dec 2 2011

c elebratiNG elebratiNG 51 Y 51 Y earS earS of of c oMMuNitY oMMuNitY S ervice ervice E L I T E N E W S R ead T he e liTe N ews O N l iNe w eekly , J usT as iT appeaRs iN p RiNT ! www . dfweliTeNews . cOm the official voice of the church and community N obodY c overS the M etroplex l ike the e lite N eWS d eceMber 2, 2011 v ol . 51 e ditioN 48 G et Your NatioNal , S tate , local S portS, Weather aNd NeWS u pdateS ! William Blair Sr. PuBliSHEr William Blair Sr. PuBliSHEr Dallas Skyline High School win 42-24 over Klein Oak High School Almer C. Peterson Sunrise: Dec. 22, 1918 Sunset: Nov. 24, 2011 Page 3 See Details on Page 11 Lockout Ends! A Christmas Gift for Mavericks and Fans Michael D. Ford Sunrise: Jan 27, 1959 Sunset: Nov. 22, 2011 Page 12 Page 19 Elite News Annual Toy and Coat Drive Skyline’s Devante Kincade tries to run past Klein Oak Panthers Page 04

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Lockout Ends! A Christmas Gift for Mavericks and Fans


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R e a d T h e e l i T e N e w s O N l i N e w e e k l y , J u s T a s i T a p p e a R s i N p R i N T ! w w w . d f w e l i T e N e w s . c O m

the official voice of the church and community

N o b o d Y c o v e r S t h e M e t r o p l e x l i k e t h e e l i t e N e W S

d e c e M b e r 2 , 2011 vo l . 51 e d i t i o N 48Get Your NatioNal, State, local SportS, Weather aNd NeWS updateS!

William BlairSr. PuBliSHEr

William BlairSr. PuBliSHEr

Dallas Skyline High Schoolwin 42-24 over Klein Oak

High School

Almer C. PetersonSunrise: Dec. 22, 1918

Sunset: Nov. 24, 2011

Page 3

See Details on Page 11

Lockout Ends!

A Christmas Gift for Mavericks and Fans

Michael D. FordSunrise: Jan 27, 1959 Sunset: Nov. 22, 2011

Page 12 Page 19

Elite News Annual Toy and Coat Drive

Skyline’s Devante Kincade tries torun past Klein Oak Panthers

Page 04

Page 2: Dec 2 2011

R e a d T h e e l i T e N e w s O N l i N e w e e k l y

Philippians 1:19-21”For I know that

through your prayersand the help given bythe Spirit of JesusChrist, what has hap-pened to me will turnout for my deliver-ance. I eagerlyexpect and hope thatI will in no way be

ashamed, but will have sufficient courageso that now as always Christ will be exalt-ed in my body, whether by life or by death.For to me, to live is Christ and to die isgain.”

The Holy Spirit teaches us how to appealto the most essential needs of every person.Paul wrote, Philippians 1:19 says, “I willcontinue to rejoice, for I know that throughyour prayers and the help given by theSpirit of Jesus Christ, what has happenedto me will turn out for my deliverance.”Amen!

The Holy Spirit gives us insights intoemotional, mental, physical, social,economic, cultural, and spiritual

needs of every person. Ask the Lord for

special wisdom to help you persuasivelyappeal to every individual’s felt, perceivedand real needs in a way that draws themcloser to the Lord.

The Holy Spirit guides you to plead withpeople according to their individual andgroup perspectives. Jesus said in Luke12:12, “For the Holy Spirit will teach youat that time what you should say.” Ask theLord to give you special guidance in theway that you plead with people accordingto their greatest needs for safety, security,belonging, acceptance and success. Amen!

The Holy Spirit provides you with a spe-cial timing in your appeals to people. . Acts10:19 says, “While Peter was still thinkingabout the vision, the Spirit said to him,’Simon, three men are looking for you. Soget up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate togo with them, for I have sent them.” Amen!Ask the Lord for a special sensitivity to thetiming of your appeals to people. The Spiritknows when people are at their most recep-tive state of mind.The Holy Spirit senses the kind of appeals

that will draw people to the love of JesusChrist. People respond differently to moti-vations based on their personality, back-ground and experiences. 1st John 2:20says,

“But you have anointing from the HolyOne, and all of you know the truth. As foryou, anointing you received from himremains in you, and you do not need any-one to teach you.” Amen! Ask the Lord tohelp you to facilitate all the teaching abili-ties given to you in the person of the HolySpirit. Beseech the Lord to help you appealto the various personality, background andexperiential wants and desires in yourorganization for God’s purposes and glory.

The Holy Spirit knows just which peopleare lonely, hurting or disillusioned. TheSpirit can give the best kind of petition inyour praying to draw people closer to God,His will and His people. Acts 9:17 says,“Brothers, choose seven men from amongyou who are known to be full of the Spiritand wisdom.” Amen! Pray that God willgive you special sensitivity to the emotionsof your people so that you can minister thebest healing words to them. Also, ask theLord to help you to find people who areskilled in appealing to the lonely, hurtingand disillusioned and learn all you can fromthem.

The Holy Spirit provides you with thebest appeals for repentance, conviction ofsin and conversion. Acts 2; 38 says, “Peter

replied, “Repent and be baptized, every oneof you, in the name of Jesus Christ for theforgiveness of your sins. And you willreceive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Ask theLord for such persuasive abilities that youcan appeal as Peter did when He saw 3,000added to the family of God on the day ofPentecost. Trust the Lord to provide youwith elders and leaders in your church thatwill be able to make powerful appeals forrepentance, conviction of sin and conver-sion as they may have special gifts of evan-gelism that you are lacking.

The Holy Spirit knows how to makeappeals that pierce through any person’sintellectual, emotional or cultural barriers.Isaiah 44; 8, 9 says, “For my thoughts arenot your thoughts, neither are your waysmy ways. As the heavens are higher thanthe earth, so are my ways higher than yourways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”Ask the Lord to let the Holy Spirit makespecial appeals in the hearts of each personin your organization as you use prayer andthe word of God to appeal to every person’sconscience. If you would like the rest of this message

please request it at:[email protected]


1 (18.25 ounce) pack-age devil’s food cakemix1 (5.9 ounce) package

instant chocolate pud-ding mix1 cup sour cream1 cup vegetable oil4 eggs1/2 cup warm water2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Make It:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175degrees C).

In a large bowl, mix together the cake andpudding mixes, sour cream, oil, beaten eggsand water. Stir in the chocolate chips andpour batter into a well greased 12 cup bundtpan.

Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, or until top is

springy to the touch and a wooden tooth-pick inserted comes out clean. Cool cakethoroughly in pan at least an hour and a halfbefore inverting onto a plate If desired, dustthe cake with powdered sugar.

City Beat

Helpful Spiritual Requests

Henry Nelson

“Taste Test” / Happy Thanksgiving Too Much Chocolate Cake

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

page 2 december 2, 2011

Jordan Blair ii

Do you have a ideaabout a recipe or wantto know a recipe? Call

Elite News 214-372-6500

Page 3: Dec 2 2011

page 3 december 2, 2011

S e C t i O N S

CITY BEAT ..........................................................PAGE 2COVER STORY......................................................PAGE 3PERSPECTIVE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY ............PAGE 4BITS AND PIECES ................................................PAGE 5SPIRITUAL GUIDE ................................................PAGE 6COMMUNITY CALENDAR ......................................PAGE 7

ELITE NEWS SPORTS............................................PAGE 8LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY........................PAGE 12CLASSIFIEDS ......................................................PAGE 12ENTERTAINMENT ..............................................PAGE 13 MINISTERS LISTINGS..........................................PAGE 14OBITUARIES ......................................................PAGE 19

The Lockout EndsA Christmas Gift for Mavericks and Fans

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

By: Bettye “Katt” WilliamsELITE nEWS STAFF WRITER

On last week, the long wait for theDallas Mavericks and the fans wasfinally over as the results everyone

had been waiting for came to fruition. Anagreement to end the nBA lockout by aMinnesota Federal U.S. District JudgePatrick Schiltz has put the legal fightbetween the nBA’s players and owners onhold to give the two sides time to finishtheir collective bargaining agreement andgranted a request by the players and issueda stay of all court The stay is valid untilDecember 9, and a formal agreement isexpected to be approved.

What does this mean for the Mavericksand all nBA teams? They will be able toreturn to work, assuming all the details getfinalized after a five-month-old lockoutcomes to an end. A 66-game season, as istentatively planned, means 16 fewer regu-lar-season games of wear and tear on JasonKidd and Dirk nowitzki.

So will Tyson Chandler, a free agent,open up and celebrate the opener at AACwith the Dallas Mavericks? Or will MarkCuban not be smart and let him go? I’msure Dallas Mavericks players and fanswant to see him come back; I know I do.Chandler is the Mavericks’ prized freeagent who will get a healthy raise from the$12.6 million he collected last year. Sowhat does Mark Cuban have to do to keephim? I am confident that Mark Cuban willfigure out a way. The other Mavs’ free agents are guards

J.J. Barea and DeShawn Stevenson, andforwards Caron Butler, Peja Stojakovic andBrian Cardinal.

Since winning the championship on June12, with a series-closing 105-95 victory inMiami, the Mavs are hoping they will notonly be celebrating an opener that will beone of the biggest sports days in FortWorth/Dallas history, but celebrate by get-ting their championship rings and have the

championship banner raised to the raftersas well on Christmas Day.

“Either way it goes it’s going to be a cel-ebration,” Terry said. “It’s a Christmas Daygame, we’re excited to be back out thereplaying, and I’m fired up and I’m ready togo. I wouldn’t care who came to town toplay — Miami or whoever — it doesn’tmatter. We’re back, we’re out there, we’reexcited, and we’re at home, so we want towin.”

The Heat has been picked as a prohibi-tive favorite to capture the nBA title saysthe media. It’s going to be who can main-tain in a rough season healthy and who canhave the drive to win.The Mavs will have a 10-day training

camp, a couple of pre-season games, andopening day (Christmas) is less than amonth away and one of the biggest days inMavs history.

The nBA regular season would runthrough April 26, and teams must play atleast one set of back-to-back-to-backgames if a new labor deal is ratified in timeto start on Christmas. The league posted anoutline of what the schedule would looklike on its Twitter pages Sunday. The plan

is a 66-game regular season, ending about10 days later than usual. The last possibleday of the nBA finals would be June 26,two weeks later than the championshipseries ended last season. Teams wouldplay 48 games within their conference and18 non-conference games. no team wouldplay on three straight nights more thanthree times.

So, will the Mavericks repeat as nBAchampions?

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2011-12 NBA ScheduleBreakdown

regular Season StartDate: December 25,

2011regular Season EndDate: April 26, 2012Playoffs Start Date:

April 28, 2012last Possible FinalsDate: June 26, 2012

The Mavs can keep their budget as it was last year and keep their cap impact the same, too,by signing Tyson Chandler to a deal that starts at about $10 million annually

Page 4: Dec 2 2011

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Young Former Lincoln High School Student ToRun For DISD School Board

december 2, 2011 page 4

By: Damarcus OffordSPECIAL TO ELITE nEWS

The reason I am running for the Dallas ISD SchoolBoard Trustee seat, District 9, I believe that we muststart with the community and the stakeholders and

teachers who deserve the utmost respect. Our District isgoing in the wrong direction, teachers and parents and thecommunity feels that they are not valued anymore. Wemust not forget that when you serve in public office that isa big responsibility, and if you are not doing your job youmust answer to the public and if you call that getting bulliedyou do not need to serve. People in my community should

not have to go back and hear from other people about information in District 9. As trustee, youare my boss and you are the people I answer to, which are my community, teachers, studentsand parents and stakeholders. I believe that DISD as a whole is going backwards instead of mov-ing forward for the students. Are we pro public, or pro charter schools? As trustee, I will makesure that all concerns are herd and will work my hardest to make sure that we keep the commu-nity involved. We must stop cutting educators and find innovative ways to keep our schoolsopen. We must believe in our community and support the up and coming leaders of tomorrow,our youth. Damarcus Offord was born October 7, 1991 in Dallas, TX to the parents of Latrice Offord and

Marcus McQueen. Growing up, Damarcus was always a person who loved going to school andattending church with his family. At an early age his family and peers began to see what a leaderhe was becoming when he was involved in things at his school and programs he would take partin. When Damarcus attending Paul L. Dunbar Elementary School in South Dallas, he figuredout, he was becoming a tremendous leader. When he arrived at Pearl C. Anderson Middle

School in the 7th grade, he wanted to make a difference in his community and in his school.Damarcus was involved in student council his 7th and 8th grade years. While at Pearl C.Anderson he had the chance to travel to Washington, D.C. with the student council and his classmates to see beyond South Dallas, the area where he was raised. When he left Pearl C. he didnot just stop, he kept on going by taking roles as a responsible leader and using the tools that helearned in middle school. Damarcus went on to attend Lincoln High School where he becameinvolved in student council as a sophomore representative and was also voted as junior repre-sentative. He later became the Lincoln High School junior class president for the 2009-2010school years and was re-elected to serve his class as senior class president for the 2010-2011school years. Damarcus Offord traveled to the 2009 Presidential Inauguration in Chicago to film a documen-

tary on President Barack Obama. Damarcus had the chance to meet Jessie Jackson and manydifferent people. Damarcus also served on the Dallas ISD Teen School Board 2009-10 and 2010-11. Selected by his peers, for two consecutive years, he served as the community chairperson.Damarcus also helped the Dallas ISD Teen Board start a reading program which occurred twoyears straight in partnership with the East Dallas Boys & Girls Club to help youth understandimportance of reading and staying in their books.Accomplishments: Helped Bring Emmitt Smith to Lincoln to speak to the Lincoln students,

May 2011, youth of the year at the East Dallas Boys & Girls Club, May 2011, I won $5,000 forLincoln High School to help beautify the campus, September 2009, Education Is Freedom stu-dent and also featured in the “EIF” video, Member of the nAACP, Served on the Dallas ISDAssistant Principal of the year selection committee, appeared on several national websites forleading a student protest in March of 2011 at Lincoln High School, regarding teacher layoffs andbudget cuts for Texas schools, and serves on the navarro College SGA, where he is currentlythe only African American serving on the Executive Board, but not the first, he is the freshmenrepresentative. So I why do I want to run? Because “THE TIME IS nOW”

read the Elite News Online at or call 214-372-6500 and get a subscription delivered today

Damarcus Offord

Special to Elite News

Three rounds into the playoffs, Dallas

Skyline now knows its offense can

pack as much punch as its defense

when necessary with a 41-20 win.

Skyline's offense raced past Klein Oak and

its defense came up with key stops to grab a

42-24 victory over the Panthers in a Class

5A Division I Region 2 matchup Saturday at

Waco ISD Stadium. Skyline quarterback

Devante Kincade threw for 167 yards and a

touchdown and ran for 102 yards and a

score, and receiver Thomas Johnson turned

in the two biggest runs of the night. And the

Raiders' defense constantly threw Klein Oak

for losses and took the ball away in key


Tron Richardson posted a pair of sacks, a

tackle for loss and an interception, but he

wasn't the only Raider swarming to the foot-

ball. "We're not a one-horse team," Skyline

coach Reginald Samples said. "We depend

on our whole team and we've got players all

over. The defense kept playing hard even

though we gave up some points."

By dismissing Klein Oak (9-4), Skyline

(13-0) advances to the regional final round

of the 5A Division I playoffs to face The

Woodlands at 4 p.m. Saturday at Waco ISD

Stadium. Skyline held a 14-10 advantage as

the third quarter began, but it didn't take

long for the Raiders to extend that lead.

Johnson tacked on a 41-yard touchdown on

almost the exact same play at the end of the

third quarter, giving him 105 rushing yards

and two touchdowns on two carries. Skyline

running back David Greene added a touch-

down, and Kincade threw a 29-yard touch-

down pass to RaShaad Samples, who

absorbed a hit inside the Panthers' 5, held

himself up with his right hand and then

hopped into the end zone for the Raiders'

final score.

Dallas Skyline win 42-24 over Klein Oak

Skyline’s lamont levels tries to make arun for the field goal

Page 5: Dec 2 2011



We have peoplecoming herefrom all over

the world. Our govern-ment has let immigration laws get complete-ly out of hand. There should be greaterrestrictions on our immigration laws in thiscountry.

Let me give a few examples of safetywithin this country. When World War IIbegan and Japan got involved in the warwith America, this country did not take anychances with people from that country whowere now living in America. This countrybuilt camps for those people to live until thewar was over.

now, not only will we continue to let peo-ple into this country who we know hates us,but we let them into our Armed Forces. Weknow people out of the Middle Easterncountries hate us something terrible. Theynot only talk about distruction of America,but they themselves have tried to destroythings and people within our country. Lookat 9/11 in new york / Washington, DC.Look what happened at Ft, Hood Armybase not long ago. A Chaplain in uniformborn in America. But yet hated this countrybecause he was an Arab.

We have had problems with Arab nationsfor a very long time now, because they hateAmericans. now, if we know this, why dowe still let them into our country? Whenyou are at War with another country, thereshould not be anyway they could get a

VISA to come here. Whether we are in ashooting war or not, it is still war, becausethey are looking for ways to destroy us.

We have given over our schools andneighborhood stores to 3rd world people.Our schools are in serious trouble becauseAmerican culture has been deluted with 3rdworld culture. Their teaching is done moreor less from a 3rd world prospective. The

discipline in schools are at it’s lowest level,because 3rd world culture is not as strict asAmerican culture. you can understand thatvery well just by walking into Wal-Marts.Most of your gas stations and neighborhoodstores are owned and operated by 3rd worldpeople, because American banks havemoney set aside just to loan them just forthat reason, but we cannot get a loan likethat.

They buy stores in our neighborhoodbecause they know we are not going to cometogether and buy anything to serve ourneighborhood. Every nation / culture knowthat we are consumers only. We do not wantto own anything in our own neighborhood,and that’s why people just come into thiscountry and run right to our neighborhoods.

I am very intrigued over the fact thatevery outside country come here has a dis-like for the BLACK citizens of this country,in fact they hate us because they think theymust find someone in this country that theyare better than, so, they choose us. Evenpeople from Africa think they are, that is really something, but we makethem think that way because a lot of us pickout a corner, a tree in a vacant lot and start adomino game each day and not look for ajob. Pull our pants down below our butts,wear our caps backwards, or side ways, andto top things off we walk around cursingloud, disrespecting others, and ourselves,We let others know that we do not want todo anything other than make people believewe are something that we are not. Do not getme wrong, I know that does not apply to allof us, but that group of us I am talking aboutis too many. Since others think that they arebetter than we are, they will take a smallgroup of us and apply it to all of us as anation of people.I have learned that countries do not need

bullets to invade a country who will opendoors and let them in like we are doing inthis day and time.Let us not forget to read our Bibles. And

may God bless you REAL GOOD , and mayHe ever keep you in His loving care.

page 6 december 2, 2011december 2, 2011 page 5

E S T A B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0


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Dr. Karen Hollie - ThibodeauxSenior Pastor

Sunday 11:00 am–12:15pm.

Wednesday – Bible Study7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

“Come And Let God Use You”

Out of the Eyes of a Layman

I stay awake throughthe night, thinkingabout your promise.Psalm 119:148 nLT

There are somethings worth stayingup for.It is good to wake up

with the Lord on yourmind; and other timesnot to sleep becausethe Lord is on yourmind.

Debra’s Bits and Pieces

Gene Turner

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

Be fair to others because it is the right thing to do. Expect fairness in return. Accept consequences. Foster harmo-ny and security.Avoid anger and bitterness. Search for reasonable solutions. Use common sense. Seek and grantforgiveness. Justice in Action: Take care of and return borrowed belongings. Write family rules noting conse-

quences. Watch the news and discuss examples of justice and injustice. Defend a mistreated classmate co – worker,etc. Play by the rules. Family Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Want to have Elite News mailed to you no matter where you live? Subscribe for $75.00 a year. CallElite News 214-372-6500 or download subscription form online at

celebratiNG 51 YearS of

coMMuNitY Service

NobodY coverS the

Metroplex like

elite NeWS

Debra Blair Abron

read the Elite News Online or call

214-372-6500 and get a subscription delivered today!

Page 6: Dec 2 2011

Dear Dr. Hollie:

Irecently inherited some familyheirlooms from a distant relative.I’ve heard about these items from

other relatives but had only ever seenpictures of them. Ialso received papers that authenticatetheir financial value. They are worth alot. In my family, these items are con-sidered to be a legacy to be preservedfor future generations.The issue is that my great-great-great uncle, who

left the items to me, had changed his will a coupleof years ago when he and another great-great-greatniece had a huge disagreement. He became illshortly after the incident and never fully recovered.At a recent family gathering, the subject of this dis-owned cousin came up. Her mother actually con-fronted me, saying that the uncle and niece had rec-onciled and that he had planned to revise his willagain. She strongly suggested that I relinquish theheirlooms to her, the mother, for safekeeping whilethe cousin recovers in a rehabilitation facility.This of course started a family discussion.

The mother, and few others, thought I should givethe heirlooms up because our uncle was really closeto my cousin and he and I had only met a fewtimes. They were convinced that the will would’vebeen changed if our uncle had time. The rest of the

family was concerned that heirloomswould be sold as so many otherthings had been in an effort to sup-port her long-term drug problems.They all thought that the argumenthad been over the drugs. She hasbeen in rehab many times before andalways reverts back to drugs. noone knew about the reconciliationbut the mother.

Anyway, I’m torn about what Ishould do. I know that they were

close at one time but I don’t want to see the familylegacy lost from the family.

Just wanna do the right thing

Dear Just,

I can understand how you would want to honorwhat the family is asking of you, specifically yourcousin’s mom. However, the uncle entrusted theheirlooms to you and, as you see now, with goodreason. Therefore, these items are to remain withyou as you continue his legacy.

Dr. Hollie is a Pastor and practicing psychothera-pist in the city. For questions and comments, pleasewrite to [email protected].

Anyone who hasexperienced thespirituality in

prayers knows that theyhave the strength touplift you to a tranquilstate of mind. you loseyour doubts and your

apprehensions whenyou put yourself in thehands of an omnipo-tent God. Prayers are avery personal choice

and should never be imposed upon you by any-one. How you pray and what you want to prayfor are completely your decisions and yet youneed to experience it for the first time to knowhow it feels. Thankfully, parents do their bit in introducing

prayers to children so that they may appreciatethem when they can understand their meaningbetter. Christmas is the celebration of the birthof Jesus Christ or nativity of Christ. It is impor-tant to note that the figure of the ‘Son of God’was not born amidst riches or to a King. He hadthe origins of being born to humble parents in astable whose virtue lay in their spotless charac-ter. It is thus a beautiful truth that spiritualawakening came to the seeker regardless ofwhether he possessed worldly riches or not.Thus, Christmas prayers celebrating Jesus’birth make you feel blessed that God or theSupreme Being once walked this very earthand opened a path from the earth to heaven foreveryone to follow. Christmas prayers can be of many different

hues and shades but the essence of theseprayers is thanking the Lord for what He hasgiven you and speaking positive affirmationsthat things will improve. This feeling of grati-tude fills you with inspiration and comfort fora better tomorrow even when things in thisworld might not be perfect at the moment. So, ifyou haven’t yet felt the power of a prayer full ofhope, optimism and positive words, experienceit once to develop the faith everyone requires intheir life for that intangible solace humans seek.

page 6 december 2, 2011

s p i R i T u a l g u i d e

Geraldine Davidson-Hooker

Christmas PrayersPrayer ClosetAdvice Column: Ask Dr. Hollie

Notes From Union Hope

Our Sundayschool lessontitled, “Facing

Life Without Worry”Matthew 6: 25-34, thelesson high pointswere, “God is ourgreater provider, whatwe need to do to getrelieve from worry andrelining on God to

meet our needs.” Dr. Johnny King deliveredthe morning message titled, “DelayedDeliverance” Matthew 14: 22-29. We werethe guest at Independence Baptist Churchwhere Rev. M. L. Gee is the pastor to helpcelebrate their annual women day, Dr. Kingdelivered the annual day message titled,“Lessons learned From The Pool ofBethesda” John 5: 1-4, his high points were,“Identifying our need, stop blaming otherpeople and stretching beyond our selves.”

Johnny King

From the Mount

Our ChurchS c h o o llesson was

“Facing Life with-out Worry”MATTHEW 6:25-34 was a lesson fit-ted for our time.With the world it

seems is in arecession, jobsare scarce, fami-ly members

killing family members, our politiciansso far removed from the common peo-ple and entrenched in their parties agen-da that they are paralyzed to the pointof doing nothing that they gave thecommon people pause to worry. Butthose that know the Lord can rest inknowing that they serve a Saviour whonot only care for them but have prom-ised to take care of them and they neednot be frozen by fear. Jesus told us thatlife consist of more than food andclothes. He calls our attention to thefact that birds have no need to plant orharvest or put food in barns becauseh=their heavenly father feeds them. Ibegan to reflect and could not remem-

ber ever seeing a bird die from starva-tion unless someone had caged themup. If God takes such good care of birdsand flowers he asked why do we worrywhen we have a greater value to himthan any of these things. The lessontaught us not to borrow from tomor-row’s troubles because today’s troubleis enough for today. Have you everwent to bed worried about somethingbad that was supposed to happen thenext day and the day went by and itnever happened? Often we ruin ourtoday worried about a tomorrow thatmay or may not come. When we placeour faith in the Lord who know all ofour tomorrows we can live a worry freelife. The morning message was deliv-ered by our guest was Rev. Wright ofGalilee Missionary Baptist church fromthe subject “Learning how to be thank-ful” Rom.1:12. There are many littlethings in life that people and God do forus that we never say to them “Thankyou.”

Be blessed

Psalm 119:105 your word is a lamp to my feet and a

light for my path

Eld lloyd T. Morgan

Ihave written a lot concerning the purposeand advantage of the enclosed place ofprayer, which is our prayer closet, a

place where we are alone with God, inprayer. However, there are times when wewhen we need to pray with others. Prayingwith others often brings us special encour-agement. Jesus said, “Again I say unto you,that if two of you shall agree on earth astouching anything that they shall ask, it shallbe done for them of my Father which is inheaven. For where two or three are gatheredtogether in my name, there am I in the midstof them” (Matthew 18:19-20). Perhaps wewould see great things happening in ourchurches if we spentmore time prayingtogether. We can seein the book of Actswhat priority thebelievers gave toprayer. “They contin-ued steadfast inprayer daily, and theLord added to thechurch daily” (Acts2:42-47). Pastor Clarence


Dr. Karen Hollie

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

celebratiNG 50 YearS of

coMMuNitY Service

NobodY coverS the

Metroplex like

elite NeWS

Read the EliteNews onlineevery Friday

Page 7: Dec 2 2011

page 7 december 2, 2011

caleNdaR/sTudeNT Of The week


Porter T. Flinn

School: South Garland High School

Grade: Junior(11th)

Favorite SubjectPre-Calculus

School Activities: Varsity Basketball since his sophomore


Past TimeHe likes playing X-box, listening to ol'

school music & watching clever videos

on u-tube

Future Plans: His future plans are to attend college

at Howard University or Georgetown inWashington D.C.

To nominate a student of the week whoyou think is worthy from grades 1-12,andpresent College students please email 100words or less why you think this studentshould be the “Student of Week” to Ms.Bettye “Katt” Williams [email protected] or call EliteNews 214-372-6500

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mrs. Mozelle Blair (Dec. 3)Call Elite News 214-372-6500

and get you birthday announced here!Kendrick Clayton – Dec. 7 B.J. Fullylove, Sr. , O.J. Fullylove – Dec. 12Chaitra Dangerfield-Dec. 13 Herman Fullylove – Dec. 14

Minister of WeekPastor Clerance Henderson

Christian Holy Temple Church-

Dallas“The best sermon is preached by the minister who has a sermon to

preach and not by the man who has to preach a sermon.”

Dec. 8:I just received word that Bank of America isholding a Customer Outreach Event December 8-10,2011 in Irving. If your mortgage is with Bank of Americathis is a wonderful opportunity, please see the attachedflyers and pass this information on to your organizations.

Online at: by calling 1-855-201-7426

December 9: Christmas is right around the corner andBettye Williams and Elite news needs your help with our2nd Annual “BLESS A CHILD AT CHRISTMAS” cam-paign “Toy-Coat Drive” on December 09, 2011. Comejoin Elite news and sponsors; K104, Coke Cola, andDallas County Schools in helping a family and a childknow that there is a Christmas. Simply stop by the Elitenews, 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd. Dallas, TX 75216, andDecember 9, 2011 from 10:00 am to 12 noon and leavean unwrapped toy, coat, non-perishable food items oreven a donation to help put a smile on a child’s face thisChristmas. For information call Elite news at 214-372-6500

Dec 10: “Mastering the Art of Facebook & SocialMedia Marketing. Faye Hill is presenting a dynamicFacebook & Social Media Marketing seminar December

10, 2012 from 10:00am. – 3:00pm., at Angelic MomentsPartys & Events 2542 So I-35 & Wintergreen Rd.Lancaster, Tx. Lunch will be provided At to register for additional informationor call 214.205.7514.

Dec 10: Please join Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.Alpha Sigma Lambda Chapter as we celebrate the end of2011 with our Annual Cold and Classy ChristmasExtravaganza! The event will take place on Saturday,December 10, 2011 at the African American Museum atFair Park Please contact Forrest Jackson @ 469-865-5372 or log-on to for more info.

If you live in the city of Dallas or if you know someonewho lives in the city of Dallas. The city of Dallas isreplacing high water tank toilets for Water Saving ToiletsFREE to the public! you can either choose a rebate forthe one you go ahead and purchase or you can receive avoucher to go purchase one. If you choose to receive thevoucher you can choose your own qualifying toilet. Theyalso have a taller toile which is helpful for older peopleand or people with bad knees and backs. The voucherwill cover only the cost of the toilet you will be respon-sible for the installation. If you are interested just go theCity of Dallas Website or google Save Dallas Water andcomplete the online application.

Advertise with Elite News


Page 8: Dec 2 2011

eliTe News spORTs

At the first of the nFL sea-son you had contendersand pretenders. Three

fourths of the way through thingsis coming in to focus. The creamis slowly coming to the top. Thereare still some big questions to be

answered. I’m never naïve enough with 5 regular seasongames remaining to pick Champions. I do have a revela-tion, Andy Reed the coach of the Philadelphia Eagle canbe declared the dumbest coach in the nFL.

I can truthfully say after some research, that that titleis his and his along. His team is pretty much out of theplay-off picture. And it was wonderfully engineered byhim. In a must win game he benched arguably his bestplayer. He said it was because DeSean Jackson missed aspecial team meeting. A Player of Jackson’s caliber

would never be a kick returner on any smartly coachedteam unless it’s in emergency situation.

Dez Bryant the Cowboy’s young receiver is anexcellent kick returner, but the Cowboy’s fear injuryand chose not play him there unless it’s a must situa-

tion.First off Jackson is having problems getting his con-

tract re-worked. Jackson is one of the triggers on thisteam. yet the eagle’s brought in $200 million of freeagent players, none of which is as critical to their suc-cess as Jackson. not being a big fan of the Eagles I loveit.

The word is they’re afraid to pay him big moneybecause they’re afraid, with his diminutive size hewould get hurt. But they gave Michael Vick $100 mil-lion and he’s been hurt twice this year, and he’s injurednow. Most experts included yours truly think that Vinceyoung is a bigger, better, healthier, and most of allcheaper Quarterback than Vick. I keep hearing aboutVick’s potential, Vicks in his 30’s. It doesn’t generallytake a super star that long to shine.

Every athlete in the world when their value is ques-tioned, they’re judged by Championships. Vince is likeTim Tebow, pretty or not he wins, Vick has never wonanything. But a foot race or two. He will always get hurt.Even the Michael Vick supporters, should be wonderingin a game against the Giants a must game, you suspendVicks best weapon. Because he missed a special teammeeting.

Jimmy Johnson cut a linebacker, John Roper forsleeping in a meeting. When ask what would he haddone if that was Emmitt Smith, Johnson said. I wouldhave told Emmitt to wake up to wake up, but Jimmie’sgot two Super- Bowl rings. you don’t cut your nose offto spite your face. Michael Irvin missed a flight, orshould I say Mike got left in Dallas, Jimmie declaredMike would not start that game. Second offensive playof the game there goes Michael Irvin. After the gamewhen questioned by the Media. you only kept mike outone down, Jimmie’s reply “I’m not stupid”. As I saidJimmie’s got Two Rings.

BarBerShOp talk

with leON SiMON

leon Simon

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

William Blair Jordan Blair Barbara McCoy Chris Arnold Roger B. Brown Leon Simon Dave Pigeon Jordan Blair II GUESTSr. Publisher Publisher Retired Educator Sports Announcer Sports Talk Show Retired Star Power Student Mark Jones

page 8 december 2, 2011




Page 9: Dec 2 2011

PAGE 20 November 19, 2010


25TH Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ParadeJanuary 17th, 2011 * Parade Starts at 10:00 a.m. Sharp*

Please complete form (entry deadline is January 10, 2011) and mail to:DFW Elite News, P.O. Box 397925, Dallas, Texas 75339 or Fax 214.372.2534

The parade is limited to 200 entries and space will go fast!

Contact Person: __________________________________Organization Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _________________ Zip: ___________________

Phone: (___) _______________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ ____________________

Choose your parade category: (Please check one)

___Float ___ Vehicle ____ Marching Unit _____Equestrian ____Clowns ____Color Guard ___Musical Group ___Drill Team____Record Label ______ High School ______ Dance Unit/Team _______ other (Please specify) ________________________________

Please identify what will be in the parade. Include how many (even if just one):

_____Float ____Flatbed Trailer ________Horse(s) _______Music (live or recorded) ______Vehicle(s) ______Walker(s) ________Other(s)

Total number of people in your group: ______

Height Restrictions: NO floats to exceed 12 feet in height due to overhead power lines.

Length Restrictions: Not to exceed 50 feet in length without additional entry fee (exceptions require pre-approval from the DFW Elite News MLK ParadeCommittee)Are any vehicle(s), horse(s), or large rolling equipment going to accompany or pull your entry in the parade? Please state what, how many and length of each, if appli-cable.

How are you getting your group and equipment to the parade? Please specify the number and types of transport vehicle(s), if applicable:

The PHYSICAL handout and distribution of candy by participants IS allowed and encouraged. All candy must be in original wrappers. THROWING CANDY IS NOTALLOWED, by request of the City of Dallas and Office of Special Events. Are you handing out candy or other items during the parade? YES/ NO (Please include a copyof any printed material being distributed in the parade with your entry form). Must be approved by parade committee. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES MAY BECONSUMED PRIOR TO OR DURING YOUR PARTICIPATION IN PARADE ACTIVITIES.

Indemnification Clause: I/We hereby voluntarily release DFW Elite News, City of Dallas, and the Parade Committee and all other sponsoring organizations. volunteers,individuals, the State of Texas, any and all departments, agencies, officers, or employees, and all parade committee workers from any and all liability in any way arisingfrom injuries, losses, and damages to person and property that might be sustained or received in connection with said parade. I/We do agree with the above provisions.

Waiver: I hereby grant full permission to DFW Elite News and/or agents authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, recordings, or any other records of thisevent for any legitimate purpose. I agree to abide by the 2010 rules and regulations of the 24th Annual DFW Elite News Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade.

Entrants Name (Please Print) _________________________________________________________________________________

Entrants Signature_______________________________________________Date_________/__________/_________

Parking, shuttle bus and staging information will be sent out upon receipt of your entry.

For More information please contact:Jordan Blair, Parade Committee (214) 372-6500, 214-507-2192 or [email protected]/Come By to see or talk staff at DFW Elite News for more information: (214) 372-6500 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd, Dallas TX 75216


page 9 december 2, 2011

January 16th, 2012 * Parade Starts at 10:00 a.m.

Please complete form by January 6, 2012 and mail or fax to

P.O. Box 397925 Dallas Tx 75339 or fax 214-372-2534

Page 10: Dec 2 2011

page 10 december 2, 2011

Accepting entry’s, vendorsand sponsorship for 26th

Annual M.L.K. ParadeNow!!

ALL vehicle entries MUSThave a permit from Elite

News to enter 2012 Parade.Call Elite

News for details 214-372-6500

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Page 11: Dec 2 2011

december 2, 2011 page 11


Jordan Blair (Publisher of Elite News) andwife, Brenda Blair enjoys a dance togather


10:00 A. M.

EliTE NEWS 26th


Page 12: Dec 2 2011

By: Bettye “Katt” WilliamsELITE nEWS STAFF WRITER

Michael Dewayne Ford 52 was bornJanuary 27, 1959, in Dallas, TX. Hewas a second generation owner of

Golden Gate Funeral Home; he passed awaynovember 22, 2011.

Michael Dewayne Ford was a graduate ofDavid W. Carter High School, Class of 1977.After graduation Michael joined the UnitedStates navy. He was one of the second gener-ation owners of Golden Gate Funeral Home,working alongside his dad, John Beckwith Sr.,and family. He was manager of the Lancasterand St. Mary locations. He was most passion-ate about the fleet of cars.

Mr. Ford’s wake was held on Monday,november 28th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Hisfuneral was Tuesday, november 29, at 11:00a.m. Both services were held at Mt. RoseChurch, 7151 Field View Lane, Dallas, TX.

He is preceded in death by his mother,Allene Beckwith; grandparents, AllenZachery, Bessie Overton, Johnnie Ford,Gladys Braggs, Eddie Beckwith Sr. andCharlotte Bethely-Moore.

He met and married his high school sweet-heart, Cynthia Woodard, and to this union twochildren were born. He later met and married

Etta Campbell. Mr. Ford leaves to cherish his loving mem-

ories: wife, Etta Ford; children, Detra Ford-Johnson, Michelle Ford-Vickers (Ken), TaylorFord, Jordan Ford and Meagan Ford; father,Jimmie Ford; dad, John Beckwith Sr.; grand-children, Damontre, Darielle, Madison, Darieland Reiss; siblings, Carolyn Haynes (Kevin),Gerald Ford (Twyla), Debra Blackwell(Robert), Charlotte Beckwith, Tonya Ford,John Beckwith Jr. and Kimberly Blackmon(Craig); grandmother, Atchra Beckwith;aunts, Estella Jones, Betty Dickerson (Frank),Dexter Curlin (Donald), Wilma BeckwithWilson (William) and Gladys BeckwithWilliams (Darnell); uncles, C. J. Ford, EddieBeckwith Jr. (Mary) and James Bethely(Rosetta); several nieces, nephews, greatnieces, great nephews, cousins, Golden Gatefamily and friends. John Beckwith, Jr. presented a special

Tribute to Michael;“I Am Going to Miss You"

It was you that taught me men don't cry. Itwas you that took me out and taught me whata ten and out was. It was you that turned meloose to drive at 12 years old in Long Beach,California; dropping you off at the ship andCynthia watching me pass right by the house.I never had a birthday party as an adult, but 2

weeks ago you and Mr. Blair made sure I did.I am going to miss how competitive you were;if it was Dominoes, or just talking noise, youwanted the last word. You would beat me towork every day and would sit in the office andtell me what everybody was doing wrong. Youwould say “It’s official" and you would sit onthe front row of every staff meeting. Twoweeks ago, you told me you were going to joinmy church and I reminded you that's yourcalling not mine. — John Beckwith Jr.

He was Special and will be missed dearly,said Mr. William Blair and the Elite newsStaff.

page 12 december 2, 2011

c l a s s i f i e d / a d s



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John Lansgton was ablack leader, educator,and diplomat, who isbelieved to have been thefirst black ever elected topublic office in the UnitedStates

Ms. Bettye“Katt”


celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

Michael Dewayne Ford, Gone But Will Never Be Forgotten

Little Known Black HistorycelebratiNG 51 YearS of

coMMuNitY Service

NobodY coverS the

Metroplex like

elite NeWS

John Beckwith Jr. and Michael celebration John’s birthday

John Beckwith Sr. share a laugh with Michael

Michael and wife, Cynthia Ford

Page 13: Dec 2 2011

Welcome to thatw e e k e n dBaaaby! I stat-

ed this week feelingsooooo bloated,lol! Myclothes were tight and ittook all week for them toloosen up...Ahhh theSweet Potato Pie, PoundCake, Lemon Chess Pie,Dressing, Mac andCheese, Rum, Tequila,

whew!!!! I lost 3 pounds just writing andthinkin about all that excess. I was up at 2:30AM on Black Friday, but no one else in myhouse, none of the big timeshoppers would move a toe!The biggest shopper, my sis-ter-in-law Charlotte and herMemphis crew arrived at1:45 AM, but after an 8 hourdrive, they were whipped.Without Auntie Charlotte, mycrew, which includes 2 adultdaughters and a wife, plusmy wife’s sister Rebecca aremere mortals,lol. So whatdid I do??? Ha! I went backto sleep, visions of pie danc-ing merrily in my thoughts! yea for the nBA!Common Sense prevailed and a deal has beenstruck for a 66 game(instead of 82)season!The Mavs receive their nBA Championshiprecognition as part of a Christmas triple head-er versus last years victims, Lebron,DeWayne “I’ll fall down and ya don’t need totouch me” Wade and the Miami Heat! As weapproach new year’s Resolution time, letsresolve to watch what we eat and our bloodpressure. Remember your weight in mostcases is determined , not by how much youexercise, but what and how much you put inyour mouth! R.I.P. Comedian Patrice O’neal!O’neal, 41, died of complications from astroke this week. The stroke happened onOct. 19th. If you don’t know him, Go toyoutube and check him out! He was funny,whether writing scripts for WWE Wrestlerson TV or onstage! R.I. P. Patrice O’neal!!!!This weekend there is nO Dallas CowboysFootball! After two wins in 10 days(Thankyou kicker David Bailey), the Boyz get a well

deserved bye/off week. They return to actionSunday Dec. 4th at 3:15P in Arizona, againstthe Cardinals. 1st place feels good fellas! TheBoyz should have WR Miles Austin andCornerback Mike Jenkins back in the startinglineup. Look for thicker, 20% lower sodiumfries from Burger King...Seems there somekinda “fry” war going on with Mickey D’sstill the champ! A lot of folks takeLipitor...Good news for you...Generic ver-sions of cholesterol-drug Lipitor go on salethis week. Many patients will be blessed withlower co-payments for this life saving drug!Can anybody say “see ya later alligator” toRepublican Pres. candidate Herman Cain?

This week a 3rd woman came forwardalleging special “contact” with Cain.Atlanta businesswoman Ginger Whitesays she and Cain had a 13 yearaffair...Cain’s drop has pushed newtGingrich to the front of potentialRepublican nominees...Prez. Obamacould beat newt with 1 hand tied behindhis back. The Republicans are gettingwhat they deserve, since they don’t care

about the country, just stopping any-thing President Obama tries to do...H-A-T-E-R-S! Welcome back to DallasMark McCray! Mark spent some time

at 105.7 before moving on to run stations inAustin, Tx. and West Palm BeachFlorida! Mark, a Dallas native, returns asOperations Manager forRadio One Dallas. He’snow in charge of 97.9The Beat and OldSchool 94.5 KSOUL!Happy Birthday toyOU and Celebs thisweek:Robert “Benson”Guilliame is 84, BerryGordy Jr. and DickClark are 82, ChuckMangione is 71,RobinGivens 47 and Jaleel“Urkel” White is 35.Thanks for Rollin With A Brotha in The Elitenews, online on twitter as SmokinKevan(follow me), Facebook as KevanBrowning(Friend Me) and!

december 2, 2011 page 13

eliTe News eNTeRTaiNmeNT

rollin with a Brotha

Kevan Browning

Herman Cain

Patrice O’Neal

Read the Elite News Paper

online every Friday


Harry LouisPage wentto his eter-

nal home withJesus Christ, hisLord and Savior,on Wednesday,november 23,2011, at the age of73. He was born in

natchez, Mississippi to Ernest and FannieMae Page, Sr. In 1943, he moved with hisparents and older brother, Ernest Jr., toDallas. Harry and his family immediatelybecame members of St. Paul AfricanMethodist Episcopal Church where heserved faithfully until his death, includingmore than 40 years on the Steward Boardand Finance team. He attended PhyllisWheatley Elementary School and graduatedfrom Lincoln High School with honors in theclass of 1956 where he played trumpet in theLHS band for four years. Throughout highschool, he worked as a paperboy. Harryentered the University of Texas at Austin inthe fall of 1956 as a member of the firstundergrad-uate class that included black stu-dents. He studied electrical engineering forfive years. He was drafted into the U.S.

Army and was stationed at White SandsMissile Range, Las Cruces, new Mexico, inthe Sergeant Missile Testing and EvaluationSection. After an honorable discharge fromthe Army, he married his wife of 47 years,Kathryn Strickland of Dallas, and theyremained married years until his death. Heworked as a lab assistant in the Geo-ScienceLab of the Graduate Research Center (whichbecame the University of Texas at Dallas) for2 years. He worked for IBM as a CustomerEngineer in the Field Engineering Divisionfor 30 years where he won numerous awardsand commendations and retired in 1996.Harry is survived by his wife, Kathryn,daughter Kristina L. Page, Esq., aunts LouiseQuillar (St. Louis), Irene Allen, Mary Pageand Mary Smith (Dallas), 11 sisters-in-law, 9brothers-in-law, and many cousins, niecesand nephews. Prec-eding him in death: son,Kenneth Louis Page, 6, in 1981; brother,Ernest Jr.; and parents. Memorial serviceswere Tuesday, november 29th at SmithChapel A.M.E Church, 2406 Childs Street,Dallas 75203 and following the services,internment was at at Laurel Land FuneralHome, 6000 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway,Dallas 75232.

Harry l. PageSunrise: March 28, 1938

Sunset: Nov. 23, 2011

Page 14: Dec 2 2011

Antioch Fellowship MissionaryBaptist Church

7550 South Hampton RoadDallas, TX 75232-4122Office:(972) 228-2420

Fax:(972) 228-2584

“We Build Peple”Office Hours

8:30am -5:00 pmClosed-Friday

Sunday Morning Worship ExperienceWorship I: 7:30 am

Church School: 8:45 amWorship II: 10:00 am

WednesdayNoonday Bible Study

Wed 7:00 pm

“Sensational” StPaul AME Church

2420 Metropolitan AvenueDallas, TX 75215-3534Church:(214) 421-1344

Church School: 8:30 amSt. Pau AME Center

2300 Metropolitan AvenueWorship Service: 10:00 am

Pastor’s Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm


AT 214-372-6500

liSt Your MiNiSter With the elite NeWS. call uS todaY at 214-372-6500

Arlington Park First Baptist Church

5726 Van Winkle Blvd.Dallas, TX 75235

Church:(214) 631-9633Fax: (214-631-2077

Sunday School: 9:00amService: 10:05 am

Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm

“Oh taste andsee that

the lord isgood”

Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church

4703 Sunnyvale St Dallas TX 75216214-371-3434

Sunday School: 9:30amMorning Worship 11:00am

Wednesday:The Lord’s Table 12-3:30pm

(Feeding seniors and homeless),Prayer 7:00PM Bible Study: 7:30pmrev. David Jones Sr. rev. Joe H. Moore, Jr

Greater New St. JohnPrimitive Baptist Church

2529 56th StreetDallas, TX 75241

Church:(214) 372-4076

Sunday School: 8:45amService: 10:00 am

“Keeping themain thing,

the mainthing and

that’s JesusChrist”

Union Hope InstitutionalPrimitive Baptist Church

2217 56th StreetDallas, TX 75241-1435

Ph: (214) 374-6441Fax: (214) 374-6490

9:30 am Sunday School11:00 am Morning Worship

Golden Chain Church5023 Wadsworth

Dallas, TXChurch 214-372-0280

Sunday School: 8:00 amMorning Worship 10:00 am

Carter Temple CME Church2503 Crossman AvenueDallas, TX 75212-5209

(214) 747-0752

Sunday School: 10:00amMorning Worship 11:00 amBible Study: Wed 7:00 pm

“His Grace Is Sufficient”

Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist2206 Harlandale AvenueDallas, TX 75216-2429

(214) 372-3828

9:30 am - Sunday School10:30 am - Sun. Morning Worship

6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Service11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling

New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church

2025 E. Wheatland Rd Dallas,Texas 75232 Phone


Sunday Worship: 8am & 10:30amYouth Church: 10:30 am (2nd and 3rd Sun)

Intercessory Prayer: 11am - 12 noon(Tues. & Thurs.)

Bible Study: 7pm (Wed)

Morning Star MissionaryBaptist Church2251El Paso

Grand Prairie, Texas 75051Church: 972-647-1445

Fax: 972-623-1489Sunday School: 9:00am

Morning Worship 8 & 10:30 am7pm Midweek Service

page 14 december 2, 2011

miNisTeRs lisTiNgs

Eld. lloyd Morgan, Sr

rev. C.l. Taylor

Dr. Karry D. WesleyPastor

rev. Vincent E. Davis, Pastor

rev. Aundre Byrd, Sr

Pastor W. J. Atkins

rev. B.l. Horn

Pastor Willie l. McDaniels

rev. Juan N. TolliverSenior Pastor

Pastor Clarence Henderson

Christian Holy Temple Church1569 Ann Arbor Ave.

Dallas, TX 75216Church Phone: 214-375-2913

Services: Sunday Times: 9:30am Revival Time: 11:30 amWednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

Family & Fellowship 7:30 pm

The “Exciting”Singing Hills Baptist Church

6550 university Hills BoulevardDallas, Texas 75241Phone: 214-375-5952

Worship TimesSunday 8 & - 10:45 am

Sunday School - 9:45 amWednesday Night - 7 pm

Senior Pastor Dr. Howard E. Anderson, Sr.,

Mt. Horeb Missionary Baptist Church| Missionary Baptist

601 Kaufman StreetWaxahachie, Texas 75165

Phone: 972-937-6569

Worship TimesSunday School 9:30am

Sunday Morning Worship 10:45amPastor

Tedrick J. Woods

rose of Sharon Baptist Church| 2251 lawrence StDallas , TX 75215

Phone: 214-428-0462

Worship TimesSunday Morning Worship 8:00 am

Sunday School 10:00 amPrayer: Thursday 6:00 pm

Rev. H. L. Ward

Page 15: Dec 2 2011

New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church“Christ-Centered, Faith-Driven, Holy Living”

3317 Morris Street • Dallas, TX 75212214-638-0918 •

SundayChurch School ~ 9:00 a.m.

Morning Worship ~ 10:30 a.m.New Member Orientation ~ 1:30 p.m.

TuesdayGeneration Exchange (Youth/Children

Happy Hour) ~ 6:45 p.m.

Wednesday ~ 7:00Hour of Power (Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Wed.)

D.I.V.A.S. (Women’s Ministry, 2nd & 4th Wed.)M.S.G. (Men’s Mnistry, 2nd & 4th Wed.)

“Come, taste and see that the Lord is good.”Psalms 34:8

Rev. Joe Patterson

Greater New ZionBaptist Church2210 Pine Street

Dallas, Texas 75212214-421-4119

Sunday School 9:30 amMorning Worship 10:45 am

Faith Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church4205 Robinson Road/P.O. Box 540515

Grand Prairie, Texas 75054972-642-9125

Sunday Church School.................. 9:00 amMorning Worship........................10:30 am

Tues. Bible Class..............................6:00 pmPrayer Service..............................7:00 pmMission Study Classes...................7:45 pm

Rev. R. O. Moffett

New Leaf Missionary Baptist Church

“Turning over a new leaf”5044 Veterans Drive Dallas, Texas 75241

214-372-3200 (Church)Sunday School 9:45 am

Morning Worship 11:00 am1st Sunday Lord’s Supper 6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm

Rev. Wendell Blair, Sr.

New True Vine of HolinessMissionary Baptist Church

6728 Altaire StreetDallas, Texas 214-375-6504

Sunday School - 9:15 amMorning Worship - 10:35 am

Evening Worship 7:30 pmA Church Where The Bible is Our Guide

Rev. Calvin Ray Washington

True Gospel Ministries1734 E. Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216

214-371-1349 214-371-0100 (Fax)Formally True Gospel MBCSunday School...8:45 am

Morning Worship Service...10:30 amLast Tuesday in each month -

Word Explosion – 7:30 PM2nd & 3rd Tuesdays – Bible Study

4th Saturday - Evangelism OutreachCome worship with us, A minstry of caring

Rev. C. J. R. Phillips Jr.

St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church

6000 Singing Hills Dr.Dallas, Texas 75241

214-374-6631Morning Worship 8:00 am & 10:15 amSunday School........................9:00 amLord’s Supper 1st Sunday ......6:00 pm

Rev. R. E. Price

New Mount Zion Baptist Church9550 Shepherd RoadDallas, Texas 75243 Ph: 214-341-6459

Early Morning Worship................. 7:30 amSunday School..............................9:00 amSunday Morn. Worship................10:30 pmBible Class..................................6:00 pm

Prayer and Bible Study...................7:45 am

Apostle LobiasMurray

Full Gospel Holy Temple Church39727 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75237

972-572-FGHT (3448)24 HOUR PRAYER LINE: 972-223-9898

Sunday School..........................9:45 amSunday Morning Worship.............11:00 am

Sunday Evening Worship................7:30 pmTuesday..& Saturday........................8:00 pmvisit our website

Rev. Christopher T. Willis, Sr.

God’s “Exciting” Cathedral ofPraise Baptist Church

1430 N. Polk StreetDesoto, Texas 75115Ph: (469) 567-1602

Early Morning Worship - 8:00 amSunday School - 8:45 am

Morning Worship - 10:00 amWed. Hour of Bible Study - 7:30 pm

Supt. & Mrs. Howard E. Falls, Sr.

Bibleway Church of God in Christ4122 Kilgore St.Dallas, TX 75212214-630-3195 • 972-274-9911Sunday Morning Service - 11:15 amWed. Night Bible Study - 7:00 pmSaturday hour of Prayer - 10:00E-mail - [email protected]

Divine InspirationMissionary Baptist Church

4325 W. Ledbetter DriveDallas, Texas 75223

Church: (214) 337-1713Sunday School … 9:00 a.m.

Morning Worship … 10:30 a.m.Baptist Training Union …. 6:15 p.m.

Eld. Robert L. Ashberry

Steven Temple C.O.G.I.C.344 E. Saner

Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: 214-946-9262

Sunday School............................ 9:15 amSunday Morning Worship.............10:30 amTues. Bible Band/Brotherhood Youth7:30 pmThursday Prayer............................7:30 pm

*Every Saturday “Bible Speaks” broadcast on 1040 AM radio at 3:45 pm

Myrtis Robinson,Pastor

The House of Refuge Full GospelChurch

1734 Idaho St. • Dallas, Texas 75216Church: 214-942-0997 Residence: 972-225-6997

Sunday School……10:30 a.m.Morning Worship……12:45 p.m.

Wed. & Fri. Services……8:00 p.m.“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing

by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

New Restoration Church2949 E. Kiest Blvd Suite J

Dallas, TX 75206Church: 214-946-2989

Sunday School: 10:00 amMorning Worship: 11:00 am Rev. B. R. Williams

Rev. Stanley E. Smith

Crest ViewMinistry of “Hope”Restoring lives and givinghope to the “hopeless”7407 Fox Crossing

CourtDallas, Texas 75232


SundayService......11:00 a.m.

Wednesday BibleClass........7:30 p.m.

Pastor Michael andSherry Perkins

Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church1101 Sabine • Dallas, Texas 75203

Church: 214-943-8295 Fax: 214-942-2023Pastor: 214-942-7474


Rev. VincentParker, Pastor

Sunday School: 9:00 amMorning Worship: 10:30 am

Rev. Wade J. SimmonsPastor

1718 FARGO STREET DALLAS, TEXAS 75223214-826-3280




Rev. Kedric L. McKnightSenior Pastor

Rev. E.C. Wilson

Sunday School.........9:30 am

Sunday Morning Worship...11:00 am

Wednesday Mid Week ServiceSunshine Bible Study...10:00 am

Fellowship Dinner.......5:20 pm

Prayer Meeting-Bible Study6:30-8:30 pm

Youth Bible Study & Rehearsal7:00 -8:30 pm

Rev. WadeCharles Davis

Munger Ave. Baptist Church“Your Church Home In Dallas”

3919 Munger Ave./Dallas, Texas 75204(214) 824-8312

rev. Joe S. Patterson

Greater New Zion Baptist Church

2210 Pine StreetDallas, TX 75215


email: [email protected] School............................9:30am

Worship Service..........................11:00amBible Study -

Tuesdays 1:00am Wednesdays 7:30p.m.

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rev. Stanley E. Smith

Faith Fellowship MissionaryBaptist. Church

4205 South robinson roadGrand Prairie, TX 75050

Sunday School, 9:00 a.m.Worship Service, 10:30 a.m


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Rev. J. J. Raven

Greater ProgressiveBaptist Church

1966 Life StreetDallas, Texas 75212

214-630-863710:45 am Worship

9:45 am Sunday School

Dr. Aaron Phillips

Denley Drive MissionaryBaptist Church

1519 Denley DriveDallas, Texas 75216

214-941-52249:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am Worship

BishopHarold Edwards

Church Of The Living God

3711 Biglow • Dallas, Texas214-374-5485

9:00 am Sunday School10:00 am Worship

7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study/Worship

Rev. Paul E. Walker

Friendship MissionaryBaptist Church

4360 Kollock Dr.Dallas, TX 75216214-375-5190

Fax: 214-372-1620 Sunday School.......9:30 AM

Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM

Rev. S. L. Johnson

Greater Shiloh Baptist Church4010 Sunnyvale StreetDallas, Texas 75216 • 214-371-2262Sunday School .......9:00 amMorning Worship...11:00 amBTU .......................6:00 amWed. Prayer & Teaching ... 7:00 pmSaturday Outreach 10:00 am

Rev. Shank Robinson

New Unity Baptist Church

6332 Bonnie view Rd.Dallas, Texas 75241

214-225-27039:30 am Sunday School

11:00 am Worship

Rev. Lelious Johnson,Pastor

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church1600 Pear Street Dallas, Texas 75215Ph: 214-421-3741 Fax: 214-421-3926

Early Morning Worship........8:00 a.m.Sunday School........9:30 a.m.

Morning Worship............10:30 a.m.Children’s Church 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday.10:30 a.m.Tuesday Bible Study................7:30 p.m.

Prayer & Praise Family Night............7:00 p.m.

Bishop J. Neaul Haynes

Saintsville Church of God and Christ

2200 S. MarsalisDallas, Texas 75216

Sunday School..............................7:30 amSunday Morning Worship............10:00 amTuesday Bible Band.......................7:30 amFriday Pastoral Teaching................7:30 pmSunday Radio Broadcast...............8:30 am

“Come Worship at the Home of The Saints”

Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr.,

“The Exciting”Singing Hills Baptist Church6550 Houston School Road

Dallas, Texas 75241Phone: 214-375-5952

Early Worship ................8:00 amSunday School....................9:30 amMorning Worship..............10:45 amWed. Night Breakthrough....7:00 pm

Rev. Cecil Proctor

Neighborhood Houseof Prayer

1111 E. LedbetterDallas, Texas 75241

214-372-44119:45 am Sunday School

11:00 am Worship

New Covenant MissionaryBaptist Church411 N. Hampton Road

Desoto, TX 75115214-729-3322

Rev. Darrell W. PryorPastor/Teacher

“Inspiring the Community One Family at a time”

Mount Tabor Baptist Church3700 Simpson Stewart Road

Dallas, Texas 75241972-225-1704

Sunday Services:Intercessory Prayer..........7:30-8:10 amEarly Worship.........................8:00 amChurch School........................9:30 amMorning Worship..................10:50 amNBC.......................................6:00 pm Dr. S.C. Nash, Pastor

Rev. Darrell W. Pryor, Pastor

Greater Mount SinaiMissionary Baptist Church

“Church of Love”4807 BurnsideDallas, Texas 75216

Ch: 214-371-7026 Office: 214-375-0062Sunday School: 9:00 am

Sunday Worship: 10:45 amTuesday Bible Sudy: 7:30 pme-mail: [email protected] Rev. Steven C. Jones

Metropolitan Baptist Church“Where we walk by faith, not by sight, joyfully doing the

Lord’s work serving the community,” II Cor 5: 7

1711 Reynoldston LaneDallas, Texas 75232

Church Phone: 214-339-9554 Fax: 214-337-7626Sunday School: 9 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.Mid-Week Service: 7: 30 p.m.Transportation Available!! Rev. Chris J. Evans

Rev. Michael D. Pryor

Third Avenue MissionaryBaptist Church

“The Church With the 20/20 Vision”2408 Hatcher Street • Dallas, Texas 75215

Church: 214-428-3695Sunday School..........................9:15 amMorning Worship.....................10:30 amWednesday Bible Study............7:00 pm

Radio Broadcast: M - F 12:30 pm on KGGR

Totally Committed Progressive2403 Harlandale Dr.

Dallas, TX 75216Ch 214-374-0977 • C 214-864-0470

Sunday School........ 10:00amMorning Worship........... 11:15amTues Bible Study............. 8:00pmThurs Joy Night.............. 8:00pm





7:30 PM – 8:30 PM2600 S. MARSALIS

P 214-375-4876 - F 214-375-1920Rev. Bertrain Bailey

4129 Idaho AvenueDallas, Texas 75219

(214) 374-38609:30 a.m. – Sunday School

10:45 a.m. – WorshipRev. R.G. Simmons, Pastor

Living Testimony Baptist Church

Rev. A. L. Banks

Community Baptist


2920 Fordham Rd.


Ewing Avenue Baptist Church1323 So. Ewing Ave.Dallas, Texas 75216214-942-4643Sunday School ….. 9:00 a.m.Sunday Worship ….. 10:30 a.m.Wednesday Bible Study …..7:00 p.m.

rev. lee Craig

New St. Paul MissionaryBaptist Church

3603 PugettDallas, Texas 75212

214.351.7096Sunday Service…10:45 am.Monday…6:00 pm. Monday SchoolThursday…6:00 pm. Prayer Meeting Bible Study Dr. M.L. Curry, Pastor Dr. W.R. Willis

Calvary Temple Community Church

1401 Clay Mathis Rd. Mesquite, TX 75181Church Phone: 972-222-3708 Fax 972-222-5699

Website: Calvarytemplemesquite.orgE-mail: [email protected]

Services: Sunday Times: 8:00am and 10:30amMidweek Service: Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study @ 7:00pm

Church Motto: "For We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight "2 Corinthians 5:7

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

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NEWS FOr DETAilS 214-372-6500


NEWS FOr DETAilS 214-372-6500

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Rev. J. J. Raven

Greater ProgressiveBaptist Church

1966 Life StreetDallas, Texas 75212

214-630-863710:45 am Worship

9:45 am Sunday School

Dr. Aaron Phillips

Denley Drive MissionaryBaptist Church

1519 Denley DriveDallas, Texas 75216

214-941-52249:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am Worship

BishopHarold Edwards

Church Of The Living God

3711 Biglow • Dallas, Texas214-374-5485

9:00 am Sunday School10:00 am Worship

7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study/Worship

Rev. Paul E. Walker

Friendship MissionaryBaptist Church

4360 Kollock Dr.Dallas, TX 75216214-375-5190

Fax: 214-372-1620 Sunday School.......9:30 AM

Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM

Rev. S. L. Johnson

Greater Shiloh Baptist Church4010 Sunnyvale StreetDallas, Texas 75216 • 214-371-2262Sunday School .......9:00 amMorning Worship...11:00 amBTU .......................6:00 amWed. Prayer & Teaching ... 7:00 pmSaturday Outreach 10:00 am

Rev. Shank Robinson

New Unity Baptist Church

6332 Bonnie view Rd.Dallas, Texas 75241

214-225-27039:30 am Sunday School

11:00 am Worship

Rev. Lelious Johnson,Pastor

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church1600 Pear Street Dallas, Texas 75215Ph: 214-421-3741 Fax: 214-421-3926

Early Morning Worship........8:00 a.m.Sunday School........9:30 a.m.

Morning Worship............10:30 a.m.Children’s Church 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday.10:30 a.m.Tuesday Bible Study................7:30 p.m.

Prayer & Praise Family Night............7:00 p.m.

Bishop J. Neaul Haynes

Saintsville Church of God and Christ

2200 S. MarsalisDallas, Texas 75216

Sunday School..............................7:30 amSunday Morning Worship............10:00 amTuesday Bible Band.......................7:30 amFriday Pastoral Teaching................7:30 pmSunday Radio Broadcast...............8:30 am

“Come Worship at the Home of The Saints”

Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr.,

“The Exciting”Singing Hills Baptist Church6550 Houston School Road

Dallas, Texas 75241Phone: 214-375-5952

Early Worship ................8:00 amSunday School....................9:30 amMorning Worship..............10:45 amWed. Night Breakthrough....7:00 pm

Rev. Cecil Proctor

Neighborhood Houseof Prayer

1111 E. LedbetterDallas, Texas 75241

214-372-44119:45 am Sunday School

11:00 am Worship

New Covenant MissionaryBaptist Church411 N. Hampton Road

Desoto, TX 75115214-729-3322

Rev. Darrell W. PryorPastor/Teacher

“Inspiring the Community One Family at a time”

Mount Tabor Baptist Church3700 Simpson Stewart Road

Dallas, Texas 75241972-225-1704

Sunday Services:Intercessory Prayer..........7:30-8:10 amEarly Worship.........................8:00 amChurch School........................9:30 amMorning Worship..................10:50 amNBC.......................................6:00 pm Dr. S.C. Nash, Pastor

Rev. Darrell W. Pryor, Pastor

Greater Mount SinaiMissionary Baptist Church

“Church of Love”4807 BurnsideDallas, Texas 75216

Ch: 214-371-7026 Office: 214-375-0062Sunday School: 9:00 am

Sunday Worship: 10:45 amTuesday Bible Sudy: 7:30 pme-mail: [email protected] Rev. Steven C. Jones

Metropolitan Baptist Church“Where we walk by faith, not by sight, joyfully doing the

Lord’s work serving the community,” II Cor 5: 7

1711 Reynoldston LaneDallas, Texas 75232

Church Phone: 214-339-9554 Fax: 214-337-7626Sunday School: 9 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.Mid-Week Service: 7: 30 p.m.Transportation Available!! Rev. Chris J. Evans

Rev. Michael D. Pryor

Third Avenue MissionaryBaptist Church

“The Church With the 20/20 Vision”2408 Hatcher Street • Dallas, Texas 75215

Church: 214-428-3695Sunday School..........................9:15 amMorning Worship.....................10:30 amWednesday Bible Study............7:00 pm

Radio Broadcast: M - F 12:30 pm on KGGR

Totally Committed Progressive2403 Harlandale Dr.

Dallas, TX 75216Ch 214-374-0977 • C 214-864-0470

Sunday School........ 10:00amMorning Worship........... 11:15amTues Bible Study............. 8:00pmThurs Joy Night.............. 8:00pm





7:30 PM – 8:30 PM2600 S. MARSALIS

P 214-375-4876 - F 214-375-1920Rev. Bertrain Bailey

4129 Idaho AvenueDallas, Texas 75219

(214) 374-38609:30 a.m. – Sunday School

10:45 a.m. – WorshipRev. R.G. Simmons, Pastor

Living Testimony Baptist Church

Rev. A. L. Banks

Community Baptist


2920 Fordham Rd.


New Friendship MissionaryBaptist Church

“Where Friendship Is Real & The Ministry Is The Word”

2419 Metropolitan AvenueDallas, Texas 75215

Church: 214-421-7211Fax: 214-565-1530

Pastor’s Office: 214-421-8272Caregiver’s Office: 214-565-1147

www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.comSunday School....9:15 A.M.

Morning Worship .... 11:00 A.M.Mon.-Christian Education...7:00 pmWed. Prayer Meeting ....7:30 P.M.

Rev. Johnny A. McGee, Pastor

Carver Heights Baptist Church“A going Church for a Coming Christ”

2510 E. LedbetterDallas, Texas 75216

Church: 214-371-2024Sunday School......9:30 a.m.

Morn. Worship...8:00 a.m. & 10:45a.m.

Tues. Noonday Bible StudyWed. Prayer/Bible Study....7:00 p.m.

Rev. Daryl Carter, Pastor

Shekinah TabernacleBaptist Church

2109 Beckley • Dallas, TX 214-942-2227

8:30 am Sunday School10:00 am Worship Service

Rev. Alfred Stapleton

Pilgrim RestBaptist Church

1819 N. WashingtonDallas, TX

Ph: 214-823-73088:00 am First Worship9:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am SecondWorship

Rev. Curtis Wallace

Rev. A. D. Smith

Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church

8015 Blossom LaneDallas, Texas 75227


R. L. Washington

New Greater EmanuelBaptist Church

2554 Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216Ph: (214) 376-2873

Sunday School............9:45 amMorning Praise..........11:00 am Children’s Church......11:30 amBTU.............................6:30 pmMon. Youth Mission ....7:00 pmTues. Men’s Ministry ....7:00 pm

Fri. Singles/Family Ministry 7:30 pm

Rev. Johnnie R. Bradley

Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church1114 Comal StreetDallas, Texas 75203

214-946-3581 8:00 am Early Morning Worship

9:00 am Sunday School11:00 am Worship Service

Rev. Frederick D. Haynes III

Friendship West Baptist Church2020 W. WheatlandDallas, Texas 75232

972-228-5200Sun. Morn. Services 8am&10:45amWed. Bible Study 12 Noon & 7pm

Rev. Carlton Garrett

Lords Missionary Baptist Church6722 Bexar Street

Dallas, Texas 214-428-5459

9:30 am Sunday School11:00 am Worship

Concord MissionaryBaptist Church

6808 Pastor Bailey DriveDallas, Texas 75237

214-331-85228:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm

Worship Rev. Bryan Carter

Little Friendship Baptist Church2415 Ann Arbor Dallas, Texas 214-374-3639

9:30 am Sunday School11:00 am Worship

Temple of FaithChristian Chapel C.M.E.

Church14120 Noel Road • Dallas, Texas 75240

972-239-1120 Church972-239-5925 Fax

Worship Services 8 & 10:45 amSunday School 9:45 am

Wednesday 12 noon prayer

Ideal Pentecostal1000 East Redbird Lane

Dallas, Texas 214-371-9228

8:00 & 10:45 am Worship9:30 Sunday School

Bon Air Baptist Church

5707 Bonnie View RoadDallas, Texas 75241

214-376-5846 8:00 am Early Worship

11:00 am

Greater Mount HebronMissionary Baptist Church

2335 56th Street Dallas, Texas 75241Church: 214-374-47599:00 am Sunday School

10:30 am Morning Worship7:00 pm - 7:30 pm Wed Bible StudyThurs. Night - Choir Rehearsal/Usher

7:00 pm Fri. Men’s Night Out

Ervay Cedar MissionaryBaptist Church

2837 Prosperity Ave.Dallas, Texas 75216Ph: (214) 376-2447

8:45 am - Sunday School10:00 am - Morning Worship

5:00 pm- B.T.U.

Greater Emanuel Baptist Church2110 E. 11th St.

Dallas, Texas 75203214-942-0218

9:00 a.m........Sunday School7:45 a.m. & 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship

6:30 p.m....Wed. Prayer/Bible Study

Olive Grove Baptist Church4416 South Denley Drive

Dallas, Texas 75216Ph: 214-941-4378

9:45 am - Sunday School10:45 am - Morning Worship

Midweek Service:Wednesday – Prayer and

Teaching 6:00 p.m. Rev. W. Hunter

Rev. Freddie Cheatum

Rev. Jerome E. McNeil, Jr. Ph D.

Bishop Ray Campbell

Rev. J. E. Mitchell

Rev. Fred Conwright

Dr. T.L. Brown, Pastor

Rev. Burley Hudson

Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church

5144 Dolphin Rd. • Dallas, Texas 75223Ph: (214) 823-1018 Fax: (214) 824-3813

www.hmbconline.orgSunday Early Worship....8:00 a.m.Morning Worship .... 10:45 p.m.Tuesday Youth Choir...7:00 p.m.Wed. Prayer Meeting .....7:00 p.m

Wed. Bible Study Class.....7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.For Prayer: [email protected]

Rev. Michael R. Hubbard Sr., Pastor

Mt. Pisgah M.B.C. “THE ROCK”

11611 Webb Chapel Rd.Dallas, Tx. 75229

Worship Services..7:45 & 11 amSunday School...9:45 am

Wed. Bible Study 12 pm & 7 pm


Music Ministry...972-241-5985Prayer Line...972-243-2037

Office Hours... Mon. & Fri...9 am - 3 pmTues., Wed., Thurs...9 am - 6 pm

Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend

Carver Heights Baptist Church“A going Church for a Coming Christ”

2510 E. LedbetterDallas, Texas 75216

Church: 214-371-2024Sunday School......9:30 a.m.

Morn. Worship...8:00 a.m. & 10:45a.m.

Tues. Noonday Bible StudyWed. Prayer/Bible Study....7:00 p.m.

Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church

5144 Dolphin Rd. • Dallas, Texas 75223Ph: (214) 823-1018 Fax: (214) 824-3813

www.hmbconline.orgSunday Early Worship....8:00 a.m.

Morning Worship .... 10:45 p.m.Tuesday Youth Choir...7:00 p.m.

Wed. Prayer Meeting .....7:00 p.m Wed. Bible Study Class.....7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.For Prayer: Prayer@hmbconl ine.or g

Rev. Michael R. Hubbard Sr., Pastor

New Friendship MissionaryBaptist Church

“Where Friendship Is Real & The Ministry Is The Word”

2419 Metropolitan AvenueDallas, Texas 75215

Church: 214-421-7211Fax: 214-565-1530

Pastor’s O!ce: 214-421-8272Caregiver’s O!ce: 214-565-1147

www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.comSunday School....9:15 A.M.

Morning Worship .... 11:00 A.M.Mon.-Christian Education...7:00 pmWed. Prayer Meeting ....7:30 P.M.

Rev. Johnny A. McGee, Pastor

Mt. Pisgah M.B.C. “THE ROCK”

11611 Webb Chapel Rd.Dallas, Tx. 75229

Worship Services..7:45 & 11 amSunday School...9:45 am

Wed. Bible Study 12 pm & 7 pm


Music Ministry...972-241-5985Prayer Line...972-243-2037

O!ce Hours... Mon. & Fri...9 am - 3 pmTues., Wed., Thurs...9 am - 6 pm

Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend

Rev. A. D. Smith

Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church

8015 Blossom LaneDallas, Texas 75227


R. L. Washington

New Greater EmanuelBaptist Church

2554 Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216Ph: (214) 376-2873

Sunday School............9:45 amMorning Praise..........11:00 am Children’s Church......11:30 am

BTU.............................6:30 pmMon. Youth Mission ....7:00 pmTues. Men’s Ministry ....7:00 pm

Fri. Singles/Family Ministry 7:30 pm

Rev. Johnnie R. Bradley

Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church1114 Comal Street

Dallas, Texas 75203214-946-3581

8:00 am Early Morning Worship9:00 am Sunday School

11:00 am Worship Service

Rev. Frederick D. Haynes III

Friendship West Baptist Church

2020 W. WheatlandDallas, Texas 75232

972-228-5200Sun. Morn. Services 8am&10:45amWed. Bible Study 12 Noon & 7pm

Rev. Carlton Garrett

Lords Missionary Baptist Church6722 Bexar Street

Dallas, Texas 214-428-5459

9:30 am Sunday School11:00 am Worship

Concord MissionaryBaptist Church

6808 Pastor Bailey DriveDallas, Texas 75237

214-331-85228:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm

Worship Rev. Bryan Carter

Rev. Freddie Cheatum

Little Friendship Baptist Church

2415 Ann Arbor Dallas, Texas

214-374-36399:30 am Sunday School

11:00 am Worship

Rev. Jerome E. McNeil, Jr. Ph D.

Temple of FaithChristian Chapel C.M.E.

Church14120 Noel Road • Dallas, Texas 75240

972-239-1120 Church972-239-5925 Fax

Worship Services 8 & 10:45 amSunday School 9:45 am

Wednesday 12 noon prayer

Bishop Ray Campbell

Ideal Pentecostal1000 East Redbird Lane

Dallas, Texas 214-371-9228

8:00 & 10:45 am Worship9:30 Sunday School

Rev. J. E. Mitchell

Bon Air Baptist Church

5707 Bonnie View RoadDallas, Texas 75241

214-376-5846 8:00 am Early Worship

11:00 am

Rev. Fred Conwright

Greater Mount HebronMissionary Baptist Church

2335 56th Street Dallas, Texas 75241Church: 214-374-4759

9:00 am Sunday School10:30 am Morning Worship

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm Wed Bible StudyThurs. Night - Choir Rehearsal/Usher

7:00 pm Fri. Men’s Night Out

Ervay Cedar MissionaryBaptist Church

2837 Prosperity Ave.Dallas, Texas 75216Ph: (214) 376-2447

8:45 am - Sunday School10:00 am - Morning Worship

5:00 pm- B.T.U. Dr. T.L. Brown, Pastor

Greater Emanuel Baptist Church2110 E. 11th St.

Dallas, Texas 75203214-942-0218

9:00 a.m........Sunday School7:45 a.m. & 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship

6:30 p.m....Wed. Prayer/Bible StudyRev. Burley Hudson

Rev. Daryl Carter, Pastor

Shekinah TabernacleBaptist Church

2109 Beckley • Dallas, TX 214-942-2227

8:30 am Sunday School10:00 am Worship Service

Rev. Alfred Stapleton

Pilgrim RestBaptist Church

1819 N. WashingtonDallas, TX

Ph: 214-823-73088:00 am First Worship9:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am SecondWorship

Rev. Curtis Wallace

Olive Grove Baptist Church4416 South Denley Drive

Dallas, Texas 75216Ph: 214-941-4378

9:45 am - Sunday School10:45 am - Morning Worship

Midweek Service:Wednesday – Prayer and

Teaching 6:00 p.m. Rev. W. Hunter

Lotts Mortuary2434 MLK Blvd, Dallas Tx 75215

9:00 am Early Morning Worship10:15 am Sunday School11:15 am Worship Service

Rev. S.T. Tuston

Riverside Baptist Church3132 Lagow

Dallas, Texas


9:30 am Sunday School

10:45 Sunday am Worship

7:30am 9:15am, 11:00-12:24Worship

page 17 december 2, 2011

New Friendship Missionary

Baptist Church

2419 Metropolitan Ave,

Dallas Texas 75215

Church 214-421-7211

Fax 214-565-1530

“Where friendship is real and ministry is the word”

Pastor’s Office 214-421-8272nFCOC Office 214-565-1147

Sunday School 9:15 AMMorning Worship 11:00 AM

Mon-Christian Education 7:00 PMTue-Prayer Meeting 12 noon

rev. Johnny A. McGee, Pastor

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

miNisTeRs lisTiNgs

Page 18: Dec 2 2011

Rev. George Pryor

New BirthBaptist Church

444 West Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75224

214-374-0828Early Morning Worship ........7:50 amSunday School ....................9:30 amMorning Worship ...............10:30 amEvening Worship ................7:00 p.m.

Rev. K.D. Pace

BeginnersBaptist Church

3610 Hancock Dallas, Texas 75210

214-428-2083Sunday School.....10:00 am

Morning Worship.... 11:00 amBTU.......9:30 am

Rev. John Morris, Jr.

St. Mark AME Zion Church2311 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 75216

214-376-7750 Fax 214-376-2485stmarkameziondallas.orgSunday School 9:30 amSunday Worship 11 am

Prayer Meeting Tues 12 - Wed 6 pm Sat 8 am - Sun 9 am

“You Must Be Born Again”

C.C. Robertson

Bexar Street Baptist Church2018 S. Marsalis Ave.Dallas, Texas 75216

214-943-3579Early Morning Worship......8:00 a.m.

Sunday School..........9:30 a.m.Morning Worship 10:45 am

Rev. N. C. Sargent

Faithful MissionaryBaptist Church

6255 Bonnie View Rd.Dallas, Texas 972-225-7381

9:30 am Sunday School10:45 am Worship

Rev. Louis E. Laurent

Little Flock Baptist Church

705 E. Aimee Street Forney, Texas

Sunday School.....9:30 A.M.Morning Worship....10:45 A.M.

Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study..7:15 P.M.

Pastor David L. & Shirley F. Maxey

Progressive Baptist Church3314 Detonte St.

Dallas, Texas 75223Church 972-823-1962

Email: [email protected] School.....9:30 A.M.Call to Worship.... 11:00 AMMission.......6:00 - 7:00 P.M.

Bible Study……7:00 - 8:00 P.M.“The Church Where God Is Glorified”

Dwayne E. Rodgers, Sr. Pastor

Bonnie View Christian Church4861 Bonnie View at Ledbetter

Dallas, Texas 75216Church 214-376-8514

Sunday School......8:30 A.MCall To Worship... 10:00 A.M.

Wed. Prayer Service &Bible Class..7:30 P.M.

Pastor & First Lady C.C. Boyce

Lancaster Full GospelHoly Temple Church1051 West Wintergreen Rd.

Lancaster, Texas 75134972-227-1400

Sunday School ......................9:45 amSunday Morning Worship .......9:00 amSunday Bible Class ................6:30 pmSunday Night..........................7:30 pm

Rev. J.L. Rainbolt

Community WestBaptist Church

3702 TorontoDallas, Texas 214-920-2473

“Come Worship With Us”

Elder Glenn Tatum, Sr. Pastor

Open Door Church of God In Christ2651 Gooch Street Dallas, Texas 75241

Church 214-376-0354Sunday Inter. Prayer.....8 A.M.-9 A.M.Sunday School......9:15-10:50 A.M

Sunday Morning Worship... 11:00 A.M.Evening Worship...6:00 P.M.

Rev. C.C. Morgan

Israel Baptist Church 2023 West Davis Street

Dallas, Texas 75208Ph: (214) 942-7535

Sunday School....9:45 A.M.Morning Worship .... 11:00 A.M.Wed Bible Study ...6:30 P.M.

Dr. Timothy J. Brown, Pastor

New El Bethel Baptist Church2023 Mouser Street

(214) 946-3584

Early Morning Pentecost ....8:00AM Sunday School.....9:25 AM

Mountain top Experience ....11:00 AMWed. Nite Bible Study........7:00 PM

Eld. Wallace M. Holyfield

Zion Temple Church of God in Christ4204 Frank Street

Dallas, Texas 75210Ph: (214) 426-5231

Sunday School......9:45 a.m.Morning Worship........11:15 a.m.Y.P.W.W..............6:45 p.m.

Evening Worship.........8:15p.m.

Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church1403 Morrell • Dallas, Texas 75203

214-946-4522Worship Services

Sunday8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Fullfillment Hour10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship

Wednesday6:30 PM Women, Men & Youth Meeting

7:30 PM Bible Study Dr. David Henderson

Rev. Michael L.Smith, Pastor

Redeemer MissionaryBaptist Church

2948 Singleton Blvd.Dallas, Texas 75241

Church: 214-631-2226Sunday School.....9:30 a.m.

Morning Worship.10:45 a.m.Evening Worship...7:00 p.m.

Rev. Lee W. Turner, Pastor

Greater New Mt. ZionMissionary Baptist Church

207 Eggar St.Waxahachie, Texas 75165Church (972) 937-4615

Email: [email protected] School.....9:30 A.M.Call to Worship.... 10:45 AM

Wednesday Prayer Service.... 6:30 p.m.“The Church With The Mind Of Christ”

Pastor Kenneth W. Beck

Sheep of Jesus ChristChristian Church

1724 Windmire Dr.Mesquite, Texas 75181

972-222-3763 [email protected] Service: 10:00 a.m.

Bible Study: Monday 7-8 p.m.“….lovest thou me more than these?

Feed my sheep….John 21:15-17Motto: “Where Mature Christians Are Made”

Terry White Pastor/Teacher

Marsalis Avenue MissionaryBaptist Church

2723 S. Marsalis Ave.Dallas, Texas 75216

Church: 214-943-60079:00 am Sunday School

10:30 am Morning Worship7:00 pm Prayer/Praise WorshipDr. David Wilson

Greater Cornerstone MissionaryBaptist Church8350 Forest Lane

Dallas, Texas214-349-7701

7:30 am Early Morning Worship9:00 am Sunday School

10:30 am Morning Worship



1130 East Ninth StreetDallas, Texas 75203

Church 214-946-9701Sunday School .....9:00a.m.Sunday Worship ..10:00a.m.

Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Class 7:00p.m.

“Where God Is Praised”

Rev. Todd M. Atkins

Salem Institutional BaptistChurch

Rev. Todd M. Atkins - Pastor3918 Crozier St. Dallas, TX 75215

Phone 214-428-3797

Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 amSunday School @ 9:15 am

Prayer & Bible Study Wednesday @ 7:00 pm

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Rev. H.L. Ward

Rose of Sharon2251 Lawrence

Dallas, Texas 75216214-428-0462

8:00 am Worship10:00 am Sunday School

Wednesday: 12:00 Noon - Intercessory PrayerThursday: 6:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer

Rev. C.L. Taylor

Morning Star MissionaryBaptist Church

2251 El PasoGrand Prairie, Texas 75051

972-647-14459:00 am Sunday School

Morning Worship 8 & 10:30 am7 pm midweek

Eld. Lloyd T. Morgan, Sr.

Union Hope InstitutionalPrimitive Baptist Church

2217 56th Street Dallas, Texas 75241Ph: (214) 374-6441 Fax: (214) 374-6490

9:30 am Sunday School11: 00am Morning Worship

Dallas District Christian Methodist EpiscopalChurch

Presiding Elder Dallas/Ft. Worth RegionChristian Methodist Episcopal Church

1616 East Illinois AveDallas, Texas 75216Ph. (214) 372-9505 Rev. Dr.

W.C. Champion

Rev. B.L. Horn

Golden Chain Church5023 Wadsworth Dallas, Texas

Church 214-372-0280

Sunday School 8 amMorning Worship 10 amPastor

Tedrick J. Woods

Mount Horeb Baptist Church601 Kaufman St.

Waxahachie, Texas 75165972-937-6579

Sunday School....9:15 amMorning Worship...10:45 anWednesday Night...7:00 pmPastor Emeritus C. O. Smith

Carter Temple CME Church

2503 Crossman Avenue Dallas, Texas 75212

Church: 214-747-075210:00 am - Sunday School

11:00 am - Sun. Morning Worship7:00 pm - Midweek Worship

“His Grace Is Sufficient”

Metropolitan TabernacleBaptist Church2206 Harlandale Ave.

Dallas, TX 75216Church: 213-372-3828

9:30 am - Sunday School10:30 am - Sun. Morning Worship

6:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Service11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling Pastor W.J. Atkins

New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church2025 W. Wheatland Rd • Dallas, Texas 75232

Phone: (972) 224-5000

Sunday Worship: 8 am & 10:30 am Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd & 3rd Sun.)

Intercessory Prayer: 11 am - 12noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Bible Study: 7 pm (Wed.) Rev. Andre’ Byrd Sr.

Pastor Willie L. McDaniels

“Sensational”St. Paul AME Church

2420 Metropolitan AvenueDallas, TX 75215-3534

Ch. Office:

Church School...... 8:30 amSt. Paul AME Service Center2300 Metropolitan Avenue

Worship Service...... 10:00 amPastor’s Bible Study... 7 pm Wed.

Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church7550 South Hampton Road Dallas, Texas 75232

972-228-2420 (office) 972-228-2584 (fax)website:

“We Build People”Office Hours

8:30 AM - 5:00 PMMonday - Thursday

Closed - Friday

Sunday Morning Worship Experience7:30 AM - Worship I

8:45 AM Church School 10:00 AM - Worship II

WednesdayNoonday Bible Study

7:00 PM Worship on Wednesday

Dr. Karry D.Wesley, Pastor

Rev. Juan N. TolliverSenior Pastor


Rev. Todd M. Atkins— Pastor3918 Crozier Street Dallas, Texas 75215

Phone: 214-428-3797

Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 amSunday School @ 9:15 am

Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesday @ 7:00 pmRev. Todd M.


Greater New St. JohnPrimitive Baptist Church2529 56th Street - Dallas, Tx 75241

214-372-4076Sunday School.....8:45 amMorning Services...10 am

“Keeping the main thing...the mainthing and that’s Jesus Christ”

Rev. Vincent E. Davis Pastor

Calvary PhiladelphiaMissionary Baptist Church

4703 Sunnyvale St. • Dallas, Texas 75216Church Phone: 214-371-3434

Sunday School.......9:30 a.m.Morning Worship.....11:00 a.m.

Wednesday…………12 Noon – 3:30 p.m.The Lord’s Table

Feeding the Seniors and the Homeless7:00 p.m. Prayer

7:30 p.m. Bible Study

Rev. Joe H. Moore, Jr., Pastor

The Called Fellowship BaptistChurch

3104 Gibbs Williams RoadDallas, Texas 75233

Church Office: (469)-567-1934

Fax: (469)[email protected] Pastor Kevin Powell

miNisTeRs lisTiNgs

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

On My Face WorldwideMinistries of Jesus

1839 N. Galloway Ave. Suite A Mesquite TX 75149

Phone 469-556-8418 Fax: 972-329-1962469-556-8418

Sunday Worship Services 12:00 p.m.(noon)Wednesday Prayer-Fire Night 7:00 pm

[email protected]

Monica Moody


NEWS FOr DETAilS 214-372-6500

Page 19: Dec 2 2011

McClure, Avis J. 65. Survived by husband, CMSGT (Ret)

Walter McClure, 4 daughters, 16 grand-children and four great grandchildren.Wake- Friday, December 2 from 8:30-9:30 pm at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L.Thornton Frwy. Service- Saturday,December 3 at 11 am at Friendship WestBaptist Church, 2020 West. WheatlandRoad.

Croom, CharLisaLes'Shae

26. Survived by par-ents, Leslie Johnson,Lisa and MarkStephenson, 4 sisters, 3brothers, grandparentsand a host of nieces,nephews, cousins andfriends. Wake- Friday,

December 2 from 7-9 pm at SureFoundation Bible Church- 900 N. Polk#170, Desoto, Texas 75115. Services-Saturday, December 3 at 12:30 pm atSinging Hill Baptist Church- 6550University Hill.

Jackson, Johnnie96. Survived by 10 daughters, 1 step son,

28 grandchildren and a host of greatgrandchildren, great great grandchildrenother relatives and friends. viewing-Friday, December 2 from 2-9 pm.Service- Saturday, December 3 at 11 am.Both services will be held at Golden Gate-4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy.

Hunter, Celestine83. Survived by 1

son, Robert, 4 daugh-ters, Betty, ErmaJean, Linda andCynthia, 1 sister,Gloria, 48 grandchil-dren, 50 great grand-children and 12 greatgreat grandchildren.

Wake- Friday, December 2 from 6-7 pm.Services- Saturday, December 3 at 11 am.Both services will be held at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy.

O b i T u a R i e s

december 2, 2011 page 19

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

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January16, 2012

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Mr. Almer Charles (A.C.) Peterson, theson of the late Delmer and Clara Peterson,was born on December 22, 1918 nearHenderson, Texas. He was the fourth ofsix children born to this union. A.C.served in the United States Army and par-ticipated in World War II from 1942 to1945. Upon his return, he married the lateRuby S. Ferguson on December 22, 1945.To their union was born three sons – Jerry,Charles, and Roderic. Mr. Peterson waslast employed by Dallas IndependentSchool District where he retired at the ageof 80 after nearly 30 years of service.

A.C. accepted Christ at an early age. In1947 he joined St. Paul A.M.E. Church in

Dallas, Texas under the leadership of thelate Rev. Fred W. Grant. He was an activeleader in the church, the Greater SouthDallas District, and the north TexasConference. He held many elected andappointed positions at each level of theseorganizations. He served as a Steward ProTem under three pastoral administrations,but lastly under Rev. E. L. Wright II. Hewas later named Steward Emeritus in1997.

Brother Peterson had a great love forGod, his family, and his church. His devo-tional leadership was admired by many.God blessed A.C. to be with us for 92years and 11 months. He leaves to mourn:his eldest sister, Johnnie Mae Roberson ofHouston, Texas, three sons—Jerry(Rosalind) Peterson of Biloxi, Mississippi;Charles (Janice) Peterson of DeSoto,Texas; Roderic (Regina) Peterson ofDallas, Texas and a dear friend, EthelWesson. “Paw-paw” leaves eight grand-children, eleven great grandchildren, andone great-great grandchild, Mya Jade. Heleaves a host of nieces and nephews wholovingly called him “Uncle Red” andnumerous friends and relatives.


Almer C. Peterson

December 22, 1918 - November 24, 2011

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