"days and months" serbian-english cards

'Days and Months' 1 I have (Среда). Who has day number 7? LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi Days and Months I have (Петак). Who has day number 2? LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi Days and Months I have (Уторак). Who has day number 3? LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi Days and Months I have (Четвртак). Who has day number 5? LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi Days and Months I have (Недеља). Who has day number 6? LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi Days and Months I have (Субота). Who has day number 1? LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi Days and Months I have (мај). Who has month number 9? LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi Days and Months Days and Months LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Upload: veronica-gelfgren

Post on 21-Apr-2015




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'Days and Months'1Days and MonthsDays and MonthsLEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fiI have (Среда). Who has day number 7?LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fiDays and MonthsDays and MonthsI have (Петак). Who has day number 2?I have (Уторак). Who has day number 3?LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fiLEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fiDays and MonthsDays and MonthsI have (Четвртак). Who has day number 5?I have (Недеља). Who has day number 6?LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fiLEARNWELL OY www.learnw


Page 1: "Days and Months" Serbian-English Cards

'Days and Months' 1

I have (Среда). Who has day number 7?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Петак). Who has day number 2?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Уторак). Who has day number 3?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Четвртак). Who has day number 5?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Недеља). Who has day number 6?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Субота). Who has day number 1?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (мај). Who has month number 9?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

Days and Months

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Page 2: "Days and Months" Serbian-English Cards

'Days and Months' 2

I have (Јануар). Who has month number 4?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Март). Who has month number 7?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Јуни). Who has month number 3?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Фебруар). Who has month number 10?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Август). Who has month number 12?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Април). Who has month number 5?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Јули). Who has month number 11?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Децембар). Who has month number 1?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

Page 3: "Days and Months" Serbian-English Cards

'Days and Months' 3

I have (Септембар). Who has month number 2?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Новембар). Who has month number 8?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Октобар). Who has month number 6?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months

I have (Понедељак). Who has day number 4?

LEARNWELL OY www.learnwell.fi

Days and Months