:reflective beaches function as interfaces processingorganic material inputs from the sea, whereas dissipa-tive beaches may have surf diatom accumulations dri-ving resident food chains in open but functional beachand surf zone ecosystems (Brown & McLachlan 1990).High primary and secondary production allow higherpredation rates at dissipative beaches (Brown &McLachlan 1990, Colombini & Chelazzi 1996). Re-moval of macrofauna production is due to 3 main


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groups of predators: (1) birds, arachnids and insectsfrom land, (2) fishes from the sea, and (3) residentinvertebrates, notably crabs. These forms of predationcrop populations and result in significant energy flow,but their effects on population dynamics or community

structure are still not known.Positive interspecific interactions within physicallystressful habitats have been sparsely documented.Manning & Lindquist (2003) demonstrated a positiveinteraction where the clam Donax variabilis facilitatedepibiotic occupation by providing a stable substrate forattachment of the hydroid Lovenella gracilis ; thehydroid defended the clam against fishes by means ofits nematocysts, but facilitated predation by crabs,because projection of the hydroid above the surface ofthe sand allowed the crabs to more readily detectclams. Depending on relative predation pressure, theoccupation of D. variabilis by L. gracilis was character-

ized as beneficial or detrimental to the host.Parasitism can be a potentially important process

influencing demographic patterns and the small-scalespatial distribution of sandy beach macrofauna. Poulin& Rate (2001) and Poulin & Latham (2002) demon-strated that parasites affected the burrowing depthof Talorchestia quoyana in New Zealand beaches.Amphipods that harboured larger parasites burroweddeeper than expected based on their body size. Mas-sive natural mortality events decimated yellow clampopulations along thousands of km of sandy beaches inBrazil, Uruguay and in Argentina (Fiori & Cazzaniga1999). Parasites could play a role in explaining thesemortality events (Cremonte & Figueras 2004, Fiori etal. 2004), thus providing an alternative explanation tothe widely held notion that mass mortalities in beachmacrofauna are due to toxins from harmful algalblooms (McLachlan et al. 1996b).

The third dimension, vertical distribution in thesand, is an additional way to partition space in order toameliorate the strength of biological interactions. This3-dimensional structure of the sandy beach habitat is ageneral feature of soft-bottom environments (Peterson& Andre 1980, Wilson 1991, Peterson 1991), but inthe case of sandy beach environments, 3-dimensional

studies have not been conducted yet.


Sandy beach research has advanced considerablyover the past 2 decades. This review, focusing oncommunity and population ecology, has covered asignificant body of knowledge and demonstrated anemerging field of research taking form around centralparadigms and theories under test. Beach morpho-dynamic models have become widely accepted and

applied at the community level, with consistent large-scale patterns of increasingly species rich communitiestowards dissipative beaches and lower latitudes. Popu-lation studies on a variety of scales have examinedboth the dynamics of commercially exploited popula-

tions and the regulation and adaptations of pop-ulations in general. We propose here that in benigndissipative beaches or undisturbed sites, intra-(density-dependent growth and mortality rates) andinterspecific (segregation by species or individualsizes) interactions can be more intense than in reflec-tive beaches or disturbed sites, where the populationsare physically controlled (environmentally dependentgrowth and mortality). We believe the key areas for thefuture will be investigating the importance of physicaland biological factors on finer scales, through popula-tion studies and experimental work on ecophysiologyand behaviour. Only by deciphering cause and effect

relationships at the individual and population levelswill we truly begin to understand the processes thatunderlie the large-scale community patterns that havebecome clear.


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Editorial responsibility: Otto Kinne (Editor-in-Chief),

Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany 

Submitted: September 3, 2004; Accepted: May 16, 2005 

Proofs received from author(s): June 17, 2005