d&d 3rd edition - complete guide to feats

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  • 7/22/2019 D&D 3rd Edition - Complete Guide to Feats



    ACQUIRING FEATSUnlike skills, feats are not bought with points. You simplychoose them for your character. Each character gets onefeat when the character is created. At 3rd level and everythree levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th), he orshe gains another feat. For multiclass characters, the featscome according to total character level, regardless ofindividual class levels.Additionally, fighters and wizards get extra class-relatedfeats chosen from special. Humans also get a bonus feat at1st level, chosen by the player from any feat for which hisor her character qualifies.PREREQUISITESSome feats have prerequisites. You must have the listedability score, feat, skill, or base attack bonus in order toselect or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at thesame level at which he or she gains the prerequisite. Forexample, at 3rd level, Krusk, the half-orc barbarian, could

    spend 1 skill point on the Ride skill (gaining his first rankin Ride) and select the Mounted Combat feat at the sametime.You can't use a feat if you've lost a prerequisite. Forexample, if your Strength drops below 13 because a ray ofenfeeblement hits you, you can't use the Power Attack feat.

    VIRTUAL FEATSIf you effectively have a feat as a class feature or specialability, then you can use that virtual feat as a prerequisitefor other feats. What does this mean? If you have, forexample, some class feature or ability that says, "This is thesame as Power Attack," then you are considered to have the

    Power Attack feat for the purposes of acquiring theImproved Shield Bash feat. If you ever lose the virtualprerequisite, you also lose access to any feats you acquiredthrough its existence. Having access to a feat as a classfeature or special ability does not give you access to thatfeat's prerequisites.

    FEATS AND WEAPONLIKE SPELLSAny spell that requires an attack roll and deals damage canbe treated much like a weapon. Several feats that improvecombat performance can be used to enhance Weaponlikespells as noted here.Weaponlike Spell CategoriesFor purposes of combat -enhancing feats, Weaponlike spellsfall into three categories: ray, energy missile, and touchattacks.Ray. Such spells produce a ray effect and require a ranged

    touch attack.Energy missile. The spell creates something physical as aprojectile or that the caster can hurl, such as a Melf's acidarrow orproduce flame.Touch spell. Any damage dealing spell that has a range of


    Eligible Feats

    The following feats can be chosen to enhance theperformance of Weaponlike spells in combat.Improved Critical: Chose one category of Weaponlike spell

    (ray, energy missile, or touch spell). When you use a spellof the selected category, the threat range is doubled. A spellnormally threats a critical on 20; this feat increases therange to 19-20. You can gain this feat multiple times,choosing a different weapon or category of Weaponlikespell each time.Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: See notes on Two-Weapon Fighting, below.Improved Unarmed Strike: You can use an unarmed strike

    to deliver a touch spell and are considered armed. Youmake a normal melee attack (the defender gets the fullbenefit of armor and shield). If the attack hits, the unarmedstrike deals normal damage and the spell is dischargedagainst the defender. Only the unarmed strike can inflict acritical hit.A character without this feat also could deliver a touchspell with an unarmed strike, but doing so would provokean attack of opportunity from the target, and the unarmedstrike would deal subdual damage.

    Point Blank Shot: You gain a +1 modifier on attack anddamage with ray and energy missiles at ranges of 30 feet orless. The extra damage is the same type as the spell deals.However, spells that inflict energy drain or ability damagedeals 1 extra point of negative energy damage, not an extranegative level or point of ability damage.Precise Shot: You can fire a ray or energy missiles into

    melee without suffering the usual -4 penalty to rangedattacks.Stunning Fist: You can deliver a touch spell with unarmed

    strike as described in Improved unarmed Strike, above. Ahit produces the normal chance to strike the foe along withdamage from the strike, and it also discharges the spelleffect.

    Two-Weapon Fighting: You can use a touch spell as apartof a two-weapon attack. You must already have a weaponin one hand while casting the touch spell, hold the charge,and then attack with both spell and weapon during a lateraction. If you cast the spell and then draw a weapon, thespell discharges and is wasted.The hand used to deliver the touch spell is considered alight weapon and uses the appropriate attack modifier.

    Weapon Finesse: You can designate touch spells as light

    weapons so as to add your dexterity modifier to your meleeattack rolls with such spells.

    Weapon Focus: Chose one category of Weaponlike spell(ray, energy missile, or touch spell). You add +1 to attackrolls made with such spells. You can gain this feat multiple

    times, choosing a different weapon or category ofWeaponlike spell each time.

    TYPES OF FEATSFeats fall into one of the following types:

    GENERAL FEATSSome feats are general, meaning that no special rulesgovern them as a group. Others are item creation feats,which allow spellcasters to create magic items of all sorts.A metamagic feat lets a spellcaster prepare and cast a spellwith greater effect, albeit as if the spell were a

  • 7/22/2019 D&D 3rd Edition - Complete Guide to Feats


    higher level than it actually is. Special feats are availableonly to the specified class.

    DIVINE FEATSThe feats in this category share a few characteristics. First,they all have as a prerequisite the ability to turn (or, inmost cases, rebuke) undead. Thus, they are open to clerics,paladins of 3rd level or higher, and any prestige class thathas that ability.

    Second, the force that powers a divine feat is theability to channel positive or negative energy to turn orrebuke undead. Each use of a divine feat costs the characterone turn/rebuke attempt from his or her number ofattempts each day. If you don't have any turn/rebukeattempts left, you can't use the feat. Since turning orrebuking is a standard action, activating any of these featsis also a standard action.Third, you can't use the Quicken Turning feat to speed upthe use of a divine feat.

    ITEM CREATION FEATSSpellcasters can use their personal power to create lasting

    magic items. Doing so, however, is draining. A spellcastermust put a little of himself or herself into every magic itemhe or she creates.

    An item creation feat lets a spellcaster create a magic itemof a certain type. Regardless of the type of item, each itemcreation feat has certain features in common.XP Cost: Power and energy that the spellcaster would

    normally have is expended when making a magic item. TheXP cost equals 1/25 the cost of the item in gold pieces. Acharacter cannot spend so much XP that he or she loses alevel. However, on gaining enough XP to achieve a newlevel, he or she can immediately expend XP on creating anitem rather than keeping the XP to advance a level.Raw Materials Cost: Creating a magic item requires costly

    components, most of which are consumed in the process.The cost of these materials equals half the cost of the item.

    For example, at 12th level, Mialee the wizard gains thefeat Forge Ring, and she creates a ring of deflection +3. The

    cost of the ring is 18,000 gp, so it costs her 720 XP plus 9,000gp to make.

    Using an item creation feat also requires access to alaboratory or magical workshop, special tools, and so on. Acharacter generally has access to what he or she needsunless unusual circumstances apply (such as if she'straveling far from home).Time: The time to create a magic item depends on the feat

    and the cost of the item. The minimum time is 1 day.Item Cost: Brew Potion, Craft Wand, and Scribe Scroll

    create items that directly reproduce spell effects and whosepower depends on their caster level. A spell from one ofthese items has the power it would have if cast by aspellcaster of that level. A wand of fireball at caster level 8,for example, would create fireballs that deal 8d6 damage

    and have a range of 720 feet. The price of these items (andthus the XP cost and the cost of the raw materials) dependson the caster level. The caster level must be high enoughthat the spellcaster creating the item can cast the spell atthat level. To find the final price in each case, multiply the

    caster level by the spell level and then multiply the resultby a constant:Scrolls: Base price = spell level x caster level x 25 gp.Potions: Base price = spell level x caster level x 50 gp.Wands: Base price = spell level x caster level x 750 gp.Extra Costs: Any potion, scroll, or wand that stores a spell

    with a costly material component or an XP cost also carriesa commensurate cost. For potions and scrolls, the creatormust expend the material component or pay the XP when

    creating the item. For a wand, the creator must expend fiftycopies of the material component or pay fifty times the XPcost.

    Some magic items similarly incur extra costs in materialcomponents or XP as noted in their descriptions. Forexample, a ring of three wishes costs 15,000 XP in addition tonormal costs (as many XP as it costs to cast wish three


    METAMAGIC FEATSAs a spellcaster's knowledge of magic grows, she can learnto cast spells in ways slightly different from how the spellswere originally designed or learned. A spellcaster can learn

    to cast a spell without having to say its magic word, to casta spell for greater effect, or even to cast it with nothing buta moment's thought. Preparing and casting a spell in such away is harder than normal but, thanks to metamagic feats,at least it is possible.

    For instance, at 3rd level, Mialee gains a feat, and shechooses Silent Spell, the metamagic feat that allows her tocast a spell without its verbal component. The cost of doingso, however, is that in preparing the spell, she must use upa spell slot one level higher than the spell actually is. If sheprepares charm person as a silent spell, it takes up one of her

    2nd-level slots. It is still, however, only a 1st-level spell.The DC for the Will save against her charm person spell, for

    example, does not go up. She cannot prepare a 2nd-level

    spell as a silent spell because she would have to prepare itas a 3rd-level spell, and she can't use 3rd-level spell slotsuntil she reaches 5th level.Wizards and Divine Spellcasters: Wizards and divine

    spellcasters (clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers) mustprepare their spells in advance. It is during preparationthat a wizard or divine spellcaster chooses which spells toprepare with metamagic feats (and thus taking up a higher-level spell slot than normal).Sorcerers and Bards: Sorcerers and bards choose spells as

    they cast them. They can choose when they cast their spellswhether to use metamagic feats to improve them. As withother spellcasters, the improved spell uses up a higher-level spell slot. For instance, a still invisibility spell cast by abard counts against his allotment of 3rd-level spells as ifthe spell were 3rd level. Because the sorcerer or bard hasnot prepared the spell in a metamagic form in advance, hemust do so on the spot. The sorcerer or bard, therefore,must take more time to cast a metamagic spell (oneenhanced by a metamagic feat) than a regular spell. If itsnormal casting time is 1 action, casting a metamagic spell isa full-round action for a sorcerer or bard. For spells with alonger casting time, it takes an extra full-round action tocast the spell.

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    Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic Feats: Clericsspontaneously casting cure or inflict spells can castmetamagic versions of them. For instance, an 11th-levelcleric can swap out a prepared 6th-level spell to cast anempowered cure critical wounds. Casting a 1-action

    metamagic spell spontaneously is a full-round action, andspells with longer casting times take an extra full-roundaction to cast.Effects of Metamagic Feats on a Spell: In all ways, a

    metamagic spell operates at its original level even though itis prepared and cast as a higher-level spell. Saving throwmodifications are not changed (unless stated otherwise inthe feat description). The modifications made by thesespells only apply to spells cast directly by the feat user. Aspellcaster can't use a metamagic feat to alter a spell beingcast from a wand, scroll, or other device.

    Metamagic feats cannot be used for all spells. See thespecific feat descriptions for the spells that a particular featcan't modify.Multiple Metamagic Feats on a Spell: A spellcaster can

    use multiple metamagic feats on a single spell. Changes toits level are cumulative. A silent, still version of charm

    person, for example, would be prepared and cast as a 3rd-level spell.Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item

    creation feat, you can store a metamagic spell in a scroll,potion, or wand. Level limits for potions and wands applyto the spell's higher, metamagic level. A character doesn'tneed the metamagic feat to activate an item storing ametamagic spell.Counterspelling Metamagic Spells: Whether a spell has

    been enhanced by a metamagic feat does not affect itsvulnerability to counterspelling or its ability to counterspellanother spell.


    These are feats available only to the specified class. Onlyclerics or paladins can take Extra Turning, only fighters cantake Weapon Specialization, and only wizards can takeSpell Mastery.

    WILD FEATSThe feats in this category relate to the wild shape ability, and

    all require it as a prerequisite. Any class feature or abilitythat has the words "wild shape" in it's name (such as lesserwild shape, greater wild shape, and undead wild shape) countsas wild shape for meeting prerequisites. Wild feats apply toany version of wild shape.

    PSIONIC FEATSTo nonpsionic characters, all psionic feats are treated asspecial (only psionic characters and creatures may takethem). Psionic feats allow the psionic character to enhancecombat, augment psionic powers, and manipulate psionicattack and defense modes.Some psionic feats do not directly use the power points of

    the character, but the mere presence of those power pointsand psionic potential implicit therein allow the psioniccharacters access to feats others can never hope to gain.This psionic potential fuels feats that otherwise would beimpossible. Feats that have a prerequisite of "reserve power

    points [some number+]" require the psionic character orcreature to possess a number of unused power points equalto or greater than the given number to use the feat in anygiven round. These power points are not used to power thefeat; however, if they are not held in reserve, insufficientpsionic resonance renders the feat temporarily unavailable.For instance, if Ma'varkith is a 4th-level psychic warrior,her maximum power point pool is 5. She has the PsionicDodge feat; while she maintains at least 5 power points in

    reserve, she can use Psionic Dodge as normal. However,desperate to avoid a series of psionic attacks, Ma'varkithends up spending 2 power points on empty mind. Now she

    cannot use Psionic Dodge until the next day when herpower points are renewed.Note: If a psionic character's total power point maximum

    never equals the reserve power point requisite, thecharacter cannot take the feat.

    METAPSIONIC FEATSMetapsionic feats allow a psionic character to enhance themanifestation of a regular power. Using a metapsionic featdoesn't take any longer but does increase the total power

    point cost to manifest the power.A psionic character can use multiple metapsionic feats on apower, and the extra power point cost is cumulative, but apower altered by metapsionic feats can never cost morepower points than the manifester's level minus one(minimum one). Thus, a 10th level character can manifest asingle power with a cost of up to 9 points. For example, as a10th-level telepath, Ialdabode has the metapsionic featsMaximize Power and Quicken Power. He could maximizea 1st-level power, giving it a final cost of 7 power points, orhe could quicken the same 1st-level power giving it a finalcost of 9 points. But he can't use both Quicken Power andMaximize Power on the same 1st-level power, because thatwould bring the total cost to 15 power points, which

    exceeds the maximum of9 set by his level.With the proper item creation feat, you can store a power

    enhanced by a metapsionic feat in a power stone (a crystalthat stores a specific power), psionic tattoo (a design thatstores a specific power), or Dorje (a "psionic wand"), but thelevel limits for the psionic tattoos, power stones, and dorjesapply to the power's higher metapsionic level. Themetapsionic level increases by 1 for every 2 points ametapsionic feat increases a power's cost. Thus, youcouldn't Maximize a 2nd-level power for a psionic tattoo,because the +6 power point cost raises its metapsionic levelto 5th, and the highest-level power you can inscribe in apsionic tattoo is 3rd.Important: Metapsionic feats cannot be used to augment

    psionic attack and defense modes. The feats that allowdirect manipulation of psionic attack and defense modepowers are specifically noted within the given feat.

    FEAT REFERENCEAll feats listed are acquired from general feats availablefrom Defenders Of The Faith, Song And Silence, Sword AndFist, Tome And Blood, Masters Of The Wild, Psionics Handbook,Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Oriental Adventures, andPlayer's Handbook.

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    General Feats Prerequisite

    Acrobatic -----Alertness -----Alluring Persuasive

    TrustworthyAmbidexterity Dexterity 15+Animal Control Ability to cast Speak

    With Animals and

    Animal FriendshipAnimal Defiance

    Animal Defiance Ability to cast DetectAnimals Or Plants

    Arcane Defense Spell FocusArcane Preparation Ability to cast arcane

    spells withoutpreparation

    Armor Proficiency (Light) -----Armor Proficiency (Medium) Armor Proficiency

    (Light)Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Armor Proficiency

    (Light)Armor Proficiency(Medium)

    Arterial Strike Base attack bonus +4Sneak attack ability

    Athletic -----Augmented Summoning Spellcaster level 2+Blind-Fight -----Blindsight, 5-foot Radius Base attack bonus +4

    Blind-FightWisdom 19+

    Brachiation Climb 6 ranksJump 6 ranksStrength 13+

    Charlatan -----

    Chink In The Armor ExpertiseCircle Kick Base attack bonus +3

    Improved UnarmedStrikeDexterity 15+

    Cleave Power AttackStrength 13+

    Clever Wrestling Improved UnarmedStrikeSmall or medium size

    Close-Quarters Fighting Base attack bonus +3Choke Hold Improved Unarmed

    StrikeImproved Grapple

    Stunning FistCombat Casting -----Combat Reflexes -----Dash -----Death Blow Base attack bonus +2

    Improved InitiativeDefensive Strike Dodge

    ExpertiseDexterity 13+Intelligence 13+

    General Feats Prerequisite

    Defensive Throw Combat ReflexesDodgeImproved TripImproved UnarmedStrikeDexterity 13+

    Deflect Arrows Improved Unarmed

    StrikeDexterity 13+

    Destructive Rage Ability to rageDirty Fighting Base attack bonus +2Dodge Dexterity 13+Dragon's Toughness** Base Fort save +11Dual Strike Base attack bonus +3

    Combat ReflexesDwarf's Toughness** Base Fort save +5Eagle Claw Attack Base attack bonus +2

    Improved UnarmedStrikeSunder

    Dexterity 15+Earth's Embrace Improved GrappleImproved UnarmedStrikeStrength 15+

    Endurance -----Exotic Weapon Proficiency* Base attack bonus +1Expertise Intelligence 13+Extended Rage** Ability to rageExtra Favored Enemy* Base attack bonus +5

    At least one favoredEnemy

    Extra Rage** Ability to rageExtra Slot** Spellcaster level 4+

    Extra Spell** Spellcaster level 3+Expert Tactician Base attack bonus +2

    Combat ReflexesDexterity 13+

    Extra Stunning Attacks** Base attack bonus +2Stunning Fist

    Eyes In The Back Of Your Head Base attack bonus +3Wisdom 19+

    Falling Star Strike Base attack bonus +4Improved UnarmedStrikeStunning Fist orMonk's stunning attackWisdom 17+

    Far Shot Point Blank ShotFaster Healing Base Fort save +5Favored Critical* Base attack bonus +5

    At least one favoredEnemy

    Feign Weakness Base attack bonus +2Improved UnarmedStrike

    Fists Of Iron Base attack bonus +2Improved UnarmedStrike

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    General Feats Prerequisite

    Fleet Of Foot RunDexterity 15+

    Flick Of The Wrist Quick DrawDexterity 17+

    Flyby Attack Ability to flyFlying Kick Improved Unarmed


    Power AttackStrength 13+

    Jump 4 ranksFreezing The Life Blood Base attack bonus +5

    Improved UnarmedStrikeStunning Fist orMonk's stunning attackWisdom 17+

    Giant's Toughness** Base Fort save +8Grappling Block Combat Reflexes

    Deflect ArrowsExpertise

    Improved DisarmImproved UnarmedStrikeIntelligence 13+

    Great Cleave Base attack bonus +4CleavePower AttackStrength 13+

    Great Fortitude -----Great Ki Shout Base attack bonus +9

    Monk or any class witha Ki featureKi Shout

    Charisma 13+

    Greater Resiliency Damage reduction as aClass feature or natural

    Greater Spell Focus* Spell FocusGreater Spell Penetration Spell PenetrationGreater Two-Weapon Fighting Base attack bonus +15

    AmbidexterityImproved Two-Weapon FightingTwo-Weapon Fighting

    Hamstring Base attack bonus +4Sneak attack ability

    Hold The Line Base attack bonus +2Combat Reflexes

    Improved Bull Rush Power Attack

    Strength 13+Improved Counterspell -----Improved Critical* Base attack bonus +8

    Weapon Proficiency(Chosen Weapon)

    Improved Disarm ExpertiseIntelligence 13+

    Improved Familiar Ability to acquire anew familiarCompatible alignment

    Improved Flight Ability to fly

    General Feats Prerequisite

    Improved Grapple Improved UnarmedStrike

    Improved Initiative -----Improved Overrun Expertise

    Improved Bull RushImproved TripPower Attack

    Strength 13+Improved Shield Bash Strength 13+

    Power AttackImproved Sunder Base attack bonus +2

    SunderImproved Swimming Swim 6 ranksImproved Trip Expertise

    Intelligence 13+Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Base attack bonus +9

    AmbidexterityTwo-Weapon Fighting

    Improved Unarmed Strike -----Innate Spell* Quicken Spell

    Silent SpellStill SpellInstantaneous Rage Ability to rageIntimidating Rage Ability to rageIron Will -----

    Jack Of All Trades Character level 8+Karmic Strike Dodge

    Dexterity 13+Ki Shout Base attack bonus +1

    Charisma 13+Knock-Down Base attack bonus +2

    Improved TripStrength 15+

    Leadership Character level 6+

    Lightning Reflexes -----Magical Artisan* Any item creation featMartial Weapon Proficiency* -----Mobility Dodge

    Dexterity 13+Monkey Grip* Base attack bonus +3

    Weapon Focus (Chosenweapon)Strength 13+

    Mounted Archery Mounted CombatRide skill

    Mounted Combat Ride skillMultiattack Access to a form with

    Three or more natural

    weaponsMulticultural* Speak language

    (Chosen race)Multidexterity Access to a form with

    Three or more armsDexterity 15+

    Off-Hand Parry Base attack bonus +3AmbidexterityTwo-Weapon FightingWeapon ProficiencyDexterity 13+

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    General Feats Prerequisite

    Pain Touch Base attack bonus +2Stunning Fist orMonk's stunning attackWisdom 19+

    Persuasive -----Pin Shield Base attack bonus +4

    Two-Weapon Fighting

    Plant Control Ability to cast SpeakWith Plants

    Plant DefiancePlant Defiance Ability to cast Detect

    Animals Or PlantsPoint Blank Shot -----Power Attack Strength 13+Power Critical* Base attack bonus +12

    Improved CriticalWeapon Proficiency(Chosen weapon)

    Power Lunge Base attack bonus +3Power Attack

    Precise Shot Point Blank ShotProne Attack Base attack bonus +2

    Lightning ReflexesDexterity 15+

    Pyro -----Quick Draw Base attack bonus +1Quicker Than The Eye Dexterity 19+Rapid Reload Base attack bonus +2

    Weapon Proficiency(Chosen crossbow)

    Rapid Shot Point Blank ShotDexterity 13+

    Reactive Counterspell Improved CounterspellImproved Initiative

    Remain Conscious Base attack bonus +2EnduranceIron WillToughness

    Resist Disease -----Resist Poison -----Resistance To Energy** Base Fort save +8Ride-By Attack Mounted Combat

    Ride skillRoundabout Kick Improved Unarmed

    StrikePower AttackStrength 15+

    Run -----

    Shadow -----Sharp Shooting Base attack +3

    Point Blank ShotPrecise Shot

    Shield Charge Strength 13+Improved Shield BashPower Attack

    Shield Expert Base attack bonus +3Shield Proficiency

    Shield Proficiency -----

    General Feats Prerequisite

    Shot On The Run DodgeMobilityPoint Blank ShotDexterity 13+

    Simple Weapon Proficiency -----Skill Focus* -----Snatch Access to form with

    Claw or bite weaponSnatch Arrows Base attack bonus +3

    Deflect ArrowsImproved UnarmedStrikeDexterity 15+

    Snatch Weapon Improved DisarmSpell Focus* -----Spell Girding -----Spell Penetration -----Spell Specialization* Spellcaster level 4+

    Weapon Focus (Chosenweaponlike spell)

    Spell Thematics Ability to cast illusionspellsSpellcasting Prodigy -----Spirited Charge Mounted Combat

    Ride-By AttackRide skill

    Spring Attack Base attack bonus +4DodgeMobilitySpring AttackDexterity 13+

    Stunning Fist Base attack bonus +8Improved UnarmedStrike

    Dexterity 13+Wisdom 13+

    Sunder Power AttackStrength 13+

    Superior Expertise Base attack bonus +6ExpertiseIntelligence 13+

    Supernatural Blow Base attack bonus +7Favored enemy that isImmune to critical hits

    Throw Anything Base attack bonus +2Dexterity 15+

    Toughness** -----Track -----

    Trample Mounted CombatRide skill

    Trustworthy -----Two-Weapon Fighting -----Unbalanced Strike Improved Unarmed

    StrikeStunning Fist orMonk's stunning attackWisdom 15+

    Weapon Finesse* Base attack bonus +1Weapon Proficiency

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    General Feats Prerequisite

    Weapon Focus* Base attack bonus +1Weapon Proficiency(Chosen weapon)

    Whirlwind Attack Base attack bonus +4DodgeExpertiseMobility

    Spring AttackDexterity 13+Intelligence 13+

    Wingover Ability to flyZen Archery Base attack bonus +3

    Wisdom 13+

    Item Creation Feats Prerequisite

    Attune gem Intelligence 13+Craft (Gemcutting)

    Arcane Spellcasterlevel 3+Brew Potion Spellcaster level 3+Craft Crystal Capacitor Manifester level 9+Craft Dorje Manifester level 5+Craft Magic Arms And Armor Spellcaster level 5+Craft Psionic Arms And Armor Manifester level 5+Craft Rod Spellcaster level 9+Craft Staff Spellcaster level 12+Craft Talisman Intelligence 13+

    Spellcaster level 1+Appropriate Craft skill

    Craft Universal Item Manifester level 3+Craft Wand Spellcaster level 5+

    Craft Wondrous Item Spellcaster level 3+Create Infusion Spellcaster level 3+

    Wilderness Lore 4Ranks

    Encode Stone Manifester level 1+Forge Ring Spellcaster level 12+Inscribe Rune Intelligence 13+

    Divine spellcaster level3+Appropriate Craft skill

    Scribe Scroll Spellcaster level 1+Scribe Tattoo Manifester level 3+

    Metamagic Feats Prerequisite

    Chain Spell Any other metamagicfeat

    Cooperative Spell Any other metamagicfeat

    Delay Spell Any other metamagicfeat

    Disguise Spell Bardic music abilityPerform 12+ ranks

    Empower Spell -----

    Metamagic Feats Prerequisite

    Energy Admixture* Any other metamagicfeatEnergy Substitution(Chosen energy type)Knowledge (Arcana)5+ ranks

    Energy Substitution* Any other metamagic

    featKnowledge (Arcana)5+ ranks

    Enlarge Spell -----Eschew Materials Any other metamagic

    featExtend Spell -----Heighten Spell -----Maximize Spell -----Persistent Spell Extend SpellQuicken Spell -----Reach Spell -----Repeat Spell Any other metamagic

    featSacred Spell -----Sanctum Spell Any other metamagic

    featSculpt Spell Any other metamagic

    featSilent Spell -----Split Ray Any other metamagic

    featStill Spell -----Subdual Substitution Any other metamagic

    FeatKnowledge (Arcana)5+ ranks

    Twin Spell Any other metamagicfeat

    Widen Spell Any other metamagicfeat

    Divine Feats Prerequisite

    Divine Cleansing Ability to turn orrebuke undeadCharisma 13+Extra Turning

    Divine Might Ability to turn orrebuke undead

    Strength 13+Charisma 13+Extra Turning

    Divine Shield Ability to turn orrebuke undeadStrength 13+Charisma 13+Power AttackImproved Shield Bash

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    Divine Feats Prerequisite

    Divine Vengeance Ability to turn orrebuke undeadExtra Turning

    Divine Vigor Ability to turn orrebuke undeadCharisma 13+Extra Turning

    Wild Feats Prerequisite

    Blindsight Ability to use wildShape to become a

    Dire batExtra Wild Shape** Ability to use wild

    ShapeFast Wild Shape Ability to use wild

    Shape to become a

    Dire animalDexterity 13+

    Natural Spell Ability to use wildShapeWisdom 13+

    Proportionate Wild Shape Ability to use wildShape

    Natural form neitherSmall nor medium

    Scent Ability to use wildShape to become a

    WolfWisdom 11+

    Speaking Wild Shape Ability to use wildShape

    Intelligence 13+

    Psionic Feats Prerequisite

    Body Fuel Inner StrengthTalented

    Combat Manifestation -----Deep Impact Base attack bonus +3

    Power AttackPsionic WeaponStrength 13+

    Disarm Mind Mental Adversary

    Charisma 13+Fell Shot Base attack bonus +3

    Point Blank ShotPsionic ShotDexterity 13+

    Greater Power Penetration Power PenetrationGreater Psionic Focus* Psionic FocusGreat Sunder Reserve power points

    5+Power AttackSunderStrength 13+

    Psionic Feats Prerequisite

    Improved Psicrystal** -----Inertial Armor Reserve power points

    1+Inner Strength -----Mental Adversary Charisma 13+Mental Leap Reserve power points


    Jump 6 ranksStrength 13+

    Metacreative Any item creation featMind Trap Psychic BastionPower Penetration -----Power Touch Psionic Fist

    Strength 13+Psionic Body -----Psionic Charge Reserve power points

    3+Speed Of ThoughtWisdom 13+

    Psionic Dodge Reserve power points

    5+DodgeDexterity 13+

    Psionic Fist Strength 13+Psionic Focus* -----Psionic Metabolism Rapid Metabolism

    Constitution 13+Psionic Shot Point Blank Shot

    Dexterity 13+Psionic Weapon Power Attack

    Strength 13+Psychic Bastion* -----Psychic Inquisitor Psychoanalyst

    Charisma 13+

    Psychoanalyst Charisma 13+Rapid Metabolism Constitution 13+Return Shot Reserve power points

    5+Point Blank ShotPsionic ShotDexterity 13+

    Speed Of Thought Reserve power points1+Wisdom 13+

    Stand Still Reserve power points1+Strength 13+

    Talented Inner Strength

    Trigger Power Reserve power pointsn+Inner StrengthTalented

    Unavoidable Strike Base attack bonus +3Psionic FistStrength 13+

    Up The Walls Reserve power points5+, Wisdom 13+Psionic ChargeSpeed Of Thought

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    Metapsionic Feats Prerequisite

    Delay Power -----Enlarge Power -----Extend Power -----Heighten Power -----Hide Power -----Master Dorje -----Maximize Power -----

    Persistent Power Extend PowerQuicken Power -----Twin Power -----

    Special Feats Prerequisite


    Extra Music** Bardic music abilityGreen Ear Bardic music ability

    Perform 10+ ranksLingering Song Bardic music abilityObscure Lore Bardic knowledgeRequiem Bardic music ability

    Perform 12+ ranksSubsonics Bardic music ability

    Perform 10+ ranks

    Cleric or Paladin:

    Empower Turning Cleric or paladinCharisma 13+Extra Turning

    Extra Smiting** Class level 4+Smite feature

    Extra Turning** Cleric or paladin

    Heighten Turning Cleric or paladinCharisma 13+Extra Turning

    Quicken Turning Cleric or paladinCharisma 13+Extra Turning


    Weapon Specialization* Fighter level 4+


    Lightning Fists Monk level 4+

    Dexterity 15+Mantis Leap Monk level 7+

    Jump 5+ ranks


    Signature Spell* WizardSpell Mastery

    Spell Mastery* Wizard

    *You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do notstack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a newweapon, skill, school of magic, or selection of spells.**You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

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    FEAT DESCRIPTIONSHere is the format for feat descriptions.

    FEAT NAME [Type of Feat | Book Feat Appears]Description of what the feat does or represents.Abbreviations for books are:

    DotF - Defenders Of The FaithFRCS - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

    MotW - Masters Of The WildOA - Oriental AdventuresPH - Player's HandbookPS - Psionics HandbookS&F - Sword And FistS&S - Song And SilenceT&B - Tome And BloodPrerequisite: A minimum ability score, another feat or

    feats, a minimum base attack, a skill, or a level that acharacter must have in order to acquire this feat. This entryis absent if a feat has no prerequisite. A feat may have morethan one prerequisite.Benefit: What the feat enables you (the character) to do.Normal: What a character who does not have this feat islimited to or restricted from doing. If not having the feat

    causes no particular drawback, this entry is absent.Special: Additional facts about the feat that may be

    helpful when you decide whether to acquire the feat.

    ACROBATIC[General S&S]You have excellent body awareness and coordination-Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Jump and Tumble


    ALERTNESS [General PH]You have finely tuned senses.Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot

    checks.Special: The master of a familiar (see page 51) gains the

    Alertness feat whenever the familiar is within arm's reach.

    ALLURING[General S&S]Others have an inexplicable urge to believe your everyword.Prerequisite : Persuasive, Trustworthy.Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks and add

    +2 to the save DCs of all your mind-affecting, language-dependent spells.

    AMBIDEXTERITY [General PH]You are equally adept at using either hand.Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+.Benefit: You ignore all penalties for using an off hand.

    You are neither left-handed nor right-handed.Normal: Without this feat, a character who uses his or her

    off hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls, ability checks,and skill checks.For example, a right-handed character wielding a weaponwith her left hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls withthat weapon.

    Special: This feat helps offset the penalty for fighting with

    two weapons.A ranger wearing light armor or no armor can fight with

    two weapons as if he had the feats Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting.

    ANIMAL CONTROL[General MotW]You can channel the power of nature to gain mast over

    animal creatures.Prerequisites: Animal Defiance, ability to cast speak withanimals and animal friendship.Benefit: You can rebuke or command animals as evil

    cleric rebukes undead. To command an animal, must beable to speak with it via a speak with animal effect, thoughyou may issue your commands mentally desired. Thenumber of times per day that you can use this ability isequal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Your highest divinecaster level is the level at which you rebuke animals.Special: Animals you command through this ability count

    against the HD limit of animal. You can befriend throughanimal friendship.

    ANIMAL DEFIANCE[General MotW]You can channel the power of nature to drive off animals.Prerequisite: Ability to cast detect animal or plant.Benefit: You can turn but not destroy animals as a good

    cleric turns undead. The number of times per day that youcan use this ability is equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.Your highest divine caster level is the level at which youturn animals.

    ARCANE DEFENSE [General T&B]Choose a school of magic, such as Illusion. You can resistspells from this school better than normal.Prerequisite: Spell Focus in the school chosen.

    Benefit: Add +2 to your saving throw against spells of thechosen school.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects

    do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to anew school of magic.

    ARCANE PREPARATION [General T&B]You can prepare spells ahead of time as a wizard does.Prerequisite: You must be able to cast spells as a bard or

    sorcerer before you can take this feat.Benefit: Each day, you are able to prepare one or more

    spells as a wizard does. If you are a sorcerer or a bard, thismeans you can prepare a spell with a metamagic feat aheadof time, instead of casting it as a full-round action.

    The prepared spell remains in your mind and occupiesone of your spell slots until you cast it or change it,prepared spell uses a spell slot of the spell's normal levelmodified by any other metamagic feats.

    ARMOR PROFICIENCY (HEAVY) [GeneralPH]You are proficient with heavy armor.Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor

    Proficiency (medium).Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light).

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    Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light).Special: Fighters, paladins, and clerics have this feat for


    ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT) [GeneralPH]You are proficient with light.Benefit: When you wear a type of armor with which you

    are proficient, the armor check penalty applies only toBalance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks.Normal: A character who is wearing armor with which

    she is not proficient suffers its armor check penalty onattack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving,including Ride.Special: All classes except wizards, sorcerers, and monks

    have this feat for free.

    ARMOR PROFICIENCY (MEDIUM)[General PH]You are proficient with medium armor.Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (light)Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light).Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light).Special: Fighters, barbarians, paladins, rangers, clerics,

    druids, and bards have this feat for free. Wizards, sorcerers,rogues, and monks do not.

    ARTERIAL STRIKE [General S&S]Your sneak attacks target large blood vessels, leavingwounds that cause massive blood loss.Prerequisite: Base attack +4, sneak attack ability.Benefit: If you hit with a sneak attack, you may choose to

    forgo +1d6 points of extra sneak attack damage to deliver awound that won't stop bleeding. Each wound so inflicted

    does an additional 1 point of damage per round.Wounds from multiple arterial strikes result in cumulative

    blood loss-that is, two successful arterial strikes add anadditional 2 points of damage per round. Blood whetherfrom one such wound or several, stops when victimreceives one successful Heal check, any cure or any otherform of magical healing . Creatures not subject to sneakattacks are immune to this effect.

    ATHLETIC[General S&S]You're physically fit and adept at outdoor sports.Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Climb and Swim check.

    AUGMENT SUMMONING [General T&B]Your summoned creatures are better than normal.Prerequisite: spellcaster level 2nd+.Benefit: Creatures you conjure with any summon spell

    gain +1 hit point per Hit Die and a +1 competence modifieron attack and damage rolls.

    BLIND-FIGHT [General PH]You know how to fight in melee without being able to seeyour foes.

    Benefit: In melee, every time you miss because of

    concealment, you can reroll your miss chance percentileroll one time to see if you actually hit.

    An invisible attacker gets no bonus to hit you in melee.That is, you don't lose your positive Dexterity bonus toArmor Class, and the attacker doesn't get the usual +2bonus. The invisible attacker's bonuses do still apply forranged attacks, however.

    You suffer only half the usual penalty to speed for being

    unable to see. Darkness and poor visibility in generalreduces your speed to three-quarters of normal, instead ofone-half.Normal: Regular attack roll modifiers for invisible

    attackers trying to hit you apply, as does the speedreduction for darkness and poor visibility.Special: The Blind-Fight feat is of no use against a

    character who is the subject of a blink

    BLINDSIGHT[Wild MotW]Your senses are as keen as the bat's.Prerequisite: Ability to use wild shape to become a dire


    Benefit: You gain the extraordinary ability blindsightwhich operates regardless of your form. Like the dire bat,you emit high-frequency sounds. Inaudible to mostcreatures, as a form of "sonar" that allows you to locateobjects and creatures within 120 feet. Since this ability relieson hearing, any circumstance that deprives you of thatsense also negates your blindsight.

    BLINDSIGHT, 5-FOOT RADIUS [GeneralS&F]You sense opponents in the darkness.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, Blind-Fight, Wisdom


    Benefit: Using senses such as acute hearing andsensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location ofopponents who are no more than 5 feet away from you.Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant, though you cannot

    discern noncorporeal beings. Except for the decreasedrange, this feat is identical to the exceptional abilityblindsight.

    BODY FUEL [Psionic PS]You can expand your power point total at the expense ofyour health.Prerequisite: Inner Strength, Talented.Benefit: You can "burn" ability points as power points on

    the basis of 1 power point per 2 ability score points burned.

    Burning ability points for power points is a free action: Youcould burn more than 2 ability score points to gain severalpower points per free action. Treat reduced ability scores astemporary ability damage.

    BRACHIATION[General MotW]You move through trees like a monkeyPrerequisites: Climb 6 ranks. Jump 6 ranks, Strength 13+.Benefit: You move through trees at your normal land

    speed by using your arms to swing from one branch toanother. To allow brachiation, the area through which you

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    are moving must be at least lightly wooded, with trees nofarther apart than 15 feet. You may not use this abilitywhile holding an item in either hand, or while wearingarmor heavier than medium.

    BREW POTION [Item Creation PH]You can create potions, which carry spells withinthemselves.Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 3rd+.Benefit: You can create a potion of any spell of 3rd level

    or lower that you know and that targets a creature orcreatures. Brewing a potion takes 1 day. When you create apotion, you set the caster level. The caster level must besufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher thanyour own level. The base price of a potion is its spell levelmultiplied by its caster level multiplied by 50 gp. To brew apotion, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP anduse up raw materials costing half this base price.

    When you create a potion, you make any choices that youwould normally make when casting the spell. Whoeverdrinks the potion is the target of the spell.

    Any potion that stores a spell with a costly material

    component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost.In addition to the costs derived from the base price, youmust expend the material component or pay the XP whencreating the potion.

    CHARLATAN[General S&S]You're adept at fooling people- You know how to tell them

    just what they want to hear.Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Bluff and Disguise check.

    CHAIN SPELL [Metamagic T&B]You can cast spells that arc to other targets in addition tothe primary target.

    Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat.Benefit: You can chain any spell that specifies a single

    target and has a range greater than touch. The chained spellaffects the target (the primary target) normally, then arcs toa number of secondary targets equal to your caster level.Each arc affects one secondary target. You choose thesecondary targets as you like, but they must all be within30 feet of the primary target, and no target may be affectedmore than once. You can affected fewer secondary targetsthan the maximum.

    If the chained spell deals damage, the secondary targetseach take half as many dice of damage as the primarytarget (rounded down) and can attempt a Reflex savingthrow for half of the secondary damage. For spells that do

    not deal points of damage, the save DCs against the arcingeffects are reduced by 4. For example, a 10th-level wizardcasts a chained cause fearon a nearby goblin and can specify

    up to ten secondary targets. The goblin, as a primary target,must make a Will save against DC 14, while those affectedby the secondary arcs save against DC 10.

    A chained spell uses up a spell slot three levels higherthan the actual spell.

    CHINK IN THE ARMOR [General S&S]You are an expert at slipping a weapon between armor

    plates or into seams.Prerequisite: Expertise.Benefit: If you take a standard action to study an

    opponent, you can ignore half of his or her armor bonus(rounded down) during your next single attack only.Bonuses from actual armor (including natural armor) arehalved, not those from shields, enhancement bonuses toarmor, or magic items that provide an armor bonus.

    CHOKE HOLD[General OA]You have learned the correct way to apply pressure torender an opponent unconscious.Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved

    Grapple, Stunning Fist.Benefit: If you pin your opponent while grappling and

    maintain the pin for 1 full round, at the end of the roundyour opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10+ 1/2 your level + your Wisdom modifier). If the savingthrow fails, your opponent falls unconscious for 1d3rounds.

    CIRCLE KICK [General S&F]You kick multiple opponents with the same attack action.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, Improved Unarmed

    Strike, Dexterity 15+.Benefit: A successful unarmed attack roll allows you to

    make a second attack roll against a different opponent thatis within the area that you threaten. This feat requires a fullround action.

    CLEAVE [General PH]You can follow through with powerful blows.Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Power Attack.Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to make it

    drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points, killing

    it, etc.), you get an immediate, extra melee attack againstanother creature in the immediate vicinity. You cannot takea 5-foot step before making this extra attack. The extraattack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus asthe attack that dropped the previous creature. You canuse this ability once per round.

    CLEVER WRESTLING[General MotW]You have a better than normal chance to escape or wrigglefree from a big creature's grapple or pin.Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Small or

    mediumsize.Benefit: When your opponent is larger than medium-size,

    you gain a circumstance bonus on your grapple check toescape a grapple or pin. The size of the bonus depends onyour opponent's size, according to the following table.Opponent Is . . . BonusColossal +8Gargantuan +6Huge +4Large +2


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    You are skilled at fighting at close range and resistinggrapple attacks.Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3.Benefit: When an enemy attempts to grapple you, any

    damage you inflict on a successful attack of opportunityprovided by the grapple attempt is added to your ensuinggrapple check to avoid being grappled. Furthermore, youare entitled to make an attack of opportunity even if theattacking creature has the Improved Grapple ability.

    This feat does not provide you with additional attacks ofopportunity in a round, so if you do not have an attack ofopportunity available when your enemy attempts tograpple you, you do not get any benefit from Close-Quarters Fighting.

    For example, a dire bear strikes you with a claw attack. Ifyou don't have this feat, the dire bear's Improved Grappleability allows it to immediately attempt a grapple check,provoking no attack of opportunity from you. However,with Close-Quarters Fighting, you are entitled to an attackof opportunity. If you hit and score 8 points of damage, youmay add +8 (plus your attack bonus, Strength bonus, andsize modifier) to your grapple check to resist the dire bear's

    grapple attempt.

    COMBAT CASTING [General PH]You are adept at casting spells in combat.Benefit: You get a +4 bonus to Concentration checks made

    to cast a spell while on the defensive.

    COMBAT MANIFESTATION [Psionic PS]You are adept at manifesting powers in combat.Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks

    made to manifest a power while on the defensive. Thegeneral feat Combat Casting described above is essentiallythe same as Combat Manifestation, and taking either oneserves the same purpose, whether for casting spells for

    manifesting powers (unless your DM uses the Psionics AreDifferent option).

    COMBAT REFLEXES [General PH]You can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents wholet their defenses down.Benefit: When foes leave themselves open, you may make

    a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to yourDexterity modifier. For example, a character with aDexterity of 15 can make a total of three attacks ofopportunity in a round, the one attack of opportunity anycharacter is entitled to, plus two more attacks because ofhis +2 Dexterity bonus. If four goblins move through the

    Character's threatened area, he can make attacks ofopportunity against three of the four. You still only makeone attack of opportunity per enemy.

    You may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.Normal: A character not capable of this feat can make

    only one attack of opportunity per round and can't makeattacks of opportunity while flat-footed.Special: A rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat still can

    only make one attack of opportunity in a round if he useshis opportunist ability to make that attack.

    COOPERATIVE SPELL [Metamagic T&B]You can cast spells to greater effect in conjunction with thesame spell cast by another.Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat.Benefit: You and another spellcaster with Cooperative

    Spell feat can simultaneously cast the same spell (at thesame time in the round). You must be adjacent to oneanother when casting cooperatively. Add +2 to the save DC

    against cooperatively cast spells and +1 to caster levelchecks to beat the target's spell resistance (if any). Use thebase DC and level check of the better caster. A cooperativespell uses up a spell slot of the same level as the spell'sactual level.Special: For each additional caster with this feat casting

    the same cooperative spell simultaneously, the spell's saveDC and caster level check both increase by +1. When morethan two spellcasters are cooperatively cast a spell, eachmust be adjacent to at least two other casters.

    CRAFT CRYSTAL CAPACITOR [ItemCreation PS]You can create psionic crystal capacitors that store powerpoints.Prerequisite: Manifester level 9th+.Benefit: You can create a crystal capacitor that stores a

    number of power points equal to or less than your basepower points for your highest manifester level. The natureof power point storage, at least in conjunction with thisfeat, allows a maximum of 17 power points to be stored in asingle crystal capacitor. Moreover, a crystal capacitor'smaximum is always an odd number. For instance, you'dnever find a crystal capacitor with a maximum storagecapacity of 6 power points (but you would find those thatstore a maximum of 5 or 7), or one that stores more than 17.Note that during use, a crystal capacitor very often contains

    even numbers of power points, just not when fully charged.Crafting a crystal capacitor takes one day for each 1,000 gpin its base price. The base price of a crystal capacitor isequal to the highest-level power it could manifest using allits stored power points, squared, multiplied by 1,000 gp.For example, the highest-level power a crystal capacitorthat stores 5 power points could be used to manifest is a3rd-level power: 3 x 3 x 1,000 = 9,000 gp. To encode acrystal capacitor, you must spend 1/25 of this base pricein XP and use up raw materials costing half this base price.You can create slender crystal wands called dorjes than canmanifest powers when charges are expended .

    CRAFT DORJE [Item Creation PS]You can create slender crystal wands called dorjes than canmanifest powers when charges are expended.Prerequisite: Manifester level 5th+.Benefit: You can create a dorje of any psionic power of 4th

    level or lower that you know. Crafting a dorje takes oneday for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of adorje is its manifester level x the power level x 750 gp (treat0-level powers as one-half level). To craft a dorje, you mustspend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up rawmaterials costing half of this base price.

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    A newly created dorje has enough power points tomanifest its primary power fifty times. Any dorje thatstores powers with an XP cost also carries a commensuratecost. In addition to the cost derived from the base cost, youmust pay fifty times the XP cost.


    You can create magic weapons, armor, and shields.Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+.Benefit: You can create any magic weapon, armor, or

    shield whose prerequisites you meet. Enhancing a weapon,suit of armor, or shield takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in theprice of its magical features. To enhance a weapon, suit ofarmor, or shield, you must spend 1/25 of its features' totalprice in XP and use up raw materials costing half of thistotal price.You can also mend a broken magic weapon, suit of armor,

    or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costshalf the XP, half the raw materials, and hal f the time itwould take to enchant that item in the first place.

    The weapon, armor, or shield to be enhanced must be a

    masterwork item that you must provide. (Its cost is notincluded in the above cost.)

    CRAFT PSIONIC ARMS AND ARMOR[Item Creation PS]You can create psionic weapons, armor, and shields.Prerequisite: Manifester level 5th+.Benefit: You can create any psionic weapon, armor, or

    shield whose prerequisites you meet. Enhancing a weapon,suit of armor, or shield takes one day for each 1,000 gp inthe price of its psionic features. To enhance a weapon, suitof armor, or shield, you must spend 1/25 of its features'total price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of

    this total price.You can also mend a broken psionic weapon, sui t ofarmor, or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing socosts half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time itwould take to empower that item in the first place.The weapon, armor, or shield to be enhanced must be a

    masterwork item that you must provide. (Its cost is notincluded in the above cost.)

    CRAFT ROD [Item Creation PH]You can create magic rods, which have varied magicaleffects.Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 9th+.Benefit: You can create any rod whose prerequisites you

    meet. Crafting a rod takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its baseprice. To craft a rod, you must spend 1/25 of its base pricein XP and use up raw materials costing half of its baseprice.

    Some rods incur extra costs in material components or XPas noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition tothose derived from the rod's base price.

    CRAFT STAFF [Item Creation PH]You can create magic staffs, which have multiple magicaleffects.

    Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 12th+.Benefit: You can create any staff whose prerequisites you

    meet. Crafting a staff takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in itsbase price. To craft a staff, you must spend 1/25 of its baseprice in XP and use up raw materials costing half of its baseprice.A newly created staff has 50 charges.Some staffs incur extra costs in material components or XP

    as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to

    those derived from the staff's base price.

    CRAFT TALISMAN[Item Creation OA]You can create magic fetishes, single-use magic items thathold spells until triggered.Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, appropriate Craft skill,

    spellcaster level 1+ .Benefit: You can create a one-use magic talisman,

    imbuing it with the power of any spell you know that is 3rdlevel or lower. You must provide any material componentsor focuses the spell requires. If casting the spell wouldreduce your XP total, you pay the cost upon beginning theprocess in addition to the XP cost for making the talisman

    itself. Likewise, material components are consumed whenyou begin crafting, but focuses are not. (A focus used incrafting a talisman can be reused.)

    The talisman has a base price of the spell level x casterlevel x 50 gp (a 0-level spell counts as 1/2 level) . You mustspend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materialscosting half this base price. A talisman's market valueequals its base price.

    CRAFT UNIVERSAL ITEM [Item CreationPS]You can create miscellaneous psionic items, such as thirdeyes or psychoactive.

    Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd+.Benefit: You can create any miscellaneous psionic item

    whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a miscellaneouspsionic item takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its price. Toempower a miscellaneous psionic item, the psioniccharacter must spend 1/25 of the item's price in XP and useup raw materials costing half of this price.You can also mend a broken universal item if it is one that

    you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the rawmaterials, and half the time it would take to empower thatitem in the first place.Some universal items incur extra costs in materials

    components or XP as noted in their descriptions. Thesecosts are in addition to those derived from the item's base

    price. You must pay such a cost to create an item or mend abroken one.

    CRAFT WAND [Item Creation PH]You can create wands, which cast spells.Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+.Benefit: You can create a wand of any spell of 4th level or

    lower that you know. Crafting a wand takes 1 day for each1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a wand is itscaster level multiplied by the spell level multiplied by 750gp. To craft a wand, you must spend 1/25 of this base price

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    in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this baseprice.A newly created wand has 50 charges.Any wand that stores a spell with a costly material

    component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost.In addition to the cost derived from the base cost, you mustexpend fifty copies of the material component or pay fiftytimes the XP cost.

    CRAFT WONDROUS ITEM [Item CreationPH]You can create miscellaneous magic items, such as crystalballs and flying carpets.Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 3rd+.Benefit: You can create any miscellaneous magic item

    whose prerequisites you meet. Enchanting a miscellaneousmagic item takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its price. Toenchant a miscellaneous magic item, the spellcaster mustspend 1/25 of the item's price in XP and use up rawmaterials costing half of this price.You can also mend a broken miscellaneous magic item if it

    is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half

    the raw materials, and half the time it would take toenchant that item in the first place.Some wondrous items incur extra costs in material

    components or XP as noted in their descriptions. Thesecosts are in addition to those derived from the item's baseprice. You must pay such a cost to create an item or tomend a broken one.

    CREATE INFUSION[Item Creation MotW]You store a divine spell within a specially prepared herb.Prerequisites: Wilderness Lore 4 ranks, spellcaster level

    3rd.Benefit: You create an infusion of any divine spell

    available to you. Infusing an herb with a spell takes oneday. When you create an infusion, you set the caster level,which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question butnot higher than your own level. The base price of aninfusion is its spell level times its caster level times 50 gp.To create an infusion, you must spend 1/25 of this baseprice in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half thisbase price.

    Any infusion that stores a spell with a costly materialcomponent or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost.In addition to the costs derived from the base price, youmust also expend the material component or pay the XPwhen creating the infusion.

    DASH[General S&S]You move faster than normal for your race.Benefit: If you are wearing light armor or no armor and

    are carrying a light load, your speed is 5 feet faster than itnormally would be.

    DEATH BLOW[General S&F]You waste no time in dealing with downed foes.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2, Improved Initiative.Benefit: You can perform a coup de grace attack against a

    helpless defender as a standard action.

    Normal: Performing a coup de grace is a full-round


    DEEP IMPACT[Psionic PS]You can strike your foe with a melee weapon as if taking atouch attack.Prerequisite: Strength 13+, Power Attack, Psionic

    Weapon, base attack bonus +3 or more.Benefit: If you pay 5 power points per strike, you resolve

    your melee attack with a weapon as touch attack forpurposes of assessing your foe's Armor Class. You mustdecide whether or not to pay the cost prior to making themelee attack. Your weapon remains "charged" for amaximum number of rounds equal to your Strengthmodifier +1, or until you make your next attack, whicheveroccurs first. If your attack misses, the power pointexpenditure is wasted.

    DEFENSIVE STRIKE[General OA]You can turn a strong defense into a powerful offense.Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, Expertise, Dexterity 13+,


    Benefit: If an opponent attacks you and misses while youare using the total defense action, you can attack thatopponent on your next turn with a +4 bonus on your attackroll. You gain no bonus against an opponent that does notattack you or against an opponent that attacks and does notmiss.

    DEFENSIVE THROW[General OA]You can use your opponent's weight, strength, andmomentum against her, deflecting her attack and throwingher to the ground.

    Prerequisite : Dexterity 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike,

    Dodge, Improved Trip, Combat Reflexes.

    Benefit: If the opponent you have chosen to receive yourAC bonus from the Dodge feat attacks you and misses, youcan make an immediate improved trip attack against thatopponent.This attempt counts against your allowed attacks of

    opportunity this round.

    DEFLECT ARROWS [General PH]You can deflect incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts,spears, and other shot or thrown weapons.Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+,Improved Unarmed Strike.Benefit: You must have at least one hand free (holding

    nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when you wouldnormally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may make aReflex saving throw against a DC of 20 (if the rangedweapon has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases bythat amount). If you succeed, you deflect the weapon. Youmust be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attemptingto deflect a ranged weapon doesn't count as an action.Exceptional ranged weapons, such as boulders hurled bygiants orMelf's acid arrows, can't be deflected.Special: A monk receives this feat for free at 2nd level,

    even if she does not have the prerequisite Dexterity score.

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    DELAY POWER[Metapsionic PS]You can manifest powers that trigger a set durationafter manifestation.Benefit: A delayed power doesn't activate until 1 to 5

    rounds after you finish manifesting it. You determine thedelay when manifesting the power, and it cannot bechanged once set. The power activates just before your turnon the round you designate. Only area, personal, and touch

    powers may be affected by this feat.Any decisions you would make about the power(including attack rolls, designating targets, or determiningor shaping an area) are decided when the power ismanifested, while any effects resolved by those affected bythe power (including saving throws) are decided when thepower triggers.

    A delayed power may be negated normally during thedelay, and can be detected normally in the area or on thetarget with powers that can detect psionic effects. Adelayed power costs a number of power points equal to itsstandard cost + 6.

    DELAY SPELL [Metamagic T&B]You can cast spells that take effect after a short delay ofyour choosing.Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat.Benefit: A delayed spell doesn't activate until 1 to 5

    rounds after you finish casting it. You determine the delaywhen casting the spell, and it cannot be changed once set.The spell activates just before your turn on the round youdesignate. Only area, personal, and touch spells may beaffected by this feat.

    Any decisions you would make about the spell includingattack rolls, designating targets, or determining or shapingan area, are decided when the spell is cast. Any effectsresolved by those affected by the spell, including saving

    throws, are decided when the spell triggers. If conditionschange between casting and effect in such a fashion as tomake the spell impossible - for example, the target leavesthe spell's maximum range before it goes off - the spell fails.

    A delayed spell may be dispelled normally during thedelay, and can be detected normally in the area or on thetarget with spells such as detect magic. A delayed spell uses

    up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell's actuallevel.

    DESTRUCTIVE RAGE[General MotW]You shatter barriers and objects when enraged.Prerequisite: Ability to rage.Benefit: While you're raging, you gain a +8 bonus on any

    Strength checks you make to break open doors or breakinanimate, immobile objects.

    DISGUISE SPELL[Metamagic S&S]You can cast spells without observers noticing.Prerequisite: Bardic music ability, 12+ ranks in Perform.Benefit: You have mastered the art of casting spells

    unobtrusively, mingling verbal and somatic componentinto your performances so skillfully that others rarely catchyou in the act. Like a silent, stilled spell, a disguised spellcan't be identified through a Spellcraft check. Your

    performance is obvious to everyone in the vicinity, but thefact that you are casting a spell isn't. Unless the spell visiblyemanates from you or observers have some other means ofdetermining its source, they don't know where the effectcame from. A disguised spell uses up a spell slot one levelhigher than the spell's actual level.

    DIRTY FIGHTING [General S&F]

    You know the brutal and effective fighting tactics of thestreets and back alleys.Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2.Benefit: Make a melee attack roll normally. If successful,

    you inflict an additional +1d4 points of damage. This featrequires the full round action.

    DISARM MIND [Psionic PS]You can directly deplete your foe's power point total withpsionic attacks.Prerequisite: Charisma 13+, Mental Adversary.Benefit: You deplete a number of power points equal to

    your Charisma modifier x 4 from your opponent on anypsionic attack that deals 1 or more ability damage, after

    accounting for your opponent's mental hardness. To usethis feat, you must pay power points equal to the cost of thepsionic attack + 3. You decide whether or not to pay theextra cost after discovering the failure or success of yourpsionic attack to deal ability damage..

    DIVINE CLEANSING[Divine DotF]You can channel energy to improve you and your allies'ability to resist poison and curses.Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Charisma

    13+, Extra Turning.Benefit: Spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts

    to grant all allies within a 60-foot burst (including yourself)

    a +2 sacred bonus on Fortitude saving throws for a numberof rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.

    DIVINE MIGHT [Divine DotF]You can channel energy to increase the damage youdeal in combat.Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Charisma

    13+, Strength 13+, Power Attack.Benefit: Spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts

    to add your Charisma bonus to your weapon damage for anumber of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus.


    You can channel energy to temporarily reduce damageyou and your allies take from some sources.Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Extra

    Turning, Divine Cleansing.Benefit: Spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts

    to imbue all allies within a 60-foot burst (includingyourself) with resistance fire, cold, and electricity resistance5. This resistance does not stack with similar resistances,such as those granted by spells or special abilities. Theprotection lasts until the end of your next turn.

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    DIVINE SHIELD[Divine DotF]You can channel energy to make your shield moreeffective for either offense or defense.Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Charisma

    13+, Strength 13+, Power Attack, Improved Shield Bash.Benefit: Spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts

    to channel energy into your shield, granting it anenhancement bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. This

    enhancement bonus applies both to the shield's attacks anddefense, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to yourCharisma modifier.

    DIVINE VENGEANCE[Divine DotF]You can channel energy to deal additional damage againstundead in melee.Prerequisites: Ability to turn undead, Extra Turning.Benefit: Spend one of your turn undead attempts to add

    2d6 points of sacred energy damage to all your successfulmelee attacks against undead until the end of your nextaction.

    DIVINE VIGOR [Divine DotF]You can channel energy to increase your speed andConstitution.Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Charisma

    13+, Extra Turning.Benefit: Spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts

    to increase your base speed by 10 feet and gain a +2enhancement bonus to your Constitution. These effects lasta number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier.

    DODGE [General PH]You are adept at dodging blows.Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+.Benefit: During your action, you designate an opponent

    and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class againstattacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponenton any action. Note: A condition that makes you lose yourDexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes youlose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses (such as this oneand a dwarf's racial bonus to dodge giants) stack witheach other, unlike most other types of bonuses.

    DRAGON'S TOUGHNESS[General MotW]You are incredibly tough.Prerequisite: Base Fort save bonus +11.Benefit: You gain +12 hit points.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.

    DUAL STRIKE [General S&F]Your combat teamwork makes you a more dangerous foe.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, Combat Reflexes.Benefit: If you and an ally both have this feat and are

    flanking an opponent, you both get a +4 bonus on yourattack roll.Normal: The standard flanking attack roll bonus is +2.

    DWARF'S TOUGHNESS[General MotW]You are tougher than you were before.

    Prerequisite: Base Fort save bonus +5.Benefit: You gain +G hit points.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.

    EAGLE CLAW ATTACK[General S&F]Your unarmed attacks shatter objects.Prerequisites : Base attack bonus +2 or higher, Improved

    Unarmed Strike, Sunder, Dexterity 15+.Benefit: You can strike an opponent's weapon or shield

    with an unarmed strike.Normal: A character can normally only attack an

    opponent's weapon with a slashing or bludgeoningweapon.

    EARTH'S EMBRACE[General OA]You can crush opponents when you grapple them.Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved

    Grapple, Strength 15+.Benefit: While grappling, if you pin your opponent, you

    deal critical damage (double normal unarmed damage)each round that you maintain the pin. You hold youropponent immobile as normal, but you must also remain

    completely immobile, giving opponents (other than the oneyou're pinning) a +4 bonus on attack rolls against you (butyou are not helpless).

    EMPOWER SPELL [Metamagic PH]You can cast spells to greater effect.Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered

    spell are increased by one-half. An empowered spell dealshalf again as much damage as normal, cures half again asmany hit points, affects half again as many targets, etc., asappropriate. For example, an empowered magic missile

    deals one and one-half times normal damage (roll 1d4+1and multiply the result by 1.5 for each missile).

    Saving throws and opposed rolls (such as the one youmake when you cast dispel magic) are not affected. Spells

    without random variables are not affected. An empoweredspell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell'sactual level.

    EMPOWER TURNING[Special DotF]You can turn or rebuke more undead with a singleturning attempt.Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Charisma

    13+, Extra Turning.Benefit: You can turn or rebuke more undead than usual,

    but have a harder time affecting undead with a largernumber of Hit Dice. If you take a -2 penalty on yourturning check roll, you can add +2d6 to your turningdamage roll.

    ENCODE STONE [Item Creation PS]You can create power stones, from which you or anotherpsion can manifest the powers stored therein.Prerequisite: Manifester level 1+Benefit: You can create a power stone of any power that

    you know. Encoding a power stone takes one day foreach 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a power

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    stone is the level of the stored psionic power x itsmanifester level x 25 gp (treat a 0-level power as one-halflevel). To encode a power stone, you must spend 1/25 ofthis base price m XP and use up raw materials.

    Any power stone that stores a psionic power with an XPcost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition tothe costs derived from the base price, you must pay the XPwhen encoding the stone.

    ENDURANCE [General PH]You are capable of amazing feats of stamina.Benefit: Whenever you make a check for performing a

    physical action that extends over a period of time (running,swimming, holding your breath, and so on), you get a +4bonus to the check.

    ENERGY ADMIXTURE [Metamagic T&B]You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to mixin an equal amount of another type of energy.Prerequisites: Energy Substitution, one other metamagic

    feat, 5 ranks in Knowledge (arcana).Benefit: Choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity,

    fire, or sonic. You can modify a spell with an energydesignator to add an equal amount of the chosen type ofenergy. The altered spell works normally in all respectsexcept the type of damage dealt. Thus, an acid fireball cast

    at 6th level deals 6d6 fire damage and 6d6 acid damage(roll each set of dice separately). The damage cap for thespell cast using this feat remains the same as the base spellbut counts separately for each type of energy. So an acid

    fireball cast at 10th level or higher deals 10d6 fire damage

    and 10d6 acid damage.Even opposed types of energy, such as fire and cold, can

    be combined with this feature. An admixed spell uses up aspell slot four levels higher than the actual spell.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, choosing a

    different type of energy each time. You can use EnergyAdmixture to further alter a spell that has already beenmodified by Energy Substitution. You can also use EnergyAdmixture to include your chosen type of energy type withthat already uses the same type, in effect doubling thedamage.

    ENERGY SUBSTITUTION [Metamagic T&B]You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to useanother type of energy.Prerequisites: Any other metamagic feat, 5 ranks in

    Knowledge (arcana).Benefit: Choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity,

    fire, or sonic. You can modify a spell with an energydesignator to use the chosen type of energy instead. Asubstituted spell works normally in all respects except thetype of damage dealt.

    A substituted spell uses a spell slot of the spell's normallevel, modified by any other metamagic feat.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, each time it

    applies to a different type of energy.

    ENLARGE POWER[Metapsionic PS]You can manifest powers farther than normal.

    Benefit: An enlarged power has its range doubled.

    Powers whose ranges are not defined by distance do nothave their ranges increased. Determine an enlargedpower's area or effect as if you were two manifester levelshigher than you actually are. An enlarged power costs anumber of power points equal to its standard cost + 2.

    ENLARGE SPELL [Metamagic PH]

    You can cast spells farther than normal.Benefit: An enlarged spell has its range doubled. Spells

    whose ranges are not defined by distance do not have theirranges increased.

    A spell whose area or effect is determined by its range(such as bless or a cone spell) has the dimensions of its areaor effect increased proportionally. An enlarged spell usesup a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.

    ESCHEW MATERIALS [Metamagic T&B]You can cast spells without material components.Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat.Benefit: An eschewed spell can be cast with no material

    components. Spells without material components or whose

    material components cost more than 1 gp are not affectedby this feat. An eschewed spell uses up a spell slot of thespell's normal level, modified by any other metamagicfeats.

    EXOTIC WEAPON PROFICIENCY [GeneralPH]Choose a type of exotic weapon, such as dire flail orshuriken. You understand how to use that type of exoticweapon in combat.Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 or higher.Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being

    proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time

    you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon. Proficiencywith the bastard sword or the dwarven waraxe has aprerequisite of Strength 13+.

    EXPERT TACTICIAN[General S&S]Your tactical skills work to your advantage.Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, base attack bonus +2,

    Combat Reflexes.Benefit: You can make one extra melee attack (or do

    anything that be can done as a melee attack or a meleetouch attack, including attempts to disarm, trip, or make a

    grab to start a grapple) against one foe who is within meleereach and denied a Dexterity bonus against your meleeattacks for any reason. You take your extra attack when it'syour turn, either before or after your regular action. Ifseveral foes are within melee reach and denied Dexteritybonuses against your attacks, you can use this feat againstonly one of them.

    EXPERTISE [General PH]You are trained at using your combat skill for defense aswell as offense.Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+.

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    Benefit: When you use the attack action or full attack

    action in melee, you can take a penalty of as much as -5 onyour attack and add the same number (up to +5) to yourArmor Class. This number may not exceed your base attackbonus. The changes to attack rolls and Armor Class lastuntil your next action. The bonus to your Armor Class is adodge bonus.Normal: A character not capable of the Expertise feat can

    fight defensively while using the attack or full attack action

    to take a -4 penalty on attacks and gain a +2 dodge bonusto Armor Class.

    EXTEND POWER [Metapsionic PS]You can manifest powers that last longer than normal.Benefit: An extended power lasts twice as long as normal.

    Powers with a concentration, instantaneous, or permanentduration are not extended. An extended power costs anumber of power points equal to its standard cost + 2.

    EXTEND SPELL [Metamagic PH]You can cast spells that last longer than normal.Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal.

    Spells with a concentration, instantaneous, or permanentduration are not affected by this feat. An extended spelluses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actuallevel.

    EXTENDED RAGE [General MotW]Your rage lasts longer than it normally would.Prerequisite: Ability to rage.Benefit: Each of your rages lasts an additional 5 rounds

    beyond its normal duration.Special: You can take this feat multiple times, and the

    additional rounds stack.

    EXTRA FAVORED ENEMY[General MotW]You select an additional favored enemy.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, at least one favored

    enemy.Benefit: You add an extra favored enemy to your list

    beyond your normal allotment. Initially, you gain thestandard +1 bonus on damage and the usual skill checksagainst this new favored enemy. When you advancebeyond the level at which you gained Extra FavoredEnemy, this bonus increases in the same way other favoredenemy bonuses do. For example, suppose you selectgoblinoids as your first favored enemy when you are a 1st-level ranger and magical beasts as your second when youreach 5th level. Then you take Extra Favored Enemy asyour feat at 6th level and select aberrations. At this point,you have a +2 bonus against goblinoids and a +1 bonusagainst both magical beasts and aberrations. When youreach 10th level, your bonuses rise to +3 against goblinoidsand +2 against magical beasts and aberrations.

    EXTRA MUSIC [Special S&S]You can use your bardic music more often than youotherwise could.Prerequisite: Bardic music ability.

    Benefit: You can use your bardic music four extra times

    per day.Normal: Bards without the Extra Music feat can use

    bardic music once per day per level.Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times.

    EXTRA RAGE [General MotW]You rage more frequently than you normally could.Prerequisite: Ability to rage.Benefit: You rage two more times per day than you

    otherwise could.Special: You can take this feat multiple rimes, gaining two

    additional rages per day each time.

    EXTRA SLOT [General T&B]You can cast an extra spell.Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 4th+.Benefit: You gain one extra spell slot in your daily

    allotment. This extra slot can be of any level up to one levellower than the highest-level spell you can cast. Forexample, a 4th-level sorcerer gains either an extra 0-level or1st-level slot, allowing him to cast any known spell of the

    chosen level one more time each day. A 4th-level wizardcan prepare any extra 0-level or 1st-level spell she knows.Once selected, the extra spell slot never migrates up ordown in level.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, Each time,

    you gain one extra spell slot at any level up to one levellower than the highest-level spell you can cast.

    EXTRA SPELL [General T&B]You can learn one more spell.Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 3rd+.Benefit: You learn one additional spell at any level up to

    one level lower than the highest-level spell you can cast.

    Thus, a 4th-level sorcerer gains a new 0-level or 1st-levelspell, expanding his repertoire. A 4th-level wizard canlikewise learn an extra 0-level or 1st-level spell, but sincewizards learn spells far more easily than sorcerers, this featis of less use to her.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, Each time,

    you learn one extra spell at any level up to one level lowerthan the highest-level spell you can cast.

    EXTRA SMITING[Special DotF]You can make more smite attacks.Prerequisites: Class level 4+, smite ability.Benefit: When you take this feat, you gain one additional

    attempt to smite per day. Use whatever smiteability you have (for example, that of a paladin, a holyliberator, or a cleric with the Destruction domain). Youcan take this feat multiple times.

    EXTRA STUNNING ATTACKS [GeneralS&F]You gain extra stunning attacks when fighting unarmed.Prerequisites: Base attack +2, Stunning Fist or monk's

    stunning attack.Benefit: You gain the ability to make three extra stunning

    attacks per day. You may take this feat multiple times.

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    EXTRA TURNING [Special PH]Extra Turning is available only to clerics and paladins.Benefit: This feat allows the cleric or paladin to turn

    undead four more times per day than normal.Special: A cleric or paladin can take this feat multiple

    times, gaining four extra daily turning attempts each time.


    You use cold shape more frequently than you normallycould.Prerequisite: Ability to use wild shape.Benefit: You use your wild shape ability two more times

    per day than you otherwise could. If you are able to; usemild shape to become an elemental, you also gain oneadditional elemental wild shape use per day.Special: You can take this feat multiple times, gaining

    two additional mold shapes of your usual type and oneadditional elemental hold shape (if you have thiscapability) each time.


    [General S&F]Your superior battle sense helps minimize the threat offlanking attacks.Prerequisites: base attack bonus +3, Wisdom 19+.Benefit: Attackers do not gain the usual +2 attack bonus

    when flanking you. This feat grants no effect whenever youare attacked without the benefit of your Dexterity modifierto AC, such as when you are flat-footed.Normal: When you are flanked, the flanking opponents

    receive a +2 attack roll bonus against you.

    FALLING STAR STRIKE[General OA]You have mastered the art of striking a nerve that blinds ahumanoid opponent.

    Prerequisites : Improved Unarmed Strike, base attackbonus +4 or higher, Stunning Fist or monk's stunningattack, Wisdom 17+.Benefit: Against a humanoid opponent, you can make an

    unarmed attack that has a chance of blinding your target. ifyour attack is successful, your target must attempt aFortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + yourWisdom modifier).

    If the target fails this saving throw, he is blinded for 1round per level you possess. In addition to the obviouseffects, a blinded creature suffers a 50% miss chance incombat (all opponents have full concealment), loses anyDexterity bonus to AC, grants a +2 bonus on attackers'

    attack rolls (they are effectively invisible), moves at halfspeed, and suffers a -4 penalty on most Strength andDexterity-based skills .

    FAR SHOT [General PH]You can get greater distance out of a ranged weapon.Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot.Benefit: When you use a projectile weapon, such as a

    bow, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by1.5). When you use a thrown weapon, its range incrementis doubled.

    FAST WILD SHAPE[Wild MotW]You assume your cold shape faster and more easily than''you otherwise could.Prerequisites: Ability to use wild shave to become a dire

    animal, Dexterity 13+.Benefit: You gain the ability to use wild shape as a

    moveequivalent action.Normal: A druid uses cold shape as a standard action.

    FASTER HEALING[General MotW]You recover faster than others do.Prerequisite: Base Fort save bonus +5.Benefit: You recover lost hit points and ability score

    points faster than you normally would, according to thetable below.Hit Points Recovered per C