december 2017 - … 7 12.30pm friendship club christmas lunch ... union when he received a shoebox...


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CHRISTMAS 2017 J���� �������, ������ D������ 2017 ��� J������ 2018


Minister - Rev Colin Sinclair BA BD

Colin can be contacted on 447-9598 or by e-mail at

[email protected]

The manse address is 30b Cluny Gardens, Edinburgh, EH10 6BJ.

Ministerial Assistant - Jack Macdonald

Jack can be contacted on 07523 493499 or by e-mail at

[email protected]

Joint Session Clerk - Norma Rolls Norma can be contacted on 337-7005 or by e-mail at

[email protected]

Director of Music - David Hare

David can be contacted via the Church Office on 220-1690 or by email at

[email protected]

Church Facilitator - Paul Mitchell Paul can be contacted on 220-1690 or by e-mail at

[email protected]

Church Office - Annan House

Opening hours are Monday – Thursday : 9am un5l Noon & from 2-4pm.

Friday : 9am – Noon.

Sco8sh Charity Number SC004291

Joint Session Clerk - Ian Graham

Ian can be contacted on 346-313 or by e-mail at

[email protected]


Dear Friends,

Winter makes life harder for refugees and our world is sadly full of refugees. As

we move towards Christmas remember that Mary and Joseph had to flee from

Bethlehem to Egypt to get away from the murderous anger of King Herod. So

our Saviour, the infant Jesus, started his life as a refugee and would end it

rejected by his own people on a cross. As followers of Jesus now we need to see

the world through his eyes and respond with compassion to a world of need.

Read this poem by Brian Bilston carefully and follow the instruc5ons at the



They have no need of our help

So do not tell me

These haggard faces could belong to you or me

Should life have dealt a different hand

We need to see them for who they really are

Chancers and scroungers

Layabouts and loungers

With bombs up their sleeves

Cut throats and thieves

They are not

Welcome here

We should make them

Go back to where they came from

They cannot

Share our food

Share our homes

Share our countries

Instead let us

Build a wall to keep them out

It is not okay to say

These are people just like us

A place should only belong to those who are born there

Do not be so stupid to think that

The world can be looked at another way

(now read from bo@om to top)


During this season of par5es and presents, of carols and cards, of family and

friends and in your prayers and in your hearts and with your giEs make room for

the stranger, the widow, the needy , the poor and the homeless who are among

us all year round.

Every blessing from all at the Manse with our best wishes for Christmas and the

New Year

Sunday 10th December at 3pm

Our Christmas Remembrance Service is an opportunity to remember the

people who are so important to us but have passed away and are no

longer with us for this special 5me of year. The service will be about 45

minutes long with 5me for contempla5on and the chance to light a

candle. There will be tea and coffee available aEer the service.

Tuesday 19th December at PPC

This is the sixth year that we have run a midweek ‘Lunch5me Carols’ event

at PPC as part of our outreach programme. Refreshments from 12.30,

with the service star5ng at 1pm. We again welcome the choir of Dalry

Primary School who will perform during the service.


December 2017

Sunday 3 11am The blessing no-one wants - Hebrews 11:32-40

3 6.30pm Our generous God - 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Monday 4 7.30pm Kirk Session Mee5ng - Carlow Room, Annan House

Wednesday 6 10.30am Monthly Coffee Morning - Room 1, Annan House

6 7.30pm South House Group - Manse

Thursday 7 12.30pm Friendship Club Christmas Lunch

7 7.30pm Prayer Mee5ng, Lounge, Annan House.

Saturday 9 3pm All Age Christmas Party

Sunday 10 11am What child is this? - Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

10 3pm Christmas Remembrance Service

10 3pm Service at Sutherland Street Community Hall

10 6.30pm What God wants for Christmas - Micah 6:6-8

Monday 11 6.30pm City Centre House Group - Room 1, Annan House

Thursday 14 8pm Care Van

Sunday 17 11am Morning Service

17 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight

Tuesday 19 12.30pm Lunch5me Carols - Sanctuary

Thursday 21 7.30pm Prayer Mee5ng, Lounge, Annan House.

Sunday 24 11am Na5vity Service

24 5.15pm Chris5ngle Service

24 11pm Watchnight Gathering

24 11.30pm Watchnight

Monday 25 11am Christmas Day Service

Sunday 31 11am Hogmany Service

31 No Evening Service


Sunday 17th December

11am - Morning Service

6.30pm - Carols by Candlelight

Tuesday 19th December

1pm - Lunch7me Carols

Christmas Eve - 24th December

11am - Na7vity Service

5.15pm - Chris7ngle Service

11pm - Christmas Eve Gathering

11.30pm - Watchnight Service

Christmas Day - 25th December

11am - Christmas Family Service


January 2018

Sunday 7 11am A fruiLul New Year - Mark 4:1-20

7 No Evening Service

Monday 8 6.30pm City Centre House Group - Room 1, Annan House

Thursday 11 8pm Care Van

Saturday 13 9am DIY Day at PPC & Annan House

Sunday 14 11am Ready for growth - Mark 4:21-34

14 3pm Service at Sutherland Street Community Hall

14 6.30pm The locusts are coming - Joel

Tuesday 16 7pm Worship & Chris5an Educa5on - Annan House

16 7pm Interna5onal Bake-Off, Church Hall.

Wednesday 17 2pm Sunflower Café - Sanctuary

Thursday 18 7.30pm Prayer Mee5ng - Lounge - Annan House

Sunday 21 11am Joint Service with St Mary’s Cathedral (AT PPC)

21 6.30pm Poe5c jus5ce - Obadiah

Monday 22 6.35pm PPC Co-ordinators Mee5ng - Annan House

Sunday 28 11am Surviving the storms - Mark 4:35-41

28 6.30pm Surely not them! - Jonah

28 Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services

The Earlybirds Prayer Mee5ng at 8am each Tuesday, in the Lounge of

Annan House, resumes on 9th January 2018.

The Friendship Club , which meets on a Thursday at 2pm in Room 1 of

Annan House, resume on 11th January 2017.

We have groups that meet each week. Baby & Toddler Group resumes

aEer Christmas on Monday 15th January 2018 at 10am.

CHRISTMAS PARTY The Annual All Age Christmas Party takes place this year on Saturday 9th


We’d like to invite everyone to come along and join in the fun at the Tom Fleming

Centre in Stewart’s Melville College. The party starts at 3pm with games, then

dancing, quizzes more games before our special visitor arrives with his sack.

ThereaEer a buffet tea is served, aEer which we conclude with community

singing of Christmas songs and carols, finishing around 6pm. Tickets are on sale -

£6 for adults and secondary pupils (family 5cket £20), £3 for primary age pupils,

Free for pre-school children. We look forward to seeing you there!


Please join us for coffee and conversa5on on Wednesday 6th

December in Room 1 of Annan House. The Coffee morning

starts at 10.30am and runs through to Noon and this will be the final Coffee

Morning of 2017. The first of 2018 will be on Wednesday 7th February. If you

would like any further informa5on please contact Mary Benne@.


It has been another busy year around PPC and we have seen an increase in the

use of our premises and also we have welcomed Wycliffe Bible Translators as

new tenants in Annan House.

We have con5nued to clear old junk away, keep areas looking as 5dy as possible

and making improvements as we go. We have re-organised the storage of tables

and chairs to save them being moved around the buildings unnecessarily. People

are encouraged to use things, the only request is that any items used are

returned to their correct home.

The Caretakers and I try to ensure that everything runs smoothly but appreciate

that from 5me to 5me there are small issues. Please speak with the Caretakers

any evening or contact me with any queries or ques5ons you may have.

Paul Mitchell


Sunday 21st January 2018, 11am

At Palmerston Place Church

We look forward to welcoming our friends from St Mary’s Cathedral at our

morning service 21st January. This annual service, alterna5ng between our two

churches, sees us honouring the Week of Prayer for Chris5an Unity which

involves experiencing each others’ forms of worship, rather than coming together

for a specially wri@en ecumenical service.

Material for 2018 was produced in the Caribbean and uses Exodus 15, a song of

triumph over oppression, as the mo5f of the Week of Prayer.


The next mee5ng of the Café takes place on Wednesday 17th January in the

Sanctuary. The Sunflower Café offers a welcoming and caring environment for all

struggling with issues of memory loss, and for their carers, to enjoy

companionship and s5mula5ng ac5vity.

If you would like further informa5on or would like publicity material to pass on to

someone you know, please speak with Linda Cunningham or contact the Church



We are having a DIY day on January 13th to do a

number of pain5ng, joinery and odd-jobs around the

church and Annan House. These days in the past have

been good fun and allowed the church to save on

bringing in outside contractors.

If you would like to help and you haven’t already

volunteered please contact the Church Office. (You

don’t have to be available for the whole day, an hour or two would be



On 8 October, Ruth McCaig came to our Sunday morning service to launch our

Shoebox Appeal for this year.

Ruth is the Operation Christmas Child Regional Manager for Scotland and she

encouraged us all to prepare a shoebox for a child in need by telling us the story of

“Ted and His Washcloth”.

Ted was an orphan in the former Soviet

Union when he received a shoebox gift. He

had to share everything at the orphanage,

including towels. When he got a

washcloth in his box he actually thought it

was his own personal towel!

It was very special because he was the only one who could use it. It was his own

personal thing—something that he didn’t have before—so it was one of his

favourite gifts. When you only have a little, a shoebox is a lot. Ted felt loved when

he realised that someone selflessly gave him a shoebox. God’s love was

wonderfully demonstrated because it was a heartfelt gift and nothing was asked in

return. Ted’s shoebox gave him a sense of hope. It showed him that someone

really cared enough to pack this gift and send it to him. A small shoebox can have a

big impact…what goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal.

We have had a marvellous response to our Shoebox Appeal this year and we have

been really pleased to have been given so many donations for our boxes.

We have had some beautiful hand-knitted items, which are such a joy to include,

and we’ve had many donations of gifts for the boxes, from sweets and pens to

toothbrushes and pads of writing paper – all of which are perfect for putting in the

boxes we make up.

We have also had many very kind and generous donations of money for buying the

extra items we need and also for the costs incurred by Samaritan’s Purse in

sending the boxes overseas. Your support of the Appeal is hugely appreciated and

thank you all very much indeed for your contribution.

This year our church was more widely advertised as being a drop-off point and we

received a large number of shoeboxes from Belford Chapel, some from

Carricknowe Church, and from some of the students at Erskine Stewart’s Melville

Schools, all in addition to the boxes prepared by members of the congregation, our

neighbours living nearby and one or two local offices.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Our final total of boxes is a marvellous 231 and we are thrilled to be sending

them off to Romania for distribution in time for Christmas.

Since 1990, more than 146 million children in over 150 countries have

experienced God's love through the power of simple shoebox giEs from

Opera5on Christmas Child. This year we can be sure that the 231 children who

receive our shoeboxes will feel joy in their hearts and experience God’s love

through their shoebox giEs.

Joan Meikle and the Shoebox Team


Nazareth Hospital has been a beacon of light in Jesus' homeland, open to all

and serving and healing in Jesus' name for 150 years, since the days of the Ot-

toman Empire.

I was first challenged to walk the 'Jesus Trail' in aid of EMMS Nazareth Hospital,

( still affectionately known as the 'Scots Hospital'), in 2015, when PP members

were wonderfully supportive. In April this year, Colin and I walked in aid of the

Maternity and Paediatric services. We worked closely with the local staff and

were again deeply impressed by the very high standard of care, given lovingly

in the name of Jesus, with limited resources. I was made to promise that I

would return, this time bringing 'Dr Alison' with me. She in turn rose to the

challenge and I will be keeping my promise when we return to Nazareth in

March, to visit the hospital and to do the walk, to raise funds for a much-

needed Stroke Unit and Scanner to serve the local area.

Alison and I would be so grateful if you felt you could support us in our ven-

ture. Alison's three years working in the hospital were pivotal in the subse-

quent direction taken in her life and career, with its years of overseas service.

Currently, there is no stroke unit in the area, with serious consequences. Sadly,

there are added costs in the need to include bomb-proof doors. All money

donated will go directly to the project.

Sponsor forms and leaflets are in the vestibule. You can also visit us on Face-

book Thank you.

Ruth Sinclair and Alison Wilkinson


The Outreach Team has taken the decision again to aim deliver a Christmas card to

every address in the parish.

The card has been printed and produced professionally and it will rely on the

generosity of the members of PPC to ensure that delivery takes place.

The front of the card features the theme of ’Joy to the World’ that we are using

this year on all our Christmas material, the inside has a welcome and details of our

services and the back page has details of the church and the various ways in which

people can get in touch or follow us on social media.

The cards and a note of the streets that are in our Parish are now available If you

are able, even to do one street, then your help will be much appreciated. The card

starts with the service on 10th December so we require these to be delivered prior

to then.

This is part of a wider plan to communicate be@er with everyone in our parish and

what be@er way to do it than to send a card at this precious 5me of year to spread

the good news.

If you have any ques5ons or would like to help please contact the Church Office.


A foretaste of heaven SU Global Assembly in

Kuala Lumpur

Ruth and I were privileged to a@end SU’s first Global

Assembly to mark Scripture Union’s 150th

anniversary and to mark the transi5on to a new way

of working.

Over 350 people from over 100 countries from all

around the world gathered in a hotel on the outskirts

of KL to meet, think, laugh, pray, eat share stories and resources and enjoy

being part of the SU family.

The conference had been very well organised and the facili5es beside a lake

(with alligators!) were ideal. I had to lead and speak at the opening evening as

we looked back over the last 150 years. For the rest of our 5me the speakers

helped us look forward.

At all the main sessions we sat in pre-arranged table groups of about 8 in a

mixture of age, gender and country and each table group looked out for one

another and many friendships were formed. There was simultaneous

transla5on into French Spanish, Russian and Korean. Being SU there was a lot of

humour in the midst of serious conversa5on.

On the Saturday I had to chair the first General Assembly of SU at which we

hoped to adopt a new structure and elect a new leadership. It went surprisingly

smoothly and aEer 13 years I handed over the leadership of SU to Chris5an

Hellwig from Switzerland. It was a personal thrill that Joe Kapolyo from Zambia

and Best Man at our wedding was both a speaker and led the final communion

and commissioning of the new leadership. However the most moving moments

were talking one-to-one with people from many challenging situa5ons from

South Sudan to countries where Chris5anity is barely tolerated. Some had lived

in countries racked by war almost all their lives. Yet they each tes5fied to God’s

grace and with both quiet dignity and large smiles they showed how God had

helped them keep their faith, show love and not lose hope.

If you want to know more and aren’t on Facebook then go onto Google and

type in “Scripture Union Global Assembly” and follow the link and you will get a

short video of each day and accompanying photos.


This year at Palmerston Place Church we have raised some very gratifying amounts

for the different charities which we regularly support.

We held a Congregational Lunch in February at which we raised £527.80, of which

£391.25 was gift-aided, and this sum was collected for the work of Bethany

Christian Trust.

In March and April there were two retiring collections for the Disasters Emergency

Appeal, which we sent via Christian Aid for the East Africa famine. A total of £510

was donated, of which £495 was gift-aided.

Our Congregational Lunch in May together with our annual support of Christian

Aid Week raised £1643.50 through donations envelopes and support at our Lunch.

Gift aid on this sum adds an additional £382.

The very successful Beetle Drive held jointly with the Brownies in October raised

£275.50 (with gift aid of £75 to be added) for the Friends of Chogoria Hospital.

Additional funds of £627.50 were raised at our Congregational Lunch in


In October, donations in Christian Aid Harvest Envelopes raised £1440 of which

£1230 was gift aided.

Our fourth and final Congregational Lunch of the year was held in November and

£572 (of which £521 was Gift Aided) was raised for Fresh Start.

Finally, and most successfully, our fundraising for Helen Russell and the

refurbishment of the toilets at the school in Beirut where she spent time teaching

with the charity “Hope for Kids” raised £8022.25 (includes £1543.25 of gift aid).

Thank you so much for your ongoing support for our fundraising efforts, all of

which is enormously appreciated.

Joan Meikle, Service Team Leader

One person gives freely, yet gains even more;

another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

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Saturday 10th February 2018

Following the great success of our launch of the Tomorrow's Calling campaign

in 2015, I'd like to commend to you the next Voca5ons Informa5on Day, which

will take place on Saturday 10th February 2018 at The Confor5 Ins5tute,


In Princes Street Gardens in May 2016, we launched the ini5al Tomorrow's

Calling video, which captured the imagina5on of those who saw it, and has

since been viewed an es5mated 150,000 5mes via Facebook and 8,900 on our

YouTube channel. This video can also be viewed on our new recruitment web-


The fresh voices of young adults - se8ng out in the early days of their profes-

sional ministries in the Church – are resona5ng through the Church of Scotland.

In every kind of Chris5an community people are asking big and exci5ng ques-

5ons about their own voca5on, and being amazed by the answers they find.

In 2014 the Church had begun to dream a dream of training 30 ministers per

year, more than twice the average over the previous five years. In 2015, even

with the campaign launch part of the way through the year, we recruited 31

new candidates, 21 of them for the full-5me Ministry of Word and Sacrament,

an increase of 50% on recent years. We're both thankful and ambi5ous, deter-

mined to build on that success and to find more Church members who may be

inspired by those who have already said ‘Is it me, Lord?' and willing to ask that

ques5on of themselves.

By helping us to commend the Voca5ons Informa5on Day, the vital and

immensely useful first step for everyone sensing a calling, you can begin to ask

your members ‘Is it you?', and maybe you'll have the thrill of hearing someone

answer ‘Well, maybe...' It would be a great boost to the work we do within the

Ministries Council, and a wonderful giE to the Church's ministry. Please help

us to convey our enthusiasm for the growth we're beginning to see!


Rev Eleanor McMahon

Educa+on and Support Convener


“Love came down at Christmas....” and that Love is “The

image of the Invisible God” Colossians 1 v 15

Let us take time to marvel at such love, to thank and praise

God for it.

LORD, in the sometimes frenetic busyness of this time of year

help us to take time to focus on the true meaning of

Christmas, to give thanks for your many blessings, to ask for courage and grace to

share something of the true story with those we know who do not yet understand.

Pray for the work of Scripture Union in schools sharing the Christmas story, often

with children who have no idea of the real meaning. Pray for leaders working in

areas where there is real hardship that their love and faith will touch the kids in

such a way as to bring joy and excitement. Pray for courage for pupils who do

know Christ, to feel able to share the Real Christmas story.

Pray for Bethany staff as they work to alleviate the suffering of homeless people

through the Care Van and the Night Shelters. Pray that many will use the night

shelters and find compassion and love as well as shelter during winter. Pray for

the many volunteer teams, including two from our congregation, who provide

good meals, that they will interact with grace and compassion.

Give thanks for 231 shoe boxes from our congregation and other sources delivered

here, and pray for the Samaritan's Purse staff as they check, transport and deliver

them to children in Romania. Pray that the recipients will be blessed by the gifts.

Pray for our Youth Leaders as they present the Christmas story in a way that really

gets the attention of our young folk, including the boarders. May they all be

challenged by what they hear and be prepared to think about faith and what it

means in an increasingly secular society.

Let us remember all the events planned for December. Pray that all who attend,

including many from our parish, will find a warm welcome and be encouraged to

return to learn more. Pray for our ministry team as they prepare for a very busy

time. May they be richly blessed by God.

Let us remember the lonely and housebound; those under severe pressure from

family and work; those struggling with financial insecurity; those caring for

vulnerable family and friends. May they experience some measure of love and

peace, perhaps as a result of a neighbour, friend, member of the family who goes

out of their way to be a friend.


LORD, remind us of the increasing number of countries where it is dangerous

to be a Chris5an, where they meet in secret to worship, pray and study your

word. We pray for pastors who risk everything to teach, encourage and help

both Chris5ans and seekers. Grant them wisdom, integrity and courage de-

spite the dangers. As they too celebrate Christ's coming, remind us to pray

faithfully and with hearLelt love that they will experience your joy. Give

thanks for our freedom and may we work to retain it.

As a new year starts, let us look back and give thanks for God's love shown in

many ways, and look forward, prepared to follow his leading – whatever that

means for us.

As Paul writes “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful”


We will be suppor5ng two causes this year,

one working in Edinburgh and the other in


SU Scotland: Edinburgh Schools Team

The vision of SU Scotland is to see the children and young people of Scotland

explore the Bible and respond to the significance of Jesus.

Over 60 SU Groups meet across the City of Edinburgh in a variety of primary

and secondary schools led by parents, church leaders, youth workers, senior

pupils, school teachers and others. Edinburgh based SU workers regularly con-

tribute within schools at the invita5on of their head teachers, as well as leading

popular residen5al holidays and suppor5ng churches in their work with young

people. The work and contribu5on of SU Scotland is appreciated by many

across the city and beyond. Financial funding is largely via voluntary dona5ons.


The Church of Scotland has a long rela5onship with Malawi, India, Nepal and

EMMS Interna5onal and we are looking to support the work of organisa5ons

and the CoS Mission Partners there.

LENT 2018

Please contact the Church Office on 220-1690 or by email at

[email protected] indica7ng which sermons you

would like and copies will be made for you.

Lent 2018: Dates for your Diary

Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Discussion

20th & 27th February, 6th and 13th March

7.30-9.30pm in Annan House, 10 Palmerston Place

Quiet Day

Led by Revd. Dr Kenneth Fleming (Chaplain, St Mary’s),

Saturday 24 February, 10am – 3.30pm, Emmaus House, 14 Gilmore Place.

Further details will be available in February edi+on of Review & Outlook.



Rev Stuart Davidson, the new pioneer minister for Ferguslie Park and north

Paisley spoke to reporter Kenneth Speirs of the Paisley Daily Express for this

lovely story about his mission.

It is Rev Stuart Davidson’s job to go out into the community, both as a listening

ear and as prac5cal support to people who want to improve their areas and

perhaps make a connec5on with the church.

The 54-year-old, who is a former civil servant, doesn’t have a church of his own

but is out and about every day and is oEen to be seen at the Tannahill Centre, in

Ferguslie Park, or the Beechwood Centre, in Shortroods.

He said: “Once I say to people that I don’t have a church of my own...people will

say to me ‘Oh, you’re a community minister’ and I’ll say yes.

“I only started in mid-August and I spent a lot of the early days visi5ng people,

visi5ng local chari5es that work in the area, visi5ng other community groups,

council groups, the police, just anybody that seems to have any kind of interest

in the community, even supermarkets and businesses. And that for me is a way

of landing, a way for me to get to know the community, to try and grasp their

aspira5ons and their desires, and for me to see what is happening already.

“I’ve no desire to replicate anything that’s there already, although I’d really love

to encourage it. But I am also looking for gaps at which point I can work with

others perhaps to provide input into those gaps.”

Connec5ng with young people is a major part of Mr Davidson’s remit from the

Presbytery of Greenock and Paisley. He said: “In terms of working for the

presbytery, one of the things is to try and engage with the primary schools again.

And the other remit is to create some sort of Chris5an community, whatever that

might look like. That could be a mee5ng in a cafe, a pub, a gym, someone’s

home, or in a community centre.”

And if people started joining their local Kirk , then Mr Davidson would be more

than happy. “Definitely, I would be,” he said. “My percep5on is that there are a

lot of people who don’t necessarily go to church who s5ll see themselves as

Chris5an, and s5ll see themselves with a spiritual connec5on. “How they express

that is obviously up to them, but I think in a way for me it’s connec5ng with

unchurched people – lost genera5ons, you might say – and also people who

want to connect with God in a way that is meaningful for them.”

Mr Davidson believes churches are a movement and if they were to stop being

such they might become ins5tu5onal, and this could make it difficult for people

who want to lead a Chris5an life to find a way into church membership.


We warmly welcome to the family of Palmerston Place Church ;

Mrs Lilian Campbell, by resolu5on of the Kirk Session.


If you have any amendments to your contact details, including your email

address, could you please contact the Church Office.


As you come into the church each Sunday, our Welcome Team greets you with

a smile and a welcome, and gives you the Order of Service and any other

important informa5on for the day.

We would like to thank very warmly all the members of our Welcome Teams

through the year for this service to the congrega5on, and note that there are

almost 60 people involved in a year.

Without you, the Palmerston Place Welcome to visitors and members alike

would not be what it is, and what it is widely recognised to be.

As do so many similar Teams, we have members leaving us for a variety of

reasons, and a need to look for fresh members in the Team. Thank you to eve-

ryone on the rota; the new rota for 2018 is now displayed on the Lothian

Room no5ce board. You will see that we have a few gaps, and Ron Steel

would be delighted if you would be prepared to offer to help with the Team.

The du5es are not onerous, and are enjoyable, so please have a word with me

if you would like to know more. We have par5cular gaps at present in April

and July – if you are not furth of Edinburgh then, we would be delighted to

hear from you.

Ron Steel


You can listen again to any of the sermons from PPC on iTunes, other podcast

providers or directly via our website -

Copies of sermons are available on CD by contac7ng the Church Office.

Services at 11.00am and 6.30pm

A crèche is available every Sunday morning in the Belford Room. For

children aged 3 and above we have a wide range of Sunday groups—

Beginners, Seekers, Junior Horizon, ESMS Boarders and Senior

Horizon. These groups meet during the Morning Service, star5ng in

Church and then going on to their own ac5vi5es.

Coffee and tea are served aEer each service.

“bringing Chris+an worship, fellowship

and service to the heart of everyday life”