deconstructions of my pages

Deconstructi ons of My Pages...

Upload: kaylee1234

Post on 11-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Deconstructions of my pages

Deconstructions of My Pages...

Page 2: Deconstructions of my pages

Like all existing covers, my cover has a masthead situated at the top of the page. It is very clear, with no images or cover lines overlapping it. This goes a little bit against the normal conventions as the cover that I mostly looked at had an image either on top of or underneath the masthead. I think my masthead stands out a lot on my page, and it is automatically clear what my magazine is called. My model has direct eye contact with the camera. This is a very common technique used in magazines and I think it’s vital to have eye contact in order to help draw in readers. My model also has a very happy and smiling facial expression. This again is also quite important, and connotes my magazine being fun and enjoyable.

The model is situated in the centre of the page, this helps to make him the main focus of the cover. This makes my page quite symmetrical and it is laid out like the rule of thirds. I think that my model would help to draw in my target audience of teenage girls more. His pose is quite relaxed and laid back, showing that it is a ‘fun’ magazine. Also , his clothing connotes pop well as it is ‘boyband style’ clothing.I think this ‘hot posters’ bit is quite good and it would

be successful in getting teenage girls to buy my magazine as they are the ones who would most probably cover their rooms in all the posters.

I like this lure at the bottom. It persuades people to buy the magazine in order to be in with a chance of winning concert tickets. I choose for it to be tickets to t4otb as this is a very ‘poppy’ concerts.

I like this stamp bit, it kind of makes the page less ‘flat’ and more eye catching. I think the yellow writing stand out a lot and encourages teenage girls to get the magazine to see all these exclusive images of pop boy bands.

I have used a massive range of different fonts within my cover. This helps to make the page more varied and because all the fonts I used are bold and ‘fun’, they help to grab my readers attention more. Also, my cover lines aren’t all one colour, I have used a mixture of different colours which I would associate with pop. This again makes my page more interesting and helps to attract its audience better.

I think including this large ‘exclusive’ stamp type thing, it again helps to persuade my audience to buy the magazine. They immediately know that my magazine contains exclusive, new gossip which could interest them in buying it.

In my masthead, I have used headphones instead of the ‘u’. I think that this is quite a good idea because immediately people know that it is a music magazine, even if they just saw the masthead. All my pages have title in pink boxes with white writing to help make them link.

I have listed some of the big artists in pop, to persuade fans of those particular artists to also pick up my magazine.

Page 3: Deconstructions of my pages

In the contents title, I have used a CD disk instead of the ‘o’. This makes it similar to what I did for my front cover masthead. Also, I have used a pink box and the same white font.

Within my page I have used a variation of different images instead of just one. I think this helps to make the page more interesting and kind of shows that my magazine can appeal to lots of different teenage girls. The artists I have included pictures of are Olly Murs, Chipmunk , Aston from JLS and Tom from The Wanted. All the images I have taken from the several different pop concerts that I have been to.

I have split the page up into different sections. Each section has a clearly stamped title, which are very clear. They are in black boxes to make them contrast against the white background. I think that this is quite a good idea as it helps to make the contents even clearer and easier for people to automatically find what they are looking for. Also, it like divided up the page and makes it so it isn’t just a long list of writing, which I personally think that my target audience would find rather boring.

In my contents, I have also used a massive variation of different fonts, sizes and colours. I think this helps to make it more varied and eye catching. If the font was all exactly the same, my page wouldn’t really appeal much to my audience as it would look too boring and formal.

Each page number is pink and bold, and is on a CD. I think that this clearly shows it is a music magazine and it helps to make my page look more ‘fun’ and appealing to my target audience. It also links to the title of the page, showing the common house style. All the page numbers are really clear and easy to read.I like the fact that I made certain things in my contents bigger than others. This helps to make the more important things stand out more than the rest. I have made the page number that my exclusive interview that Jacob is on larger than all the rest. This immediately shows readers that he is quite a main feature of the magazine.

I have used yellow in my contents to highlight some of the interesting bits. I also wanted to brighten up my page more, and I think that the yellow is successful in doing so. All the information in my contents is

related to pop, and it is all of which I think my target audience would want to read about. There is a wide range of different contents, showing that my magazine is fun and interesting.

Here I have included an online web address for my magazine. It stands out as it is on a yellow box. By having this, it helps to persuade readers to go online and check out the site too. Also, if they like the magazine, it could encourage them to sign up online my magazine subscription.

Page 4: Deconstructions of my pages

This bit informs readers about his new album and persuades fans of his to go out and buy it. It stands out quite a lot, and is quite a good, common technique.

My model has strong, direct eye contact with the camera. This is successful in being able to draw people in more and it like encourages them to read the interview. Also, his expression is quite happy, showing his friendly and happy.

The title of the page is also in a pink box with the same white font as the masthead and contents title. This helps to show that all three pages are linked. His name is very clearly written at the top of the interview, so if readers are unaware who he is they can easily find out without having to search through the interview to find his name.

The main quote is clearly written here. It gives an idea to the reader as to what the interview is going to be about and by reading this it may encourage people to go ahead and read the interview to find out exactly what has been said. My image takes up more or less half of the double page spread. I think it is quite a strong image and some teenage girls if fans of Jacob may want to cut it out and put it over their walls. The pose that Jacob is doing kind of shows people a different side to him, this I think is due to the fact he is slightly pulling his top down. I think this pose would be successful in attracting my target audience and because it is of a guy is helps to make them appeal to it more.

I have clearly stated in the right hand corner that it is an exclusive interview. This is quite a common technique used, it helps to persuade people to read it so they can find out the gossip before anyone else. Because it is in a yellow box, it stand out a lot on the page and is very eye catching. Also, it helps my DPS to link to my other pages as they all have the colour yellow in them.

The interview is a suitable length, the writing is clear and easy to read. Also, you can clearly tell which is the question and which is the answer. I think separating them with the use of colour is quite good and helps to make the interview more clear. If the questions were black then my interview would just look like a massive block of text and this would deter my target audience away from reading it.

I have added a lure about a competition here, which I think helps to persuade people to read on through the magazine, and I think my target audience would be the people who enjoy entering those type of competitions.

I also added Jacob’s signature to make it more personal.