;day, octobe1.2, blount lynched berki.ey night-time ...€¦ · fioe, aud madeastatemeut to that...

VOL. XXI NO 47. RICHMOND, V1RGJNIA, SATl ;DAY, OCTOBE1. 2<>, 1904. PKICE.F1VE CENTS BLOUNT LYNCHED AT BERKI.EY Awful Scenes in the Night-time. The Turn- Key Yields Up the Prisoner. No Protection for the Defenseless-Troops Ordered Out. GUILTY PARTIES TO BE PUN16HED.BOTH WHITE AND COLORED CITIZENS INDICNAKT. Berkley, Va., October bbbTb, 1004. A most hoirible lyneiriiK took place Sanday ni^ht otiuore properly speaking Monday morning, October 24th at about 8 o'clock. Mr. GeOfBB F. Biouut, a well-kuown colored cuizc.n was tho vic- tim. As a result, this towu is now vir- tually under niartial law. Mr. Blount was arrested SSaturday night at his place of husiness by tht police atter he is al- legod to huvethrowu a lauip in tho ftico of Patrolman llollomau, who had cuttr- ed without a wnrraut or without any o8h> er authority BO todo. As u result fOBU of the oflicer's teeth were kLocked out. OAVE IV THE KEYS. Tnm key Ferrell rej>orts that at 2:16 Monday morniug two mn.sked nnn eu- aaaad the aaataoa house and ooai rad hiaa with pistols. (Icimuniiiig the keys to Blonnt's edl. tie humud them uvir without even a show of rt-nistaiue. Mr. J. K. BaaWyeaof the towu liro depurt- ment waa alaO Dtaaaat iiiat a | i. y- out to other parttea. rim awia wete oomplete ly mnsKed. B.ount was nonflaed m a 3ell with Ihnry Johaaoa Johaaoa aajs wJH-n tho two BBaBhedmen aateced the cell, Blount pieaded fat meray Tho oeU-door waa anloohed aad Blount walked out, ploadlngfor hia life. Jobn- aon was agala loohed la ihe t aU and the BBaaaanad aaaai aaoh Blount out of tho sta- tion house. baw trgi m aaaa. Mr W. W. laObertBOU. a Dtl minent haaab r.:. o. <-. baea a few aoora ttoaa tho poUoa -ia lon. ii». aaya ho araa awaaeaed by the otiea ol Biouut, aad looking out of bifl WiodOW BBW tivo men Baragguui u the aalddle of the s leea, Four were neeting tha afth with aoaae instruuients that inaile duil tliuds us they Btraoh ihe Efeajro*! head. Blount's cries stvnied to fr.. thre. ol bh aaaailaata who Bad. The fourri; nuiii Btraoh the colored li.au :i latTii a '... a and Bloaat fell laoa doata.*! wah!, Then th.- nian (in w a pistol, put it ti> the liack ot 11 »« piostrato man's head aad ln-td. The hiiii.i aateted bc-¦ hiad the aafa earaad paaread the baaia, taaaaetaaj iaataai death. BTaiaaO KaBaGi AUfooroftha Baaaked laea at once fled. and tWOOf the ni tsks they WOfB have beea foaad, oae ataipod with blood. They wareaaadeof ooaiea, nBhloachod cotion, aad oaaia dowa to the oaaaata of the wean From tho above it will be seon that tho neeeaat aoaaibla aamhac of na< o iu the inob is six Two gaacded ahe BolMMuaaa aad liaaaaa, two took Biouut out of the oall aad theaa two, with tho two others were mwl uibu-dly the in-n Mr. laoberta u BBW ia the middle of the sttvet. 0 ilSH UIILTY PAUTIES. It ia now asserted that Cimimon* wealth's Attorney, lt. O. Marshall will riajidly eaamiae mto the fucts conuoeted with the iiii'air with a view to briagiag the guilty paartiaa to justice. It is also repotted that detectives have been employed to fettet out the guilty parties and bring them to jastice. Policeman Verrall la rcported as fol- lows: AN OUBJBK*! STATEMEXT. He says he was sitting in the Town Sergeant's room,. at the station, whea t*ro uukuown meu came in and put two pistols in hi* faee. They demanded his keys, he says, threateiiing to kill him if he refaaad to surrender them, and he gave the keys up. Neither of tlie two men asked which key fitted Blouut's cell. Seiaiag Firem-ui Sawyer, the lat- ter waa hrought into the room where .berreH was and the door was locked with Ferrell, Sawyer and the two niask- ed men on the iuside. Then Ferrell savs the keys were passed out to some one at the clooraud Blount was takeu. OTUEB rUISOXERS NOT DISTURBED. Two other colored men in the cell at t the time were locked np again and the * keys thrown back into the sergeant's [.fi- Tie two»nasked raen remained insido and watched Ferrell and Sawver until a pistol ahot was heard, "and tt*en all was over," gaid Ferrell. <The fel- llseaab";ut.tOUtaUd W6kaOW ^hi«« 'How many were la the molv>" 'I don't know,'' aaid tha ofooer "be- cause I was locked np maiae aud told to olt,. ?re l wasor 1 »rociM be kUled." Did you see more thaa thc ! WO men on the insido with your* '.I did aaot/'aaid theomcer May or Allen requeat d that the sailors and marines at St. ll^l,ua ^ hcld ^ readim ss with a view to qnelling any outbreak on thepart of the coiored peo¬ ple. WANTED TROOPS yVICKLY. Troops were here by half past four o'clock yesterday alteruoon. Shortly after noou to-day Mr. W. W. Robertsc n, a promincut lumber dealor )mvinj;omce6 iu theCitizens' Bank, this oity. nnd a leadiiiR resident ot Berkley, in front of whose house the kidmg of Blount occurred, called upon Mavor L B. Allen, ol Berkley. in the latter'sof- fioe, aud made a statemeut to that offi- cial. Mr. llobortson toh>s own grent rogret araa an aya'afitBaaa to ihafliiaaifBl trag- idy tlns nionung. Ha saw ihings fr.in lns b. (1 room window whieh wi r. to him borribaa ia tha exrreme. His flraa (bv palaa, ba says, was to keep out af the affair nltogethor, but tlu> qaaaataOB of his uuty H8 a jjoo.l citiz. n caii.e up BBd '.! soflaav*^ ir. .>. .1. timr.' to wliitt was best tor him" to do. Ho de- k ruiined to m curc lafja] advice in the aaataar. and ooaaiBaj io NorfaUt, calkad BBQB AtK.rmy .Jjtm B. Jviikins, t.> whom ho told tho wholo story Ol Iha y. Mr. Kobertsou askod Attoruey .leukins BBB iuwyor aud citi/.ei: BO M viso him. IHS Dl'TV TO TELL. Tho. uttorney told Mr. Robortson that it was his daty to go to tho Mayor of Berkley and Homiiionwoallh *a Attor- n. y K. O. Murshull, of IVrtsmouth, of- Boially, aad (all theta all ho kawrai of tba tragcdj. Mr. Soteruaoa detennin- iuthat tlns was h.s fall dutv ai.d al boob loti bia Norfolk ofttoa tor ihai of Ifayor Alion. Aooordiog to Mr. BotM rtson's state nioiit ha araa aamhatatd a law Baiaaaea bafora o oviock hy draadfal aoraama froaa BOBaaoBa oolha twataMa Goiaftl tn his had -room wimliiw and diawm^ the ourtain thereto, he saw live forius in tha niiddle ot |ha sirtu-:, ano m tho aloo tno eat traek, as well ai ho cou d tell. A QHaSTLY BCBMB. The rn BaotiOB from a street oleetrie lifhl enaided him to aaa that lOBT f (ha bbbb arata pn"*^|tTg upon the titth man, who was down with BOfl&a iustru BBBBI unknowii to Mr. Kobirls.ui, thOBfth tho awl'ul thuds on tho man's baad aoold not only be heard by Mr. Roharfaaam, but by others ta daraUiaga some little distance away, who, it tl ¦aad wiii ba aritaa aaasal tha Kopartiaaa, Mr. RoharlaaB up to thia ubbb had no idea thal aaardar was b, mg doraa. He tbooghtaaarxaathad baaa uttempted BBd tliiit tba prisoner, having resisttd, waabaiBf subdued ta raabar a cruel 'way, but that he had oettur not luter lero TH&KE KAN AWAY. Then the cries of the man who was down became so inteiiso that three i f tha men, prosuuiiibly taking fright, tlod. This left tho fuurth man leaning over the fifth man, with the latter face down ou the street car track. The foarth man, who, it then could be seen, was maskod, suddenly stopped, and drawing a piatol from his hip pocket, put it to the back of the head of the man who was down and fired. KNOWN lfEKOKEIlAND. It is now known that the purpose to lyuch Blount had been circulated Sun- dav night. One of the policemau of this towTn was informed cf tho intention of tlie mob to take Blouut from the station house and lynch him. He told several people about the report. 1'OLU EMAN ENCOURAGED THE I.YNC HERS. lt is also alleged that this same po- liceman endoavored to get other white men to join the party of murderers. The f uner.il of Blouut was largely at- teuded by the coiored people, but no disorder occurred. Gov. A. J. Moutagne hcs ordered several companies of the state militia bara and he has been in attundance at the Horse Shcw in Norfolk. The in- qnest will be held next Friday. Do Vou Know lliai.' Lexington, Va. <X-t, 17, 1904. | I desire to know the whereabouta of Thoinas Anderson, son of Anuie and Jefferson Anderson of Lexington, Va. He left here soma years ago. His pa- reuts are dead aud the property has baaa left to biaa. Any iuforinatiou con- corniiig him wiii be thaukfu!iy received. Addres9. Jefferson Anderson, Lexington, Va. >\ VNTEI1.A First class Chamber inuid. Apply at Soo \V. FrAukliu St. 6100.00 i:-nu»Hiin-iit Paid. Richmond, Va., Oct. 27, 1904 This is to certify that I have received from John Mitchell. Jr , C.rand Worthy Conusellor of tho Grand Court of Yir- ginia. I. O. of Calanthe, ($100.00) One Hundred Dollars in payment of the death claim of Sister Carrie Pleasants, Who was iv BBBBBhar of Mildred's Court. No 242 of Richniord, Va. Signed: Geo Ii. Pleasants. Gaardiaa, Lillian Pleasants. Witneas: Baa G. Davis. 61*>O.00 Kmlnnnicnt Paid. Biohniond, Va., Oot Mltl, lt This is to r< rtify tliat 1 have received from John Mitchell, Jr., Grnno Chan- cellor of tha Graud Lodge of Viruiuia. .>..-.. 6. .... Bt,, A , A. and A. ($loU tO) One IrVndred and l'ifty Doliara larajraentol tiie daalh elaiui of Sir Wnlkcr 11. JobBBOfa, who was a nuinU r B^huiund Lodga, No. 1 Of Richmoud, Va., Signed: \'iut,4». i \ Jumnson, I :;.:iidimi of Jkssie D. Joh.nson, Witness:. Jolin K. Cogbill. 6100.00 Kinlouuient Paid. Newport Nows, Ya., Oct. 21th, 1901. Thia is tO eorufy that I have received froia John Mitclie 1, Jr., Graad Worthj OoaBaallor of tha Qraad Ooari of Yir gima, I. O. of Oalaatha (.fiou 00) Oaa Hundred D.Jlars iu payiueut of the daath-clalm of aiatar Jalaa Roaaa, who was a niember of Silver Leaf Court, No. 241, of Newport Nows, Va. Signed:.L W. Roane, Beueliciary. Witnesscs Mattie JelTorsou, W. C, Kininu Nornian, J. D., her Rosa I l'orter, P. \V. C, ni nk. Mary M. Savnge. li. of A. (Mrs.) LillioD. Byrd, D. G. W. C. ' 6150 00 Kndow inent Paid. Ne*vport News, Va.,Oot. 23, 1904. This is to certify that I have MOfifad from JohB Mitchell, Jr., Graud Chau- oalloroftha Qraad L dgo of Yu-giuia, ($150.00) One Hundred and Filty Dol¬ lars la payment ot the d ath claim of. Sir John Smith, who was B uiemhor of j DaflBOB Lodge, No. 12, Kuights of Pv- thiaa, N. A., S. A , E., A., A and A. of' Newport NaBTB, Va. Signed..Emma W. Smith, Beuuhciary. Witnesses. A. B. Ellis, K.of R. and S., S. H. Marshall, J. E. Byrd, J. J. Booker, D, D. G. C. Yoa'll laugh if you hear "White-, wash" at the Eoenezer Bapiist Church, Tueaday night, Nov. 1st. Pnce, 10 cts. A Cliange of Designation. [Washington, D. O., Coiored American.j It is John Mitchell, Jr. the bauker now, instead of editor. He is to be cou- gratulated ou the recognition giveu him at the National Bankers' Association in New York aud the Association is to be congratulated on the fact that it pos- sessed sense enough not to draw the' color line. There was no uecessity for it aud tho Associati BB did not drift into the ordiuary rut of most white orgaui- zations, af simply snnbbiug Negroes be¬ cause it is cQ.siomary. While the. National Bankers' Associa¬ tion was listeuiug to Mr. Mitchell, the National Deutal Association whieh met in St. Louis was beiug toru as under by » few hof-heads wh^ objocted to the presence of Dr. Beutley of Chicago. Prof. D. W. Davis has the town go¬ ing. Hear 4'Whitewash" at the Ebe- nezer Baptist Church, Tuesday night. It's for the benefit of the Old Folks* Home of the Richmoud Charitable Union. Admissiou, 10 Cts. lilterary IVotes. The Novemb >r number of "TneTwen- tieth Centnry Hoiin." is a snperbly il- taaantted nupizuie, aud itsconteuts, for intort st aud variety. are on a par with the artistic side of ilm new aud popular ' periodieal. Some promineut featuroa ave "Some Fancy Dress Balls in Lo:> don," "Elcctricity as an Aid to House- keeping,'" "VYomeii Who Toil," and the Bonaea of Oeorge Elliot." This is not taking into account the iiction, which mcludes a churmiugly illastrated story by Florencv Wilktfisun eutitled tbe "Gipsy Quetn," as well as stories by Howani Mnrkle Iloke, Tom afaaaou aud Harriet Preacott Spofford. "Tho Twentieth Ceiituiy Home" is primarily a Biagaaine lor women with large luter- BBta iu life, who eudeuv r;o make some¬ thing of themselves, un:t therefore it giYeeooaaiderahlo atuntfuu to meuus of conunercial act.vity within aud out- Bide tbe borae. This month we note at leaat fonrartiolesol thienature, "Why Woaaea Fail iu Jnaaaaeaa.M hy F.iz.ibitii M. (Jiluicr; "Is NVork iuiniicul to Beau- ty?" l.y Mrs. YVnsm Woodtt B*j "Artis- tic Bookbinding *or WoO) a, and "A W'omau'b Farm." The destre of W< oi ,n lor p< rennal detau- ;:; , ... ruvcrsliaiu :u iLvii i*xit\-y liOtno, am.' Jatta Ci.oloy, the exr.u-Ktinary ohildl poat, now oaly ehrei n yeara ol agi ly oooapyiaa, i plaoa oa ttbtary] ahelaea. Baohaxd La Galiitnue haa] writtea a very aj oipathi Pata>| olajttra aoooaat m n. r peraoaality and work, while B ia W. V < the for Boae I \ cil < >"S> ii, the j. LUoatratof. The aaafal aad borae help-f iug dvpartmeuts aro up o their umi.i1 bigfa BTandafrt Heipa woaaavyoaaaa hy Hataiilug toj ' Whttewaah*' at the Bbeneacr Baptist Ohurvh, Toea lay, Noaaaahet lat for tha beoedc of ihe Old Folha' Horae of tho; liu-hmond (Jnariiable Uuion. Goni BKFoiu:. riaiiel Ledga*8 Trihule. KuiiMOMi, V.v., Oct. 20, 1804. Whereaa, Qod la his aaaiae wiadoaa B ftt io vi-it our r Bahaaad gather to himaall our behrted sir Knight, Robt. 1) Brown. who has beeaaaaoeiated with us by fraterm.l tns of trieodabip, ohari- ty aud beucvuleiiue, lor several \i-ai .; aud. YYhereas these nssociations hnve BBBB1 Of the nios BBBaaBBBt uature, linding OBT Bil Knight always ready to hold up the baaaei of Tythiamsm in a devoied and loyal was ; fVoateaa he is now aaawad from us forever, to sleep tlie sleep ot fhjQBB. who Bleep tn Jeeaa; thal we will no more, lioar his voice uiingled in sweet struins of "May the angels ever keep, Vigils o'er us While we sleep. OrLKjd uight;"etc. Therefore he it, BeaoWed lat. That we will forever oheriah the Baaaaory of .ur departed Sir Knight aud keepsacred williin the fn»- terual records ol l'iam-t LodjBB, No. 2-1 K ol P.. his name, with a knowledge of liis worth to us as a man, while he lived, belu ving that CJjd has bidden him a happy admittauce into eternal rest; Kesoived 2nd. '1 hat a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the miuutes ol the lodge, a oopy sent the bereaved faniiiy and the sauie be published iu the Richmond Planet. Plauet Lodge. No. 23, K. of P., Oommittee:.\V. S. Morgan, B. P. Vaulervall, W. H. White. The black brother went up against a "Whitewash" brush. Prof D. VV. Da¬ vis will tell you all about it next Tues- day night at the Ebeuezjr Baptist Church. Persouals aqd Briefs. Mr. Jordau Binga of Fart Missoula, Moutana is the guesi of his brother, Rev. A.. Binga, Jr., li D. of Manches- ter, Va. Mr. John (Jardenshire of Alma, Kan¬ sas st uds us a list ot subscribers with the money for them and hearty thanks are returued for his interest. Laugh and the world laughs with you by ajoiag to the Ebeaa aer Baptist Church next Tuesday mght to hear P-of. D. W. Daaia tell all about "W itewash." Almission lOcts. -Mr. D. J. Chavors, wht returued to the city thii week viaited iqaa, Jef- fersonville, Mt titerling an \ . >iumbus. He is looking the pictufeo' >dhealth. Mrs Media Mason of F id hia, Pa. was in the cicy this w»' od . on us. she left last Tu<. . for b-»r adopted home. FROM AFK1CA. Yonr Laaataaai MMI lUaualaca our Raara Fatii. The BfcgShBBT. Proviuence Indistkial Mission, B. C. A., ..*ugust 30, 1904. JhIv 2ath the people li ught their live stock iuto Blautyre. rrom ducks and poodles to doukeys nnd horses were to be entered. Products were ou exhibi- tion fiom cabbage and puinpkins to cof- fee, bumrand cotton Ii was BB up- todate white man's ogricultural show, aud he is here to stay. TUE t'lRe TMClSlON DAME. Among tbe Yao and Angulu tribcs their custom is to daM-e vulgnr dances aud circumcise the boys at the age ot twelve, tcachiug them too much that BBBBB early marriages and polygamy. The boy is given a wife geneially BBaOng his cousins iu his own villug" to keep the family together not rosi»eetinc the fact that they are marrying their kin so mucti as following the rulo of the h ad man to keep all his people together, thus the little fellows have no ohOBBB la get ting a wife. The girlfl are ilanced in as taily as uine years ot age whieh is not a\ rual cirouinci lon out giving th> m u M ay Vt.ry often BBaOBBBOaa BBBB for B BTifa thus Bha hai no choueof her own iu the matter. in a ai aaa hakkm. Tha old Icadiis (>f this cuise t.iVr otaaraja of ihe obuldreo aad carry them ta thaBroodaaad aaaha thaaa haa in a Braaa aaraai aad boi alloar tha a la aaa tlmr paren s BOt all m BBybod] BO ooaaa aaar taaaa dartaaj thhi tiaaa wu ca useil to be tLrie moi'ilis bai l.ow ubout oue-half tlns tliue. Muuy ure leivn.g this Oaf cust .in tlureli.ro iheydm', daaoa ao loag aow aad they are puuing ti.. hiidieii in earliar. Thia - ¦ur raoug t lu m. I aaa Oa I i BB Oal ih.ai b Bad a dontbegraaa araaad a big h g liro and BOflM tit.y BOJI BOB7 raadj to ratora ii bb i ,.¦!.¦. olothad ic bark oloth aaokaaad bc atl.larad to i.. n thalr fa ea, arhtla tba did th<. aon batiog aad joiupu u J ln y arara frlghually arrayad ta akiata and f< .ni ami i d< afoaiag ap pl iBBB they Lai .i!..l ihe 1 ayhioh thaa rtaaaabaad a big b aaaablaaa. n.vNCKUors OJaMB. Laoparda fnr.-.,. I fiva goata for our oaighb >r, Mr J. Ku'.a. Oa tha road t Biaa yra laol araah ¦ lion s latoba 1 a b.iby IrOOl Us mo.her's aad killed a taaa who araa Bt tho eJBJBaay of carrlara toaall aora ia Biaa- tyra. This is our unul fOBta as wtll. 90M9 \ :siTS To oti.i;; \i>mons. We spent a most ploa.-ant week at Oholowttb .'.ir. Braaca aad auad family BQBBBfortymilaa aaray, arho ate frooa Am. jija aad oaa of tha arurhara <>t tha Sevaath Day AdvaaUata, oolorad) aritb family of fbar. Road along tha Launi- aoaa. v, urs raaaaotrai y, L NAlMl.fc.ON CllKlK. I.aly BaBBBgar Wanlcd. 1 . siro a lady mauager fOT a first- cla.-s restaurant. Must have good olu- oa'i.m, good obaraotac aad « speiiaaoa la maaaglBaTaffaira, Oaa arho is compa taaa. AaexaeUaat, ajuafortabla home, Blaoagjood salary anil cotuiu.ssiou for the ri^ht p.irty. Plciso state experieuce with rcfor- oiices. Adiress:.Lewis \V. IV .ktkk, M Qaabaa Btrcat, Cor. South 1. gaa Ave., 3t. Clevelmd, Ohio. A i'ard of Thanks. Rev. J. S. Mason, Mauager of tlie Oou.red Mission, located at No. ."> W. Caual SSt., returns thauKs to the pastor. membersaud friends of the Third Street A. M. E. Church lor a donation of $2 10 colleeted Sunday, Oot. lt>, 1904. This mission is lor the purpjse of helping thepooraud distressed All ehurches aud orgauizatious are usked to help. Do Vou Know Him.' 1 desire to know the whereabouts of Nat Young, son of Louisa Harris, arho was raised in Hauover Ci ., Va. by Isaac Butlur. Whaa last luard of he was liviug ou Wuverly Plantation, Cheuey- ville, La. Any iuformation concemiug him will be gladly received by his mother. Mrs. LotisA Hakkis, 1021 St. PoterSt.. Richm.md, Va. Female Fcrger Takes Poison. Falrniount, W. \ a, Oct. 2(5..A wom¬ an grriag her aaaaa as Mrs. Halaa Knns, ol' thbl city. was arrested and hold under $looo boad for the grand jury. eharged with forgery on the First National Baah of tltis (ity. She is al- legod to baaa (Orged tho nnnios of s. 1.. Wataoa aad .1. lf. Jacons to a $1000 check and another for the sam< on the Bank of Fair.nont. with the names of A. L. Parriph and Prad \V. Kahrl. She was placed in a cell in the county jail. and in some plnco about her person she had concenloi! some polsonous drug whieh she aftor- wards swallowed, and she ls In a criti- cal condltlon. RUSSIA AWAITING ADMIRAL'S REPORT Great Britain Woii't Make Demands Until Explanation is Made. .ZAR PROMISES REPARATION lt is Believed When Demands Are Made They Must be Prorrptly Com- plied With or Rupture Will Follow. Eritish Fleet Ready. St. Petersburg. Oct. 26..Vice Ad- mirai RoJeetaeeahy*a loaanna for fir- lng into the British fishing fleet re- main as great a mystery as ever. Again the admiralty aunomiced that the adtuiral's report af the affair had not beea recelYed. hToantlmo. with¬ out waiting the Russian vorsion of the aftair aCaaperor Nieholaa thjroagh Am- hasaador Elardlage, has sont to King lciwani aad the Btitiah goretaaaeat a mcfs".;!' eonveylng Bfl BinioBa.oii of the Bfofoaadeal regrel for the BBjott- un-i»<- affair, coapled with aeaaiaacea thal 'he famtltea ol the rlcttaaa should recetre the folleal n paraiion. The Itritish BOverOBieBl also BjhOWl modor- atioti in the not. which Sir Charlea Uardlage preseated to Foreign Miuis- ter I.amsdorff. While it av.aits ex¬ planation lor an BCt whieh is charnc- in BtroBg lai as unjust- lable, deliberate aad Inhaaaan. i raai ree**1 °.laae LIbbI fdff r< no de- [ ' ... ri ii.it I maada are re- paadtag of an axplaaar Iioa. The will Biitata to .. n h. fora foratalattag deraaad coaaider- nlion I had l placed by a d blaa« dcr. M I tlna atioa haa aa < only ~ ' r ivity of th< note admlttiag of no doabl thal when the dctnaada are ultlraately preseated al Brlti in lateada to insist upon | full compllaoce with them. PVotB Ihe dlplomatlc ataodpolol the very facl that Qreal Brltala haa aol shown her haad atreagtheaa her poelUoo. What ada will bo raaai be a matter of apecnlation un»il Admlral K< ky'a report anivea, bul it the Iraportaal allegatloo ln tha i: ttabllahed, aaraely, thal the BQuadroB actually chaaged form.il irn before OD* nlag fire. it woald sc. m to ti\ the reepoaalblllty upon 11 an.i whoeeer the aathor Of tho ofl> oae may be. it is regarded ns eertala thal Qreal BrUala will d.^- maad, anoag other thlaga, his paalah-' raeat it la also coosldered certalB that fallure ta proraptly eotaply with tho deaaanda w>n ho Immedlately followed by arabaaaadoT Hardlage'a reealL Altboagh aorae aervoQaaeaa is per- ceptlble in dlplomatlc clrcleSi gea< r> ally aaealrJag there is the greateat ooaftd< aee, both arooag dlploaaata aml hlgh offictala of the oTenuaeat that the affair will be aralcably adjaated. a tour of the embaaalea aad lega> tions ahowed thal the BeatiraeBl was almost uiianimous that Russia wouid raaha every reparatloB, nnd that the laddeat wouid be adjaated, unloss Qreal l.ritain's demands should be mi- reaaoaable, which it w;is thoaght they wouid not be. Nevertheless, the great- est aetivity was nianifested at all the legations. Cipher dispatches were oora- Ing and going and tho forelgn offiee was bealeged by under socretarios and ministers. all eager for information. The Bceaea gavo foreiblc reminder of those immediately precedihg the sev- eraace of diplorr»atic relations with Janan. At the admiralty there were similar BCOBBB of aetivity. The corri- dors were full of newspaper corres- pondents and naval attaches awaiting information regarding Rojestvensky's report. but the admiralty had nothing to offer ln explanation of the extra- ordinary silence. It is felt that this delay is one of the most serious fea- tures of the situation. While the British note fixes no time limit for Russia's reply. it ls argued that the protraeted delay of the admiral'a re¬ port will do more than anything cls" to inflame British p"b!lc opinion and render final adjustment difficulL GREAT BRITAIN QUIET'NC Czar's Message to King E Allays Deep Rc Lowdna, Oct. 86. lays of dlplomatlc pn retnrd a corapb rettlemrnt of the tweea Great r.r:: lng frora the <* fr.ir. King Edwar Bmperor NI gram axpret and a pa l GreaL Bj *lth a t ipjy coneediug every de- aaaad for apol y f0r tlie n^t of ag- e Brltiah Bag. corn* Ferera and puni3b» men' of the officera respoaaible fof what is ererywhere cooet ted t harg beea a gUaatlt blaader, aml tho Rua> sian ambaaaador to the court of st. Jaraea has t\ reaaed to Foreign mib>» isti-r l.ansilowu" his BOffTOW ;-nd syna. pat'ny. These d vidomnents havo al* layed to some exteat tha deep resenf* ment. in the pablle auuid, an-' the adja miralty gnv its apprecle- tion of the aeceaaity of proeiag that 18 is prenared aetively to support the position of the people ofr.rc.it nritahg and fulfiil the expectatloaa of tba, world. whea it laaaed the followlnal statement: "On reccipt on October 24 of thg news of the North Sea tracedy, pre» Ilmluary orders for mtitual supporf and oooperaticB arere laamed aa % measure of preeaution from the ad* miralty to the ChaBBel, BledlteiaaBaeaeJ, aud home tlcets." The apeechea of rmmbers if the cabtael aad of the house ot «. >mmong in dlffereal parta of the country voicd the scntim.-iit ot* Qreal -Rr.f.-.in. end the apirlt in which tha ut'.eraneea were met abowa that for thc moment. p.arty dlffereacea have been Iftld asldf and that the country ls solidly bcblnd, the goTeraaaeat Lord Belboraa at the Pttgriaaa baaqaet deaoaatred tho Dog. ger Baak affair in ;'.<.. most oatspoker* ternis y.-t fa n! ftoaa a mem'oer of the cal.inct as an "inexcusablo out- aad "a '. or WBB impo- .ir as other thaa the as ln- ttuiion Of Kuropatkin Made Commancier-in-Chlef Bt Petorabu :\ in> BBl i;:l ii'.. r 83, ap- :i Kuroi a' l.ln coaa* r in < hlef of thc Russian army. uenoe by the Hn ilan aad Japaneae annlea in the vitinity .. is roporti d. Alezlefl h i iu the ofuce of Viieli J Japs* Losscs 15,873. Tokio, Oct 88. Fleld Marshal 0 thai tha Japaaeae to¬ tal ( aaaa 878 offlcera and mcu at the battle of Shakhe river. Russian Casualties 60,000. Tokio, Oct -1.- -ManchurlBB aeaqV qu.irt.rs reportlag hy telegrapl} says that tha eamber of Raaalaa dead found on the battU Beld and interred up to October 22, imtl.es a total of 13,333. Upoo this total RoaalaB caaaaltlea are eetlaaated to axceed 80,000. tl-g Japaa aeee captnred a total of '.a guns dur» lng tlie Shahke op.-rations. j CORNELIUS VAN COTT DEAD Postmaster of New York Dies Sud- denly of Heart Picease. New York, C) t. 88, Curin lius Van Cott, postmaster of New York city, died aaddealy Of heart failuro, follow- Bag ¦ aharp attack of acute nervoua lndigestion. He was takea ill Monday afternoon at his o!li< e in the federal building, and bis coodTttoa was such that the Btteadtag physiclaa deeaaed his re> moval uiiwi: e at that time. Yesterday Mr. Yan Cott appeared much better and was tak< n to his home iu West SGth street. He walked to tlie elovator. in the federal building without dlffl- culty, and his phystciaa believed that the postmaster was merely suffering from an attack similar to several he has had during the past year. A consultation of physicians waa held as soon as Mr. Yaa Cott reaehed his home, and they gave a favorable prognosis, provided apoplexy did not intervene. Shortly after, however, the pati<nt had a sinking spell and died, of heart failure. Mr. Van Cott had been a vigorous man, but of tate he had been subjected to an unusual amount of trouble, and this is believed to have undermlned his health. Tho reeent arrest of hia son. Riehard Yan Cott, charged with colonizing. was a sevcre blow to the postmaster, who expressed his flrm belief in his son'a innocence. These troubles. coapled with advanclng age.. he was in his C7th year.played an Important part in bringing on the fa- tal illness. Centence Killed Woman. Tenn.. Oct. 25..Mrs. Fan- who shot and b Bterabarger, her hus- ] veefca ago. and who waa olaataty manslaughter o yeara in tho pen- i : at the city hospital. I was readered 10 days collapaed and has not nt slnee. She a hospital under -iker, ..«,s.

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Page 1: ;DAY, OCTOBE1.2, BLOUNT LYNCHED BERKI.EY Night-time ...€¦ · fioe, aud madeastatemeut to that offi-cial. Mr. llobortson toh>sowngrentrogret araa an aya'afitBaaa to ihafliiaaifBl


BLOUNT LYNCHED AT BERKI.EYAwful Scenes in the Night-time. The Turn-

Key Yields Up the Prisoner.No Protection for the Defenseless-Troops Ordered Out.GUILTY PARTIES TO BE PUN16HED.BOTH WHITE AND COLORED CITIZENS INDICNAKT.

Berkley, Va., October bbbTb, 1004.A most hoirible lyneiriiK took place

Sanday ni^ht otiuore properly speakingMonday morning, October 24th at about8 o'clock. Mr. GeOfBB F. Biouut, awell-kuown colored cuizc.n was tho vic-tim. As a result, this towu is now vir-tually under niartial law. Mr. Blountwas arrested SSaturday night at his placeof husiness by tht police atter he is al-legod to huvethrowu a lauip in tho fticoof Patrolman llollomau, who had cuttr-ed without a wnrraut or without any o8h>er authority BO todo. As u result fOBU ofthe oflicer's teeth were kLocked out.


Tnm key Ferrell rej>orts that at 2:16Monday morniug two mn.sked nnn eu-aaaad the aaataoa house and ooai rad hiaawith pistols. (Icimuniiiig the keys toBlonnt's edl. tie humud them uvirwithout even a show of rt-nistaiue. Mr.J. K. BaaWyeaof the towu liro depurt-ment waa alaO Dtaaaat

iiiat a | i. y- out toother parttea. rim awia wete oompletely mnsKed. B.ount was nonflaed m a3ell with Ihnry Johaaoa Johaaoaaajs wJH-n tho two BBaBhedmen aatecedthe cell, Blount pieaded fat merayTho oeU-door waa anloohed aad Blountwalked out, ploadlngfor hia life. Jobn-aon was agala loohed la ihe t aU and theBBaaaanad aaaai aaoh Blount out of tho sta-tion house.

baw trgi m aaaa.

Mr W. W. laObertBOU. a Dtl minenthaaab r.:. o. <-. baea a few aoora ttoaatho poUoa -ia lon. ii». aaya ho araaawaaeaed by the otiea ol Biouut, aadlooking out of bifl WiodOW BBW tivo men

Baragguui u the aalddle of the s leea,Four were neeting tha afth with aoaaeinstruuients that inaile duil tliuds usthey Btraoh ihe Efeajro*! head.Blount's cries stvnied to fr..

thre. ol bh aaaailaata who Bad. Thefourri; nuiii Btraoh the colored li.au :i

latTii a '... a and Bloaat fell laoa doata.*!wah!, Then th.- nian (in w a pistol, putit ti> the liack ot 11 »« piostrato man'shead aad ln-td. The hiiii.i aateted bc-¦hiad the aafa earaad paaread the baaia,taaaaetaaj iaataai death.

BTaiaaO KaBaGi

AUfooroftha Baaaked laea at oncefled. and tWOOf the ni tsks they WOfBhave beea foaad, oae ataipod with blood.They wareaaadeof ooaiea, nBhloachodcotion, aad oaaia dowa to the oaaaata ofthe weanFrom tho above it will be seon that

tho neeeaat aoaaibla aamhac of na< oiu the inob is six Two gaacded aheBolMMuaaa aad liaaaaa, two took Biouutout of the oall aad theaa two, with thotwo others were mwl uibu-dly the in-nMr. laoberta u BBW ia the middle of thesttvet.


It ia now asserted that Cimimon*wealth's Attorney, lt. O. Marshall willriajidly eaamiae mto the fucts conuoetedwith the iiii'air with a view to briagiagthe guilty paartiaa to justice.It is also repotted that detectives havebeen employed to fettet out the guiltyparties and bring them to jastice.

Policeman Verrall la rcported as fol-lows:


He says he was sitting in the TownSergeant's room,. at the station, wheat*ro uukuown meu came in and put twopistols in hi* faee. They demanded hiskeys, he says, threateiiing to kill him ifhe refaaad to surrender them, and hegave the keys up. Neither of tlie twomen asked which key fitted Blouut'scell. Seiaiag Firem-ui Sawyer, the lat-ter waa hrought into the room where.berreH was and the door was lockedwith Ferrell, Sawyer and the two niask-ed men on the iuside. Then Ferrellsavs the keys were passed out to someone at the clooraud Blount was takeu.

OTUEB rUISOXERS NOT DISTURBED.Two other colored men in the cell att the time were locked np again and the* keys thrown back into the sergeant's[.fi- Tie two»nasked raen remainedinsido and watched Ferrell and Sawveruntil a pistol ahot was heard, "and tt*enall was over," gaid Ferrell. <The fel-llseaab";ut.tOUtaUd W6kaOW ^hi««'How many were la the molv>"'I don't know,'' aaid tha ofooer "be-cause I was locked np maiae aud told toolt,. ?re l wasor 1 »rociM be kUled."Did you see more thaa thc ! WO menon the insido with your*'.I did aaot/'aaid theomcerMayor Allen requeat d that the sailorsand marines at St. ll^l,ua ^ hcld ^

readim ss with a view to qnelling anyoutbreak on thepart of the coiored peo¬ple.WANTED TROOPS yVICKLY.

Troops were here by half past fouro'clock yesterday alteruoon.Shortly after noou to-day Mr. W. W.

Robertsc n, a promincut lumber dealor)mvinj;omce6 iu theCitizens' Bank, thisoity. nnd a leadiiiR resident ot Berkley,in front of whose house the kidmg ofBlount occurred, called upon Mavor LB. Allen, ol Berkley. in the latter'sof-fioe, aud made a statemeut to that offi-cial.Mr. llobortson toh>s own grent rogret

araa an aya'afitBaaa to ihafliiaaifBl trag-idy tlns nionung. Ha saw ihings fr.inlns b. (1 room window whieh wi r. to himborribaa ia tha exrreme. His flraa (bvpalaa, ba says, was to keep out af theaffair nltogethor, but tlu> qaaaataOB ofhis uuty H8 a jjoo.l citiz. n caii.e up BBd

'.! soflaav*^ ir. .>. .1. timr.'to wliitt was best tor him" to do. Ho de-k ruiined to m curc lafja] advice in theaaataar. and ooaaiBaj io NorfaUt, calkadBBQB AtK.rmy .Jjtm B. Jviikins, t.>whom ho told tho wholo story Ol Iha

y. Mr. Kobertsou askod Attoruey.leukins BBB iuwyor aud citi/.ei: BO Mviso him.


Tho. uttorney told Mr. Robortson thatit was his daty to go to tho Mayor ofBerkley and Homiiionwoallh *a Attor-n. y K. O. Murshull, of IVrtsmouth, of-Boially, aad (all theta all ho kawrai oftba tragcdj. Mr. Soteruaoa detennin-iuthat tlns was h.s fall dutv ai.d alboob loti bia Norfolk ofttoa tor ihai ofIfayor Alion.Aooordiog to Mr. BotM rtson's state

nioiit ha araa aamhatatd a law Baiaaaeabafora o oviock hy draadfal aoraamafroaa BOBaaoBa oolha twataMa Goiaftltn his had-room wimliiw and diawm^the ourtain thereto, he saw live forius intha niiddle ot |ha sirtu-:, ano m tho alootno eat traek, as well ai ho cou d tell.

A QHaSTLY BCBMB.The rn BaotiOB from a street oleetrie

lifhl enaided him to aaa that lOBT f (habbbb arata pn"*^|tTg upon the titthman, who was down with BOfl&a iustruBBBBI unknowii to Mr. Kobirls.ui,thOBfth tho awl'ul thuds on tho man'sbaad aoold not only be heard by Mr.Roharfaaam, but by others ta daraUiagasome little distance away, who, it tl¦aad wiii ba aritaa aaasal tha Kopartiaaa,Mr. RoharlaaB up to thia ubbb had noidea thal aaardar was b, mg doraa. Hetbooghtaaarxaathad baaa uttemptedBBd tliiit tba prisoner, having resisttd,waabaiBf subdued ta raabar a cruel'way, but that he had oettur not luterlero


Then the cries of the man who wasdown became so inteiiso that three i ftha men, prosuuiiibly taking fright,tlod. This left tho fuurth man leaningover the fifth man, with the latterface down ou the street car track. Thefoarth man, who, it then could be seen,was maskod, suddenly stopped, anddrawing a piatol from his hip pocket,put it to the back of the head of theman who was down and fired.

KNOWN lfEKOKEIlAND.It is now known that the purpose to

lyuch Blount had been circulated Sun-dav night. One of the policemau ofthis towTn was informed cf tho intentionof tlie mob to take Blouut from thestation house and lynch him. He toldseveral people about the report.1'OLU EMAN ENCOURAGED THE I.YNC HERS.

lt is also alleged that this same po-liceman endoavored to get other whitemen to join the party of murderers.The funer.il of Blouut was largely at-

teuded by the coiored people, but nodisorder occurred.Gov. A. J. Moutagne hcs ordered

several companies of the state militiabara and he has been in attundance atthe Horse Shcw in Norfolk. The in-qnest will be held next Friday.

Do Vou Know lliai.'

Lexington, Va. <X-t, 17, 1904.| I desire to know the whereaboutaof Thoinas Anderson, son of Anuie andJefferson Anderson of Lexington, Va.He left here soma years ago. His pa-reuts are dead aud the property hasbaaa left to biaa. Any iuforinatiou con-corniiig him wiii be thaukfu!iy received.Addres9.

Jefferson Anderson,Lexington, Va.

>\ VNTEI1.A First class Chamberinuid. Apply at Soo \V. FrAukliu St.

6100.00 i:-nu»Hiin-iit Paid.

Richmond, Va., Oct. 27, 1904This is to certify that I have received

from John Mitchell. Jr , C.rand WorthyConusellor of tho Grand Court of Yir-ginia. I. O. of Calanthe, ($100.00) OneHundred Dollars in payment of thedeath claim of Sister Carrie Pleasants,Who was iv BBBBBhar of Mildred's Court.No 242 of Richniord, Va.

Signed:Geo Ii. Pleasants.

Gaardiaa,Lillian Pleasants.

Witneas:Baa G. Davis.

61*>O.00 Kmlnnnicnt Paid.

Biohniond, Va., Oot Mltl, ltThis is to r< rtify tliat 1 have received

from John Mitchell, Jr., Grnno Chan-cellor of tha Graud Lodge of Viruiuia.

.>..-.. 6. .... Bt,, A ,

A. and A. ($loU tO) One IrVndred andl'ifty Doliara larajraentol tiie daalhelaiui of Sir Wnlkcr 11. JobBBOfa, whowas a nuinU r B^huiund Lodga, No. 1Of Richmoud, Va.,

Signed: \'iut,4». i \ Jumnson,I :;.:iidimi of

Jkssie D. Joh.nson,Witness:.

Jolin K. Cogbill.

6100.00 Kinlouuient Paid.

Newport Nows, Ya., Oct. 21th, 1901.Thia is tO eorufy that I have received

froia John Mitclie 1, Jr., Graad WorthjOoaBaallor of tha Qraad Ooari of Yirgima, I. O. of Oalaatha (.fiou 00) OaaHundred D.Jlars iu payiueut of thedaath-clalm of aiatar Jalaa Roaaa, whowas a niember of Silver Leaf Court, No.241, of Newport Nows, Va.

Signed:.L W. Roane,Beueliciary.

WitnesscsMattie JelTorsou, W. C,Kininu Nornian, J. D.,

herRosa I l'orter, P. \V. C,

ni nk.Mary M. Savnge. li. of A.(Mrs.) LillioD. Byrd, D. G. W. C.


6150 00 Kndow inent Paid.Ne*vport News, Va.,Oot. 23, 1904.

This is to certify that I have MOfifadfrom JohB Mitchell, Jr., Graud Chau-oalloroftha Qraad L dgo of Yu-giuia,($150.00) One Hundred and Filty Dol¬lars la payment ot the d ath claim of.Sir John Smith, who was B uiemhor of jDaflBOB Lodge, No. 12, Kuights of Pv-thiaa, N. A., S. A , E., A., A and A. of'Newport NaBTB, Va.

Signed..Emma W. Smith,Beuuhciary.

Witnesses.A. B. Ellis, K.of R. and S.,S. H. Marshall,J. E. Byrd,J. J. Booker, D, D. G. C.

Yoa'll laugh if you hear "White-,wash" at the Eoenezer Bapiist Church,Tueaday night, Nov. 1st. Pnce, 10 cts.

A Cliange of Designation.[Washington, D. O., Coiored American.j

It is John Mitchell, Jr. the baukernow, instead of editor. He is to be cou-gratulated ou the recognition giveu himat the National Bankers' Association inNew York aud the Association is to becongratulated on the fact that it pos-sessed sense enough not to draw the'color line. There was no uecessity forit aud tho Associati BB did not drift intothe ordiuary rut of most white orgaui-zations, af simply snnbbiug Negroes be¬cause it is cQ.siomary.

While the. National Bankers' Associa¬tion was listeuiug to Mr. Mitchell, theNational Deutal Association whieh metin St. Louis was beiug toru asunder by» few hof-heads wh^ objocted to thepresence of Dr. Beutley of Chicago.

Prof. D. W. Davis has the town go¬ing. Hear 4'Whitewash" at the Ebe-nezer Baptist Church, Tuesday night.It's for the benefit of the Old Folks*Home of the Richmoud CharitableUnion. Admissiou, 10 Cts.

lilterary IVotes.

The Novemb >r number of "TneTwen-tieth Centnry Hoiin." is a snperbly il-taaantted nupizuie, aud itsconteuts, forintort st aud variety. are on a par withthe artistic side of ilm new aud popular' periodieal. Some promineut featuroa

ave "Some Fancy Dress Balls in Lo:>don," "Elcctricity as an Aid to House-keeping,'" "VYomeii Who Toil," andthe Bonaea of Oeorge Elliot." This isnot taking into account the iiction,which mcludes a churmiugly illastratedstory by Florencv Wilktfisun eutitledtbe "Gipsy Quetn," as well as storiesby Howani Mnrkle Iloke, Tom afaaaouaud Harriet Preacott Spofford. "ThoTwentieth Ceiituiy Home" is primarilya Biagaaine lor women with large luter-BBta iu life, who eudeuv r;o make some¬thing of themselves, un:t therefore itgiYeeooaaiderahlo atuntfuu to meuus ofconunercial act.vity within aud out-Bide tbe borae. This month we note atleaat fonrartiolesol thienature, "WhyWoaaea Fail iu Jnaaaaeaa.M hy F.iz.ibitiiM. (Jiluicr; "Is NVork iuiniicul to Beau-ty?" l.y Mrs. YVnsm Woodtt B*j "Artis-tic Bookbinding *or WoO) a, and "AW'omau'b Farm." The destre ofW< oi ,n lor p< rennal detau- ;:; ,


ruvcrsliaiu :u iLvii i*xit\-y liOtno, am.'Jatta Ci.oloy, the exr.u-Ktinary ohildlpoat, now oaly ehrei n yeara ol agily oooapyiaa, i plaoa oa ttbtary]ahelaea. Baohaxd La Galiitnue haa]writtea a very aj oipathi Pata>|olajttra aoooaat m n. r peraoaality andwork, while B ia W. V < the

for Boae I \ cil < >"S> ii, the j.LUoatratof. The aaafal aad borae help-fiug dvpartmeuts aro up o their umi.i1bigfa BTandafrt

Heipa woaaavyoaaaa hy Hataiilug toj' Whttewaah*' at the Bbeneacr BaptistOhurvh, Toea lay, Noaaaahet lat for thabeoedc of ihe Old Folha' Horae of tho;liu-hmond (Jnariiable Uuion.

Goni BKFoiu:.

riaiiel Ledga*8 Trihule.KuiiMOMi, V.v., Oct. 20, 1804.

Whereaa, Qod la his aaaiae wiadoaaB ftt io vi-it our r Bahaaad gatherto himaall our behrted sir Knight, Robt.

1) Brown. who has beeaaaaoeiated withus by fraterm.l tns of trieodabip, ohari-ty aud beucvuleiiue, lor several \i-ai .;aud.

YYhereas these nssociations hnve BBBB1Of the nios BBBaaBBBt uature, linding OBTBil Knight always ready to hold up thebaaaei of Tythiamsm in a devoied andloyal was ;

fVoateaa he is now aaawad from usforever, to sleep tlie sleep ot fhjQBB. whoBleep tn Jeeaa; thal we will no more,lioar his voice uiingled in sweet struinsof

"May the angels ever keep,Vigils o'er us While we sleep.

OrLKjd uight;"etc.Therefore he it,BeaoWed lat. That we will forever

oheriah the Baaaaory of .ur departed SirKnight aud keepsacred williin the fn»-terual records ol l'iam-t LodjBB, No. 2-1K ol P.. his name, with a knowledge ofliis worth to us as a man, while he lived,belu ving that CJjd has bidden him ahappy admittauce into eternal rest;

Kesoived 2nd. '1 hat a copy of theseresolutions be spread upon the miuutesol the lodge, a oopy sent the bereavedfaniiiy and the sauie be published iu theRichmond Planet.

Plauet Lodge. No. 23, K. of P.,Oommittee:.\V. S. Morgan,

B. P. Vaulervall,W. H. White.

The black brother went up against a"Whitewash" brush. Prof D. VV. Da¬vis will tell you all about it next Tues-day night at the Ebeuezjr BaptistChurch.

Persouals aqd Briefs.

Mr. Jordau Binga of Fart Missoula,Moutana is the guesi of his brother,Rev. A.. Binga, Jr., li D. of Manches-ter, Va.

Mr. John (Jardenshire of Alma, Kan¬sas st uds us a list ot subscribers withthe money for them and hearty thanksare returued for his interest.Laugh and the world laughs with you

by ajoiag to the Ebeaa aer Baptist Churchnext Tuesday mght to hear P-of. D. W.Daaia tell all about "W itewash."Almission lOcts.

-Mr. D. J. Chavors, wht returuedto the city thii week viaited iqaa, Jef-fersonville, Mt titerling an \ . >iumbus.He is looking the pictufeo' >dhealth.Mrs Media Mason of F id hia,

Pa. was in the cicy this w»' od .

on us. she left last Tu<. . for b-»radopted home.


Yonr Laaataaai MMI lUaualaca ourRaara Fatii. The BfcgShBBT.

Proviuence Indistkial Mission,B. C. A., ..*ugust 30, 1904.

JhIv 2ath the people li ught theirlive stock iuto Blautyre. rrom ducksand poodles to doukeys nnd horses wereto be entered. Products were ou exhibi-tion fiom cabbage and puinpkins to cof-fee, bumrand cotton Ii was BB up-todate white man's ogricultural show,aud he is here to stay.


Among tbe Yao and Angulu tribcstheir custom is to daM-e vulgnr dancesaud circumcise the boys at the age ottwelve, tcachiug them too much thatBBBBB early marriages and polygamy.The boy is given a wife geneially BBaOnghis cousins iu his own villug" to keepthe family together not rosi»eetinc thefact that they are marrying their kin somucti as following the rulo of the h adman to keep all his people together, thusthe little fellows have no ohOBBB la getting a wife. The girlfl are ilanced in astaily as uine years ot age whieh is not a\rual cirouinci lon out giving th> m u M ayVt.ry often BBaOBBBOaa BBBB for B BTifathus Bha hai no choueof her own iu thematter.

in a ai aaa hakkm.

Tha old Icadiis (>f this cuise t.iVrotaaraja of ihe obuldreo aad carry themta thaBroodaaad aaaha thaaa haa in aBraaa aaraai aad boi alloar tha a la aaatlmr paren s BOt all m BBybod] BOooaaa aaar taaaa dartaaj thhi tiaaa wu causeil to be tLrie moi'ilis bai l.ow uboutoue-half tlns tliue. Muuy ure leivn.gthis Oaf cust .in tlureli.ro iheydm',daaoa ao loag aow aad they are puuingti.. hiidieii in earliar. Thia -

¦ur raoug t lu m. I aaaOa I i BB Oal ih.aib Bad a dontbegraaa araaad abig h g liro and BOflM tit.y BOJI BOB7raadj to ratora ii bb i ,.¦!.¦.

olothad ic bark oloth aaokaaad bcatl.larad to i.. n thalr fa ea, arhtla tba

did th<. aon batiog aad joiupu uJ ln y arara frlghually arrayad ta akiataand f< .ni ami i d< afoaiag appl iBBB they Lai .i!..l ihe 1ayhioh thaa rtaaaabaad a big b aaaablaaa.

n.vNCKUors OJaMB.

Laoparda fnr.-.,. I fiva goata for ouroaighb >r, Mr J. Ku'.a.Oa tha road t Biaa yra laol araah ¦

lion s latoba 1 a b.iby IrOOl Us mo.her'saad killed a taaa who araa Bt tho

eJBJBaay of carrlara toaall aora ia Biaa-tyra. This is our unul fOBta as wtll.

90M9 \ :siTS To oti.i;; \i>mons.

We spent a most ploa.-ant week atOholowttb .'.ir. Braaca aad auad familyBQBBBfortymilaa aaray, arho ate frooaAm. jija aad oaa of tha arurhara <>t thaSevaath Day AdvaaUata, oolorad) aritbfamily of fbar. Road along tha Launi-aoaa.

v, urs raaaaotrai y,L NAlMl.fc.ON CllKlK.

I.aly BaBBBgar Wanlcd.

1 . siro a lady mauager fOT a first-cla.-s restaurant. Must have good olu-oa'i.m, good obaraotac aad « speiiaaoa lamaaaglBaTaffaira, Oaa arho is compataaa. AaexaeUaat, ajuafortabla home,Blaoagjood salary anil cotuiu.ssiou forthe ri^ht p.irty.

Plciso state experieuce with rcfor-oiices.

Adiress:.Lewis \V. IV .ktkk,M Qaabaa Btrcat,

Cor. South 1. gaa Ave.,3t. Clevelmd, Ohio.

A i'ard of Thanks.Rev. J. S. Mason, Mauager of tlie

Oou.red Mission, located at No. ."> W.Caual SSt., returns thauKs to the pastor.membersaud friends of the Third StreetA. M. E. Church lor a donation of $2 10colleeted Sunday, Oot. lt>, 1904. Thismission is lor the purpjse of helpingthepooraud distressed All ehurchesaud orgauizatious are usked to help.

Do Vou Know Him.'1 desire to know the whereabouts of

Nat Young, son of Louisa Harris, arhowas raised in Hauover Ci ., Va. by IsaacButlur. Whaa last luard of he wasliviug ou Wuverly Plantation, Cheuey-ville, La. Any iuformation concemiughim will be gladly received by hismother.

Mrs. LotisA Hakkis,1021 St. PoterSt..

Richm.md, Va.

Female Fcrger Takes Poison.Falrniount, W. \ a, Oct. 2(5..A wom¬

an grriag her aaaaa as Mrs. HalaaKnns, ol' thbl city. was arrested andhold under $looo boad for the grandjury. eharged with forgery on the FirstNational Baah of tltis (ity. She is al-legod to baaa (Orged tho nnnios of s.1.. Wataoa aad .1. lf. Jacons to a $1000check and another for the sam<on the Bank of Fair.nont. with thenames of A. L. Parriph and Prad \V.Kahrl. She was placed in a cell inthe county jail. and in some plncoabout her person she had concenloi!some polsonous drug whieh she aftor-wards swallowed, and she ls In a criti-cal condltlon.


Great Britain Woii't Make DemandsUntil Explanation is Made.


lt is Believed When Demands AreMade They Must be Prorrptly Com-

plied With or Rupture Will Follow.Eritish Fleet Ready.St. Petersburg. Oct. 26..Vice Ad-

mirai RoJeetaeeahy*a loaanna for fir-lng into the British fishing fleet re-

main as great a mystery as ever.

Again the admiralty aunomiced thatthe adtuiral's report af the affair hadnot beea recelYed. hToantlmo. with¬out waiting the Russian vorsion of theaftair aCaaperor Nieholaa thjroagh Am-hasaador Elardlage, has sont to Kinglciwani aad the Btitiah goretaaaeata mcfs".;!' eonveylng Bfl BinioBa.oii ofthe Bfofoaadeal regrel for the BBjott-un-i»<- affair, coapled with aeaaiaaceathal 'he famtltea ol the rlcttaaa shouldrecetre the folleal n paraiion. TheItritish BOverOBieBl also BjhOWl modor-atioti in the not. which Sir CharleaUardlage preseated to Foreign Miuis-ter I.amsdorff. While it av.aits ex¬

planation lor an BCt whieh is charnc-in BtroBg lai as unjust-

lable, deliberate aad Inhaaaan. iraai ree**1 °.laae LIbbIfdff r< no de- [

'... ri

ii.it I maada are re-

paadtag of an axplaaarIioa.The will Biitata to

.. n h. foraforatalattag deraaad coaaider-nlion Ihad l placed by a d blaa«dcr. M I tlnaatioa haa aa <

only ~' r ivity

of th<note admlttiag of no doabl thal whenthe dctnaada are ultlraately preseated

al Brlti in lateada to insist upon |full compllaoce with them. PVotB Ihedlplomatlc ataodpolol the very faclthat Qreal Brltala haa aol shown herhaad atreagtheaa her poelUoo. What

ada will bo raaaibe a matter of apecnlation

un»il Admlral K< ky'a reportanivea, bul it the Iraportaal allegatlooln tha i: ttabllahed, aaraely,thal the BQuadroB actually chaagedform.il irn before OD* nlag fire. it woaldsc. m to ti\ the reepoaalblllty upon

11 an.i whoeeer the aathorOf tho ofl> oae may be. it is regardedns eertala thal Qreal BrUala will d.^-maad, anoag other thlaga, his paalah-'raeat it la also coosldered certalB thatfallure ta proraptly eotaply with thodeaaanda w>n ho Immedlately followedby arabaaaadoT Hardlage'a reealLAltboagh aorae aervoQaaeaa is per-

ceptlble in dlplomatlc clrcleSi gea< r>ally aaealrJag there is the greateatooaftd< aee, both arooag dlploaaata amlhlgh offictala of the oTenuaeat thatthe affair will be aralcably adjaated.a tour of the embaaalea aad lega>

tions ahowed thal the BeatiraeBl wasalmost uiianimous that Russia wouidraaha every reparatloB, nnd that theladdeat wouid be adjaated, unlossQreal l.ritain's demands should be mi-

reaaoaable, which it w;is thoaght theywouid not be. Nevertheless, the great-est aetivity was nianifested at all thelegations. Cipher dispatches were oora-Ing and going and tho forelgn offieewas bealeged by under socretarios andministers. all eager for information.The Bceaea gavo foreiblc reminder ofthose immediately precedihg the sev-eraace of diplorr»atic relations withJanan. At the admiralty there weresimilar BCOBBB of aetivity. The corri-dors were full of newspaper corres-pondents and naval attaches awaitinginformation regarding Rojestvensky'sreport. but the admiralty had nothingto offer ln explanation of the extra-ordinary silence. It is felt that thisdelay is one of the most serious fea-tures of the situation. While theBritish note fixes no time limit forRussia's reply. it ls argued that theprotraeted delay of the admiral'a re¬port will do more than anything cls"to inflame British p"b!lc opinion andrender final adjustment difficulL

GREAT BRITAIN QUIET'NCCzar's Message to King E

Allays Deep RcLowdna, Oct. 86.

lays of dlplomatlc pnretnrd a corapbrettlemrnt of thetweea Great r.r::lng frora the <*fr.ir. King EdwarBmperor NIgram axpretand a pal GreaL Bj

*lth a t ipjy coneediug every de-aaaad for apol >¦ y f0r tlie n^t of ag-

e Brltiah Bag. corn*Ferera and puni3b»

men' of the officera respoaaible fofwhat is ererywhere cooet ted t hargbeea a gUaatlt blaader, aml tho Rua>sian ambaaaador to the court of st.Jaraea has t\ reaaed to Foreign mib>»isti-r l.ansilowu" his BOffTOW ;-nd syna.pat'ny. These d vidomnents havo al*layed to some exteat tha deep resenf*ment. in the pablle auuid, an-' the adjamiralty gnv its apprecle-tion of the aeceaaity of proeiag that 18is prenared aetively to support theposition of the people ofr.rc.it nritahgand fulfiil the expectatloaa of tba,world. whea it laaaed the followlnalstatement:"On reccipt on October 24 of thg

news of the North Sea tracedy, pre»

Ilmluary orders for mtitual supporfand oooperaticB arere laamed aa %measure of preeaution from the ad*miralty to the ChaBBel, BledlteiaaBaeaeJ,aud home tlcets."The apeechea of rmmbers if the

cabtael aad of the house ot «. >mmongin dlffereal parta of the country voicdthe scntim.-iit ot* Qreal -Rr.f.-.in. endthe apirlt in which tha ut'.eraneeawere met abowa that for thc moment.p.arty dlffereacea have been Iftld asldfand that the country ls solidly bcblnd,the goTeraaaeat Lord Belboraa at thePttgriaaa baaqaet deaoaatred tho Dog.ger Baak affair in ;'.<.. most oatspoker*ternis y.-t fa n! ftoaa a mem'oer ofthe cal.inct as an "inexcusablo out-

aad "a '.


WBB impo- .ir asother thaa the as ln-ttuiion Of

Kuropatkin Made Commancier-in-ChlefBt Petorabu :\ in>

BBl i;:l ii'.. r 83, ap-:i Kuroi a' l.ln coaa*

r in < hlef of thc Russian army.uenoe by

the Hn ilan aad Japaneae annlea inthe vitinity .. is roporti d.Alezlefl h i iu theofuce of Viieli J

Japs* Losscs 15,873.Tokio, Oct 88. Fleld Marshal

0 thai tha Japaaeae to¬tal ( aaaa 878 offlcera andmcu at the battle of Shakhe river.

Russian Casualties 60,000.Tokio, Oct -1.- -ManchurlBB aeaqV

qu.irt.rs reportlag hy telegrapl} saysthat tha eamber of Raaalaa dead foundon the battU Beld and interred up toOctober 22, imtl.es a total of 13,333.Upoo this total RoaalaB caaaaltlea areeetlaaated to axceed 80,000. tl-g Japaaaeee captnred a total of '.a guns dur»lng tlie Shahke op.-rations. j


Postmaster of New York Dies Sud-denly of Heart Picease.

New York, C) t. 88, Curin lius VanCott, postmaster of New York city,died aaddealy Of heart failuro, follow-Bag ¦ aharp attack of acute nervoualndigestion.He was takea ill Monday afternoon

at his o!li< e in the federal building,and bis coodTttoa was such that theBtteadtag physiclaa deeaaed his re>moval uiiwi: e at that time. YesterdayMr. Yan Cott appeared much betterand was tak< n to his home iu WestSGth street. He walked to tlie elovator.in the federal building without dlffl-culty, and his phystciaa believed thatthe postmaster was merely sufferingfrom an attack similar to several hehas had during the past year.A consultation of physicians waa

held as soon as Mr. Yaa Cott reaehedhis home, and they gave a favorableprognosis, provided apoplexy did notintervene. Shortly after, however, thepati<nt had a sinking spell and died,of heart failure.

Mr. Van Cott had been a vigorousman, but of tate he had been subjectedto an unusual amount of trouble, andthis is believed to have undermlnedhis health. Tho reeent arrest of hiason. Riehard Yan Cott, charged withcolonizing. was a sevcre blow to thepostmaster, who expressed his flrmbelief in his son'a innocence. Thesetroubles. coapled with advanclng age..he was in his C7th year.played anImportant part in bringing on the fa-tal illness.

Centence Killed Woman.Tenn.. Oct. 25..Mrs. Fan-

who shot andb Bterabarger, her hus-] veefca ago. and who waa

olaataty manslaughtero yeara in tho pen-

i : at the city hospital.I was readered 10 dayscollapaed and has not

nt slnee. Shea hospital under
