day6 classification

Classification Day 6 of 17 Days to STAAR

Upload: ajetonsmith

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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ClassificationDay 6 of 17 Days to STAAR

How scientists classify living organisms:

Prokaryotic- lack a nucleus and membrane (ex: bacteria)

Eukaryotic- have a nucleus and a membrane that encloses complex structures, such as the nucleus (ex: plant cell)

How scientists classify living organisms:

Unicellular- made up of only one cell (ex: paramecium)

Multicellular- made up more than one cell (ex: humans)

How scientists classify living organisms:

Autotroph: make their own food using radiant energy from the sun into glucose (sugar) (ex: tree)

Heterotroph: eats other organisms to survive (ex: cow)

How scientists classify living organisms:

Asexual reproduction: offspring arise from a single parent, resulting in uniform offspring (ex: bacteria)

Sexual reproduction: offspring arise from the mating of 2 parents; produces genetically diverse offspring (ex: dog)

Reproduction:Reproduction is a characteristic of all living organisms.

Inherited traits are governed in the genetic material found in genes on chromosomes within the nucleus of the cell.

ClassificationScientists classify organisms based on certain

characteristics. They are classified into the following:








Domains & KingdomsThe 3 Domains:

Archaea- a prokaryote that may survive in extreme environments

Bacteria- a prokaryote that cannot survive in extreme environments

Eukarya- any eukaryote

The 6 Kingdoms:

Archaea (Domain Archaea)

Bacteria (Domain Bacteria)

Prostista (Domain Eukarya)

Plantae (Domain Eukarya)

Fungi (Domain Eukarya)

Animalia (Domain Eukarya)

Dichotomous Keys:

Scientists classify living and nonliving things using a tool called a dichotomous key.

A dichotomous key is a system used to identify plants, animals, rocks, or minerals made up of a series of paired descriptions to choose between.

Dichotomous keys are used for identification of organisms, such as birds, trees, insects, vertebrates, invertebrates, and flowering plants.

Dichotomous Key Example: