- office....... ··--s-----~,,· •...

I " i •--- . ,..,,.,. r\J ,.,...._.. . ' . .. ~·"' .. OFFICE LEASE DOUGLAS EMMElT 1996, LLC, a Delawu-e llml1od llablllty eompuy uLudlonl aad MEl>AESTBETICAMEDICAL GROlJP, INC., ··· ...., · · ·aClllfonllacorpondoa uTeaaat Dated Amnuf le 2007 ,nu & lfNR.Jllls a7, a001 / . i EXHIBIT",

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Post on 18-May-2018




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•--- • . ,..,,.,. r\J ,.,...._..

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DOUGLAS EMMElT 1996, LLC, a Delawu-e llml1od llablllty eompuy



MEl>AESTBETICAMEDICAL GROlJP, INC., ··· .... , · · ·aClllfonllacorpondoa



Amnuf le 2007 • ,nu & lfNR.Jllls a7, a001


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QCl'IQN 1.1

1.4 1.4 2.1



3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1




r() (~



Rcmlable Alea of Plomisel: Usable Alea ofl'ffmisel: Tonn:

Suit.a 400 r-ODlD'eoceeneat T>ato: Suite 400A f'.mmn1111C011mt !Jato: Bxpization Dato: FixedMonlblylumt:

Fixed Monlbly Rell!~ Dalo ofl'lnt ~:

~on,.,, .... , Soc:urity Dopoail: T0118111's Shan BaH Year tor Operating Bxpensc,a: Use _ofl'ramisoa:




Auk§; 200'1 MM 8, a99*'11Y 2!7, lQQ:J DOUGLAS J!MMl!'IT 1996, I.LC, a Do1awaro limited liability oompany MBDABSTIIBTICAMBDicAL OROuP, INC., . aCalifumiaoo,poralion

15303 Vmtwa Boulovad, Suites 400 and 400A ShmnanOaks,Califumia 01403 app,omnately7,137 square fool app,omnately 5,848 square foot ThR,o (3) Yom widl ,:ospect 11> Suite 400 and 'Ibirty­Four (34) Moalha wilh'-'11> Suito400A 1IIIIO I, 2008 August I, 2008 May31,2011 $14,362.75 tor Suite 400 and $11,687.30 tor Suite 400A .

Four aud OJ10-halfp«OIII! (4.5%) per annum JIIIIO I, 2009 tbr Suite 400 Cid August I, 2009 for Suito400A Amwally $28,447.30 2.31% 2008 (] ollico uao consistlmt ~lb Iba op«ation of a fillt-clau ollico building in tho Shmman Oaks """'

15303 VODIUla Boulovad, Suito 400 Shmnan Oaks, Calilbrnia 91403 KmtA. Takemoto, M.D. DOUGLAS BMMBTI' 1996, ILC do Douglu l!mmett Man_.m~ I.LC Dilector ofPzoperty Managmn8DI 808 Wllahiie Boulovad, Suito 200 Saala Moaica, Calilbrnia 90401

Douala Bmmell Managmnent, Inc. 808 W"llahiieBoulovanl, Suite 200 Sanla Monica, California 90401 <Jrubb&Bllia 15260 VODIUla Boulovard, Suito 1800 ShmmanOab. Califumia 91403 l'waat)Lfour (24) pmmita tor umoserved spaces SUAKrlCLE21

I SQOCOMalUCA\MBDABSTH811CA'IAN1,•&·mz: as wr \ l1\.3'Nli'


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---------·-----•~--OFFICE LEASE




AllTICU: 1 DIMJllll: 01/'"""QSBS 1


All'l'ICU: 4 ADDm;DNAL UNT 5

AllTiq.K 5 JmllCS 9

ARTICU:61llll: orl'PBMIBFS 9









AllTICU: 15118'1'9Pl'&L CBllTD'ICATJ:S 22



AllTICLI: U INStlllANCS 25 .





lllllillill A- Pnmisca Plan A-1- Projoct$itoPlan B- I i ctumaetGeaatNeaea¼;: xt-INTENTIONALLYDELBTBD B-1- ConstructionbyTenantDurlugTonn C - Ru1oa au'1 Regu1alimJs D- Pifflf:m tnt Ge tB&teaad';f1111t -INTBNTIONALLYDBLETBD B- GuanmtyofLcaao


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This Ollk:e Leue, dated AJIRII~ 21, 2oo;,, is by and bclween I DOUGLAS EMMl!'lT 1996, I.LC, a . . • · company ("Landlmd"), with an oflico al 808 Wi)Bhire Boulevard, Suite 200, Slida• MODil:a, Calffiimia 90401, and MBDABSTHETICA MEDICAL GROUP, INC., a Califurnia c:mporation ("T..-"), with an oflico al 15303 Vontma Boulevard, s• 1095, Shrmum Oaks, Califurni• G1403.


Section 1.1. Demise. Subjeel to Iha oovenan1a and ._- OOD1ainod ill this Loaao, Landlord 1 ..... to Tenant and TOIIIIIII hb:os ftom Landlonl, Suilea 400 and 400A (collectively, Iha "Promises") on Iha fourth (4j floor, iD Iha building locatod al 15303 VanllllaBoulovmd; Shmman Oaks, California 91403 (Iha "BujldiDa"}. Tbe conligurationofthal'nlmia.ia lhowaonBxhibitA, attachodhmto and ll'Wleapartheroofby.....,._ · TOIIIIIII ackaowlodp that it (i) cunmt1y occupiea Iha Pnmise8 pum,ant to that catain sublease

dated May 8, 2006 by ml betwocm, 01icbr &; haoci ...... u suhleaor, ml Tcmant, as sublaiaoo (tho "Subloaao"). ml (ii) has 111> claim "P."111 Laud1cml iD commion with tha Pnmise8 or Iha Sublease. TOIIIIIII lllrthar ackaowlodp that it has made i1I own inspoolion of ml iaq,uiries relUllding Iha Premiseo, which are already imp,ovod. '!'l,aofi>ro. TCIIIIII accepll Iha ·Pnmise8 iD tlieir "aa-is" condilion. TfllUllll lllrthar acbawiodges that LandJonl bas made r., + + •l•li..,, or wammty, """"""' or · lied, oxcept as are eonllriaod iD this Loaao and i11 l!xhibi11, repnliDg Iha condilion, suitabilliyol ::i; oftha Pnmise8 orthaBuiJdiua firthapurpoaes in1mdod byTeaalll.

Tbe Pnmise8 are a part of Iha Buildiua delcnood hcniDabovo. Tho Buildiua is nmt of a mixed mail/oflh:o uae p111· eel known as "Iha Shaman Oalm OallClia." Tho tom, "Project, .,.iii. used iD this Lease, ahall mean(~ Iha Buildm& (ii) Iha "OJmmon Anu' (as hmiDafter defined), (iii) thoso catain oflico buildiDaa on Iha Pro· eel Site Plan a11adiod hmoto as Bxhibit A-1 (Iha "01h,r Oflico Buildiuaa''), (iv) Iha 'Rdail BuildiDa" las bareiDatler defined). (v) carlBin retail .,_ CODDOCtod and/~~= Iha Buildil1g and Iha Otbir Oflico BaildiDp, (vi) Iha land (which is impovod with . subtmanean ml above ground paddng licilitiea and other i,npiovementa)· upon which oach of Iha foregoing items (i) through (v) above ia localod, and (vii) al umdlmd'a cliscmioD, subjeel to tho COllditimia sot forth iD Section 1.8, bolow, any additional real p,operty, areas, land, buildil1ga or other impmvemenlll added thaeto on, a,ijlCOIII to, or oulBido of Iha Project.

TCIIIIII ahall have Iha IIDII-CWuaivo right to uae iD C01D1DOD with other loDanl8 iD the Projoct, and 81!1>jeel to the rules and resuJaliom refareil to iD Bxhibit C of this Lease, thoao portions of the Project which am nmvided, ftom time to lime, fir uao iD commoo by Landlonl, TCIIIIIIII awl any other tmants of Iha ProjOOI (IIIICh areas, which may iDcludA!, wilhoul lirnillllion, intarior and Ollttllior walkwaya, paddng pragea awl other ...... toge1hor with - othor portions of Ibo Projoot designalod by Landkinl; iD i1I discRtion, including carlBin amaa do<lgnalod <or Iha exchiaivo 1111 of carlBin 1eoan1a, or to bo shared by LandJonl and carlBin-. ... collcolivo1y refa:red to as tho "Common Area,/'). Tbe Common Alas ahall COllliat oftha "Projeel Common Alas" ml Iha "Building Common ,.,,,.._" Tbe tom, "Rc1ail Buildins", as used iD this Lease, ahall mean IIIICh areas of:retail ~ iD Iha Project desi~ as such by Landlmd. Tbe tom, "Project Common Alflas," as used iD this Lease, shall moan the portion of tho Prtrioot dT"" u such by Landlmd. Tbe taan ~=on Alas", as used iD this Lease, aball - portions of th,, Common .. ._ relating t<i Iha . . designated .. such by Laodlonl. Tho IIUIIJD« iD which Iha Common Alas Ill' rnainlaia!>() and operated ahall bo al the reasonable discretion ofLandlonl, and Ibo 1111 lhareof ahall bo aubjeel IQ such rulos, regulationa and

:=cu.=.,.~ro:."':,aor~J:1/:.~~==.:=-~Z; Areas. . .

Notwitbatanding anything iD this Loaso to Ibo conlrmy, Landkml ~ confuma lbal (i) as of tho date of this Leaaa, lhen, are no lions, ll1C1llllbrance leases, mortgages, cleoda of trust or olbar rnalterB 8IIC1IIDboring or adoc1ipg Landkml'1 right, titlo or inlcnat iD or to tho Prernjaoa that will rnatmialJy and · advorsoly altoctTOlllllll'a quiol ODjoymentofthaPremiseo, and(il) all olocll'ioal, ~ HVA,C awl rnoc!>aliiMI syatcana sorving 1!,o Pnmise8 ahall bo iD gnod womng cmler ::;J condition as of Iha Comm."'1C4Dmt Dato. : .. Seetloa 1.2. Teamr, Noa-~ Uoe. Subject to tho contingenci .. COJJlainod horein, grentod Ibo nonexcluaivo uae of Iha commoo conidon and hallwaya, atairwolla, o1ova1ora, restrooms, paddng facilitios, lobbies and othor public or cornrnon areas locatod OD Ibo Projoct. Howavor, tho IIUIIJD« iD which such public and cornrnon areas ""' rn•inlairu,d ml opci,,.tec! ahall bo al tho solo but reuonablo diacretion of Landlonl, and TCllllll'a uao thereof ahall bo aubjpct to such reuonablo and aon-cliscrirninetorulos, regnlationa and reatricticma u Landlmdmayrnakq ftom time to time. · Seetloa 1.3. LudJGrd'• Reoervadoa of Rlpll. LandJonl apocificall}' ......... to ilaolf uso. control and repair of tho structural portions of ell porimctor walls of Iha ~ any balconies, IOmlc08 or room a,ijeconl to tho Pnmise8 (mclwling any flaspoloa or othar iDIIBllelir't OD uid waJla, balconies, IOmlc08 or roofil) and ali.y apeco iD anc!Tor a,ijlCOIII to Iha Pnmise8 used ahatls, atairways, pipes, conduil8, clucl8, mail chulea, OOllVOYO". pnoanelic tuboa, oloctric or othor ,ililitioa, Binke, filn rooms or othor BuiJdiua licilitioa, ml Iha 1111 lhareot; as woll II IICCOSl lhlnto 1luo1!8h Iha Premisoa. Landlmd aJio spocifically-,,oa to itaolf tha following rigbl8: ! a) To designate all IOUIOOf f\lIDiabing -isn P8UJDllB or loitering; b) To COllllantlybavopau koy& to thaPremisoa;


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I e) To grant to anyone tho exclusive rifbt to conduct any partieuJar buaineaa or undertaking in tho Building, 80 long as Landlord'• granting oftho 181118 cloeo not prohibit Tenant's UBO oftho Premiaoo forT'1118111'aSpooiliodUso,1!Bdafimiclin<At\!clo6; , .·, .

d) To Oilier tho Proa:ii&oa at any reasm,aJiio limo with not loas than 24 hoUll' · written notieo (oxcopt for emargeocios)to inapoet, npajr, alter, improve, Ulldato ormm additf.:' to thoPremiaoo or tho Buildins, ao long as Tenant's aceoaa to 811d UBO of ibo Proa,isoa·ia DOI malllrially impaimcl tbaoby;

e) Duting tho last six (6) months of tho Tam, to exhibit tho l'Ianiaoa to pIOllj>eelivo fuluto -upon DOI ioas than 24 hours priornotieo 811d accomparriocl bya ~VO ofTonant;

I) Subjoet to tho provisions of Alliclo 12, to, at any time, 811d llom limo to time, wbothor at Tcmmt's ffll1I08I or pumuant to govermnmtaJ ~ npajr, alter, mm additiona to, improve, or decorato all or my p0ffl/ll1 of~ Projoet, Building or~ at anyroaaonablo limo with J101 Joas than 24 boun' pnor-notice (oxeopt lm <IDlCplCle&), so 1ong u Tenant's access to and uao of tho P1'aniat:a ia DOI materially impaimcl thmby. Jn COIIIIOClion tba-ewitb, and without limiting tho gan,nJity of tho forogoing rigbta, Landlord ahall apoeificaJly bavo tho rill11! to mnovo, altor, improve or IObuild all or any part of Ibo lobby of Ibo l3uildiua u Ibo 181118 11 pmlClllt1y or ahall hoioatter bo COll8litulod; .

I) Subjoet to tho p,oviaiona of AlliclAI 12, Landlord,__ tho ri8bl to mm altmationa or additiona to or cbauge tho 1oea1ion of olcmmla of tho Projact 811d any COIDIIIOll 81eB8 ':,'Z,"11111 a.-, 80 1ong u TCIIBlll'a aeeeu to 811d uao ofthoPremiaoo ia notmateriallyimpaimcl , and/or

b) To tab aucb othor 8Cliona as may roaaonably bo neeeaaazy whm tho 181118 aro roquiml to preserve, pmtoet or · o tho Promiaes, tho Buildins, or LaDdlorcl'a ~ tbonin at any roaaonablo limo with~ notieo (oxeopt for..,,.....,....).

Soetloa 1.4, Area. Landlord 811d Tenant agree that tho Usable Area of tho Pianiaes baa been "1oaaurod 1IIDII tho Juno, 1996 ~.,.eliabi,d by tho Buildin& Ownen' 1111d Managom' "-"i•tinn C'BOMA'1 .. • guidoJine, ml that ui utilizing a docmoC1 add-on factor of22.04% to compute tho ~lo aroa (tho "Raalab1o Area") of tho Pmniaol. Rmlablo Area haain ia ea1oulatod as 1.2204 limos tile oatirn•!ocl uaab1o aroa (tho "Uublo Alea"), ngazdloaa ofwllal tho actual aquan, footage of tho common .,_ of tho Building may bo, 811d wbotha, or not thoy aro 111010 or loas than 22.04% of tho tot,,1 oatirnatocl TJAl>lo Alea of Ibo Bui1dina. Tho pulpOIIO of thUI calculatioD ia so1o1y to pmwle a ga,oral buUI for ..,_;am 811d pricina oflma apooo in roJation to othor llp0008 in tho lll8lbl aroa.

Landlord 81llll'C118111 fimbor 8f."!!!.. ..... if tho Rallablo or Uaablo Alw. of tho Premiaoo and/or tho total Building Area aro lajlr • to bo moro or loas than tho figmea atatocl herein, for all purposes of tho Loaso, tho liguroa stated hcnin ahall bo eoncluaivoJy docmoC1 to bo tho actual Ronlablo orUubloArea of tho Promiaes, as tho C1Nmaybo. Soellon 1.5. Q,aletEDJoymt. Conlinpnh1J>OD TCIIBIII keeping, observing BIid porfbrming all of tho covenants, asr-onta, loml8, pmvisiona and oonditioaa Qf tliia Lesao nn its part to bo bpi, observed and pmformocl. 811d aubjoet to thA limitatioai impoaod under AlliclAI 14 of thUI Loaso, TCIIBIII ahall lawmlly 811d quiolly hold, occupy 811d oqjoytho Premiaoo during tho Tam. Soetloa u. No Llpt, Air or vi... l1oor•t A"Y dirniaulioo or ahutling olf oflight. * or view by any atruclUIO whicb ili now or may hlnaftor bo OIOCled on lands adiaeont to tho Building ahall in no way alfoet this Loaso or impose any liabilily on Land1old. Noiao, cfuJt or vibntion or othor ordinary inoidmJla to 1IOW ooll8tluelion of DllplOVOmllll\l on landa adjacont to tho Bui1dina, whelbor or 1lOI by Landlcml, llhaJl in DD way alfoet this Loaao or impose any liability Oil Landlord. · Soetloa 1'7, Be!oeadow Landlord aba11 bavo tho oe-limo righl at any timo, axcq,I ~ tho 1881 six (6) months, of tho Torm, 811d after giving Tenant a rniafmmn n(ainoly (90) days prior wntten notioo, to: a) pmvida 811d lbnuah Tcmant with BJ18CO oJIOWboro in tho Building of app,oxirnato!y tho same size

BIid eonfiguralion .. tho - (tho~ Pnmiaes") 811d b) roJoeato Tcmant to aucb Substitute PnlDiloa.

Landlord ahall pay all IOl"Ollablo coats BIid OllpCIIIIOII incunod u a roau1t of aucl1 roloealion (includia& without limitation, Tcmant's roaaonablo n,ptialiag coats lm mmnllllCftacms, stalionmy BIid buaineaa cards BIid tho· eoalll of ro1oealiag Tonant'a ollico, tel"R"- "11d data cabling oquipmoat and Tonant'a cubicles). If Landlord rnovoa Tonant to tho Subatituto 1'lamises, each and every lam, eovcmant 811d eoadition of this Loaao ahall remain in fbl1 fon:o 811d offocl 811d bo clooa)od applicable to tho Substitute Promiaes, as though Landlord 811d Tenant bad entered into an oxpreaa written IIDIOlldrnont of this Leaao with I08POCI thoroto, oxeopt that if tho app,oxirnato Rmlablo Alea of tho Substitute Pnmiiaoa u, J..a than dial of tho Prorniaoil, tho Fixed Monthly Bont 811d Tcmant's Sbaro of Operating llxJ>enao DIOIOIIOII ahall bo appmptiato)y reduced, and if Ibo applOJWllalo Rentablo Alea of tho Subalitute Pmniaoa u, ~ than dud ofthol'lamises, tho FixodMonthlyllont and Tenant'• Sbaro of OporatingBxpcmaoinclOaaes ahall DOlbo 'ncrouod

IfTcmant ieliiaos to pcmnit Land1ord to rolocato Tcaanl aa apoeifiod abovo, Landlord ahall bavo tho "°"' II> terminate this Loaao otl'eclivo ninety (90) days fi:om tho dato Landlord provided Tonant with tho ~ DOli1iea1ioa of inlont to rolocato.

I S00-00MBIC4~W'&:m••wre a:rrni,a;r,a807 2


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~-----·"'-· ~.--,()

SflClioa 1,& Developmeat oflbe i'l'oJect. a) Landlord roservea Ibo right to llu1hor subdivido all .;, a portion of Ibo Projoot. TOIIIIIII agrees to

oxocuto and doliver, upon damand by Landlord and in Ibo. limn requeatm by Landlord (at no cost to TOIIIIIII), any additional docmnmlll nocCl,,d 'to oonfiiini tbia Leaao to tho ciroumstancca ,esu1ting ftom such sulxliviaion, p,ovidod that no such cloc,unmitalioo ahall materially advmsoly affect Tonant'a rigbla under tbia Leaao.

b) If portiooa · of tho Projoct or property aqjacent to Ibo Projoct (colloctively, tho "Other ImprovemmlB") ""'owned by an oimfy other than Landlonl, Landkml, at its option, may enter into an·agieemanl :wilb 1ho owner or OWIICl'8 of any or all of tho Otha' Jinprovommlll to provide (i) for reciprocal rigbla of acceaa aa,J/or uae of tho Projoct and tho 01hor lmplovamonla, provided that tho same ..-DO material adveno otroct upon Tmanl'a rigbla under thia Loaao, ("11) for tho common rnenaganm~ operation. rnaintmw,ce, "2lplOVOIDCIDI aa,J/or n,pair of all or any portioo of tho Projoct and 1ho 01hor Jmp,ovemmll, p,ovidod that Ibo same CI08le8 DO material advarao effect upon Tonant'a rigbla underthia Loaao, (ill) for tho allooaticm ~ra portioo of tho Operating l!xpeuaea to Ibo 01hor lrnprovernmli and Ibo--. - and - for Ibo Otha' Jmprovemon1B to Ibo Projoct, ml (iv) for Ibo uae or irnprovarnml of 1ho 01hor Jmp,ovommlll rmd/or Ibo Projoct in connocticm with 1ho irnpJOvernent, conatmction, dor acava1im of 1ho Otha' Jmp,ovommlll dor Ibo Project. Nothing ODDlllinecl i.....,. ahall be decmocl or ocmatrued to limit ·or otbmwiso affect Landlord's right to COllVCI)' all or any portion oflho Projoct or any o1hor of Landlord's rigbls desc:ribacl in tbia Leaao.

c) TOIIIIIII sclmowlodgcs that portioos of Ibo Project dor Ibo Other Jmp,ovommtB rnay bo under COD8lnM:tion following TOlllllll'I occupancy of1ho Pnmiloa, and that such COIISlruction rnay ItBU1t in lovola of noiao, dual, obstruction of acceaa, eto., wbich ""' in ...... of that present in a :1, COll8lrUCtod mnioct. TOIIIIIII bmobywaivea anv and all rm! offiola (cm:c,pt as apecitically sot othcrwiao in ttil'a Leaao) or cJaima of OCPlllructtvo oviclion wbich arise in M1111oction ""th such construclioll. NotwithatandinB Ibo fozegoiug, at all 1imao fon:'fua 1u C-01DJDCIJCffllcmt nate, subiect to Landlord's '"880Dab1o rules and 1"'g0Jatioaa, TODBDt ahall bavo reucrnablo accoas to Ibo Bµilding, tho Prorniw ml 1ho pazldna fiu:ilitioa cmlainin1 Tonant'a pazldna spacea for 1ho - ARTICLB2

COMMENCEMENT DATS AND TERM Section 2.1, Cornmeacemeat ».. ud Tena. Thia Leaao sbalJ COIIIIIICIIICO Tuno I, 2008 with roapect to Suite 400 (tho "Suite 400 C'-Ornrnmcmnml T>alo") and August I, 2008 with roapect to Suite 400A (tho Suite 400A C'-OrnrnllllCWDml Dato"), and ahall md, unJesa IOmlCl" torrninatod .. o1horwiae providod hnll, atrnidnigblooMay31, 2011 (lho..,.cmrinatioa Dato"). · SflClioa 2.2. Jloldlq Over. IfTmcmt 1iila to deliver l"''s"sicm of tho Prorniw on tho Tom,inelioo Date, but holds over aJhr tho arpindioo or oarlill' -.sion of thia Leaao witholll 1ho oxpms prior writton COJIIODI ofLandlonl, such """""r ahall be ocmatrued as a tenancy ftom moolh-to-rnonth on tho same lllm8 ml conditions as m ODDlllinecl ½rein, = that 1ho F'lltod Mcmth1y Rent payable by T·OIIIIIII= aw:hperiod of holding ovarahall -~lyim:nlaao as oflh,,Torrnination Dato to an IIIIIOUDI to ODO Jummec1 fiftypon:cmt (150%) ofthoFixodMcmthlyRmlpayable byTmcmt during Ibo cal · month irnrnodi•toly prior to tho date wbm Tcinallt cornrnOIHlel such holding ovor (tho "Hoklovll' Rm!"), Such HokloVII' Rm! ahall bo paid during such period as Tmcmt 11llaina posaossion of tho Pnrnilel. Howover, Tmcmt'a payrnml of such HokloVII' Rm!, and Landlord's acoeptenoo thll'oot; ahall not co111tilnl• • waiver by Landlord of any of Landlord'& rigbls or l<IIDOdies with roapect to such holding ovll', nor ahall it be decmocl to bo a COJIIODI by Landlord to TCll8lll's cootirn1od occupancy or pos1C18sion of 1lio Pianiam put 1ho limo period covorod TCll8lll's payrnml of tho Holdovll' Rm!.

Furthmnole, ifTeoant 1iila to dclivor·pno•eesiou oflho Prorniw to Landlord upon tho oxoiration or earlier 1«Drinatioo of tbia Loaao, and Landlord bas 1benotofum notiJiod Teoant in wriifus that Landlord requires paas s;nn of the Premiael tbr a ,uccoeding tmant, 1hm. in addition to my othm' Jiabilitiee to Landlord • tbereftom, TOIIIIIII ahall )lllllect. cloflmd, indemnify and hold Landlom - ftom all 1-~rnclw!ing '"880Dable allomayl' - and oxpooaoa) and liability rosulting ftom such failure, inclu(ting without limiting tho 1lngoing, oJaima rnodo by 8!'Y succeoding touant arising 0111 ofTmanl'a lililun, to so eummder, ml any Jost JIIO"'Z,; to Landlord resulting thamorn.

Notwithstending Ibo provisiODA ODDlllinecl honm!abovo IOganling TCll8lll's liability for a oontinuing holdover, Landlonf aree to .... COllllllll'llWI '"880Dable otlbrta to insert into any 1illure , .... of IIIIOlhll' teoanl proposrng to occupy tho Prorniw provisions similar to thoao Mlllllinod in Section 2.1, parrnilling rni!igatinn ofTmanl'a ~ adaing olll ofTCll8lll's towpo1111y hokloVII',


Section 3,1, Paymeat or l'lxod Monlbly Rent ud Addltlollal Rent. "Reul'' ahall = all payrnmlll of rnooiee in any fonn ~ mquiled under tho tarni end )IIOvisiooa of thia Loaao, end ahall consist of · a) "Fixed Monthly Rm!,•· wbich ahall bo payable in equal IIIOlllbly installrncmts of $14,362.75 for

Suito400and$11,687.30forSuito400A;plus ' . b) Additional Rall as p,ovidod in A11ic1C14 and o1aowbll'e in thia Leaao.

S00-COMBRK:A~W!':e1:rn1:taorn re WM) 31s.aue;r 3


Page 7: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE

····-····--·-- • Seclloa 3.2. MIiiner of Payment. Tooanl sb•IJ )'BY Fillod Monlhly Root BDd Additional Root irnrnodialely •,pon tho samo becoming duo 811d payable, without drm8lld theremr, 811d without any abaternont set off or deduction ~. oxcc,pt u n,ay bo oxp,ou1y l)IOVidod in Ibis Loase. Lindlord'i fililuie to submit .,...,. .... to TCllSDI stiiing· tho 8DU>1IDI of :Fixod Monlhly Root or Additional Root thon due, irn:Juding Landlonl's lilillll'o to provide to Teaant a calculation of tho adjuatmont u required in Soction 3.3 or tho BsceJelion llta!rmont rofemid to in Aiticlo 4, shall not constituto Landlonl's waiver ofTOP811t'a n,quirmlent to pay tho Root callod fbr limein. Teaant's fililoro to pay Additional Root u providod hnin shall COllllilutD a malmial defiult equal to Teaant's lilillll'o to pay Fixod Monlhly Root when duo. .

Root shall bo payable in advanco on tho lint day of oach 811d OYflrY ca1cmdar month throughout tho Tmm, in lawtid =ney of tbo Unitod s-of Arnorica, to Landlonl al , or al such other placc(s) u Landlonl ~ m writing to Tomm. TCllSDl's obligation to pay Root shall begin on _tho r'-OD1J11'JIKWftont Dato 111111 contirnlo tmoupout tho Toan, without llbalaDont, sotoff or doductioo,(i) oxcc,pl 88 otbarwiso spociliod~. ~~ l:'ll!,r_-'-" \ ':>.QQ"'I- ~ ~--& at 111H11 1'nnt": ~:1t~ .,::Fliilli;i:i1f thkI IHI, Tenant shall pay to ~ Landlonl tho fult insta11mont ofFixodMonlhly Root duo fbr oach of Suite 400 811d 400A. Seedoa 3.3. liludMoadaJ¥ReatlDeroue. L Salte400.

Onnrnt11ciD& 111DD 1, 2009, m,d cootirnring through May 31, 2010, tho Fixod Montbly Root payable by Tmant fbr Suite 400 shall iDcnaao from $14,362.75 per month to $15,009.07 per rnonlb.

Cornrnmciua Juuo 1, 20~0, and oontirnring througbout tho~ of the initial Tm:m. tho Fixod Monlhly =ryable by TCllSDI fbr Suite 400 s!iaJJ iDcnaao mmi $15,009.07 per month to $15,684.48 per . .

b. Salte400A. Cornrnmcing August I, 2009, mod COJ11inuing through July 31, 2010, tho Fixod Monlbly

Root payable by TCllSDI fbr Suite 400A shall - Imm $11,687.30 por molllh to S12.213.23 pormonlb.

Commencing Auguat I, 2010, an,! oontiwriD& tluougbout tho rrmaindar of tho initieJ Tonn, tho Fixod Monlhly Root payable by TCllSDI fbr Suite 400A shall incnaao from S12.213.23 per rnonlb to $12,762.82 porrnonlb.

SecUoa 3.4. TOD&Dt'I Paymeat of Cortala TOOi. TCllSDI sball, within 1hirty (30) days lbllowiD& Tooanl's ,-;pt of subatlrnlialing docurnootstion Imm Landlonl, mirnbuno Landlord, 88 Additional Rm!, fbr any 811d eJl taos,; IIUIObmpo, lovios. BBB iidl1!JI, '""8 and cbargos payable by Landlord whan: a) 8880Uod on, moisorod by, or '"880llllbly allributllble to:

I) tho coat or value of T_.. equipment, llmritma, fixturol 1111d o-porsoneJ proporty located in tho Pl<lrnisos, or · · .

ll) tho COIi or value of any lossobold ;_.,vemoa11 in or to 1ho Pnrmisos in """""" of S3S.00 per squsn lbot, provided tho samo have bom mado in connoction with Tooanl'1 oxocutiou of Ibis Louo, 811d without ngszd to whothor title to or paymont fbr such irnpmvemonts v- with TCllSDI or Landlonl; · ·

b) on or moisorod by any nm! payable hcrounder, including, without limitation, aay g,oas incorno tax. 8I088 roceipts tax. or oxciao tax loviod by tho City or County of Los Allgele8 or any othor ~ body with n,spect to tho nccipl of such md {computocl 88 if such md w""' tho only mcorno of Landlord), but sololy whai loviodby tho appropria10 City or Coumy agcm,y in li011 of; or 88 an adjPDCt to, such business licenae(1),.feea or taos u would othcrwiso liavo booa payablo by Tooanl dim:tly to such taxing aulbority;

e) upon or with respcict to the pa a iM. ~ oparadng. mBDQ- mebrtcoeoru,, ~ repair, useoroocupm:ybyTcmantofthoPnrmisosoranyportion or · .

d) sololy becauso Landlonl 111111 TCllSDI ...- into Ibis lnmlaction or oxocutod any clocumeot 1J1msfcrring aa intarost in tho Pnmiaos to TOllllll. lf it bocornos unJawtul fbr Tmant so to mirnbuno Landlord, tho md _payable to Landlonl UDdar Ibis Loase shall bo nsvisod to Del Landlonl tho same md after imposition of aay such tax u would havo boon payable to Landlord prior to tho imposition of any 81ICh tax. Said taos. shall bo duo 811d payable whether or not DOW CPBtomary or within tho coillemplatiou of

Landlonl 811d TOIIIIII. Notwitbalanding tho above, in DO 0Y0Dt shall tho p,oYisioas of Ibis Section 3.4 servo to ontitlo Landlonl to mirnbmsemont Imm Tmant fbr any fodenl, state, county or city income tax or business lirmso Ceo payable by LandJonl or th• managing •sent ofLsndlonl. Seclloa 3.5. Certain AdJ1111'D!mll. If a) tho r'.nrnrnonM11ont Dato OCCUII on other than.18111J111)' Isl of a ca1cmdar year, or tho Loase oxpiles

or""rninatos rm otboi thanDecernbor 3181 of acalcmdar:i-; b) tho sizo ofthoPnrmisos cbanges dmingacalendar:i-; c) or any abaternont ofFixod Monthly Root or Additional Root occur11 during a calendar year, !hon

·I SOO-CX>MBRCA\Ml!DAll.ffllEII.AS'l'4•aorwlllLr•.lll""'I-· -·1awE1r"'~'"""'·"-"" 4


Page 8: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE

r'Q ,,(fl •. -~-· I~ -:_1:q . .,.,, ( :·":· ,· .... ~.,. ·'

tho amouut payable by Tonant or roimbumablo by Landlorcl during suoh yoar ·~ ; ~ ~: !r~tb= and tho obligation lo pay suoh amo11111 shall survive Ibo oxpiralion or

· If tho ~IIIMJIIODI 1lato occurs on .au; than ~ ·lint day of a ca1oodar monlb, or tho Loaao ~ ~ a day olher than Ibo Jut day of a ca1ondar molllh, Ihm tho Fixod Monlhly Rent and A<ldi1iOD8I Rent payablo by Teaant shall bo appropriateJy apportioned on a prorata basis fur tho IIIIIJlbor of daya Rllllliningin Ibo month of tho Toan Im which suchplOlllion is calcu1alod.

If Ibo amoUIII of Fixod Monlhly Rent or Addi1ional Rent duo is modifiod pursuant lo tho terms of this Loaao, suoh modification shall taka olfeol Ibo lint day of tho ca1oodar month immediately following tho date suoh llllldification would bavo t,o,,,i acbodulod Section 3.6. Late Carp and ID- Tonant aclmowlodgoo tlull Jato payment by Terumf lo Landlonl of Fixed Monlhly Rent or Additional Rent will cauao Landlonl lo incur cos1B not cmrtomp)atod by this Lcaio, Ibo auct amouut ofwhic:11 1111 -.moly dillicult and impnlcticablo lo fix. Such costs include, without limitation, .pmco,aing and 8"C01lllling chargoa and Jato ohargoa tlull may bo impoaod on Laad1ord bylho lclml o~~ and DOie ilocurod by anyOIIC1IIDlmml:o covoring Ibo Piemi-. Tbereforo, if any ~ nf Fixed Monlhly Rent or Addi1ional Rent and olher paymmt duo liom Tonant hiauDdar is DOI m:oivod by Landlorcl within live (S) daya of Ibo date it bocomoa duo, Tonant shall pay lo Laad1ord on demand an additional sum oqual lo fivo peromt (5%) of tho ovordue amount aa a Jato charge. The pmtioa "8l1IO tlull this late cbati.o 1cj11_... a filir and n,aaonablo Mlt!anmt agaimt tho C08III tlull Lmd1oni will incur ),y IOaaOD of Tcmalll'a Jato paymoot. Accoi,tmwo of any Jato cbargo shall not ~ • waiver of 1'CIIIID1'a do1imlt wi1h 10lpOCI lo tho o~ amount, or ji10Vml Lmdloid liom aumiaiDg any of tho other righ1a and mnodioa available lo Landkml.

Bvory ins1a11mont of Fixod Monthly Rent and .Additional lloal and any othor paymmt duo horemid« liom Tonant lo Landlonl which is not paid within-., (12) daya aftor Ibo aamo bocomoa duo and payablo aball, in addition lo any Late Clwp alioadypaid by Tonant, boai inlcmit at Ibo Ille of ten pCRlOIII (10%) por IIIIDIIDl ftom tho date tlull lho aama originally bocamo duo and payable until tho date it is paid. Laadlord·shall bill Tonant fol aaid inlcnat, and Tcmalll shall pay Ibo aamo within fivo (S) daya ofrccoipt ofLaadlord'I billing.

Notwi1hatandi0& Ibo fin:esoing, Tonant oball DOI bo aaaoaaod any Jato cbargo follho liiat two (2) Jato pa)ll>OD1a in oodi \WOlvo (12} 1IIDll1h _POriod of Ibo Torm so long aa TODIIIII paya llllCh amount within fi\lO (S) daya ofTonant'a IOCapt ofWriltenlllllioo tlull suoh amount haa DOI~ paid. Sedlo& 3.7. Depaolt. Concumml wi1h TOllllllt'• orocution and lmdoring nftbis Loaao lo Landlord, Tcm:-:Y ,Jepoait tho sum of $28,447.30 (tho "Socurlly Dopoail"), which amo11111 Tcmalll oball lheroaftor at all imlea maiDtain on ,Jepoait wi1h Laad1ord aa -.rity fol Tonant'a lbll and liitbtbl obaommoo and pommnm,o of i1B obligaliona UDdor thia Loaao (~ includin& without limitetion, tho paymmt aa and whm duo of Ibo Fixod Monlhly RODI, ~ 11"'11 mf any olhor sums or damaaoa Pawbloby Tonant horemid« and tho paymm1 of any and ill othoi ~ fol which Torumt oball bo iiablo. by .....,, of any act 01 omission comimy lo any of aaid covooanta or -m1B). Landlorcl oball bavo tho rigbt tn oomminglo tho Socmity Dopoait wi1h its gcmoral aaao1B and shall notbo obligated lopayTonantlntenat thlnon.

If at any time Tonant dolaul1B in tho pommnm,o ''{:::Ji;!.,.i1B obligaliona Ulldor this Loaso, aftor tho oxpiration ofuotico and tho opportuuitylo CUIO, Ihm, may: a)· !!!?Ply aa much of Ibo Socmity Dopoait aa may bo IHIC088ll1)' lo cme Tcmalll'a non-paymmt of tho

Fixed Mon1bly Rent. 4dctitinnal Rent and/or othoi sums or damagoa duo Imm Tcmant; and/or, b) ifTODIIIII is ill detiult of any of tho COVODaDlli or --ofthia Loaao; apply ao much of tho

Socurlty Dopoait .. may bo _,. lo nimbU180 all oxpoa80I incuaod by Landlonl in curing auchdefiwlt;or

c) iflho SocurltyDopoait is insuflicimt ~ paylho sumo apociliod in Soction3.7 (a) or (b), cloct.lo ly tho ODliie Socmity Deposit in~~~ and procood agaimt Tcmalll J>1111W1111 lo :!' p10viaiona of Aiticlo 17 and Aiticlo 18 lunin. · .

If, aa a I08Ult of Landlonl's application of any portion 01 all of tho Socuri!I peposit. Ibo amount bald by Landlonl doclmoa lo Jou 11um $28,447.30, Tonant sba11, within twonl)' .\20) daya aftor demand tba-ofor, ,Jepoait wi1h Landlonl additional caah auflicionl lo biins tho .....,_.;.,;,,a balanco hold II Ibo Socurity Dopoait lo tho IIIII01IIII spocifiod bereinabovo. TCIIIID1'a ~to~ said amount ahall conatitilto a IIUllerijil bioach ofd!ia Loaao.

· At tho expiration or eadiC" toonioation of this Loaao, Landlonl ahall doduot liom tho Socurity Deposit being bald on boba1f ofTonant any unpaid auma, COBII, ""I""\""" or ~ payable by Tmant pWIUllll lo tho proviaiona of thia Leaao; and/or any COSII roquiiod lo cme Tmant's doJilult or porformanco of any othor covonant or~ ofthia Loaao, and sbalJ, within thirty (30) daya after Ibo expiration or oarlicr termination ofthia Loaao, IOtum lo Tonant, witbout intaost, all or suoh pail of tho Socurity Dopoait aa Ihm 1'lllllllll8 on doposit with Landkml. .


Sedlo& 4.1. Cerum Deftllillon• As uaod in this Loaao: . a) "Elcalado• Sta-t• moans a atatommt by Landkml, aotting forth tho amo11111 payable by

TODIIIII or by Landkml, aa tho caao may bo, fol a spcoifiod ca1ondar yoar pum,ant lo Ibis Articlo 4.

SOOO)MBJIICA~\AS\';MIHClt.m:e rs WM! 11-,aGQ,7 s


Page 9: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE

I i I t r r l

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b) "Openlilll ElpCIIHI" means Ibo foll~ in a ~ calendar year, including ::.~!4/. Yoar aa ~ doJined, ca¼allateil ;,, accon1anoo wldi gm,nlJy accepted aocommng principles and aasuming the Building is at 1-nillety-fivopercenl (95%) occupio4: ·all coats ofm•u•gancmt, opotation, uieinlnlaJH:e, and n:pair ofdii B\il1djng. -

By way of illummon only, Oporatillg Expcmos sba1I include, but not bo limited to: rnBD•ganeut feel, which sba1I DOI oxcood thoao "'8IOIUll>lo ml CU8lornaly in the p,gnpbic aroa in which the Building is located; walllr and sewer -~-· Ul'J and all insunmco pianiums not otharwiae diroctly ~lo by Touanl; license, ;;;;;;,'Ii"' and iu&pection feoa; air ,:nnditinning (inoludiug ~ J"iarno); boat; 1igb1; power BIid other ulilitioa; lllo8lll; labor; olOBDing and janitorial BOMCOB; suanl IIOMC08; supplioa; rnatmals; oquipment 1111d toola.

Opcnling l!xponaos sba1I also include the coat at partinn tbenof oftboao oapital improVOIDOIIIS rnado to the Building by LaDdlord dm:ill/i the Tonn: I) to the oxtonl that 8UCh oapital irnpiovanon1a reduco other diJeot oxpcmsoa, Wilm 1ho 88DlC wen,

made to Ibo Building by landlmd aJler 11,,, CornrnerKm!eut llato, at II) that aro ,:equhed UDder ,my govomrnoDlll law at iegnlation that waa DDt applicable to 1ho

Building aa of tho "'"""""-1eut Said oapital ~ coats, or the allocable partinn tbenof (aa mmed to in clauses (i) and

(ii) Bbovo); sba1I bo 8IIIOrliz.od ovor the U8Glbl lili> of my 11""1 oapital improvomonl pumuant to gol10rlllly-accepted 8CCOUDliDg princip)oa, tnplhor wilh inlrmlt OD Ibo 1IIIIIIIIOrlizo baJanco at the -oftmpercen1(10%)poranmnu.

Opcnling l!xponaoa sba1I also includo all genenl BIid apecial IOBl - tax ... iDmcaaoB iD aasoesnODII or spc,;"1 111 ODIi ml 1111)' other ad valmmi tau&, l8loa, lovioa and a,aoesnODIS paid dm:iJl/i a calCDdar yoar (or portion tboroot) upon at wilh IOlpOOl to the Building and the poraonal propcrty uaod by Laudloid to oporD Ibo Building, whdlla- lllid to ,my govcrrnnontaJ nt quaai-gov,11J11111111 '""""""'· and all taxoe 'fically irnpoaod in DIii! of - - auch taxoe (but oxoludiug taxes ~-bl Section 3.4 ror"':k TODIIII at other loDllll8 °l:r the Building mo liablo) incb1ding feoa of counaol and oxports, "'8IOIUll>ly incm:led by, or roimbmaablo by LandlOid ;,, CODDeCtimi wilh ,my application for a teduction in the ~ va1uatiOD of Ibo Building SJJJl/or

. the land tberouDda- or for a judicial teYiow 1lloreof; (coJlootively "Appoal FON"), but sololy to the oxtail that the Appoal Fosa """'1t clinctly in a teduction of taxes olhorwiso ~lo by Ton11111 Howovcr, in DO OYCIIII sba1I the portioG of Opcnling Bzpenaoe UIOd to calcula!o Ul'J billing to TODBDI auributablo to IOBi - taxoe .... a - .... ,my_.. yoar bo losa Ihm the billing for RIil eatato taxoa aad SIFMiTttdl during thDBllo Yoar. .

Opcnling l!xpm,es shall also incJndo, but DOI bo limited to, the ' for the following iuaunmco - all-rlak, muotmal, me, boils 1111d madlinery, i-.8 emtbquw and for replaccmeut of lmBDI DllplOVCIIIODII to • rnmrn1nn nf $3S.00 por 1118blo "I"""' foot, and for such other coVO!BP(a), and at auch policy limit(•) aa LaDdlord ~ l'Oll80Dllbly ~ SJJJl/or mo ,:equixod by any kmdar or sro,rnd loeaor, which covcnaa and limitl Landlmd rnay, in Landloid's reasonablocliacnlioll, cban&e 1i'om limo to limo.

Il;-in any cal~ yoar following the Baao Yoar; aa clofinodhorainbolow (a 'SubseqUODIYoar"), a new "'!?'"'8! item (o.g. oar1hquab inaurance, cnnclorgo servicoa; on11y cam syalmla), is includod in Oporating Bzpenaoe which waa DOI included in the Baao Year Oporating l!xponaoa, 1hon tho cost of such new item sba1I bo added to the Baao Yoar Operating Bxponaoe for purpoaoe of detanniniDg tho 4dditiDDal Roni ~lo under thia Alticlo 4 for Buch SllbaoquODt Yoar, During 08llh Subsoqumt Yoar, the """"' IIDOUDI sba1I CODlim!o to bo included in the computation of Operating Bxpouaoe mr the Baao Yoar, ~ in - 11""1 Subloqnont Yoar Oporatillg Bxponaoe ""7. including the incn1aao in tho coat of auch now item over the Buo Yoar, aa ao adjusted. However, if in 111'f Subaoquant Yoar tbonaftar, such DOW ilml is DOI included in Oporating &pm-. 110 such

- addition &ball bcrnlllloto Baao Yoar()poratillg~ Convamely, aa Ml80Dll>ly dderminrd hy Landlmd, whoo 111 oxponao item that waa originally

included in the Baao Yoar Oporating Bxponaoe is, in ,my Suhsequcml Yoar, no 1-inoludod in Opcnling ExponBOB, tJum the coat of such item sba1I bo doloted 1lom tho Baao Yoar Qporating Bxponaoe for purpoaoe of d~ tbo Additioual Rout payable under this Artiolo 4 for sucli Subaoquont Yoar, The 88DlC arnoUDI sba1I CODtinuo to bo cfolotad 1i'om the Baao Year Qporating Bxponaoe for - Subaoq1lmt Yoar theroafter that the item is DOI included. Howovor_-if sucli axponao ilml ia again inc1udod in the ~ Bxponaoe f,,r ,my Suhsequcml Yoar, 1hon tho arnoUDI of said _.. item ori8inallY inc1udod m Ibo Baao Yoar Oporatillg Bxponaoe shall again bo addodbacltto Ibo Baao YoarOporatingBxponaoe _ - - -· -

c) Exdallom l'rom Opendas EJ:JIOIIRI Notv;lh-cting mytbi,,g oontaiuod in the dcfinilion of Opcnling Bxpouaoe aa act for1h in Sub&cctiOD 4.1 b) of this Loaao; Operating Expenaoe sba1I uot inc1udo the followins: -I) Any ground loaaoIODlal; II) The coats. of npailB to the Building, if the COiia of auch repaiff is roimbumcd by the

lll8Ul8IICO cauiod by Landlmd or subject to awmd UDder ,my ornineol dornain plOCCOctiug; Ill) Coats, iud11cti11g porrnit; liconao and inspoction coats, incuned wilh mpoct to Ibo

inBlallauOD of Temam'a at ~ occupant's i!upzovomODII cir inclmed in renovating or otborwiao improving, decorating, painting or i:eclocmating Vll<llllt space for TODBDI or other

--oflhe Builcting; I SOOCOMBR;K'..t.\\lEIDABS'I1IB'WZ':4'&1-..ULU""'lllll!A' -tL;f ?OOZl!Ell.,.,..,.,,..._ ,_.., 6


Page 10: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE

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-· . :~/'-!< Dcptecia1ion, amortization and inlerest paymOldl, oxoopt as specifically pmmittod or -oxcopt on rnateri•J&, tnoJa supplies 1111d veador-fype oquipmoot purobasod by Landlonl to onablo LandJorc1 to supply aervi'<"8 L.aadlmdmislit othClrwiao conll8Ct for with a lhiid party when such clep,ocialion, arnoriiiatioii and fuieieit payrnoota would otherwise havo bocl1 inc1udod in tho cbatgo for such lhiid party's scrvicea. Jn such a circurnslmwe, tho inclusion of all depn,ciation, arnorli7.llion and inlerest payrnonta shall 1- cu,tmninod pursuant to ganmally accepted accounting principles, corvri8"'nlly appliod, IIIIIOdiz.od over tho roasonabJy enttcipeted uaolld life of tho capital item for which such llll10rtization deprooialion or inlerest allocation WU ca1cu1aled; ~ COIis, i!>Cl1Jclin& 1oasing oornrniMi®-, attomoya' foes incuned in connoction with tho nagotiation and _.iioa. of lallon, deal DltlDOI, I-. of iDtant, ).eaaoa subl..­and/or assignrnonta, ,pace pbmning COIis, 1111d othor costa and - incuned ill connoolion with 1oaso, IIUbloaao and/or l"Signrnerrt 1U18')1iatiol,s and tnmsactiona with present or pl08pCClivo - or othor occupanl8 of tho Bui14iDg; ~foracrvlcoaQ01o1feredtoTC111D1orforwhichTC111D1isolwgoddiJoclly,whelher or not such acrvlcoa or other booofitl aro provided to imothor tenant or occuplllll of tho Buildins; Colla iDcumcl duo to Laadkml'• or any tooant of tho Builcliog'a violldicm, other 1han TOIIIIII, of tho loml8 mt cowlilion• Qf any INN orrmlal ~ in tho Building; That porlion of any billmg by Laadlmd, its aubaidiarios or aflilm. for goods Sild/or acrvlcoa in Ibo Building, to tho - tbal such billillg ox.- Ibo cosl8 of such goods and/or acrvlcoa if rondend by M nnaftilieted third palliol on a cornpotitivo basis; Colla illcuaod by Land1md for struclmal Ollthquab n,pain necoaaitaled by tho 1mwary 17, 1994 osrthquab that OCCUll'Od ill tho vicinity of tho Bui14iDg; In-, priDcipa1, poinla and fool oo deb1S or ~ on any mortgage or rnortgap or any othor dobt inallurnool OIICIDDboring flu, Building or tho land tbrmrnder; Colla auocieted with opcnting tho errtity whlcJ, COlllllilutee Landkml, as tho asrno sro cfistin&uls1!oc fi:om tho COIis of oporalion of tho Bui1din& i""1udiJ,g partmnhip accounting and Iepl ..-, coa111 or dofillcting any lawsuits with mymortgagoo (oxcopt as tho actions of TCIIIDI rnay bo in iaauo), coa111 of solliDg. ayndicalin11, ftnmcin&, '1lOilgagmg or bypotJioc:alina; my of Landlonl'• inlerest ill tho Building, coalB (iDcluding ~· fees and coalB of seUJernerrt jnclpJcml8 and payrnonta in liou thoR,oj) arising liom claims, diaputea. or potmtull clisputao in COIIIICClioo with polmlUl1 or actual c1aims, litigatioo or ubitrstioo pertaining to Laadkml'a OWIIIDbip of tho Bui14iDg; Advertiain& and plODIOlioos1 o,q,oodi-, and coalB of signs in or on tho Building icloolifying tho OWIUII' of tho-Building, or othor- aijpls; -B1octric, gas or othor powor coalB for with LandJorc1 has boon ditoctlyieimburaocl by IOOthor 1a1ao1 or occupant of tho Bui1din& or for which my tenant ditoctly OODlractB with tho local public aervico cornpaoy; · Ta pml81tioa and intcnat illcuaod as a.n,sult ofLaadkml'a negligonl or willihl failure to rnaJa, payrnoota and/or to ti1o my incorne m or infunnetioo•J IOIUDI(•) whm due, un1oas auch non-paymerrt is duo to TOIUIIII'• nm,payrnerrt ofnmt; Coats illcuaod by Land1md to comply with DOlicoa of violatioo of tho Almlicma With Diaabilitioa Act, a, IIDlfflllod, whan such aoticos aro for conditiooa oldstiDg prinr to tho Cmrnneooemart 1late; Any-charitable or political conlributionai Tho pun:haso or renlal p,ico of any acuJptmo, paintings or othor objoct of art, wholbor or not inatsllod in, oo or upon tho Bui14iDg; Any ccirnpenaatioo paid or - Ieimburaocl to clmk., attcadanta or othor peraom1 wodcing in my CODIDIClllia1 COOl'Nlioo(a) opon,tocl by Laodlonl, 1111d any acrvlcoa provided, tsxoa allributablo to .and coats incum,d in c:onncctiOII with tho operation of any mtail or J:Olfaurl!III opereti®' in tho Bui14iDg; Any acco1oratod ~•) rnlldo al Landlonl'a o1octioo on obligationa UDdcrtakon by of which would not olhorwiao bocorno due, to tho oxtalt tbal such accoloratod payrncnt(s) oxcood tho arnoUDI olhorwiao payable had Laodkml not oJoctod to accolorato payment lhmoo£ Notwithstanding ..,.._., m:b1aion, ~ ba1anco of such acco1oratod payment shall bo inc1udod by LandJorc1 in operating oxpense ca1cu1atiooa for succooding yoar&, .. if, tho p•ymerrt had booo rnlldo whm ori&in<!llY duo prinr to. such accolonlioo. . Costa, iJJcluding attomo,-' fees and iowmnont judgmerrtB oud/or payrncnta in liou lhorool; arising fi:om actual oi polmlUl1 c1airna, clisputoa. 1iligatioo or albitratioo portaining to Laod1ord and/or tho Building;


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..• _.,_ • DI) lnsuranco deductibles in exceaa of '""80118blo 81111 ousloll!IIIY deductible amollllls, and/or

whotlur or nol '""80118blo lllld/or eusloll!IIIY, in- of$2SO,OOO in any calmlar year; llll) Costs of n,pailll which would havo 6oin coviireci by caaua1ty inBunmco but fur Lamllord's

liilme to main1ain caaua1ty iniimaaco to CO""f tho n,plecernonl "8luo of tho Building as roquired by this lo880;

ulll) Capitalo1pe11dituros not othoJwjao permitted hereullder; 811d Div) The wosemo:rt or billing of oponliDg OlpCll808 lhat naul1a in Lamllord boiag mmbursed

mon, Ihm OIIO lnmdmi porcciat (100%) of tho total Olpellll!II fur tho calorular year in questimL ' '

d) "Teuat'1Shue" 1D081112.31%. Section 4.2. Calcalltloa of Teaut'1 Shue' of 1Dcrease1 la OpontiD& E"J!"'UOI. n; OODIDIOIICing with tho calorular year 2009, tho Oporatiag l!lq,cmaos fur any calorular year during tho Tonn, or portion thcrmf (inclnding "1olaat ca1oadar year of tho Term). have inonuod OVOf tho Oporatiag l!lq,cmaos fur tho calendar year 2008 (tho "Baao You"), thon within dmty (30) ~ after Teaonl's receipt of Landlom's computslioa ot llllllh incnoaao (811 "EacaJalioll S1alemonl"), Teaon1 sbaJl pay to Landkml, 11 AdcJitiqnaJ llOllt, 811 amount oqual to tho product obtained by~ such inmoaso by Toaanl's Sham. Notwit!wnding ""' finsoiD& Tommi sbaJl DOI' bo • B to pay any portiOII of Teaonl's Share of inaoasos in Oporatiag &pa,. during tho lint twolve. 12) llllllllha of tho Term.

Landloid may, at or after tho atart of any caloudar year IIUIIOljllOIII to tho Base Year, notify Tmumt of tho amount which Landlo,d ostim- will bo TOllllll's mmdhly smw of any such inmoaso in · °"°'8tiDa: &pa,. fur such caloadaryear Oveftho Base Year 811d tho amounl thmoof sbaJl bo addod to tho Fixod"Montbly=EP'I IODII IOCIIIUOCI to bo made 1,yTomml in 8UCh year. JfTOllllll's Share of any such incnaao in nmt lHnundi,r as shown 011111- EscaJalioll -is gtoator or 1088 Ihm tho total amollllla . to 811d paid by TOIIIIIII during tho year cov,nd by sw:~ atataDon~ tholl witbin diirty (30) ~ lblna1ter, Tommi sbaJl pay in cash any ..,.. owod Landlord or, if applicablo, TOIIIIII sbaJl eitlur mcam, a cn,dil apiaat any Fixed MOlllbly RODI and/or Additional RODI mxt accruing fur 811Y BIDl1 owed Tommi. or if Landlmd't J!n1a11 ... Statemmt is rm&nd after tho oxpintiOII or cmlicr lmninalion of this Louo 811d .- lhat Tommi'• ostima!ed paymllllla have oxcoocjod Ibo total IIIDOUIII to which TOIIIIIII was obllpted, tbm pmviclod lhat Landlord is not owed any olhor 81D11 by Tommi, Lllldlord sbaJl iasuo a cash mlmd to TOIIIIIII within diirty (30) days after Landlord's oompletion of such BeceJetioo Statcm.c!llt-

Widiin ODO /1) year after ~ of an BacalatiOD Slat<mcmt by Tommi. if Tmumt disp,_ tho amount of AdcJilfoaal RODI sot forth III lbr S1B1errYmt, "11 ilulepcmdODI catified publlo accountaDt (which IICC01llllant is a IIIOlllbor of a ,oputablo accollllling film or 1- audit film 811d is not working OD a CODlingoacy fee buis~ dosigrulled 811d paid fur byfommt, may, after'""80118ble notice to Lamllord 811d Bl '""801lllblo timm, iDapoot Landlord'• nconls with m,pecl to auch - 'II Landlord's offices, provided lhat TOIIIIIII is DOI lbon in dmult 1DMlir this Louo ~ any applloablo notice and/or cun, period 811d Tommi bas paid all amo11111B roquired to bo paid 1DM1ir tho applicable atataDOD1. In CODDOCtiorr with 8UCh irrspection, Tommi 811d TOlllllll'1 agODII muat ._ in advimoe to follow Landlord's '""80118blo nrles 811d im::~ inspectioaa of Landlord's -._ 811d sbaJl OXOCIIIO a COlllllleiciaJJ '""80118blo . • Bgtelllldllll rogatding such ~on. TOll&lll's lililuro to diSJ1Ula tho IIIDOUIII of AdcJilinnsJ Da,t sot forth in any Statemmt within oao (I) year of TOlllllll's xocmpt of auch atataDODI olrall bo deomod to bo TOlllllll'a ~ of such ststomor,t 811d Tommi, thorealkr, waivos Ille rigbl or ability to cliaputo IJro amolllllB sot foi1h in such ststemODI. Jf after ll\lch inspoclion. Tommi still cliapms such AddiliorraJ Rollf, a ddmnination II to tho proper amount sbaJl bo made, at Tommi's ":"J"'IIIO, by an indopmdonl eertiliod publlo acc:ountaDt· (tho ·"AccounlaDf') so!ectocl by Lllldlord ml aubject to Tommi's '""80118blo appn,val; provided lhat if such d"ffllllinetiOD by tho~- lhat Oporatiag &pa,...,_ i,v.......a, (or in IJro cue of tho Base Year, UDdentatod). thoo tho o-111DOU111 sbaJl bo "'l"'W to T~ ml provided filrllrer lhat if such dotonninalioD by Ille AccoUDlant ptOVOB lhat Openfing Exporrsos won, OVOf8tBled by mon, than five pan:ODI (5%), thoo tho coat of tho ~ -,,d tho cos111 of ll\lch de!errninllli"'l sbaJl bo paid fur by Larrd!onl. Tommi heroby saknowlodsos lhat Tommi's solo rigbl to -inspect lalldlord's books 811d nconls ml to coDtost tho amount of()pcntp,g r:r:- payable by Tommi sbaJl bo II sot forth in this SoctiOD 4.2 811d Tommi haoby waivos aay ml otbor rig1rt1 pmawmt to applicable law to inspect ll\lch boob 811d nconls·and/or to coDtostlho 11D01111! of ()pen!lirrg &pa,. paysblo by Torraut. · SectloD 4,3. Teaut'1 iaymeat of Direct CJwseo •• Aoddfflowal Rlllt. TOll&III sbaJl p,omptly 811d duly pay all coatB 811d OlJIOlli08 incumxl fur or in rornrectiOII with aay TOIIIIIII Change or TOll&III Sorvice, 811d discharge anytrroohauic-. or otbor lion crmtod sgsinat tho Praniaes or any otbor portioa of tho Project arising II a I08U!t of or in cmmecti011 with any TOll&III Change or Tonant Sorvice as Additional RODI by paying tho samo, bonding or marmer othorwiso Jl!Ovidod by law.

Any other cost, apcme, charge,. amount or B1D11 (otbor tiraa Fixed Moathly RODI) payable by Tonant ail provided in this Louo sbaJl also bo CODSidcnd Additioaal RODI.

Certain individual itoma of coat or oxpealO may, in tho reasonablo doterrniuatinu of Landlonl, bo soparato)y oba,ged 811d billed to Tommi !>l' Landkml, oi1hor aJono or in conjunctioD with another party or parti111, if Ibey are deomod in gcod fidth by Landlord to apply sololy to TOIIIIIII · and/or such olhor party or partiea 811d are DOI othorwiso _DODIUllly 10C81J1Un>1 by Landlord as part of aormal operating oxpensos. Jnsofar as is '""80118blo, Larrdlonl a1ra1I attaDpt to give TOIIIIIII prior notice ml tho opportunity to°"" aay oimrms1ance lhat_would give rise to ll\lch soparato 811d dim:! billing.

I SOOOlMBPJCA.UABDAl!S'nlBTIC\AS'll\6•,.nr1111-.1.• JIWlm.lii' -• flaZlilW!ll'""'~-".,1,;.--8


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(0 t9 ··.,.,, L: tt\7(t~=~(

Said sepuatc billing shall :~.:,:tioual Rout, reganlleu of Tcmanfs Share. Such alu>cationa by LandJorcl shall bo ' • on Tanant unless palmlly umeasonablo, mid shall bo pa)'!lblo within twenty (20) day& after rocoipt of 'a billing tblnfur. SeclioD 4.4. Alloea1loa of I ~ n.iaiii aclmowlcdgos that, because tho Project OODtaias multiple buildings ~ rataiJ mid olli,,, oJ-IJIJII, r ...Uord shall equitably allocate some or all of tho Opcnling Expenses filr tho Pro'ect diftinatE' or occupanl& of tho Project (tho "Coat Poola"), iD Landlmd's roa-abl•~di .. basod on I tboso Project OporatiDg ~ which ..., atlribulablo sololy lo tho BuildiDg, mid (h') a portion o tho Opcnling B,qxmses which aze alln'butablo lo the Project as a whole.


-· 5.1. Etllles. LandJorcl mid Tanant - lo OOJJduot their business or pnotico in cnmp)ianM with my appropriato mid applloabio coc1os of p,ofeasioual or busmess praotico.


Seclloa 6.1, Uso. ThoPromises shallcmlybousod fur ~·QfficclllO couai"'"1t"lith tho oporatioo of a finl-eJsss otlico buiJdina in Ibo Shmum Oab azea (Ibo "Spocifiod Use") mid fbr no other pwposos, witbout Lalldlord'a prior wriUm OOll80III, which ccmaeat shall bo m Landlonl'a solo diacnti011. ~-proposod rovinOD of Ibo Spocifiod Uao by Tanant shall bo fur a 1110 ccmaiBtml with thoao rn,.....:.:i'1v fuimd iD finl-eJsss otlico buildings. RoaaonabJe p>1lllda fur LaDdlord wi111hoJding ita...;;,';.i~~ blltDOI bo limited lo: a) tho p,opcood 1110 will p1-a dispropo1tionsl butdm on tho Building syataua; b) tho p,opcood ll80 is fur ~mmnlllllll or medical pmpooea or fur a C9IDP"llY whose primal)' ~ is tbat o• 1")1\dJJ<llini boilor-lOOlll IYPO. "8n9.1ctioo• ""881~

c) tho p,opcood URO would geDll1lle - - 1rafllc lo Ibo Promises an,J/or Buildmg. So kmg 88 TOIIIIII is iD COldml oftbo Pnmiaoa, Teaanl c:ovcmn18 mid - tbat it shall not uao,

sull'er or pormit myponon(•) lo uao all or my portion of tho Promises fbr my purpoao in violation of tho Jaws of Ibo Unilod S- of America, Ibo s- of C•Jifurni• or Ibo nntin....., ,eguJatiooil or IOqWffllllClll8 of tbo City of or County of Loo Anploa, or other Jawtbl authorities hmngjurisdictioa over tho Buildmg.

Tanant shall not do or permit ,mylhiDg lo bo done in or aboul Ibo Prcmiaoa which will in any way obstruct or ~ly illlorfenl with Ibo riat,ta of other tClllll1ta or ~ of tho ~ or injure or anaoy tbmi. Tanant aball DOI URO or allow tho Promises lo be ~ any pomographu: or violelll pmposes, Dor shall ·Tanant camo, commit, maintain or permit ti>• oootinuanco nf my nuiaanco or waate in, OD or aboul tho Promises. TCllllllt shall DOI ll80 tho Promises in IIIY ......... 1hat in Lalldlord's ICIIOllable judgmml would advonoJy alloct or i--.. with any 80MCOII LandJorcl is ,:equhed lo tbmiah lo Ttlllnl or lo my other - or occupaal of Ibo BuildiDg, or that would inta:fm, with or obatrw:t Ibo proper mid ocomrnicaJ nmditioa of my auch aorvice. SeclloD 6.2. .hdlialvo lJso. LandJorcl ~ that Ttlllnl'• Sooci1iod Uao of tho Promises docs not conflict with m:luaivo ... proviaiona snalod by LaDdlord iD odior leases fbr tho Buildmg. LandJorcl 1brtbor - that it shall, in Ibo filllllo, DOI gnnl ID oxcluaivo lllO priviloge_lo "!'l ~tbor- in tho

. Building that will pnvmt Ttlllnl liolro wrtintring "> uao tho Promises fur ill :.'pOCinocl Uso.

Ttlllnl acknowlcdgos mid - that it shall not - iD my of tho 1l808 RpOCifiod hemnbeiow, fur which LandJorcl bu Rlleady snalod oxcluaivo tiglltl:

ComcricaBlllk bu oxciuaivo rijbt lo bava ~ on lop of tho Buildmg. . ~ that T~ !ia, nicoivod wdlt!ll aotico of tho._, tiom.J:.andJoN. mid~ Pl'Ovidocl

that LandJorcl. does DOI gnnl a -., .m:luaivo 1l80 rijbt that proliibita Tanant li:ma m,gagiDg iD tho Spocifiod Uso, Ihm Ttlllnl - that it shall DOI violote any oxcluaivo uao JJIOViaion(s) snalod by Landlonl lo 0~ tCllllllta iD tho Buildin,g. Sectlon.6.3. Rllloa and lloplatlom. Tanant aball oblervo mid comply with tho ruloa mid regulalions set fbrth in Exhibit C, and such other mid lbrtbar ressonablo mid non-<liscrimina xules mid reguJationa 88 LandJorcl may make or adopt mid oornrnunioate lo Teaanl iD writing at any limo or tiom limo lo limo, whm Raid 1U!es, iD Ibo roasonable judgmml ofLalldlord, may bo nooessmy or desirable lo CDRUR> tho fimt..clau opcnticm. rnaiutmaooo, f"PUlalion or _...., vf thoBuildmg. However, if my conflict arise8 bolwCOII Ibo prowaiona of thia Lease mid any auch xulo or regulatioD, tho p,oviaioaa of thia Lease shall COD!lol

Provided LandJorcl makes COIIIDIOlcially roasonablo ollbrts lo seok """'l'Jiaw:o by all occupants of tho Building with tho ruloa ml nognJatiooa adopted by Lml1cml. LaDdlonl shall DOI bo IOIJIOIISIDlo lo Tcmant fbr tho fili1uro of my other '""""8 or om,pants nf Ibo Building lo comply with aaid ruloa mid ,egulationa. .


Seclloa 7.1. Co•dllloD apoa Vacallas, Al tho exphation or.earlier termination ofthia Loaso, Tcmant shall: a) 11:rrninato its occupancy o~ Q!Jit andsunmder lo Landlord, aJi or such ~n of tho Premises upon

which~ Lease has so Ylmrnekd, broom-clean and in the same MMJtinn as received except for.

SCXJ.a>MERJ::A'Ml!DAJIS'l1IBI\AS\!11we we re rr• a, J1,a110?

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,. ')~'.' . .; a

I) ordinary wear and tear, or II) loas or damage by mo or otbar _.itnjmd . . .

b) surreodar tho Pnlmisol fteo of any ind."iu &ibria an4.lnl$ and my of Tenant's pmonal property, tumitmo, fixtures and equipment that dO ilofbthmwiio bcii:ome a part of 1lie Pmject, punumt to 11ie pro'riswn• corllaioed in Section 7.2 hcminbolow; and ·

c) at Tenant's solo expense, tbrthwith and with all duo diligm,co. tallOVO any Tonml Chango made by Tonmt 111111 rostono tho Premises to thoir original ~ IOBBOIUlblo wear and tear axcoptod. However, Tonmt shall only bo oblipted to i:imiovo· lllid Tonmt ~ if it was made wilhout Landlonl~ approval and/or if Landiorcl no1ified Tonmt of its ob~ to do so at 1lie limo Landkml app,oved TOllllll's requeat lbr a TC118111 Chango. lfTC118111 liils to complete 8IICh ,-oval and/or to repair any damage Clll80d by tho tanOva1 of any TOIIIIII Chango, Landkml may do so and may chmptho coat thoroofto Tommt.

Sccdo• 7.2. Teuat'1 Property. All tlxluroa, oquipmonl, improvoma!IB and installations attached or built Ullo 11ie Pnlmisol at anytimo dudng tho Toan lihall, at tho oqrilation or olllior toanination of this Lesso, bo deemed tho ~ of Landkml; bocomo • porrnmenl "811 of tho Pnlmisol and remain

· tharein. However, if laid oqujpmllll improv"!""* ml/or iostallati'llls can bo ianoved wid!out causing 111Y slruclurai •-•- to tho Pnmi-, thon, provided after 8IICh tanOval TOIUIIII rostorea 11ie Pnlmisol to tho ccmdi~ prior to inatsJJation ~fTOllllll's Inda fixtures or equipment, Tonmt shall bo poanitlod, at TOllllll'a aolo oxpmao, to mnovo Aid Inda fixturea and oquipmlllll.


Sccdoa 8.1. No~ Balldlq Boan / Holldayl. The "Nmmal Businoaa Houra" of 1lie Building, dudng which LandJcml shall mmiJh tho aorvicoa IIPOCilied in this AJticle 8 11111 dofined aa 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. on Salutday, any one or more Holiday(s) oxcopted. · · .

Tho "Holidaya" which shall bo obsorved by Landkml in 1lie Building 11111 dofined as any fodcrally­recosmzod holiday and any othor ho~~ bemiD, which are: Now Year& Day, Prosidenta' Day,

~8:'·c.1:.~.~~-~=!!~~sealbo111at~"tf,::tt~.= on each and ov~ auch Holiday, and Tmant shall DOI bo guarllldNd llCCelB to LandJcml or Landlmd's rnmaging "F'll(a) on oaoh IIIICb. Holiday. Seclloa 8.2. Acceu to dleBalldlq ud GenonJ Servlal. Subjocl to Pomo Majouro and any power oulago(s) which mar occur in tho ~ whm tho aarno 11111 out of Landkml'a noasonablo ooutrol, Landloid shall mmiJh tho 1bJ1owina 1o<V1C01 to Ibo l'lernisol twenty-fi>ur (24) bo1111 per day, aovon daylperweok: .

a) dudng Nmmal Businoaa Homa, bulbn,pJacornent &>r bujlding ataodard lights; b) acceu to and USO Qfthopad<ina faciJitlel fi>r-boldingvolidpadangpom,ila;

c) ...... to and 111!1 of tho oJovatora and --d) USO of oJectricaJ ligbling on m IIHUIOdod buis within Ibo Pnlmisol; and o) uso of a IOBBOIUlblo lovol ofwator fi>r·Jdtcha1,and toilet faciJitios in lbol'lernisol and common...,. balhroorns.. ' . . . . Section 8.3. Jaaltorlal - Landkml shall 1umiJh tho Pnlmisol with noasonablo and customaty

l"!lit'f;i;l::17".J:~:r~arn;~==i:~:r.r.r~~pio"°vldt~ aorvicel to tho Premisos and/or Building., J · company Seedo!a 8.4. Seculty. ,_ Teumt. acknowlodgoa that Landkml . .cuiro,;,dy. JJll>W"" 1rnilbl:rned llWlld oorvico to Ibo Projocl on• twenty-li>ur (24) bollll per daY, IIMlll (7) days per week baals, aololy !'or tho pUlpOBOI of providm& amvoillimco of; infurmation .ad mioctional laaistaroo to ponons ODtcring tho ProJoct.

Tonanl acknowlcdgea that auch gu8ld oorvico shall not provide my lllOIIBUIO of socurity or safety to tho Projoct or Ibo Pnlmiaoa, ml that Tonmt shall taJco aw:h actions aa it may deem noceaaary and IOBBOIUlblo to mauro Ibo aa1ety and 8'Cllrity ofTC118111's property orponon or Ibo ptOJ>o<IY orpenona of Tonmt's agmta, oliollll, contracfoll, dboclora, ornployool, invi-, Ii.-, officors, partners or sbaroholdors. Tonanl agn,oa md ac1mow1odgoo that, oxcept in tho caao of Ibo gross no~ or wiUml rni11CCM1rol oftandkml or itii dboclora, ornployool, ollicora, partoaa ot ahanlboldcn, i:md!ord ahall not bo liahlo to TOIIIIII in my 11U11111or whataoovor arising out of tho lililuro ofLandkml's gu8ld sorvico to socuro mypenon orpmporty limn hmm. · · TOIUllll lisn,os ml acknowlodgoa that LmdJold, in Landlord's aolo discretion, shall have tho option, but not tho obligation to add, doc:loaao, rmao Ibo bollll of and/or cbanao tho lovol of aorvices boiJlg providod by my gu8ld =saving Ibo Building. Tonanl ftirthor agn,oa that Taurnt ahall not ongago or hire any outside or 8'Cllrity company wilhout Landlord's prior writtm conscmt, which shall bo in Landlord's BOio • • . Sccdoa 8.5. UtDlllel. Durlnj Normal Buaiaess Ho1111 Landkml ahall tbmish a roaaonablo Jovel of water, heat, voutiJatiim and air ccmdiiicrning ("HV AC') and a aullicient amount of olectric cummt to

. provide CU8lomary businoaa ligbling and to operate ordinary ollico buaineal rnacbinoa, mu:h aa a sing1o poraonaJ computer and ancillary print« per 0110 J,m,drod and twenty (120) Rmtablo square foot MJrtained in tho Pnmi-, licaimilo rnarbinoa, -mall copion customarily uaod lbr gonoral ollico

I SOIJ-COMBPrA\MIDlABS'IBB'IE\AS':e:-• me rt zmr-.1i 11,aau · 10


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pUlpOses, 1111d such other oquipmont 1111d offiM rnacbinea as do 110I reou1t in abovo-atandard use of tho • ·­existing oloctrical ayalaD. So long .. Ibo l8IDO Rlllllin roaaonably coat cornpotitivo, Larullcml shall

, retain the solo diacrolion to obooao Ibo utility ~a) to supply such setvicos to Ibo Pranises lllld Ibo Building. ' . . . .

Except with Ibo prior wrillal COD8CIII of Landlord, which shall DOI be 11DrC880llllbly withhold, conditioJJod and/or delayed, TIIIID! shall DOI insla1l or use any oquipmcm1, apparatus or device in Ibo Pranises that roquiroa d,• fustaUatim, of a 220 voltsac cin:uit; COll8UID08 rnon, than fivo (5) kilowatts par hour par item; or Ibo aggiepto use of which will in ~ way iDcteaao Ibo C01DIOCled load to more than S Walts per aquaro foot, or cause Ibo 81DOUDI of oloctlicity to be thrnisbed "t suppliod for use in Ibo Pranises to JDOl!l than 1.2 kWh par uaablo aquaro foot, pcrlllODlh.

Bxoq,t wi1h Ibo prior wrillal COll80llt of Landlorcl, TIIIIDI shall DOI cmrnect any eleotrlcal oquiprnont to Ibo oloctrical system of Ibo Building. except tlnoURh oloctricaloutlots ~= in Ibo Ptornises, nor shall TIIIIDl·pion,o, imao, cloleto or add to dio oloctrical, plrnnbing, rnoc · or HVAC systems in Ibo Pnmises. · Section 8.6. After Boan BVAC ud/or - Udllly Ussp. If TIIIIDI ....,;,,,. HVAC service

· during othar than Nonna! Business Hours ("Bxcoaa HV AC"), TIIIIDI shall maiui'iisroques1 in writing at lout six (6) houn betine tbo cloao oflho norrnal - day. Olharwiso, Landlonl shall have 110 oblijllllion to provide Bxcoaa HV AC. Toaant'a ,:oquost shall be docmed 'concluaivo eviclouco of ·ilB wiHrnSM1111 "'poytbo coata spocilied haoiD. Tho cumnt cbqo forBxcoaa BVAC is $85.00perhour.

JfT0118111 roquiroa oloctric CIIDOlll in- oftbo IIIDIIUDll apocified b,ninabovo, water or gas in ox- of that customarily fbrnisbed to lho Pnmisoo aa oJlico apace ("Bxcoaa Utility Uao"), T0118111 shall first proc:uro Landlord'• prior wrillal COll80llt to IIUch Bxcoaa Utility Use, which Larullcml may roaaonablymftlso. .

In lieu of Landlord's milsal, Landlord may cause a rnd« or IIUb-rnd« to be inatalled to moasuro Ibo amount ofwaw, gas and/or oloctric CIIDOIII coallUllled by TIIIIDI in lho Pnmises. 'Ibo oost of any such rnellll(a), BIid Ibo inllll]]etion, rnainleollllCC', BIid ~ thoreot shall be paid by TIIIIDI as Additional Real.

After comp!~ imlaUatioa of said rnam(a), tmd/or ifT0118111-- Bxccaa HV AC, !hon T0118111 shall pay, as Additional·~ within tbirty (30) caleadar daya a1IIII" TClllllll's receipt of Landlord's billillg, for lho actual 81DOUDta of ell waw, atearn, cornp1 md air, oloctric cumnt tmd/or Bxcosa HV AC CODSUlllod hoyond lho normal 1ovo1a Landkml lu..;uhod b.nin to provicJc. Said billing shall be calouJatod on Ibo 118111" indioated by such rnellll(a}, Bllb-mota(a}, or TClllllll's writtm ,:oquoat therefor, BIid shall be iasued by Landkml at lho - cbqod for IIUch sorvicos by tho Jocal public utility ftnpj~- 1111 additional roaaonably incunocl by Larullcml in providing said l!xcoas · Use ~or ~ ...,:::::: lho Wllfllr, -... cornp1 sod air 1111d oloctric oumml 80 OOllllunod; plus 811 adrninislrativo BIid billing fee equal to tell pol\10llt (10%) oftbo C08la 80 billod. Secdoa 8.7, C111111aa aflocllaa BV AC, TIIIIDI shell also pay as Additional Rm! for any additional coata Lmllord iuoun to ~ my fililuro of Ibo HV AC oquipmaDt BIid l}'ll<IDI to porlimn their fimctioa when said &ihm, arises out of or ia CODDoclion with any change rn, or allcralioaa 1o. Ibo .......,.....,, of parlilioniDs in Ibo Pranises after Ibo Comm-mt nato, or &om OCC0p1111Cy by, on average, man, than ODO penon for OVtrf-mmdlod BIid My (250) uaablo aquaro foot of Ibo~ or #om TOIIIDl's liihmi to koq, ell HV AC vonta within tbo Pranises lloo of obatnlAllion. Soctloa 8.8. Domapd or DerecUvo ~ T0118111 shall give prompt DOlico to Landlord after T0118111 bocomos awan, of any allegod damage to, or Wvo coadilion in any part or appurtcnanoo of Ibo Building', n4fritaty, eJoctricaJ, BV AC or other ayalmll serving, ]ocatccl in, or paSsing tlnougb, Ibo Pnmises. Provided that Ibo ·~ or l'OIIICdy of said damage or dofeotive coadilion is within Ibo roaaonablo conlrol ofLandlorcl, ii shell be ranodiod by Laudlonl with roaaonablo diligeaco. Otborwiao, Landlord sball Dlllb such commercially roaaonabJe om.ta .. may be avaiJablo to Landiord to offoct such rcrnody or~. but oxcept·m lho caao of Landlord's lllOBl aogJjgmco and/orwiJUiJ! rnisoouduct or Ibo - nogligmco tmd/or willful rniaoonducl n( Lmdlonl's - '!P."_11. OODlractoll, cJiroctors, ornployoN, o~ parlDm, tmd/or -...,hlln, Landlord shell DOI be liable to T0118111 for my fail""' thereo£

T0118111 ahell aol be mlitlod to claim any CWIUIP. arising &om any such damage or dofective coaditioa nor. shell T0118111 be ODlitlod to claim any OYJctioa. by......, of any such damage or defective cowtition unless: a) Ibo l8IDO was caused by Landlord'• groas nogligmco or wiJUiJl misconduct while operating or

rneitrtainiag tha Pranises or Ibo BuiJcJina; b) Ibo damage or dofocliv• coaditioa hu anbatantiaJly provontod TOIIIDI &om conducting ilB normal

buainaas oporatillDI! or obtaining accoaa to at lout aovmty-five polCOIII (75%) oflho Pranisoa; and c) Landlord shell havo failed t,, OOIDID...., Ibo rcrnody thereof BIid procoodocl with roaaoaablo

cJiligonco to cornploto Ibo l8IDO a1IIII" Landlord's receipt of1101ico tb«oot&om TCIUIDI. Furtbonnoie. if such ~ or dofoclive coaditioa waa caused by, or is attnbuted to, a Tommi

Chango or Ibo UDI08801lablo or unpropor use of such ayatem(a) by T<ll.lllt or ita ornployoN, liccmaooa or invitoaa: d) Ibo oost oftbo remedy thereof shell be paid by T0118111 as Additional Rm! JIUrBUllll to Ibo provisions

ofSoction4.3; · e) in DO ovcmt shall T0118111 be mlitlod to my aba-ont ofrmt as apocilied above; BIid

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f) Tenant shall be estopped from making lll1Y claim lbr damages arising out of Landkml's-;;,;\;,':.£ thoreo£ .

Sectloa 8,9. JJmflalloa on L111dlord'1 Uabii_lty for Fili'ure to Provide Ullllllel and/or Servicel. Except in Ibo case of Landlmd's groa Jieiligm or willtul miscomluct or Ibo groa negligence or wil1lhl rniscomlw:t nf Landlmd's agenll, <-11111+ wa, direc1on, amplo)w, U-, officers, pm1DmB or sbaraboldm, TClllll)l horoby tml80II Landkml from any liability fnr damages, by ahatcmoat of loal or otha:wiae, lbr lll1Y liilDre or delay in flmriabing "IIY of Ibo aervicea or utilities specified in this Article 8 (iac;hidin& but DOI limited IP tolq,bcvw ml toleo @k:etion scnicoa), or lbr 1111}' dirninntion in tho quality or quantity tbareo£ · . :

TCIUlll!'s '"1caso ofLandhnd's 1iabi1i1f shall be applicablo whm IIUllh liiluM, delay or climinution is · occasioned, in wbolo or in part. by '!'I.'!!"", ,..,,.....,...., or improvanllllll, by 1111}' strike, lockout or

otb<r labor trouble, by Landlmd's inability to ....,. electricity, gss, wator or olh« fllel at Ibo Building after Landkml'a rcasonable effort to do so, by accidmt or cuua1ty wbalaoever, by act or dofilult of Tenant or partiee olhor than Landlord, or by lll1Y other cau,o beyund Landlord'• rcasonable control Such lililun,o, delays or ctiminulion sball never be cleomocl to ~ a constructive oviotion or diBllltbm>o of Tenant's uao a<' posaeaale of Ibo Praniam, or IICIMI to ielievo TOIIIIIII from paying Rall or~ any of ila oblipliona IIDder this Loaao.

Furthamoie, Landkml shall not be liable IDllkr 1111}' CU'ClllllllalK: lbr a Jou ot; i,tjmy to, or intcrftnnco with, TOlllllll's buainou, inclnctin& wi1boul Jimi1alion, 1111}' losa of p,o1i1B • or

· • tluough or in CODDOC1ion wi1h <v incideah,J to Landkml's liilDre to tbmiah lll1Y of~ces ::t:nquind bylbla Article 8. · . · · · Notwi1bstancting lho above, Landlord shall U10 --'•lh, reasonable oft'orla to remedy 1111}'

delay, dofoct or insnllimCIIIO)' in providing Ibo aervicea ~.itiiiifos requiJod h&nundor. Notwi1bstancting Ibo !ingoing, if Tenant is eoiod from • and cloos not uso, the Promises or

any portion thoreot; 11 a 1"11111 of (i) Landkml,:e"!iihue to~ IIClrYk:os or Ulililios II roquirod by this·Losso, or ("11) Landkml's........., ofila riglda llllder Soction 12.11 below (an "Abatement Event',, then TOIIIIIII shall give Landhnd Notice of aucJ, Abetnnent 'lvoal and if sw:h Abatnnent Evoat continuos lbr six (6) con-.tivo - ci... after Landkmi'a rocoipt of any SDCh Notice {the "BliaibiJity Period"). and 1111Cb liilDre ia JIOI attributsblo to, or cau,od by, Ibo ac11 ofTIIIIIIII, 1hm Ibo Fixed Moulbly Rmt and 4dctilionsJ ";3!rJ:;6"8 J>"!k!DB cha,gos} shall be abated or reduced, as lho case may be, after oxpiration of Ibo · • • Period lbr aucJ, time tbat Tcmant MDlinuos "1 be ao preveatcd from using, and cloos JIOI uso, Ibo Praniam, or a portion lbereot; in Ibo proportion tbat Ibo rontable area of Ibo portion of Ibo Promiaos tbat TCIIIDI ia Jl"M'l""'1 from using, and cloos JIOI USO ("Unusablo Area"), boon to Ibo total rontable aioa oflho Pnmiaos; provided, bowovor, in Ibo event that TOIIIIIII is~ from using, and cloos not uso, Ibo Unuaablo Ares lbr a IIOriocl of time in OXCOB1 of Ibo Blig,lrility Period and Ibo . 0 portion of Ibo Promi1os is not aullicieat to allow TCIIIDI to effectively con4uct ill ~= and if TCIIIDI cloos DOI conduot ita buaiDooa from such IOlllllining portion, 1hm lbr IIUllh time after Cllpimtion of Ibo Eligibility Period during which Tonant is ao preveatcd from offiootivoly ~ta businosa lbaein, du, Fixed MomhJy Rmt and Additional Rall (inchlcting paddng rlmgos~ onlin, Promi1os shall be abated lbr such time as TCIIIDI Mfllinnos to be ao. preveatcd. from =· and cloos not uso, Ibo Promilos. rt; bowevor, TOIIIIIII IOOCC1lpios lll1Y portion of 1ho PiomiNa IIUllh period, Ibo Rmt allcicablo to aucJi n,occupied portion, bucd on the proportion that lho rontab moa of aucb i:eocoupied portion of 1ho Promises boon to Ibo total rontabJe sroa oflho Pnmiaos, shall be payabJo by TCIIIDI from Ibo dale Tenant IOOCCUpios IIUllh portion of Ibo Promiaos. Such rigbl to abate-Fixed MombJy Rmt and Additional Rmt shall be TCIIIDl'a sole and OJ!C)uaivo remedy at Jaw or in equity lbr an Abalcmeat l!voul. SectJoa 8.10. Teaant ProYkJod s.m...; TCIIIDI shall mm DO contract or employ any labor in MDDOotion with 1h• maintenance, o1oaning or olh« aorvicing of Ibo pbyaicaJ atruallllel of 1ho Promises or lbr installation of 1111}' CQJDpUllr, tolepbono ~ otb<r cabling, oquipmont or ...-iaJI p,ovided in or to lho Promilos (colloctivoly and individnally a "TCIIIDI Sorvic:o") wi1boul 1ho · conaont of Landlord, which conaonl sbaJl DOI 6o l11lr08IO!UlblywilhheJd, conditioned or dolayod. r.:.'!.t Rhall not porlllit Ibo UIO of 1111}' labor, matmiaJ or--· in Ibo podimnanc6 of 1111}' TOIIIIIII SorviCCI if Ibo USO lbereot; in Landlord's i:eaaonablo ~~ vk:Jate tho pnmsiona of any sgnaneat--Landlord and

. lll1Y union providing W<d, labor or scnicoa in or about du, Pnmiaos, Building and/or c:ioate labor disbaanony in tho Buil4ing. ·


Seolloa 9.1.· Teaant', TademnUlnlloa aad Hold ~ For du, purposos of this Section 9.1, "Indemniteo(s}' shall jointly and aovonllyroferto Landlord and Landlord's egcnts, clillDII, COD1r1lctor8, directoIB, mnploy,,os, o1liccn, partnoia, and/or sblllobolden.

TOIIIIIII shall indemnify and h<,ld Indomna- lumnloss from and against all claims, suita, dwands, damages, jw)grnllllll, eoats, ~ and oxponsos (inclvding attomoya foes and coats incumd in Ibo dofeuao lbereot} to which lll1Y Indomnitoo may be subject or suffer when lho samo ariao out of lho ,,.gligonco or wiJllbl misconduct 'l!TCIIIDI or lho ncgliga,co or willlhl·rnisconduct nfTonant'a agents, -._ directoIB, ~1- liceo.-,. ofliccn. partnon or sbaniboldcn in MDDOotion with lho

:"..?~ ~lb,, ~11~~:.:.i ~ ue,;,,~~ !; ~-=:i~~"'%:_:: fixtures and/or equipmeat in, on, 11J1011 or about 1ho Promiaos.·

Tonant'• indornnificslion shall oxtead to lll1Y and all claims and occumnces, wb§tbor for injmy to or cloelh of lll1Y pcnon or pcnons, or· fbr damage to property (inch•cting lll1Y Jollli of uao tboroot}, or

I S0GCOMBRJCA,\MllDABS'IBlrl1\AS\.&,;,., mo re zm,-.i, a?.iNl87 12 ~~-41- 1£- I

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fJl!/6/l,/AJ o1herwiso, occurring during tho Team or prior to tho Commencement nato (If Tenant baa been given·~ early accoas to tho Prcmiam ibrwhatoverpurposo), and to all claims arising 11:om any condition of tho Prcmiam duo to or R8Ulling-11:om any dcfau1t by Tenant in tho beping, observanco or performance of any covenant or~ of this I.cue, m; fi:m. tho •,iiJipico "I' willAi1 miaconcluct of Tenant or tho negligence or willful mismaduct of Tenant's aaema, ccmtncton, directors, cmplo>-, licensees, ofticen, partmn or shmholdm. · Section 9.2. Nlllllty of TOU11t'1 IDdemDlllcaUoa ID llvent of Nealllence. N~-anything to tho contmy cnntained m this Loaao, Tenant's indemnification sliall DOt omnd to tho • or willful milcoaducl of Landlonl or tho negligenco or will1\J1 miacomluct of 's agents, ccmtncton, directon, cmployeoa, oll!ccn, partmn or sbareholdera, nor to mch ovents and occumioces ibrwhich Landlonl othorwiae cmiClo insurance covsago. SectloD 9.3. Tenut'1 Waiver of Llalllllty. Provided sad to tho - that my injury or damage suffind by TODllllt or TOIIIDl'a ag-, clients, ccmuao-, directon, cmplo>-, ilM1- ofllcen, partnon, lllld/or shmholdas did DOt arise out of 1h11 negligenco _or will1\J1 mi110011d11ct nf Laadlorcl or tho nogligence or will1\J1 niisccmcJnct 'l!Laadlorcl'a aaema, ccmtncton, emi>loYw. ofliccn, parlnolB or shmholden, Tenant shall make DO claim apimt Laadlorcl and Laadlotd llball DOt be liablo or IOIIP()Dliblo in any way ibr, and TODllllt hereby waives all claims apimt Laadlotd wi1h nspcct to or arising out of iajmy or~ to anypcnon or )llO)IOlty in or about tho Prcmiam by or 11:om my causo· ~under the o~orrn.enaa,,rr,art.,f'Tcmant. Section 9.4. JJmltwdoP 'If Lllldlord'1 LlalllJIIJ. Tenant oxp,ouly agiees that, notwithstanding mylhing in this Loaao 111111/or any app1icablo law to tho contmy, tho liability of Landlonl anil Landlord's agents, C)!Glli&-t ta, directon, ~~ lie--. oillcanw partners or shareholders, iuclucli•g any aucceaaor in iDlmal lborato (colloclivoly and ladividllally tho "Land1onl Partioa"), and any lOCOIIIIO by'TODllllt apimt Landlonl or tho Landlord Partiol shall be-limited sololy and axclllaivoly to m IIIIIOUDl which ia oqua1 to tho iDlmal ofLandlonl in tho BuiJclin&,

Tenant ..... ffoally agiees tbat Dmlhar Landlonl nor any of tho Laadlotd Partioa sba11 havo my penonal liability thorofor. Further, Tenant hereby apn,aaJy waivoa 111111 mlaaaoa mch penonal liability on bebalf ofilllolfand allpano111 claimiugby, tluouah oruaderTCIIIDI. Sectlo_ n 9.5. Tnufer of Lllldlord'1 Llal,~ i;"!' apn,aaiy &glOOI that, to tho - that any trauslllnio 8lll1llllllll tho obligaliona of Landlonl in wriliD& and • dcd Landlonl hall oithor umsfemd 1ho complele SacmityDepositheld pumuant to this Loaao or~ tho ll8IIIO to Tcmanl 88 of tho dato of mch inmmr, thou tho COV<IIIIDII and~ on tho part ofLandlonl to be porfimned under this Loaao which ariao 111111/or ......, aller tho dato of mch tz-ar shall DOI be bladiDg upon Landlonl haain namod 1iom and allertho dato of-.&,r of jls iDlmal in tho BuilcliDg. _ Section 9.6. Ludlord'1 :i•ileim,- . Notwitllmncling -any OODliazy provision of Ibis Loose, Laadlorcl shall indamuify, and hold Tenant and Tenant'• aaema, clients, directon, ofliDanl, partnmB, cmplo:i-, sha1'lholdas 111111 - lumDloall 11:om and against, any and all claims, C8USOII of action, liabilitioa, loaoa, l:OIIODlblo COlll 111111 --. itJC)ndin1 ......,.t,lo altomoy'a fem and court coats, arising liom or iii connection '¥Ith: a) · Any activity occuning, · ~ conclition oxiating, at or in 1ho Building lllld/or 1ho Roal Property ( othor

tfum in tho Pnmiaea) when mch activity or coadition ia under tho l:OIIODlblo control ofLan<llord, except and to tile - tho aamo ia causod by tho nogligenco or will1\J1 l!'iacondnct n<Tenant or Tenanl'a cmplo>-, ag-, licen-, inweoa, or contracton, or by Tenant's bI-1i or dcfau1t in tho performance of any obligation. under this Leaso;

b) Any activity omuring or condition omting in tho Pnmiaoa whm and to tho - causod by tho negligencoorwillt\Jlmiacoaducl ~fLandlonlorLandlorcl'a -~ agents or nonllactorll; or-

e) AnybnKh by J.andi<!td of any of Landlord's ob~ under this Loaaa. _


. SectloD 10.1. T-t'• Compllaace-wllll La.,._ Tonant shall DOI 1l80, pmmit to be usecl, or pmmit SDylhing to be clono in or about all or any portion of tho Prcmiam which will in any way violate any 1awa, a1alutel, orc1imucea, l1llea, onion or ,egp1aljODI duly iaaued by govormnmtal authority baving~cticill OVS'thoPmniaea, or by tho Bomd of-Fire Undarwriten.,.orany succesaor tbceto) ( colloctivoly "Cocloa"). S..U0.111.l. T-t ta Comply. at Sole J::q,eue. Tenant ahall, at its sole oxpense, pro111111iy MIDOdy any violaticm of mch Codea, provided, however, t1iat nothing contained i'I this Section f 0.2 shall ~ TC111111 to mako any atruclmal clup to tho Pmniaea, UDlo88 mch ~ an, required duo to oithor TOllllll or TODllllt'a ag-, clients, contracton, directon, -~ UlVIIOOB, Ii-, oflicera, partmn or shmholdas use of tho Pramiaoa 1br pu,poaoa othor 1hllll general oflice plllpOI08

~-a Clau A oflico builcling. Section 10.3, Conclulve Evidence or VlolatlOD. The j\Jdslmml of any court of competont juriacliction; TOllllll'a aclmiaaion; or th• admillllion of any one or more ofTOIUllll'a aaema, comractors, directon, cmplo:i-, officcn, partmn or abataholdon in any action against Tenant, whether or not LandlOld ia a l1"'o/ thcnto, t1iat TOllllll hall so >iolatocl any om, or IDOl<I Coclea shall be =lllsive

· eviclm:o of mch VIOJatiOD 88 betwcm Landlonl and Tenant.

500-COMBRK"A\MBDAl!S1HB'IEA'IAP'e1,w, we a r 1m1: \ 11,am 13


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.·;,C'\ .lY

ASSIGNMEN'i.AND SlJBLETTJNG Section 11.1. Permluloa Reqalncl for '",c-f ~' Sublet. Unloas Laadlonl'a prior wrlttm COll80III baa boon given, which COll80III ahall·iio! Ulll'OUOliibly wuhMld, coaditioMd and/or dolayod (subject to tbo e,qneaa ~ of this Articla 11), this Loaao aball no~ nor aball anyintcmt heroin, be uaig'aabloas to lboiDICnltofTOllllllbyopenti.oaoflaw; D1ir aball Teoaat a) aaaisn TOIIIDl'a inlenat ill this I.caao; or b) aublot tho Pnmiaea or any part tboreof or pormit tho Pnmlaeo or any part lhereof to be 1llilizcd by

BD)'OIIO olhcr than TOIIIIIII, wholher as by a COlll"'"SUllleirt, fraaclliaee, licensee, pom,ittee or ot&erwiao ( colleclivoly, a "aablaaao') · In addilioJJ, except lbr Traaafen UDdcr - (a) or (b). TCIIIDI shall not mortpgo, pledge.

Cllll)1llllher or olhe<wiao tianafer this Leaso, tho Tmm and/or - horeby gnmted or any intemlt hmm without Laadkml'a prior wriltal con-, which commt may be gnmted or witbhold in Laadlmd'a solo aad absolute dilCIOticm.

Any asaignmont, 1IIOrtpp, pledge. CIICUllllmmco, tnmafcr or aubleaao (colloclivoly, ":f~ without Laadkml'a prior wriltal COD80III ahal1 be voidable. and, ill Lmllotd'a aola · aball constillllO a material dofiwJI UDdcr this Leue. SedloD 11.2. Vohualll'f Aaalp-• 4111 111 CJwa.- ID Sinclare of T-1. Any dissolution, """81!, coaaolidatlon, or o1hor norgaaizali011 of Tmant, or 1he aiaglo aalo or o1hor 1nmBl'cr of a COJlllO!ling ~ of 1he oapita1 atock of Tlluml (olhar than Ille aala of aucb stock punuanl to a public o1ll,ring 1h11 te8Ulta in a majority of Ibo same manbca of Ibo Board aad oxocutivo officers nrmainillg in conllol of said COlpotlllion) an4 or Ibo aiaglo aaJo of fifty J)CRIIII (SO%) or more of tbo value of Ibo aasolB of Tcmmt. aha11 be deemed a vohmllliy IMiamnart Tho pJuuo "CODtiolliDg paccmlllj!o° mw tho oWlHlllhip o( and thoriaJ,t to vote stock pc ilia ~pon,art (50%) ormoie of 1ho tolal combinod volillg power of all clauoo of TIIIBD1'a ......_, atock issued, outalalldin& mid ontitlecl to vote li>r Ibo cleclion iif diiaclod. ND1Wi11111aodiaa ~to Ibo coiitmy i:oritainocl heroin, tho pn,codlaa P-'1 aha11 not apply to corporatioas wlioae atocl: ia llllded lbrough a recognized Uniled s-......,..,.ovctboCOIDllllr.

Any witbdtawa1 or cbaap (wbolber voluullry, invo~. or by op«8lion of law) in tho parlmllShip by one or more pannen who own. ill tbo ~ filly pelOIIII (SO%) or more of tho parb1enhip, ordio ~ oflbe parmmship, aball be cleeaiecl a vohmmy auignmart

If TCIIIDI ia COIDpliaed of more 1lrm one iD4lvidual, • pmpo,tecl .saipmcllll (wholhor voluntary, invollll!l&IY, or by operation of law). by any- of Ibo pcno11, oxOCllliag this Loaao aball be deomed a vohmmy ...;gnment . .

Section 11.2.l. AOPtued ".ompaaleo/Renruclluia1 of Bulaeas n,pafzallo,a. Any contrary provision of this Artic1a 11 notwitludanding tbo aaaignmcllll or subletting by TCIIIDI of all or any po,lion of this Lease or Ibo l'lllmi.-to (i} a panmor aub&idmy of Tammi, or (ii) anypenon or artity which COJ1110la, ia conlloll¢ by or under COD!JDOn comroJ with Tcmmt, or (Ii.ii any entity which purcbasos all or ""1,staoliaUy all oflbo - ofTcmmt, or (iv) any artity into which TCIIIDI ia merged or coaaolidated (all. aucb per80III or cmtilieo dllc:iibed in (i), fn), (iii) iud (iv) being aomotirnos licroinatlar tcfated to aa -~ aball not be doomed a Tomafer under this Article 11 and lhlla aha11 DOI be subject lo Laodlmd'a prior~ and LaodlQ1'd ahall DOI be ontitlecl lo any Nol Ronlal ProfilrosulliugtbmoJiom, ptovided that: a) Any aucb A11lliato waa not fbmled as a aubtcrfbgo lo avoid lbe obligalicma of this Article 11; II) TCIIIDI sivaa Laodlord at laaat tea (10) daya' prior DOlice of any auch •asisnrnart or subleaao lo an

Alllllato; c) The ........or ~f TCIIIDI and TCIIIDI bavo tbo fiDanoia1 capaoity to lbl1ill Ibo thoit-._aiuing

obligalioaa ofT""811t under this I.caao; cl) Any.,,,.,. aasiinrnoni or~ shall be subject and aubonlinato to all oflbe lams and provisi0118

of this Laaao. aad such aaaisnao or aub1- ahal1 l88!IDIO, in a wrlUm docurnont. reasonably aatjsfilclory to .Laodlord aad dolivcrO\l to Laodlord llpOI) or p,jqr to lbe effeotivo dalo of suoh auigmnmt or aublaaso, all tbo abligalions ofl'cnaal under this Leaae with roapeot lo lbat portion of Ibo .l'llluisaa which ia tho subject of such Transfor (olhar than Ibo BDIOIIIII of Fixocl Moathly Roni payablo byTCIIIDI with reapoct to aaubleaao); and

e) Tlllllllt ahall :ranain fi>l1y liablo ibr all obligalicma lo be pem>DDocl byTCIIIDlundcrthia Lease. Seellon 11.3. lbq- 111 Alolp or Sl1bluH. If al any limo dmiag the Tmm, Tenant wiahaa to aaaign Ibis Lease ·or any inbnat lheniin, or 1o sublet all or any portion of Ibo PRmiaea, Ihm at 1oas1 thirty (30) da~ prior to Ibo dalo whm Tlll&DI clamai lb• asaignrnart or aubleaao to bo oft'cctm, TCIIIDI aball give ~ D01ice to Landlord 8CllliDg lilllh tho l!llllO, lllldlw, and buainoaa of the propoaed aiBi . . or sub)- buaincia ind paaona1 cndit . . licalions lotocl on Landlcml'• ataadanl appC: finma, aad inmmlalion (including...,,._ appand sucl> ,:.:,, clocumartalion .. Landlonl aball reaaonablypnscribo) M7ll'fflring..., chanM:ler and linaooia1 coadili011 of lb., J>lupo,ocl ~or aub1- tbo olfoctive date of Ibo~ nr aublaaso, an4 all Ibo mat«ia1 tams aad conditi0118 of Ibo JllOP08ocl auisnrnont. aad with aololy lo a aub!ouo: a detailed deacriplion of the spaco im,poaocl to be sublet, togelhor with anvriaJ,ta of tho--' aublaasea lo 1l80 Tommi's irnj4ovmumla imd/orimclllaiy aarvii:ca with Ibo l'nlml'aeo. ,..w,-- · ·

I SOGC0MBPKW~\ASY:,,.1tme an mw, J?,lGW 1'



Page 18: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE



• • --------·---· --------------,-A ·.v · .. ·,O

Section 11.4, Laadlord'1 Coueat. Landlmd shall have twonly (20) daya after Tenant's notice of aaaigmnent and/or aublosso is rocoived with tho financi,1 infunnelion roaaonablyteqUOSted by Landlord to advise TOIIIIDt of Landlmd's (i) COIINIII to llllllh proposod ~ml or aubJ.osso, (h) withholding of consont to ll1ldl IJIIJPOIOd aaaigmnffll or_ aubleaao, cir (w') ·on tn klrrnimrto this Loase, such termination to be ofteclive aa of tho dale of tho rornrn.....,ffll n~ tho 1llOIIOIOd aaaigmnont or aublatting. JfLandl!)ld shall ·OXIICilo ill lmDination right honlundcr, Landloid sliall have tlio right to ontcr into a 1osso or olbor occupancy apomom direcdy with tho proposed aaaigaoo or aubtmumt, and Tenant shall have no right to any of tho 111118 or olbor COlllidoratioli Dll'Jllble by ll1ldl proposed aaaigooo or sub-undorauch - losso or occupancy lljp:NIDOIII, OVOll if such 111118 and odier CODSidorelion oxcood tho rffll payable undor this Loaao by Tenant. Landlord shall have tho right to loaao tho Piemisoa to olbor toDant, or not 1osso tho l'lemisos, in ill aolo and abao1ule diacrotion. Landlord and Tenant spoci""}lcalJr - that Landlmd'a right fn ternrinalo "1ia Loaao und,r cl11~ao w) abovo·ia a matorial COIV'idoralion ibr Landkml'a ag,oc,mmt to oalllr into this Loaao and auch · may be oxeroisod in Idord'a aolo and abaohllo diac:rotion and DO teal of lalSOllllblollcaa be IIIIDlicablo thoroto; providod, howovcr, that Landlmd exon:iao Ibo lmninelion right doacribocl in clauao (Iii) above onlyifTOllllll!p,opoaoatoauignthis'"t.:oraublol111GR1thanfiftypercont(S0%)0fthol'nlmisoa.

TOIIIIDt aclmowledgea 1bat Landlord'• ccmaw shall be baaod U{'!!D tho criteria listed in Sootionl I 1.4 (a) 1IDough (e) below, and subject to Landlord'a right to unilitorally ~vo of 811)' JmJIX)IOd aaaigmnont and/or aubloaao, baaod on tho oaiatmco of any condition OODIJrinod ..;thin Section 11.5 hcroinbolow. IfLandlonl pmvidoo ill COIINlll within tho limo period "fiod, Teaanl shall be ftoo to comploto tho aaaigmnffll 'IIMl/or aublol IUdi IIJIICO to tho pally _::, m Tmumt's notice, subject to tho fi>l1owina oonctiti0111· a) ~ and/or subloaao shall bo on tho IIIIIIIO klrrnl as wen sot ibrth in tho notice given to

b) Tho lllligmnent and/or subloaao shall bo docurnmtod in a wri- funnat that is roaaonably acceptable to I andJord, wbich funn abloll spocilically includo tho aaaignoo'a and/or subloaaoo'a ackno.-lodgmnmt 9"" accoplBDco of tho obligalinn COD1Jlinod in this Loase, in 10 far as applicable;

c) Tho BMigmnffll and/or subloaao shall not bo valid, nor shall tho lllligooo or aubl081CO take poroaaio:, of tho l'lemisos, or aubloaaod podion 1bmot; until an IIUCUlod duplicate original of ll1ldl subloaao and/or aaaignrnart "u been dalivcnd to LandJmd;

d) In tho ovmt of any Transfer, Landkml shall m:eive as Additional Roni horoundor (and without atl'octing or roducin& any - obligation of Teaanl undor Ibis Loaao) fifty percont (50%) of Tenant's. "Nat Raqlal Profit" dorivod lhml IUdi Tranafor, In tho ovffll ofa Tiiuisfcr which is a aubloaao, Nat Rffllal ProJit shall moan all rmt, additional rffll or - CODSidorelion payable (m lieu of or in addition to rffll) by ll1lllh - ;,, OODDOCtlon with tho Transfer in oxcoaa of tho Roni and Additional Roni~ by TODaDt undor Ibis Loaao clming tho tam of tho Transfer on a per rffllablo BqWlftl lilot baais if 1oaa than all of tho Piemisoa is 1"'Dafened, after deducting tho roaaonablo- incmrod byTODaDt;,, OODDOCt1on with auch Tranafor ibr (I) advortiaing C08IB,

. (h) llllY m,p!OVOIIIOIII allowa!>l:o or olbor -ic corcwiona. (e.g., 11J11CO planning aJ1ow.,,.:o or moving -), (w) any bmlange c:ornrniui0DS incmrod by TODaDt in CODDOCtion with tho Transfer, and (tv) roaaonablo -.ioya• 1ooa iDl:umcl by TOIIIIII! in CODDOCtion with tho Tranafor. In tho OVffll of a Tmnalbr olbor than a sub1oaao, "Nat Rffllal Profit" shall moan.key money, bonus JDA?110Y or olbor ~ paid by Ibo - to Tll]IIII in OODDOCtlon widi such Transfer, and any payrnont in excor of liir mmkat valuo ibr aorvicoa nmdon,d by TODaDt to tho Transferee ibr 111ao1a, tixlUnl8, inva,tory, equipmoal, or tbmitum lnDsfmed bY Tenant to tho CODDoction with auch Transfor. If part of Ibo Nat Rffllal ProJit abal1 bo payable by tho Tranafmoo olbor than in caah, Ihm Landlonl's sham of auch non-cash CODlidoralion shall bo in auch funn as is roaaonably aatiffacto!yto iai,dJorcl.

TOIIIIDt shall doliv<r to Landkml a atalmDent within durly (30) daya after tho cod of each calendar year and/or wi1llil! 1birly (30) daya after tho oxphalion or oarlior klrrninetion of tho T0m1 of this Loaao in which 11DY Tran* baa occmrod, apocifying ibr oach ll1lllh Tranafor: I) tho dale of ill oxocuilon and clolivary, tho JDDDbcr of lMjWIIO fool of tho Rolllable Arca demised

tlunby, and tho Teim1bmot; and . II) a computelion in roaaonablo dotail showing tho amounll (if any) paid and payable by Tenant to

Land1ord pursuant to Ibis Section 11.4 with rmpect to such Transfer ibr tho period covc:ml by such 8latcllllellt, and tho 111DOU1118 (If any) paid and payable by Tenant to Landlord pursuant to this Section 11.4 with l"!'J'""I to llllY payrnODl8 m:eivod lhml a - clming such period but which- to 8D oarlior period. .

~:!i' J:;·thai,~=J:n~":i.~:J=lbi! ;:,:.u;:: Ja';."!::t to1=.= ill COll80III, it shall bo roaaonable undor this Loaao and llllY applicable law ibr Landkml to withhold ill COD80DI to any proposed Transfer, when any one or"""" of tho fullowing conditiOIII exiata: a) Tho proposed subloaaoo or aaaigaoo (a "l'ransllno") is, in Landlord's roaaonable ju;<lpnenl, of a

cbaractor or roputelion which is not consi-with lbo,u, b::±xFM custornarily fuund ma Clasa A ollico building; .. · · · · · · · · ·

b) Tho Tranaforoc is ongagod in • bu±oss or intends to ... all or llllY portion of tho Piemisoa ibr p which' am not - with thoao gmii,rally li>und in tho Building or other C1asa A o~uildings in Ibo vicinity of tho Bui1din& provided, however, 1bat in DO event shall Landlotd

SO<J-QOYBRCA1MBDASS111B'11CV-Gl.&::TPIL2QQ'7! rs aer:-15 ./fl- #£-1


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1 fj

• • -----~-------~-------------,·.,,-i•.,.,

()fl/t/1,; . ' '4.,,f/4/

. "' be permitted to declina TOD8Dl's roquost fur a Tomsfor solely on tho basia of said Transfcreo's intent to change tho Specified Use from that of Tonant, un!ou auch proposed change shall violalo any Exclusive Use provision ahoady &fllllled by Laadhm1; ·

c) Tho 1'l1m8fine is aither a govmlllllllli,j ~ or ~ty thaool: cl) Tho Tomsfor. will i:es!llt in more 1ban a ,._ebl• '113d aafe number of occupanlll within tho

Premises; .

•) Tho Transfcreo is not a arty of COIDl11mOially miaciiiabte financial worth and/or fuumcial stability in light of tho ~ involved UDdcr Ibo aublease, if a sublessee, or tho Lease, if an assignee, on tho':° COIISCllll is IOCj1IOlled, or has demonstnlled a prior histmy of etedit instability or unworthiDoss;

f) Tho Tomsfor will canse Landlcml to be in violation of anothor lease or spement to which Landlord is a party, or would sive another occupaut of tho Building a right to canco1 its lease;

I) Tha.Tomsforcc willi:etainanyright ~ &fllllled to Teaaul to exemise aright ofMDeWBI, right of oxpansion, right of fint offer or other ~right held byTcmant; ·

la) Either tho propoaod Tranaferee, or any pcnon or amity which dinct1y or indiRolly, oomro~ is coDIIOlled by, or is Wider common conlrol widl, tho propoaod 1'l1m8fine is a - in tho Building at tho time Teaaul requestB approval of Ibo proposed Tomsfor; or is oagaged in on-going negotiations witil Landlord to 1eaae apace in tho Building at tho limo Teaaul requests applOVll of tho plOIJC)8ed Tomsfor, and Landlotd can make apace availab1e in tho Building compazable to tho spaco t6at is tho subject of tho plllp08ed Transfr, or

I) Tho Tranafene intoada to ... all or a portion of tho l'lemisea fur medical procedurea or fur a primmybusina&a which is u a boileMoom type 8ll1ea orJlllldrding "'P"ization IfLandlotd withholda or oonditions ill C0118C1111 and Teaaul belioves that Landlord did so comraryto

tho lemlB of this Lease, Teaaul may, 11 ill ao1e ~. ptOBOC1lle an action fhr dec1aratmy ,ciief to delennin• it"Landlcml p,oparly wi1bheld or oonditicmocl ill COll8CIIII, and Teaaul heroby waivea all -lOlllftdi"", inclvdins "1ilhout limitation those set 1iilth in Cclifbrni• Civil Code Section 1995.310. Seclloa lU, Teaut'1 Coallued ~ AJ1Y COll8CIIII by Landlord to.., U!!ignmml of1bis Lease and/or aubleue of tho Premiam not meue Teaaul llvm any of Tenaot'I obligaliooa bcmmdor or be deomod to be a COll8CIIII by Landlord to any suhoequll1I hypothocation. MSignrnm~ aubletling, occnpelion ,.. use by another penon, and Teaaul shall romain liable lo pay tho Rmt and/or pc,rfonn all - oblipliooo to be pc,rfonned by Teaaul llemmdor. Landlord's acceptance ofRmt or .Addilional Rmt II01n any other - ahall not be deemed lo be a waivar by l.andlonl of aoy p,oviaion of this Lease. _ Landlord's COll8CIIII to °""' assignmnol "" aub1ellin& shall DOI be deomed C011SC1111 to any ~ iiPiiprnent or lllibhiuing. ·

If any._ ar aubleasee ofTtmlllt or any........,. ofTeaaul doliw1tB in tho perfomumco of aoy of tho p,ovisiona of this Lease, -- ar not Landlord bu collected Rmt diieclly from said assignoe at aub1-, Landlotd may p,oceed dinct1y againll Teaaul without tho necessity of exhaultiDg ICIIIOdiea againll auchvaignoe, ..iii..... or other SIICCftlaor-;,i.inmmt.

ProYided that in DO even! shall any fbrtber assignm• nbJeu,,. arncmdrneut,.. modification to this Lease serve to aither ~ Teaaul's liability or oxpand Teaaul's du1ies or obligationa horeundor, or tclieve Teaaulofits liability Wider this Lease, dun LandlcmlmayCOIISCllllto subsequa>t .,.;;gnmllll8,.. aublolling of this Lease or arncmdrn11111 or lllodificeliona to this Lease witil any assignee, wilhoul DOlifymg Teaaul or any IOCCftllOI' ofTonant, and without obtaining COIISCIIII tbaolo. Seclloa 11,7. TeuatTo PayLudlonl•1.Cp,ls. JfTeaaul usigaa ar sublets tho Pnllllisea or requestB tho COIISCllll·ofLandlord to any·assigmneat; RDblening·'lr other·JDodification of1bis Lease, or ifTeaaul requestB tho CODleul of Landlord fhr 1111)' act that T1118DI p,opoaea to do, whdbar at DOI Landlcml shall gnm1 CODleul thereto, dun Teaaul llball, coacurrmt witil TC118111'• lllbmissioo nr any written ~ therefor, pay to Landlcml tho non-mlmdable BIIDl of $1,000.00 u tftllOIUll>1e considoralion fur Landlcml'1 conlridering ...i JllOC"IIDIIB die applicab1e nqueot.

SeelloJl 11.& Sacceuon 1111d Aulpl. Subject to tho provisions oontsioed haD, tho covmaots and ag,oemenlP oontsined ;., this Lease shall bind and inme to die bcmefit of Landlord and Tonant, their reapective 1110oeaaon and usigaa and all penona claiming by, through or under tboDL


ALTEaATION Section 12.1. Taut'• Obllplloa to Malatalll. Teaaul shall, at Teaaul's sol• oxpmse, llliintain tho l'lemisea in good cmler and ,:opoir, and shall alao keep c1eao any · of die Promiaoa which Landlord is DOI obligalod to clean. Such obligation shall· ~ cleao-out; ,:opoir and/or ,:oplaomaent of Tcioant's gad,ago clispou](a), -Heat or other bot water producing equipmmll, if aoy, and tho c1eaoing and ranova1 ot any diibea and/or !bod prior to tho ...... beco1llins unsanitary. If Tonaot beco1llea obligated to ,:opoir aoytbing within Ibo Pnmi-. Tonaol shall advise Landlord's lllaJiagiog sgmt of such need, which ffijUftll shall be preaumed conclusive evidcnco of Teaaul's obligation 1111d wiJJiJ1811eas to mmbwle Landlord fur such repail(s),.

· Furtbor, Tmaot shall pay tho coll of any iajury, dmnage or btoakage in, upon or to tho Promiaoa Cleated by Tmaot's grou ne~ or willful nriaccrnduct or tho grou negligmce or wi1lfbl nrisconduct ofTeaaul's sgeuls, c1ill1ts, contracton, dilec:ton, en,plo>-, invitees, 6-. officers, partoaa or alwobolders.

I SOGCOMBRrA~\ftS\e:me~aoo:z• re Wt~ a?.iMIIR' 16 J_ -



Page 20: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE




• • ·--·-· ···---------~~-------------Subject to TOD8Dl's obligation Im r.oimbunamcm1 to Laudkml, aa spocified heroin, Landlord sba1l

make all ,opaira to the Pnanisos and the. extaior walls,. linmdalioll and roof of the Buildillg, the structural portio,,a of the !loon of 1ho Buildinj/; the syitenia aild ~ of Ibo Buildiilg and the Tmumt lmlJlovcrmcm.ta installod iJl the PnmiM11. Howover, ifauchnpaua, maintmanoo or cleauillJ. aro ,:equiRd duo to TCllllll'• gro11 nogligmco or williW milCOlldllcl OI" the II"'!" DCgiigcnce or willfill miaconducl ofTenant'a ageall, clim, CODlractQn, diroctori, emp!Qyeea,.mviteos, lirmsees, officcm, p-... or sbnboldcn, 111m, TCllllll aball, within tweDly (20) daya alter rocoipt ofLaodlord's billing thombr, Ieimb1ll80 Landlotd; aa AddltlOIIII Rm!, for any 01pC111111 of such repain, cloaning aud/or rnaintenlll)M ;,. OXCC1B1 of any D111111111CO PIOCOeds availablo fur reimbunemcmt tboroo( mcluding for any dedw:tiblo BD1icipe111d ;,, conaerAim tfunwith.

TCllllll hereby waivoa all rigbt to maim ,opaira at Laudlord'1 cxpcmso UDder the provisions of Sootion 1932(1), 1941 and 1942 of1ile Civil Code ofCaJifomi• Sectloa 12.Z. Repair l'erlocl Nodce. Temnt lhall give pmmp1 mliu to Laodlord of Tonaut'I Bclllll knowlodge of my clamago or doolnu:lioD to all or anypllll of the Pmnism or Building I08Ul1ing Ji:om or uuino out ofanyfiro, oartbquab, orothoridmtifiebJ• 'ffllltof a 8l1dden, unaxpectecl or111l11811111 naturo iii,divrdually or col,leclivcly a "Caaualt)'"). The ti,po periods ,pecified in 1llia Section 12.2 sba1l commoace alter Landlord IOCOi.vos llllid wli- notice liOln TOIIIDI of the """"""'"' of a Casualty. Aller IOCOipl ofT"""°" wriUaa mliu that a Camally bu OCCUD'Cld; Laodlord aball, within Ibo later of: 1) sixty (60) claya after Ibo date OD which LandJonl dermninOI 1J,o full - of Ibo damage caused by

Ibo Casualty; or b) thirty (30) daya after Landlord ha- d'*"1nined 1111, - of 1111, innranco prodaeds availablo to

offecluate repain, but

c) in DO evCIIII IIIOIII tban nmely (90) daya alter 1111, Casually, proviclo ~ notice to T...,,. incliceting tbo anticipe111d li1DII poriocl for · • the Casualty

(the "Repair Period Nolico"), The Repair Pariocl Notice shall allo -, if ==.: Laodlord's oloction oi1her to ,epairtbe Pmnia01, or tn 1mrrinate "iii Leuo, punuaDI to the provisiODB of Soction 12.3, and ifLandlord eloom tn terminate t'iiaX-, Landlmd llhall-COIIIIDOlclallyreasonablo efthrts to proviclo TIIUllll willl • miDimmu poriocl of DiDely {90) daya within which to fully vacalo the Pmnism. . - 12.3, Luci1-rd'1 Opdoa to Termmale or lbpalr. NotwithlllaDcting ,myd,iDg to the CODlraty contained bereiu, Laodlord ahall bavo the option, but not tho obJiaatioa to oloot DOI to lllbuild or roslonl the i'laQiiac,saud/or tho Building if one ormon, of 1111, Ji>11owius couctitiODB iJ pl080DI: a) ,opaira to the.Pnanisos cauuot reuonablybo compkllecl withinone lumdml and eighty (180) claya

alter tho date oftbe'Cuualty (when auch ,opaira mo madowithout tho paymeul of ov"'1imo or other pn,miums); . .

b) ropaiIB ""l1lired C111110t be mado punw,u1 to tho then-!!]datiDg !awl or ""&!lletioua affocting tho · Pmnism · or Buildii,g; or tho Building cauuot be resimoa acepi bi a BUbstantially difl'orent

. structural or amllitcclunl lbJm .than.oxiJled bofbre tho Caaua1ty; c) · tbo ·holder· of ,any.·~ ou· 1ile Building or BI01IDd or 1llldod)'in& ·loaaor with IOBPoct to the

Project aud/or Ibo Building shalhoqllim that all or auch larp apomon of1ile insurlmoo proceodo be wd to ,:etim Ibo DIOJ!gage clllbt, 80 that tho bsJm:e Of imutance procoodl "fflllPiuiug •vaiJabJo to Leudlorcl tor completion of ropain shell bo iu-ufticienl to npeir said clamago or destrllction;

d) tho holdor of any ~ on Ibo Building or BI01IDd or uudalying loaaor with IOBPoct to the . Projoot aud/or tho Bllildiug aboll 1mrrinate tho mortpgo, BI01IDd or uudaiying loeao, aa tho ""80; . .. . . . . . . . , . . . o) provided Land1ord bu cenied tho coverage Laodlord iJ ,:equiRd to obtain UDder Sootion 19.1 of

1llia 1-Ibo clamago iJ DOI lid1y cownd, OD,opt fur dcductiblo smouull, by Lendlmd's iDeuroucc policioa; . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .

f) more - thirty-tluoo BIid ODHbiJd PCIIO"lll (33 1/3%) of tho Buildiug is damaged or destroyed, whother or DOI tho Pnanisos iJ alfoctod, proviclod that Landlonl eloom t,, 1mrrinate aU other 1 ..... Im ofticos of a siuiiJar sizo in tho BllildiDg. · ·

· lfLeudlord oloots not to comploto ,opaira to the BuiJdma or PmniaOI, pursuant to this Section 12.3, Landlord'• oloction tn torrniuate "'is Lo880 shell be statec1--:, tho Repair Period Notice, in which OVllDl 1llia Lo880 sball ceeao .,,.t tmni•ate u of1ile dat,, CODleiued ;,, Leudkml's Repair Period Notice. .

If ouo lumdro4 PCIIO"lll of the Buildiug is damaged or dostro'l'Od. as cortifiocl by au inclopendout building iuspoctor, 1llia Lo880 ahall automaticall torrninate •11er 'fouanl's rocoipt of~ notice of such tmminetiou fiom Leudlmd, and wi1bout .J:... bo)vud Ibo Bivins of such notice being required by eitbi,r Landlord or Tor,aut. . . .

Upon any termiuetiou of Ibis Lo880 pursuent to 1llia Soclion 12.3, Tommt shall pay ita prorats share of Fixed Moulhly hDI and AddltlOIIII Rent, propody apportiouod up to tho date of wc1, tmninetion, reduced by euy •be!er!Jc,11 of hDt to which 'I'orumi iJ ODtitlod um« Sootipn 12.S; ailei'. which both Landlord and TODPDI sbalI tberoalter be hod and cliscbergocl of all lhrther obligatious UDder tho Leese,

· oxceirt for thoso obligetiona which by their provisioua specifically BUMVO tbc oxpitation or earlier tenuiDaliou of tho Tam. •iiiu ·r~;,,,r, opu..;. to Tmu1n..., If a) tho Repair Period Notice .P1'1vided by Landlord indicale& that tho anticipated ~"!! for ,:q,airing

tho Cuualty exccocls one Jnmdml lilly (150) daya alter Ibo Casualty (Ibo "Ropeir Fonod"), or ··· SOCJ-COMBRJCA~'illllemwR aooze e nr,,i, a:,,1ggi;i · t

17 , _ij -Kr. fh' -.;;;;;i-"""' .. 1111F


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I • • . co . 19 (}1h..-,

. ~~-b) the CsauaJty to the Promisos OCC1111 durina the last twolvo (12) IIIOldbs of the Tenn; IMD • '-<,, !/1!,

Tonanl shall bavo the nnnnn but iiot the obligation, tn iorrnin•to this Loaso by pro\'iding writtell notico ("l'Ollllll'a TorrniDaifonNotico") to ·l.aliilloid wiibin lbirty (30) 4aya after · · the Ropair Period Notioo in the cuo of 12.4 (a); "" wilbiii thirty (30) 4aya allor the ~ 1he caao of SCll:lion 12.4 (b). Furtbeanom, it. . . c) Llllullord dooa not comploto the n,pain n,quirod 1-iuabovo within the Repair Period, end d) lilrthor provided Landlord baa not diligontJy commooood end oornionod to proaocuto. to completion

npair of Ibo damago 111111/or d.uuction CIIWIOllby the Casualty, 111d . e) Llllullord baa not cnmplotod lho n,pain 1hcnaftllr on or bafare lbirty (30) da,a ailor 1ho oxpiration

of the Repair Period, then Tcmat shall also bavo Iba oplion, but not Iba obligation, in torrniu•to Ibis Loaso by giving

Llllullord writtm notice of ita iutanlion to .,. tcwminato, wllich notioo aball bo given not more than forly-tivo (4S) 4aya allor coq,inllion of tho Repair Poriocl. ·

·Tommfa 1ililuRI to provide Land1ord wi1II Tonanl's Torrniualion 1'!otioo within 1he limo pe,;iods spocifiod heroinsbovo sball bo deemod conolusive ovidmoo that Tonant baa waived ita optiDn to terminatetbiaLeaae. · - 12.5. Temponry S- aad/or Roat All-I Darlq Replin or Renovation. D1lrilJg lhe Repair Poriod or~ ~~period that Landlord complotoa Work (u doJ!nodbnllbolow) or ~vam:.,~sa defined m · 12.11 honoiDbolow), if available, 111d if zeQUe8lod by Tmumt, Land1ord mab available to Tcmat otb« ,paco in the BnildiDg which, in tooant's roasonable

. opinion, ia suilablo lbrlb. lwipWIIIY COlld1lcl ofTCIID1'a buaiJaa. Howowir, if auch ~ spece is amallcr Ihm the Prallisoa, Tmanl sball pay Flxod Mol1lbly Rent anti Addition~ for the laiipotmy ,paco bsaod upon Ibo cakmJetod nto per Rallable square 1bot payable hemmder for lhe Pnmisos, timoa the IIUIDbor ofRaitablo square mot available lbr Tcmat'a uao in lhe lwipWmy-.

If no tanpoJaty llpllCO ia available tbat ia lOIIIODllbly salilfiu:tory to Tommt, end my pall of 1he Promisos is nmdaed •mtonanwb•• by "'8IOII of such CsauaJty, Work or-end lbrtber provided tbatlheCanaltywunot1he.....itof1he-neaJipocoorwilllllimi8ClQllduclnfT0118111or1hegroas negligonoo and/or willml mi_..,,.,. ofTcmat'a lpldl, ...nm*"'*a, dkoc:ton, o,nployom, liconsooa, offioors, partnan or abazllholdcn, Ihm to lho Oltml that all "" said portion of lhe uaablo 8IOa of lhe Pnmiaoa ia so nmdcnd 1rnto111mtab'• by......, of auch = Work or Rmovalion, TOIIID! shall bo provided wi1II a propollionato ohatomfflt of Flxod Roat and Additional Roel. Said proportioual ab•tornmt 'lhall bo bsaod on lhe Usable Sq)iam l'ootago oflhe Promisos that cannot and is not actually used by Tmant, dividod by lhe total UNblo square 1iol contained in. lhe Pmniaos. That proportioual abBtornmt, if any, sball bo provided durina the periocl besirnrins ,., lhe Jator ot a) lhe dato oflhe Casualty; or b) lhe actual dato on which Tmam 008I08 to c:onduct Tooant'a IIOllll8l buaiaosa opcntiooa in all or aay

portion oflhe Prom;.. and shall ond on lhe ~ Llllullord acbiovea 11,j,ataotieJ comploliou of '"81oralion of lhe PRmiaos.

Tooant'i occoptance of said abaternnrt M"Ra,tsbaJI bo·deomod·..,..;lusivo ovidmco ofTooant's waiver of any filrlher claim or rigbt of lbturo claim for any lou ""darnap-by Tmam ariaiog out of lllo Casualty Repair, Work or ~valioa, u the cuo may bo. Soctloa 12.6, Toaaat'a Waiver of eou.q._tlll Damqel. Subjoct to SCll:lion 12.4, tho proviaioas contained in Soctioo 12.5 11111 Tooaot'a sole =ody adaing 0111 of my Casualty. Laod!Old shall not bo liablo to TODIIII or any ok pcnon or mlity lbr any duoct, indiloct, "" COIIIOCjUOlllia damage (includius blll DOI limited to lost pIOfilB ofTonanl or loll of or iDledlnnco wi1II Toaaat's buaioeaa), UD!oaa cauaod by the &roll llOllliaeaco or wiJltpl mi-u,t n# LBlldJonl or tho grou aogligooco or will1bl miaconduct ofLandlcml'o lg,mts. widtiiCluio, dimcton, ornpl01008, IICCIIIOOB, officolo, partnora or slunboldo,a, duo to, ariaios out ~ or u a of dlo Casualty (mcJnding hUI not limitod to the termioali011 nflhe Losao in OOIQIO\fflOII ""lh lhe Casualty). Sectloa 12,7, J.le_pllr Of111e PnmllN Wllea Cuulty Not Caaaod By T .. aat. Jflhe OOB1 ofn,pair of iliy Caauallyu ·covoiec1 UDdor ono or more of lhe iluAiianoo polidoa J,.imillmd ii ,:oq,iiled - to provide; 1boo, providod IIDCh Casualty is not a roaull of Tonanl'a noalisence or miaconduct or lhe ~ or miaconduct of Tonanl'a lpldl, COOlracloll, din,cton, oinpio,-, liconsooa, officen,, pa,tcora or ahlllllbohlcn, Land1ord shall IOBlole 1hr, bsao cmo end abllll of Ille Prornisoa to i1a condition prior to lhe CsauaJty and ropair and/or replace lhe previously iDstaJ1od in Ibo Promisea, to • rnnirnrnn n#$3S.OO per uuble sq,uare foot. TOIU'll! shall bavo Iba option to oitbor, at TO"llD!'s sole oxpooao, COD!l'lotc lhe balillco ofropaua DOodod to lllSlme the Irnprovemont- OOJ>llliriod ni 1he PiomisoB to lhOU' condilioo prior to lhe CsauaJty "" to coatinw, TOIIIIDl'a uarma1 buainosa opcntioas iD Iba Prornisoa la Iba condition to which LandJmd baa 80 IOROnlli lhe (mprovommts;.

If Lapd1o,d baa o1octed to complotc ropainl to lhe Promises, 111d baa DOI oloctod to torrninato this Losao, sa spoclfiod in Soctioa 12.3, then Land1ord shall comploto sw:h n,pain within lhe Ropair Period, in a 1118111la", and at liDioo, which do DOI 1111"'810111bly iat«liR. with Tcmalll's uao of that portion of lhe Prornisoa rmuiiDiDg P1lllft'octod by lhe Casualty. Plovidod Landlord baa o1octed to make dlo n,pain n,quirod hennrnder, this Losao shall DOI bo wid "" voidable durina lhe Ropair Period, nor shall Laod!Oldbo havO COllSfruGtively oviotod Tonanl thoroby. . Soctloa 12.8. Repair of tu PnmllN Wllea c~ Caaaod by T'81Dt. rf lhe Casualty to all or any portion oflhe l'rmliaoa rosultod from tJio glQBi.i!iisllgooco aad/or wi11iul milCOllduct ofTommt or lhe gro11 ncgligaiJoo and/or willlbl mi-Jct nFTonaol'B sgmta. COOlracloll, diffi:ton, o,nployooa.

I SCXJ,,CQlf8pJWldlllW!S'I1IB'JWl'tvc•'4 200'."e rs mrw, a?waG01 .11


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I t


I ! '

·--~~·---pormit all of the Renovations to bo done, and excep! in the caae of Lmlkmi's gross nogligmwo or willful mi9"0Dllurt ,., tbe a,iiss :" or willf1'l mitoondllrA of Lamlhml's commctorB, cll=tots. omployaos, oflicers, parlDlliB or~ without clliimilia Land1cml is auiltY of tho C:onstnwlivo eviotion or clislwballlio ofTOD11111'a v,o and pa se·,.i:;11. •.·. · · · · ·

Landlord shall notbo liable to Touutin BD)'IIIIIIIUr (oxcopt ss oxplOBBiyprovided othorwiso in this Leaso), whotbor fbr abataneDt of sny Rall or olbor cbatge, reimblino!nmt of sny oxpenso, injury, loss or damage to TOll8Dl's property, busineu, or sny per11011 claiming by or under Tenant, by rosson of intafenmco with 1ho bDsinoss of Tcasut or WlOIIVIIIWIIOO or mmoyB1100 to Tcasut or 1ho CUBloJDOn of Touut I08ullirog 4om ""'I RmoVllions dono in or about Ibo Pmmlw or Ibo Building orto BDY adjaccnt or II08lby buildmg, land, - or alloy. However, Landlord asnea 1hat 1ho lloiiovations shall bo scheduled insofar u ii COIIIIDOn>ially IOIIBOlllble to porrnit T'"'8DI to ccm!bmo i1a D<IIIIIII businoss opaaticms, wilh - notice 1hmlol; and iD such COlllll10n>iall rossonab!D 1lllllDCI so .. to nrinirnie Teomfa ~miaJco. ~ 12.12.. Optl,aul Ttullt Cbu.po J;)uia& tile Tenq. Allor completion of tho ~ lmprovcmclllls ooutomplated bnmdar, if BDY, Tonalil shall make DO allcntioD, c:lumgo, additi011, JOIIIOVII, domolilion, in1pmvemoDI, n,pair or ,oplaccsnoal in,~to ar about Ibo Promisos, or at

limo to BDY po,tioa. of tho Building (colleclivoly or iDdi · a "Tcasut Clumge"), without 1ho :%, wrillm - of Landlotd, which ccmsilll shall bo in . •• rossonable discmioD. NotwitbstaDding tbe lblefpiDg. TOD.SDI shall have 1ho risltt, without Landkml's .,.,.,_ but upon ton (10) days priornolico to Lmdfonl (wbichDOlico shall slato in-able dolai1 Ibo ~vcmcmls to bo mado) and in complimloo with ExbibJtB-1, to maim llriclly COIIIIOlic lltaatiOJII (such BB new paiut and oa,pet and minor clumgos to millwOllt or finiabos) 1hat (i) ""' IIQWI! to or bottor thsn lhD rnmimmn Building staDdanls m,d specifications to tbe Pnmisos; (,i) do DOI aWool tbe axterior of the BuiJdiDg; (ii) do110t involve sny slnlctDnl clumgos to tbe Building·or alfect 1111}' of the Building syatems; (iii) do DOI iDtorfere wi1h BD01hor _., conduot of....,,,., ~f ,:::!,c;? do notl'OCj1iim a buildingporrnit or sny otli« limn of iipproVlii wbataoovor limn sny au1hmity (colloctivcly, "CoBIIIOlic Allorauons"). Buq,I u otbawiao specilio4 in . 7, BDY T'"'8DI Clumge shall, at Ibo termination of tbis 1-, bocomo a part of Ibo Building and bo1oDa to Land1onl, punuaut to 1ho proviaioa.s of Articlo 7. /u1y appllcalioa. fi>r Lsndlmd'a """"""1 to a T'"'8DI Chango, and 1ho comp!Olion tbercot; shall bo in cordimname with 1ho proYWOIII ofBxhibit B-1, atlliCbod horeto and mado a part lunofby -Ttllllul shall DOI knowiDgly pcm,il TODIDfs apn11, dimll, COJllllotom, di=ton, omployaos, invii-, licomoos, om..n, parlDlliB or abarobolden to dofaco tbe waUi, flooll and/or ceilings of the Promisos, - made, drivo lllill, .....,. or drll1 halea into, paint, or in BDY way mar BDY surfiFco in the Building. Nolwitllstsnding Ibo abovo, TOD.SDI ii ~ peunitloclw iulall such piclunl8, certificstea, 1iconaos, m!Wad<, bul1olia. DOllds and similar itmm II m DOl1llally 1IIOd in Tmwit'a businoaa, so long· u aucb instaJJalioo ;, canlWly alll!<>llod to 1ho walls by T'"'8DI in a 11U1D11« rossonably proacribod by Lsndlmd. . . .

If Tonaut deairoa, u a part of '!".Y Tonaut Chango, to make BDY nwisioa.s wbataoovor·to 1ho oloctrical, HVAC, IM>baDi.,.~ PlulDbin& or lllnlCtura1 syatems of Ibo Building or Promisos, such ffl'iaiona 1111111 bo QOIDJ>loted by~ specilio4 bY Land1cml tbe-and locslion(s) toUOD.abl)' proscribod by Land1olll. IfTOIISDI deaitea to install sny toiapbono nut1ots, 1ho same aball bo inatal1od m 1ho lllll!ll« ad looalion(a) reuooablyproacribod bY Landlord.

Jf.LarulJord cov,outs to sny IOlj1I08led Tonimt Chango, .Toitant shall gi.vo Limdlonl.a minirn11rn of fiftom (15) days writlm DOlico prior t,, cornrnaw,mart "'meat Land1oril ....,,, .. 1ho aplion, but

· 1ho obligation, to cmta, upon 1ho PlomilOB fiJr 1ho pmpoao of polling m,d rn•intaining m,ch a.olicos OD

1ho !'rmlilos ._ n,w.y .bo rouonab1y 11!ll>OB8ltY to protecl Landlord llpmlll rnll()haoic'a .liolla, maleri-1 IDID'B lions or o1hor liolll, lllid/or for pooling BDY o1hor nolicos 1hat rnay bo proper 1111d nccouary in CODDacliOD wi1h TOllll!I'• cornplcCioo qftbe t''"'8DI Clumge. .

If any altenitioui, addilioils or · · · vcmouts inado by Tmiant niault in LarulJord boin& n,cjuired to make BDY altcnliooB to other ~


~f tbe Building in onlar to oomply wi1h BDY applicable statutes, Oldinsnoea or mgu1alions (e.g., "hmldica!> Otdinsnoos') 1hoa. Tonaut aball roirnbu1lo Land1otd upon demaml.for all com and01pOD101 incuno,1 byLandlcml in making such a1tmlioDa. . Seetloa 12.13, EJpnu A&nen-t. Tho pmviaicrns of this Louo. including 1h.,,. containod in 1hil Articlo 12, coDBlituto. sn .Olpl'OBS .agroomart betwoon Land1cml and TOD&ul tbal applios in the ovart of BDY Casualty to 1ho Promisos, Building or PIOjoct Tcmsnt, tbemJiue,· tblly waivos 1ho proYmOIII of sny - or IOglllalicms, incJ»ding Califmnia Civil Code Seclioa.s 1932(2) and 1933(4), and BDY other law · or slaluto which pmports to govern Ibo riglda or oblipticms of Landlord 1111d Touut ~ Cuualty in 1hoabsouco of.._ agn,cmart. Toitant and Landkml _.,.Jy 88JOO lllld accept BDY succossor or other law ofliko import shall have m applioation hclwndor.


· SectiOD 13,1, Conde-•lioa of lbe Pnrnlleo. If rnon, thsn twouty fivo 1""°;"!!1 (25%) of the Promilos ii Jawilslly C01l4mmed <>r 11km in BDY 1lllllDCI for BDY publio or quaai-publfo uso, or if sny portion of 1ho Building ;. condornnod ~ 11km in iiUCh a 1D111DC1 that Toitant ii ioasoa.ably pmroutod ftom obtaining....., to tbe Building or tbe Pranitos, 1hil Leaso may, wi1hin ton (10) busiDoss days of such taking, "" terminated it' tbe option of ei1hor Land1cml or Toilaid by 0110 party giving tbe othor thirty (30) days writtoD a.otico of i1a iDlart to do ao. If oi1hor LarulJord or 1'ouut provide 1ho o1hor party written~ of termination. tho Tam Bild~~ gnmtod. shall ccaao and tenninato as


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- -of tho earlier of tho date of vesting of titlo in such coodornnatinn or takillg or tho date of takillg of poaseaslon by th• condornning "lllhorily. .

JflOBS than twonty-fivli percent (25%) bfiW. Ptemiaca is ,o coodernnocl or taken, then tho teim and oatatc b«oby gnntod with ,ospoct to such partiban fimhwith ..... and l«rninale .. of tho earlier of tho date of vesting of titlo in such roncJernnation ~ takillg or tho dale of taking of poaaoeslon by tho coodornning "'llbority, and tho Pixed Monthly Rerrt payiblo hereunder (and A&lilional Rerrt ayablo punuanl to Articloe 3 or 4) aball bo abated on a DIOlaled basis, bY dividlni! tho 1olal number of usable sqllllRI feet 80 tabn by tho total JWDJhcr of 'tJaablo sqllllRI foM contBmocl in tho Pnlmiw, 1hon multipl~ aaid porc:emage on a ll10lllhly baP, OODlinuing fi:om tho dale of such vesting of titlo to Ibo date apocmed ill lhia Loaso for tho oxpiratioa oflho Term blnof. !leoUo!i 13.l. C11'!dffl!!Pelkna 'If tlle Bddlq. If lou than twon1y-fbo porcait (25%) 9f tho Building 1' a<> eoudernnocl or taken, Ihm Landlord s1wl, to tho - of tho ~ of tho coodmnnatinn payable to Landlord ml with naaonablo '1i!ipv:o. I1111o1e o,. "'lllainmg portion of tho Building 88 neirly u proclicable to ita condi1inn • to suc1, c:ondonnation or talling; oxcepl lh8I, if such procooda conati1u111 laaa than ninotyJIOIOCIII (~ ofLandkml'I oatimalA of tho COIi of tobuilding or ~on. then LandlOld may1mminate lhia Loaso on thirty (30) daya prior wri1tm notice to Toaant.

Ifmoro lban twonty-fivo P«CIIII (25%) oflho JIUildi_ng ;..,,. condapncd or taken, but Ibo Pmniaoa 8"' 1lllalfectod thcnby; 111<111 Laiidlmd shall have tho. option.but DOI 111,, ob1igation, which oloc:tion shall bo in Landlord's 80lo di80Rlion, t<, taminate "'is Loaso, offiioliw tho earlier of Ibo dale of v~ of titlo in ..... coodornnation nr tho date Landlord clolivon 8'lllDl cit lsl'.>D nltho Building and Plamiaoe ti> 0,. rondernning ""lllority, which oloclinn by Landlord aball pmvided to Tcmant in writing. - 13.3. Awud. · If any oouclornnatiCRJ or takillg of all or a part of tho Building lakal place, Tooant aball bo ~ to join ill action claiming compenaa1ion thsetm, ml 1.8lldlord shall bo ontitled to 19Ceivo dial portion of:: award made fi>r tho value of 1ho Building. Pnlmiw, lolselu>ld improvemcmla made or IOimblll'IIOd by Landlonf, or bonua value of tho Lcuo, and Touant shall only bo ~ to l'OllOivo ~-= made fi>r tho. value of tho - vealed by lbla Loaso in Tensnt, inc~ Tenant's proximate to Tooant'1 huainM and naaonablo mlooalion · Nothing p,oclude Tenant 11:om in1cm,aing in any auch c:ondonnstion proc:<>oding to cl~- tlom tho Mlldornning "1llhorily any CODJpllllll1ion to which Tenant may olh<rwilo law1wly bo onlitlod in such oue in,ospoctofTClllllll'I property or lbrmovingto &DGW locatimL Sectloa 13.4. Coademudoa for a Limited Period. Notwilbstanding Ibo provisions of Section 13.1, 13.2 or 13.3, except dming tho tioa1 twe1vo (12) JIIODlba of tho Term, if all or any portion of tho Prernisos are copclernned or lakm lbr p,VOIDIIUlllllll occ,ip,mc,y lbr a 1hnitod poriocl (to. - aolicipaled to bo no longer lban sixty (60) daya). thon lbla Loaso sball ""' '-1ioale; lhme aball bo no abaternerrt nr Fixed MonlbJy Rerrt or Additional Rerrt payable hareund,r, sncl Toaaol shall bo mlitlod to iecoivo tho entim award lhorefbr (~paid 88 "8lwljp,I, ,errt or oborwiso). ·

If, dming tho llnal lwelvo (11) lll01llhs of tho Term, all~111 portion of tho Pmniaes am condonrned "" talain for IJ>V"'lllllenl occup,mc,y lbr a limited · aolicipelod to bo in ox.cesa of sixty (60) daya, or lbr a pariod ..- aller Ibo a,qmalion of inilial Term, Toaanl aball havo tho option, but not tho obJisatioa. to 1mminate Ibis Loaao, in which ..... Landlord aball bo onlitlod to such part of such awatd 88 shall bo JmllMlly allocable to tho COIi of 11lllonlion of Ibo Pn11J1isoe, and tho balanoo of such award shall bo appodionad botwoon Landlord and Toaant 88 of tho dale of such

· tarmination If do• '-1inatiM of such 11"".errnnerrtsl occupa,oy is prior to oxpixation of 1hla Loue, and Toaant

bas not oloctod w tamiDale "'ii Loaao, Toaaol aball, upon toeeipt llilnof and to tho cxleDt an awanl bas ~~r\i•o, ~ ~ l'1'lll!iw u ,-Jy 88 pouible !D tho condiiion ;,. whic,h.thoy ware!" to tho ~,unn or taking.


Seetloa 14.1. $llbGrdblatln. This Loaao, tho Term and - b«oby 8l&Uled, in and shall bo Bllbjoct and subordinalo to. 11111 .lim of~ mortgage which may naw or at.w tjmo b,ena1lor !'ffi,ct Landlord's inlsosl in lho. RaJ pioporly, BuiJdin& pad<ing facilitiea, COIIIIIIOII _,, Ill portiODS thereof and/or tho land lhemmder (an "ui>dcrlying mmtpgo"), regardleaa of tho inlaesl rate, tho terms of repayment, the use of tho procoods or a,,y olhor provision of any such ~. Toaanl aball from limo to time a- sncl clolivcr such inltrummm 88 Landlord or tho bolder ilf aiiy such~ may naaonably!OCjUS to con!im, the 81!bcmtins1ion proviclod in lbla Section 14.1.

!:\'°~1!;.,!:-:;!t"':'1ibo% ... ~ .!,tz.:;r~"::'!~~ continued quiet oqjoymmt of tho Prernisos ))UIIWIIII to tho 1mnB and provisiODS of . Loue, Tenant shall attom to tho bolder of lho morsJona,y inlaal ill tho Pnomisoe ml aball lellOgnizo such holder 88 Tmao!'s landloid UlldorlblaLoaso, but inno overrt aball.such boldorbo bound by':.Jryment ofRont paid moro 1hao one IDOJdh in aclvani:o of tho dale due under dwl Lease. Toaant within filleon (IS) calendar daya allar request dlerofur, execute and deliver, at any time and from time to time, upon tho requeat of Landlord or of tho holder of an 1llUlodying :mortgage any inlllrumerrt which may bo neceaamy or spproprlata to oviclmco auch allornrnmt 'If Tenant 1iiila to 80 oxccuto and deliver any such inslrummt, Ihm Tmaut b«oby iimocsbly appoinls Landlord or such holder 88 ils attomoy-in­fact to ..-and 4olivs for and on bobalf ofl'Olllllll enr such inslrirnioni. Section 14.3. MocllDcall'"! o_( Leue; .Molla of~ If aoy ~ !" proBJJOC'!V• mortgsgoo_ or ground losaor lbr .tho Building ioqum,a a DIOdificillion "' rnodilicauo,.. of this Loue. which

SOOCOMIIIUCA~V-ct'.!::rc#I-VZt tt ?Wtzls al,aWl' 21 .KI. -



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·--- • ,0


modification or modifications will not caw,o an incn,ucd coat or expenao to Tonant or in any ~thor way materially and adven,aly cban&e tho righls and obligation• nf.TCllllll bo,;ounder, thon in such ovont, Ta>ant -ax- that this tease·may be ao modllied. Tonant ~ to ax- and deliver to Landloni within fifteen (IS) ca1Clldar daYI lbllowiDftboRqllCSl"tliiirm whalevor dooumonfl mo required to offeotuale said modification. Should LandJonl or any such cmreat or ~ve mortNOO or giomid lessor ffll~ exoculioll of a ahml lbnn of Leua ft>i: ffll<mliDa, onntairnng, 'l1I10D8 other C'V'loTDary provisions, tho IIIIIIIOI of tho partieo, a descriptioll of the Premises and the Term, Tenant agrec,a to oxecuto and deliver to Landloid such abort lbim ofLouo within fifteen (IS) calendar days lbllowing the ffllU08I 1bontbr. Fmlber, Ta>ant sbalJ give wriU... notice of -:~~1Jt by LandJord under tbia Leaso to any mortgagoo and gioll!ld lesaor of tho Building and sbaJ1 sucli mortgagee and srow,d lesaor a reasnnal>J6 <Jlll)Ol1wlily to cure sucb defim1t prior to axon:iliDg any ranody uailer tbia Lease. ·


Section 15.1, Estoppel Cerdllca..._ Ta>ant aha1J, within ta, (10) buaincsa days aftc,r receipt of Laodlcml's. wriU... requeat thtnlbr, cxocute, aclmowladge and dalivcr to LandJord an Batiippol C«tificate, which be cnnolllllively t"1iod by pmapeoti p111'Chaser mort benoJi • Qllda- ma.r..; of lrlllt • tho "1':,. or 1111)' part~ Said Bstq,pe1 C:,: sball~tholb~ · COVOIIDII any . . . .·

a) that thia Leaso ia )lllllll)diliod and in fQll fulCO and oft'cot (or, if lhme have beat modificatinnp, that this Louo ia in 1bJ1 furco and oft'cot, u modiftod, and allllin& the date and D8IUt:O of .osch modification); .

b) tho dale, if any, lo which r<ata1 and other sums payable bmwnder have beat paid; c) that 110 notico has beat IOCOivod by TOIIIDI of 1111)' dofauJt which bu DOlbeat cured, eo<cepl U to

dojiwJts specillod in tho certificale; d) that Landlord ia not in daliult Ullda' thia Louo or, if ao, specifying such clolilUlt; and •) such other filctual mattm .. may be IOUOllllblyrequeatod by Llllldlold.

Tonanl'• milmo to d.!liver tho Bstoppol C«tillcalo witbin 1!ve (S) da)'ll lbllowing Tcmant's rcceip! ofLaodlcml'a second (2; wriltell requeat thnlbr ab,.11 '»11111itu1e • materla1 dcf'a11Jt under the Louo, and Land1cml &ball have tho option, but not tho obliplion, lo Clllfim:e tho ~ oontainod ;,, Arliclo 18.


Section 16.1. Nolleel. ""."Y notice, cnnsent, appzoval, lljlOOIJllllll, certification, ,equest, bill, demand, stalemmt, acceptance or othor COD11D11Dicatio hoalundtr (a "aotice") &ball be in writiDg and sbalJ be CODSidorod duly givaa. or fimrilbod wbm: a)· daliverod peraoilally oihy 111Blllffll&ll' or ovemigbl deliveiy &«Yice, with·lb8Jlillllle ovidcDciDg such deli . vocy; b) upon the date of <lolivaiy, after being.mailed in a postpaid mvolope, - cerliliod.mail, Rllllm

MCOipt 1"(jUeltod, wbCll addnaaod to .LandJord 81 so! - in tho Basic Leu,, Jnlbtrn,tinn and to Tonant at tho PramisOP and any other addreu ft,,: Tmrml '1*ified in tho Basic~ Jnfimnatiou; or to such other aildlw or ~ &1 oitber party may designlllo by a wri1tCll no1ico sivm pursuant~; or

c) upon cnnfin:nsd"D of good tnnsmiMiou if - via filcsimile macbJno to such phono DUlllber u &ball have .becll provided hi wril;in& by LandJonl or Tommi, oao to tho other. .

If Ta>ant fili1s lo provide anothar valid addnoos, othor than the PRmiaeP, upon which BerYico lo Tcmant can be perfected, thon Tenant hereby appoinla u ill agcDI lo .-ivo tho BerYico of all dispoaBOIIOIY ordiatzaint.ffz oced!OBI and IIOlicoPlli«amdor the pen1011 in cbarp of or oocupyins the Premises at the timo, and JJO peraon shall be in cbargo of or occopy tho same, than such servico may be made by attachiag tho ll8IDO to tho main-of the PnmiaeL

.. . . . . ARTICLE 17

· DEFAULT AND LANDI.()~ OPTION TO CURE Section 17.1. Tenant', Default. For tho pulp080II ofthia Soction 17.1, if tho tam "Tcmant", u used in this Lease, min to mom thPD - ponnn, then, such tam &ball be doomed to :inc1udo all of such poraous or 1111)' - of thom; if any of the obligations of Tcmant undor this Loise mo guaranteed, tho tam "Tenant,• u uaod in Secdon 17.l(o) and Section 17.l(f), ahall be doomed lo alio :inc1udo tho guanmtor or, iftheno ia more than nna guaranlor, all or any ODO ofthom; and ifthia Leua baP boon aMignod, Ibo tam "Tenant,• u used in SoctionP 17.1 (a) thlougb (b), inclusivo, sball be deemed to include the asaigneo and asaignor,jointly and, UD!e8I Laodlcml sball bavo, in com>eotion with sucli auignmont, pm1oualy ieJeued·the·assignor 1lom aily 1luther liabilily under this Uoaao, in which OVODI tho tam "Tenant,• &I uaod in said 8Ubpmasrapbs, &ball not include tho assignor that WU ~usly'"1elsocl.

Tcmant's CODlinuod occupancy and (l1lict oujo:imcut of Ibo Prapiaos and this Lease and tho ooveoanta and -hereby gnmted me subject to tho limitation that: a)· if Tcmant fili1s to mako any ~ of Fixed Monthly Rent or Additional Rent within lhioo (3)

days followins TClllllt'I t=ipt ofwrilten notice jiom Laodlcmi that any such amount is due and 1111Paid.or · .

b) ifTcmant abandoDB or vacatel tho PramisOP and COllCIIIIODlly disoouMJIOB the paymonl of RODI, or I SOO-ClOIIBRICi\uamABSTHB'l1CA\AS\&1•f 1001, ,, WJuliJ aJ..3081


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Ii ~ ~

• • c) if T0118111 defilulta in tho koeping. obaervanco or perfunnanoo of any covmu,nt or agroemont sot forth

in Sectiooa 6.l, 6.2, 12.12, cir 19,3, and if~ cWIP•lt miilirnffll 811d is not cured by TCll8D! bofbre tho oxpintioo ofLandlord'a written 3-my'Nolico to"Cuio or Quit; or

d) if TC111811! defilulta in tho bepjng, obi«vaaoo or perfolmanco of any covenanl or ag,oc,mont including any pmvisiom of tho iules and JagU)ations -.blished bY Landlonl (other than a dcfanlt oftbo cbaiacteriel'em4 to in Seclioaa 17.1 (~\2£=.t<•)), 811d if such dcfanlt COJrtinuos and is not cured by TCll8D! within thirty (30) daya abr bu given to TCll8D! a notice specifying Ibo same, or, in tho case of such a dcfanlt which fur ...,... beyond Teaant'a reasonable COlllrol (inc.lwling ~ of a aub1-) .-wi1h duo 4iligen,:o bo cuncl wi1bin such period of thirty (30) daya, ifToaant I) does not, p,omptly upon TOlllllll's iecoipt of such notu:o, advise Landlold of TOllllll's intention

duly to inat:i1uta ail Blopl DOC0888ryto CID such default or . II) does DOI du! matiluto and 1IHnaftor diligmdy pn!IIOCUle to complotion all (includin& if

appropriato, ~ P"'-'i•,.. lpimt • clefimJlina ,ub!Mee)IICICOSl8IYto'cumsteg! same, or e) ifTC111811! faila to clelivortbo l!atoppol CClltilloato roquiffll 1l11cler Artielo 1S ium,fwilbin tho time

period ,pocified, or I) ifToaant

I) applies fur or COlll<IIIIB to d,ft ~""1 of, or tho takmg of pollSOSlion by a IOCOiver, cu,toctian, m'lloo or liquidator of 111olf or of all or a l11bltanlial part of ils property;

II) · 1ldmilB in writing ita inability, oris ~miable, to pay ita dabts II such dabts bocomo due; Ill) makoa a goaonl asaitpnMDl "'t tho~ of ill """1i1ora; Iv) MIDlllOIIOOS • vohmlaiy .... 1l11cler fild..-.1 baukruptcy laWI (OS DOW or haoaftor in ofi'ect); v) iilos a ~Oil sooldilg to take ~ of 111)'. othor law n,]atiDg to bankruptcy, insolvoncy, . ~ winding up, orCOlllpOlilicmor ~of clebtl; YI) filils to COlllroVcrt in a timoly or llj)pPlpriale 11111111C1', 'or acquiesce& in writing to, any petition

tilod apimt it in an invohmlmy case m1der such bankruptcy Jawa; vll)tako any-lin:lbo-of allilclinganyof1he lilleSOin&,or

&) if a~ or case i• C0111111eocwl, -ithout tho application or cooscmt ofTouant, in any court of c:omp<>tmtj•madicvou, sookiJI&: · I) tho liquidatiou, morg,mir.alioD, dissolulum, winding up, or compositioo or tcadjustmcnl of

debll, ofT1111111; or II) tho appointment of a 1rustco, rocoiVCI', ....,.,ian liql,idalor or tho lib ofTmumt or of all or a

oubstMli•J psrt ofite-, or Ill) similar Rliof with lespocl of TC111811! 1l11cler any law relatillg to baDbuptcy, ineolvoncy,

morg,mir.alioD, ~ up, or COlllpOlition or edjustmeat of debll, and such p,oceoding or caao shall conlinuo undiSJD1ssod, o< an cmla-, judgment or deoioo ~ or cmlering any of tho fmogoing aball bo entcnd 811d COJrtinuo Ullllilyecl and in effect; for a pedocl of sixty (60) days, or an Older fur ieliof lgaimt T01111111 aball bo lll1lered in an invohmlaiy ceso under such bankruptcy Jaws, or .

h) if Tenant faila to take posaos,;,,,, of and move into 1ho Promisu within fitlem (15) calemdar da)'I abr Landlold tmdm tho samo in writing to TOlllllt. un\11,e T01111111 ~os and accepts tho OnnrnODC<lllml Dalo u occumngwithin such fiftrm..daydmoporiocl. and pa)'& Roni thoroon fi:om such CnrnrnllllMlllml nste; tboo, in any or~ such ovont, TCll8D! shall bo cloorncd to i.,,. cornmitled a material dcfanlt under

tbisl,euo. · · Sectloll! 17.2. Ludlml'1 Opdoa to Cun Toaut'1 Defult. IfTonant ODten into a de1iwlt under this ~ in liou of Landlold'a isauanoe of a writtm DOtico, 11 ,pociilod hcninbolow, Landlord may cure tho samo at tbe solo api1180 ofToaant · a) immodi"'•iy and withoul 1IOlico in 1ho case of ornargoooy; if said de1iwlt is specified in SectiOllS

17.l (a).(b) or(~), or if 1111':h dcfanlt __,,_,.._ inl!afm• ;rith tho uao by anYotli«. ICll8D! of tho .Buildins;.wilh ilio offioioni opcnticm oftbe Bullding; or will lllull in a violation oflaw'or in a cNJCOJJPlion ~f any iuurenco polioyrneinWDnd by LandJoid, and

b) after-the mpintion ofl.aDdlonra 3-~~ oflDlml to Cum, in the cuo of any clofault othor . than tl!ole ,pociilod in Socticm 17.2 (a) ' VO.

Seetloa 17.3. Laac!lonl'• Optioa to Termblalo lkla LNN. In additioo to any o1hor remedies LaDdlonl may have at law or in: equity, Landloid ahall bo.imitJed lo give to Tenam a writtm>. notico of inlention to tenninalo this Leaso at tho oxpiration of 1hroo (3) daya limn tbe dato of tho si · of such ootu:o, and if such notico is givm by Lm!ilJmd, and TCll8D! filile to cmo tho dofilUlts specili"'!f !heroin, !hon this Lesso and tho Term and - bmolty gnntod (wbolhor or DOI tho Cornmoncornmrt Date has alioedy occum,d) shall tenninalo upon tho oxpiration of such 1hroo (3) day period (a ''Dofauh Tenninati011"), wilh tho samo o1l'ect II if tho Jut of IR1Ch 1hroo (3) daya were !ho Terrnination Date, except !bat Tmumt ahall nmain liable lin: damages u pmvided bonliDbolow orpunuantlo law. · Sectloa 17.4. Cer!alll!'Pa,-11. Bills lin: all nalOJlll>lo costB and C11J1C1118N iDoumd byLandlonl in counocti011 with any pono- by ii under Soctioo 17.2 shall bo payable, u Additional Reul, pumuant to tho pmvlBiOllS of Section 4.3. Section 17.5. Cerllbl Walven. Unloss TC111811! has submittod dMurnlll1IBlinu tbat it validly disputes umdlord'a billing tbr Fixed Monthly Rmrt lulroundor, ar is · JClliDg an audit ofLandlonl's OpcraliDg "-'" Stelerncmt, if T01111111 is in dcfanlt in paymmt ~ Monthly Rm! or Additiooel Rent :::=,.,.~, ... ,uw• rim e zm· ~.,. - \ I

23 j';J_ (X ~~Initial~


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• horeundcr, Tcnant waivcs lho right to dcsipto lho items against which any paymonts made by Tenant are to bo credited. In lieu tbtnot; Landloid may apply miy paymt1111a lOCOivod from Tenant to lho tban­o~ bi)]iJJg "'!l'ai)lin& ,mpllid on Tlllllll's 111111a1 IICOOU!II. or !D any olbarpaymc,ot due from Tooant. as

. Landlord .... fit " . . ·. . . Sccdoa 17.6. Laadlml Default. Notv,;ti;,iaiiding ..iYii,i,,g to tho contnuy set lbrlh in this Loose, Landlcml shall not bo in doliult. in tho pd,nlumce of any -obliplion '"'IUire4 to bo perfonnecl by L\mdlord pumlllllto this Leaso unloaa: .. . . .. . .. a) in tho ovmt sw:h daliu1t ia with I08pOCt to the paymoot of monoy, Landloid fails to pay such UDPaid

amollJIIB within fivo (5) buailleu daya of wriltllll notice from Tonant that tho same waa not paid wbendue,or

b) in tho ovmt auch dofiwll is other than tho obligation to pay monoy, Landkml faila=to such obligation within thirty (30) daya after tho roooipt of notice from Tenant · in dclail Landlonl'1 failure to pcdimn; provided, bowovor, if tho natme ofLandlord'a ob ·011 ,a such that moa than thirty ~O) daya ""' '"'IUire4 mr ill perfmmance, then Landlold shall 1101 bo in doliult undar this Leaso if II shall COIIIIIIIPICO sw:h pc:dmnanoo wi1bin sw:h thilly (30) da)IB period' and thmeaftor diligmtly punuo tho 11111111 to oomplolion witb!n I -able limo pariod. Upon. any sw:b. dofimlt by Laadbd 1llldor this Loaao, Tenant ~y, --,pt aa o1h,,rwiao specifically .

proviaod in this Leaso to tho eoldralY, OXllll:ilo any ofilll rijbla providod at law or in oquil;y,


Sccdon 18.1. Damap, IfLllldkmllel'lllinatal thisl.eaao, punuantto thoproviaionaofSootion 173 (a "DofaultTernrinalfoq'), thonL!mdlordmayiecovor from l'maattho total of · · a) tho wotlh al tho limo of award of tho 11Dp!i6 Fixocl Monlhly Rad and Additional Rad oamecl to tho

date of sw:b.l)ollu)t '.l"cmination; 1111d b) lho ·wOlth at tho· limo of aw8III of tho amounl by which tho um,aid Fixed Monlh1y Roni and

Additional Rad which would have boon oamecl - tho dale of ...Ii DofilUlt Tmmination UDlil tho limo of &Waid tho amouul of auch llllllal Jou that 11118111 pJOVOI could have boon l'CU!>Jllll>ly avoided; and · ·

o) tho wotlh at tho limo of aw8III of tho amount by whiob tho unpaid Fixocl Monlbly Roni and Additional Rad which would have boon oamec1 lbrtho ba!anoo ofdia Tenn-tho limo of awatd exoeoda tho amounl of suchllllllal loa that Tenant proVCl8 could have boon roaaonably avoided; and

d) any other amount roaaonably DCICOl88IY to compm•ato T.andlold fur all of tho detriment proxiJDatoly cauaod by Tenant'a faiJure to·obeorvo or l)Crfimn. any of ill - and _.... 111111« this Leaso or which in tho or4inmy C01lnO of OVcmlB would bo libly to nauJI thmefiom, inolwlin& without limitation, tho payma,I of tho I08801lllble - inclined or paid by Landlcml in ~ l>Qloring and IOOllring pa EB; iDD of tho l'laDiaOI and in tho ,eiollipg .thQreof (inobldin& v,ithout limitation, altering and pn,porina tho l'laniaOl lbruw - and bJokano' cmnmission); and

e) I!! Landlold's sp]o_ eleQtion. sw:h o1bar amounll in addition to or in lieu of.tho foregoing .aa may bo parmitted from time to limo under applicable Califtmri• 1-.

Sccdoa 111.2. Compuadou: Tbe "worth at Ibo limo of award" is oomputod: a) in paraanphs (a) and (b) above, byillowing ~ at Ibo lalo oflml))CRClll(IO%) par IIDlllDll (but

in DO oveal in OJ<OOII off!- fill1PIIIJDD lalo pomntlod by law); 811d . b) in paragrqpl,, (c) abovq, by ,!iacounljng sw:h amouul al Ibo diaco\Qll.lalo .of Ibo Podcnl Reserve

Bank ofSanPrancjaco at tho time of awmd ph,a onopacoal (1%). o) Por purpolOI of compuliDg ~-which would havo accruod and bocome payable 111111« this

Loose, qnpaid nmtal shall conaiat of tho sum of I) Ibo total PixodMolllhly Rm! fur tho balaDco of tho Tenn, plua II) a -rtAHrm of Tommt'a Sham of .4ddilioaal - duo under tho Leaso iDcluding, without

limi~T°"CIIIIDl'a Pmportioaato Shan of any incnoaso in Oponling Expan8ea (including real ootato taxos) fur lho ba1anco of Ibo TCIIII. Par J)IIIPOIOI of computing any increaacs due Landlonl Ju,mmda-, Additional Rad lbr Ibo c:a1onilar >- of tho doliult and lbr each tilture ealondar >-r in' tho Tonn ahall bo IIBIUlllod to bo equal to tho Additional Rt:nt lbr Ibo calendar :i-prior to tho >-in which doliult ooc:un, compowulod at a lalo equal to tho mean average lalo of inflation lbr tho preooding five calendar yoaza aa ddSDlinod by tho United States Deparlmeot of Labor, Bmam of Labor Slatiatioa Coaanmcr Price indax (All UiblD Consumers, all itmns, 1982-84 oqua]a 100) lbr Ibo ITIOlmpolitlD ...,. or ,ogion of which Loa An,goles, Califumia iJI • part. rt auch ind« is di,mglirrnod or mviaod, tho avmage - of inflation shall bo cfetenninod hy rmrmco to tho indax dooipalod .. Ibo ........-~ aubalitutc index by tho gov-1oflbo1JnitedS-.

Sccdoa 18.3, b-~lr)' by Llllolkml. a) Ifao.t'aultTerminatioa oc:cun or 1&ydofiwll apc,cifiod in Secliono 17.1 (•l1'!;:;jf,1 occUlll lDd

CODtinUOI beyond tho paiod of gTBCO (if any) therofur, Landloid or s ~­ICpllllOlllalivcs may lHlller tho PiaaiaOI and remove all ponono and all property therefrom, either by 811IIIID&ly · diapouOlaion proc-'inga or Z,,";,s auitablo action. or proc:eeiling at law, without boing liable to indic1mont, pro,ecution or th<nfor, and may repouOI• and OJlioy tho Promioea. No ro,eptryor ,:q,c,u¢::, oflbo Pmaiaea by Landlord or it. topiosoolm•m under this Soction 18.3 aball bo com&uod u an eloclioo to ._iaato •"is Loilla un1eu a· notioo of such

I SOOCOMIIRl .. 'M111>.\1181111""'''MLCO ,, rm;:..,_ ~ Q ""jjjjjj;j"" ""jjjjjj;j"" Tmdol ~


Page 28: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE

I - • • ---------------~-------election is given to Tenant or 11111088 tho termination thmof is deci=d by a court of competent jurisdiction. Tho wonls "rHnlcr", "m-enlcy"_ and ...........,a" .. used hmm "" DOI '"81rictocl to tboir toclmioa1 legal mominp : :,..

b) If any dofau1t SIICCified in Sectiona 17.i (a)tbrough (8> occun ..,d coDlirn1os beyond the period of - (if 8IIY) t6arofiir, then if Landlcml does not elect tn terrnioate <his Loaso Landlcml ::f;.. from lime to lime 811d wi1IJolit ""'1linaliiia tllil Louo, enlbn:o all ila rigbla and remediee thia Louo, including the rijbt to recover the Fixed Montb1)' Rent 1111d Additional Rent II the S11110 bocomos payablo by Tenant haound«.

IfLandlonl COll80DIJI lh«oio; Tenanl may sublet the Prerniaos or any part thmcof (which consent Landlcml ~ will not bo 111D'OU0118b)y witbheldl. subject to Tenant's complianco with the IO(J1URIIDm1I of Arliclo 11 of this Lossa. So Jona u LandlOJd ii . . this rimody it will IIOI tenninllleTenanl'a rijbt to /l:!: :Li nfthe Pmniaos,_but it may:,,. the -JIO!lllilled by Section 1951.4{c)oftho~i .CMl(;ode. ·

c) lfTOlllllll ob•mlon• tho Premises in bioacb of this Louo, Laadknd shall have tho right to relet tho Premiaos or any part llunof 011 auch terrna arvl COMiticms ml Pl auch 1'0lllll1a II Landlord in ill! solo discrolion may deem adviaoblo, wi1h tho rijbt to make alterations and iepalra in and to the~ IIOC0888I)' to molting. If Landlonl 80 "olecla to mlot, tblll 810111 1'0lllll1a niceived by Landlcml from tho ielotting shall bo appliad: I) lint, to tho~ of tho '"880tllble ~ UICUIMd or paid ~Landlonl in 1'Hlllering and

ucuring poaa"e rla, of1ha PnmiHI and m Ibo re1etlin& thereof (mcludin& without limihmoo,, altering aDd pn,pariug tho PmDisos lbncw - lllldlnobn' oornmilllinna);

II) HCOlld, to the paymenl ef tho Fixed Mlmlh1y Rent am ",ddffional !lent p~le by Tenant horamd<r; 1111d . . .

Ill) t'!lrd, the "lnaind«. i{ anJ'.j.'? ~I 1'ltainad by Landlonl and applied to tho pl)IMDt ef D1IIIR Fixed Moo!IJ)y ~ ..-1.~ fficm Rent U lho.SIIIIO became dJio, , . _ Should the - 1'0lllll1a niceived by Landlonl from tho Rlottin& bo imufliciont to pay in tilll tho

SUIDl llllled in Section 18.3 (a) alld(b)luninabovo, Tenant aball, llJIOlldalland, paythodcliciency to LlmdlcmL . . . .

Sectloa 18.4. Certala WlliYen. Allor Landlonl baa actually obtaino4 poaeaaio11 ef the Piamiaoa pmsuant to any lawibJ order of pou 61! ~ in a valid court of law, Tenant tbmealhrwaivea 811d IUIIOllden for Tenant, and for an claiming ...ia: Tenant, an ti&bll ml privilegea DOW or h«eaftor exiating to ladeom tho Premiaos (wbalb« by order or judgmoal of any court or by any logal procc,ss or writ); to 888ClrlTanant'a CODP1111od rijbtt,:, ~-ofihaPremisos; orto have, CODlinuancc ofthis Loaso for the Tenn hmoof. Tenant also waives the~ ofanylawmatingto110lico and/or delay in Jovy of oxecution in cue of an ovi<tion a- maposseuion fi,r ncmpayment ef rent, 811d of any 8UC0088ot or "1bar law ef liko import. · · Seclloa 18.5. Cumulative ·RemodJa. Tho romodies ef Landlonl p,vidod li:lr in this Loaso ""' cumulalivc 1111d ""' DOI inteadod to bo oxcluaive ef any "1bar romodies to which Landlcml may bo lawlblly entitled. Tho QURliao by Landlonl of any remedy to wbich it ii cmlit1od abal1 not p,eclude or hindar the oun,iso of any--...ii remedy. . .

Landlonl shall USO CCIIJlll1Clcial naaonable otlbtta to mitigate its damages in the avent Larullcml 1aminatea this Loaso as a·,-JI ef a dofiwlt by Tcmant ·


Seclloa 19.1, Ludlord Obllpdou: a) Landlonl aball aec:wo ml m$lain during the Tam of thla Loaso tho li>llowing inaunmco:

I) Commcrcia1 Qencral LJability BIid Umbrella Liability inamanco relating to Landlord's eperalion of tho Building, fi>rpenonsl 1111d bodily iqjury and dealb, and damage to other's property.

II) All risk of stanclud me insuranco aDd ~ including vandalism 811d malicious mischief 811d oprinklor leakage oodonanenta RlPlingcov:t, Building, tho parldng licilities, the common ""'" Ull)IIOVClllali and any and all improvcmmta imtalled in, en or 1lpOII the Pnmiaes 1111d almod !homo (but excluding TCIIBDl'I ~ flmriabinjp oquipment, penons1 property or olber olornalla ef Tenant's Pn,perty). and provided lbat tho premium cost li>r COVllllp of tho Jmpiovcmenla-_ to the Pnmiaes in ex<>oss of a total ·vlluo equal to Thirty-Five Dollara ($35.00) per squam loot ofUaoblo Aioa in 11,o Pnmiaes shall be, diioctly i:aimbursod from Tenant to l,aDdloid. potBUIIIII to the proviaimJs of Section 4.3 of thia Leaao;

Ill) Such olber inaunmco (including. without limitation, boiler and rnachiomy, rootal loaa, oarthquake and/ar f!qod insunmce) 11 Landlonl -.-onably elccl8 to obtain or any Lender requiRs..

b) Itisuranoe eIIcoted by µindlonl Ulldcr this Sccti<m 19.1 will bo: I) In lllllOUllta wbich Landlord 1iOJn time to WI'" detmninea olfiiciont or which IID'J Lelldcr


II) Subject to auch doducttoles and exduaioJ!a as Landlord deems appIOPriatc. c) Notwi=any COlllnoulion by TOll!l1ll to tho ooatef~uma aa provided horein,

Tenant aclrnow es lbat TOll!l1ll bu no rigbl to IOCOivc any from any inaurancc policios

carried by - . - "·1111LUmt.o_.,_....,...., , - I SOG<X>MBRJCA.\MIIDABS'J1IBJ1\AS':e1:w: vre rs amJ:i, a;r,3GU1

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Section 19.2. Tqut Obllptlou. a) At .leaat ton (10) ~YB~'!.~~ ~F.•f 1ho ~ Dalo or Tenant's ~~:tr'1 esrly

posseisiOD date of Ibo · · 'liDd tbinatler chuiJig' tho Tam of tbia Lease, Tmumt seome and mainhlin. at ita own~ 1brouihout tho Tmm oftbia Loaso the following minimum types 8Dd amollillll of insunmce, m fmm ancf ia oompanieo accx,ptablo to Laadhml, iuuring TOIWit, its emp~ apntalilld~: I) Wodccn' Compa,aatioa Insunmoc ia Ibo amounl 8Dd scopo required by statute or other

govemiuglaw; .

II) l!mpl"""''• I.iability Insunmco ia amollillll -··' to or 8'"8lor than Ibo following: Ilodily Injury by accident -$1,000.000 oach accidail; ~ litjury by~ - $1,000,000 policy limit; 8Dd llodily liijuryby ~-$1,000,000 each emplo:,"OO; .

Ill) Comm«c:ial Cl.....-al Liability 1111d UmbmilaLiabilityW!lllllOO OD anCICC1IZlOIWO basis, without claima-mado r..tmeo. wilh bodily ilvmY 8Dd propa1y damallo covcraae wilh a combined single limit of DOI Jeos than $2,000,000; 8Dd audi insunaM:e aball ino1udo 1ho following covorages: (A) Pmmisoa 8Dd 0pcnlioaa covcraae wi1h x, c. 8Dd u scJusioas for axploBicm. collapse, and Uild,qround propcdy damiage deleted Ullder bolh pnmi,ealopotlllim,s 8Dd COiilr1lclual liability covenge partB, it 11J1P1icab1o; (B) Ownor aod ~ Ploleclive coveraae; (C) Products and Comploted OperatiOIII cimnso; (D) BJanbt Coalractual oovcnge, iaoluding bolh oral and

' wri- CODlnCl8; (B) p~ covcng,,; (l') Btoad '""" Compr,mmsivo General liability oo...-ase (cit its ; 8Dd (G) Btoad l'Ollll Proparty Damago oovenge. in"1uding oomp)etad oponlim,a. '

Iv) All rial< of IIIBDdazd lino insunmco mid oxtonded covenge wilh vaadaliam mid malicious miacbioflilldapm,klorloakageOlillonomonta,imming!ix-,sJaas.oquipment. motdumdiso, invcmtmy 8Dd olbor olemmll of TCllllll's Proparty Iii mid all cilbor OODloDta of 1ho Pmmisea. Such insuraaoo aball bo ia an amoun1 oqual to 100% of 1ho ~ar«Deot vlluo thereof (liDd Teuaat aball ro-detenrria• 1ho 11D10 u 1i:equeotly u ~ m cinlcr to comply herewith). Tho procooda of audi insunmco, ao long u tbia Lesso remains ill cft'ocl, ahall bo uaecl to rep,ur and/onepl- Ibo i*'8 ao illlurcd;

v) A COJDIDCl1>ialJy .......ablo 811d customary policy of busiaeos iat«ruptioa insunmco with respect to Ibo openlioa ofTeuaat's bllliaou; mid

vi) Any olher fmms of insunmco Landlord may nouonably requm, 1iom umo to limo. ill Conn and amounl8 1111d for insunmco riJb agaiasl which I p,udml - of comparable size ia a comparablo busiaeos would protect itsol£ '

b) All iiisuraDoo polici .. rn•iataiued to provide Iba coveragea required baeia ahall: · 0 Be issuod by insunmco r;;;zameo outliorizod to do busiaou ia 1ho stato iD which 1ho loued

pmniw..., locatecl, 811d • rornpani"M ntocl, at• rninirnrnn ".\- Vll" by A.M. Belt; II) Bo subjoct to 1ho prior MpplOvai of Lawllmd (wbidl approval aball 1101 bo uareuoaably

witbhold) .. to 1bna, auballmco mlinsuffll; Ill) l't,mdo for·, deductiblo only 80 loDg u Tauml ahall nrnain liable for payrna,1 of asry sw,h

deductiblo in 1ho evmt of MDy loss; Iv) Coutaia appiopriale c:roas-liability endonemonta donying Tauml'a lllSUlOR 1ho tight of

aubrogation apiDst Landlord u to risl<a oovnd by IIIICh insunmce, without p,,,Judice to any waiver of indmrnlty proviaiona appllcablo to Tauml mid IIIIY limitatiOD of liability provisiona applicablo to Landkml """'°"""'• of which J110Visioaa T01i8111 aball aotify all insunaM:e carrion;

v) Z::,ii ~ !i~(~~) == ';1:. ~ ~~ ";:~ rnodificaticm or <lliliWlatioa fl,r MDy'"880D o1her th,,n ~ aud. , · · .

vi) Stipulalo that covoragoa aflimled Ullder ouch policiOM ..., primary insunrnce as respocta Landlord Mild that 1111Y .olbor iusuram,o rnaintainod by Landlonl me ...... MIid DOJ>-CODlributiDg with Ibo msmaoco required beround«.

c) No ondaracanml limiting or oxcJncting • ,equin,d coverage ia panniu.d. d) Tenant ahall dolivor to LaodJozd upoa oxecutioa of tbis Loaso, wri- ovidalco of insuranoo · covmagea required h=ia. TOll8Dt ahall doliver to Landlonl JM1 lou than fillecm (IS) cloys prior to

Ibo oxpiratioa of IIIIY ,:oquiRcl covenge. writteD ovidoooo of 1ho iaiewal or ,op!IICCll10ill of such coverage. Landlord's' fail°"' at 1111Y umo to objoct to TOll8Dt'1 faiJliro to provido 1ho SJ)Ocifiod insunmce or writteD ovidmco thaeof (oilhor u to Ibo typo or illiunml of ouch insunrnce) s1iaJl not bsdecmod.11awaiverofTaum1'1obliplionalilldortbiaSection.

e) Limdlonl ahall bo DlilllOd u an additicmal insu!ed OD 1ho T-'• policioa of General Liability MIid Uinbrolla Liability insunmco and II a i:sr:iee OD the TOll8Dt's policiOM of All Risk insunrnce 18 thoir intoreat may • TOll8Dt doliver to Landlord Ibo appmpriato ondomcmonla ovidolwiag addi:.:c..i mid lou - AD claim for lou UDdcr aaid insuranoo policiOII ahall bo payable ~ aay ""\ ~aaicm, uogliga,ce. ......,iation, rnisreproaentatOD or olher coaduet or millCOIICluct of T01i8111 which mijbl otborwise causc caacelJatioa, fmfeitme orlllduolioaof sucb wsunmce ' '

. I) .Tbo insunrnce~ in Ibis Section ahall not in any:'?'y limi~ in oitbor scopo or arnoUDl, 1ho indcninity oblipliolis IOp8l1ltoly owed by Tauml to I ead'ord 1illdor 1ho Lesso.


Page 30: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE


-I) No~ herein shall in ~y mamier · limit tho liability of T• for ,w;.~ of its

obligaliolll or for 1088 or damago for which TOIIIDI ii n,op01111'blo. 'Ibo aimemonlionod rninhrnJJD . limits.ofpolillieuhallin.mmmlimitlhllliabilityofTOIIIDlhcimmdor, · . .

h) Tonanl may, at its "!'lion, satisfy iii'~ ;,'i;Hpiioua bcreuudcr by policies of so-called blanbt U1111<1DCO cmiod by Teaant provided that 1he mime &ball, in all ~ comply with the proviaiODB heroci£ In such ovont, Teaant ahall not be deemed to hayo oornplicd with its obligations hmeunder until Teman! aball bavo obtained 1111d doliveRCI to Landlord .-COPY of each such policy togothl,r with an appropriato endoncmoat or oertillcate appJicablo to 1111d ovideDcing fhll oornplianco with the spocific ~ of tho Louo (inespoctivo of any claim which may bo made with reapoct to any otbcr pioporty or liability covcnd 1lllllor IIIICh policy), aod until 1ho sarno ahall have boon ll(JproVOd by Landlord in writing. .

Seetlon 19.3, Complluce- Balldbla Imuaac:e ~IL Alla: TOIIIDl llkai ocoupl!DOY of the Planisos, TOIIIIII sball not violate or pomiit in, on or upon the Premises tho ,iolalion of any coudition irnpoacd by such 8lalldanl lire insulm:o policies as aro IIOllll8l!y issued fur ollico buildingB in 1ho City or County in which tho Building ii 1ocalcd. TOIIIDI ahall not do, aulli,r or permit anything to be dono, or koop, suffilr or l"""!!t anything to bo ~ in the Prcaniaes which would incnaso the risk llllinp or pmmum calculation lictoia on Ibo Building or ptt>pOrty lboiein (collectively an "Jnmoascd Risk"), or wbioh WOllld ICSUlt in DIIU1'IIIIOCI oornpaaies of good~ ie1baing to i1llute 1ho Building or anynmnMtv ennUllcaallt thmto inllUoh lllllOUllll andagaiml llllChrlab ai Landlordmayraaaonably ........:;;'b 1/iu to limo aro appropriato.

Nolwith8'lllldin~ tho above, if additional "'81lnDCO ii available to cover such Jnmeaacd RiaJc, TOIIIDI ahall not bo m clafiull harauadcr if a) TOIIIIII aulbari7.el Landlord in writing to obtain llllchadditional D1111111100; 1111d b) pn,pa;is 1ho annual COIi tbtnofto Lacdlmd for such additioaal coverago, as wol! as tho additional

coall, if any, of any incn!88e in Landlord's olbar insulm:o ()fflllllllll8 resulting liom the oxiatencc oJ' contlmtPN of such lncr=asod Rist.

Socdoa 19.4. Malaal Waiver or Suropdoa. TOIIIIII and Landlord agm that if a Joas occurs due to any of tho perils for which they aro teqUincl hcnunder to provide insuranoo, cach party sball look acloly to tho. insurance policies coveriJJg sucb Joas at risk fur -~· Laadlonl 1111d Tenant horeby g111111 to each other, on bobalf of any inauror pmviding U11U1111100 to oither of them with I08J)OCI to tho domiaod pnm,iaos, a waivs of any rip! of lllbtogation that any llllch inauror of ODO party may~ asarn,t tho olhor byvirtuo of payrna,1 of any loa UDder such inaulanco.

If oitlier LmullQrcl ar.TOIIIDI ails 10-pro>ido tho D11111r1111Ce;policy or policios ,:equirod hcroinabovo, 1ho waiver of subrogation CODl•ined 1., thia Section 19.4 ahall DO km&« inure to tho bcmofit of the party Jiiling to pmvido llllch insuranoo, aod·tho party claiming againal ..... - party sball be Cllllitlod to lellitutionof all damap, and--llllffind 11111/orclaimod, wilhout lirnillltiOIL Socdoa 19.5. Ilallan to Socare. If at any limo during Ibo Tom,, and a1llr o,q,imtion of Im (10) business da;is' prior wmlm domand dKn&xe li<lm LandJmd, TOIIIDI lilila to: a) provide Laudlord with. IIOC08I to a Mgiat,lrod U11U1111100 broker of IOCOJd that can vorify Tmllllll'a

cornpliallilo with tho ,:oquilan,n• C'4Dlaiood in thia Article 19; or b) provide docnrnootatiO, reuooably acceptable to Landlord tbat Tenaut has secured and rnaintrdned

tbo U11U111DOO oovcngerequiloclhinuadc,r, . tbol1 sucb failure aball bo. CQDBiclnd a rnalerial do.fiwlt UDder the Leaao, and Laodlonl sball have tho

option, but not the obligation; withQut tlulhor·mtico or demand to obtain such inauranco on bebaif of or u the ageat ofTCIIBIII and in TOIIIDl'a 111JJDO,

· Teoan! shall pay Laodlonl'a billing fur tho · eascciali!d with such inauranco licy or policies within live (5) deyl a1llr roccipt of~ bil1in& as well as auch other =..t'1o coata md foes ariaiDg out of such clemult, to-- with ~- on the ontiJ:o 81DOUDI IC advanced by Landlonl. at lhoralo oftmperceot{l0%)" llllll1lw, oornpulcd li<lm tho datoofauch advance. sllOh advances, if made by Landlonl, ahall bo COIIIUUed as and COll8jden,d Additional 1>,m UDder thia Louo.


Soctloa 20.1. Ellllre Apeomeat. Thia Leaao, incluAling tho exhibits 8114 guaranty of lesao, if any, ancoxcd hereto, oontaina all of tho ag,ocmeots and uoderstandiDl!I roleting •o the loaaing of tho Prernisos and tho obligations ofLandlmd and TCIIBIII inCOl1MClioa th=withllld neithorparty and DO

ageal or """"""""'""' tbtnof has made or is rn.akin& and l1oithor party ia executing 1111d delivering thia x-'i,·~·- W8fflllllies or--,tationa. axcept to tho OMii sot fortb m thia r-o. All Ulldel8tendinga .:! mi;,_ lwnlolbno ui belwecmLandliml andTmllllll mating to tho loaaing of tho Prernisos aro merged in thia Leaso, which alone 1blly and cornpJetely ax;: sacs thoir asi=nem, The Ridm (if any) au.rBxhibits IIIIIIScd to thia Louo and the ConstrlM:tion Ag=ment .... hom,y incorporated herein and made a part~£ Secllon 20.2. No Waiver or Modlflcel!on 'Ibo fai1um of Landlord or Tenant to insist in any inatacce upon tho strict koepiJI& obscorvailoo or P«fi!rmanco of any COVOIUllll-or ~ conmioed in thia

· Loaso or to exoroiao any eloction herein ~ sball not bo construed as a waiver or ,eiicq,riabrnerrt fur tbo liJlure of such covenant or egtNIJlml. tiui tho sarno ahall CODlhrno and iomain in t1i11 1lm>o end eft'oct. No waiver or rnodifica~ oik Landlord or TOIIIDI of any oovonant or agreement MJrtainNI in thia Louo aball bo to have been made IIDlesa tho T ii in writing exocuted by Soocoum,r+~\AS':en-ice we 11 aw415 a:,,,a.;r ij I

r, __ J{:[_0-r ~ lllllill . IDfdal ('filtiil


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the party whoso rights "'"_ being waived or modified. No summder of possoaaion of llllY part of the Premises sbal1 tolouo '1'111111111 ftom any of i1S obligaliona henunder unl081 IICCCJ)tod in writing by Landlold. Tho IOCC!ipl and rotmtion by Landlonl, and the paymont by Tooant, of Fixed Mon1hJy Rent or Additional Rall with kuowlodge of11ui bieach of any covanant or apament oonlamcd in this Loaso sbal1 not bo doomed a wai-of such bleach by eilber Lindloid or Temmt. Seciloii 2o.3. Tliao of the...... Timo ia of the 08IOIKlO of tbis Loaao"and of all provisions hereat; except in respect to. Ibo delivery of pomsrinit ,'tbo Premises at Ibo c,mm...._..,. nato. Seclloa 20A. Poree Majeate. For tho pmpo8C111 of tbis Lease, "FOJCC! MajOlll'O" sbal1 bo defined as llllY .or all pmentiO!l, delay& or atoppagea aiid/or Ibo inability to ob1ain IIOl'licoa, · labor, mataiala or reosonabla substitul48 tboreftJr, when BUCh pmvaalioD, dolay, stoppago or fililuro ia due to strikes, lockouta, labor diapulol, acts of God, govoi,m,ffllal -.tiOIII, civil commotion, liro or othor casualty, IIIUl/or other CIUI08 boyond tbc IOISOll8ble ;;;;.,I uftbc party obliplc,d to perfmm, oxccpl that FotCO Majeuie llllll, not bo raised as a dofmae far Tlllllllll'a ~ of llllY obligaliona imposed by tbc Loaao with 1..-4 to tho paymml of Find MontblyRmt and/or Additional Rall.

Notwittvdanding anything to tho contrary OOIJlainod m tbis Lease, Forco Majeuie shall excuse tbc ~ of IIIICh party for a perioc1 oqual to any IIIICh prmnlion, dolay, Bloppagll or illability. '1'hcm,ro, ;.£ tbis ~ ~ a ·1'1DP period far panoml8IIQO of an. obligation by oitber arty, that limo perioc1 ahall bo ex1mdod by Ibo perioc1 of any delay in IIIICh party's porfonnanco cauaed ~ a Forco Majeure. SeotloD 20.5. Broker, Landlord and TIIIIIIIII repr-,t to ooo anotbor tbat each baa dcalt with no ~ in COIIIICClion with Ibis Loaao otbor than Doqlu BmmoU ~t, Ille. and Grabb & E1ill. Landkml 1111d '1'111111111 ahall hold 000 anotbor Jwmleaa 1iom and agaiut llllY and all liability, Joas, damage, o,q,eaae, claim, action, demand, suit or obligation ariaing out of or roJating to a breach by tbc indeaiJlifyirig party of such u,pnseotafioo Landlord Bgl'OIII to pay all oornrniuion, duo to the broken listed above czeallld byTlllllllll'a oxeculim of Ibis Lease. · SeclioD 20.6. Govonlq Law, This Loaao abaJ1 bo SoVomeci by and COllllruod in -with tbc l!rWa oftbo Slalo ofCalilomia Seelloa 20. 7, · Sabmlaloa of i.- Wbod!cr or DOI Ialtal clepoai1S have boon n,c:eivod by Landlord Imm TODalll, 1111d wholbar or not Landkml baa dolivcnd to TIIIIIIIII an 1111111:ocutod dmft voraion oflhia Loaao lbr TOlllllt'a raviow lllld/or aignaturo, .., OODlnlclual or otbor righ1S abaJ1 axial botweon Landlord and TIIIIIIIII with respect to tho Praniaol, nor sball Ibis Loaao bo valid and/or in ofti,ct until Ibis Loaso bas boon lhl1Y aucutod 1111d a duplicalo original of said lblly-euculed Loaao bas boon delivered to both Landlord and Temmt. · · , 'I1>o llllbmiasion oflbis Loaao to '1'111111111 sbal1 bo fur •nrnioatioo' p11rpo1C11 OD!y, and does not and

sbal1 not ccmatituto a roaervation of or an option fur TIIIIIIIII to 1oaao, or otberwiso croato &DY intoroat by '1'111111111 in the PnmilCII or any otbor ollicoi or 8J*O aituatod in tbc Buildiog. Exocution of this Lease by Tonant 1111d .i1J mum· to Landlord sbal1 DOI bo biDdiDg upon Landlmd,. ft.......,.....,;,,. any. time interval, until Land1md bas in &ct oxeoulOd Bild delivmcl a ill1l:y-ceoutod ~~-;,.i of this Loaao to TIIIIIIIII. Landlonl Bild TIIIIIIIII ._ bmoby tn authorizo -IPDission of all or portiona of cJocumonla; iDo1udiDg sipallJR liileii -~ by filcaimil• niachiriea, tlDd lbrtMr authorizo tho other party to roly coocluaivoly upon IIIICh facaimili, 1nmwiaiDDB ,.. if Ibo original had boon received. Secllom 20,8. Caplloi!I, The cm,tlmu, in Ibis Loaao an fur oonvmiCIICO only and shall DOI in any way Jimil or bo cJoomccf to CCIIIBlnjo ~ tho tedDI Bild pzovisiolll hcno£ S4lclio• 20.!I, SJaplar Qd Plan!, Etc. Tho words "Landlord" and 'Teman!", as uaed hnn, shall includo tho plmal as well- as-tbc aingular. Words uaed in tbc 11181C11lino'gonder include Ibo fominill§ and nouter. If tbae bo more than ooo Landlord or '1'111111111 tho obligations ""noundcr imposed upon Landlord and TOllllllt &ball bo joint and_. . Seclioal0,111; 1'.._4""'C-!1, illu:cpt- tbc OOYenatda ~ in ~Article oftbis Louo an cloarly a&ctcd by or contingftlll upon fulfillmmt 1'y oitbor poily of another Alticlo or paragmpb of Ibis Lease, Ibis Loaao shall bo COlllltUod as tboush tbc oov- horoin botwoon Landlord illd Tcoiant Ill" independmt and Ill" dopendmt 'IDII '1'111111111 horoby """"'""1Y.waivoa tbc boDofit of any - to Ibo CODlrBly Bild that if Landlord &i1a to paibm,-ill ""'C: Jbrtb hnn, Tcmant abaJ1 DOI bo antit1od ~an "")' 10p11U1 or paibm, any 8"liDDa at Landlord's oxponao or to any •-off of tbc Rall or other amounll owing heRJund« agaillst Landlmd; provided, however, that.Ibo foregojng &ball inm way impair Ibo right ofTlllllllll!n OOIDIDCIICO a~ action agaillst Landlord for tlio violation by Landlmd of Ibo pzovisiolll hcnof ao long II mtico II mat givon to Landlord and any holder of a IIIOl1gllge or deed of llUII covering Ibo l3uildin& Project or any portion lhDot; of whoso addRia8 TIIIIIIIII bu 6-fi>re boon notiliod, mul m opportunity ia gnmled to Landlord and IIIICh bolder to comet nch violaliona II providod above. Seclloa 20,11, Sevenblllty. If any oovlllllllll or ~ of Ibis Lease or Ibo applicaliOD tt,...,.f to any J)C!t80Il or cin:umataiwo sbal1 bo held to bo invalid or 1111'111im:eable, tboD and in each aucl! ovODI tbc RIID8indor of Ibis Louo or tbc applli:ation of nch oovlllllllll or agroomont to any other poraoa or any other circumitance shall DOI be lh...i,y iffi,ctod, and each ooVIIIIIIIII and·apc,mont hteof aball romain valid 1111d eofoJoeabJe to tho lbJ1eat -pem,ittod by Jaw. Sectloa io.u, W~lf-of Al!lborlty, If Landlord or TODallt.lQ&IIII II a corporation,Jimite4 liability my or a partnonhip, each oftbc penlOl18 ox..,mn• tbis Loaao on behalf of Landlord or Tcmant

oovlllllllll BIid wammt that each ia a duly 11rtMrirod and oaiatiJJs alllity, tbat each bas and ia od to do ~ in Caljfim!i!I, tb_at. tho pCll'80IU' aignill_S 'l'l behalf of~ or Tmi!'~e.1'r"f

right and aulbority to ODllr into this Lease, 1111d that """" and fNflt"j p,non aignmg OD O

I S()(],C()MBIUCA~\AS\euwe we rt rr•aJJ a;r,il891 28


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• • ----------·-------~~-----either Land1ord or Toaant .,. authotizod to do 80. If Gilbar par1y hereto ia a co,:poratioo, said party shall affix the appropriat,, corpo,ate seal to each,.,.. on the docummt wllae request tbmefuro is not,,d, and the oilier parly shall bo enlitlcd to concluaivoly pn,siiino that by doiD& so the par1y 80 affixing said seal ia a1lcaling to and ratifying 1hia I.caao. ..

=:. 2:.;!!·m!1: :i:w..=:.,a:. :~:--withN= ~~;1'.f.:,.;:;1:::;~1~°'J,'"tt3! Leuo, oxcept as oxprcsalysot lbrth h«oin, and110 rigid,, "lll'Vlenll nr licaoa.,. or shall be acquiiod byTCIIIIIII by imp~~~ . . . . . Secllo11 20.14. No lolat V111111n or l'utllenlllp. Thia Loaso shall not be deemed or construed to cnato or establish any rolatioaship of partomhip or joint vmturo or similar reJationsbip or ammganmtbolwocm Landlord and TOIIIIII licmmdcr~ Sectlo11 2o.t5. T111111t'1 Obllpllou At Ill Sole kpell,e. Ncilwithstandina the jact that certain rofereacea in this Louo to - roquirod to bo pcdbmlcd by TOIIIIII beroundor, or to bieacboa or dofau1ts of tbia Loaso by Teaant, omit to - that such - shall be pcr!bmJOd at T....,.ra sole expwe. or omit to - that such 1m,ochai or defiw1tl by TCIIIIIII are material, UJl1eas the OOlllaxt cloarly implies to the COllll1IZy each and tsVery act to bo pcrimJJOd or obligation to be fulii11od by TOIIIIII punuant to dlia Loaso shall bo pcrfimlJOd or lbllllled at Taaant'a solo oxpa,so. and all bieacboa or dofau1ts byTCIIIIIII hmmldor shall bo deemod mamia1. Sectlcna 20-16. Atloraeya' JI-. lflitigation is inslituled lielwocm Landlord and TCIIIIIII, the.,.... for which arisel 01JI ofor in rolation·to 1hia 1-, die l>l'OVlli1ina par1y in such li1iplion shall bo aiititlcd to reccivo ill COiia (noi limited to oourt COiia), ""J>OIIIN 1111d roasnnablo attomeyB' fool JiOin the IIOll­))MYllilillg parly as the umo maybe awaidod by the court. Sootloa 20-17, Waiver of Trial bf IIU'J, Ill ... - of 1Avlq time 111d - Landlord ud Tdlllt hereby -t to lrlll -oat a Jaey Ila U)' acdoll, proceedllla or comtordalm broapt b)' ellher of ... partlol unto aplut ... 8*er or their ..............i- Ila reapect to 111y malten arldq oat of or relatlaato tldl 1-e. Sootlo11 2o.t8. No Meraer, Tho voluntary or olbcr BUmlldlr of dlia Loaso by Tenao~ or a mutual canceJJ•tjnu 1hereo( sbaJf DOI WOik a merger, and shall, at the optjnn of Laodloid •-inalo all or any oxisting aubleuea or aubtmumcies, or may, at the option ofLmllonl, opcnle as 11> BSllignmmt to it of any or ill suchsubleuea or 8ubtmancieL · Sectloa 20-19, Prol!lbhloa Apbaat Rloordfq. Bxcept as pmvidcd in Scctioo 14.3 of 1hia Lcaae, noithar 1hia Leaso. ""' any IIIIIIIIOl'8lld aflldavit or - writing with ~ iboroto, ahall bo reccmled by TCIIIIIII or by _,, acting tbrc,ugb, under or on bobalf of Teaant, awl die roconling thereof in violation of1hiapmviaim abalf maim diia Loaso null and void at Landlmd's e1oction. Secdoa 20-20. llazardo111 Wute. TOIIIIII apocillcally - dull, axcept for such limited quanlitioa of oflico IIWmials and "'l')llieo u .,. cnstomerily U80CI in T0111111'1 aormal buaiDoal _.,iiOJIII, ·TOllllDI shall 1101 eopgo orpannit at any limo, any operationa or activities upon, or lll'fll80 oroccupu,cyoftho Promiaee, or any portim tbseo( fiir. tho ~ of or in any way mvolving the bsodling msouJicluring troalmml,· storap, · ~ apilJap, loakap. ch • discbarge or diaposal (whother logal or i11op1; accl~ ,.. inlmtion'll) of any bazanlov• si~ matorials or wastes, or anywaslel '"$Dlatcd Ulldaranylocal,- or ii,denl Jaw. · Tezumt sbal~ 'd111 h't:!.,"':"': nimain in··IWI compliaaco with all applicablo Jaws govoming its use

sod of tho • iacJuding, -itbDut 1imita1ioo, the baodling, lllllllllflotmi treatmmt, stcirage, ~ diacbarge, USO. sod 1nmaportltion of bazanloua 8llhslan!:cs, m8lorials or wastca, and any-reaulatcd Ulldar any 1ocaJ, - or fcdcnl law, TOIIIIII will nimain in 1Wl complisnce with tho lama 1111d oocdilions of all rrmm. and 1iceDsel illucd to it by any S"vornrnmtaJ audlOrity on account of any or all ofill alllMtiea cm tho Promises. Secdo11, :I0.21, Trauportalloa Maaaa-t. · TOllllDI shall, it TOllllDI'• solo axpcmso, IWly-«>mply with all pnsmt or lbtuie progtama inteilded to.;::r, paddug, 1nmaportltion or tnfllc in and aroUDd tho Buildiu& whm the umo have boa, rn . . 1iy an m"f"~·.111..,,,..J 'IUlbority having jui:isdiction-tllerelbr and J:1111 whmrequired fiir die onnVClllimco of · . · .

In onnnection 1honwi111, TCIIIIIII aball bo I08)IOD8iblo fiir tho tnrnsportation plamiing and rnanagemm! for ·al) of TClllllll's 1111)1lo- whilo located at tho Promiaos, by workiJig diiectly with La1ldhml, anv govammmta1 lmupoltaticm management o,pmzition or any otbor lramportalion­rclat"<! comm•- or Cllllitiel reasoubly deaiglialed by Lsndlord. Such pmgtama may include, without limitation: . . a) rosl!ictiona oo the number of peak-hour vohiclo trips p,eratod by TOIIIIDI; b) ·roquitrmenta fur~ vebiclo occupsncy; c) imploma,ting an in-boUICI rk1Mhari111 pmgram BDd/or iip))Ointing .an ornployOo transportation

oomdinator; d) worldng with emp~ of any Bui1diug (or aroa,.wide) ridcsbaring program lll8IIJlgOr,

e) inltituling . ODIJ)loyoNpOJl80IOCI -- (finaociaJ or in-ldnd) to OIIOC>llrilgll employees to ri~snil

f) utilizing llaxiblo won: sbills for ornployeos. Secdoa 20.22. Slpap. . Toaant may IIOI install, inscribe, paint or affix any awning abado, sign, qdvortiaomem oruotic:o Clll or to any part of tho outsido or inai!1o of the Buildiug, or in my portion of

SOO-OJMBRK'A'MBDABSTHB'I'K!"C1t.e11res ge a: :mrwa: a;,aG81 29


Page 33: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE

- -Ille Premisoa visible lo Ibo outaidc of tho BuildiDg or cmmnon ..... without Landlorch prior writton COJl8elll, which ahaJl ni>t bo muoasoaablY"i.!"!1.~d, """":\tioliecl or~

All signage and/or dirocto,y =· iuslallod_on bohalf ofTooam, wbothcr iuslallod in, on or upon Iha public conidon, doorways. B · cinc:iiiry andtot i,iddna climctory (if any), or in any odlflr IOClilion whataoevcr viaiblo outaida of Pnimiaoo, ahall bo imfal1od by Landlord, at Tonam's sclo oxpenso. - .

Tonanl's idontification OD or in any common .... oflho~ ahall bo limited lo Tonanl'S WllllO and suite doaignalion, iad in no ovcmt ahall TCIUIIII bo Olllitlodto Iha installatiOD ofTOllllll's logo in any portion of Iha BuildiDg or common .....,_ ~ tho size, stylo, and placanout of lottcn to be usod in any ofTOllllll's signage ahall i,.. cletmrin.., by Landlonl, in Lawllmd'a solo discrotiOD, in lilll couformancowilh~signagepiogram 1brlha BuildiDg.

l!xcopt 18 spocitiod hminbolow, Tcmaot ahall Olliy be Olllitlod to OJHI (!) lisling on tho Building dirootmy, or any pa1'dna dirootmy ancilllly thenlo, which ahall only &how TOllllll's ~ namo and suite dosiguation. Tonmit aha1I also bo Olllitlod to • rnnirn11111 ot siz (6) additional lislings OD said BuildiJlg and/orl)IDldna dirootmy, which lislings ahall bo llrnite4 sololyto TOllllll'a oflicon, -loyecs. subaidiarioa, affili.- imd/or sub1- if any. All of Aid lislings aha1I bo aubjoot to Landloril's prior written approval. which ahaJl JIOlbo umeasonablywilbbold, condillODod or dolajocl. Seelloa 20.23. Dllclaoan. Landloid and TCIUIIII aolmawiodgo tbat principals of Landlotd bavo a 1inancial ~ in Douglas Brnrnett Realty Adviaon and P .LB. Buikm. Sectloll 21U4. CoialkleDillllt, LaiidlOfd and Toniut 8jpeci llial Ibo covoiumla and provisiona of this Loaso ahall not bo divulged to not .i;,,...1v involved in Iha ~ "'1rninistndio oWD<l'Sbip loadina: against, or lllb= oflho ~ which 'lied • sball includo, but not bo limltea to, iiio boiiilmi:anbcn, logal COUliaol and/or-= ;,;f'Oilhar Land1o,d or Tonant. Section 20.25. Gaanaty, Concummlly with Tcmaot'a oucution of Ibis Loaso and 18 a conditioo l)reeoekmt lo lho olfoctivonma of Ibis Lease, Tcmaot ahaJl cauao Km Tabmoto, an individual, and }oanno Takornolo, an individual, to axooute and delmr lo I.andlmd a Guaranty ofLoaso in the li>rm of the Guaranty ofI.oaso alll1Cllecl to thls Loaso 18 Builril B.


Section 21.l. P~ C'4rornmwng IIDlO- 1, 2008, ..,.t Mf11innina ~ Deoomber 31, 2008, Tooant ahall bavo tho riibt, but nol lho ob]igalion, lo p1IRlhaso and lalign lo its -~ "I' lo tho nurnbcr ofpa,kiag pom1ill sot mr1h in SootiimZl.l oflllo Basic Loaso JnfimDation l"BU"), 11 being oxpI088)y uildaatood and as-I tbat Toaant ahaJl bo obligatod lo~ OD a rnontbly basis, at 1oast two and cne-half (2.S) pom1ill per CIIOh 1,000 aquan, feat ofU&ah!e Aroa tfun loasod by Tcmaot. On or boJbre Decornbor IS, 2008, Tcmaot aha1I dolmlr wriUan notico (the "Paddna Poanil Notioo") lo Landloid ~ tho number of pamug perrnill TCIUIIII cloairm lo pmobaso for Iha muainder of tho Tam (which shall be not 1oaa than filleili (IS) nor moro than lwml)<-lbur (2/1)), and oornrneocing Janna,y 1, 2009, an6 oontirnrina 1l!n>ush tho rmiaindar of tho Tean, Tcm8111 &ball bo obligatod lo ~ OD a,noa!ldy basis, Iha nnrnbcr of padaag pomlill sot futth in the P,mr:ing Pomtlt Notico. Excopt 18 Olh«wi.oe pomiitW by Landlord'• rninagancmt i,gent in ill miaonablo cliacretion, and baiod on Iha availabili!y lbmot; in 11D ovcmt. ahaJl Tenant bo Olllitlod lo pun:baso. more than tho munbor of PB!l<jng ~JB lialod. in tho .m If adclitionaJ Jllll!<jDa ~ - available Oil a monlh-to-monlh basis, ~olmnin•ticm abaft be in.die solo diacrcition of Limdlcml'a piiddng ~ Tcmaot aha1I bo parrnilled to pun:baso one or more of said JJCllllill on a lint,.oorno, fust.iervodliam. The paddng rates to .bo paid by Tooant ~ ll1lCII perrnill 11,a)J bo at tho lbm-pootod paddng rates and cbatgos. plus applicablb - .

Said paddDg parnill sball allow Tenant to pazk in tho BuildiDg paddng tllcility at tho pravailing DlODlbly ....lrina - tbon in olfecl, which - . bo tlunalbir clJangod liOin limo to limo, in umdlotd~ dilCl<llion. Landlonl sball IOiain ":.1-· diacntion to dosi~ lbc location of OICb p~ - and wbother it ahall be assigned, nr 1rn•asignod, uolC8I ,pocdically ag,ood to otberwiao m writing~~ and Tenant. . . _

Guests and inviteos of Tcmaot sball have the dllht to uac, in common witb ~ and inviteos of othor tenants of the~ tbo 1nmsiont Paddna fi1cilitioa of the Building at tho then-posted padtjng

C:.:tX::fr;._~a,=,:i\~C::,!::e-::;:~~= limo to limo in Landloid'a sclo · and include, witbout limitation, any and all r- or ,taus rolating to Paddna l8IOllod toLan41ord 1br ll1lCII paddng fi1oilitios. ..

Tonant or Tonant's ageota, clicnta, oonllacton, -., omplo>-, inviteos, liconseea, officers, parlllenl or sbarobolden IJODlirn•od uao of said ll1rnaieot, 18 woll 18 rnontbly Pllkin& ahaJl bo contingeat upon Tenant and Toaant's agems. clieola, comracton, dilecton, ornployeoa,· inviteoa, liconsees, ollico!I, partners or ahanlholdcn oonti1111od cornplianco with tbo miaonablo and non-diacdrninat rulos and n,gulations odoptod by Landlonl, wbich ruloa and ~rnayclumgo at any limo or 1iotn tinuo to timoduringtlie TCIDl.h«eofinLandloid'a solo <lial:mion.


Sec:tion 22.1. Provision. or Servk& Landloid and TCIUIIII au;kJiowloclgo and imdentand lbat Landlord rn,ar, liOin time lo limo, make it ~lo fur TC!,llll! to uao or pun:baso a variety of ponona1 ~ which may include, but not bo lirnited to, ponona1 &bopping. ISlliatanco with chooaing or obtaining


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fUie :'Qoti~ Nsa, .. orn,eni:S dnstieR_ to eQ,e its ri&kte pnaveos· to this Optiop hv Cnfled MaiJ. R• Jk&eint Rewrrrtrd PP mms ttum twJiu an 11W PP Pl than nmo C9> rnwth, mior to the Igmi.nution Pate seeumrm ·""" Mqt111y'BWPavah1e. 1hr "Beer RfYablo JIY rm• dgring the Mm4M Tepp C'Qntion BPPO WU be eqoaI to the Fair ¥&bt Yalv, of the Prrrin Y ofthp ®PPPmr-snmrt date of the Bxrmdrd Term hut eb@D not ft iw dJaP tbp fixed MnntlJ!v Bmtt payable by Iment for the last month of the initial Imm. The term :fair ¥&bt Yalu(' ehell be 4rioe1 11 the 91f"'&Wm rent MM?Deb!Y ¥hiov,hlp bv I awDonL 194 ebeP \pqlusJP hut not RP Jimne4 1Q- all 099P9'Pie bpnefits obWrnb!P by I mdlonl ,upb M FixPd VrollbJYBS/Pl QPG)R(W)s pqriodie eslbw1Ir5Dlf\ M®i2PA1 BW in the fmm of 9nmtire Hmm mirnhlvsmte mi anv P4 all Pk Pl2DPPT' 21 mm;:monetarY 9"deration that mav bt ·given 'in ti» mftOOI! PM to -• JWP:tmm! fP>DDt M is clugJegh1e f<u a limiJ& w o.fMJDPPPb!e mr in the rRDPPIUc ma ofth,; Prnrnin

Said mwrn1w#2P 1beH_srmifiM!lv b£ held AA die lnrriem in U. "as-is" conditiop. withput peymsqtofgybmkmJ&r rornrni;igq to anvbmb.r, SOO<X>MBJK:A~~'oll .. tmi1WllLl.l1f19111!7<1!ool•tCUWW.>i>Ts.,,._. __ ...,



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I ' !.


I i ' l i ,.

I /" ~ .,.f


• • n 11 ha.v thirtv (30) dava {the '"Negotiatim\ Pqiod''} after l amPSITT\ l ~ - I.Bid: 1 .. 1. !2 •

receives tm Ontimi Notice iD which m aaree .~ Al2.l~. ., 2a llill l!m - :l1m durin& llill ~1!2!i~U!!!l_1'."rl~~;;

Maiif-Yalue. ·lfJarul]qrd·IJDd TorlDt agree ¥ Mell immeJinb'llv gecntp m wmmdrosat

Yw 1g lbg I GIii mtMlliiu1 i1lt Imfil Uld lllUIJI tiul!aa: M Seetlog a3~ 4RRDIUll ta &II l'tud Mopld! Rat. U: 1 erdlrnit and Tmumt are nnAA to agree on dwllil'MamtYaludurirur~NOIPVliimJPfll'igd.tbar al . li1pdlqm 111¥1 IflHUi • Ii iti ~- imL,lllrll !Im ll lail 1s11 '19' Yl!S8 wil·lill!t 111•·111~ AAe1n14 J~ad awl lboll mevide SUt,iJ -ce m #II other

r 1r irdmsrdnut real ,WW ~ with ' jn91P,mi.JlwJuchlll9l'mR11§S1_81'8 ""'1' idnotifx gl ... gf thg IPJ?DP.•

~ 911 wugnp OQ\ 4m 11ka: tho mtre!i?D §g. armoiDlm\ ladum\·am1 Is11tUaD 11M1 a 8

o{fflo H-R9.IJ•ti<m J>"J'igg. _ . . i,1 :Jlil1ill. thhtv f;i2l Un RfhmJJP bem •y~"' apprai§gra so appcirred ebe11 ms,t and set tlJ9 Pa .

to do 19 Ohp "APRtDieefPetjodj, the 1;«9 '2l Yalua for the BI1erded Term, In ,mms the tho of thp Pcerni• for_ RSPcnl nfflrn -- ..

Eli: Marbt YJl~IR la_ IPPll«P l~III IWIII ~Ida: purpo§91, §eedoa ~~ ·Failure b; ARIIIJlffl ti 111 ~ ~ m lmlRlt 1R ID ml ·lat fair ldRks4 YUII m$Qia ffDRd. t11u g1-11 §J& a Alim 8DID'8Ulfll" at Wm sa: acted mm --...itt ~ ~- l~mtl m TMIMW l i111,i2$ 2f~ thifd agma~.:1 i.a . - ' UIIY[J,tmll thittv QOl dan after bl Section gf:dlg

im bi&: uarht va1ne a ~ ~~- Ia Q1H IRRS!;rtr4 -.-. If I maimi~ gf_ lb 8Dm'AW!l'll m IIUl~I~ ~ . Amn:&illl &Ii~ iii three (3} .... 111111 indi?J MArlrm Ylla llDd theil'thtee Ql WM-illll IIIIU lzl ~ in an AYWMf of11lf errreilft]f wmel\ ehf'\1 be thp ~IP'

HowevSL iela D IPW¥iill SI luill WfWIII middl2 ma;al llua a Ol ml!szlll lbal' Im di mgRinifll m (a} @PJ.i'"tll· 111.U • IWial tn1Sfbn: mllSius awnRe 111111 121 sbt Elk Msrbt Value_ If tho miQIIIP IPPlei,fll illlll Ill llilll!ai!'.¥1!P1Vq flll: wm1~a ih1H immmtilltm mdifx 1.-nS&Id 111d Ia l llldhd 111d IJolUi 1111111 inmmli#Y _.ecpte am 1111 mxiiD&lU Fixed ;tdnntbhrlmtnavah1~-tg

I:1Ddlmd gc I"'".-i'1 &ilnre ill &l!ICUt8 11'~ ·tmn t1tt-. (Ul daw a1br Iii other ~1 ~ i.1 •• ~-itllalllliiAarslimailiD11R11m:

11,Q further rn- g". dmd §sdoe·Ual1 t11"Bi¥.lf 11

........ ~ .. ,".~·

m:erciae iti lla1il'a l.Q··masri: tmm mmmant ~ lllil Qllail fgr hpttaJDdsa:, ll lblll have WI dllbt m'.mDSI Iml!li have m QIU Isa i £urtruit sa: -..,.nu1 atcm SPon 23,l bmrionbom



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Sec1fon 23,6. No ie11Juwn of Qptlop, This Option max be exmciBP4 onlv bv the orisioel Trmmt siSPinsthieiees oraeAffiJiNP CM suchtg;misdnfimd ir SeotiM 11,2,1, ofthislreee\ w4 Mell be null ypid and of no furthpr fmcp or pffect is of dio:· dam that Tment fflw this T reee to an 1m1ffi1inb?d dtv apd/qr suNeeere mm;e thigi fortv-nim!J>Criet (49%) ofthp tpta1 Rm,tabb:! Area of ttirPmrnin

IN WITNESS WIIEB.EOF, Landlord and TClllllll havo duly oxocutcd diia Leaso, offoctivo tho day and yoat· filllt abovo wriUcm. LANDWRD: TENANT: DOl)GLAS l!MMl!'lT 1996, U.C, MBDABSTHBTICA MEDICAL GROUP, INC., a Dolawaro limited liability COlll!""'Y a California corporation

By: Douglaa l!mmelt Managanont, I.LC, a Do1aware limited liability_, llsAgont

By: DougJ.aa Emmett Management. 'nc., al>olawaro coqxmdicm, llsManager

Dlllod:.· ______ g.:..12'...;~...;I;..~...;;.._

Ila: Dated:--~ .... ~-=-4-r:/.5,....7-r-47::-:-=----GUARANTORSi By CIUC'rting l,,,low, OIICb Cluanmlor acknowledgoa ,eceipt of the lbrogoing 1-e, including BxhibitB A4, l!-1, CPDdB.

~ ]oinlly 8Dd Severally

Dated: ----L,4µ/!:~&:.....c..;z __ _


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-----~~. -·-~-,-EXBIBlT A-PREMlliES PLAN

Sulaos 400 aad 400A at 15303 Veiahir&Bowe;,~ Shll'lllllll O""-, Calllol'llla 91403 Rlnlable Area: iippromnaiely 7,137 lqlWe feet Ullble Area: appnslmately 5,8481qure feet

(Meuarecl plllRMt to Ille provldou of Section 1A of Ille Lease)







I SQGCOMERJCAIMBD.\BS'I1tBlE\AS'611c#t2PP'i'O ST Whi,a?a.aNi'i A•l y


Page 38: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE

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1. IfTonant wishes to mm a TC1118111 Chaiiai':ia speirifioclin Section 12.12 of tho Lease, such TC1118111 Change aball be comploled JJ1ll'Blllllll to tho proviaiOD1 of SoctiOD 12.12 of tho Lease and this 1!xhi1>it B-1. TC1118111 aball boar all costs of aaid TC1118111 Cbange, which aball be paid ditectly to Toaanl's gmoral conlractor("Conlrs<tor"). 2. Contraotor aball complote construction to tho Pnmises pUIIWIDI to tho fiDa1 Plans and St,eci1ications od in writing by Landlord and Tonant ~;.C1118111 Change"), in Jim with ali applicablo :"and ,og,daliODI. TC1118111'a ao1octiona of • and matcriala shall ":fudioated ou tho Plans and Specificalions, and aball be CQUll to ar ~ than tbo minimum Building standards and specilicaliona. All wade not shown OD tho lmaJ Plana and ~oa!iODB, but which iB to be included in tho Temmt Change, inchuting but not limitod to, te~ aarvico installation, furnishings or ~. shall bo'illslaUoclpunuam to Landlonl'a nasonab diloctivea. 3, Prior to =~8 anywmt: a) Tonanl'a propoaed CoDlracfor and tho Contractor', PIOPOlod IIUboonlractora and suppliors shall be

approved in writing by Landlonl, which approval slialf not be umoasonably withbeld, CODditiODod or delayed. As a oondition of IIUCh app,oval, so long u tho ll8IIIO ..., roaaonably coat competitive, Ihm Coutnctot aba11 \Jao Landlmd'& Hea1mi, Ventina, and AiHooctitionin11, plumbing, and olcctricalaubccmlracton!brlllCbwml<.

b) During oomploliOD of any Tonalll Change, DCitbor TCIDIII! ar Coulnctor shall pennit any llllb­-, workmen, laborors, material ar equipment to "°""' into or 1lpOll tho Building if tho uso th<not; in Landlmd'a "'8IODllblo)··Jdgmont. VfOUld violate Landlozd'a 8IIIOOlll"ll1 wilh any llllion providing wmlc, labor or acrvicee m or about tho Building.

c) CoDlracfor aball aubmit to Landlord and TCl!ID1 a written bid !br complolion oftbo Tonant Change. Said bid aball includo Colllnclor'a ovmboad, profit, and r..., and, if1he proposed Tonant Chango

. iB !br coamotic wodc in orcou of $5,000 in l18IIRPle value per occummco ar !br llnUlllllal wodc of any kind, Contnctor aball:

cl) PJ'O-PIIY to Landlonl'• managing agent $250.00 u pmtial payment of uM managing agent'• · conatroction admiDimmon fee, u spocifiod hcninbelow, and •> upon completion of aaid Tanant Cbange, pay ID admiDimmon foo for supervision of said Tenant

Cbango oqual to fifty dollan ($50.00) per bour, to • rnllXDIPJID nf four pon:cmt (4%) of lhD total coat oftbo 1'C1118111 Chango, to dohy said agent's costs !br supervision of tho CODS1ruction;

4. TC1118111 or Coutnctot aball aubmit all Plans and Sr-,ificatiODa to LandlOld, and DO worlc OD tho Pmniaca aball Iv, COlllll1IIDCod bolbro TC1118111 baa -vod Landlonl'a final written app,ovsl thm,ot; whicb shall DOI be umeaaonablywithbold, deJayod ()P conditionod; . . .. 5. · =- aball ~ all azdli-.J and Imming miew and obtain all pennita, including aignago, roquirod by tho ctty, - ar counlyin wmi tho Pmuiaoa..., located; and i. Contraclilr aball aubmit to Landlord vorificatioti of public liability and wolkor'a compeDBBtion in.suranoe adequate to tbllyprotect Landlozd and Tonanl fnlm and apinst any and all liability !br death or injuiy to por110111 or~ to PfflPl<ly cauaod in or about ar by -.of tho~ of any worlc dnno by Contnctor otConlnictor'a aubcuntna:lm• or 111pplien. 7. Unlou olherwisq waived in writing by LandJOJd, which waiver aball be in Landlonl's solo dismtion, eon- aball provide payment and pedbnnanco bonda in an amount oqual to 100% of th• eatirnelod •'llllllllt ofTC1118111 Chango, u specified to Landlord pm8Ullllt to Paragnph 2 (b). 8. =-and Contractor'• IIUbcontncton and 111ppliors shall be subject to Landlord', rooaonablo adlllinistl8tiv CODllol and · • Landlord · &bill provido Contnctor mid Contriu:tor's ~ and suppliem ~Jo ...... totbePremisea. 9, During COD8lrucdon of -tho Tonalll Chango, Cotdnictor aball adhere to lhD procodurcs contained hcroinbolow, whic!i IOplOBODt Landlord'• rniuimnin roquirm,mts !br oomplotion of tho Tenant Cbange.

10. Upon completion of tho. Tenant Chango, T1111111 shall provide Landlord with such ovidonco u Lsndfonl 1DAY reasonably ,.queat tbal tho Con1lactor baa been paid in filll, and Co..-iot: ahall provide Landlord with Jim mouoa u requested by t.andlord, continnetio,. that no lions bavo boon filed against tho PnlDiaos or tho Buildina. If any liona arise apinst tho Pmuiaoa or tho Building u a result of tho TIIIIIII Change, Teaant sha1I immediately, at TC1118111'1 solo expcmso, removo such liona and provide Landlord ovidmco that tbo titlo to tho Building and Pmuiaoa bavo boon cloerod of l!1loh lime. . 11, Whother or ·not Tonanl or Con1lactor timoly complolo tho TC1118111 Clqmgo, unl088 tho Loase iB othorwiB,, tm)lina!Nl J!11ll)lanl to tbo pmvisiQflA contained. tboiein, Tenant eclarowlodgea and egreos tbal TC1118111'1 oblipliona 1mder tho Loase to P"I Fixod Momh1y :a...t and/or Additional :a...t iihaU continuo Ulllbatod.

· . . · , . , . · . CO.NSTRUCTION-POLIC\'.• ·· · ·. , Tho following Policies GUllined ate tho cona1IUclion procodurcs for lhD Building. As a material

conaideration to Lmiil!onl for gmnling Landkml'a ~on to Tenant to comploto tho comtruction contornphlled hcrcuJJdcr, 'fOl!ID! egreos to be bQUDII. lby and follow tho nmvisions contail)od bcreinbolow: . . ... -

0 ~\MBIW!Sl1li'lx:~l',!,ft:uo:c0lnt.LI ?P9Zlli!lll!_S .. Sei!ZW-·~ ........ ,_ ...




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•--- • rA ."')· ,.. ,.,..{) i_ \J '!_)-'


1, Admhalltntloa a) Con11acton to notify tho managanam offioo lbr tho Building prior to slatting any wOlk. All jobs

must be ac:hedulod by tho general COllliactor or aub-COlllnlctor when 110 genaral contnctor is being used. ', • .- ..

b) Tho geuen1 contractor is to provide tho ~ Manager wilh a copy of tho projected WOIX BObecfulo lbr tho suito, prior to tho start of constructiOII.

c) ~ will 'Jiliko suro dull al ~ oiie set of ~ will havo tho Building Manager's initials approvillg die plms and a copy dclivmd to tho Building 01lico. _

d) AB-built CODIUUdioa, inchldmg m .... anical dtawinp 1111d air balaooing ~ will bo 81lbmi1lcd · al tho 111d of each project. .

o) Tho HV AC contractor is to pmYidc tho fullowiag items to tho Building Manager upoa being aWllldal tho c:cmlnOl.from tho pllllll _, . I) A plaa sbowinf tho new dueling layout, all supply and mum air grille -locatiooa and all

lhennoslal locatioD• Tho plan aboot should aJao inc1udo die localioa of any fire dampora. II) An Air Ba1anoo Report MlloctiDg die tm"!:: caplicity ,._,,...,111 tho suito, which is to bo

given to tho emorBuilding l!ngiDes a1 ":f!' · ottho HVAC~oa. f) All pailll bida Bhou1d mlolll a ODD-limo touch- pailll oa all auitos. This is to be. complolcd

appmximamly ivo (S) • aftor mov.ia dalo. up · II) Tho genaral contractor must pmYidc fbr tho MIIIOvai of all traah 1111d debris arising during tho

couno of OOllltllultioa. At 110 limo am 1be building'e traahCOilllJ&@n am/or dmnpstm to be oacd by tho plllll1 oomnctm'a c1om-up ...,.. lbr tho cli,p=ial of - or debris acc:umu1alod during conallaclion. Tho Building Ollico aaamDel 110 • • lbr bioa. Colllnctor is to monitor and R80lvo anyprobloma with bin 11&ag11 without irivo1ving Building Offioo. Bins are to be omptiocl oa a ieguiar basia and-allovied to ovodlow. Trash is to be plaoed in tho bin.

h) Coa11acton will iaclwlo in thoir propoaJa all - to iaclwlo: parl<ing. clovalor sorvico, additions! -,my (If roquin,d), Rllonlioa of caipoll, olA>. Pmldug will be validated only if contractor is woddng clin,cdy lbr tho Building 01lico.

I) Any problcma with construction~;: will be biouaJ,l to tho atlolllioa of and documented to tho Building Manager. Any lbal nood adcliliona1 won: DOI doacribocl in tho bid will be

¥Cid in writing by tho Building • All conliactws ~ WOik oa this joct should z:' vodfy tho acopo ofwo,t (u llatod Oil tho plma) belbro 111brnitting 1>ida; DOI :J:''tbo job has started.

2, Bulldm&FaellldelCcionlllladoa a) All deliveries of material will be made tblough tho pmldug lot-. b) Conalruction materiala and oquipment will not be - ill any ma without prior approval of tho

BuildingMaoager .· c) Only the Jieight -~ is u, be ;;_ by conmucti.;,, porlOIIIIOl 1111d ~ Under ~

'""'1111111111 _ am COllltruclion penom,o1 with malClliaJI and/or toola to uao tho ''puaongcr" olmiton; · ·· ·· · · · ·· ··· · · · · ·. · .. · · · · ' · · · ·

3, llomwepla1 a) Suito ........, doon am to Rllllain clDaod al all limos, oxcopt whm1 · haoJiJJg or delivering

CODStructiort m,rterieJ1

b) All cons1rllctioa clono Oil tho pm!""I)' dull ,equin,a tho uso of lobbios or commoa ama conidom will havo c:arpot or otho< lloorpmtoction. Tho l!>llowillg am tho only--metilada allowod:

I) I) Mylar: Extia heavy-duty to be taped from tho froigbt olavator to tho suite under construclioa. Ill II) Masonite: ~" iDch Paaol, to floor and =i•g ....... All cornors. odgos 1111d joinls to

havo ~ . to . - and "mi>-' lraoailions. 'Maloriilla to be - hoavy-duty and installod from • o1cvator to tho suite under cons1rllctioa. .

e) Restroom wash baaioa will DOI be uaod to li11 buclr.ola, make paslol, wash brushea. etc. If Jilcili!iei am ffijUilod, IIP8Dgfflllmtl ">ru!ilily closets will be made wi1h tho Building Qllico.

d) Food and related lw!c1i debris are 110t to be loft in tho Bllite IIIJder OOllllluclioa. e) All aroas tho gonoral- or thoir 8WHlOlllraclOis WOik ill muat be kopt clean. All suitoi tho

gonora1 contractor 1"C>lb in will havo COll8lruclicm debris 111110Vod prior to completioa · octioa. This includea dusting of all window ai11a, light cliffilsera, cloaning of cabinets and = All commoa mu are to be kopt c1osn ofbuililina matoria1s at all limes sou to allow tonanla accoss to thoir suitos or tho building.

4, CoutnctloaRequlnmellu a) All Life and Safety and applicablo Building Codes will be lllrictly onlbrcod (i.o. tomp«od • 1•~

firo clampe!s, oxit signs, mnol<o dctoctota, ahmna, oli,.). Prior com.dination with tho B~ Manag« is required. .. " . . . . . . . . .

b) ~ Jl"I'"' scbcdl_Jlos 'll1lat be brought up to clato identifying all now ciicuiu added. · e) All oloolrical outlola and lightiDg cin:uiu am to be propedy idmliflod Outleu will be 1abelod on 1-==~=-uoo:· ,,m,,,..,_ A B1-2 u


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d) All oloctrical and phoQo qloseta baing uaod 1111111 have Jllllels n,pw:od and doo11 shut at tho.end of each day's wad<. Any oloclrical cJoaet t!>at ia "e?'1 wi1h tho panel oxposed 1111111 have a wolk J)ll1IOll pre&cQI. . . . -

e) All oloclricians, tolopbono p<noDDol, OIA>. will, .upon !"""!'lotion ofthoir ,:ospoolive projects, pick up and diacard their tnsh leaving tho lelephona and olootriesl 100Dl8 cloan. If lhia ia not complied wi1h, a clcan-up will i,..conductedl)yIbobuildillgjanilora1111111h11 gemnl llOll!rac1or will bo baclr.-clwged Corlhia BOMC!I, . .

f) Welding or bumins with m open thano will not bo done wilbout prior Bpprovol of tho Building Manag,r. Fin>~ IDllllbo on hand at sU limos.

II All "IIDCboring" of walls or support& to tho concioto an, not to bo dono charing nomial working hour1 (7:30 AM - 6:00 PM, Mondl!Y 1hrousb Friday). Thia work D11111 bo scheduled bef'oM or aftar theae hours during Ibo woalt or on tbe woobnd. ·

b) All oon, drilling ia not to bo done during DODDa! working hours (7:30 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday tbrougb Friday). Thia work 11111111'o acbodnJod t,ofu,o or Illa' theae bo1UI during tho week or on tboweokcmd.

0 All HV AC wolk 1111181 bo inspected by Ibo BuiJdina J!DginN-. Tho fullowing procedurea will bo fullowed by Ibo pnor.l .,.1411.,to,._ ·

II) 0 A proliminary iuspection of tbe HV AC wOlk in progress will bo scbodulod through tho Buildmg 08lco prior to Ibo reins1Bllation oftbo ceiling grid.

0 II) A 80llODd inspoction of Ibo HV ~~OD. will also bo ll!'hodu)ed tbrougb tho BuiJdina 08lco and will·1ako p1aco with Ibo .. attmdance_,,... of.Ibo ·HVAC conlraclot'I Air Balance EDginocr. Thia illapection will 1ako p1aco when Ibo 8llite in question ia ,:eady to bo ai,,-bahmocd.

J) Ill) Tho BuiJdina llDginocr will inspect Ibo COD8lrUCliOD OD I paiodic basis 81 visll. J) All cxiatiJ>& lbmm-111, ,,,m,::.:,ghtins fl- and air conditioning grilleo sball bo saved

and lulncd over to tho Buildina · . Good llomekeep1D1 - ad repladolll wlD be str1c11J eatorcecl. The IJulldlDJ omce aud

ea&ID......_ depulmellt wlD do overytldaa paulble to mob )'GIii' Job -· However, contnoton ffllO do aot observe ..., -• poUcy wlD aot be allowed to perform wtlllla 11111 1Jul1dlD1- ne eoot of l"llalrlq uy -- Au are camed by Tenaut or Teaaut'• con- dnrlD1 Ille eo- of coutndloa lluilJ IJe -ded from Teaut'1 Allowmce or Tenaut'1 liKarlty ]1epaoll, u appropriate.

LANDLORD: DOUGI.AS.l!MMB'IT 1996, LLC, a DeJawiro liD!ited liability «:ompaay

By: · Do~ liimneu Mauagemmt, LLC, • DeJawmo limited liability company, illA&!IDI

Dated: 11,./ 2,.'!,l JJ,--··-----"------


~-~ ~:n.::..:£.:.<---0;¼=--t-e_ntmh_.,--111: ---=c--i"zf.,--rs------Datod: _ _.¥;'-1-Zf>-fo/¥-Z .... ~:1-:=----

I S00-COMEaa::i\~V.-Q\&1mdS-:WC:t rs 2mw,11aaM Bl.J


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BUILDINGRULESANDREGULATIONS: ,·,;, · 1. MCell. Tenant and/or Tenant's agenti; clicllli, CODtractorl, directon, omployces, invitoeB, licooaoes, oflicm, partaon or alweboldcn &ball cmly uae tho sidewalks, ontnncea, Jobby(iea), garage(a), olovaton, stairways, and public corridors as a moans of ingn,aa and ogioaa, and &ball tako such actiom as mayroaaoubly bo uoaoaaaiy to 0111111111bat tho 8IIIIIO RIIWII unobstruclod at all timoa.

Tho~ and nit doom to tho PRmiaOB 11111 to bo kopt cloud at all timoa oxoept as roquiml fi>r ordorly passage lo and lrom tho~ Bxl:opt on balconioa availablo fi>r tho joint or oxclusivo uae ofTemnt as othawiao ~od hmiuabovo, Tonant shall not ponnit its agonta, clieuls, ccnmwora, diiectora, omployces, inv,toeB, ~ otlioara, partaon or alunboldcn lo loiter in any part of tho Buildmg or obattucl any moans of ingn,aa or ogiw. Tommt allall mt covor any doors, and sball 110t covor any window, olbcr than with vorticaJ or mini-blmda pie-.,, vod in writing by Landlord. Landlord sPOOifically diaapplOvoa tho inata)Jalion nf any film .;'!,ff_ covoring whataoovor on tho windowaofthoPieuiiaoa.

Noith<r Tommi, llDI itB agonta, clia1ta, oomractora, diiectora, "!"l)loyces, inviteoa, licooaoes, otlioara, partacra or ablllllholdcn sball gn up on tho roof or onto any b8ICODy aorviog tho BuiJdi_DJ. oxcept upon such root; Portion tha-oot; or balcony as may bo CCJDtiauous to tho PRmiaOB and ,. doaignalod in writing by i.andlo,d as a roof-dock, roof-ganlcn 111111, or oxclusivo uae balcony 11111&.

2. RIICroom 1'acllltla. Tho toilot l'OODIB, toilotB, uriJlaJs, lY88h bowJa and othor apparatus (tho "Restroom Facilitioa"), who1b- oorrtainocl in tho oommon 1111188 of tho Building and/or Ibo inlerior of tho Pmniaoa, ahall not bo usod fi>r any pmposo otb« than that fi>r wbich ~ woro doaigned Tommt sball uot ponnit ifB apnll, cliozdl,, diiectora, omp!oYoOS, invitooa, Jiconsooa, otlioera, partaon or abateboldcn to throw ~- 11Jbolancea 'If any kind wbataoovor or papen 11111 specfficaJly doaignalod lbr uae in tho Reslmonl facilitioa down any toiJot, or lo dispoao of tho samo in any way 11111 in boping with tho instrucliona ptOvidod to Temnt by th,, IDIDBgomml nf tho Building ICganfu,g aarno, ind TODIIIII haeby epocilically apoa lo ..,;mJ,urao Landlmd cluoctly lir tho oxponao of any 'meaJa,go, stoppego ordamagol108llllmg lrom Tmaul'a violalionofthiarulo. J. H..-.y ~":'t. Landlmd naorvoa tho right, in Lalldlmd'a aolo discrotion, to declino, limit or doeigneto tho • fi>r inata1lalicm of any safoa, other llDll8lllllly boavy, or llDll8lllllly large objoctB to bo usod or brouaht into tho PRmiaOB tho Building. In oech <aao whoro Tommt n,quoata inatallalion of ODO or IDOIO awiI, l1D118111111yhoavyitorn(s). wbichn,quost ahall bo conduaivoly OY!doncod byTOlllllll's offi>rl lo bring such itorn(a) into tho R.Sldm. or PRrniaoa, Tommt sball mrnburlo Laodlcml fi>r tho - of any ODginooring or auucturar~ Rqllited by Landlmd in CODDeCtion tholmth. In all caaoa, oech such hoavy objoct &ball bo p]acod on a metal atand or metal p-or such othor rncuntillg detail of aw:h sizo u ahall bo pn,acn11o4 by LaadlonL .

TOIIIIIII hmby indmmifioa l.andlmd Bjlliust "'!l'.!"ill" nr iajury dcno lo J)CIIIODS, places, things or tho Building or itB COIIIIDOD .._ whcin such or iqjmy j,rimalily adsm out of TODlllll's in"8Jlation or USO of 011,, QI rnora llllll8llally haavy 'ocfB, Tommt lmth<r apoa lo mrnbutte Landlord fur tho COB1B of ,q,air of any dalllBge done to tho Building or J110POI1Y tboroin by putting in. taking out, O'rnain1Bi11i11g ouch ae&a or othorllDIIIUally heavy objocta. 4. Tnlupo- of llref&ht. Bxoept u othorwiao agieod to by Landlord in writiJI& Towml or T01111111'1 ageatB, clionfB, CODtractorl, cfirocton, CID))loyooa, inviteoa, licmaooa, officors. partaara or sbarobo1daa &ball cmly caay hight, lhinitun, or bulky mala:iaJa in or out of tho Building bofom or atlcrNormal Buainoaa Houn, •5 in Section 8.1 of tho Loaao. Tmalll may cmlyinitall and/or rnovo auch ~ t1unitun or rnataia1 after · wrlltm iiotico of its intmm.on to complole such a movo, given to tho Oftioo tho Building. ~ and/or compaay omployod by Teman! lir auch wOlk must bo .profilllaionallllOWIB, reasonably acceptablo lo Laadlord. and uid movers IDIIBI provide Landlord with.a certificato ofinaunmoo evideacing tho~ ofwomr'1·cornpoaaetio11 and all risk liability coverage~ 1 minimum flDIOUDt of$2.000,000.

Towml may, lllbjoct to tho proviiiona of th-- imrnediilol)' J)ROOdins p-11, rncve · freight, fumitute, bulky,,,_ and othor rnataia1 in or out of tho PRmiaOB on Satunlaya betw- tho hours of 8:00 A.M. 8Dd 6:00 P.M., provided that TOIIIIIII pays in advallco 1ir Laodlotd's reasonably aaticipatod additional COB1B, if any, lir elevator operalora, security guarda and other orpeosoa eriaing by rouon of such rncve by TOIIBDI. 5. ~le ~ l!xoopl fi>r such lirni1ed quaatitioa of ollioo mat¢a1s aud aupplioa u 11111 C11B1o1Da!ily utiJizod in TOIIBllt's normal bulinoaa oporatioaa, Tmalll sball not use or keep in tho PRmiaOB or tho ~ any kmoaenc, paolino, fJarnmablo or cornbustiblo fluid or matoriaJ, othor lhlD tlloao lirni1ed quanlitioa of normal bulinoaa oponding mala:iaJa u may reasonably bo noceaaary for tho oporalion ,.. rneialffllBPCO 9f oflico equipment Nor ahall TOll&III keep or bring into tho PRmiaOB or tho Building auy othor loxio or lulzanloua rnaloliaJ apocificaJly disallowod pursuaul lo Celifomia lllle law.' ' . 6. Coolda~ / Odon / Nuluaca. TODIIIII ahall DOI pa,mit itB agmls, clionfB, conll'IICIOII, direclora, Cllllplo~ mvitcoa, licensees, olliccrs, parmera or shareholdera to ongago in tho proparation and/or aorviog of foods UlllOII tho Prorniaco iacludoa a """-ooatained Jdlcbm 11111&. Nor sball TOll&III pa,mit

t~ ~~rm"au17U:~tha:li,rrn::t~~~~~to:.r~ ~ towel or othor similar acrvicoa oxcept at aw:h reaaonablo boure and UD<ler auch reaaonablo ,eguJatiqJJB .. may bo apocifiod by Laad]Q1d. '


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• Tenant hmby 1181""" to inatruct all pellOJIS cnteriJlg the PRmises to comply with the requimnonts

of tho a~· din& advising all pcncms ontarill&_. • tho -.· · that mnoking of any tol,...., or other substanco is · 1ec1 at all limea, except in such oommon lle88 located outside the Building as may bodesi ·bytheBui)di,,grnanagernmll 0, . ' .

Tenant shall not pom,it TCIIUllll's agenta, cliontB, oontncton, WOO-. ornployoc,s, inviteos, Ii...,...._ offiCOII, partllln or ahaldloldcn to inlerftn in any way with other tonaolB of the Building orwilh thoao having bosinClls wilh tbaD.

TCIIIDII shall 110t porrnit i1II agen1B, clionts, oontncton, duectors, ornployoc,s, inviteos, licensees, oflicen, arlnen or abaleboldin to ml!II or keep within the Building animal, bin! or bicycle, .. .,.,,1 J.i. · ~ dog or otller disabilitv suistance typo sninw ~ rnay comply with tho ~ of lllY handicappod Oldinm:cs havh,gjuriadictiQII th«olbr •

. TCllllll shall ston> i111 tnsh and gubago within tho Prcrnisoa. No rnatmial shall bo placed in tho lmh boxes or lOCOplacles if such rnatorial ia a brwdoua - or toxic IIUbatanco or is of such a Datunl that its diapoaa1 in Landlord's cmlimuy and Ollllomaryrnaaner of removing and dispoaing of lmh and ga,bage would bo a. violation of any law, cm1inmwo or ~ ,egulalion govcming sw:h clispoaaJ. All garbage and n1uae diapoaa1 shall be rnac1e on1y lllrou&b en11y ways and- o1ovatom provided for such pmpoaoa and at such times u Landlord abalJ designalo ,u and whm ~~fi Landlord and/or if~ by D¥. gnVfflDDffllal .._ lwling jurisdiction th«olbr, Tonant comply with all diRcllvoa lbr,_ijna and _,.almioftnsh. .

Tenant shall 110t omploy any pcnon to do janitorial WOik in any part of tho PRrniaos withou! the prior writtm conacmt ofLandkml, wbich CODlml rnaybo withhold in Landlord's ao1o cliacntion.

Landlord mserves tho right to exclude or Ol{IOI llom the Building my penon who in Landlord's aolo discn,tion ia intoxicated or under tho influeaco of liquor or dlUp or who, in any rnaaner, engages in any act in violation of tho Rllloa andReauJations oftheBuildina.

Tenant shall 110t conduct any public or private auclion, fire salo or otller salo of Tenant's personal property, lbmituro, lixtuno or equiprnml or any otller property located in or upon tho Pnm>ises, without Landlord's priorwrittm CODIIIIII, which CODlml a1iall be ii, Landlord's 8010 cliacntion. 7. Stonae. Teoant rnay only ston> saoda, WIIIOI, or JllClllhandiso on or in the PRmises in llffilll apecifically~ by Landlord lhr such llmalJO. IL Dlncllves to Mau&-t. TOllllll'a Rq1IU'CIDllllla other than thoao Landlord specifically._ lo pommn eisowb<R in this Leaao, shall onlybo atlaldod lo upon the Builclll'g rnT"""s ,ecoipt of'rOllllll'a wriltal roquoat th«olbr. Landlord's ~loyees aball nolporfi>lm~w d anything outside of their IOll"lar duties nnlou Ullder apocial inslructioll llom the BuildiJ,s m::.f["'mrt No socurilY guard, i_·- or ~ or olbor employee of the Building menagernmrt •t my 1'0l1IOll (Teoant or otherwiao) to tho PRrniaos without. apocific iDatructiona li:onl tho Office of the BuiJdiJlg and written BPlborization ""such admillanco from Tonant. 9, Keyl ud Loeb. Landlord aball tbmish TOIIBllt with two bys to each door lock oxisling· in the l'realisw. TOIIBllt shall nirnborao Landlord a IOIIOlllblo charge lbr tlulao and any additional keys. Tonant shall not bo porrnittocl to have bys made, nor shall TOIIBllt alter any lock or iustall a now or additional lock or bolta on any door of tho Prorniaes without Landlord's prior writton CODBMt. Tonmt sball, in each cuo, tbmish Landlord with a by lhr any additional lock matallod or chanaod by Tenant or Teoant'a agout(a). TOIIBIII, 1lpOD tho oxpi%lllion or oarlior l«rninatim of this Loue, aliall deliver to Landlord all. bys ill tho J)Pll!lcniOD of Tonant or apllla, cli.onts, contmeton, dhectora, c:mplo~ inviteco. w=,-, ftfficcn, partnen or abmboldcn lhr doors in tho Building, whether or no• fimriabocl "> TOll8llt by Landlord. l£ Toaant. or TOllllll'a ag,,olB, c1ionts, -· dhectora, mnnloyaoa, invitee;, li_...., offlcon, partllln or sbmlloldcra; loao or rniaplaco any key(a) to tho Buildin& Landlord sball, in Landlord's aolo disc:tolion, eitbar n,placo.aald Jcay(i) or ro-kay such locka u may bo a1fected the,oby, and TOIIBllt aball mmbuno Landlord for all such oosta of such ,.,.keying and/or n,placemenl . . .· . . . . .. . .. . · . 10. Solldta- Tcoanl · and/or its agents, clionts, conllacton, dhoc-, ornployees, inviteos, u...,...., oll!con, partner& or abmoboldcn aball not pcanit any canftl8in& poddling. soliciting and/or distriblltion of hendbilla or any otba: wrilllll mataiala to occur in tho Prorniaes mid/or tho Building, nor aball TOIIBllt or TOIIBllt'a agonts, clionts, oontncton, duectors, ornplo~ invitees, licensees, offiCOII, partnom or abaniboldcn cmgago in such solicitation or diatributimi activities. 11, Rmll Sales, ~ ud Mullfactarlq "9liu,lted, Ellcopt with the J>rior written conamrt of Landlotd, TCllalll aball not acll; or pcanit tho retail sa1o ot; ~ rnlljplZlnca, periodicala. thoater tic:kota or any other goods to the Jlonemi public moron tho PRrniaos, nor aball Tonant cany oit or pamit or allow any ""J'1- or oibor l!"""ll to caay on· tho iJJd,,poodmrt businoss of · BlcDography, typewriting or any similar buainoaa m at from tho Promiaoa for tho service or w,nmmodation of other OCCllp8lll8 of any other portion of tho Buildina. TOIIBllt aball not permit the l'lomiBea to bo usod fiw oiannfectnring or lbr any illopl activity. of any kind, or for any businoss or activity other than tor TCIIUllll'a.apocific uae. 12, Clluge bl Name or Addreu. Landlord aball have tho right, oxercisablo without notice. and without liability to Tonent, to change tho ll8IDII and 1111eo1 addnou of the Building. 13, Projectlom from Premllea. Tonant aball not iustall any radio or teloviaion imlonna, lo~or or other device on tho roof or the exterior walla of11H, Building or in. any azea projecting outsido tho

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•---~-~•---·"'" EXIIIBlT C (coallllued)



interior walls of the l'lomisos. TODIIIII shall not install or pom,it ta be iDstallod any awnings, air conditioaiag unill or other projootiona, witho'\1 the prl'!f wrl-COD80lll ofLand!Old. 14, Superiority of Lean. These Rulel imd.}!i,gulatioaa an, in addition to, and shall not be CODB1rUod to in any way modify or amend, in ""°lo or'in part, lbe covananta, agi:,,omonl8 or pro.mons of thia Lease. Jf a coaflict or disaa-,,elll bolwOOD Ibo Lease and tbeso Rulel becomes app"""1I, thia Lease shall pmail 15. Chu111 to Rahl ud ReplalfoDL Provided sw:11 changal do not materially harm Tenant's ability ta coaduct i1s =al buaineaa opmatiODB, Landlord shall TI>1ain 1ho rlsbt to llbango, add or roacind any rulo or rogulatioa c:ooWned btniD, or to make such othcr and lbrtbcr l0880Dllblo and DOJl­discriminatory Rulel and Regulatiolls as in Laadlo,d'g aolojlldpn,mt may, tromtimo to time, bocomo .....wy fur Ibo rnaaaganmt, safety, care an6 cl-liaoa of the Pnmliaoa, the Building or the Pailcing Facilitioa, or tor lb4 pnsorvation of good o1'kr tbtniD, or 1i>r lb4 oonvonioaoo of other ocoi,pants and - therein, so IQng as sw:11 rn:fssioa, addition, dclotioa or cbqo is tb....&r roesoaeb~ appliocl to all O\lC1!Plll1I of the Building all'aotod thonl>y. PAJUQNG RULll:S ANDREGVLATIONS A. TODIDI shall strictly .... ly with all posted spood Jilaits, diRctioiJa1 signs, yiold signs, stops signs · and all othcr signs w::r or about lb4 pad<iaglilcilitioo. B. Tooantaball ~all vohido lico11Sopl4IO lllllllbcn with Ibo Buildingrnsaaganoat C. Toaaat aball be roaponsihlo tor Ibo coat of= 111y damage to tbe paddDg tllcilities or

c1-iag anydebria cieaiod or loft byToaant, i~ witlloul lirni!Btioa, oifloakage 1rom motor vebicloa pamcl in Ibo paddDg &oiJilies llDdor ill auspiooo. . . .

D. Land1cml, in addition to roserviDg tbe light to dorignsto ODO or moro an,as sololy fur visitor patkiDg, which - bo chsaged by Laadlord ftom limo to limo with or without · notico to TOlllllt, roaorvos J::.&Y light to aUocale aciditioaal visitor '3'!f" on any lloor of ~atkius &<ililiaa. T«lllllt aball not pill< any vebicles in any epecoe · gnaled as visitor ODly ap .... or · customer epecoe wilbin tho pad<iDg licilitiaa.

E. Tmant aball strict!Y. • . comply with all ruloa, rogu)ationa, ,-,ljnpa-, 'r.od Jilaill, and -affilcliag belldicepped l"m.'i BDil/or acceas, 811d shall not pill< any vebicles wilhin tho firo lanes, alon& paikmg cmiii orm 1111:ipod aroas. .

F. Tmant shall only use Ibo JIIIIDbcr ofpaddng~-111 allocatod to it and shall not pom,it moro then ono of ill loyom to uti1izo Ibo ll8IIIO • • LBDd1onl roeervoa Ibo light to IISSign or ro-llSSign'~ epecoe'wilbin Ibo PiddDg ra.:ut::: TOD811t from timo to time, and provided Landlord IP roquirod to do so by ,,,._ of any eclion 8lisiDg out of a gnvornmoataJ tll8lldate irnpoeocl on Lendlord, LBDd1onl lbrtbor roeerves Ibo light II any timo to eubltituto en oquivalmt DIIIDber of plllking epecoe in a paddag licilitioa or aubta:nmoen or surlllco pad<iDg facility within a roesoaeblo diatSDco oftbo Pnmisoe.

G. Bxcept with Lmldlord'• rn~ "Sml(s)' prior wri- COD80DI, TCIIIBDI shall not leave vobicJoe in · tho perkiag licilitioa o • nor pill< any vebieloe in tho perkiag liu:ilitioa · othor then autornobiloe, motorcycloa, motor-driven or non-motor-drivoa bicyclea or Jbur-whoolod truc1cs or VPDS. Laudlmd may, in ill eokl dilciotion. cloeignato "'1J8l'slo arou· mr bicycloe· aad motmcyclos. Tooant sball cmsun, that vobicloe plllking in tho ~ r.o;lities by · tho plllking pom,ill ueignod to Toaaat shall be pamd mtiro1y within Ibo 1111:ipod liw &,,j;::f,, a aina1e space and sro not eo eituatod ot of such a width or 1ooglh ae to impodo eccoee to· or ogrese funi vebic1oe p8lkod in adjecmt·an,as or doors or loading docb. Furth<r, all vohidos utilizing Tenant's pmking pormite sball not be higher then any~ Jilaillllioa that bo eosted, or of sw:h a size, woisbt or ctimoasion 80 that ODtry of such vohicJo into Ibo pad<iDg ~ would cause any damage or i$,y1horeto. . .

H. Toaant shall not allow any of Ibo vehicloa ~ed<od using Toaant's pom,its, or tho vchicloe of any of Toaant~.abippen, custornen or mviteoa to be loedecl·or ualoadod in any - otbor then - . . . dmjgnaled by Leadlanl 1i>r loediag. .

L Tooant shall DOI .... or. occupy. tho paddng &oiJilies in any JD8ll!IOl' which will unroasooebly inlriR with IIM> .,. .of tho perkiag licilitioa by otbor toaenl8 or occupenta ot Ibo Building. Without 1irnilatioii; Tonini ..,_ to ........,..., tum off any vobiclo illanD ..;.,_ activated and sounding en elem1 in Ibo ii,,ddng-fecilfiio..-..~' tho ovmt aeid eJem,. systom &lisi;;"' tum off and no loilgor souwl en iDtrudet' ai«t tilleai (15) rninutoa -1'-0!itn!liPciag 'IIICb'im aJami, Landloni shall roeerve Ibo right to romovo Ibo vohicJo from tho pad<iDg licilitioa II Toaaat'a sok, oxpoaao.

J. Toaant eckoowlodgoa that Ibo Ruloa and RegulatioDS as posted hemn shall bo in offoct twenty-four houn per day, eovoa da)II per wook, without oxcq,tion. ·

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····--EXHIBIT C ("°"Uauecl)


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K. Tenant aclwowlodges that.tho wiifonned guw olliccra and plllking attaulants sorving tho plllking Jj,ci)ities an, authorlzecl to iaaue verbal and writtm waminp of Tenant's violatious of any of tho rules and regulalio,,• c:ontsined 1imom. Except iri tho cue of a car alarm ooutirnring to sound in OXCC88 of a rnuirnurn of fiftoen rniililtcs;'in which caio uo filrtbcr uotico by Landlord sball be ,equin,d. If Tenant or Tenant's agents, oontncton, dincton, ornployeos, oflicen, partnora or slweholdors CODlinue to rnatarially bleadl 1hcso rules and iegulatious after ~ of written uotico and tho Ojljkllluuily to cure baa been given to Tenant, - in addition to such othor remedies and ,:equcst for iqjunotivo miof it may have, Landlord sball havo tho right, witbout additional uotiec, to removo or tow away tho vohic1o involvecl and store tho SIIDO, all costs of which sball be bome =lusivaly by Tenant ...Uor revob Tenant's plllking privil- and rights Ulldortholeaso. .

LANDLORD: DOUGLAS BMMBTT1996, I.LC, aDolawan, limitecl u.l,ility company

By: Douglas Emmolt Vmagernm~ U.C, a Delawan, limitecl liability company, llsAgml


Datecl: _____ ,_1~~->~1~6j-~--


I SOG-COM811JCA.IMBDABS'IH811CAV-l"Au•l 2007 ! t t amrzi,, a;, lllQ,;'



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GUARANTY OF LEASE TIUS GUARANTY OF LEASE ("GunatJ"l is made bY KENT A. TAKEMOTO, an individual, and JOANNE TAKEMOTO, an individi!a( J;ointly:·,and aevaally, "Gunator") in mvor of DOUGLAS BMMBTT 1996, LLC, a DeJriJiii, limitod liabilily company ("Ladlordj in connoction with that ceitain Lease dated July 21. 200? {tho "Leuei punuan1 to wmoh Landlom 1 ..... to MBDABS'l'IIBTICA MEDICAL GROUP, INC., • Calif'omia oorpomlion ('Teaoaf') thoso ~ gcamlly lacalad at 15303 Vemura Boulevald, Suites 400 and 400A, Shmman ()ab, Califomia 91403 (tho "Premllelj and 111010 particularly describod in tho Lease. M a material inducement to and in consideration of Landlord ~ into tho Lcaso, Landlord having indiomd that it would not euter into tho Lease without ~ mreoution <>f this Ouanmly, Guarantor does hereby agroo with Landlotd as fullows: . 1. Guanmtor docs h«c,l,y •JDC011dition•Hy and inevoc:ably guat8!llOO and promise to pcrfunn and be

liablo fur any and all obligationa and liabilitioa ofTCIDIIII under tho tams oftbe Lease. 2. Guarantor docs. harebKa:C

1 lbal, wilhout tho . ..,._ of or 1101ico to Guarantor and without

affiocling any of tho ob · of Guarantor blmmdar: · a) any tenD, covCIIIIIII or c:ondition of tho Leaao may i,. wmdod, compromised. ICleased or

othorwiao altorw by Landlord and Tmalll, and Guarantor docs guarantee and promise to porfimn all thoobJigationa ofTCIDIIII undorlho Leaao u ao ....... ed, ~-or illtan,d;

b) any gumotor of or party to tho Lease may be teloasocl, subltilUlo!i or added; c) any right or mnody under tho Lease may be oercisecl, 1101 exon:iaed, impailOd, modified,

limitocl, ~~or lll8pCllded; cl) Landlord or any olherpcnon acting on Landlonl'• behalf may clcal in any1D81Dlor with Tenant,

any gumotor, any party to the Leaao or any other- and ... e) all or any part of tho Pn:misea orofTCIIIIIII'• rigbta or 1iabilitioa under.tho Leaso maybe sublot. . 8l8igDocl or 8IIUlllod.

3, The obligationa of Guarantor horeundor ""' in addition to and ind_.Jout nf the obligatiODI of Tenant. A soparato action or actionl may be blOusbt and proaecutod againll Guanmtor wholhor action is blOugbl ~ TODanl or wbethor TODanl is joillocl in any such acdon or actions. GuarantorhenbyW11M111 and agrooa110t to.- or tab advantage of a) any right to ,equue Landlord to pmceod againll or oxhauat any aecurity belcl lioJn TOIUIDI or any

olhorpano,i; b) any right to toqUiro Landlonl to pm<eed againll Touanl or any other pcnon or to pursuo any

olhor1'lll0Cly bofi>ieproceeding againll Gwmmtor, . c) tho clo&me of any atatuto of limitaliona in any action Wider or i:olated to Ibis Ouanmly or the

Lease; ... cl) any '!§hi or clo&me ihal 'may. iriao by ieason of the incapacity, lack of Blllbi>rity, death or

dilabiJity ofTOIIIIII or any olhor pano,i; and e) any tight or doilmso ~-......, <>f tho abaouco, impairment, modification, limitation,

deatruclion or COl8llion (in , by an elootion of Rllliediea, or otherwise) of the liability ofTmalll, of tho subrogaticm daJ,ti o Guarantor or of the right of Guarantor to prococ:d againll TOIIIIII fur reimbur8ommt. · Without in any 11111111« limiting the genmality of the li>regoillg, Guanmtor haoby waivea the

bonoJill ofthe.pmvisicmlofSectiOD12809, 2810,2819, 2845, 2847, 2848, 2849, 2850, 2899 and 3433, the aecond IICID1eDoo of Section 2822(a) and all rigbta that ""' waivablo pursuant to Section 28S6, all of tho Caljfurnia Civil Code, and any similar or analogous - of California or any other jurisdicti011, ·

4. Guatantor hmby waivca and agrooa DOt to B8IOI\ or tab advantage of mJ right or dofense balled on the abaouco of mJ or all p,moutm-. demanda (mcludiq demanda fur podotmance). uotices (includmg notices of advcne ;;i;.;;g.intha liDanoial slalul olToaaut or other b which incroase

· the risk to Guarantor, notices of~ and DOlicm of """'IJ)IIDOO of this Guanmty) and ' pro- of oach and every kind. .

5. Until all TOIUllll'aobligatiQnaundorthe.Lease""' tbllypemnmod, G1lamotor. a) aball have no right of subroption against tho TODanl by ......, of any pey,11onll or acll of

porforn,anoo by Guarantor Ulldor this Ouanmtr, and . b) suboidinlltoa any liability or inclebteclw!u of TOIUIIII DOW or hcroaftor holcl by Guanmtor to tho

obligationl ofTouant Ulldor, arising out of or i:olated to the Lease or TODanl'• use or occupuwy ofthel'Jmnisel.

6. The liability of Guanmtor and all rigbll, powm and J:C111edie1 ofLandlotd hareunder and under any other agteCIJlODI DOW or al any limo hcroaftor in fun:o betwoen Landlonl and Guanmtor rdalin& to tho Lease aball bo oumulalive and DOt al1aiialive and auch tishll, powot11 and nmediea &ball be in addition to all rigbls, powen, and Rldlediea sivm to.Landlonl by law.

7, This Ouanmly appliea to, inuRa to the bmolit of and binds all patlieo bcmo, their hcim, deviaeoa, Jcgatcea, ex-. admlniatntom,ap,:<ldltati,ea, SUOCCIIOl8 and asaigns(including any.pmchaoor at a judicial fmecloamo or truneo'• l8lo or a holder of a cloed in lieu lheRof). This Cluaianty may be auigoed by Lal1dloid vohmlarilyor by opaation of law. · 1·

SO'l-COMBRrA~v-"'e•• ams :c amr~».a&»1'


Page 47: - Office....... ··--s-----~,,· • 1._J_ cc QCl'IQN 1.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.2 6.1 16.1 20.S 21.1 r() (~ OFFICEL&ASE


I l

u .,--, .::0. , .. ~

··-·········"················"··-·--··-·. --------•--~ ,.ri'i L)-'

8. Guarantor ~ liom limo to limo upon Landkml's ~ but not 1110111 than OJICO in any 12 mO!llh period, to cloli- to LandJo,d <luanmlor'a firumcial stalcment All firumcial ~ -fote doliveted to Laadlotd by Guanmtor am, and ill firumcial atall'mlollll horeafter dolivenxl to Landlotd by Gualantor will bo, 1rUo aid conect in ill material~ and fair pn,senletiODS of tho financial condilioll of Guanmtor aa of tho dale thoreot in aoccmlaDco wi1h genllrally accepted IICCOUllling practicea. No material adverse cbange occ:um,d in tho lbumcial CODdilion of Guanmtor siJIOo 111e· dale of tho financial llalorneots ½m1o1im, c!oliveml to Laud1oid. ·

9, Guanmtor aball mt, wi1hout tho prior written ccmamt of Landlcml, 0011'lDell<e, or join with any thor • . baalaln>tcY. . . . Iv proceeding against r~ ~lj:;;;~ underibia 1:'!".!l, ~':' .i=. limitod or affected

by any~ vohmlaiy or invohmlaiy, involving tho· bankruptcy, inaolvency, ieceiv=, roorgalllzlllic liquidation or -.,imrt o•Tcmant, or by any defmso which TOIUIIII may have roaaon of any Older, doctoo or decision of any OOllrt or admiDialniivo body rosulling 1iom ~'I procoocln,g, Guanmtor shall mo in any bankruptcy or other proceeding in which tho filing of ·oJolmA ,oquired or pmniUecl 1Jy law all claims which Guanmtor may have against TOIUIIII relating to any indabtoclnoaa ofTmiant to Guanmtor and will auign to Lan4kml all riglda of Guarantor thmouudor. LandJo,d shall have tho solo rigbl to ~ reject any eJan prol)OIOd in such piocooding and to tab any other action wbiclt a party a claim is eotillod io do. lil ill such ....., whether in adminiatnlioJI, bankruptcy or o1h«wiao, or pmcma autbomod to pay such claim aba11 pay fn I&Yflonl tho 111110U111 payable on such~ to tho fllll -""""""IIIY for ibat pmpoao. Guanmtor hmeby auigna to Land1md all of <luanmlor'a righ!a to any such paymonta or dislributiODS to which Guanmtor would otberwiso be ooli!Jod; provided. however, that <luanmlor's obli&alioaa ~ shall not be aaliafiod oxcept to 1ho - that Landlord ieceivos cash by 1'088011 o1 any such payment or dialribution. IfLandlord rocoivoa aoytbmg hcRuDder othcr 1hao casb, tho same shall belield aa collatml for amounll duo llllda' 1his Cluaraoly.

10, 'Ibis OUaraoty shall cooalibJlo tho cnlile agm,mool botwoon Guanmtor and tho Laodlord wi1h rospoct to tho aubjoct ,,,_ haoot: No provision of 1his Cluaraoly or risbt ofLaodlord hereunder may be waived nor may aoy Guaraolor be roloaaod liom any o&Jiplion ~ oxcopl by a writing duly .. ocu1ec1 by ao aolboriu,d nf&a, or clin,otor ofLaadloRJ.

11, If mon, 1hao one person aijpla 1his ~. each such pman shall be deemed a Guarantor and tho obligation of all such Guaianlan shall be Joint and aoveraL When tho CODleXt and COD8lruclion so roquin,a, all WOids uaad in tho~ hnn lball be doomed to have booo uaad in tho plural, Tho word, "potsQn" 11& uaad ban,in ahill mclude 111 individual,..,_, firm. 8880Ci81ion, p"lto«8hip, corporalioo, IIUal.,; other 1opl oolity of any kind-«.

12. Should any one or mon, provisiana of1his Guaranty b, dotenninod lo be il1ogal or UJl<lllfurcoable, all othorprovisians.lballnovortllolma be olfoolivo. . · ·

13. Tho waiver or Jiilun, to onfi>n:o any provision of 1his Cluaraoly aball not oparate as a waiver of any olhar broac1,t of sw;I\ P"?viai<m. or aoy qthor proviaiona bmoot: .. · . · · ·

14. If either party-~ in an action against tho olbor party arisillg out of or in cooneclion with lhia Guaranty, tho pn,vailing ~ shall be ooti1lod to have and n,covor liom 1he other party ~ attomeyi' feoa, collocdon COIIII and olilir coata incum,d in aod in pn,paralion for ilu, action. lil addition to ·tho fomSoins award of allomoya' feoa, tho u1limateJy auccoaalw party shall be Cllllitlod to i1B actual allomoyl' too, incum,d in poat-:'udgamlt pn,eeoei;n to collecfor enfon:o 1he judgment 'Ibia provision is aoparato and =.i .J shall lllirvivo ti,; P of lhia Guaranty into any juilgmoot an 1his Guaranty.· lil any action or J>D)Mffling miaing me:\' ... tlda Guaranty, Guarantor CODIOIIII to 1ria1 without a jury.

15. Tinlo is striCl1Y of tho ....... llllda' 1his Guaranty and 111y arom<!mm~ modilloaµon or.~ hereof

16. If Cluaralltor is a co,poralioo, each individual oxocuting Ibis ~ on bobalf·of said 001p0Jll!ion "'1'!"8"'118 and wammll·lllatho is duly aulboriu,d •~ oxocute and deliver 1his Ouanmly on l,obalf of said """"""6nn in acconlanoo with a duly adopted n,solulion of tho boazd of din,ctom of said corpcmti,;ocin acconlanco with tho~ of said corpor8lioo, and that 1his Guaranty is binding upon said corporalioo in acconlanoo with i1B lama. If Guanmtor is a COQlOllliOD; 1.a11dlonl, al its . option, may • Guanntor to COllCIUl'Clllly, with tho execution of d,is Guaranty, deliver to Landlord a~ copy of a n,solulion of tho boazd of directon of said co,potalion authoriziDg or ratifying tho oxoculion oflbia Cluaraoly.

17. Tho torm "Laodlmd"wbenc,vorboroinabovo uaadrofon to andmoaoa tho l.aodlotd in tho foregoing X- spocificaJJynamod·and aJao any auignoo of said Laod1onl, wlK!tbor by outright asaigmnont or by asaigmnon• fir aocurity; aod aJao any 8IICC0880t to tho ~ of said L8lld1ord or of any auignoo of suchLoaao or any part~ whothorhy assigmnml orothorwiso. Tba term "Tenaot" wbmova: hon,inabovo uaod rofaa to and moaoa tho Tmaol in tho 4,rogoing Loaso specifica1Jy named aod aJao· any auignoo or aublmant of said Lease and aJao any sw;cw,ssor ·~ tho interests of said Tenant, "auignoo or sub!oaaoo of such Lease or any part thoreot wbothor by asaignmont, subloaao orotborwiao.

18. AJJY notice, request, domaod, or other cornrnunioation hon,undor shall be in writing and shall be considenxl duly given or furnish.., when: · a) clolivorod porsooaJly or l,y m,opmgor or ovomigbl clolivory aorvice, with signature OYidoncing

such clolivory; · A I SOGCOMBPK'A~WMrmw s 2QQZ o r ran l n, aN? V


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I i

----·--·--·--·-·-·· ·------EXHIBIT E (continued) GUARANTY OJI LEASE


b) upon the date of delivery, after being mailed In a po51!Jlid envelope, llellt ®'lilied mail,. return rcc:cipt IOCjuesled; when addiooaod to Lmidloid .. set forth below and to (luanmtor .. set forth below; or to such o1ber admess or addieaaeo aa oitbcr party may deoiiJUllo by a written nolicc

· givenpurswmthmolo; or ·.. :·· c) upo• confinnelion of l!OOd "8•srniS9ion if sent via fiu:simile machine to such phone number aa

shall have been provided In writiDa by Landlolll or Ouanmtor, one to the otbor: To <Juarantor: · To LaudJonl:

3351 Cordova Drive --~--......iDoualu Emmott 1996, I.LC Calabasas, Q,lifumia 91302 808 W-dsbim Boulevmd, Suite 200

. Santa Monica, California 90401 19. As a fur1hcr ~ put of the CODSideration to Landlcml to anter Into the Lease with Tenant,

Ouarantor apea: a) The law of the State of CaJifurnia oball govom all questions with iespcct to the Guaranty; b) Any suit, action or proceeding arising directly or indin,cdy 1iom the Ouanmty, the Lcaae or the

subject - tboreof shall be litipted only In courts located within the County of Loa Angeles ao41ha State· of California·

c) Ouarantor heleby irrovocably COIISCllls to lhe juriadicdon of any Jocal, state or fedenil court located within the Couuty of Loa Angeles and the Stal<i nfCa)ifumia;

d) Ouanntor heleby Wllivea ])Ol80IIII! service of any and .all pmcesa upon it and consents to all such scrvice ofprocosa Indio-and at the admess setforthlnl'im,pph 18 above; and

e) Wdhout limidllg the s-Jity of the ~ Ouarantor heieby waivea and ._ not to IIS8Clt by way of motion, dclimae or otbcrwiso In !"'Y suit, aclioD or proceeding any claim that GuaraDlor is aot p<nonally subject to the juriadicdon of the above-namod courts, that such suitB, action or~ 11 l,rouaJ,t In an iuconvenient forum or that the venue of such action, suit or proceodiDg is improper. Executed on this_ .. _·_day of _____ ~ 2007.


!01111DD Tabmoio, an individual

Jointly and Sevorally



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I I ' i

I t,



State of California Counlyof ____ _

On ______ befuromo,

(hore insert name and title of tho 9fliocr) a Notary Public fin' sai4 Coupty and State, pcr89D8lly awe-I

pcr89D8lly known to mo (or provod to mo OD tho bssis of aalisfactoty evidouco) to be tho pcrsoD(s)

whose name(a) ia/11<1 aubsonood to tho within imllrumont and aolmowledged to me that lu:/sho/tboy

oxecutod tho same in hialha-JthM aulborizod capacily(iea). and that by hia/hor/thoir signalurc(a) OD tho

inslrumcmt !be persoD(s), orlbe mtityupoo behalf of which lbe persoD(a) actod, oxocutod !be


WITNESS my hand and oflioial aoaL

Signatu,e __________ _



State of Calilbmia County of ____ _

On ______ befuromo,

(here insert name 8Dd tillo of tho officer) a Nota,y Public fin' said Coupty 8Dd Stato, peraonaUy awe-I

pcrsonallyknown to mo (or proved to mo OD tho bssis of Slllisfacto,yevidcllce) to be tho pcrsoD(s)

wboao name(•) ialw:e subscribed to tho within inlliumOIII and acknowledged to me that hel'aheltboy

cxocutod tho same in hislhor/tbon- aulborizod oapacily(ioa), and that by hia/hor/thoir signatule(s) OD the

. instrummt !be pcnon(a). or tho ontilyupon bebalf ofwhich thopersoD(s) Kled, exocutod tho


wrrN!!SS my hand and oflioial aosJ.

filaDalu,e _______ _



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TIDS ASSIGNMENT, ASSUMPTION AND CONSENT (this "Assignment Agreemenf'), is made as of February 8, 2008 (the "Effective Date"), by and between MEDAESTHETICA MEDICAL GROUP, INC., a California corporation ("Assignor"), and AESTHETIC NETWORK ASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Assignee''), with references to the following facts:

A. DOUGLAS EMMETT 1996, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company C'Landlord"), pursuant to tho provisions of that certain Office Lease dated August 8, 2007 (the "Lease''), leased to Assigoor, and Assigoor lessed from Landlord, ':P.ace in the property located at 15303 Ventura Boulevard, Shennan Oaks, California 91403 (the Building"), commonly known as Suites 400 and 400A (the "Premises''); and

B. In accordance with Article 11 of the Lease, subject to tho consent of Landlord, Assignor has agreed to assign and transfer all of Assignor's right, tide and interest in and wider the Lease, and Assigoee has agreed to accept and assume such assignment on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

NOW,. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth hereinbelow, Assignor and Assignee hereby agree as follows:

1. Assignment of Lease. This Assignment Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date, subject to the conditions set forth in this Assignment Agreement. This Assignment Agreement is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Lease and in connection therewith, Assignor:

a) Agrees that the effectiveness of this Assignment Agreement is subject to the consent of Landlord, which consent is predicated upon sstisfiu:tion of the conditi.ons set forth in Section 3 hereinbelow. ·

b) Agrees that Assignor shall continue to remain personally liable for tho payment of all amounts payable by Assignor and tho performance of all obligations of Assignor pursuant to tho Lease. · In the event Assignee shall hold over, enter into a new lease or modification of the existing lease, Assignor shall be released from Ass.ignots personal liability for any of the obligations of Assignor wider the Lease as of such date. ·

c) Wamints that, as of the Effective Dato, there will be no uncured defuult on the part of Assignor pw.uant to the Lease; and agrees to indemnify and defend Assignee against any claims arising out of such a claimed dofuult

d) Acknowledges that Assignor has road the disclaimer set forth in Section 4 and the general provisions set forth in Section S hereinbelow and executes this Assignment Agreement with full knowledge and acceptance of such sections, both of which are incorpotated herein.

2. Assumption Of Lease. Assignee hereby accepts, as of the Effective Dato, all of Assignor's right, title and interest as well as assumes all of Assignor's obligations, liabilities, duties and responsibilities in, under and to the Lease and agrees to abide by all of the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of the Lease, including but not limited to those providing for the payment of ron¼· additional rent and other charges. Assignee acknowledges and agrees that:

a) It has inspected the Premises and the Building and has received and read a copy of the Lease and is assuming the obligations of Assignor as "Tenant" under the Lease based upon its own independent investigation and not upon any statomoots or representations made by or on behalf of Lancliord.

b) In connection with this transaction, no person has had any authority to make any cepresentations on behalf of Landlord co.ncerning the Premises and/or tho Building and such representations, if any, have not been relied upon by Assignee.

•) The offectiveness of this Assignment Agreement is subject to tho consoot of Landlord, which consent is predicated upon sstislilction of the conditions set forth in Section 3 heroinbelow.

d) There may be no forther assignmoot or transfer of the Lease or subletting of the Premises, or any portion thereo( without, in each instance, the prior written consent of Landlord and in conformance with tho terms of the Lesso. ·

e) There may be no change in the use of the Premises and no remodeling of or altetations to the Premises without, in each instance, the prior written consent of Landlord and· in conformance with tho terms of the Lease.

. I) Assignoo's nse of the Premises shall not conflict with other exclusive use provisions in current leases (or with exclusive use provisions in future leases, which do not, when made~ conflict with Assignoo's actual and specifically permitted use of the Premises).

g) If Assignee defuults in payment or performance of any of its obligations accruing after the Effective Dato, Assignee shall indemnify and hold Assignor harmless against any liability therefor and shall prompdy reimburse Assignor for all amounts paid by Assignor to cure any such defuul¼ together with interest thereon at the rato specified in the Lease from date of expenditure to date of repayment

b) Assigooo has read the disclaimer set forth in Section 4 and the general provisions set forth in Section S hereinbelow and executes this Assignment Agr<:emenl with full knowledge and acceptance of such sections, both of which are incorporated herein.

500-Comeriea/ Modaesthctiea-Suite 400 & 400A / ST .IPebnmy 8, 2008


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/ -·--~ -=~


3. Consent to Assignment. Contingent upon Assignor's and Assignee's acceptance of the requirements contained herein, Landlord hereby consents to the foregoing assignment in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the Lease. Said consent is subject to Assignor and Assignee acknowledging and agreeing thal:

a) The foregoing consent is not a waiver of Landlord's right to consent to or impose restrictions upon any future assignment or subletting.

b) Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed to relieve Assignor of any of its obligations under the Lease, whether accrued through the Effective Date or thereafter.

c) Landlord now holds a security deposit pursuant to the Lease of $28,447.30, which S1lll! shall continue to be held by Landlord after the Effective Date. Adjustments concerning such deposit are the sole responsibility of Assignor and Assignee, and Landlord need not be concerned therewith. At the expiration of the tenn of the Lease, Landlord shall return said security deposit in accordance with the tenns of the Lease to Assignee.

d) The foregoing consent does not include a consent to the transfer of any renewal, extension or expansion rights, or any other special privileges or rights granted pursuant to the Lease, and all such rights and privileges shall tenninate upon the Effective Date.

e) In the event of any defaults under the Lease, Landlord will send to Assignor any notice of such default that Landlord sends to Assignee. . · This consent shall become effective only upon the execution of a copy of this Assignment

Agreement by each other party hereto and delivery of such fully executed copy to Landlord. 4, Disclaimer. Assignor and Assignee each acknowled~ that the Lease provides for

payment of Additional Rent (as that tennis defined in the Lease) periodically on an estimated basis with adjustment to actual amounts due as specified in the Lease. Notwithstanding any estimate or allocation of such amounts provided by Landlord to Assignor and Assignee to facilitate the transfer provided for herein, Assignor and Assignee understand and acknowledge that (i) any such estimate or allocation is only an estimate by Landlord and is not intended as and shall not be construed as a limitation or ceiling upon the· actual amounts which may be due, (ii) as respects Landlord, Assignee shall be solely responsible for any additional amounts of Additional Rent due to Landlord by virtue of such adjustments and shall be solely entitled to any refunds or credits resulting from such adjustments, and (iit) any proration of any such amounts between Assignor and Assignee shall be strictly between them, and Landlord need not be concerned therewith.

5. General Provisions. · a) If any party hereto commences any action against any other party hereto arising out

of or in connection with this Assignment Agreement, or the Lease, the prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover from the losing party or parties reasonable attorneys' fees as detennined by the court as well as costs of suit.

b) Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that any party hereto desires or is required to give to any other party or parties hereto shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid. first class mail properly addressed and deposited in the State of California to the address appearing below the sigitalures of each party hereto. Notice shall be deemed communicated three business days after the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this paragraph.

c) Assignor and Assignee agree that Landlord has no· liability for any fees or commissions to any real estate broker or agent in connection with the assignment and assumption Qftbe Lease. All such fees and commissions shall be the responsibility of Assignor and Assignee.

d) This Assignment Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors in interest

e) In the event of any conflict between the tenns of this Assignment Agreement and the terms of the Lease, the tenns of the Lease shall control.

f3 &. eee&1G1:foo witb !be within assiw,meo! and to defray the costs ofproaaseh~ w"A assigpmen\ 2Wgnm sltall pay M Dongl2S Emmett Haaepnct, I I C npao I erdkr~'s eim;cutien of this Assignmet Og aemmta191cee88:iftgfa1 lfSl,000.001

S00-Comerica I Medaesthetica-Sultc 400 & 400A /ST/February 8, 2008 2



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•. ,· C


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho parties hereto have affixed their signatures the date hereinbelow.



~-~~ Title: __

By: Name: ___________ _



Noti<:e Address:

15303 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 400 Shennan Oaks, California 91403


LANDLORD: DOUGLAS EMMETT 1996, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Douglas Emmett Management, LLC, a Delaware

limited liability company, its Agent

By: Douglas Emmett Management, Inc., a Delaware oorporation, its Manager


AESTIIETIC NETWORK ASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company

By: Name: ___________ _


Dated: _,,_o~s~---

Notice Address:

15303 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 400 Sherman Oaks, California 91403

By: l,\.1,A1;4:j~ Michae!J. Mcans,.SeniorVi President

Dated: o/ b(OO .

Notice Address: 808 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 200 Santa Monica, Califurnia 90401

S~/ Modaclsthotie&-S~te 400 & 400A /ST/February S. 2008 3


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. 1


TlllS ASSIGNMENT, ASSUMPTION AND CONSENT (this "Assignment Agreemenf'), is made as of February 8, 2008 (the "Effective Date''), by and between KENT TAKEMOTO, an individual, and JOANNE TAKEMOTO, an individual, jointly and severally (collectively, "Assignor"), and. AESTIIBTIC NETWORK ASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Assignee"), with references to the following facts:

A. DOUGLAS EMMETT 1996, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Landlord"), and GUCKER & ASSOCIATES, A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION, a California corporation, formerlr doins business as Glicker & Flaig, a professional law corporation ("Tenanf'), are parties to that certaiD Office Lease dated July 12, 2002 (the "Original Lease"), as amended by that

. certain First Amendment to Office Lease dated September 18, 2002, that certain Second Amendment to Office Lease dated March 26, 2003, and that certain Third Amendment to Office Lease dated August 6, 2003 (collectively, referred to herein as, the "Lease"), for space on the fourth (4th) floor identified as Suite 400 and Suite 400A ("Soito 400A") (collectively, the "Premises") in that certain office building localed at 15303 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, California 91403 (the "Building");

B. Tenant and Assignor are parties to that certain Standard Sublease Multi-Tenant dated May 8, 2006, as amended by that certain Addendum dated May 8, 2006, that certain Consent to Sublease Agreement dated June 9, 2006, and that certain Amendment to Consent to Sublease Agreement dated February 16, 2007 (collectively, referred to herein as, the "Sublease"), with respect to a subletting by Assignor of Suite 400A, as more particularly described in the Sublease (the "Sublet Premises''); and

C. In accordance with Article 11 of the Ori~ Lease, subject to the consent of Landlord, Assignor has agreed to assign and transfer all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and under the Sublease, and Assignee has agreed to accept and assume such assignment on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth hereinbelow, Assignor and Assignee hereby agree as follows:

1. Assignment of Lease. 1bis Assignment Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Dste, subject to the conditions set forth in this Assignment Agreement. This Assignment Agreement is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Original Lease and in connection therewith, Assignor:

a) Agrees that the effectiveness of this Assignment Agreement is subject to the consent of Landlord, which consent is predicsted upon satisfilction of the conditions set forth in Section 3 hereinbelow. · ·

h) Agrees that Assignor shall continue to remain personally liable for the payment of all amounts payable by Assignor and the performance of all obligations of Assignor pursuant to the Sublease. In the event Assignee shall hold over, enter into a new lease or modification of the existing sublease, Asoignor shall be released from Assigµor's personal liability for any of the obligations of Assignor under the Sublease as of ouch dste.

c) Warrants that, as of the Effective Date, there will be no uncured default on the part of Assignor pursuant to the Sublease; and agrees to indemnify and defend Assignee against any claims arising out of such a claimed default.

d) Acknowledges that Assignor has read the disclaimer set forth in Section 4 and the general provisions set forth in Section 5 hereinbelow and executes this Assignment Agreement with full knowledge snd acceptance of such sections, both of which are incorporated herein.

2. Assumption or Sublease. Assignee hereby accepts, as of the Effective Dste, all of Assignor's right, title and interest as well as assumes all of Assignor's obligations, liabilities, duties and. responsibilities in, under and to the Sublease and agrees to abide by all of the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of the Sublease, including but not limited to those providing for the payment of rent, additional rent and other charges. Assignee acknowledges and agrees that:

a) It has inspected the Sublet Premises and the Building and has received and read a copy of the Sublease and is assuming the obligations of Assignor as "Subtenant" under the Sublease based upon its own independent investigation and not upon any statements or representations made by or on behalf of Landlord.

b) In connection with this transaction, no person has had any authority to make any representations on behalf of Landlord concerning the Sublet Premises, the Premises and/or the Building and such representations, if any, have not been relied upon by Assignee.

c) The effectiveness of this Assignment Agreement is subject to the consent of Landlord, which consent is predicsted upon sstisfilction of the conditions set forth in Section 3 hereinbelow.

d) There may be no further assignment or transfer of the Sublease or subletting of the Sublet Premises, or any portion thereof, without, in each instance, the prior written consent of Landlord and in conformance with the terms of the Lease.

e) There may be no change in the use of the Sublet Premises and no remodeling of or alterations to the Sublet Premises without, in each instance, the prior written consent of Landlord and in conformance with the terms of the Lease.

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I) Assignee's use of the Sublet Premises shall not conflict with other exclusive use provisions in OlllTent leases (or with exclusive use provisions in future leases, which do not, when made, conflict with Assignee's. actual and specifically permitted use of the Sublet Premises),

g) If Assignee defaults in payment or performance of any of its obligations accruing after the Effective Date, Assignee shall indemnify and hold Assignor harmless against any liability therefor and shall l'!"'mptly reimburse Assignor for all amounts paid by Assignor to cure any such default, together with interest thereon at the rate specified in the Sublease from date of expenditure to date of repayment. ·

h) Assignee has read the disclaimer set forth in Section 4 and the general provisions set forth in Section S hereinbelow and executes this Assignment Agreement with full knowledge and acceptance of such sections, both of which are incorporated herein.

3. Consent to Assignment. Contingent upon Assignor's end Assignee's acceptance of the requirements contained herein, Landlord hereby consents to the foregoing assignment in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the Original Lease. Said consent is subject to Assignor and Assignee acknowledging and agreeing that:

a) The foregoing consent is not a waiver of Landlord's right to consent to or impose restrictions upon any future assignment or subletting.

b) Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed to relieve Assignor of any of its obligations under the Sublease, whether accrued through the Effective Date or thereafter.

c) Intentionally omitted. d) The foregoing consent does not include a consent to the transfer of any renewal,

extension or expansion rights, or any other special privileges or rights granted pursuant to the Lease, and all such rights and privileges shall terminate upon the Effective Date.

e) In the event of any defuults under the Sublease, Landlord will send to Assignor any notice of such default that Landlord sends to Assignee •

. This consent shall become effective only upon the execution of a copy of this Assignment Agreement by each other party hereto and delivery of such fully executed copy to Landlord.

4, Disclaimer. Assil!"or and Assignee each acknowl~e that the Sublease provides for payment of additional rent periodically on an esthnated basis with adJustment to actual amounts due as specified in the Sublease. Notwithstanding any estimate or allocation of such amounts provided by Landlord to Assignor and Assignee to facilitate the transfer provided for herein, Assignor and Assignee understand and acknowledge that (i) any such esthnate or allocation is only an esthnate by Landlord and is not intended as and shall not be construed as a limitation or ceiling upon the actual amounts which may be due, (ii) as respects Landlord, Assignee shall be solely responsible for any additional amounts of· additional rent due to Landlord by virtue of such adjustments and shall be solely entitled to any refunds or credits resulting from such adjustments, and (iii) any proration of any such amounts between Assignor and Assignee shall be strictly between them, and Landlord need not be concerned therewith.

5, General Provisions, a) If any party hereto commences any action against any other party hereto arising out

of or in connection with this Assignment Agreement, or the Sublease, the prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover from the losing party or perties reasonable attorneys' fees as determined by the court as well as costs of suit.

b) Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that any party hereto desires or is required to give to any other party or parties hereto shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first class mail properly addressed and deposited in the State of California to the address appearing below the signatures of each party hereto. Notioe shall be deemed communieated three business days after the thne of mailing if mailed as provided in this paragraph.

c) Assignor and Assignee agree that Landlord has no liability for any fees or commissions to any real estate broker or agent in connection with the assi!plfflent and assumption of the Sublease. All such fees and commissions shall be the responsibility of AsSlgnor and Assignee.

d) This Assignment Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors in interest.

e) In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Assignment Agreement and the terms of the Lease, the terms of the Lease shall control.

I) In connection with the within assignment, and to defray the costs of processing such assignment, Assignor shall pay to Douglas Emmett Management, LLC, upon Landlord's execution of this Assignment Agreement a processing fee ofSS00.00.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures the date hereinbelow.


tj ?f:: ~ TAKEMOTO, an individual


' Jointly and severally

Dated: ()/¥¥


AESTilETIC NETWORK ASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ·

By: ~~ Name: M"k dWJ,"c Title: P/.61De,,,r

By: Name: ___________ _


Dated, __ z.+/µ,_· +f_oeo ___ _

Notice Address:

15303 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 400 15303 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 400 Sherman Oaks, California 91403 Sherman Oaks, California 91403


LANDLORD: DOUGLAS EMMEIT 1996, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Douglas Emmett Management, LLC, a Delaware

limited liability company, its Agent

By: Douglas Emmett Management, Inc., a Delaware corporation, its Menager

By: /A. " W- tf ,__.../" Dated: MicbaeU. M~lftJ:f President

Notice Address: 808 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 200 Santa Monica, California 90401

SOO-Com«ica/ Glickcr-Takomoto-Suitc 400A/ST /February 8, 2008 3