dca recognizing the cmos role in crisis

Recognizing the CMO's Role When It Comes to Crisis How to Protect Your Brand By Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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While there are impressive tomes on crisis management, we still are littered with embarrassing reminders of the recurring gap between preparation and accomplishment. It's time to stop repeating the same mistakes when it comes to crisis management.


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Recognizing the CMO's Role When It Comes

to Crisis How to Protect Your Brand

By Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Dean Crutchfield Associates

Crises are particle accelerators for brands that reveal their fragility, as we've recently witnessed with bankrupt banks, tampered-with pizzas, poisoned pistachios, dodgy cookie dough and lethal drugs. While there are impressive tomes on crisis management, we still are littered with embarrassing reminders of the recurring gap between preparation and accomplishment. It's time to stop repeating the same mistakes when it comes to crisis management.

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That's because CMOs are more in tune with consumers; they are using social-media tools to interact with them, and they can harness those tools in a time of crisis, turning those most loyal consumers into brand ambassadors. Here, then, are the four cardinal rules organizations must adhere to when protecting their brands – rules CMOs can and should help deploy through PR and marketing.

It’s what? It's time to recognize the CMO's role in negotiating crises. As social media has enabled consumers to more actively participate in brands, the CMO arguably now has an even greater role to play in activating customer support or other mechanisms necessary at a time of crisis.

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Many  claim  it,  but  few  deliver:  Johnson  &  Johnson's  $100  million  rapid  response  to  the  storied  contaminated  Tylenol  crisis  in  1982  should  have  prepared  J&J  for  the  recent  string  of  major  problems  from  acetaminophen  overdosing  to  faulty  heart  parts,  so  (what)  did  we  learn?    Failing  to  prepare  is  preparing  to  fail.  Capt.  Chesley  Sullenberger's  preparedness  for  the  "Miracle  on  the  Hudson"  was  a  far  cry  from  the  sludge  bank  of  stoic  corporate  puff  supplied  in  the  (delayed)  response  of  US  Airways  CEO  Doug  Parker.    

1.  Expect  the  best;  plan  for  the  worst.  When  crisis  strikes,  news  and  social  media  burst  and  formal  statements  are  rendered  useless.  Stocks  don't  have  a  memory-­‐recall  buZon,  but  the  public  do.  The  problem  isn't  resources;  it's  about  managing  the  crisis  with  a  can-­‐do  culture  and  strong  values  of  trust.    

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The same rang true for Merck's smoking gun with Vioxx that demonstrated how much the company's leadership was in disarray. Merck communicated greater interest in maintaining their $2.5 billion brand than their vision "to preserve and improve human life." Their disdain for the facts resulted in them taking four weeks to withdraw Vioxx. Consumers may be forgiving, but a crisis can cost a brand's reputation in a single battering. Novartis now is reeling from inefficiency in its quality assurance; migraine sufferers count on Excedrin and the supply has been broken.

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2.  Decentralize  decision-­‐making.  Crises  are  too  quick  for  lengthy  procedures;  you  can't  be  fearful  and  hide  in  bureaucracy.  Mississippi  Power's  success  in  restoring  power  in  12  days  in  the  a]ermath  of  Hurricane  Katrina  was  the  result  of  20  "storm  directors"  with  crystal-­‐clear  assignments  and  a  phone  directory  of  people  who  could  get  things  done,  something  LIPA  (Long  Island  Power  Authority)  clearly  overlooked  and  ConEd  lacked.  As  Katrina  Storm  Director  Robert  Powell  said,  "If  you  don't  know  what  you're  supposed  to  do,  the  manual  is  not  going  to  help  you  now."    

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A similarly integrated, multiplatform response strategy resulted in favorable customer opinion to Nestlé's immediate action to withdraw its Toll House cookie-dough brand following a contamination several years ago, but that two way street disappeared with Nestlé's foolish foray into defending a bad policy over the fairness of its Palm supply chain. As that case demonstrated, the Fortune 100 favor Twitter (with caution) as a key communication tool, according to a study by Burson Marsteller.

Mattel had experienced 28 product recalls prior to its lead-paint scare in 2007. When that news broke, a team of 16 opened all lines of communication with 300 media channels, and its CEO, Robert Eckert, made 14 TV appearances and 20 calls to journalists in one day – a model for decentralized decision making.

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As social media becomes ubiquitous and customers participate more, the role of the CMO is crucial in crisis as they're able to inculcate social media to empower customers to play a key role. Take some airlines, for example immediately posting updates on Twitter as a delayed planes landed or Jet Blue waiving cancellation fees during Hurricane Sandy illustrating the ability to handle the urgency of crisis communication.

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Many  claim  it,  but  few  deliver:  Johnson  &  Johnson's  $100  million  rapid  response  to  the  storied  contaminated  Tylenol  crisis  in  1982  should  have  prepared  J&J  for  the  recent  string  of  major  problems  from  acetaminophen  overdosing  to  faulty  heart  parts,  so  (what)  did  we  learn?    Failing  to  prepare  is  preparing  to  fail.  Capt.  Chesley  Sullenberger's  preparedness  for  the  "Miracle  on  the  Hudson"  was  a  far  cry  from  the  sludge  bank  of  stoic  corporate  puff  supplied  in  the  (delayed)  response  of  US  Airways  CEO  Doug  Parker.    

1.  Expect  the  best;  plan  for  the  worst.  When  crisis  strikes,  news  and  social  media  burst  and  formal  statements  are  rendered  useless.  Stocks  don't  have  a  memory-­‐recall  buZon,  but  the  public  do.  The  problem  isn't  resources;  it's  about  managing  the  crisis  with  a  can-­‐do  culture  and  strong  values  of  trust.    

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3. Respond Boldly Marshalling a crisis team and a response plan are critical, including weighing the need for autonomy over the preferred unified leadership approach. Citigroup was the largest U.S. bank prior to the meltdown – it’s number 3 today and its fall from grace along Vikram Pandit was accelerated by Director Robert Rubin's "probabilistic" approach to decision-making that clearly misrepresented the severity of Citi's exposure to the crisis that broke the brand and the bank.

However, rest assured, when you need an ambitious, audacious and imaginative response, being forced on ineffective policies by some species of corporate bureaucrat creates a morass.

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3. Respond Boldly During Katrina, with the cash economy broken, Mississippi Power's head of marketing helped instigate a bartering system: electricity for fuel supplies with Chevron, consequently supplying the Eastern United States and Gulf coast with fuel. Evidently, the more you want to achieve, the more you achieve as was the case during Sandy - many a proud hand lifted in tear jerking relief as fuel trucks from across the land rolled into NJ and NYC.

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meager 20 minutes and then swiftly moved on to discuss their image and the hiring of a brand consultant! Bad news is good news to the prepared. When you need to be big, strong and fast and mobilize a massive, sweeping redistribution of information to the public, hide nothing and tell all – you don’t need a brand consultant to tell you that, just ask Chris Christie, New Jersey’s Governor.

4. Check, test, check, test. Brand integrity is compromised through fear. Studies show that companies that handled a catastrophe well have recovered and even exceeded pre-catastrophe stock price. In a crisis, fear is often the company's first reaction and it culminates in either a lack of compassion and/or stubborn refusal of the facts. Whether it’s stubbornness over the running of the NYC Marathon or “Don’t fiddle with things when Rome is burning” – for which LIPA are the new text book case; holding a ‘special’ 2 hour hurricane meeting, but only ‘talk’ about Sandy for a

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Dean Crutchfield Associates Sell More, Seize More, Win More

Growth Advisors

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Seize More Opportunity

Brand Strategy Team Building

Personal Branding Brand Building

Business Activation

Sell More Services

Selling Presentation Skills Ambition Planning

Pitch Forum

Win More Business Sharpen Offers

New Business 101 Pitch Boot Camp Growing Clients Pitch Doctoring


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Delivering Your Best Case & Winning Face

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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If You Don’t Like Selling You’ll Enjoy Irrelevance Even Less

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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In the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources held, Dean Crutchfield has

targeted and won millions in new fees from the world’s

leading brands.

By convincing senior executives at Fortune 500 companies on brand architecture, portfolio

rationalization, go-to-market brand strategies, product and

business innovation, Dean Crutchfield has directly helped clients generate billions in new

business growth.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Armed with rich content, deep

knowledge, 2x2 matrices and a white board, we rapidly

create targeted, multi-channel growth programs that generate immediate

Impact Dean Crutchfield Associates

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What DCA Delivers Achieving growth

For ambitious leaders who are driven to grow fast

Creating new business Orchestrating and activating accelerated outreach programs

Building efficiencies

Rapidly sourcing the best talent for the business

  Improving margins

Rallying teams behind the brand and go-to-market strategy

Boosting win rates

Delivering your best case and winning face forward

    Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Working with DCA

Catalyzing top line growth for clients is what we thrive on: delivering your best case and winning face, encourage your people to move the needle north and sharpen the product offering. DCA (Dean Crutchfield

Associates) achieve growth for clients by tailoring brand-led techniques that are uniquely participant

centered. We guarantee results. Whether it’s a better pitch, winning new mandates, a better team or more

fees, you will find our fee in your business within weeks.

DCA programs have been thoroughly tested and

proven with start-ups and the world’s greatest brands, uniquely adding immediate value.

When you hire DCA, you get results. If you have the

right people attend the sessions and complete all of your committed decisions and pilot initiatives and are still not satisfied or seeing results by the agreed time frame, we will coach and advise you free until you do!

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Working with DCA

By deploying real world strategies and hands-on collaboration to inspire teams we create content backed by actions that will assure you of seizing

every good opportunity, selling more services and winning new business.

For 20 years Dean Crutchfield has advised the

world's most iconic brands, built businesses, created new companies, opened international offices and spoken about the role of brands at Duke, Kellogg,

Wharton and the Google Speaker Series. He has made appearances on all major TV news networks, commentary in the global press, editorials in major

business publications and is a Contributor to Forbes.

With a proven ability to inspire and push the boundaries beyond the notion of what was thought possible, DCA excel with clients who are looking to

run fast, led by CEOs, CMOs, entrepreneurs and executive teams eager to capture dominant levels

of success.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Global Client Experience

Aviva* BP BT*

BSkyB* Camper & Nicholson Carter’s Cellcom* CITI Comcast General Electric Kraft Fila Frito-Lay Littlewood’s* McDonald’s M50    

McKinsey Metsä Serla* Nomura* PepsiCo PG&E Pitney Bowes RBS* Scanfinest* Shell Smirnoff Staples Sunglass Hut Target Tower of London* Warburg Pincus WGM Dean Crutchfield Associates

“Dean always cuts to the core of what needs to be done and said. He helps bring clarity and provides value by being an outsider with no agenda, so he can help you stand back and see things from different perspectives. Dean helped us think through solutions and then form the best way to present those solutions in a persuasive and compelling way.” *References upon request

* Overseas Project  

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Contact: [email protected] +1 917 239 3303 333 East 34th Street, Ste 15A/B, New York, NY 10016

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Dean Crutchfield Associates Sell More, Seize More, Win More

Growth Advisors

Dean Crutchfield Associates