debunking the top bodybuilding myths


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Post on 14-Aug-2015



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Whether you are just starting your first workout routine or you have

been working out for most of your life, you may have come across

some bad information or techniques that can disrupt your personal

goals. If you rely on some of the sources cited on the internet; you will

be steering yourself down the wrong path due to some of the

information being “myth- based”. This presentation will help you sort

through the good and the bad and help you make a better decision

based on your personal goals.

When starting a new muscle building workout, it is a natural progression that you will start to gain weight. A good weight training program stimulates the body to create lean body mass and this process also increases your basal metabolic rate.

and the more muscle that

you gain; the more water will be retained within your body.

of weight training you will

inevitably put on some healthy weight. This is natural and it is

your body’s way of adjusting to the challenges of the new


your body will start to burn the

fat off and your newly acquired muscle will make you look a

whole lot leaner. You will weigh more but your clothes will start

to drop off you. This is because muscle is denser and takes up

less space within your body than fat.

To build muscle, you need three consistent elements:

filled with slow-digesting carbs, minerals,

and vitamins. They are like grains, but with fewer calories. If you

eat enough calories and sufficient, complete proteins, you'll gain


as your carb source, you'll be

able to stay leaner, feel fuller, and be healthier while you build

muscle. The only time this myth is real is when you fail to meet

your caloric requirement. Without enough calories, you won't

build muscle.

you can't hope to build muscle if you only eat

vegetables. You need food that gives you complete proteins. So,

if you're a vegetarian, combine those veggies with protein like

nuts, dairy products, or soy and hemp protein.

Carbs are essential to gaining muscle. If you take them out completely, you'll burn more body fat during training perhaps, but you can't keep it up for long.

are the fuel for intense workouts, fats are not. Choose

a macro plan that suits your athletic goals. If you're an athlete,

you're going to need more than protein to make it through a


not only do carbs help you gain muscle but you need a

minimum amount of carbs to ensure that your brain functions

properly. The brain needs glucose to work. Your body can be

ketonic and use fatty acids to fuel your muscles, but your brain


The normal intake of salt should be:

within this healthy range is essential like any

other mineral, in that is required for health maintenance and

helps with your looks. If you are lean but never get a pumped or

vascular look when you exercise, then maybe you have a lack of

salt in your diet.

your RDA of salt you

may retain water and feel bloated. However, this will stop once

the body starts to maintain a sodium equilibrium at a cellular

level. The body will get used to releasing the salt instead of

holding on to it.

is also important for electrolyte balance within your blood


Taking creatine may lead to an initial weight gain of 0.8 to 2.9 percent of body weight in the first few days due to water being pulled into the muscle; however, this is less likely to occur following a low-dosage.

that all the weight

gained with creatine supplementation is due to water

weight. Indeed, several researchers have found acute

increases in total body water as a result of creatine


may be a result of an increase in water, research

consistently shows that creatine supplementation, in

addition to resistance training, results in an increase in

lean body mass and a decrease in fat mass, leading to

improvement in body composition.

When you feel sore after a workout, you’re experiencing a phenomenon called DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness). DOMS happens when you stretch a muscle under enough tension that small micro-tears occur in the muscle fibers you worked.

you experience the most soreness when you

first start a new workout program or challenge your muscles in

a new way. Over time your muscles “adapt” and you stop getting

sore even though you’re gradually increasing the tension you

place them under.

Nope. If the workout feels challenging and you’re

pushing hard enough that the last rep or two is difficult, you’re

still giving the muscle the stimulus it needs to grow. If you feel

sore after every workout, you’re probably pushing yourself to the

point that your muscles aren’t recovering fully. That can make it

harder to build lean body mass.

eating foods rich in omega-3, drinking tart cherry juice, sipping

lots of green tea or chocolate milk, you may experience less

DOMS due to the anti-inflammatory effects of this type of diet.

A fat free diet is almost impossible. Only a few foods have no fat such as some brands of whole grain cereal. But even if you eat nothing but those fat free cereals and drink nothing but water, you'd probably get very ill.

Dietary fats are needed to carry fat soluble vitamins

such as vitamin D, E, K, and X. Also, our body needs the

essential fatty acids found in plants and fish oil in order to

function properly.

need those essential fatty acids to help make

every cell membrane watertight.

those essential fatty acids, you are also

preventing symptoms of inflammatory problems like

rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and supporting a healthy

heart and joints. Fat is NOT the enemy!

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