debility of men. -...

Vfnmniws. HiaaCD TO RATS JrOOLKD VVVV THE Wf XX CO?»T. \'joooßKt ?* rMt M 111 C*fy «f (al?Ma fat !\u25a0!>, Mt MUtncr, who before he took com- Jjjj j( tk« uoiueky atmaur City of Co- Ztfi as* iaspetuir of outgoing vessels ffTfgesi paper, is in ail kind* of trouble, to I* itfrr 'r b*f«re th» cirratt oourt * (aa<la!u H i-« 3U(-c«d tbat he juscird tbe truth corc-r-rnin* bin record as a Tbe fouoirioc i* from th« lia- SbHNT Of «UtM* r»" rived by th« Australia from J3mt*g a. Dumotit, »iip« r- *t»«rai in th* au=amtx>at Sg«i atrllec, a* WaaaitiKioc. in reply arnt b)m r*nptrdinir tn* of Cap* MUoor, acd tbe TTgA leaUmn" canftntn* it %|w>'.. Mttovr. la th* C'>!«*ro*e libel, tba circuit court atat«d that he bc»:-a«'' as l a capWa at Norfolk. \u25a0W to A»d that he comfnandert the tow; romBT. r. run nil;* from EUltt- S|M Ch#Vaton. durtnf that year, and 2 far a tur..' Ow aam- rear hr com- tke N«wbero«, rucmnv -.ut of Kbii- |w la UK2-X-4 hf eomn>and«.l ?h# Hat- tba CaJ*»-rt and the B<iraso*ita. &U tr'»«n fia.U :n«re to CharWatof. Itor n aak! he ?«mmafidad tbe Frt-d s for eilrhtr * n month*. Jaapectur General Dumont to my tetter to you of the I hav? n w to inform you that the ZjM» 9t the ateamvra Calrrrt, fUra<oasa Sftad Avon, durtna thr ymmr indicated to aMiorandurn furnianed by you. were, Itto in thf l*tt*-r of tbe local !n- --toaKCi at Baltimore, dated tbe lei tnat.. ana rthreiy R. T Fotey, E. R. Warren, t, aid Janw# G*>ohe*rf». - <JV ateamcr Nawberiie in 1*77 araa Maine from San Ftanniaco, Cal. The m\togt Hattrraa »w owned at Nrw York jtottt tbe aame y«ar, but I cannot Had toatna WW in commiaeion.' " iguOiif th« atfam*rr City of Coiumhtu.. gw fur of thr aamf dat«- contained aev- Ml I»t«aatln« «fee left far gvatti* Decen?»>er rr. Pr tpoaed. Iff"? (carina lionuluiu. to tha lawyera in toa caao tbat tnr I'Miumbta ahouM b>* of- brad far >ate aa soon aa i>oaeible at an m* to be fl**d by tf?. court. The toaat price. Mr. Jacnbaon ahoiCd to Mi That lOUf'h twy off the kll the dobta incurred in the Ha- ?aiiau ialanda. In ordrr tfl *et debt* tfea Mfefaay i* arillinir thaf ahe U- aoid as awn poaeib<e. He l»»<iievei if ahe wo-re flat aaM ber<». but were prdperiy adv#>r- r| or tbe O tat, ahe would rendilv !«*»U a gnat more. Klondike trad«> tna awp'r:* UP tbe demand for ve*a» ia of KM*. * n,i I'irticuiarty of vaaaeU of her number of the offlcera and crew afdttClty of Columbia b-ft for or Ot Wirrtmoo. Am"ti| th-m *r* Chief \u25a0Mm*r R A. Turner and wife rirat flHr Cbarii* Arey. the a«>cond and third MrtUlt engineer a. th*- steward*** and «M9f A* 'j«art>*rmasrt» ra. \u25a0Mthtv bft a written w«a MfM one of lite offleera HwFwhieh contains the following: "Wt Hwth» rmor«» state, that with a «a- \u25a0afcb»eatrr in fharga of thr v<~ae«L proper biipt and '? ft w intnor repair*, wa are \u25a0** hr willing to proceed to the Pacific A> Mtfi month'* w»*m wm r«>i*ntly afe*}4 th« crew of the Columbia by Hp*. 4M Iwfttr Case. which cau«wd much rlad- rUKTig the aallormen who shipped on maawr Altmrvey of th« rww»-) wa* made on the (Bnooe of Iw-ember 22 bu; the ftndlrga ,M been determined when the but Itf fUamer left, in the first survey th# pitftfßrmei the judgment of Capt. MH- «tr that the sh!p !* a "constructive total Id* dating fr.>m the Ililo examination Illfce.Clty of Columbia now Ibn In th» ttfsr she In making «n inch and a half attar Thl# leak in In or ibout the pro- \u25a0ilshsft sleeve anl c*a gtoppr-d only Mi** .1 »#?eworthy *ert:«»n of the findings of ft \u25a0Tveyora Is the erereaston of the MMHthat she ahowa weakness and was Milt before phe this roy- Hkt" abt tlw Star. "The vea«cg had been tMHMMat Seattle befora her departure If Gaftremment authorities and hv the \u25a0ivMisr* and had bean given a rat in* ft 41 tor Ave y**#a. Thl* fact pre- MM a somewhat bothersome ettus- tta» the tmruraac* people. Of wh*t the twlatr have baan before took com- part of her Capt. MHnor ceuld not have W My personal knowledge till he ma=!e \u25a0» Enaction at Hilo. Ha wa* ffiven hla j?htoa a* maj'er lan than twenry- to» toara before steaming for Ml'o and \u25a0MI bainsr called from hla place aa WMBfct at the flue steamer Artaona. When Wfc MUnof took char*e the Columbia ?Wof eour*# about ready for »ea.** k faattle C»r»t Milnor atated that he \u25a0t.tta Artfona !?# «au*» l»a could not hava a Wise n cr-w THE WEiTHKR. forecast for wetwbkday. rortland, Jan. 10, 1535. kti. *\u25a0 * .mbpawtmrnt or AaßfctiXe TURK. WEATHER ISURBATT. DAILY PCLddrriX _ Seattle. Jan. id. IJ>». If Sj *i Wtad. lit f \\ B!« | IS » I\u25a0 | 9 2' < hs. % I s g ; | ?-l r ? ! ? "i I' I &I I : 1 5 l i ?, s , I i m\liiM c:: t J ? -H : : [pWb, . >1 f| 44 HE' < «"3 «hAtjtly f Cm*wiit 2s «; n\v 1,1 .!* c:ou !v T*3* W i, *, s\v 1/ \u2666*> c nidy grow . .?» 3C- - t* ~J .WRiin : PW*E S> O -<? T: L.T .(H'I'LEUDV ft <?«!.&? ."i.js *; «» E IS. Ktnoudy «f*«rc ?? >< t. v- SW l.f .C Rain ?»*« C V *5 UK t«- Tblonde *> !r»n. \ hvv 13 »n"u>u4v \u25a0 ? '"5 «» *: -S"- w s .'v ivcidv \u25a0w* . . > ;?? >\u2666. \v is ("tear sv\.>rHH JjW' 1*- ai t'*por' >t tairnnm temper- K vl*»re#- m!!iiniuio J* degrewe; *2 ? wtitch 's I degress «**? R.>rn»ai ~.i; , r clottd) rain- * of an inch i».« past twenty-liHir . o N «<KttU('HT. I) r*<lor Wtnthof Hu»a*si. TRlU»lit\ I>KIV4Hr*K\T. Coast an<l (iroiirtl« a *n,%rr. v?* 1 -* 4 \u25a0? \u25a0' h an-1 Sow waters ~ pert o r >\u25a0 *?? . , i f 3 "\u25a0 H T"' V ?!"??? i r i fu«w I.U M\v V I.w ' S i-V U'= * ?\u25a0' » ? \u25a0 \u26661 ? < . . ~ 3 u 'J' ,v \u2666L-; ,4 av n... Js J* * *?\u25a0 *: -- «> i.5 | !.\\ !lVv f * 1 < % *«.? i: * ?|f * V ?TT® I."* * x *4 * K I* I '\u25a0£r- " M * S \ 4 : #:47 u.» liifc. * - L w ? ?'? «<?«. ( trt.l S? V, »" -M : * « W u »' \u2666 t. j* u ? : *** mH> ' * k u : ? t * *\u25a0 kv- * * K"" k -t?V- t:4l 4 f \u25a0 r. . 'n V U*- ' ? -\u25a0 -ir . . We/ jy " - * it; "a. *r ?\u25a0>. \u25a0 *: f«K w - ?*« ? lV< - t\n.t- a:i4 «l»- g? rss sfc-B IS II IS KillMl Original Copy of Eetolntkms Adopted at Eagle City. CHAIRMAN OF MEETING HERE. Tlohu N*-«ah«a Tfll* Hmm the < Thrw AlltgH M*fcmrr«, Cm- I rather*. Hall AHltk. Werr * Url««a Fran tke AaiaHraa Mia- lM ranp-OariaK Allraipt to j I >arp Dattca of L«g(l lUrartkr*. aWw.idßi tMMKto m«aber» aad *»i aiiidi That tbe sme Wor«»a« be fumMbed tbe officials of the Alaakan ter- ritory. "TbirtJ; Tbat Fred L- LoweU. on accoant of bS« ar*> ar d he a»d »e beratqr aevarely for hi* cwawtut»o with aa.d Oim;«iny and alrocfiish*-! that his \£9Otifiuatio|n of >acb amocia:i>«n» wiii caii Kir mora sirere action froic the ».nt-r# of tbf* community. "F«h»nb: That Char'.ap <5. Carruthers, Geortre T Hall and Wt'.Jiam H. >laa»t:; be r»*j*rired and forest to Alaskan ter- ritory wtthtn three full d»r* froa. rhe adep- :tun of theae r«"oc-a*fi«iatij:s». and that the people of this community a*. 11 -at be napMMibie for .-.?{?'> »\u25a0">..u>.. ih-y or r.rh«T of tbeu return. "Fifth: That tfi'* rrmaioiaar tmmbem of *he C.ty Mtri.n* aod Dwdowwat <"Vm»par.y he permitted t v . e*r'®in tt>e«r eow- ne»-t.on arfth asid erbame, «nd the »»??? a* of ?n- r '. r*-.- \u25a0 \u25a0 «'*«r>a at- titude towards auat:-. nine and furthennc it? * <"'rs. liali ard did not lin- «? / R**l« dw Tat Tribune, the fji#!e f * - and Df««lo0Brat Cota- puJßy an-i the ri'-order's .SJce <!'« d alto- c- tr»r. 'Vh»a Sa'ur-'sty had c »r. the end of rh* three day l -: of *race the ?rk> to us> affsUra, they were on in* xratl to laasoa Nothiaff has t*«i near ! of ttsem »nce. NUMK 9TARVATCOS a TORIES. Sack Yaras Are laaaliy l atrat, Al- though Hamfal. VANWVFR B C Jan. 1m ?lt was tn- evitaSd*' tf. «t winter should not pa.«a with- out <K>rn»* one ra<aina th* cry of atarvation In I»»*> n A!' *Tenin* ;»apar her* has published an account of a auppoaed t»-r- --nWe cosdiUon of tendnrfeet in Dawson. This will l»e «?«re«wl r«roa !cast over th** land, but fortunately it Is* mostly considered to he untrue. Members of the police have during the year *e 4 a that no on*' went into the coun- try without to k*»ep thetn many e;<>nths and they intend to beep this pol- icy up. MAMISK OMEKVATIOSI. £u."" : mn Wort «011, Um ANOEIrfBB. Jar. ~ « c m uJZJZ.Z?-*"* °* k°? «\u25a0> \u25a0«WB SEW*. WW January is from »*rth»d v , January t j>»- ir * m Arrived off i»,rt uri ,r tfwl * ?^StoeUy* Jan,iAr >- w . ? Cbr A iift^?~ Arrlvw? ' a- WATER moNT sores. The f.rwt. a - >,?henti*» n. w$ o* tiM> m'ners' meeting at E-sicJir ctiy U-t November, wak-h ordered G. %T*rru«h«r*. CJ«*ge T. Bail ani Willi* m H. Smith to k-»v# the city, has hwn hr-Might ©"i by Tliomaa M 34 iaop, caairauj» ol tbe a«t* ins. He '.:on»e>ed fc> tbe Pcat-lnt*b;g*»o*r the ordinal jdgned copy cf the report of th» inveat.gat.nar comrnrtee which re< om- orixN I ->e e*pu*rfe»a of ttaw* ibrt* aea and wiieh a iopt» i at a v«ry meeting or November 16. Mr Mt Mahon is a r«u i'-ni of Ar>.ng;o«, Bt<arrvf r RocaHe depart.* for flßtarw iv to. «*>arrow night. * ** to * Strax/wr ( .-ta«v City wUI be due from CK<fc*W'*\ iTj/rrTr/w Steamer Faraiion sell* for Bkagway at 9 o clock tomorrow morning Steamer C3tarle* Neiaon will fat San Francfctof tomorrow m«>nai:g ?7?*t » uli j *'** Protefdion, whk*h <.»ff th« m nth of th# Co- unt bla r.ver, January 1, for THOMAS cMcMAHON SPRINGS LARGEST &GJGGEFROM CITY. THOMAS M MAHOX. who act- ed aa chairman of Fagte <'lty meeting which thref alleged schemers u*t November, broucht with him on his return to the States thi- flnest spec- imen of Roid that the Kagle nty diatrkt has produced It wrtfh* a little leaa than six ounces and. Jlcured at sj<t to the oun- f is worth about t*>. it has not a aiugia defect in the way of droaa or ro<Jc. Eagle City gob! has gun* 11* to the ounce, so M< Mahoa considers that In valuing his nugget at »li junce he is conservative. It wa* taken from Larimer St Smith's claim. No. 2 above discovery, on American creek. This i* one of the richest lay- about E-igie City and it has Ken ? stimaied that if the output for tbe next season will ANOTHER SHOTfiIS VICTIM. Twelve-Year-Old Boy Killed While Hastiac Cswa. Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelllgeneer. CVBTLB Rrw-K. Wash., Jan. 10.?The 12- year-old son of Henry V. Huntington ac- cidentally shot and killed himstlf while out hunting for the cows this evening Mr. Iluntinaton lives at Sandy Bend, two mile 3 below here. CONTRACTOR TAKES A Tt MBLE. E. A. Beale Is lladly Shakes I'p at Detalag. ial Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer. DEMINO. Jan. 10. ?K. A. Beale. a car- penter and contractor, aged 45 years, while enraged this morn in* in working on the front of a new building In this city, accidentally slipped and fell from an icy scaffoldhifr to the sidewalk below, a dis- tance of twelve or fifteen feet. His right thumb was ha ilr mashed, hi* right ankle sprained and he also received tntemal in- juries. Hopes are entertained of his re- covery. THOMAS SMc3fAHON. Narrowly E»eaped Death. Bpe<dal Dispatch to tho Port-lnteliigtncer. DFXMIKG. Jan. 10.?Victor T. Cola met a serious accident yewteriay. was assisting in diconnecting some steam pildng in the Phillips * Holme* Bros' shinjrie mill. \vh a a fiece fifteen feet lon* fell from above, atrfkinr him on top of the h<ad. kno<~k. ! ng him down and render- ing htm unconscioaa for some time. OASTORIA. B«an th. yf Tm tad Ym Hatt Wwaji Bwztt FIRST-CLASS table d'hote luncheon at Rainier-Gr,*n<l h<Jt«-l. served in main din- lug room, 12:30 to 2 o'clock, daily, 50c. continue, *35,001 wit! taken out. McMahon catenates &.KQOQ a* the product of the City dutrlt durin* lm. roaucl or CRATON portraits, picture trams*. N> glt-berg, 831 Second _ ' sum I Mi'S HI hkw corvrr «»*vmroms IAKB IPPOnntST*. Dr. WIIHw »Irarkr <iwm4 Dr. H. E. Meckel as Qmatr Pk > airtait ?A. Kariihftrtt 9w»plsr«e Si|tn«« (eMeat Ban of tke Poor Kurat. The new b«*ard of county mers ground -jp ths a<t<niett » ax ye>;erday and topped off several official besis during th« day. The list of Uecap.tatioti* includes Dr. a. B. Merkel, ph> Sietan, and Anthony Ha:n, superintendent At :b« county Uvapi- tal and poor farm, the tnjtaw at tse same institution and the engineer **> d 1 * « janitors at the eourthoujs».-. A* his share of the pwtronage Commiesioaer J. H. Bo>\f, the Populist sctmut-r of the bo*rd, «» allowed to reai point ©avid McDan- leb, c*s« of tiie pr«eent courthouse jani- tors. Tie appointment in wn cb must iaterHt «u taken Wi>a that of L>r. Wdllam O'Rourke to noeeed as county pit} sictaa Dr. iL £. Mcrkel. wt:m»e position was u-r- --tiared vacasi on and after January iti. Dr u'Hour He ww n> >mtMM«i for the posi- tion by v.\>mroi«stoner Oiisun, Commis- sioner Smith nominated Dr. B. K. lioye. of Kent, and Commissioner Boyco rnovtsi the m of Dr. P. M. Carr«.i, On the third baiiot Dr. o Kourkf wjus chs»s.'E. He is one of the best known of the younger physicians of the city and is a graduate of the T«*edo Medical College at Toledo, Ohio. He was born in Sew York city on May X, ISGfc. and has lived in Seat- tle since iss>7. He studied medicine in this city and later attended the eolieg..- men- tioned where he graduated wita honors in 1597. For sevetal years he has been prominent in Republican poCtica in the Sixth ward and has many friends both m and out of tne party. A. Pwrkhurst. who wt» ehosen on hf> second ballot to mecad Anthony Ham as superintendent of the poor farm, occu- pied that position under the Republican administration, which went out of power two years ago, and was retained fur a time under the Populist regime. He wu« placed in nomination yesterday by Com- missioner GUson and ehosea on the second ballot. His opponents were D. H. \Y<-1- ery. nominated by Commit!oner Smith, and W. E. Slkes, nominated by Commis- sioner Boyoe. He will assume the duties of his new poaition on April 1, from which time the board voted it vacant as to the present incumbent. William Stewart, the new engineer at the county farm, viu placed in nomination by Commissioner Bnyce, but is nevertheless a ataunen. lie- publican. The ajtpointments to positions at the courthouse were engineer. Thomas Bevan; head janitor, J. W. Thornton, of South Se- attle; janitors, Sam French and Dave M - Daniels All are Repulilc- ans except McDanie!s. who is a Populist and a strong personal friend of Commis- atosier Boyce. All appointments, except those of county physician and superin- tendent of the county farm are made "during good behavior." Sheriff Van De Vanter made no new appointments of deputies yesterday. He will retain Deputy Sheriff A. U. Lane and Deputy Sheriff Richard Winaor tempor- arily. No healthy jx»r*>r t»sd f -ar any U:;4?< r- cus consequences from an a;tack or la grippe if prop*«-ly treated. U U much tie mme as a severe coU and re<;ii!r<*s pre- cisely the Fttraei treatment Remain quietly at home and take ChamVriatn'* Remedy aa directed for « severe cold ami « prompt and compute recovery U sure to follow. For ?a'e by all J^alrrs. DEBILITY OF MEN. WMk»MW« of men * ';' malt usually front a ?> *!' lonK-rnntlnnrd nbn»f of . fT\ ? Xatorr'i laws. Kirr*»> if, l(w»V (J! H nnd ladlaerctioat * | & >\ § d*rl*B tike teader >en r ? w Vlte/ yaatk aad dlulpa* ? VLKm\ ® >\u25a0 \u25a0'(» life pro- s \XJU S dare rrrtaJn private F ?> symptoms. i'v\rtrd la a A ft/ (?» Rfarral way by the jj V & term Nrrveaa Debility. fa ather words, the & yf%MB \ J # aerve*. ylaadi and or' Ji / !? cans urncrntl) nre af- J Jfr v|jl \ frplfd. The trratmml ? C \ to Miyf. therefore, be one , T| A which reaches the en- * lKi j! tire uritaßiaa. The J | § above t submit aa 7) J"" ' * »i ba*e«l ai»a ar etprrl- § enee of thirty years In if ? v (hf treatment of wrak. ? ® fiesses of mea. I have -/v.-.-.-va.-v, - !' here described a roadl- \?!?tS>>si^KSxsjks;svs t i an w |, |ch DRUGS CANT REACH, Pimply beeaase those which matt he employed only ittmnlate. I n»e Electricity because It does sflmelate. I ttse It nrrnnat of Its be ins a is rent aataral strengthened It Keta way down at the foandntion. and hntlds ap gradually. bnt surely, witbat don- err. aad the eesalts I promise to ha permanent. There would be more prwftj for me la (l«ia«( you draxt, bnt I couldn't cite you talae for yoar money. f don't aay the ordinary battery will eare. It ennnot, beennse It doesn't venerate sufficient tolane, nar can yoa apply It lone eaoush. I am the iaeeator af the Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt, The great home self-treatment for weak mea. It Is a perfect aad Ideal remedy, heeauae la It I have overcome an the objections to the ardiaary battery. It has l*i doable eella. Currents Instantly felt, thorigh controlled by refnlatnr aeeew. Ton wear It all night far two or three months, and It sends a pleasaat. soothing carreat through the weaheaed parts. t»ve* R,»W eares daring t*®7. FREE CONSULTATION. l>rop la aad eaasglt me. free mi eharge, ar send far free h«.ok. ??Three «lasses of Mea,'* which emplatus all. Sent la plain aealed earelope SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. COHKKR OP THIRD I*D WiSRIXbTOI ITRCEn, NtTUSP, OR. Jit*. ."»<*> in the Tokio, Home Mutual, W«»t- am. Maritime J4l Fonder* and St Paul insurance companies. Capt. Carl C Anderson haa !x t n asmgned to command the schooner Virginia, how in ten PruncW'o. S*earner Signal lauding tfv* tons of coal at the Pud'.lo Coast hunkers for th« Columbia river. Caut A. H Herri mm ha* s\r d \u2666 "apt. Ehurtleff in tomm iml of the hark ('terard C T»bey. Schoomr A. M Baxter, 459 ton*, wtl! take lumber from Everert to Honolulu for the Oahn Lumber Company. Stearn'r Selkirk Milled for Chem;tintra >\u25a0«*- terday with khm of tneei nAa for Raqulmalt X Nan.timo railway. Schooner Meteor arrived in ha'laat from San IWra vuatertiav. and w li load a re- turn cargo of at Hal lard. Schooner Mane £ Smith. 457 ton-H, ha.a been charter, i by l ope * Taibol to Uwd lumber at tJamble for II >noluiu British ahip A(b-lana, 2..5»5 terns. is un- der charter by Kw'rtt & Co., to load whaat tn TSc>ma for Great Britain Schooner Sequoia arrived from San I »i>-go yeererday j*o« cai»«* in ballast. anl Will take on lumber at Ballard tor Southern California. STATIC EAIK % M tIESJt. Asaaal Report of S-rrriarj <<u»# tn tke Osrrrsar'* Msadi. Special IrtspaU'h t the Post-Intelligencer. NORTH VAKIMA, Jan to T. H. Gunn. secretary .if t:ur a-aie f:ttr commission, ha* forwarded his annual r i art to Oov. Rog- i rs. It is a voluminous document. con- slating of thirty-two typewritten pages. mu>h of wheh is diret.:e*l to a revsr* of the exhibit* and the premiums awarded tint ?ahihifrs At the c! «e «f the fa r the fear was ex- ;»r**.*ed that t*e gppropr: »ti»n »r ! Vaiscel- iatteous receipts *»ouUl be a-ie.iuata to n.e*» th»' expense*, but hapitfly the pre- miums *;J he»-a }»auj and t iera is still a baLwnce of ti.4.'A in iae ha:.<!- Cf Treas- urer I<re. i.-.arjr Ouitft. in «?k :ng his of- fers |N tOilowing re>-.-mniendaturn*; "First To obta n tl,. he«t r- ?alts, or, tr, fact, g.vd rem its fr m a fa :r r< itiire* « gooi deal of work a* w«.-U- as ?* inaWer- \;.;'e eauenae. and the |M OF A fair fch j, at Will he mi; h le«» stro»or:'.c«aily than \u25a0 ng a each eecofta year; and to sur- t«-sr,pii.*h this, I shirk, wtil require an ap- 'i>r atk, rtf >!<> !*>' T-. " Ci-< > > ar« 'Pitls w:U enahh the to pay larger pt e-jie-p«>ciaity '.a th« li% e 9' -ifk de- part mrrt. >\u25a0 x>- i-The time cf Holdii 4 the f*»r shctUd !* > ' F.-CR d ?'.* a iater CM'-\ or left to th<> diacrsti -n of ths rtunin! 4.':;!!, as the !ast of > -temb r here .«? aim tn- vai'-abo th- ?! rm/ft p-»rt the tall atid the hop pickir# H not fUt:i>toed. .ir<i the farm- » <>? t' :«\u25a0 »-ctt--n -ar.d we !uv« to d#pead largely on them F-R m- h:blt« of per sal eTrutts aad v»g»*aV>s. as also fi.r T^E t \R «, as ttse ,'a.r is tovg'ed rem-!«»?:» fe-.'in cltbs and t an« »f ciMssiderabie i>*e- <«re too h*»«y tc at- tend. >'?} prepare an 1 bring ic their exhib- it*. Tn-refore | th.r-k the second MinU>' in October WDO«d ' a better date. Ar i fiirther, I ? ?ve ihe eomtn'sahir. < ! iculd ?-e rsosl a a-ona-Ms ;er diem for '!\u25a0 i-ftw aetuaity em. egcept th#> w«- re-arv who afcouH ;c pa 1 » salary not :-\u2666» is# «r I; ??<** per v-ar as tab (,f h«» he ffcmr-e.** >t a';d ' the a ~-a eh>;<>'d be ? V. has work t.he whole xta-r \u25a0 4 lot *:* month# baa v«i Uiia t'.tsnd to other bustness ? | wcttM »o*st ea pay.a* "Elrat - tnrn w are^ed r<w cat w,->rk are not Wi: htr to devote the litre a'd labor Mtiwry without eeu»rai**tto«. . . ~ ?\u25a0}».?\u25a0,?. ! v jrt*-Tt»?*ry u'iifr n,4rf wall \u25a0?* *n- "-'-h >'>( < fe- *"f'» »« be tter man»#r. tfearafeir «* v 1rt-K «?=? A+r,%l. ? that OtVnriM ? i>& »1 hir."r '\u25a0 d* »*.' I>R. JOHNS* *N - 'liiMi «p*(*ai- ;<? itedfMWMWMi h <*"* r«» tkr Ptfctlf. *r<» t# j{tt*ra;?rw*"V't*Ty s*st- > a<n'» w and -f n»: a»t:»fac«*j an.f »,i-lhinln f tfe* !»*\u2666 »?«« **«*. m'l tvfM«4 «»\u25a0:«\u2666?? to *!»\u2666 nsßrHvf, is no »?«* »-*4e \u25a0» trtjMw <v*4s and >?*« o»i«a, Prv-<a. r-»* a".J .w f>- 1 boss;- rrj- \u25a0 a- »«4«»a Snohomish county, and he haa nln the Yukon country for two year*. He is at the Mow*! Northern now with his 1 h«* .''Tor) which he teh* of the cnus<' of the anion of the maw meeting is one of con- siderable interest. It nv» URN these three n. with oih- fT*- <>r*aM*e<J <H oty M'.ntrx and IVv.flopitv.nt COMPANY )a*t July. also the K tgle O'y 51J in* «i:stri<t, appointing Car- rathers as reorder of it. This gcntieman * >». -T U alleged, ih* Paoh-Hah of Eug"> Cs?> w.i< weiri «.ry of the company a# *??>;?> m recc.fder .( ihe district. Then h. t h*ca\ \u25a0* an edit* r publishing the Eagb> City IrsbtA*- Thu a .is written with a pen an ! Ink .inti about 1W cop'.M per wet k »!ru< k OFF from * h"- machine wer*- sold for jO ce ??ach. "It was the purpose of three men to work the same graft that uraa In opera* tion at the recorder's .-.fflcf- at Dawon," saM M"U.thtir vesierday. "They expected a Ng rush to Ea«r3« city and many loca- tion* of mining claims which would have made them rich in fee* paid. Then a* in I>awson th«'v would have hi t ln.4d<» in- formation of biir di-< over lea. They tn.ght have h- pt men v iMng to record fine elalma whlh their h»*nehnv n ws-nt out and locan-d on them or gathered up all the rtcb freund np*r by t "Hot wh«t rrak'** it 'he dar'nsr was the fart we air- « *y had m:r«ng r- ?rb-ts on all of the creeks. Aiwritiß. M tvntld»r. Boundary »nfl (hornet, »?>»« of whom had he*»n d »trssr by sine## for two y* ar*. Carruths'** wanted 50 usurp the otfk-e« of tbe*» 'f-n md be actually did sue certificate* for claim* within the dta- mcta of t HF l*«al re confer*. The purpose of the k ing was TO drive the other record- ers out of business " The Csiaialtlee Iteport. The Itm fneer?-,g was held at the store of th«* Alaska Katploration Company on November 1-. at whn-h M Mah -n wis t?hcv-> n ' iirtnan. Ther«- were a!*>ui Ak> M.N> RA present fr'«m Eaale city and its vi- cinity. A committee consisting of M<M.- hon. chairman: T?. ma- VV. A.sbStf. s< <r* tary: S H Heflew. F. D Weils ajii t»'vt;*.e l»r*-i-' ibse was. ...ft motit>n. ap?toint- ed by the cfc:sirm*n ol toe meeting to Jn- vmtu Jte and rer»trt #>tt \\ e.lne»,U»y, No- vember IS. The report, after rev:, wing the history OL tha a*d UiahvWMWt tvin«rn, says: Your committee find at: 1 charge first: C.arUs U. Carrutbers ikuiw^wh,v Hi.*:; : \u25a0 i*iy .ji.j iSlt tb«* n> n- int .. 4> cf a \as: gco|w> of terri- tory. .15 tf under the United Statea L»wa, an; by resua>n of ota h aMnupptlott *T au- thorttj, has and is obtaining money nnder TMHR R>- prv-ientaiio«s and is thet>'»y en- dan.ertng the lawful right* ~f American tbetr h'-m and as*«gns title y«#simer»t» r.f mlnii g Alas- ka Tftai the boaiiieas methods OF setud Car- rvn'-rr* are unworthy tho c<msTenan<« of hot. .rahle men, snd that he. is an unde*if- abte pe-rs»>«.ies in this Alaskan territory. '?Second; That Fred |,. 1.,--weil is a dune of ?r>« aforesaid Oarru;her«. compiote-iy under h*g dlrsctioc and control and de- a«r -\u25a0 ? s pity ratbvr t.'van oiaaim. "ThtnJ: Tti** T. fUtt -# an us- #rru; uton* mn*ts*rr wMI known a# #aeh prrvv-a* ta ifi& tiar tfeta rooamaftity with hi* p*v<*?w»'. and a 6*njmroaa adjnnrt to the wnsnc of ths» roamtuni'?, ?a-! rv-r. \u25a0"*? - m*n «*.? «tt«n hi* Cumpany "K jrth Th** H Sm.t.ja i> <lipk»tp,*» in f>. -thrr'ait out in# th* istfiMl* of th* af->re**.'4 Car- rv? em-HaJX-Lowfil j>*r y 4a an «r- --?»rv;T jjarww to mnain aKiin ?h# u| tt!» !frr.:^fv "F. ih# «raa»h*» «f v*> Y>t*3a VI , £ 3-Vt I>fV»: H'lt' 5! C"fO|*!.» it* »?: ar4 Mtani Ik to tn ,1 ; \u25a0 ?\u25a0> ?- r : .\u25a0 . ».»*. i p. \u25a0 :a# ?Ss* tnsn.r.* irmnm «Mf A.aafca. M *mr4 (? (Hfi <r«t. \u25a0N «w whrruaa. Yoar «*!«!?!*? r«tCf t?»« a* *.*a:.l facta; tt f**ia i->cu*»- N»n» n;w4» * fur tha t*«M tntMto *»f an <vr=c*Tv.«tf »i»4 sJw as-ntejr 'st«f*ts ».\u25a0*?? tWTKorf. *n4 a# a pratrr* <*a to ta» PB&Jh- a; 53 ? arum* to m*«* ?«<te ?? >? ? 4to*r :eC'>3Ua*n iauoaa fur nnur Ftr»* T*»at fh<» w**r*o of tft* fttaiaa fa!s* and ft«Wf tfcc pre** . f ;h*- tz »;>?»<»-? ©f * it? Vny Mimas a~'t l*rrtn:»«i! Co«»sMMky. t »*ry*w»«. v'*, -* mc&bcOt u Jv -»i. J so ?j»»w>- ALL DISEASES (CC A MONTH. il/ iy THE COPELAND SPECIALISTS RE* _L FUSE TO RAISE THEIR FEES Their Wonderful Success in Curing All Chronic Diseases and Their Ability to Command Big Fees for Their Services Will Not Induce Them to Place Their Skill Beyond the Reach of the Masses?They Will Con- tinue to Charge the Merely Nomi- nal Fee of $5 a Month, All Medicines In- cluded. S«twlthi(aß4t«ir phr««oif»nl that has attrndrd Ike Cope- -1»»J ipfrlalhit in their trmiwnl ?' chromic of Mil kladi »'\u25a0<* the Ctiprland N<Hticiil lattltnto "** MUblUhed iu >r»illr, aad <t<r- »i*itc the fact that ihrlr rrftalatlon to * aklll. oarrfalnrtto. Mrllfr to their patients, aad ancceaa in curing diacMae* other phyaldaaa admit their own Inability to care, ha* he- come ao firmly eatahlibed that tbrr «al*ht abaadu* the i>oor aad detit* themaelvea to treatiac only those who coatd aftor d to pay bit fcea for their aerviera, they will atlll roa- tiline to atlve the feeueMt of their great aklll to all, rich aad poor alike, for the merely nominwl fee of M a month, and aapply all medl- clae free. While they arc dolac more stood than a dosen charity hoa- pitala, thoae who receive the beneli of their niarteluua aklll arc not recipienta of charity. They pay the fall fee aaked for their treatment. It la the rcgalar price and the t'opeland ph>aleiaaa «nnt no more. They do not feel that their poaaeaalon of apeeial kaoali'dve. aklll and tucthoda In the treatment of chronic dlaeaaca ca- A Mr. Wm. Karrand, IMM C St.. A \ Taeoma?tared of llroachlal V C Catarrh aad Asthma. \u25a0 Ililr* thm to drmnnd such a fee would deprive thr «ast majority of ??ffrrlac bammltr of thr oiipnrlaii- Ity to l»e cured of their dlitrrulni maladies. On thr contrary, they coutlaue t«» (ntlle alt nhn toller from eatarrfa. adknia, bronchitis. Inns trouble. stomach trouble. Hirer trouble, kidney trouble, disease* of the akin, or any other desperato ehronle ailment or malady, to avail themselves of thla iprrtat aktll at the same low role which has been paid by the hundreds « hn have been cnred by them Hncc the Institute wu established In Seattle. Hsrlnß this time m (treat man? nho have been enred of diseases from which they ha* e despaired of gaining re- lief. among them some of the best knot* n people In the elty and atate. have been Impelled by their joy aad gratitude at being; restored to health to snbmlt to newspaper la* trrvlem regarding their eases, aad have given their portrait* to ho printed as aa evidence of the truth of the statements made. Tho same opportunity to be cured ta open fa nil, for the fopeland specialists will not follow the usual course) u t phy- slciuns who gala a special reputa- tion tor skill and success la treatlag chronic dlsen»es. and charge such fees as wonld rvciude all but tha rich from the benefit of tbelr serv- Ices. They will eoatinue to place the highest attainments of medical science within the reach of all by charging the merely nominal aad uniform fee of #3 a month, includ- ing; all medicine* and personal at- tention. Wheezing and Choking Could Be Heard Across the Strett Wna. Parraad, 1M« C St., Ta> W**h referring to t* radarai cura uf lironchlal lAUrrh aua Asthma. by the i. opeland h.'mt treatment. m*k-.-< the fol- tewte* »ta;etnent ,* the facta m hi* case; Although 1 ;i»u ii a au.Trrer front chronic catarrh for nwrt than twenty yean, It wa* not unttl about th rea year* &*o that the invaded the bror- fhiaX tub*a Previous to that time J had paid Sltik attention to my condition, hut I then couunenced ;o rxierirnt'-* the Moat Terrible Diatreaa and suffering, corceivAbda only by thoaa W:M> have been vici m* of bronchial dl*« taw. "There w.ia * feeUn* of faverleh aorv- neas in m> <-h«s*t. and the air i>*.s*a*** seemed nurr, wvi and contra, its} to such, an extent th.u It «u i ootumual effert far to get «tu ugh to keep ma olive. There was Heat far Ma dty or ni*St. r dared not lie down la bed for of «»i(fo»Ation, and could never sleep more than five or ten minute* at a time, propped up in a sitting posture. "Any eu ;der. motion or enet:(on would a'lut oft my breath rompletrly, even talk- In* or laug'hlnjf *ouM *omet:u>«« have th;» efTec!. ,»r>d I would than feet as ff my reck «rai be in* presvd botwecu the Jawa ot « % lac. I aould become black in the face !n »y atruggle for air, and frequently thought I had drawn my last *ap. wrhUe the wh«ri- In* < hoktn* noise* that accompanied each breath were »o noticeable that they oou'd be he\rd a< roaa the atreet. "The ateadv torture ot *ue-h a condition ia bound to have a w.,»rit\* and we»koa- ln* effect up<>n the entire *y!»tcm. I loat forty-five pound* in w*-«ht. an t mv strength faded until T wa* utteily until for work «-f any kind. ! could not walk a few block* from mv home without stop- ping to rest tin-.** on the way. bly condition wa* desperate; I wa# A Phyalcal Wreck. "I had been re.otln* the nr-wapaper ac- count* of what they were doing for aick folk* at the «'op*>!and Institute and \a * la*t nwrt I wrote for 4 symptom blank, and <v»mmen -ed a eourae of home traal- ment through the mill* I had taken fh« treatment but n abort t'.me when I found a marked Improvement in all my symp- tom*. and 1 am Saw Completely tared of my diaeaee. The trearm»nt ha* cr>*t very little, but my experience ahowa thai it dot a cura catarrh and aeihma." Nlaa Kate t'hampaatne. Green Lak*i Waah.: "*Aftera thorou*h p»Taon.»l espart- en-.-a wiih tha t.Xiptland ayatem if trawtment for catarrn and d<-afn#aa, 1 have no hnrt tation in a««attlti* thai II Is DtMtTtac of «ho oonfld«f»c* of the t!< li and of !h« praf.*e -vrr utternd in lt» f»vor. I took the treatment afrw mf hearing had i«en ilmo«i Jeatroyed hjr ti»# ix-mifloua #f- of catarrhal of the earn. and the result* mora ibaxi Justify th!a state- ment. My Hftrtag *«»» Prrteei, and I art» longer troubWd w!;h <Nk tirrh." HOME TREATMENT BY MAIL Pattsati who H*« ai ? dtal*a»« «aa *»? Iraolod with eereeee hy the >M ?( lb* C«|M>l«k4 lr»t< tmm kiaak, wal fr*« «a aptllvallaßt CONSULTATION FREE. Dr. Copeland*s Book Free to All. The Cegelond Medical leniuie COLLI *9 OCILDIVO. Cor sir r Ireosd A*o. and Jsam It, leattlf, Usah. w. 11. COPKUXD, m. u. a. i* ruEvoir, m. d. OFFTCB IKH'tIS FV«n » a. »n to I p. m. Fr *»r. J t». m. to » p. m. 8 iMaya, froro a. Nt t'j O hi FOR SALE BY Denny- Blaine Land Co. JK lots D. T. r*nny*» Homo A Wi- tters. *4 lo*a fJrwn'a A^t.'oa, 24 jots D T Denny's Firtrt Adil- U>n to N r* 9 » "eta D T. ' r.y'a 8 ith AJdt- *.;. to Ji-irt ~I flnttk, 52 I T ?;y"a Park. M Ust* Ami# AMtln. y to'# Hyndscato A-idrtJoe. Kr i: A. A. OoAcri Hraa4#af All! km. AJ*c WtUr F*rnt as-1 TVlo Lard Prvpertiea. ROOM 23 DEITOt MOKTtK 84.1H &UUMS6. y/«f»v.v*v*v*w.v.v,w/iW | Speaking of Warmth I t *5 Hottest * J i i . J* 4 Sfc *? Thtng in w f iH ;\u2666 j Mr I* Tcfcn next jlCfjfjT^L S , r , \ to Gds ts | 1 COKE 4 We sell both and < Both ire Cheaper ?: Ihtn i <f :: Seattle Gas and % :? Electric 314-216 ClitPJUr STREET ? Why lot look crotr our line of ? ? and Orgjuis if you ? ? Art about to purchase. .. . ? I RVtAKKSt MUSIC CO., I J Cc*. P.*<- -%d Sth A"be. SeJttt'e £

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Page 1: DEBILITY OF MEN. - · VVVVTHE Wf XX CO?»T. \'joooßKt?* rMt M 111 C*fy «f (al?Ma fat!\u25a0!>,



\'joooßKt ?* rMt M

111 C*fy «f (al?Ma fat !\u25a0!>,

Mt MUtncr, who before he took com-Jjjj j(tk« uoiueky atmaur City of Co-

Ztfi as* iaspetuir of outgoing vesselsffTfgesi paper, is in ail kind* of trouble,

to I* itfrr 'r b*f«re th» cirratt oourt*

(aa<la!u H i-« 3U(-c«d tbat he juscird

tbe truth corc-r-rnin* bin record as aTbe fouoirioc i* from th« lia-

SbHNT Of«UtM* r»"rived by th« Australia

from J3mt*g a. Dumotit, »iip« r-*t»«rai in th* au=amtx>at

Sg«i atrllec, a* WaaaitiKioc. in replyarnt l« b)m r*nptrdinir tn*

of Cap* MUoor, acd tbeTTgA leaUmn" canftntn* it

%|w>'.. Mttovr. la th* C'>!«*ro*e libel,tba circuit court atat«d that he

bc»:-a«'' as l a capWa at Norfolk.\u25a0W to A»d that he comfnandert thetow; romBT. r. run nil;* from EUltt-S|M Ch#Vaton. durtnf that year, and2 far a tur..' Ow aam- rear hr com-

tke N«wbero«, rucmnv -.ut of Kbii-|w la UK2-X-4 hf eomn>and«.l ?h# Hat-

tba CaJ*»-rt and the B<iraso*ita. &Utr'»«n fia.U :n«re to CharWatof.

Itor n aak! he ?«mmafidad tbe Frt-ds for eilrhtr * n month*.Jaapectur General Dumont

to my tetter to you of theI hav? n w to inform you that the

ZjM» 9t the ateamvra Calrrrt, fUra<oasaSftad Avon, durtna thr ymmr indicatedto aMiorandurn furnianed by you. were,Itto in thf l*tt*-r of tbe local !n---toaKCi at Baltimore, dated tbe lei tnat..ana rthreiy R. T Fotey, E. R. Warren,t, aid Janw# G*>ohe*rf».- <JV ateamcr Nawberiie in 1*77 araa

Maine from San Ftanniaco, Cal. Them\togt Hattrraa »w owned at Nrw Yorkjtottt tbe aame y«ar, but I cannot Hadtoatna WW in commiaeion.' "

iguOiif th« atfam*rr City of fur of thr aamf dat«- contained aev-Ml I»t«aatln««fee left far gvatti* Decen?»>er rr. Pr tpoaed.Iff"? (carina lionuluiu. to tha lawyera intoa caao tbat tnr I'Miumbta ahouM b>* of-brad far >ate aa soon aa i>oaeible at anm* to be fl**d by tf?. court. Thetoaat price. Mr. Jacnbaon ahoiCdto Mi That lOUf'h twy off the

kll the dobta incurred in the Ha-?aiiau ialanda. In ordrr tfl *et debt*tfea Mfefaay i* arillinir thaf ahe U- aoid asawn a» poaeib<e. He l»»<iievei if ahe wo-reflat aaM ber<». but were prdperiy adv#>r-

r| or tbe O tat, ahe would rendilv !«*»Ua gnat more. Klondike trad«>

tna awp'r:* UP tbe demand for ve*a» ia ofKM*. *n,i I'irticuiarty of vaaaeU of her

number of the offlcera and crewafdttClty of Columbia b-ft for orOt Wirrtmoo. Am"ti| th-m *r* Chief\u25a0Mm*r R A. Turner and wife riratflHrCbarii* Arey. the a«>cond and thirdMrtUlt engineer a. th*- steward*** and«M9f A* 'j«art>*rmasrt» ra.

\u25a0Mthtv bft a written w«aMfM one of lite offleeraHwFwhieh contains the following:

"Wt Hwth» rmor«» state, that with a «a-\u25a0afcb»eatrr in fharga of thr v<~ae«L properbiipt and '? ft w intnor repair*, wa are

\u25a0** hr willing to proceed to the Pacific

A> Mtfi month'* w»*m wm r«>i*ntlyafe*}4 th« crew of the Columbia by Hp*.4MIwfttrCase. which cau«wd much rlad-rUKTig the aallormen who shipped on

maawrAltmrvey of th« rww»-) wa* made on the

(Bnooe of Iw-ember 22 bu; the ftndlrga,M been determined when the butItffUamer left, in the first survey th#pitftfßrmei the judgment of Capt. MH-«tr that the sh!p !* a "constructive totalId*dating fr.>m the Ililo examinationIllfce.Clty of Columbia now Ibn In th»ttfsr she In making «n inch and a halfattar Thl# leak in In or ibout the pro-\u25a0ilshsft sleeve anl c*a b« gtoppr-d onlyMi**.1 »#?eworthy *ert:«»n of the findings of

ft \u25a0Tveyora Is the erereaston of theMMHthat she ahowa weakness and wasMilt before phe this roy-Hkt" abt tlw Star. "The vea«cg had beentMHMMat Seattle befora her departureIfGaftremment authorities and hv the\u25a0ivMisr* and had bean given a rat in*ft 41 tor Ave y**#a. Thl* fact pre-MM a somewhat bothersome ettus-tta» t» the tmruraac* people. Of wh*t thetwlatr have baan before k« took com-part of her Capt. MHnor ceuld not haveW My personal knowledge till he ma=!e

\u25a0» Enaction at Hilo. Ha wa* ffiven hlaj?htoa a* maj'er lan than twenry-to» toara before steaming for Ml'o and\u25a0MI bainsr called from hla place aaWMBfct at the flue steamer Artaona. WhenWfc MUnof took char*e the Columbia?Wof eour*# about ready for »ea.**k faattle C»r»t Milnor atated that he

\u25a0t.tta Artfona !?# «au*» l»a could not havaa Wise n cr-w


forecast for wetwbkday.rortland, Jan. 10, 1535.

kti.*\u25a0 * .mbpawtmrnt or AaßfctiXeTURK. WEATHER ISURBATT.


Seattle. Jan. id. IJ>».

If Sj *i Wtad. lit f\\ B!« | IS »

I\u25a0 | 9 2' < hs. %I s g ; | ?-l r ?

! ? "iI' I &I I :

1 5l i ?, s, I

i m\liiMc:: t J ?

-H : :

[pWb, .>1 f| 44 HE' < «"3 «hAtjtly

f Cm*wiit 2s j« «; n\v 1,1 .!* c:ou !vT*3* W i, *, s\v 1/ \u2666*> c nidygrow . .?» 3C- - t* ~J .WRiin: PW*E S> O -<? T: L.T .(H'I'LEUDVft <?«!.&? ."i.js *; «» E IS. Ktnoudy«f*«rc ?? >< t. v- SW l.f .C Rain?»*« C V *5 UK t«- Tblonde*> !r»n. ?» \ hvv 13 »n"u>u4v

\u25a0 ? '"5 «» *: -S"- w s .'v ivcidv\u25a0w* . . > ;?? >\u2666. \v is ("tear

sv\.>rHHJjW' 1*-ai t'*por' >t tairnnm temper-

K vl*»re#- m!!iiniuio J* degrewe;*2 ? wtitch 's I degress

«**? R.>rn»ai ?» ~.i; , r clottd) rain-* of an inch i».« past twenty-liHir

. o N «<KttU('HT.I) r*<lor Wtnthof Hu»a*si.

TRlU»lit\ I>KIV4Hr*K\T.

Coast an<l (iroiirtl«

a *n,%rr.

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pert o r >\u25a0 *?? . ,

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g? rss sfc-B IS II IS KillMlOriginal Copy of Eetolntkms

Adopted at Eagle City.


Tlohu N*-«ah«a Tfll* Hmm the< Thrw AlltgH M*fcmrr«, Cm-

I rather*. Hall AHltk. Werr* Url««a Fran tke AaiaHraa Mia-

lM ranp-OariaK Allraipt to

j I >arp Dattca of L«g(l lUrartkr*.

aWw.idßi tMMKtom«aber» aad

*»i aiiidi That tbe sme Wor«»a« befumMbed tbe officials of the Alaakan ter-ritory.

"TbirtJ; Tbat Fred L- LoweU. on accoantof bS« ar*> ar d he a»d »e beratqraevarely for hi* cwawtut»o withaa.d Oim;«iny and i» alrocfiish*-! that his\£9Otifiuatio|n of >acb amocia:i>«n» wiii caiiKir mora sirere action froic the ».nt-r# oftbf* community.

"F«h»nb: That Char'.ap <5. Carruthers,Geortre T Hall and Wt'.Jiam H. >laa»t:; ber»*j*rired and forest to Alaskan ter-ritory wtthtn three full d»r* froa. rhe adep-:tun of theae r«"oc-a*fi«iatij:s». and thatthe people of this community a*. 11 -at benapMMibie for .-.?{?'> »\u25a0">..u>.. ih-yor r.rh«T of tbeu return.

"Fifth: That tfi'* rrmaioiaar tmmbem of*he C.ty Mtri.n* aod Dwdowwat<"Vm»par.y he permitted t v . e*r'®in tt>e«r eow-ne»-t.on arfth asid erbame, «nd the»»??? a* of ?n- r '. r*-.- \u25a0 \u25a0 «'*«r>a at-titude towards auat:-. nine and furthenncit? *

<"'rs. liali ard did not lin-«? / R**l« dw Tat Tribune, thefji#!e f *

- and Df««lo0Brat Cota-puJßy an-i the ri'-order's .SJce <!'« d alto-c- tr»r. 'Vh»a Sa'ur-'sty had c »r. the endof rh* three day l-: of *race t» the?rk> to us> affsUra, they were onin* xratl to laasoa Nothiaff has t*«inear ! of ttsem »nce.


Sack Yaras Are laaaliy l atrat, Al-though Hamfal.

VANWVFR B C Jan. 1m ?lt was tn-evitaSd*' tf. «t winter should not pa.«a with-out <K>rn»* one ra<aina th* cry of atarvationIn I»»*> n A!' *Tenin* ;»apar her* haspublished an account of a auppoaed t»-r---nWe cosdiUon of tendnrfeet in Dawson.This will l»e «?«re«wl r«roa !castover th** land, but fortunately it Is* mostlyconsidered to he untrue.

Members of the police have during theyear *e4 a that no on*' went into the coun-try without to k*»ep thetn manye;<>nths and they intend to beep this pol-icy up.


£u."": mn Wort «011, UmANOEIrfBB. Jar. ~ « c m

uJZJZ.Z?-*"* °*k°? «\u25a0>

\u25a0«WB SEW*.

WW January isfrom »*rth»dv , January t j>»-


mArrived off i»,rt uri ,r t«

tfwl *

?^StoeUy* Jan,iAr >- w.? Cbr

Aiift^?~Arrlvw? ' a-WATER moNT sores. The f.rwt. a ->,?henti*» n. w$ o* tiM> m'ners'

meeting at E-sicJir ctiy U-t November,

wak-h ordered G. %T*rru«h«r*.CJ«*ge T. Bail ani Willi*m H. Smith to

k-»v# the city, has hwn hr-Might ©"i by

Tliomaa M 34 iaop, caairauj» ol tbe a«t*

ins. He '.:on»e>ed fc> tbe Pcat-lnt*b;g*»o*rthe ordinal jdgned copy cf the report ofth» inveat.gat.nar comrnrtee which re< om-orixN I ->e e*pu*rfe»a of ttaw* ibrt* aeaand wiieh a iopt» i at av«ry meeting or November 16.

Mr Mt Mahon is a r«u i'-ni of Ar>.ng;o«,

Bt<arrvf r RocaHe depart.* for flßtarw iv to.«*>arrow night. * ** to*

Strax/wr ( .-ta«v City wUI be due fromCK<fc*W'*\ f« iTj/rrTr/w

Steamer Faraiion sell* for Bkagway at 9o clock tomorrow morningSteamer C3tarle* Neiaon will fat SanFrancfctof tomorrow m«>nai:g

?7?*t »uli


*'** Protefdion,whk*h <.»ff th« m nth of th# Co-untbla r.ver, January 1, for


THOMAS M MAHOX. who act-ed aa chairman of Fagte<'lty meeting whichthref alleged schemers u*t

November, broucht with him on hisreturn to the States thi- flnest spec-imen of Roid that the Kaglenty diatrkt has produced Itwrtfh* a little leaa than six ouncesand. Jlcured at sj<t to the oun- f isworth about t*>. it has not a aiugiadefect in the way of droaa or ro<Jc.Eagle City gob! has gun* 11* to theounce, so M< Mahoa considers thatIn valuing his nugget at »lijunce he is conservative. It wa*taken from Larimer St Smith'sclaim. No. 2 above discovery, onAmerican creek. This i* one of therichest lay- about E-igie City andit has Ken ? stimaied that if theoutput for tbe next season will


Twelve-Year-Old Boy Killed WhileHastiac Cswa.

Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelllgeneer.CVBTLB Rrw-K. Wash., Jan. 10.?The 12-

year-old son of Henry V. Huntington ac-cidentally shot and killed himstlf whileout hunting for the cows this evening

Mr. Iluntinaton lives at Sandy Bend,two mile 3 below here.


E. A. Beale Is lladly Shakes I'p atDetalag.

ial Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer.DEMINO. Jan. 10. ?K. A. Beale. a car-

penter and contractor, aged 45 years,while enraged this morn in* in working onthe front of a new building In this city,accidentally slipped and fell from an icyscaffoldhifr to the sidewalk below, a dis-tance of twelve or fifteen feet. His rightthumb was ha ilr mashed, hi* right anklesprained and he also received tntemal in-juries. Hopes are entertained of his re-covery.


Narrowly E»eaped Death.Bpe<dal Dispatch to tho Port-lnteliigtncer.

DFXMIKG. Jan. 10.?Victor T. Cola a serious accident yewteriay. H«was assisting in diconnecting some steampildng in the Phillips * Holme* Bros'shinjrie mill. \vh a a fiece fifteen feet lon*fell from above, atrfkinr him on top ofthe h<ad. kno<~k. ! ng him down and render-ing htm unconscioaa for some time.

OASTORIA.B«an th. yf Tm tad Ym Hatt Wwaji Bwztt

FIRST-CLASS table d'hote luncheon atRainier-Gr,*n<l h<Jt«-l. served in main din-lug room, 12:30 to 2 o'clock, daily, 50c.continue, *35,001 wit! taken out. McMahon catenates &.KQOQ a* the product ofthe City dutrlt durin* lm.

roaucl orCRATON portraits, picture trams*. N>

glt-berg, 831 Second



sum IMi'S HIhkw corvrr «»*vmroms


Dr. WIIHw »Irarkr t» <iwm4 Dr.

H. E. Meckel as Qmatr Pk > airtait

?A. Kariihftrtt 9w»plsr«e Si|tn««

(eMeat Ban of tke Poor Kurat.

The new b«*ard of county mersground -jp ths n» a<t<niett » ax ye>;erdayand topped off several official besis duringth« day. The list of Uecap.tatioti* includesDr. a. B. Merkel, ph> Sietan, and AnthonyHa:n, superintendent At :b« county Uvapi-

tal and poor farm, the tnjtaw at tse

same institution and the engineer **> d 1 * «janitors at the eourthoujs».-. A* his shareof the pwtronage Commiesioaer J. H.Bo>\f, the Populist sctmut-r of the bo*rd,«» allowed to reai point ©avid McDan-leb, c*s« of tiie pr«eent courthouse jani-tors.

Tie appointment in wn cb must iaterHt«u taken Wi>a that of L>r. WdllamO'Rourke to noeeed as county pit}sictaaDr. iL £. Mcrkel. wt:m»e position was u-r-

--tiared vacasi on and after January iti.

Dr u'Hour He ww n> >mtMM«i for the posi-

tion by v.\>mroi«stoner Oiisun, Commis-sioner Smith nominated Dr. B. K. lioye.of Kent, and Commissioner Boyco rnovtsithe m of Dr. P. M. Carr«.i, Onthe third baiiot Dr. o Kourkf wjus chs»s.'E.

He is one of the best known of theyounger physicians of the city and is agraduate of the T«*edo Medical College atToledo, Ohio. He was born in Sew Yorkcity on May X, ISGfc. and has lived in Seat-tle since iss>7. He studied medicine in thiscity and later attended the eolieg..- men-tioned where he graduated wita honorsin 1597. For sevetal years he has beenprominent in Republican poCtica in theSixth ward and has many friends both mand out of tne party.

A. Pwrkhurst. who wt» ehosen on hf>

second ballot to mecad Anthony Hamas superintendent of the poor farm, occu-pied that position under the Republicanadministration, which went out of powertwo years ago, and was retained fur atime under the Populist regime. He wu«placed in nomination yesterday by Com-missioner GUson and ehosea on the secondballot. His opponents were D. H. \Y<-1-ery. nominated by Commit!oner Smith,and W. E. Slkes, nominated by Commis-sioner Boyoe. He will assume the dutiesof his new poaition on April 1, from whichtime the board voted it vacant as to thepresent incumbent. William Stewart, thenew engineer at the county farm, viuplaced in nomination by CommissionerBnyce, but is nevertheless a ataunen. lie-publican.

The ajtpointments to positions at thecourthouse were engineer. Thomas Bevan;head janitor, J. W. Thornton, of South Se-attle; janitors, Sam French and Dave M -

Daniels All are Repulilc-ans except McDanie!s. who is a Populistand a strong personal friend of Commis-atosier Boyce. All appointments, exceptthose of county physician and superin-tendent of the county farm are made"during good behavior."

Sheriff Van De Vanter made no newappointments of deputies yesterday. Hewill retain Deputy Sheriff A. U. Lane andDeputy Sheriff Richard Winaor tempor-arily.

No healthy jx»r*>r t»sd f -ar any U:;4?< r-cus consequences from an a;tack or lagrippe if prop*«-ly treated. U U much tiemme as a severe coU and re<;ii!r<*s pre-cisely the Fttraei treatment Remain quietlyat home and take ChamVriatn'*Remedy aa directed for « severe cold ami «

prompt and compute recovery U sure tofollow. For ?a'e by all J^alrrs.


* ';' malt usually front a

?> *!' lonK-rnntlnnrd nbn»f of. fT\ ? Xatorr'i laws. Kirr*»>if, l(w»V (J! H nnd ladlaerctioat*

| & >\ § d*rl*Btike teader >en r ?

w Vlte/ yaatk aad dlulpa*

? VLKm\ ® >\u25a0 \u25a0'(» life pro-

s \XJUS dare rrrtaJn private

F ?> symptoms. i'v\rtrd la aA ft/ (?» Rfarral way by the

jj V & term Nrrveaa Debility.

fa ather words, the& yf%MB \ J # aerve*. ylaadi and or'

Ji / !? cans urncrntl) nre af-

J Jfr v|jl \ frplfd. The trratmml? C \ to Miyf. therefore, be one

,T| A which reaches the en-

* lKi j! tire uritaßiaa. The

J | § above t submit aa7) J"" ' * »i ba*e«l ai»a ar etprrl-

§ enee of thirty years In

if? v (hf treatment of wrak.

? ® fiesses of mea. I have-/v.-.-.-va.-v, - !' here described a roadl-\?!?tS>>si^KSxsjks;svs

tian w|, |ch

DRUGS CANT REACH,Pimply beeaase those which matt he employed only ittmnlate. In»e Electricity because It does sflmelate. I ttse It o» nrrnnat

of Its be ins a is rent aataral strengthened It Keta way down atthe foandntion. and hntlds ap gradually. bnt surely, witbat don-err. aad the eesalts I promise to ha permanent. There would bemore prwftj for me la (l«ia«( you draxt, bnt I couldn't cite you

talae for yoar money.

f don't aay the ordinary battery will eare. It ennnot, beennseIt doesn't venerate sufficient tolane, nar can yoa apply It loneeaoush. I am the iaeeator af the

Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt,The great home self-treatment for weak mea. It Is a perfect aadIdeal remedy, heeauae la It I have overcome an the objections to

the ardiaary battery. It has l*i doable eella. Currents Instantlyfelt, thorigh controlled by refnlatnr aeeew. Ton wear It all night

far two or three months, and It sends a pleasaat. soothing carreatthrough the weaheaed parts. t»ve* R,»W eares daring t*®7.

FREE CONSULTATION.l>rop la aad eaasglt me. free mi eharge, ar send far free h«.ok.

??Three «lasses of Mea,'* which emplatus all. Sent la plain aealedearelope


Jit*.."»<*> in the Tokio, Home Mutual, W«»t-am. Maritime J4l Fonder* and St Paulinsurance companies.

Capt. Carl C Anderson haa !x t n asmgnedto command the schooner Virginia, how inten PruncW'o.

S*earner Signal 1« lauding tfv* tons ofcoal at the Pud'.lo Coast hunkers for th«Columbia river.

Caut A. H Herri mm ha* s\r d\u2666 "apt. Ehurtleff in tomm iml of the hark('terard C T»bey.

Schoomr A. M Baxter, 459 ton*, wtl! takelumber from Everert to Honolulu for theOahn Lumber Company.

Stearn'r Selkirk Milled for Chem;tintra >\u25a0«*-terday with l» khm of tneei nAa forRaqulmalt X Nan.timo railway.

Schooner Meteor arrived in ha'laat fromSan IWra vuatertiav. and w li load a re-turn cargo of at Hal lard.

Schooner Mane £ Smith. 457 ton-H, ha.abeen charter, i by l ope * Taibol to Uwdlumber at tJamble for II>noluiu

British ahip A(b-lana, 2..5»5 terns. is un-der charter by Kw'rtt & Co., to loadwhaat tn TSc>ma for Great Britain

Schooner Sequoia arrived from San I»i>-goyeererday j*o« cai»«* in ballast. anl Willtake on lumber at Ballard tor SouthernCalifornia.


Asaaal Report of S-rrriarj <<u»# tntke Osrrrsar'* Msadi.

Special IrtspaU'h t the Post-Intelligencer.NORTH VAKIMA, Jan to T. H. Gunn.

secretary .if t:ur a-aie f:ttr commission, ha*forwarded his annual r i art to Oov. Rog-i rs. It is a voluminous document. con-slating of thirty-two typewritten>h of wheh is diret.:e*l to a revsr* ofthe exhibit* and the premiums awarded tint?ahihifrs

At the c! «e «f the fa r the fear was ex-;»r**.*ed that t*e gppropr: »ti»n »r ! Vaiscel-iatteous receipts *»ouUl be a-ie.iuata ton.e*» th»' expense*, but hapitfly the pre-miums *;J he»-a }»auj and t iera is stilla baLwnce of ti.4.'A in iae ha:.<!- Cf Treas-urer I<re.

i.-.arjr Ouitft. in «?k :ng his of-fers |N tOilowing re>-.-mniendaturn*;

"First To obta n tl,. he«t r- ?alts, or, tr,

fact, g.vd rem its fr m a fa :r r< itiire*« gooi deal of work a* w«.-U- as ?* inaWer-\;.;'e eauenae. and the |M OF A fair fchj,at Will he mi; h le«» stro»or:'.c«aily than

\u25a0 ng a each eecofta year; and to sur-t«-sr,pii.*h this, I shirk, wtil require an ap-

'i>r atk, rtf >!<> !*>' T-. " Ci-< :» > > ar« 'Pitlsw:U enahh the to pay larger

pt e-jie-p«>ciaity '.a th« li% e 9' -ifk de-part mrrt.

>\u25a0 x>- i-The time cf Holdii 4 the f*»rshctUd !* > ' F.-CR d ?'.* a iater CM'-\ or leftto th<> diacrsti -n of ths rtunin! 4.':;!!, asthe !ast of > -temb r here .«? aim *» tn-

vai'-abo th- ?! rm/ft p-»rt the tallatid the hop pickir# H not fUt:i>toed.

.ir<i the farm- » <>? t' :«\u25a0 »-ctt--n -ar.d we

!uv« to d#pead largely on them F-R m-h:blt« of per sal eTrutts aad v»g»*aV>s.

as also fi.r T^E t \R «, as ttse ,'a.r

is tovg'ed rem-!«»?:» fe-.'in cltbs and t an«»f ciMssiderabie i>*e- <«re too h*»«y tc at-

tend. >'?} prepare an 1 bring ic their exhib-it*. Tn-refore | th.r-k the second MinU>'in October WDO«d ' a better date.

Ar i fiirther, I ? ?ve ihe eomtn'sahir.< !iculd ?-e rsosl a r« a-ona-Ms ;er diem for

'!\u25a0 i-ftw aetuaity em. egcept th#> w«-re-arv who afcouH ;c pa 1 » salary not:-\u2666» is# «r I; ??<** per v-ar as tab

(,f h«» he ffcmr-e.** >t a';d ' the a ~-aeh>;<>'d be ? V. has work t.he whole

xta-r \u25a0 4 lot *:* month# baa v«i Uiiat'.tsnd to other bustness

? | wcttM »o*st ea pay.a*"Elrat - tnrn w are^ed

r<w cat w,->rk are not Wi: htr to devotethe litre a'd labor Mtiwry withouteeu»rai**tto«. . . ~

?\u25a0}».?\u25a0,?. ! v jrt*-Tt»?*ry u'iifr n,4rf wall\u25a0?* *n- "-'-h >'>( < fe- *"f'» »« be tter man»#r.

tfearafeir «* v 1rt-K «?=? -« A+r,%l. ? that OtVnriM? i>& »1 hir."r '\u25a0 d* »*.'

I>R. JOHNS* *N - 'liiMi «p*(*ai-;<? itedfMWMWMi h <*"*

r«» tkr Ptfctlf.

W® *r<» t# j{tt*ra;?rw*"V't*Ty s*st-> a<n'» w

and -f n»: a»t:»fac«*j an.f»,i-lhinln f tfe* !»*\u2666 »?«« **«*.

m'l tvfM«4 «»\u25a0:«\u2666?? to *!»\u2666 nsßrHvf,is no J» »?«* »-*4e \u25a0»

trtjMw <v*4s and >?*« o»i«a, Prv-<a.r-»* a".J .w f>- 1 boss;- rrj- \u25a0 a- »«4«»a

Snohomish county, and he haa nln theYukon country for two year*. He is atthe Mow*! Northern now with his

1 h«* .''Tor) which he teh* of the cnus<' of theanion of the maw meeting is one of con-siderable interest.

It nv» URN these three m« n. with oih-fT*- <>r*aM*e<J <H oty M'.ntrx andIVv.flopitv.nt COMPANY )a*t July. also theK tgle O'y 51J in* «i:stri<t, appointing Car-rathers as reorder of it. This gcntieman* >». -T U alleged, ih* Paoh-Hah of Eug">Cs?> w.i< weiri «.ry of the company a#*??>;?> m recc.fder .( ihe district. Then h. th*ca\ \u25a0* an edit* r publishing the Eagb> CityIrsbtA*- Thu a .is written with a pen an !Ink .inti about 1W cop'.M per wet k »!ru< kOFF from * h"- machine wer*- soldfor jO ce ??ach.

"It was the purpose of three mento work the same graft that uraa In opera*tion at the recorder's .-.fflcf- at Dawon,"saM M"U.thtir vesierday. "They expecteda Ng rush to Ea«r3« city and many loca-tion* of mining claims which would havemade them rich in fee* paid. Then a* inI>awson th«'v would have hi t ln.4d<» in-formation of biir di-< over lea. They tn.ghthave h- pt men v iMng to record fineelalma whlh their h»*nehnv n ws-nt out andlocan-d on them or gathered up all the rtcbfreund np*r by t

"Hot wh«t rrak'** it 'he dar'nsr wasthe fart we air- « *y had m:r«ng r- ?rb-tson all of the creeks. Aiwritiß. Mtvntld»r. Boundary »nfl (hornet, »?>»« ofwhom had he*»n d »trssr bysine## for twoy* ar*. Carruths'** wanted 50 usurp theotfk-e« of tbe*» 'f-n md be actually didsue certificate* for claim* within the dta-mcta of tHF l*«al re confer*. The purposeof the k ing was TO drive the other record-ers out of business


The Csiaialtlee Iteport.

The Itm fneer?-,g was held at the storeof th«* Alaska Katploration Company onNovember 1-. at whn-h M Mah -n wis

t?hcv-> n ' iirtnan. Ther«- were a!*>ui Ak>M.N> RA present fr'«m Eaale city and its vi-cinity. A committee consisting of M<M.-

hon. chairman: T?. ma- VV. A.sbStf. s< <r*tary: S H Heflew. F. D Weils ajiit»'vt;*.e l»r*-i-' ibse was. ...ft motit>n. ap?toint-ed by the cfc:sirm*n ol toe meeting to Jn-vmtu Jte and rer»trt #>tt \\ e.lne»,U»y, No-vember IS. The report, after rev:, wing thehistory OL tha a*d UiahvWMWt tvin«rn,says:

Your committee find at: 1 charge C.arUs U. Carrutbers ikuiw^wh,vHi.*:; : \u25a0 i*iy .ji.j iSlt tb«* n> n-int .. 4> cf a \as: gco|w> of terri-tory. .15 tf under the United Statea L»wa,an; by resua>n of ota h aMnupptlott *T au-thorttj, has and is obtaining money nnderTMHR R>- prv-ientaiio«s and is thet>'»y en-dan.ertng the lawful right* ~f American

tbetr h'-m and as*«gns a« U» titley«#simer»t» r.f mlnii g Alas-ka Tftai the boaiiieas methods OF setud Car-rvn'-rr* are unworthy tho c<msTenan<« ofhot. .rahle men, snd that he. is an unde*if-abte pe-rs»>«.ies in this Alaskan territory.

'?Second; That Fred |,. 1.,--weil is a duneof ?r>« aforesaid Oarru;her«. compiote-iyunder h*g dlrsctioc and control and de-a«r -\u25a0 ? s pity ratbvr t.'van oiaaim.

"ThtnJ: Tti** T. fUtt -# an us-#rru; uton* mn*ts*rr wMI known a# #aehprrvv-a* ta ifi& tiar tfeta rooamaftitywith hi* p*v<*?w»'. and a 6*njmroaa adjnnrtto the wnsnc of ths» roamtuni'?,?a-! rv-r. \u25a0"*? - m*n «*.? «tt«n hi* Cumpany

"K jrth Th** H Sm.t.ja i> ,»

<lipk»tp,*» in f>. -thrr'aitout in# th* istfiMl* of th* af->re**.'4 Car-rv? em-HaJX-Lowfil j>*r y 4a an «r---?»rv;T jjarww to mnain aKiin ?h#u| tt!» !frr.:^fv

"F. ih# «raa»h*» «f v*> Y>t*3aVI , £ 3-Vt I>fV»: H'lt' 5! C"fO|*!.»

it* »?: ar4 Mtani Ik to tn ,1

; \u25a0 ?\u25a0> ?- r : .\u25a0 . ».»*. i p. \u25a0:a# ?Ss* tnsn.r.* irmnm «Mf A.aafca.

M*mr4 (? (Hfi <r«t.

\u25a0N «w whrruaa. Yoar «*!«!?!*? r«tCft?»« a* *.*a:.l facta; tt f**ia i->cu*»-

N»n» n;w4» * fur tha t*«M tntMto *»f an<vr=c*Tv.«tf »i»4 sJw as-ntejr 'st«f*ts ».\u25a0*??tWTKorf. *n4 a# a pratrr* <*a to ta»

PB&Jh- a; 53 ? arum* to m*«* ?«<te?? >? ? 4to*r :eC'>3Ua*n iauoaa fur nnur

Ftr»* T*»at fh<» w**r*oof tft* fttaiaa t»fa!s* and ft«Wf tfcc pre**. f ;h*- tz »;>?»<»-? ©f *it? Vny Mimasa~'t l*rrtn:»«i! Co«»sMMky. t »*ry*w»«.v'*, -* mc&bcOt u Jv -»i. J so ?j»»w>-


Their Wonderful Success in Curing AllChronic Diseases andTheir Abilityto Command Big Fees for Their Services

Will Not Induce Them to Place Their SkillBeyondthe Reach of the Masses?They Will Con-

tinue to Charge the Merely Nomi-nal Fee of $5 a Month,

All Medicines In-cluded.

S«twlthi(aß4t«ir phr««oif»nlthat has attrndrd Ike Cope-

-1»»J ipfrlalhit in their trmiwnl?' chromic of Mil kladi»'\u25a0<* the Ctiprland N<Hticiil lattltnto"** MUblUhed iu >r»illr, aad <t<r-

»i*itc the fact that ihrlr rrftalatlonto * aklll. oarrfalnrtto. Mrllfr totheir patients, aad ancceaa in curingdiacMae* other phyaldaaa admittheir own Inability to care, ha* he-come ao firmly eatahlibed that tbrr«al*ht abaadu* the i>oor aad detit*themaelvea to treatiac only thosewho coatd aftor d to pay bit fcea fortheir aerviera, they will atlll roa-tiline to atlve the feeueMt of theirgreat aklll to all, rich aad pooralike, for the merely nominwl feeof M a month, and aapply all medl-clae free. While they arc dolacmore stood than a dosen charity hoa-pitala, thoae who receive the beneliof their niarteluua aklll arc notrecipienta of charity. They pay

the fall fee aaked for theirtreatment. It la the rcgalarprice and the t'opeland ph>aleiaaa

«nnt no more. They do not feelthat their poaaeaalon of apeeial

kaoali'dve. aklll and tucthoda In thetreatment of chronic dlaeaaca ca-

A Mr. Wm. Karrand, IMM C St.. A

\ Taeoma?tared of llroachlal V

C Catarrh aad Asthma. \u25a0Ililr*thm to drmnnd such a fee a»

would deprive thr «ast majority of

??ffrrlac bammltr of thr oiipnrlaii-Ity to l»e cured of their dlitrrulnimaladies. On thr contrary, they

coutlaue t«» (ntlle alt nhn tollerfrom eatarrfa. adknia, bronchitis.Inns trouble. stomach trouble. Hirertrouble, kidney trouble, disease* ofthe akin, or any other desperatoehronle ailment or malady, to availthemselves of thla iprrtat aktll atthe same low role which has beenpaid by the hundreds « hn have beencnred by them Hncc the Institutewu established In Seattle. Hsrlnßthis time m (treat man? nho havebeen enred of diseases from whichthey ha* e despaired of gaining re-lief. among them some of the bestknot* n people In the elty and atate.have been Impelled by their joy aadgratitude at being; restored tohealth to snbmlt to newspaper la*trrvlem regarding their eases, aadhave given their portrait* to hoprinted as aa evidence of the truthof the statements made. Tho sameopportunity to be cured ta open fanil, for the fopeland specialists willnot follow the usual course) u t phy-

slciuns who gala a special reputa-

tion tor skill and success la treatlagchronic dlsen»es. and charge suchfees as wonld rvciude all but tharich from the benefit of tbelr serv-Ices. They will eoatinue to place

the highest attainments of medicalscience within the reach of all bycharging the merely nominal aaduniform fee of #3 a month, includ-ing; all medicine* and personal at-tention.

Wheezing and ChokingCould Be Heard

Across the StrettWna. Parraad, 1M« C St., Ta>W**h referring to t* radarai cura

uf lironchlal lAUrrh aua Asthma. by thei. opeland h.'mt treatment. m*k-.-< the fol-tewte* »ta;etnent ,* the facta m hi* case;

Although 1 ;i»u ii a au.Trrer frontchronic catarrh for nwrt than twentyyean, It wa* not unttl about th rea year*&*o that the invaded the bror-fhiaX tub*a Previous to that time J hadpaid Sltik attention to my condition, hutI then couunenced ;o rxierirnt'-* the

Moat Terrible Diatreaaand suffering, corceivAbda only by thoaaW:M> have been vici m* of bronchial dl*«taw.

"There w.ia * feeUn* of faverleh aorv-neas in m> <-h«s*t. and the air i>*.s*a***seemed nurr, wvi and contra, its} to such,an extent th.u It «u i ootumual effert farm« to get «tu ugh to keep ma olive.There was

Heat far Madty or ni*St. r dared not lie down la bedfor of «»i(fo»Ation, and could neversleep more than five or ten minute* at atime, propped up in a sitting posture.

"Any eu ;der. motion or enet:(on woulda'lut oft my breath rompletrly, even talk-In* or laug'hlnjf *ouM *omet:u>«« haveth;» efTec!. ,»r>d I would than feet as ff myreck «rai be in* presvd botwecu the

Jawa ot « % lac.I aould become black in the face !n »yatruggle for air, and frequently thoughtI had drawn my last *ap. wrhUe the wh«ri-In* < hoktn* noise* that accompaniedeach breath were »o noticeable that theyoou'd be he\rd a< roaa the atreet.

"The ateadv torture ot *ue-h a conditionia bound to have a w.,»rit\* and we»koa-ln* effect up<>n the entire *y!»tcm. I loatforty-five pound* in w*-«ht. an t mvstrength faded until T wa* utteily untilfor work «-f any kind. ! could not walka few block* from mv home without stop-ping to rest tin-.** on the way. blycondition wa* desperate; I wa#

A Phyalcal Wreck."I had been re.otln* the nr-wapaper ac-

count* of what they were doing for aickfolk* at the «'op*>!and Institute and \a *

la*t nwrt I wrote for 4 symptom blank,and <v»mmen -ed a eourae of home traal-ment through the mill* I had taken fh«treatment but n abort t'.me when I founda marked Improvement in all my symp-tom*. and 1 am

Saw Completely taredof my diaeaee. The trearm»nt ha* cr>*tvery little, but my experience ahowa thaiit dot a cura catarrh and aeihma."

Nlaa Kate t'hampaatne. Green Lak*iWaah.: "*Aftera thorou*h p»Taon.»l espart-en-.-a wiih tha t.Xiptland ayatem if trawtmentfor catarrn and d<-afn#aa, 1 have no hnrttation in a««attlti* thai

II Is DtMtTtacof «ho oonfld«f»c* of the t!< li and of !h«

praf.*e -vrr utternd in lt» f»vor. Itook the treatment afrw mf hearing hadi«en ilmo«i Jeatroyed hjr ti»# ix-mifloua #f-

of catarrhal of the earn. andthe result* mora ibaxi Justify th!a state-ment.

My Hftrtag I» *«»» Prrteei,and I art» n» longer troubWd w!;h <Nktirrh."

HOME TREATMENT BY MAILPattsati who H*« ai ? dtal*a»«

«aa *»? Iraolod with eereeeehy the >M ?( lb* C«|M>l«k4 lr»t<tmm kiaak, wal fr*« «a aptllvallaßt


Dr. Copeland*s BookFree to All.

The Cegelond Medical leniuieCOLLI*9 OCILDIVO.

Cor sir r Ireosd A*o. and Jsam It,leattlf, Usah.

w. 11. COPKUXD, m. u.a. i* ruEvoir, m. d.

OFFTCB IKH'tIS FV«n » a. »n to I p.m. Fr *»r. J t». m. to » p. m. 8 iMaya, froro

a. Nt t'j O hi


Denny-BlaineLand Co.

JK lots D. T. r*nny*» Homo A Wi-tters.

*4 lo*a fJrwn'a A^t.'oa,24 jots D T Denny's Firtrt Adil-

U>n to N r* 9» "eta D T. ' r.y'a 8 ith AJdt-

*.;.r» to Ji-irt ~I flnttk,52 IT?;y"a Park.M Ust* Ami# AMtln.y to'# Hyndscato A-idrtJoe.Kr i: A. A. OoAcri Hraa4#af

All! km.AJ*c WtUr F*rnt as-1 TVlo Lard




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