december 2013 slate - idaho school boards association


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The SLATE is published four times a year for the members of the Idaho School Boards Association.


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VOL.31 • NO.4 • DECEMBER 2013


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2 / Volume 31 / December 2013




�������� Kids spend 2000 hours every year in school,which makes that the smart place to encourage kids to eat right and get moving.

American College of Sports Medicine, American School Health Association, GENYOUth Foundation, National Dairy Council, The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Through Healthy School Environment, March 2013.

©2013 National Dairy Council. Fuel Up is a service mark of National Dairy Council.

������������������ Programs like Fuel Up to Play 60 empower students to take actions like starting breakfast programs and walking clubs. Community leaders, businesspeople and health professionals can also assist schools in providing opportunities.


of all teens eatbreakfast every day.

38%Students who eat breakfast have better attention and memory.

of physical activity,brain activity improves.

After just


What is the right answer?

Extra credit:

high school students are active for the recommended 60minutes each day.

Only of 25%����� ��� ���������������

Read The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Success Through Healthy School Environments at

Learn more about how Fuel Up To Play 60 is helping schools to take action at

���������������Better Students

Healthy Students are

Healthy Eating + Physical Activity = Improved Academic Performance

Brought to you by: Idaho Dairy Council

Page 3: December 2013 SLATE - Idaho School Boards Association












from the director’s chairHow Does ISBA Establish The Legislative Platform? How Resolutions Become Legislation

President’s message Volunteerism

public instructionThe Truth About Idaho Core Standards and Data

Statistic of the QuarterStudent Diversity

from the State Board of EducationTask Force for Improving Education Recommends Changes

Safety NotesWhose Activity is This Anyway?

Policy Update NewsChanges to Charter School Authorization and Oversight

Executive Board Member HighlightArchie McGregor

ask ISBAFilling Board Vacancies

Distinguished Student of the QuarterDylan Stoddard


in every issue









What’s In A Bond Rating?

Recognizing Student Athletes on the Field and in the Classroom

Tips from the Trenches: Teaching

Location-Aware Wireless Panic Button

School Safety Lessons Learned: From Cleveland to Newtown

Secondary Educators and Professional Development

Safety & Security Committee Report

annual convention review




Pictures from the ISBA Annual Convention

Awards Banquet

Meet Your 2013-2014 Officers

Business Session Review

Scholarship Auction


30�������� Kids spend 2000 hours every year in school,which makes that the smart place to encourage kids to eat right and get moving.

American College of Sports Medicine, American School Health Association, GENYOUth Foundation, National Dairy Council, The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Through Healthy School Environment, March 2013.

©2013 National Dairy Council. Fuel Up is a service mark of National Dairy Council.

������������������ Programs like Fuel Up to Play 60 empower students to take actions like starting breakfast programs and walking clubs. Community leaders, businesspeople and health professionals can also assist schools in providing opportunities.


of all teens eatbreakfast every day.

38%Students who eat breakfast have better attention and memory.

of physical activity,brain activity improves.

After just


What is the right answer?

Extra credit:

high school students are active for the recommended 60minutes each day.

Only of 25%����� ��� ���������������

Read The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Success Through Healthy School Environments at

Learn more about how Fuel Up To Play 60 is helping schools to take action at

���������������Better Students

Healthy Students are

Healthy Eating + Physical Activity = Improved Academic Performance

Brought to you by: Idaho Dairy Council


3 / Volume 31 / December 2013

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4 / Volume 31 / December 2013


In Every IssueContributors

Karen Echeverria ISBA Executive DirectorFrom the Director’s Chair

Tom LunaSuperintendent of Public InstructionPublic Instruction

Anne RitterISBA Past PresidentPresident’s Message

Don SoltmanPresident, State Board of EducationFrom the State Board of Education

Allan RanstromMoreton & CompanySafety Notes

Jessica HarrisonIdaho School Boards AssociationPolicy Update News

Idaho School Boards AssociationExecutive Committee Board Officers & Executive Director

Executive Board Region Representatives, Board Officers & Executive Director

Executive Board OfficersPresident Todd Wells, Castleford Joint SD #417

President-Elect Lisa Burtenshaw, Idaho Falls SD #091

Vice President John Menter, Troy SD #287

Imm. Past President Anne Ritter, Meridian Joint SD #002

Regional RepresentativesRegion I Reps Archie McGregor, St. Maries Joint SD #041

Kyle Olmstead, Lakeland Joint SD #272 *Region II Reps Kim Campbell, Moscow SD #281

Jennifer Parkins, Genesee Joint SD #282 * Region III Reps Juan (Mike) Vuittonet, Meridian Joint SD #002

Jason Knopp, Melba Joint SD #136 *Region IV Reps Dane Higdem, Kimberly School District

Lisa Knudson, Castleford Jt. School District

Region V Reps James Stoor, Soda Springs Joint SD #150

Janie Gebhardt, Pocatello SD #025

Region VI Reps Nancy Arnold, Teton County SD #401

Amy Landers, Bonneville Jt. SD #093 *Region VII Reps Gail Baer, Salmon SD #291

Eric Jenson, South Lemhi SD #292 *

Region VIII Reps Margaret (Margie) Chipman, Weiser SD #431

Barb Dixon, Meadows Valley SD #011

ISBA StaffExecutive Director Karen Echeverria

Associate Executive Director Misty Jones Swanson

Policy & Government Affairs Director Jessica Harrison

Office & Finance Coordinator Kristi Toolson

Training Director Jackie Hopper

Research & Policy Coordinator April Hoy

Graphics & Marketing Coordinator Rochelle Adams

CalendarJanuary 9 & 14 How to Ensure Financial Stability Webinar 7:30 PM MST

February 1-2 2014 NSBA Leadership Conference Washington, DC

February 2-4 2014 NSBA Federal Relations Network Conference Washington, DC

February 24-25 2014 ISBA Day on the Hill (see back cover) Boise

February 24-25 ISBA Executive Board Meeting Boise

April 5-7 NSBA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA

April 9 & 10 ISBA Legislative Wrap-Up Webinar 7:30 - 9:00 PM MST

April 25-26 2014 ISBA Spring Executive Board Meeting Boise

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For member services, board development, education new, and much more

ISBA Mission StatementThe mission of the Idaho School Boards Association is to

provide leadership and services to local school boards

for the benefit of students and for the advocacy of public


Editorial OfficeP.O. Box 9797 Boise, ID 83707-4797

222 N. 13th Street Boise, ID 83702

Phone: (208) 854-1476 • Toll-Free: (866) 799-4722

Fax: (208) 854-1480


SLATE SubscriptionSubscription to the SLATE, published four times per year,

is by membership to the Idaho School Boards Association.

The material contained herein is for informational purposes

only and may be quite divergent in point of view and/or

controversial in nature. It is the belief of the Association that the

democratic process functions best through discussions which

challenge and stimulate thinking on the part of the reader.

Therefore, this material does not necessarily reflect the opinion

of the Association or its members.

Newly-Elected Regional Representatives

We encourage you to stay in close contact with your region representatives. They are your voice on the ISBA Executive Board. In order for them to represent you well, it is important that they know your needs and concerns.

HappyHolidaysfrom the


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5 / Volume 31 / December 2013

SLATEFrom the Director’s Chair

I f you have been reading my SLATE articles this year, you know that I am focusing on ISBA’s resolution process. I am

breaking that discussion into four main topics. In the May issue of the SLATE, I wrote about the actual resolution

process – who can submit them, when they are submitted, and the process they go through before being presented to the

full membership. In the August issue, I wrote about voting on the resolutions – who can vote, how to vote, debating the

resolutions, and the business session. In this issue I will focus on how a resolution that has passed the ISBA membership

is turned into legislation. In February, I will write the last article in this series and discuss what happens when one of our

resolutions actually becomes a law.


What Happens Next?

QUESTION What Happens As Soon As the Business Session is Over?

ANSWER ISBA staff begins working on the passed resolutions. We determine what action, if any, is required. Some resolutions will require that we write legislation, some will require that we support legislation, and some will require that we oppose legislation.

QUESTION How Do We Determine if We Need to Craft Legislation?

ANSWER The outcome of each resolution requires a different action from ISBA staff. Some resolutions only require ISBA to oppose legislation. An example is a resolution stating ISBA will oppose any legislation which will allow for any further tax cuts that could impact the finances of the school district. In this case, ISBA would oppose any such legislation that may be brought forward, but we would not craft any legislation.

Some resolutions require support from ISBA, but do not require us to craft legislation. An example would be a resolution which states that ISBA would support increased funding to local school districts. All funding legislation is crafted by the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee (JFAC). JFAC debates and votes on the funding legislation. There is no opportunity for outside entities to craft this kind of legislation. Instead, we would work with members of JFAC to help them understand the importance of increased funding and to assure that some level of that is added to the funding legislation. Again, we would not write the legislation, but work with those who do. This would be supporting the resolution the membership passed.

The Resolution Process Voting on Resolutions How the Resolutions Become Legislation

Executive Director

How Resolutions Become Legislation

How Does ISBA Establish The

Legislative Platform?

In the May 2013 SLATE In the August 2013 SLATE In this SLATE Issue Look for it in the February 2014 SLATE

I have also seen resolutions that require ISBA staff to work with another State agency, but did not require legislation. For instance, we currently have a resolution dealing with the sick leave payout for employees in districts on four day work weeks. We are working with the Public Employees Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI) to see if we can find a solution. This may or may not eventually require legislation, but, at this point, it does not. We hope we can resolve it through the rulemaking process with PERSI.

Most remaining resolutions require that we craft legislation to support the intent of the resolution. That process is a little more complex and time consuming.

QUESTION What is the First Step in Writing Legislation?

ANSWER In almost all cases, we ask our attorneys to craft the actual legislation. We do this because they understand the ramifications of certain wording in the law. We discuss with them the debate we heard on the floor of the Business Session – both pro and con – so they understand the intent and concerns that were expressed.

Our attorneys begin crafting the language of the legislation. They oftentimes work with the attorneys at Legislative Services as well as the State Department of Education. In doing so, we strive for legislation that is legally defensible and still meets the intent of the resolution.

We discuss and revise the legislation until we have a product that passes the scrutiny of our attorneys and still meets the intent of the resolution. continued on next page...

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SLATE From the Director’s Chair

THE PROCESS OF RESOLUTIONSDo you have a problem or issue at your school district that you want changed? Can this be changed by State Law or Administrative Rule?

If yes, prepare a Resolution to be submitted to ISBA. A Resolution is a document that explains the problem and what outcome you would like.

During the Legislative Session, ISBA staff request legislators to help “carry” the legislation (Resolutions) and present them to both the House and Senate.

If the legislation (Resolution) passes the House and Senate then it goes to the Governor to be signed into law.


QUESTION What is a Sponsor and where do you find one?

ANSWER Our next step is to find a sponsor for the legislation. In order for us to have the legislation printed, we need to have a legislative sponsor. Only a Legislator can bring legislation forward. No other organization can do that. So, in order to have our legislation printed, we need to secure a legislative sponsor.

We try to secure a legislative sponsor prior to the beginning of the year or, at the very least, prior to the beginning of the legislative session. We ask the submitting school district(s) to help us find both a Senator and Representative that would be willing to sponsor the legislation. We ask for both a Senator and a Representative because the legislation will need to be heard in both chambers. We ask the submitting school district(s) to contact their local legislators because they are more likely to sponsor legislation that comes from their local school districts and addresses issues impacting their legislative districts.

GETTING THE LEGISLATION PRINTED Once we obtain sponsors for the legislation, we take it to the legislative bill drafters in the Legislative Services Office. They take the legislation we have drafted and put it into “bill” form. A “bill” is just the formal term for the actual legislation. The bill contains a Statement of Purpose and a Fiscal Note, both of which we also craft. The bill is given an RS (routing slip) number and returned to the sponsor. Even though ISBA staff took the legislation to the bill drafter, they cannot return it to us. It can only be returned to the sponsor.

Once it is returned to the sponsor, we work with the sponsor and the Chair of either the House or Senate Education Committee (Committee) to schedule the RS for a print hearing.

PRESENTING THE BILL, DEBATE, AND VOTE Once the bill is printed, it comes back before the same Committee that agreed to print the bill. This is when ISBA staff “presents” the bill. Essentially, we

Some Resolutions are passed and some are not passed by the members. For those Resolutions passed, they become the legislative platform for ISBA staff and lobbyists during the Legislative Session.

Nine resolutions were presented to the ISBA membership at the recent Annual Convention in Coeur d’Alene. Seven of those resolutions passed and two failed. View the 2014 Resolutions passed by the membership at

Resolutions adopted at the Annual Convention automatically remain valid policy of the ISBA for a period of two years unless otherwise acted upon. The passed resolutions establish ISBA’s legislative platform for the 2014 session.

There were also two proposed Bylaw amendments before the membership. The change to tighten the requirements for resolutions from the floor passed and the change to ISBA’s weighted voting structure failed.

Results of the2013 Business Session

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go through the bill section by section and explain to members of the Committee what is contained in the bill. At the same time, we discuss the need for the bill and what the bill will do should it be passed. We also include information about ISBA, who we represent, and explain that the legislation is an outcome of the resolution that was passed by the membership. The Committee will ask questions of the staff person presenting the bill. In addition, this is the time that anyone else can sign up to testify on the bill, either in favor of or in opposition to the bill. After all testimony has been taken, ISBA staff then has the opportunity to make closing remarks. When I testify I always try to address the concerns, if any, that were raised in opposition to the bill or to answer any questions that came during the other testimony. Finally, I always ask for their positive vote. Many people forget that part of testimony – you always have to ask for their support.

Once we are done with our closing comments, the Committee will debate among themselves. Motions are made, and then they vote on

the bill. If it passes out of the Committee, it will go to the floor of the House or Senate for consideration and, if passed in that chamber, the same process will be followed in the opposite chamber.

ONE LAST HURDLE If the bill passes both chambers, there is one last hurdle. The Governor needs to sign the bill. Of course the Governor can also always veto the bill instead. Alternately, the Governor can let the bill become law without his signature.

If the Governor signs the bill or allows the bill to become law without his signature, the next phase is implementation. I will discuss that step of the process in my February article.

From The Director’s Chair

From Start to Finish

Submit the Resolution to the ISBA Office no later than July 31st. If you would like help writing the Resolution or have questions, contact the ISBA Office.

Throughout the month of August, ISBA will review all Resolutions and may contact you for clarification.

All Resolutions are sent to ISBA membership via email and posted on the ISBA website. Boards should review each of the Resolutions and discuss the pros and cons of the Resolutions. Boards should choose a position to take on each Resolution.

This is how your Resolution can ultimately become law and help your school district and many others in the State.

All Resolutions are presented to the ISBA Executive Board during its September Board

Meeting. There, the Board reviews all Resolutions and votes on each Resolution to assign it a

nomination of “do pass”, “do not pass”, or “no recommendation”.

During the ISBA Annual Convention in November, the Business Session is held where member districts can debate and vote on each Resolution.


[email protected]



July 31 Resolutions due from trustees, districts, regions, or the ISBA Executive Board

Aug 1-9 ISBA staff compiles and clarifies submitted Resolutions

Aug 12-22 Resolutions are sent to Government Affairs Committee for review

Aug 23 Board packets containing proposed Resolutions are sent to the Executive Board members (two weeks prior to the meeting)

Sept 6-7 ISBA Executive Board reviews Resolutions and makes recommendations

Sept-Oct Resolutions are discussed and debated at fall regional meetings

Oct 10 Deadline to transmit Resolution board packets to Trustees

Nov 8 Trustees vote on resolutions at ISBA Annual Business Session

Resolution Timeline

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8 / Volume 31 / December 2013

SLATE President’s Message


Do people look at you, amazed, when they realize being a school board trustee is a

volunteer position? They do at me.

What makes you volunteer? Do you know others who do? Do you marvel at the commitment and sacrifice some make for their cause? Regardless of all the hours I’ve spent volunteering, my efforts pale in comparison to one man I’ve looked up to throughout my life.

A member of the Danish resistance during World War II, my father “volunteered” at the age of 20 and was involved for years in the resistance, making bombs to put under the wheels of Nazi transport vehicles, smuggling Jews to Sweden, and plotting dangerous efforts of self-sacrifice. When eventually captured by the Gestapo in the top floor of a Copenhagen hotel, they asked for him by name.

“You are the one we have been looking for,” they said. The British-forces-trained parachutist next to him promptly took his cyanide pill and died.

Why did he do it? Why risk his life to help the strangers escape to safety? The answer he gave to me and my siblings:

“We did it because they were Danes.”

They were all in it together. There was a shared mission. A united purpose. There was no expectation of payment or gratitude. And for his efforts he earned a sentence of execution by hanging along with 12 other resistance fighters.

He spent the next nine months in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp in Germany, awaiting his fate. Every time they came to hang him he talked them out of it, saying he had “information”; threatening the lower ranked officers that they would get in trouble if he was “unavailable.” He bought enough time to board and escape the transport train taking him as part of a Red Cross exchange.

And the thanks? Of the many, the most remarkable thank you came several years after the war, while he was having lunch at a small restaurant in Copenhagen. An older distinguished Jewish man approached him from across the restaurant.

“You are the one who saved my family” he stated and cried.

The man was one of the preeminent ophthalmologists in Denmark. It was enough.

Pop always marveled to us at how, at the age of 22 or so, he would knock on the door of a Jewish family and tell them to pack their belongings; that he would be back at 5 a.m. to take them to safety. They were complete strangers. And when he returned at 5 a.m., they would be packed and ready to go.

You may wonder what effect this history has on my six brothers and sisters. Each of us processes it a little differently. It may seem odd, but we do not see him as a hero, because he did not see himself as one. At a time when there were few options, he did what needed to be done.

Fortunately, all of us have had the opportunity to volunteer, and we are all giving of our time, energy, and expertise. We have no other sacrifice than a few angry parent calls, long board meetings, and time commitments. There are many other options. But this is what we choose to do, because it needs to be done.

And that look of amazement on the face of the person who realizes I volunteer? When it is almost assuredly followed by a “why?” to be a trustee?

I only respond, simply, that I am very happy to do it.

Volunteerism ISBA would like to thank Anne Ritter for a year of service as the President of the Idaho School Boards Association.

Anne Ritter has served on the ISBA Executive Board for 8 years. During that time she has served in various positions including President of ISBA. One of the most important jobs Anne held was as Chair of the Governmental Affairs Committee for several years. Her legal background gives her a unique understanding of proposed legislation. Her testimony in front of legislative committees was always well received and spot on.

Anne has also been very active with the National School Boards Association (NSBA). In November 2011, NSBA President, Mary Broderick, selected Anne as her presidential appointment to the 2012 NSBA Policies and Resolutions Committee. Anne was one of five appointments from across the country. Anne represented the Pacific Region of NSBA. As a member of the Policies and Resolutions Committee, Anne worked with other members to review the dozens of resolutions and policies that are submitted by member states for review, discussion, debate, and vote during the annual NSBA Delegate Assembly that is held in April of each year.

In addition to the time Anne spent working on her own Board, she also spent countless hours assisting staff and working with the ISBA Board and for all the members of ISBA. As her time as President comes to a close, we wanted to acknowledge her years of service and give her our grateful thanks.

Job Well Done, Anne!

Thank You

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9 / Volume 31 / December 2013

SLATEPublic Instruction

BY TOM LUNASuperintendent of Public Instruction

A s students have been heading back to school this year, we have been hard at work analyzing the results

from the past school year. There is good news. Our schools — and our students — continue to exceed expectations.

It was the second year of the Five-Star Rating System, a system of increased accountability that uses multiple measures to evaluate the hard work of our teachers and students across the State. In this second year, we know we have more Five-Star Schools and fewer One-Star Schools. Our schools are continuing to improve.

It’s not just schools that are continuing to show progress. Idaho students also are making strides. This past year, individual student data shows us that 90 percent of Idaho students met or exceeded our standards in reading. 82 percent of students met our standards in mathematics. Students are not only meeting these standards, but many are exceeding our standards and considered advanced.

This is exciting news for Idaho’s students, teachers, and parents.

While I praise these results, I know – and you know – the reality behind this data: While students are performing better than ever in K-12, they continue to struggle after they graduate from high school.

As State Superintendent, I don’t want our students to just perform well while they are in school. I want our students to perform well outside of school, once they graduate and go on to postsecondary education, the workforce, or the military.

Here’s the stark reality —today, while more

than 80% of students are at or above grade level in math and reading in high school, just a few months after these students graduate and go on to postsecondary education, nearly half will need remedial courses.

That’s 40 percent of students who choose to further their education after high school. They did well in K-12 and were accepted into an institution of higher education, yet they were not ready for the rigors of postsecondary education. That’s 40 percent too many.

Because of this, half of those students who have chosen to pursue education after high school will not go on for a second year.

In the world we live in today, when 60 percent of the jobs require some form of postsecondary degree or certificate, this is unacceptable.

What does this tell me? It tells me our standards in K-12 education need to be raised. Idaho’s kids are ready to perform at higher levels and meet higher expectations.

That is why we as a State have moved toward higher academic standards for all students in mathematics, English language arts, and literacy.

Two years ago, Idaho made the decision to voluntarily adopt the Common Core State Standards as Idaho’s Core Standards. These new, higher standards are being taught across grades K-12 today.

We know Idaho students will rise to the occasion. They’ve done it before.

Standards are not new in our State. Idaho first implemented academic standards in 2002. Back then, we didn’t see half of Idaho’s students scoring at the advanced level in

reading right away. It took us several years to get here. It will be the same with these higher standards.

What’s new about these standards is that they are higher, and comparable with any other country in the world. Just as in the past, Idaho adopted the standards at the state level. It will be up to each local school district to decide which curriculum to adopt, which textbooks to use, and how to get students to reach these standards.

What’s different now is that we can be confident our students will graduate from high school with the content and skills necessary to be successful in postsecondary education and the workforce.

Now, we will have the ability not only to see how Idaho students are faring compared with their peers here in Idaho, but with their peers across the country and even around the world.

The implementation of these new academic standards is a critical change in Idaho’s education system.

As I have traveled across the State of Idaho, talking about these new academic standards and other critical changes to Idaho’s education system, the conversation often leads to questions about data.

The fact is the two topics are completely unrelated. There is no connection between the data we collect and the standards we have adopted. In other words, we do not have to collect any more data elements today because Idaho chose to adopt the Common Core State Standards. If we choose to move away from these standards, we will continue to collect the same data.

Idaho Core Standards and Data

continued on next page...

The Truth About

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SLATE Public Instruction

However, even knowing this, I do think the discussion happening today about data is important. I understand the concerns some have raised about data collection and believe they are valid and should be taken seriously at both the state and local levels.

Data is a necessary part of any organization or industry. In a business or a home, it helps you track progress and make the best possible decisions. It’s the same in education. We need data at the classroom, school, district, and state level to make the best possible decisions for students.

Parents have long pushed for better access to data in schools so they can make the right choice in which school their child attends, or which class their child takes. Patrons and taxpayers also deserve access to data so they can hold policymakers accountable at the local and state levels when it comes to finances. The fact is, without quality data down to the student level, we can never truly have accountability. We end up with a system solely based on inputs, such as how much money we spend or seat time. We do not have a system based on results.

We know today, especially in light of the recommendations from the Task Force for Improving Education, that we all want a system of education based on results. In order to accomplish that, we must have high-quality data.

Idaho’s high-quality data system, known as the Idaho System for Educational Excellence (ISEE), has been beneficial in a number of ways. It has allowed our state to move away from Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) to a system of increased accountability based on growth. This helps the state more accurately calculate funding for school districts across Idaho. We also are piloting a system to get important data on student achievement into the hands of every teacher and administrator so they can make more informed decisions about instruction.

Going forward, data will become even more critical. Many of the recommendations from the Task Force for Improving Education, rely on current, accurate, and verifiable data to be implemented. Just look at the mastery-based

system, literacy proficiency, or the career ladder, to name a few.

To implement a career ladder, for example, the state will need current, accurate data on where teachers are on this career ladder in order to accurately fund it. I continue to be excited about how this data will be used in the future by classroom teachers, principals, parents, and policymakers in the future to improve education.

At the same time, I strongly believe we must make sure that any and all data collected on students and staff in our schools remains safe and secure.

In Idaho, we have laws in place today that are working to protect every student and the data we collect on them, but the revelations in recent months regarding the National Security Agency and its monitoring of phone data should give every U.S. citizen pause. People want to know that the data collected on their child serves an educational purpose, and that it is not only secure today but will continue to be secure in the future. I couldn’t agree more.

For that reason, in August, I sent a letter to Governor Otter and the Chairs of the House and Senate Education Committees about this very topic. I believe we as a state must take every step necessary to make sure our data is protected now and in the years to come, no matter who is in office at the state, local, or federal level. I believe we can accomplish this

through an executive order from the Governor or a bill from the Legislature that establishes a firewall.

A firewall would ensure no personally identifiable data on students, with the exception of information required for the Migrant Student Database, shall be collected, tracked, housed, reported, or shared with the federal government. A firewall would also prevent the collection of information on students and/or their families’ religion, political party affiliation, biometric information, psychometric data, and/or voting history.

We know neither collection of such personal information nor sharing of personally identifiable student information with the federal government is happening with the data being collected today. It is our responsibility to make sure it doesn’t happen in the future either. Establishing and codifying a clear firewall would be a positive path forward as we strive to improve Idaho’s public education system, focus on results, and use data to drive instruction so that it meets the needs of every child in the classroom.

It would remove many of the questions and concerns we are all hearing today so we can continue to move the conversation about education forward.

I look forward to working with all education stakeholders, including school board trustees, on this topic and others in the coming months.

A firewall would ensure no personally identifiable

data on students, with the exception of information

required for the Migrant Student Database,

shall be collected, tracked, housed, reported, or

shared with the federal government. A firewall

would also prevent the collection of information

on students and/or their families' religion,

political party affiliation, biometric information,

psychometric data, and/or voting history.

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11 / Volume 31 / December 2013

SLATEStatistic of the Quarter

Student POPULATION CHANGESThe U.S. population is rapidly becoming both older and more diverse. The 65 and older population is expected to more than double between 2008 and 2050 (while the 85 and older population is expected to more than triple), and so-called “minorities” will constitute the majority of schoolchildren by 2023, of working-age Americans by 2039, and of all Americans by 2042.

THE CHALLENGEThis creates a two-fold challenge for schools: First, they will need to be able to teach a more diverse group of students. Second, they will need to prepare those students to collaborate in diverse job settings and function in a diverse society.

RESOURCESFrom Projections of Education Statistics to 2021, Fortieth Edition, National Center for Education Statistics.


fast factMinorities will constitute the

majority of schoolchildren by


Board Continuing Education ProgramThis highly effective tool helps manage continuing education for all Board members at Board meetings throughout the year. Articles, Webinars, and mini-modules on current Board topics will be delivered directly to your district, enabling you to become a high impact Board and positively influence student achievement.

Each Packet Includes:

Contact ISBA Training Director Jackie Hopper: [email protected] or (866) 799-4722

Webinars• February - Data Driven School Boards• April - School Safety

ArticlesYou will receive one article each month from January to May. These articles are from specialists in board governance and board work with directed questions and activities for use and discussion in the board room.

Cost: $200 per school board for one year of access.

Mini Modules• Chairing the Board or How to Run Effective Meetings• Evaluating the Superintendent • Strategic Planning• Board Self Evaluation• Getting Ready for the Budget Hearing• Year End Evaluation and Planning for Next Year

These modules are available as self-directed learning or as trainings done in the board room by the board members. Each Mini Module comes complete with handouts, discussion questions, and any other materials that support the training.

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12 / Volume 31 / December 2013


L ast December, Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter asked the State Board of Education to shepherd a discussion

among stakeholders and the public about how to improve Idaho’s education system. A Task Force of 31 individuals, representing a diverse group of stakeholders from across the State, assembled in January to start that discussion.

The Idaho School Boards Association (ISBA) was represented by ISBA President Anne Ritter, Past President Wayne Freedman, Executive Director Karen Echeverria, and Melba School Board Trustee Mary Huff. These individuals worked over the course of the last eight months to help develop recommendations on how to improve Idaho’s K-12 schools.

The recommendations are designed to support the State Board of Education’s goal that 60 percent of Idahoans between the ages of 25 and 34 attain a postsecondary degree or credential by 2020. Key to accomplishing this goal is ensuring that our students leave

the K-12 system prepared for postsecondary education.

At initial meetings, the Task Force identified areas of focus for research and discussion including teacher effectiveness, professional development, fiscal stability, technology, and structural change. After preliminary strategies and recommendations were developed, a series of seven community forums was held across the State to gather public input. In fact, all the meetings and deliberations of the Task Force were transparent and included opportunities for public input throughout the process.

Ultimately, three subcommittees met from June to August to study best practices, hear from researchers and education stakeholders from other states, and discuss what should be further developed and implemented in Idaho.

The Task Force finalized its recommendations at its August 23rd meeting. After detailed presentations from the subcommittees,

the group voted on each of the 21 recommendations presented. All the recommendations were approved by unanimous vote with the exception of support for implementation of the Idaho Core Standards, which had only one dissenting vote. A final report was delivered to Gov. Otter on September 6th.

The Board appreciates the participation of the ISBA and the work of all those on the Task Force who share our commitment to ensuring that our educational system improves the quality of life for Idaho citizens and enhances Idaho’s global competitiveness.

The final report of the Task Force and all meeting materials and notes from the Task Force meetings are available on the Board’s website at

Don Soltman is the current president of the Idaho State Board of Education. He is a retired health care executive and former trustee of the Lakeland School District. Don makes his home in Rathdrum, Idaho.

From the State Board of Education

BY DON SOLTMANPresident,State Board of Education

Task Force for Improving Education Recommends Changes

Summary of Recommendations

1. Mastery Based SystemWe recommend the state shift to a system where students advance based upon content mastery, rather than seat time requirements. This may require a structural change to Idaho’s funding formula and/or some financial incentive to school districts. We also recommend that mastery be measured against high academic standards.

2. Idaho Core StandardsWe strongly endorse the rigorous and successful implementation of the Idaho Core Standards as an essential component of

high performing schools. Higher standards in all subject areas help raise student achievement among all students, including those performing below grade level.

3. Literacy ProficiencyWe recommend students demonstrate mastery of literacy before moving on to significant content learning. Reading proficiency is a major benchmark in a student’s education. Students must learn to read before they can read to learn content in other subject areas.

4. Advanced OpportunitiesWe recommend the state ensure that all students have access to advanced opportunities by expanding post-secondary offerings while a student is still in high school.

5. Revamp the State’s Accountability Structure Involving Schools We recommend the state revamp the accountability structure involving schools. The existing structure that relies on compliance mandates should be replaced with a system that is based on accountability for student outcomes.

● Find the full report at

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6. Empower Autonomy by Removing ConstraintsWe recommend the Governor’s Office, State Board of Education, and State Department of Education evaluate existing education laws and administrative rules and work with the Legislature to remove those which impede local autonomy, flexibility to adapt to local circumstances, and the ability of the schools to be agile, adaptive, innovative, and drive continuous improvement.

7. Annual Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Continuous Focus on ImprovementWe recommend each district be required to have a strategic plan (and to renew it annually) that identifies and focuses district-wide continuous improvement toward statewide goals. Both the local board and the state should provide oversight to ensure that the plan is appropriate to local circumstances and aligns to and supports the state’s goals. The plan forms the basis from which accountability will be structured and the superintendent will be evaluated.

8. Statewide Electronic Collaboration System We recommend that a statewide electronic collaboration system be adopted for educators to share ideas and resources across the state.

9. High Speed Bandwidth and Wireless Infrastructure We recommend the state expand the existing high speed bandwidth infrastructure to ensure every school (high school, middle school, and elementary school) has the bandwidth and wireless infrastructure necessary for simultaneous equal access and opportunity. This will require ongoing funding for the repair and replenishment of equipment.

10. Educator and Student Technology DevicesWe recommend that every educator and student have adequate access to technology devices with appropriate content to support equal access and opportunity. Educator professional development is critical to the effective implementation of technology.

11. Restoration of Operational Funding We recommend restoration of operational funding to the FY 2009 level. Although traditionally called “discretionary” funding, operational funds are the normal, reasonable

costs of doing business and include such items as paying for heat, lights and fuel; transporting students in a safe manner to and from school; and providing timely and relevant content materials and training for teachers. A multiple year approach could be implemented to rebuild operational funding.

12. Career Ladder Compensation ModelWe recommend a phased implementation of a Career Ladder of teacher compensation. The model proposed combines competitive salaries with incentives, rewards and accountability. Further, we believe it should be tied to a revised system of state licensure.

13. Enrollment Model of Funding SchoolsWe recommend a change from Average Daily Attendance (ADA) to Average Daily Enrollment/Membership. This will enhance fiscal stability and remove current barriers to personalized and/or mastery learning models that are required to meet the State Board’s 60 percent goal.

14. Tiered Licensure We recommend a continuum of professional growth and learning that is tied to licensure. Movement through the system would be accomplished in a very specific, objective way using performance measures.

15. Mentoring We recommend that each district develop a mentoring program for the support of new teachers based on the Idaho Mentor Program Standards. These standards provide a vision and guidelines for local planners to use in the design and implementation of a high-quality mentor program for beginning teachers. We recommend the state provide funding support for a mentoring program.

16. Ongoing Job-embedded Professional LearningTeacher effectiveness is paramount to student success, and professional development is paramount to teacher effectiveness. Professional development must be regularly scheduled and ongoing. We recommend that districts provide regular professional learning opportunities, and we support ongoing funding for professional development. We recommend the use of the research-based standards of the National Staff Development Council known as Learning Forward. We further recommend that resources for

educator learning be prioritized, monitored and coordinated at the state level.

17. Site-Based Collaboration Among Teachers and Instructional LeadersTime to collaborate is critical to effective teaching and implementation of higher standards and technology. We strongly encourage districts to restructure the traditional school day schedule to allow for job-embedded collaboration time. We support the creation of professional learning communities that increase educator effectiveness and results for all students. We recommend providing training models to districts for their use in training the members of the professional learning communities, and encourage models that focus on team outcomes and collective responsibility.

18. Training and Development of School Administrators, Superintendents, and School BoardsWe recommend continued training and professional development of school administrators, superintendents and school boards. The committee supports further development and implementation of the Idaho Standards for Effective Principals and the pilot work being conducted in the 2013-14 school year to further explore effective performance measures for school administrators. This includes ongoing implementation and support for administrator training in assessing classroom performance through observation.

19. Provide Enhanced Pre-Service Teaching Opportunities Through the State’s Colleges of EducationWe support the efforts of Idaho’s higher education institutions to increase and enhance clinical field experiences for pre-service teachers.

20. Participation in the CCSSO’s “Our Responsibility, Our Promise” Recommendations to Improve Teacher Preparation We support Idaho’s participation in implementing The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) “Our Responsibility, Our Promise” recommendations to help ensure that every teacher and principal is able to prepare students for college and the workforce.

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14 SLATE Safety Notes

E xtra-curricular activities spice up life for students and allow our children to learn things they may never learn in the classroom. Plus, they are fun. Unfortunately,

sometimes these activities cause serious injuries. Many times these activities take place without the knowledge and approval of administrators and school boards.

Students in your high school German class are traveling to Germany this summer with the German teacher—is that a school sponsored trip? Your head basketball coach is taking a group of players from the high school to a summer tournament out of state—is that a school sponsored activity? The graduated seniors are going to Disneyland accompanied by their class advisors and some parents—is that activity sponsored by the district? Your booster club is holding a boxing match in your high school gym to raise funds—is that school sponsored? I could go on and on and so could you.

Everyone has a pretty good idea that what takes place during the regular school day at school is a part of the district’s risk management responsibility. Most districts also understand they have a duty to manage other activities that fall within the Idaho High School Activities

Whose Activity is This Anyway?

Allan Ranstrom or Pat PinkhamMoreton & Company(800) 332-6789



BY ALLAN RANSTROMMoreton & Company

Association (IHSAA); but what about all the other activities? Are they school sponsored or not? If something bad happens (serious injuries, vehicle accidents, abuse of a child, etc.) will your district be sued by the injured party? Will you have insurance protection? Will your employees be held personally responsible?

Having been involved with helping school districts meet their insurance and risk management challenges for almost 30 years, I have observed that the responsibility of managing the risk of extra-curricular activities is often ignored. Many times these activities take place without the school board or the administration knowing what is happening. As long as nothing goes wrong everyone seems willing to look the other way. The problem with that philosophy is that things do go wrong, and when they do it can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in claims against the district.

Allan Ranstrom and Pat Pinkham presented a workshop, Managing the Risk of Extra-Curricular Activities, at the ISBA Annual Convention in Coeur d’Alene on November 6th. Attendees shared their “best practices” and learned the important steps to keep school districts safe.

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SLATE PoLicy Update News

Changes to Charter School Authorization and Oversight

Policy & Government Affairs Director

There are several components of this legislation that went into effect on July 1, 2013 that school board members should be aware of if they have authorized, or are considering authorizing, a charter school or if there are charter schools operating in their district.

The first is the creation of performance certificates for charter schools that bind both the charter school and its authorizer. A “performance certificate” is a fixed-term, renewable contract that outlines the roles, powers, responsibilities, and performance expectations between the charter school and its authorizer. Pursuant to Section 33-5205B, Idaho Code:

Within seventy-five (75) days of approval of a charter application, the authorized chartering entity and the governing board of the approved public charter school shall execute a performance certificate that clearly sets forth the academic and operational performance expectations and measures by which the public charter school will be judged and the administrative relationship between the authorized chartering entity and public charter school, including each party’s rights and duties. The performance expectations and measures set forth in the performance certificate shall include, but need not be limited to, applicable federal and state accountability requirements. The performance provisions may be refined or amended by mutual agreement after the public charter school is operating and has collected baseline achievement data for its enrolled students.

Districts that authorized a charter school prior to July 1, 2013, will need to execute performance certificates with their charter schools no later than July 1, 2014.

The performance certificates form part of the basis of the new renewal process outlined in Idaho Code. The law requires periodic renewals of all charter schools with successive five (5) year renewals for existing charter schools and an initial three (3) year renewal for newly opened schools. If an authorizer has concerns about the charter school’s performance or compliance with the performance certificate then the authorizer may grant renewal with specific, written conditions for necessary improvements and deadlines by which the conditions must be met. An authorizer may choose to not renew any charter in which the school failed to meet one (1) or more of the terms of its performance certificate.

The renewal process has several fixed statutory deadlines. By November 15th, the authorizer will issue a charter school performance report and charter renewal application guidance that summarizes the charter school’s performance record to date, based upon the data required by law and the performance certificate, and provide notice of any weaknesses or concerns that may jeopardize the charter school in seeking renewal. The charter school then has thirty (30) days to respond to the performance report and submit any corrections or clarifications. By December 15th, the charter school seeking renewal must submit a renewal application to its authorizer. The authorizer has to vote on the renewal application no later than March 15th.

T he 2013 Legislative Session culminated the work of a diverse group of education stakeholders that had been examining Idaho’s charter school laws from June 2012 through February 2013. The group,

consisting of representatives from the Idaho School Boards Association, Idaho Charter School Network, Public Charter School Commission, Idaho Association of School Administrators, Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families, and the Idaho State Department of Education made numerous recommendations regarding authorization, governance, and oversight of charter schools. The two pieces of legislation that resulted from these recommendations, HB206 and HB221, contained many compromises for all parties involved and vastly changed the landscape of charter school law in Idaho.


Policy Update Service

Toll-Free: (866) 799-4722Email: [email protected]


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SLATEExecutive Board Member Highlight

My Best Advice As a board trustee you have to listen to all sides: student, teacher, administrator, other trustees, etc. You need to voice your thoughts. You need to take the emotion out of the decision. You need to show empathy with the situation. You need to do what is best for the student(s). Most importantly, you need to support and back the boards final decision.

ISBA Region 1 Chair • St. Maries Jt. School District

Archie McGregor

A little about me I have lived in Idaho all my life. I graduated from Coeur d’Alene High School and the University of Idaho. I am married to Shelley and we have three children Chelsea (21), Archie IV (18) and Hunter (17). As the owner of two grocery stores, Archie’s IGA in St. Maries and Dissmore’s IGA in Pullman, WA, my wife has learned to be understanding. Besides serving on several other boards, as a family we find time to snowmobile, go camping and play on the lakes and rivers in North Idaho.

Why I Serve on my local BoardI have always been a supporter of the youth in our community. I believe to build a strong community you have to have strong schools and youth programs. You have to develop youth that will work in the community and return to the community as tomorrow’s leaders. Schools and youth programs also bring families together making communities stronger and teaching the youth values. I hope that as a trustee I help my local board have a positive influence on the programs and youth of my community.

A fter being approached by several people within

the community about running for the school board I fell for “there is only one meeting per month” sales pitch and ran. I ran unopposed and because of health issues of the retiring board member, he stepped down early and I was sworn in during the May meeting of 2011. I then attended the convention in Coeur d’Alene and was encouraged to run for Region I Vice Chair. I have been fortunate to serve with a strong Board that has the student interests first. Our Board believes in training and keeping abreast of what is happening with education in Idaho. As a Board, we attend as many ISBA trainings as possible thus we were awarded the Master of Boardsmanship Award at the last convention which we are all very proud of.

You need to voice your thoughts. You need to take the emotion out of the decision. You need to show empathy with the situation. You need to do what is best for the student(s). Most importantly, you need to support and back the boards final decision.

In addition to performance certificates and renewals, the new laws now allow district-authorized charter schools to be their own local education agencies (LEA) as long as both boards agree. Otherwise, the district-authorized charter school is included in the district’s LEA as it was under the previous law. The laws also include some new charter authorizers. Idaho accredited colleges, universities, or community colleges can now authorize charter schools in addition to school districts and the Public Charter School Commission.

Finally, there were some financial components of the laws intended to help defray the costs associated with oversight for authorizers as well as some procedures for fiscally unsound charter schools. The laws allow the State Department of Education to reduce the front-loading of charter school funding if notified by the authorizer that the school is fiscally unsound. Furthermore, each charter school is now required to pay an authorizer fee to defray the actual documented cost of monitoring, evaluating, and oversight. The amount of the fee is set out in a statutory formula that includes a provision that each charter board may direct up to ten percent (10%) of the calculated fee to pay membership fees to an organization or association that provides technical assistance, training, and/or advocacy for Idaho public charter schools. Unless the authorizer declines payment, the fee shall be paid by February 15th of each fiscal year.

There were several other components to this legislation that should be reviewed carefully by any charter authorizers, including revocation, procedures upon dissolution of a charter school, and transfer of a charter. The ISBA policy staff is available to help direct school board members to the appropriate code citations and answer questions related to the new charter authorizer and oversight laws.

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We are filling a board vacancy and it has been thirty days with no applicants from the zone. I believe that Idaho Code says that ninety days need to pass with no applicants from the zone before the board can open it up to applicants outside of the specific zone. Is there any way this can be expedited?

Question:Distinguished Student

of the Quarter

Answer: No. There is no way to expedite this process without leaving the individual’s appointment open to a legal challenge. The Idaho Code section pasted below is very clear on this matter:

33-504. Vacancies on boards of trustees. A vacancy shall be declared by the board of trustees when any nominee has been elected but has failed to qualify for office, or within thirty (30) days of when any trustee shall (a) die; (b) resign as trustee; (c) remove himself from his trustee zone of residence; (d) no longer be a resident or school district elector of the district; (e) refuse to serve as trustee; (f) without excuse acceptable to the board of trustees, fail to attend four (4) consecutive regular meetings of the board; or (g) be recalled and discharged from office as provided in law.

Such declaration of vacancy shall be made at any regular or special meeting of the board of trustees, at which any of the above-mentioned conditions are determined to exist.

The board of trustees shall appoint to such vacancy a person qualified to serve as trustee of the school district provided there remains in membership on the board of trustees a majority of the membership thereof, and the board shall notify the state superintendent of public instruction of the appointment. Such appointment shall be made within ninety (90) days of the declaration of vacancy. After ninety (90) days, if the board of trustees is unable to appoint a trustee from the zone vacated, the board of trustees may appoint a person at-large from within the boundaries of the school district to serve as the trustee from the zone where the vacancy occurred. Otherwise, after one hundred twenty (120) days from the declaration of vacancy, appointments shall be made by the board of county commissioners of the county in which the district is situated, or of the home county if the district be a joint district.

Any person appointed as herein provided shall serve for the balance of the unexpired term of the office which was declared vacant and filled by appointment.

Unfortunately, State law does not allow for an expedited trustee appointment process. The Board must first declare the vacancy and then the date of the declaration of vacancy triggers the timeline for appointment in statute.

• 300 Hours of Volunteer service related to National Honor Society Activities

• Boise Mission Volunteer• Service Learning Projects with Elementary Schools• Grace Jordan Elementary Homework Club Tutor• Grace Assisted Living Volunteer• Borah Varsity Ice Hockey• Idaho Jr. Steelheads Hockey captain• American Legion Baseball

About the Idaho Dairy Council Distinguished Student Award

Dylan “D.J.” Stoddard


age: 17

GPA: 4.0

Borah High School,Boise School District

future plans

extra curricular activities

• National Honor Society• Rank #1 in class of 440• Senators Choice Award• Silver B Award• AP Psychology, AP Language & Composition,

English 101, Physics, Biology, Pre-Calculus Statistics

Dylan will be attending the United States Air Force Academy and major in Aeronautical Engineering.

The Idaho Dairy Council has promoted the success of students in Idaho since the fall of 1999 with the introduction of the Distinguished Student Award program. Every week the Idaho Dairy Council selects four students from around the state to honor for their exceptional academic, athletic, and civic contributions and achievements.

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I n Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet, Juliet wonders “What’s in a name?” When this question is asked of Idaho school districts in regards to their

underlying credit ratings, the answer is: A LOT.

Historically, Idaho school districts have benefited from their collective conservative approach to financial matters. However, recent ongoing reductions in revenue combined with slow property value growth have led some rating agencies and investors to reconsider the current credit status of some Idaho school districts and their bonds.

This article seeks to describe the factors that are considered in a bond rating, the current economic and financial challenges facing Idaho school districts, and the value the Idaho School Bond Guaranty Program and the Endowment Fund Investment Board Credit Enhancement Program provide in saving taxpayers money.

What’s in a bond rating?According to Moody’s Investors Services, “A credit rating is an opinion of the general credit worthiness of an issuer (school district), of its credit worthiness with respect to a particular debt security or other financial obligation, based on relevant risk factors.” There is a high correlation between credit quality and the probability of default. In other words, “the higher the rating, the lower the probability of default.” Below is a graph of the rating scales of the three main rating agencies (Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch).

According to Standard & Poor’s, general obligation bonds are rated according to four main factors: Economic, Financial, Debt, and Management. Below is the breakdown of how these factors are evaluated.

Economic » Income levels as a percent of the national average » Market value per capita » Taxpayer concentration

Financial » General fund balances as a percent of operating revenues » Unreserved general fund balance policies » Property tax burdens

Debt » Debt to market value » Debt service to operating expenditures » Overall debt per capita » Debt to income » Appropriate debt amortization

Management » Fund balance reserve policy/working capital reserves » Multi-year financial forecasting » Contingency planning policies » Policies regarding nonrecurring revenue » Five-year capital improvement plan integrating operating costs of

new facilities » Financial reporting awards » Budgeting awards

Idaho school districts can control some of these factors, including debt levels and certain management issues. It is also important to note that several of the most significant rating criteria are generally out of the control of the school districts, including property values and operating revenues, the majority of which comes from the Idaho Legislature.

A school district’s ability to generate revenues to pay ongoing operating expenses and debt obligations is partially represented by trends in its taxable value and its general fund balance.

What's in a Bond Rating?BY CAMERON ARIAL AND ALAN WESTENSKOWZions Bank Public Finance




Upper Medium Grade; Strong

Medium Grade; Adequate


Top Quality;“Gilted-edged”High Grade;Very Strong































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Idaho School District Taxable Value Trends by Region

Idaho School District Revenue and Expenditure Trends for 15 School Districts

Source: Idaho Tax Commission, calculations by Zions Bank. *Data compiled based on the 6 regions of Idaho according to the State Department of Education. To see a map of these regions, visit

Source: Idaho school district financial audits and Zions Bank

PROPERTY VALUESTaxable values represent the tax base districts levy against to generate property taxes. Declining taxable values represent an increase in the property tax burden of local taxpayers. Trends in taxable values have varied significantly throughout the State of Idaho, with districts in Regions II and V showing continued growth for each the past six years. All other regions show declining valuations during this same time period.

OPERATING REVENUESIdaho school districts receive a disproportionately high percentage of their operating revenues from the Idaho Legislature. As a result, revenue reductions at the State level have significant ramifications for the ability of school districts to manage their finances and maintain a consistent level of education services.

The following chart illustrates the recent trends in total revenues and expenditures for a sample of fifteen school districts with which Zions Bank works closely and which represent all six regions of Idaho. Over the past five years districts have cut expenditures to offset the ongoing reductions in revenues and the difference continues to narrow.

$23,243 $26,330 $25,992 $24,635

$21,886 $20,508

$4,599 $6,026 $6,362 $6,451 $6,566 $6,584


$53,470 $56,048


$42,651 $39,356

$18,612 $20,522 $21,193

$20,762 $19,666 $18,576

$5,322 $5,869 $6,388 $6,739 $7,021 $7,580 $10,937 $12,600 $14,246 $14,814 $14,141 $14,055








2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



Region IRegion IIRegion IIIRegion IVRegion VRegion VI





















2008 2009 2010 2011 2012




continued on next page...

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Bond ratings are subject to constant surveillance by rating agencies throughout the life of the bonds. Fund balance (the amount of money remaining after all expenses are paid) as a percent of revenue and taxable valuation trends are two of the most important rating metrics. Recent negative trends in these areas have caused Moody’s Investors Service to perform a “deep dive” on all Idaho school district bond ratings. As a result, several Idaho school districts have recently experienced downgrades in their underlying bond ratings. Unsurprisingly, the rationales for these recent downgrades include the following statements:

“Steady degradation of the district’s finances over the last several years, leading to reserve and liquidity levels that are well below the median for similarly rated districts.”

“The district’s recent inability to balance financial operations without drawing reserves. As a result, reserves narrowed to levels well below similarly rated school districts nationally.”

“The district’s stressed financial position characterized by the absence of any meaningful operating reserves.”

It is worth noting that districts that received recent downgrades were credited by Moody’s with having a stable or growing local economy and tax base, a demonstrated willingness to make large expenditure reductions, and managerial willingness to take significant budgetary and operational steps to improve finances. In many cases, Idaho school districts are doing their best with the revenue cuts, however this is still not enough to prevent a rating downgrade.

Idaho School Bond Guarantee Program (ISBGP) and Endowment Fund Investment Board Credit Enhancement Program (EFIB CEP)Idaho school districts are very fortunate to have access to the ISBGP

& EFIB CEP. These programs allow qualifying districts access to a potential Aaa/AAA rated credit enhancement that allows them to receive the lowest interest rates on their bonds.

Recently the State Treasurer’s Office (STO) has enacted the following ISBGP policies to support the longevity of the program that districts should be aware of. Each application is reviewed to determine if it would be prudent to approve or if the application could potentially have a negative effect on the State’s Credit rating. The updated policies are as follows:

» Certificates of Eligibility are valid for 90 days.

» Refunding of non-ISBGP or Idaho Bond Bank Authority bonds must achieve a 5% net present value (NPV) savings at the time of closing.

» Restructuring of debt may allow an exception to the 5% NPV savings rule.

» Private placements must demonstrate a proof of benefit to the School District.

» Districts with an equivalent or greater credit rating than the ISBGP must demonstrate a proof of benefit to the School District.

ConclusionIdaho school districts are wise to work closely with their financial advisor to know how their credit rating is determined, and to do all they can to maintain or improve their creditworthiness. Districts with stronger credit will have a greater ability to finance in the future and will likely reduce their interest costs. Because creditworthiness is based heavily on school district revenues, policy makers and administrators must work together within these financial realities to increase revenues, manage debt and actively manage expenses.

...continued from previous page

SAVE THE DATE!WEBINAR: How to Ensure Future Financial StabilityThis webinar is available two different dates for your convenience:

January 9 @ 7:30PM MSTJanuary 14 @ 7:30PM MST

W e all know that school funding over the last several years has brought about budget cuts, reduction in teachers and/or programs and more. Perhaps

we have gotten through these tough times because we had a decent fund balance in the district. As we look to the future, we must begin to analyze the health of our budget in light of the fund balance. Will we be able to continue funding our district under the current budget scenarios and keep a healthy fund balance or will we cross over and find ourselves depleting this resource?

Research from the 2013 budget audits indicate a potential reduction in fund balance to fill gaps between revenues and expenditures. For more information and supporting data, go to

Come and find out why we may find our school budgets crossing over and using the fund balance more quickly than it can be replaced. Learn what questions to ask and how to begin to analyze the financial future for your district.

Webinar provided by:Cameron Arial

Zions Bank Public Finance

Jackie HopperISBA Training Director

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National School Boards Association

N a t i o n a l C o n n e c t i o n

Connect to excellence.

Introducing the National ConnectionNational Resources for School Board Leaders ISBA is excited to offer our members a new package of resources of value to every school board in America. Through a partnership with the National School Boards Association, the National Connection service brings your board/superintendent team and district staff access to resources to help you:

• Get the real story from Washington: In-depth analysis of federal policy. • Focus on results that matter: National research and best practices from high-performing school boards and districts across the country. • Meet the experts on innovation: Cutting-edge insights from the country’s leading experts on education innovation and improvement. • Create public commitment: Practical tools to build support for American public education. • Make a difference: Taking part helps support NSBA’s national advocacy agenda on behalf of local governance and public education. Learn more today:

I d a h o S c h o o l B o a r d s A s s o c i a t i o n

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SLATE isba Annual Convention review


04 05 06

07 08 09

01 02 03







Student entertainment group Troubadours from Post Falls High School.

Alan Westenskow and Cameron Arial from Zions Bank at the Exhibit Show.

Navy Blues student entertainment group from Lake City High School in Coeur d’Alene.

Convention attendees at an Early Bird Workshop.

Jennifer Swindell of Idaho ED News at the Exhibit Show.

Attendees enjoy the fireplace in the lobby area of the Coeur d’Alene Resort.

John Menter, candidate for ISBA Vice President addresses the membership at the Business Session.

Student entertainment group STOMP from Lake City High School in Coeur d’Alene.

ISBA Annual Business Session

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2013 ISBA Annual Convention in Coeur d’Alene in November. It was great to see all of you. We are pleased with the turnout and the variety of workshops and keynote speakers ISBA was able to provide. We hope you enjoy these photos that capture some of the Annual Convention experience.

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SLATEisba Annual Convention review


Join us in Boise for the 2014 Annual ConventionNovember 12-14 at the Riverside Hotel!

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

10 11 12







Allan Ranstrom from Moreton & Company Mike Vuittonet and Tina Dean of the Meridian School District present Anne Ritter with a thank you gift.

ISBA Executive Director Karen Echeverria with the winner of a Samsung tablet.

Lynn Towne, Board Clerk for Coeur d’Alene SD, conducts a workshop discussion.

Keynote Speaker Jim Bearden speaks to a captivated audience.

Todd Wells, the new 2013-2014 ISBA President, during the Business Session.

Past ISBA President Donagene Turbow and Vice-President John Menter.

Keynote Speaker and NSBA Past President C. Ed Massey speaks during the Second General Session.

Student entertainment group, Navy Blues, from Lake City High School in Coeur d’Alene.

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20 2119

isba Annual Convention review

Master of Boardsmanship Award

20 Years of Service

Citizenship Award

Legislative Liaison Award

Trustee Award of Boardsmanship

Level I AchievementChuck Overacker Salmon SD #291Kenn Roberts Salmon SD #291Eric Jenson South Lemhi SD #292Bryant Beyeler South Lemhi SD #292Cory Bird South Lemhi SD #292Jody Hendrickx St. Maries Jt. SD #041

Level II ExcellenceKerry Nyce Weiser SD #431Dorrie Prange Salmon SD #291Erin Haight-Mortensen Clark County SD #161JoAnna Cook Minidoka Jt. SD #331Mark Sanderson Minidoka Jt. SD #331Doyle Price Minidoka Jt. SD #331Wes Mackay South Lemhi SD #292Tom Hearn Coeur d’Alene SD #271Christa Hazel Coeur d’Alene SD #271Tom Hamilton Coeur d’Alene SD #271Dave Eubanks Coeur d’Alene SD #271

Level III MasteryBrian Pyper Madison SD #321Gail Baer Salmon SD #291Tammy Stevenson Minidoka Jt. SD #331Jason Gibbons Minidoka Jt. SD #331Chad Christensen Soda Springs SD #150James Stoor Soda Springs SD #150Donny Masterson St. Maries Jt. SD #041Sandy Kennelly St. Maries Jt. SD #041

20 Years of ServiceMargie Chipman, Weiser SD #431

Citizenship AwardKatie Kladar of Coeur d’Alene

Legislative Liasion AwardKaren Pyron, Mackay

Jerome Jt. SD #261Lakeland Jt. School District #272Weiser SD #431Salmon SD #291St. Maries Jt. SD #041

Margie Chipman Weiser SD #431

Katie Kladar Coeur d’AlenePamela Wade Cassia School District #151

Karen Pyron Mackay SD #182

Level IV DistinctionJanie Gebhardt Pocatello SD #025Todd Wells Castleford SD #417John Menter Troy SD #287John Crozier Jerome Jt. SD #261Don Mitchell Jerome Jt. SD #261Esther Peters Jerome Jt. SD #261Alice Thibault Jerome Jt. SD #261Nancy Arnold Teton SD #401Margie Chipman Weiser SD #431Larry Brown Lakeland Jt. SD #272Anne Ritter Meridian Jt. SD #002Phillip Hixson West Bonner County SD #083Dallas Clinger American Falls SD #381Christine Ashmead St. Maries Jt. SD #041Margaret Gannon St. Maries Jt. SD #041Archie McGregor St. Maries Jt. SD #041Terri Seymour Coeur d’Alene SD #271


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ISBA congratulates these award winners. Each recipient went

above and beyond to make contributions

that will improve public education in Idaho.


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TODD WELLS has served on the Castleford Joint School District board of trustees for five years. During this time, he has held the offices of board chair and vice chair, and has worked with the board to develop a strategic plan for the district. He has also worked to bring districts such as his to the attention of the State Legislature by testifying before the Joint Finance and Appropriation Committee and by communicating regularly with the legislators representing his district. He has served on the

ISBA executive board since 2008 and has held the offices of Region 4 chair and vice-chair.

Mr. Wells is also involved in the leadership of a number of community and professional organizations. After completing his B.S. in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Idaho and his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University, he went on to become president of the Magic Valley Veterinary Medical Association and a member of the Idaho Veterinary Medical Association’s executive board. Additionally, Mr. Wells volunteers his time as a member of the University of Idaho Department of Animal and Veterinary Science Advisory Committee. He is a leader of the Castleford Men’s Club, as well as of his church, and also coaches youth baseball. In his spare time he enjoys camping, hunting, and fishing with his wife and two sons.

ANNE RITTER has served on the Meridian Joint School District #2 board of trustees for 12 years. During this time, she and her board have focused on ensuring that each child consistently achieves academic growth. Her experience with education ranges from work with at-risk youth as a juvenile diversion counselor and as a teacher at the ABC Unified School District’s continuation school, to teaching law at Ventura College of Law and Santa Barbara College of Law. She has held

the offices of ISBA president and vice president, and has volunteered her efforts as chair and vice chair of Region 3. Anne has also served on the national level by serving on the National School Boards Association’s Policies and Resolutions Committee (2012-2013) and on the Nominations Committee (2013).

In addition to her contributions to public education, Ms. Ritter is active with the Friends of the Eagle Public Library and the Idaho and California State Bar Associations. She earned her JD at Western State University College of Law, and has been both a private practice attorney and a Judge Pro Tem. She is now retired from law, and has four children.

LISA BURTENSHAW’S four years of experience on the Idaho Falls School District #91 board of trustees began shortly after her service on a district committee examining new graduation requirements. During her time on the board, the district has passed a $53 million bond to rebuild aging elementary

schools, renovate the district’s science labs, and create a magnet high school focused on project-based learning. She and the board have also made extensive changes to the

district’s middle schools, including the implementation of a teaming model. In 2012, Ms. Burtenshaw was elected Chair of Region 6.

Ms. Burtenshaw earned her A.S. in Tutoring Math and Chemistry from Ricks College, and her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Brigham Young University. Prior to becoming a trustee of her district, she served as president of the Edgemont Elementary Parent/Teacher Organization. She is currently active in the Rotary Club of Idaho Falls. She is married, has four children, and is a full-time homemaker. In her spare time, she enjoys travel and outdoor recreation.

JOHN MENTER has been involved with the Troy School District #287 board of trustees since the district deconsolidated from the White Pine School District, and has been a trustee for 10 years. During this time, he has chaired or served on three superintendent search committees, and has worked with the board to pass a bond to build a junior/senior high school for the district. He has also served as the ISBA Region 2 Vice Chair.

Mr. Menter is also active in his community through the Troy Lions Club. He has held multiple offices in the organization including president and scholarship committee chair, and has sat on construction planning committees for projects ranging from a new high school to a softball field. He attended the University of Idaho, is married, and has two children. His hobbies include fishing, camping, hunting, and ATV riding.

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Todd WellsPresident

Anne RitterPast President

John MenterVice President

Lisa BurtenshawPresident-Elect

Newly Elected RepresentativesDuring the Region Meetings held at the Convention, several regions elected new Region Representatives. See the new Representatives on page 4.

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During the Business Session at the 2013 Annual Convention, trustees voted on the 2014 Resolutions. Resolutions adopted by the membership serve as the agenda for the 2014 legislative session. According to the ISBA Bylaws, Resolutions adopted by the membership are in effect for two years unless otherwise acted upon. The full text of the 2013 and 2014 Resolutions may be found at



Statewide Software Application for Data Collection Idaho school districts are required to provide large quantities of data to the State for varying purposes. The data coming back to the districts is not timely and often not accurate. If the State provides a statewide solution with the ability of school districts to opt into the application, there is greater opportunity for the data to be accurate while at the same time providing districts real time data. The State would be able to provide better technical support in working with one software vendor rather than relying on each district to work with their vendor. Districts that prefer to continue working with their software would have the ability to do so by continuing the data uploads as they currently exist.

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Support for Idaho Core Standards School boards across the State have allocated time and resources to prepare staff to implement a more rigorous course of study with the adoption of the ICS. The State needs to stay the course over the long term to assess the impact of the implementation of the ICS. Public schools in Idaho need to prepare more students to be college and career ready. The ICS are college and career ready standards that will contribute greatly to providing this preparation.

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School Personnel P.O.S.T. Training Following the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, as well as other similar events around the country, Idaho school districts are becoming increasingly concerned about school security in their districts with limited resources. As a way of increasing school security, the State of Idaho authorizes the board of trustees of a school district to permit person(s) or employee(s) of the school or school district to possess and carry firearms on school property. In order to provide these person(s) or employee(s) with the skills necessary to act as first responders, the Idaho School Boards Association will craft and support legislation to amend Title 19 Chapter 51 Idaho Code, to allow to allow these person(s) or employee(s) to attend the POST Academy and receive the same training and certification as other first responders and law enforcement officers.

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Knowledge and Skills Based Salary Reimbursement Index Since recent reductions in the State teacher salary reimbursement index, Idaho has not been able to compete for the best available teachers and Idaho teachers are leaving for higher paying jobs in nearby states. The Idaho Legislature will look more favorably on increasing teacher salaries if accountability and improvement measures are part of a new index. A knowledge and skills based index model would bring pay increases that make Idaho competitive with our border states, while providing gates of accountability comprised of focused, purposeful teacher education and proof of pedagogical mastery.

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Operational Funding for School Districts Since 2008, “discretionary” revenue appropriated to school districts has decreased by $5,000 per unit. This revenue is used by school districts to purchase health insurance for employees, pay for textbooks, pay utility bills, pay for the portion of transportation costs not funded through the transportation formula, and pay salaries that are above the State reimbursement level, in particular in the area of classified positions that cost more than the $19,058 provided to fund those positions. As a result, school districts remain in a position where increases in any of these expenses necessitate cuts in other areas of operations, areas that most school districts have already reduced significantly over the last several years. This resolution proposed that the restoration of discretionary funding be a priority in this legislative session and that such funding be known in the future as “operational funding” in order to better reflect its actual use in school funding.

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Voluntary Professional Development for School Board Members Idaho school board members are uncompensated elected officials who voluntarily participate in professional development sponsored by the Idaho School Boards Association that is based on research and best practices. Access to professional development should be a matter of local control based on knowledge and experience, availability, and the budget. Further, decisions about professional development should not detract from a community’s ability to attract people to run for the local school board.

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Support for the NSBA Efforts for Increased Local Governance School districts in Idaho have been battling the infringement of federal regulations and policies into local school districts for many years. The ISBA has long held that local governance is what is best for local students. The work of NSBA on these issues at a federal level will assist ISBA in moving closer to their goal of local governance. As such, the ISBA will support NSBA’s work by contacting our congressional delegation and asking for their support of the Student Success Act.

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Appropriate State Funding for Certificated Salary Schedules Patrons throughout the State realize the need to more fully fund our public schools and are voting to raise local taxes to make up the shortfall in State funding in order provide adequate programming and to support the attraction and retention of qualified certificated staff. The passage of local levies in some districts is causing unequal support for programming and salaries for certificated staffing across Idaho. This will continue until State revenues are enhanced to increase the base and index of certificated salary schedules.

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9 Mastery Learning and the Funding Mechanism Seat time and attendance do not measure growth or excellence in education, yet they are the key components in the current funding formula. School districts want to focus on student learning and the correlating demonstration of proficiency. School districts need the flexibility to restructure and redesign education for the 21st century without seat time requirements.

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Lisa Burtenshaw, candidate for President-Elect, addresses the membership.

Trustees hold their ballots in the air to be collected.

Brian Pyper of Madison School District #231 debates the Common Core Resolution.

Rosemary Koenig, Trustee from Garden Valley School District #71, presents Resolution No. 3.

Ririe Joint School District #252.

Jerome Jt. School District #261 ready for the Business Session to begin.

Melanie Staples of the Boundary County School District #101 debates a Resolution.

Mike Vuittonet of Meridian Jt. School District #002 debates a Resolution.

Convention attendees seated with their boards at the Business Session.



Bylaw Voting Structure The ISBA Resolution and Bylaw voting structure is based on student population bro-ken into eight (8) strata. The eight strata were created in 2003 and the student population breakdowns have not changed since then. In the past ten years, student populations in Idaho have changed dramatically. As such, the current strata is not indicative of the student populations in Idaho today. The proposed new voting structure uses a much higher total number of votes than the current voting structure.

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Resolutions from the Floor Resolutions from the floor oftentimes don’t allow time for the boards to discuss the pros and cons and make an informed decision. Furthermore, if there are only one or two members from the Board at the Business Session, they have not had time to discuss it with the rest of their board. The proposed amendment tightens up the requirements to bring a resolution from the floor. The school district that presents the resolution from the floor would be required to explain why it was not submitted through the normal process and to provide enough copies of the resolution for every member in attendance at the Business Session.

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ISBA thanks the above companies for their sponsorship at the 2013 ISBA

Annual Convention. Their generous support is vital to the ISBA’s continuing efforts to provide a quality convention

experience for attendees. Thank you Vern! ISBA appreciates Vern Newby’s talent and time taken to capture ISBA’s events in photos. Vern is a former Trustee of the Coeur d’Alene School District and ISBA Past President, pictured at far left with ISBA Past Presidents.

Wayne Freedman holds up a construction toy set at the Scholarship Auction.

Auctioneer Alden Neal auctions off the jean quilt held by Wayne Freedman.

ISBA Scholarship Auction

Thank Youto our Sponsors

Over $10,000 Raised!







The ISBA Scholarship Trust would like to thank all sponsors, districts, and individuals who participated in this year’s auction. Your overwhelming generosity and commitment to Idaho’s youth produced over $10,000 for scholarships!

A very special “thank you” is extended to our auctioneer and ISBA Past President, Alden Neal. The successful outcome of this event is due, in part, to his passion and enthusiasm for helping Idaho’s youth to strive for a post-secondary education.

Thanks to Idaho Dairy Council for providing the milk, cheese, and yogurt that was enjoyed during the Auction.

Drop a Dollar for a Student This new way to raise money was a success. Region 5 had the highest dollar amount, and will be receiving a free region training from ISBA. Nice job Region 5!

Trustee Choice Award Convention attendees voted for their favorite auction item to win the Trustee’s Choice Award. The winning item was a unique iron coat rack donated by Jim Stoor of Soda Springs School District #150. The piece was made by Jim’s daughter in a high school shop class. The traveling trophy will remain with Soda Springs until the 2014 Annual Convention in Boise.

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On behalf of the Idaho High School Activities Association, I would like to welcome everyone back for another exciting year of high school sports and activities. Thousands of high school athletes across this great state work tirelessly throughout the year toward their ultimate goal – raising that first place trophy and banner, relishing the accolades of coaches, parents and friends. From our first state tournament of the year, State Soccer, through the State Track and Field Championships, we will be blessed with amazing competition and ultimately, wonderful memories for these kids. The IHSAA’s number one goal is to host events that create life-long memories for the participants and fans. I believe that’s exactly what high school activities are all about.

It goes without saying that the United Dairymen of Idaho play a vital role in offering these great experiences for our youth. The UDI supports high school participation unilaterally and without their financial support, our high school state championship events would not be possible. For the past three years, they have purchased state tournament sweatshirts for every participant. It is amazing to walk through the championship venues and see all the students proudly wearing their “swag” and puffing up with pride. Don’t underestimate the effect that these sweatshirts have. Not every team can win a trophy, but those sweatshirts represent a great accomplishment in and of

themselves. The IHSAA is forever grateful for the partnership with the United Dairymen of Idaho and we encourage everyone to thank a dairy farmer!

Some people may not realize that there are other awards and honors that are given out during each sport season. Just this fall, twenty-six teams in football, soccer, cross country and volleyball will be awarded the Academic State Championship based on the cumulative GPA of all varsity participants. The IHSAA will present this award throughout the year for all of our sports as well as cheer and dance. Making sure that students are rewarded for their success in the classroom as well as the playing field is a priority of the IHSAA. We congratulate these teams and do our best to recognize their achievements in the classroom. I’m sure we can all appreciate the challenge our students face trying to balance their time and energy between team practices and school responsibilities. Studies have shown that students who participate in high school sports and activities do better in the classroom than those who don’t participate. Student-athletes should be commended for these achievements.

The IHSAA also awards a State Tournament Sportsmanship award in volleyball, basketball and soccer. This year, twenty-four schools will earn this honor. Tournament managers evaluate the teams’ players, coaches, fans,

and administrators to select the winners and reward those schools who support their team in the most positive way. Emotions run high at state championship events, but those schools that handle winning and losing with grace and class are to be commended. Thank you to all administrators who place great emphasis on appropriate sportsmanship. Student-athletes benefit from such emphasis and learn lessons they take with them well after high school.

Managing high school sports and activities is not without controversy. Creating a culture of fairness, respect, integrity and sportsmanship is not an easy task. It’s a work in progress. From our coaches and officials, to our tournament workers, to the IHSAA Board of Directors and office staff, we are all stakeholders in a very important part of our students’ experiences. We do not take that responsibility lightly. Even though some may disagree with decisions that are made, let me assure you we are all trying to do what’s best for kids.

As we move quickly into our winter sports season, I want to wish all basketball and wrestling participants the best of luck. Maybe you will be the ones holding up that trophy and banner. Regardless, we hope the memories you take away from your high school years are positive and help shape you into productive citizens of Idaho.

Assistant Executive Director,Idaho High School Activities Association

Recognizing Student Athletes on the Field and in the Classroom


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Marvin MarshallEducator, writer, lecturer, and author of Discipline Without Stress:

● “The key to effective classroom management is teaching and practicing procedures. This is the teacher’s responsibility. Discipline, on the other hand, has to do with behavior and is the student’s responsibility.”

● “Teachers practice changing negatives into positives. ‘No running’ becomes ‘We walk in the hallways.’ ‘Stop talking’ becomes ‘This is quiet time.’”

● “Choice-response thinking is taught—as well as impulse control—so students are not victims of their own impulses.”

● “Since a person can only control another person temporarily and because no one can actually change another person, asking reflective questions is the most effective approach to actuate change in others.”

Ric LoyaCoordinator of the Condom Availability Program for the Los Angeles (Calif.) Unified School District, health education department chairperson at Huntington Park High School, former mayor of the City of Huntington Park, founder and vice president of legislative affairs of the California Association of School Health Educators, and legendary health educator:

● “So much of the nation’s ills could so easily and effectively be dealt with by providing a quality school health education semester-long course taught by qualified teachers.”

● “[In a quality school health course,] we could deal with violence issues, mental emotional health issues, suicide, substance abuse, major chronic and communicable disease, and so many other life issues.”

● “The fiscal savings would be enormous since health education has proven to be very cost effective.”

TeachingTips from the Trenches:

T he bottom line in education takes place when the teacher shuts the door with the classroom full of students. Some say that teaching is a science and some say it is an art.

Many educators know that students do not care what you teach, if you do not teach that you care. Here are some “Tips from the Trenches” from those who are or have been in the classroom.

Sharon McFaddenFounder of The Jacob foundation; mother of Jacob Ryan McFadden Schmidt, who died at the age of 27 from H1N1; and high school teacher in Honolulu, Hawaii:

● “As human beings, we need to realize that we might be the last thread of hope for the person in front of us. I personally embrace life by kicking fear in the teeth. I embrace my life everyday with the mentality that I am on a mission. I don’t always know exactly what it is, but when the door opens, I see that opportunity and embrace it. Never forgetting, but for the grace of God, there go I.”

● “My mission is to have a compassionate heart and to share that with others.”

Marianne Dennstedt SrokaSpecial-education teacher for the Cleveland (Ohio) Metropolitan School District:

● “Respect. Always treat students as you would like your own children to be treated by a teacher. And speak to parents as you would like to be spoken to. People don’t always remember what you tell them, but they do remember how you treated them.”

● “Listen. It can be difficult to find the time to listen to each of our students, but I believe it is one of the most important things we can do for them. Allowing them to voice their fears or hopes is sometimes the only way for them to deal with life stresses. A child should know you care enough to listen.”

Franklin SchargelAuthor, consultant, motivational speaker, dropout prevention expert, and author of Dropout Prevention Fieldbook: Best Practices from the Field:

● “All children can learn—they learn at different speeds and in different ways. For many of them, we do not know the ‘switches’ that turn them on, so we accuse them of being at-risk. Traditional teaching and learning techniques do not work with these nontraditional learners. If we are to succeed with them, we need to learn and use nontraditional teaching and learning techniques.”

● “We believe education is expensive. It is not. Ignorance is expensive. Eighty percent of all prisoners are school dropouts. We either pay for education upfront or the lack of education downstream. And prison now costs about $40,000 a year. No school district spends that much.”


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Stephen Sroka, PhD, is an adjunct assistant professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, and president of Health Education Consultants. He has worked in schools for more than 30 years. Connect with Sroka at or [email protected]. © 2013 Stephen R. Sroka, PhD, Lakewood, Ohio. Used with permission.

Look for more Tips from the Trenches in future Issues of the SLATE. Topics will include Student Services and School Safety.

Sean SLADEDirector of whole child programs at ASCD:

● “ASCD believes a whole child approach to education is the best way to prepare today’s generation for college, a career, and citizenship.”

● “It is an approach that does not see youth as empty vessels to be filled with narrowly defined content knowledge, but as individuals who each have great potential to grow and develop socially, emotionally, physically, mentally, and civically as well as cognitively.”

● “Key to this is an understanding that relationships (teacher-student; student-student, etc.) and connectedness to one’s school, education, and community—which aid the development of a positive school/class climate and a sense of belonging—are fundamental.”

And, Finally, a few of my own thoughts:

● “Education is like a four-legged chair, where one leg is the student, one the parent, one the school, and the other the community. If you take one leg away, the chair falls. Schools cannot do it alone.”

● “There is no magical solution. There is no program that works with all students. If students don’t learn the way we teach, we must change the way we teach.”

● “Relationships and social-emotional learning are keys to academic achievement.”

● “Educating the head without educating the heart is no education at all.”

● “Safe and healthy students learn more and live better. We may need more metal detectors, but we must have more mental detectors. We need to focus on mental health services to help prevent violence in and out of schools. We need more school counselors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, and resource officers or we will leave more children behind in school and life.”

● “I believe that the efforts of one person can make this a better world. This is why I teach.”

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Every day, students and educators encounter violence or the threat of violence and many more experience a medical or disciplinary incident at school. With recent, high-profile school tragedies appearing in news headlines, police departments

nationwide have begun to question the safety of American schools, working closely with communities to seek new ways to reduce emergency response times and prevent tragic outcomes.

While some schools consider arming teachers, and others ban guns, the need for effective school policies and law enforcement involvement is unquestionable. As a compliment to strong law enforcement presence, RFID-over-Wi-Fi technology can significantly improve emergency communications and teacher visibility, thus reducing response times to a variety of incidents. Already employed at Skyview High School, Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) technology is changing the way that the high school manages lock-downs, medical emergencies and disciplinary incidences, enabling security and law enforcement to pin-point the location of an emergency before it is too late.

Ultimately, no police officer or armed teacher can help a student or teacher during an emergency if they cannot quickly locate them. Schools should start thinking beyond the conventional wired, stationary panic buttons of the past--- the latest technology can make a big impact on response times, and possibly save lives.

Location Alerting Ensures Safety at Skyview High SchoolIn April of 2013, Skyview High School in Nampa, Idaho became the first in the United States to adopt RTLS technology as a core component of its school safety plan. Working with Skyview’s guidance counselor Mandy Petty, together we discovered a new breed of RFID called Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) which offered alerting, messaging and location in one solution. Real-Time Location Systems offer real-time safety solutions; alerting software essentially makes the invisible visible and gives the user the ability to see through walls, allowing Nampa police and other teachers to instantly identify the type and location of any emergency. For example, the Ekahau RTLS solution makes it possible to identify the location of teachers who have taken their class into hiding or simply need assistance with a disciplinary incident. Knowing location is everything—it shortens emergency response times and prevents an emergency from escalating into a tragedy.

Following a community meeting where I advocated for a trial RTLS solution on behalf of my high school, an unnamed donor offered to fund the $32,000 RTLS project which cost roughly $30/student because it uses the school’s existing Wi-Fi network to eliminate the need for costly, hard-wired readers in every classroom. The school’s RFID solution took just three days to install.

With the Ekahau RTLS safety alert solution, if one of the one hundred faculty at Skyview High School presses one of the buttons or pulls down on his or her wearable Ekahau Wi-Fi badge during a security or health emergency, the badge sends a request for assistance within seconds, including event details and the teacher’s location, to me, local police dispatchers, and other teachers. The need for manual dialing and map look-ups is eliminated; we have instant visibility and a badge pull automatically places the school in lock-down within several seconds.

In the past, lockdown scenarios relied on a single point of contact and the intercom system. If a shooter took out the front desk personnel, a lock down would not occur, leaving the rest of the school in danger. With location-based messaging, any teacher or staff member can call a lockdown from any location within the school. A manual lockdown mechanism increases emergency response times. Today, Skyview staff and area police receive a lockdown message on their Ekahau Wi-Fi badge and location software within seconds, so that school safety protocols can be enacted immediately.

Location-Aware Wireless Panic Button Sends Alertsand Improves Student Safety at Idaho’s Skyview High

BY OFFICER BRAD FORDNampa Police and School Resource Officer

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Above: Ekahau’s web accessible RTLS software and school floor plan indicating an emergency in room marked in red.

Officer Brad Ford has been a police officer and School Resource Officer (SRO) for more than seven years and currently serves as SRO at Skyview High School---the first high school in the nation to use location-based messaging and wireless panic buttons. Officer Ford was named “Police Officer of the Year” by the Sons of the American Revolution for his role in discovering an RTLS safety solution for his school. He has a strong awareness of how law enforcement operates and the vital information needed during a crisis event. Officer Ford brings with him the ability and experience in training police officers, school resource officers and dispatch that only law enforcement veterans can appreciate.

Contact Petty-Ford LLC at 208-602-7555 or visit and visit for more details on the Skyview solution.

During emergencies, police dispatchers, school administrators and responding police officers may use Ekahau messaging software to send mass communication texts to badge-holders, directing teachers and classes away from danger without dependence on cellular networks. The location software also displays the location of all badge-holders on virtual school maps, accessible via a web browser to anyone granted access.

How does RTLS (RFID using Wi-Fi) work?Skyview High School’s Ekahau Active RFID (RTLS) badges are left anonymous and carried by teachers, so that only when a teacher requests help, law enforcement and those closest to the teacher see: “Assistance needed Room #32” on their badge LEDs, via pop-up message in email, or text message to mobile devices, allowing for the teacher to address the situation, thus allowing help to respond to the teachers request within seconds. Seeing location eliminates the need for dialing and directs police to the scene.

» Skyview teachers carry or wear active RFID (RTLS) badges that operate over a standard Wi-Fi (wireless 802.11) network that most schools have.

» RFID badges can be associated to teacher names on file or remain anonymous.

» If a teacher pulls down on their badge, the school is placed in lockdown and other badge-holders are notified along with on-site and off-site police providing the location and nature of the emergency.

» RTLS badges read room-level locations and RTLS software superimposes location coordinates onto real-time maps, indicating “Cafeteria”, “Classroom #3,” “Gym” as some examples.

Location-aware alerting gives Skyview High School the ability to: » Reduce emergency response times indoors and outdoors

» Allow law enforcement and other staff to come to a teacher’s aid faster than a wired, stationary panic button which requires phone follow-up to determine location

» Fumble-free badge pull down and LED text display with 2-way messaging lets police instruct badge-holders on what to do next

» Badge buttons are customizable and can enable help confirmation, help cancellation and other communications

» Use RFID badge button presses to communicate non-violent emergencies such as medical or disciplinary emergencies, while conveying the location of the emergency to third-parties and other badge-holders

» Send mass notifications over Wi-Fi, without reliance on cellular coverage

» Receive alerts when and if visitors enter restricted zones (e.g. boiler rooms, staff lounges, etc…)

» Improve emergency planning and police analysis with re-plays of badge-holder movements

If greater visibility can minimize emergency response times, active RFID technology in the form of Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) is a game-changer for teachers and students in schools across America.

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School violence can happen anywhere, but not here. After school shootings, I often heard “I cannot believe that it can happen here.” As we have learned, school violence can happen anywhere. But don’t be surprised after the next tragedy if someone says, “I cannot believe that it can happen here.” Denial is human.

Be prepared, not scared. Schools are not powerless. Awareness, education, and advocacy can help break down the attitude that it can’t happen here. Schools and districts need to have a school-community emergency plan of action in place for students, staff, and parents. It should be both practiced and proactive. Practice drills are crucial. Denial allows violence to grow unseen. Preparation allows violence to be dealt with as soon as it is seen.

Social media has changed how we communicate. Texts, tweets, and Facebook posts, which were not around at the time of the Columbine shootings, now offer instant information—and misinformation. Before problems occur, students need to be part of a dialogue with parents and educators about how schools can responsibly use social media to make schools safer. Social media may prove to be one of the best new tools to help keep our schools safe and parents informed, and to encourage students to take ownership of their schools and education.

Bullying is a symptom, and mental health is the issue. Bullying is a hot topic and often is blamed for many of the heinous actions that result in deaths. Bullying is serious and needs to be addressed. Some experts today do not see bullying as a cause, but rather as a symptom of a mental health problem. In fact, bullying is often mentioned as a cause for violence even when it is not, as with the Columbine shooting. Issues such as mental illness, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, anger, family violence, and substance abuse are often at the root of such destructive behaviors.

Treat the illness, not the symptom. Many professionals would like to provide a comprehensive mental health approach for the schools, families, and community. Perhaps depression screening for all students

may prove to be more helpful in identifying those at risk of hurting themselves as well as others. Some experts are now suggesting that teachers be taught mental health first aid to assist those in crisis. As we often see hurt people and the use of mental health professionals, such as school counselors, school social workers, school nurses, school psychologists, and school resource officers may enable us to help people.

Building relationships is key. We may need more metal detectors, but we must have more student detectors. The Secret Service found that school shooters usually tell other kids, but not adults. Adults trusted by kids may be given life saving information. We need to put a human face on school safety. Teaching to the heart, as well as to the head to reach the whole child, not only academically, but also to the social, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions, will help build a school and community of respect. Social-emotional learning can help students learn in a safe environment. We often say to police officers that you have a more powerful weapon in your heart than in your holster to make your school safer. School safety needs to be built in, not tacked on. Students respond to people, not programs. You cannot mandate kindness, but you can nurture it by building relationships with communication, collaboration, cultural awareness, and caring. Words can kill, and words can give life. You choose.

When kindness fails, you need to be aggressive, forceful, and effective. An emergency plan of action needs to be in place, practiced, and proactive. Teachers and students should be trained and allowed to practice lockdown drills. Parents need a low-tech and high-tech communication system for responding to school emergencies. Gone are the days of Columbine when police waited for hours to enter the school. Today police and community emergency response teams are trained for active shooter/rapid response, to take out the shooter ASAP.

Healing is personal. Schools need to be prepared to deal with the consequences of violence immediately and long after the incident.

From Cleveland to NewtownSchool Safety Lessons Learned:


I dealt with school violence before it was fashionable and funded. To me, any child killed anywhere, anytime, is

a huge tragedy. But decades ago, when children were killed in the inner city of Cleveland, you probably never

heard about them. When the killings moved to suburbs such as Columbine, they became national news. The

Newtown shootings shocked the United States like no other school violence. Now, school violence prevention is front-

page news. Working with school safety for more than 30 years, I have tried to help schools and communities keep our

youth safe and healthy so that they can learn more and live better. Here are several lessons that I have learned.

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RememberingDeb Foster

Individuals react to grief in a wide range of ways, and there is no best way to grieve. Where some people need to process the grief immediately, others need to be left alone. Grief has no specific timeline for everyone.

School safety has entered uncharted waters. When I started working in school safety decades ago, the weapon of choice for school violence was a box cutter or knife, now it is automatic weapons. What will be next? The unthinkable is now doable, and probably unpreventable. The Newtown shootings raise disturbing issues and questions. Controversial approaches, which once would have been considered ridiculous, are now

being debated, such as arming teachers and having teachers and students take out the shooter by any means possible. Guns, metal detectors, mental health issues, zero tolerance, and other emotional issues make for complex and difficult decisions. A voice of reason is often lost in the heat of hysteria.

There are no guarantees, only intelligent alternatives. Today we are better prepared to deal with and prevent school violence than we were in the earlier days in Cleveland and Columbine. There still is no 100-percent guarantee that our schools will be free from violence. There are no easy solutions, but there are intelligent alternatives to reduce

the risks. It’s time for all schools to explore these alternatives. For some, tomorrow may be too late.

© 2013 Stephen R. Sroka, PhD, Lakewood, Ohio. Used with permission. Originally published February 27, 2013.

Stephen Sroka, PhD, is an adjunct assistant professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, and president of Health Education Consultants. He has worked on school violence issues worldwide for more than 30 years. Connect with Sroka on his website or by e-mail at [email protected].

1964 - 2013

I’ll never forget when she was featured in the SLATE, she was pictured with EVERY student

and staff member-she was one of a kind and we will so miss her cheery spirit.

What a wonderful person, just a joy to be around. Always made me feel welcome. I love

how down to earth she was, sincere, caring and so much fun.

I will remember her as a thoughtful member of the board always fighting for the small rural

districts as well as a talkative “troublemaker” at the other end of the table. A lovable troublemaker!

We will all miss her quick wit and her willingness to serve and help others.

The best advice I could give to other board members is: take your position very seriously, and remember the position is not about yourself... it is about the students you serve. You can never quit learning, take advantage of board trainings, listen to others, don’t be afraid to admit that you have made a mistake, but be willing to learn from it and correct it. Remember to keep humor in everything you do!

- Deb Foster

ISBA remembers Deb’s service and contribution to public education in Idaho. Deb Foster passed away in September 2013. Deb served on her local board, South Lemhi School District #292 for 13 years. She served on the ISBA Executive Board for 12 years.

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ISBA Superintendent Search Service was launced in 2013 to benefit Idaho School Boards

PO Box 9797Boise, ID 83707-4797

phone (866) 799-4722fax (208) 854-1480

web www.idsba.orgemail [email protected]

Contact Misty Jones SwansonIdaho School Boards Association


In successful districts and charter schools, the board and superintendent work as a team. There is a common goal to improve student achievement, where both sides work to keep the relationship positive and effective. When boards seek a superintendent who will fit their district or charter school and whose professional skills are outstanding, it is prudent to secure outside assistance.

The Idaho School Boards Association (ISBA) is the place to turn for help when selecting a new superintendent. ISBA has skilled, experienced, and helpful staff dedicated to serving local boards.

We are in a position to make recommendations as to the professional work, skill level, and instructional leadership experience of those interested in applying for a superintendent position. Because every state has a school board association, and we belong to the National Association of Superintendent Searchers, we also have the capacity to conduct a full national search.

When a district or charter school decides to use ISBA to lead the search process, it not only gets the skill and experience of the search team, but it can also draw upon our other in-house resources such as legal advice and research data related to the search.

for Idaho School Districts and Charter Schools

Contact ISBA for pricing and additional options.

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One of the more serious issues facing our education system right now is the need for highly qualified and professional teachers, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Since these disciplines also change rapidly, not only is it imperative that teachers in these disciplines keep up to date and current on advances in our understanding of best practices in teaching and learning in Math and Science, but also in current advances in the disciplines themselves. Appropriate professional development is vital, not just so teachers are best able to help students learn, but so the teachers themselves feel a part of the community of professionals in their respective disciplines.

All teachers benefit from keeping current in the content of their disciplines, but this is particularly important in STEM disciplines. If it’s been awhile since you had to integrate by parts or dissect fetal pigs, it’s a great benefit to reacquaint yourself with the details before you have to teach it, and your one prep period a day is never enough time. All the professional societies in STEM have committees on teaching, and many of the STEM disciplines have professional societies specifically for teaching and learning. Most also have state or regional-level sections with annual meetings or conferences that are local, inexpensive to attend, and very valuable. Nearly all have journals you can subscribe to or access online. Some of the more obvious ones are the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the National

and Professional DevelopmentSecondary Educators


continued on next page...

Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the American Chemical Society (ACS), The American Physical Society (APS), The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), and the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT). Membership in and attendance at the conferences and meetings of these associations is invaluable, and helps teachers keep current in their content and pedagogy, as well as make network connections with mentors and colleagues. For example, the Idaho Science Teachers Association will hold a joint meeting with the Idaho Math Teachers Association in Pocatello this fall (at which, by happy chance, I will be the keynote speaker). I anticipate a great meeting.

Another reason professional development is valuable and necessary: keeping up with changes in the policy and practice of the administration of the educational endeavor can be daunting. It’s tempting to just hunker down in your classroom and mind your own business. With the adoption of the common core standards, many experienced Idaho teachers will need to revamp the way they teach. Changes of this magnitude cannot be adopted after a two-hour informational meeting with the State Board of Education representatives. The AAPT’s High School Physics Committee (on which I sit) recently approved the release of a statement on the importance of appropriate professional development for teachers, which can be found at

Research has shown that the adoption of new teaching practices universally fails without something like 50-80 hours of mentored support, even among people with philosophical buy-in. “A growing consensus of researchers and practitioners has found that systemic, ongoing teacher professional development

is more effective than traditional one-time workshops.” (Systemic vs. one-time teacher professional development: what does research say? Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International, July, 2009 online at: The references at the end of this paper are particularly good if you want a tour of the current research in this area, and are pointedly damning of our current claims that a couple of hours on an inservice day afternoon can realistically be called ‘professional development’.) This sustained kind of professional development is more expensive and more time consuming, but has also been shown to improve student learning, while no such claims can be made of the more traditional kind of professional development. Superintendent Luna’s claims to me in a recent Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Rexburg that the money set aside for professional development for teachers adopting common core curricula would be sufficient are thus ludicrous, as he acknowledged that this would give the state’s math and language arts teachers something like 2-3 hours each.

A slightly different perspective on this issue can be found by considering the preparation and induction of pre-service teachers into the teaching profession. Until the latest recession, data were showing a slight improvement in the rate of teachers leaving the profession within their first five years. Now, nearly half of STEM teachers leave the profession within this crucial formative period. Most would suggest that the reason these teachers would give for leaving is the poor pay and long hours. Surprisingly, although some claimed working conditions and pay within their top five reasons for leaving, by far the number one reason given

Distinguished Professor of PhysicsDirector of Physics Education at BYU-Idaho

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In the fall of 2012, Governor Otter with the cooperation of the senior Idaho State Police officer commissioned a task force to asses current Safety and Security status of schools in Idaho.

The task force is chaired by Matt McCarter of State Department of Education, with the assistance of Doreen Hayes. The make up of the committee was somewhat fluid but including ISBA, School Superintendents, Principals, and Vice Principals from school districts, Bureau of Homeland Security, Idaho State Police, Department of Building Safety, Departments of Emergency Medical Services, Boise Police Department, School Safety Officers, Sheriff’s Association, and IEMA association.

Over the course of the first meetings the group determined that providing a means for assessing school safety and security within the state was of the highest priority. We had the opportunity to examine assessment tools and processes from other states. As a result of the catastrophic school shootings throughout the country, gun control has been a major concern across the nation. The task force felt strongly that this topic was not part of the primary goal of the group and was up to individual districts to make that determination.

During the legislative session safety and security legislation was attempted, but individual rights persons to be involved in school safety and security regulations, and general disagreements stopped major legislation from proceeding. The task force agreed that it was not timely for legislation to be put forth.

The results of our last meeting in early June include these key outcomes:

Matt McCarter and Susan Fletcher presented a workshop, Strategies for Keeping Idaho Schools Safe and Secure, during the ISBA Annual Convention.

Safety & Security Committee Report

» Finalize content and implementation strategy for the School Safety and Security Assessment Tool

» Gather feedback and recommendations on the School – EOC Communication Linkage plans

» Learn about current school practices related to training and emergency communication systems and discuss scalability

» Refine/define legislative recommendations for the FY14 session

» A Webinar has been scheduled for the end of September to work on refining the above items.


Brian A. Pyper is a Distinguished Professor of Physics and Director of Physics Education at BYU-Idaho, and is a member of the Madison School District 321 Board of Trustees. He and his family have called Rexburg, ID home for almost 15 years.

This article was written by Brian A. Pyper to complete Level III (Mastery) of the Trustee Award of Boardsmanship, which is part of the ISBA Master of Boardsmanship Program. To learn more about the program, please visit

for early career teachers leaving was a lack of support for professional growth, autonomy in their classroom, and respect. Effective support and induction for all teachers “combines high-quality mentoring with release time for both new teachers and mentor teachers to allow them time to usefully engage with one another; targeted and ongoing quality professional development; common planning time with other teachers in the school; and networking with teachers outside the school during at least the new teacher’s first two years in the profession.” (What Keeps Good Teachers in the Classroom? Understanding and Reducing Teacher Turnover, Alliance for Excellent Education, Issue Brief Feb. 2008 online at

As a current professor and former high school teacher, I have to say that my involvement in the workshops and conferences of the NSTA and AAPT changed my teaching, and my life. I went from feeling isolated in my classroom, babysitting kids who were disinterested for a principal who was supportive but distant, to an involved and active professional, paying attention to and collecting data on my students’ learning and connected with others who had my same cares and concerns. I hope my current involvement in our school district’s board of trustees is helping our local teachers get this kind of professional development, so our teachers feel like valued professionals and not just shepherds, or worse, wardens. As a Trustee and parent, I hope our students - my kids- get the best teachers we can find with all the support we can give. For the good of our students and teachers, I plead with us each to do our part in helping support the kind of sustained, high-quality, and intensive professional development our teachers need.

...continued from previous page

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0 IDAHO DAIRY COUNCILA non-profit nutrition education organization providing science based materials to health care providers, schools, and consumers throughout the State of Idaho.

Crystal Wilson (208) [email protected]

0 MORETON & COMPANYMoreton & Company provides property and liability insurance as well as risk management services to member districts through the ISBA endorsed insurance plan. Most recently, Moreton & Company launched a group auto and homeowner insurance program that is available to district employees as well as school board trustees.

Allan Ranstrom (208) [email protected]

0 ZIONS BANKA leader in financing school district projects at the lowest overall cost. Since 1994 Zions has assisted Idaho districts in financing over 60 projects totaling over $200 million.

Cameron Arial (208) [email protected]

0 HUTCHISON SMITH ARCHITECTSHutchison Smith Architects is a full service architectural firm that has been providing responsive, creative, value-driven building solutions for more than 15 years. HSA specializes in educational facility design, having worked with over 20 school districts and completed over 900 successful education projects. We will assist you on a wide array of project types, from bond passage for new buildings and remodels to systems upgrades, historic renovations, and repair and maintenance work. Each project, no matter how large or small, is important to us. We offer you the commitment to give each project the attention that you expect and deserve.

Angelia Healy (208) [email protected]

0 PIPER JAFFRAYPiper Jaffray is an investment bank and broker-dealer specializing in tax-exempt bond underwriting and sales. Providing financing solutions custom tailored to its clients’ capital financial needs.

Eric Heringer (208) [email protected]

0 HUMMEL ARCHITECTS PLLCEstablished in Boise in 1896, Hummel Architects PLLC is a general practice architectural firm whose history touches nearly every Idaho community. Over the decades Hummel has built a solid reputation on the design of educational, institutional, civic, industrial, governmental, retail, office, and corporate structures.

Aubry Briggs (208) [email protected]



ISBA Business PartnersOur Valued 0 ISBA’s Business Partners offer a variety of services and products that can assist Idaho’s public schools in cutting expenditures and finding cost-effective options.







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Rochelle [email protected](866) 799-4722



Michael E. [email protected](800) 407-0141


EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING PROVIDERPaula [email protected](801) 878-0671


Our Valued 0 ISBA’s Business Affiliates offer a variety of services and products that can assist Idaho’s public schools in cutting expenditures and finding cost-effective options.

ISBA Business Affiliates

Contact these Business Partners or Affiliates to find out how they can assist your school district, or contact Misty Jones Swanson at the ISBA Office for more information.

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Mike [email protected](888) 587-2665 Ext. 6413

Look for this Business Affiliate logo in SLATE articles and advertisements.




Existing district or school policy manual is provided by ISBA for:• Policy research and analysis• Policy recommendations for new and revised policies • Codification for consistency throughout manual• Preparation and presentation of

draft sections for review• Revisions based on requested

changes following review• Customizing and proofreading of policies• Master copy of each section of revised

manual on CD in MS Word format

Is your district’s policy manual sorely out of date? Could it be out of compliance with current laws and rules? Governance through policy is one of the most important duties of school boards. Legislative and rule changes happen every year and school boards need to ensure their policy manuals reflect these changes.



Purchase of ISBA Model Policy Manual plus:• ISBA customizes each model policy

with district or school information• Revisions based on any requested changes• Proofreading of policies• Master copy of each section of the revised

manual on CD in MS Word format

PO Box 9797Boise, ID 83707-4797

phone (866) 799-4722fax (208) 854-1480

web www.idsba.orgemail [email protected]

CONTACT JESSICA HARRISONDirector of Policy & Government Affairs

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43 / Volume 31 / December 2013

SLATEExecutive Board Member Highlight

Our children will be the ones to carry Idaho forward. But when it comes to preparing them for the challenges ahead, Idaho is falling behind. Education Week ranked Idaho 48th in K-12 nationally. And only 1 in 10 Idaho high school freshmen are graduating from college with a degree. We can do better. No matter what our children want for their future, we must better equip them with the skills to get there. They need each of us to do our part, from the kitchen table to the conference table and from the back of the statehouse to the front of the classroom.

Let’s get to an educated state.

Source: Georgetown University, Center on Education and the Workforce, “Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018” (2010).


we fail,heloses.

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IDAHO SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATIONP.O. BOX 9797 • BOISE, ID 83707-4797PH: (208) 854-1476 • FAX: (208) 854-1480

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1:00 PM • Resolution to Reality: My Role in the Legislative Process Workshop3:00 PM • Senate Education Committee Meeting

7:00 AM • Buffet Breakfast8:30 AM • House Education Committee Meeting10:30 AM • Meet with Your Legislators12:00 PM • Legislative Luncheon1:30 PM • Building the Future Workshop

Web: (208) 854-1476 • Toll-Free: (866) 799-ISBAEmail: [email protected] or [email protected]

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