defend your faith #4 - the problem with hypocrites

Defend Your Faith A Study in Christian Evidences

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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This is the fourth lesson in our study of Christian Evidences. This lesson details the problems with hypocrites within and without Christianity.


Page 1: Defend Your Faith #4 - The Problem with Hypocrites

Defend Your FaithA Study in Christian Evidences

Page 2: Defend Your Faith #4 - The Problem with Hypocrites

Lesson No. FourThe Problem with Hypocrites

Page 3: Defend Your Faith #4 - The Problem with Hypocrites

I like your Christ, I do not like yourChristians. Your Christians are so

unlike your Christ.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Page 4: Defend Your Faith #4 - The Problem with Hypocrites

First Peter 3:15But sanctify the Lord God in your

hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness

and fear.

(c) ESV

Page 5: Defend Your Faith #4 - The Problem with Hypocrites

Psalm 139:14I praise you, for I am fearfully and

wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

(c) NKJV

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Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let Us make man inOur image, after our likeness.”

(c) ESV

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Psalm 118:8

It is better to take refuge in the Lordthan to trust in man.

(c) ESV

Page 8: Defend Your Faith #4 - The Problem with Hypocrites

HypocritesOne of the largest reasons (if not the

largest) people fail to believe in God arethe actions of those who proclaim to be


A difficult question must be answered:

Are Christians hypocrites? Yes.

The Apostles ran. The early Christiansgrew weary. Christians today lose their


Page 9: Defend Your Faith #4 - The Problem with Hypocrites

The ArgumentGod gives direction to His people.

His people don’t listen.Why don’t they listen?

Because God doesn’t exist.

Consider the question:Does this argument hold true for

coaches, teachers, or parents?

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A Double StandardAre Christians hypocrites?

Have Christians left a permanent stainon history and hindered the message of

the Gospel?

Are there Christians today that makeyou squirm when you see their actions?

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ExampleWestboro Baptist Church picketing funerals

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A Double StandardAre there non-Christian hypocrites?

Have non-Christians left a permanent stainon history and given humanity a bad name?

Are there non-Christians today that makeyou squirm when you see their actions?

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ExamplePornographers like Hugh Hefner

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What to Do?Point people away from Christians and

towards Christ.

His actions, words, and life are themodel for our lives and the message we

teach to others.

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SinBecause weeds spring up in a garden,does this mean they were planted by

the gardener?

- J.D. Bales

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Going to ChurchWhen someone is in need and Christians

say things like, “You should call the churchand they will help you,” it reveals thatthese Christians see the church as an

institution which exists separate from themselves.

- Wes McAdams

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Remember ThisJesus description of the final judgment

placed heavy emphasis on what we do withour opportunities to serve.

See Matthew 25:31-46