default constraint what is default constraint? how we you ... · 2 latest answer: there is no...

1 Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you apply it? It specifies a default value for a new column or a new default for an existing column. Oracle assigns this value to the column if a subsequent INSERT statement omits a value for the column. A DEFAULT expression cannot contain references to other ... Disable Restricted Session How do you get back into SQLPlus to disable restricted session if you enabled. "When database is in restricted mode only users who have restricted permissions can log on to database"Â To disable itALTERÂ SYSTEM DISABLE RESTRICTED SESSION ... How many ways you can delete the table records? In how many ways can I delete all the contents of a table and the entire table. Explain with syntax? To delete the records in a table , there are 2 ways . 1.Using the delete statement 2.using the truncate statement . To delete the entire table drop statement is used . Deleting a record from a table :use the following statement. delete from table_name . User defined exception waste In which section of a PL/SQL block is a user defined exception waste? Latest Answer: In exception block ... List all customer (user id, name, and e‐mail), number of charging List all customer (user id, name, and e‐mail), number of charging, total charging,number of transaction and total number of transaction value?If u have these tables:1‐ 'Credit_card'columns: credit_number,type,value,Customer_ID.2‐'Coupon'columns: Latest Answer: Hi, One of the solution is as follow: select cust.customer_id,fname,mname,lname,e_mail,credit.tot_credit+coupan.tot_coup no_of_recharge,credit.tot_credit_val+coupan.tot_coup_val tot_recharging,tot_trans,credit.tot_credit_val+coupan.tot_coup_val‐current_balance ... What are the number datatypes allowed in a table?

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Page 1: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


Default Constraint

What is default constraint? How we you apply it?

It specifies a default value for a new column or a new default for an existing column. Oracle

assigns this value to the column if a subsequent INSERT statement omits a value for the column.

A DEFAULT expression cannot contain references to other ...

Disable Restricted Session

How do you get back into SQLPlus to disable restricted session if you enabled.

"When database is in restricted mode only users who have restricted permissions can log on to


How many ways you can delete the table records?

In how many ways can I delete all the contents of a table and the entire table. Explain with


To delete the records in a table , there are 2 ways . 1.Using the delete statement 2.using the

truncate statement . To delete the entire table drop statement is used . Deleting a record from

a table :use the following statement. delete from table_name .

User defined exception waste

In which section of a PL/SQL block is a user defined exception waste?

Latest Answer: In exception block ...

List all customer (user id, name, and e‐mail), number of charging

List all customer (user id, name, and e‐mail), number of charging, total charging,number of

transaction and total number of transaction value?If u have these tables:1‐ 'Credit_card'columns:


Latest Answer: Hi, One of the solution is as follow: select



tot_recharging,tot_trans,credit.tot_credit_val+coupan.tot_coup_val‐current_balance ...

What are the number datatypes allowed in a table?

Page 2: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I

table can contain only one long column. ...

How is the data inserted in the Index table when a new row is inserted into the main table on


How is the data inserted in the Index table when a new row is inserted into the main table on

which the index is created ?

How can we use of select query to get the current date and time?

Latest Answer: select to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss') from dual; ...

Explian the 18 character long ROWID? How it gets constructed? How we will identify each part of


Explian the 18 character long ROWID? How it gets constructed? How we will identify each part of


What is the fastest way of accessing a row in a table A ROWID is created by Oracle for each new row in every table, it is a pseudo column that has a value for every row in a table. The ROWID gives us the physical address of a row and is the fastest way to access any row. The ROWID contains 3 bits of information, they are :‐ The block within the database file. Row # within the block. Database file ID. An example could be :‐ 000088C9.0191.0002

What is the basic difference between primary key and (unique key along with Not NULL).

Latest Answer: In addition to all this,unique key along with Not NULL constraint has got a name

i.e. "candidate key".So a table having a column which is unique as well as not null apart from

primar key is known as a candidate key.Thanks... ...

If you install SQL*PLUS in client, where does SQL engine run, at server side or client side?

Page 3: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


Latest Answer: SQL plus doesn't have engine with that. So the SQL commands will be executed at

the database only. ...

To display the all employee name with end of ‘S’ without using like operator ?

Latest Answer: select employee_name from employees where substr(first_name,‐1)='s' ...

How to grant all permission of one user to another user.

Latest Answer: SELECT 'GRANT ' ||privilege ||' ON '||table_schema||'.'||table_name ||' TO

'||USER ||' ;' FROM ALL_TAB_PRIVSWHERE grantee ='TILITS' ‐‐ user name that has already access


How do you insert image file, sound file using CLOB and BLOB.

Latest Answer: ‐‐This code will insert a image into database create or replace PROCEDURE

INSERT_BLOB(filE_namE IN VARCHAR2,dir_name varchar2)IStmp number;f_lob bfile;b_lob

blob;BEGINdbms_output.put_line('INSERT BLOB ...

What is theta join??

Latest Answer: Theta Joins Theta joins are joins that use any of the comparison operators:

Greater than, denoted by > Greater than or equal to, denoted by >= Less than, denoted by < Less

than or equal to, denoted by

How many types of data base triggers are there, what is cascading how many types of

queries are there

How many types of data base triggers are there, what is cascading how many types of queries

are there

How Multiple Transactions can be controlled ?

Latest Answer: use savepoint after each DML statement. If using procedure/function then do not

give commit in them. commit in proc/function will erase your savepoints. ...

Page 4: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


How many types of joins are there in oracle and what are the difference between them

Latest Answer: There are four Type of joins in oracle1. Inner join2.cartision join3.self join4.

outer join ...

How can we order the column of day (mon to sun)such that monday comes first then tues

and so no.Suppose

select to_char(hiredate,'day') from emp order by to_char(hiredate‐1,'d')

What is the difference between Commit and Go

Latest Answer: Commit to like making all the changes permanently in the Server...But in case of

GO statement which is available In SQL Server(TSQL), the set of steps before the GO statement

is complied at once and sent to server...I mean from the beginning of the script ...

HOw to get /select the nth row from the table ?how to select first n rows ,last n rows from a




A <= 500

Could anyone please explain about hash joins? Thanks.

Latest Answer: in cases where a very small table is being joind to large table ,the oracle hash

join will often dramatically speedup the querry hash join are for faster than nested loops join

same cashes.regards pratyush singh ...

How many autonumber columns are allowed?

255 autonumber columns till oracle 8 and higher are supporting upto 1000

autonumber columns . We can add upto 1040 column in the table

Page 5: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


What is Ref cursor when we use ref cursor andadvantage of ref cursor

Latest Answer: The scope of cursor is limited to a block/ programme. here block/ programme

means upto a end of procedure/function and only one fixed query can be attached to that

cursor.where as the scope of ref cursor is global. Generally ref cursor is used with ...

Difference between a View and Materialized View

Latest Answer: materialized view is physical duplicate data in a table view is logical

representation of table...

Difference between view and table

View is a subset of data derived from table update of data in table we can see in in view but update in view can not see in table. ...

View is nothing but a set a sql statements together which join single or multiple tables and shows the data.. However views do not have the data themselves but point to the data. View is a logical or virtual memory which is based on select query

Whereas Materialized view is a concept mainly used in Data warehousing.. These views contain the data itself .Reason being it is easier/faster to access the data. The main purpose of Materialized view is to do calculations and display data from multiple tables using joins. It works faster than simple, Its works as snap shot and used for security purposes and we can make DML command in materialize view

How to decrypt the password on oracle 8/8i in system/scott user?what is the query fired to see the password?

DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT package provides the encryption of password. even DBA can not

come to know what is the password, ofcouse he can reset the new password

What values are stored internally for time (hour,minute ,second) if the date format is dd‐


Latest Answer: In sqlserver 2005 we can use as follows to retreive the date part of the given

date or sys dateselect datepart(dd,getdate()) ...

Page 6: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


What is the condition to be follwed for the natural join syntax to be correct??

Latest Answer: It implicitly construct the join condition on the 2 tables taking all the column

with same name into consideration.Natural join is also called blind join.selectÂ

employee_id,last_name,department_name from employees natural join departments; ...

What is the difference between Inner and equi join?

Latest Answer: Inner jon Or equi join is The query that retrives the rows that exact match using

(=) sign in where clause ...

Inner joins are equi and non equi joins (<> , = conditions in the where clause ). An inner join is a type of join where we use = and <> in the where condition joining the tables. In an equi join we join tables with = operator only

What is the function of 'force' in view?

Latest Answer: "Force" option used to create a view without existance of Table in the

databaseSyntax: Create or replace FORCE VIEW as select * from

A table has following layout ; CITY, NAME , SEXHow do you write a query to get the count of

Male, count

How do you set AutoComit off for DDL commands in Oracle Server? Is this Possible..?

For DDL commands, We cannot do autocommit off. It is modify structure A of database object

such as table, view and these commands have automatically commit.Set autocommit on/off is

used for DML. ...

How to execute the following query without using tempselect * from temp;


query will give the result as TEST.If you dont want to use the table name directly in the query,

you can create synonym for that table and can use that synonym in your ...


Page 7: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


by using alter table we can alter only column not the rows. by using alter command we write

query like this........alter table table_name add column_name datatype;for drop that column

;alter table table_name drop column_name datatype;it's ...

How to use command "COMMIT” and "ROLLBACK" in a transaction?

COMMIT: it is used to make the manipulations ENABLE permanently on the table where as

ROLLBACK is used to DISABLE the effect of the queries(which were typed a bit above it) on the

table. one ROLLBACK statement is sufficient ...

what is the process of connecting to Database manually in oracle Database

Latest Answer: The startup of database depends on the nature of Oracle server :Incase Of

Enterprise Server and Unix Environment :Go to Unix and type the following commands :sqldba

lmode=yconnect internalstartup This will start the Oracle Instance. Incase Of Workgroup ...

in 9i sqlplus /nolog connect /as sysdba startup

What is Snapshot in oracle 9i and what is different between view and Snapshot?

Latest Answer: In Oracle 9i instead of snapshot we can use meterialized views which can act as

snapshot.Diff between view & snapshot is view is not a table its a virtual table to join one or

more table or to prevent access from users on complete data on table. whenever ...

IS 'define' a valid SQL statement?

Latest Answer: if DEFINE is isqlplus command then how do u define ACCEPT command. what is

difference between them?i think define is a command in sql *plus which works same in isqlplus

with ACCEPT.pls do forward the argument. ...


UNION ‐ the values of the first query are returned with the values of the second query

eliminating duplicates. MINUS ‐ the values of the first query

Latest Answer: UNION: Take the common record once( No Duplicate)

UNION ALL : Takes Duplicates also

Minus: Result of first query ‐ result of second queryexamleselect * from emp where rownum

Page 8: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


Explain the different types of joins

Latest Answer: There are 5 types of joins available in sql server1) inner join2) outer join( left

outer join,Right outer join)3) Full Join4) Cross Join5) Self Join1) inner Join : Two tables having

the common column values go with inner join.Example:select * from emp ...

What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE

TRUNCATE is a DDL command and cannot be rolled back. All of the memory space is released

back to the server. DELETE is a DML command and can be rolled

DELETE is a logged operation on a per row basis. This means that the deletion of each row gets

logged and physically deleted. You can DELETE any row that will not violate a constraint, while

leaving the foreign key or any other contraint in place. ...

Is it possible to access the current value in a session before accessing next value

Latest Answer: Nextval must be used to generate a sequence number in the current user's

session before currval can be referenced. ...

What is a transaction ?

Transaction is logical unit between two commits and commit and rollback.

Latest Answer: A Transaction is a logical unit of work that comprises one or more SQL

statements executed by a single user. ...

What is the maximum number of triggers, can apply to a single table

Latest Answer: there can be n number of trigger can have in a table . type of trigger may be 12


How do I eliminate the duplicate rows

Latest Answer: With the help of Distinct function ...

Can a view be updated/inserted/deleted

Page 9: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


Latest Answer: If a view is based upon a single table then DML operations can be performed on

it, while if a view is based upon more than two tables then it is a complex view and DML

operations can be performed using instead of triggers. ...

If a View on a single base table is manipulated will the changes be reflected on the base


What is meant by SORTING and GROUPING

Latest Answer: sorting mean puting the value in a particular order , could by alhphabatic

grouping mean making a group of same type of values and displaying a single row for that group

example select deptno, sum(sal) from emp group by deptno order by ;

What are the different types of OUTER JOINS


Subquery vs Join

subquery is faster when we have to retrieve data from large number of tables.Because it

becomes tedious to join more tables.

join is faster to retrieve data from database when we have less number of tables

What are the more common pseudo‐columns

SELECT rownum, rowid FROM sometable

Besides these, the other pseudo columns are: user,uid ... Currval, Nextval

Implicit Cursor attributes

Page 10: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


SQL%FOUND, SQL%NOT FOUND,SQL%ROW COUNT as implicit cursor attributes. sql% is not a valid

implicit cursor attribute, open is there but it will always return "false" for implicit cursor ...

Explicit & Implicit crusors have same attributes. ...

What are the different types of SQL

DQL(Data Query Language) select DML(Data Manupulation Language) insert, update, delete, merge DDL (Data Defination Language) Create, alter, drop, rename, truncate TCL (Transaction Control Language) Commit, rollback, save point DCL (Data control Language) grant, revoke

What is difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2

A varchar2 datatype, when stored in a database table, uses only the space

allocated to it.varchar2(50) and our entry ia of 30 bute then it will only occupy 30 bute and

other will b null.It can also store number as well as char.

CHAR only store character, always uses the maximum length

What are the different tablespaces in database

There are only three tablespaces as follows:‐1.Permanent tablespace

2 .Undo tablespace 3.Temperory tablespace ...

A tablespace is a collection of one or more datafiles.all database objects are stored in tablespaces. diff types of tablespaces:‐ 1)system tablespace.2)temp tablespace.3)tools tablespace4)users tablespace. 5)rollback tablespace.6)data and index tablespace.

Display Odd/ Even number of records

We can use the below query to get the odd record of the table

select r from (SELECT rownum r FROM EMP)where mod(r,2) != 0

We can use the below query to get the even record of the table

select r from (SELECT rownum r FROM EMP)where mod(r,2) = 0

Page 11: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


What is an integrity constraint

An integrity constraint is a rule that restricts the values in a database. There are six types: A

NOT NULL constraint prohibits a database value from being null. A unique constraint prohibits

multiple rows from having the same value in the ...

What is the output of SIGN function

SIGN (a): Returns 1 if a is positive ,‐1 if a is less than 0 and 0 if a is 0 ...

What are the pre‐requisites to modify datatype of a column and to add a column with NOT

NULL constraint

To modify the datatype of a column that should be empty, but if increasing the width then it can be done even it holds the value. To add not null column the table must be empty if not then add the column as nullable then modify that column as not null.

The use of HAVING, WHERE and GROUPBY in one SQL

where condition we cann't use group function but having clause allows it, both r used 4 data restriction by is used 4 grouping similar items

If a view on a single base table is manipulated will the changes be reflected on the base


if a view based on one table or multiple table matter is it should contain all not null columns and

additionaly no calculated column then ant DML statement will cause changes in base table.

What is a database link

it is a way of connecting to remote database. scott@8i> create database link ora8idev

2 connect to scott 3 identified by tiger 4 using 'ora8idev' 5 /

Database link created. scott@8i> select * from dual@ora8idev;


it is used to get a tree type structure in data.

Page 12: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


The start with .. connect by clause can be used to select data that has a hierarchical relationship (usually some sort of parent‐>child (boss‐>employee or thing‐>parts).

select a.*, level from emp a start with mgr is null connect by mgr = prior empno;

How to drop the column in a table

Alter table <table name> drop column <column name>; To make a column unused you could have following command: SQL> Alter table <table name> set unused column <column name>;

if commission is null then the text “Not Applicable” want to display, instead of blank space.

How do I write the query

select ename,decode(nvl(comm,0),0,'Not Applicable',comm) from scott.emp;

SELECT NVL (To_Char(comm), 'Not Applicable') FROM table_name;

What are PL/SQL Cursor Exceptions

Latest Answer: Cursor_already_open, Invalid_cursor ...

How to access the current value and next value from a sequence

for current value the function is :‐ sequence_name.currval and for the next value it is sequence_name.nextval

Difference between SUBSTR and INSTR

INSTR function finds the numeric starting position of a string within a string.

Select INSTR('Mississippi','i',3,3) test1, INSTR('Mississippi','i',1,3) test2, INSTR('Mississippi','i',‐2,3) test3

from dual;

Test1 Test2 Test3 ___________________________________________ 11 8 2

SUBSTR function returns the section of thte specified string, specified by numeric character positions.

Select SUBSTR('The Three Musketeers',1,3) from dual; ‐‐ will return 'The'.

Page 13: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


What are the advantages of VIEW

The advantages of View are:

Security: only selected column from a table made available to view.

Complexity: write a complex query and assign this query to a view so next time no need to write that complex query.

Faster: view refers to a query which is already parsed, so again it does not go to that stage

efficient: while writing trigger a condition may arise, trigger makes the table in mutating state, so use of views in this scenario makes it easy.

How will you activate/deactivate integrity constraints

Alter table modify constraint < constraintname> disable/enableexamplealter table CONTACT_US

modify constraint CONTACT_US_UK disable;

How many LONG columns are allowed in a table

Only one column can have LONG data type. And that column cannot be used in WHERE clause or

in ORDER BY clause. Also we cannot add primary key constraint to that column only not to the

whole table, that means we will give primary key to any column in the

What is referential integrity constraint

Referential Integrity Constraint is used to specify interdependencies between relations. This constraint specifies a column or list of columns as a foreign key of the referencing table. A foreign key means the values in one table must also appear in another table. The foreign key in the child table will generally reference a primary key in the parent table. The referencing table is called the child table & referenced table is called the parent table. Syntax: constraint <constraint name> references <primary table><primary key>

Referential Integrity Constraint is used to specify interdependencies between relations. This

constraint specifies a column or list of columns as a foreign key of the referencing table. A

foreign key means the values in one table must also appear in another

Is it possible to use LONG columns in WHERE clause or ORDER BY

NO, Long column can not used in where, order by clause A table can have only one long column

Page 14: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain


How to drop the index

if index is create by primary key /unique key constraint thenby droping the constriant , the

index will be droped automaticallyelsedrop index

Other way to replace query result null value with a text

select empno, ename, mgr, nvl(to_char(mgr),'no manager') from emp;

Any three PL/SQL Exceptions






What is correlated sub‐query

In correlated subqueries, the information from the outer select statement participates as a condition in the inner select statement. Eg : Select deptno, ename, sal from emp a

where sal> (select avg(sal) from emp b where a.deptno =b.deptno) order by deptno;

If unique key constraint on DATE column is created, will it validate the rows that are

inserted with sysdate

Yes. Becoz sysdate contains date and time.


ON DELETE CASCADE option permits deletions of referenced key values in the parent table and

automatically delete dependent rows in the child table to maintain referential integrity.

Page 15: Default Constraint What is default constraint? How we you ... · 2 Latest Answer: There is no restiction on number of datatypes allowed except for long and LOB.I table can contain