day #4 facebook engagement 101- how to generate more mlm leads and traffic for your stuff

Facebook Engagement 101: How to generate more MLM leads and traffic

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Facebook Engagement 101: How to generate more MLM leads

and traffic

What are you going to learn?

• how to make your social media marketing 10 times more effective

• very specific engagement tricks you can use on Facebook to drive more traffic to your stuff!

• How to build a virtual online community around your social media profiles and will result in more people watching your stuff…more people looking at what you’re posting.

5 Things to Keep in mind

1. Grow your network 2. Spam the hell out of Social Media (or not) 3. To get the juice, give the juice4. Give value5. Don’t’ stop learning

3 ways to do that on Facebook: 1. Facebook groups2. Pages3.Graph Search

1. Grow your network

1. Facebook groups- join the groups related to your niche.

Eg- make money online groups. People In those groups want to make money. Also, people who joined ‘recently’ are your HOT


2. Facebook pages- people who like Rich dad Poor Dad on Facebook

are probably interested in doing business/earning a 2nd income!

Think creatively, from the perspective of your niche market

You can use Graph search to connect with VERY TARGETED PROSPECTS.

Some examples (Self Explanatory)– go to the Facebook Search bar and type-in:

Friends who like Rich Dad Poor DadFriends who like Rich Dad Poor Dad living in

CaliforniaFriends of Friends who like Rich Dad Poor Dad living

in CaliforniaPeople who like Rich Dad Poor Dad living in

CaliforniaPeople who like Amway living in California

3. Graph Search

Graph Search is brilliant, as you can clearly see, how

targeted results it can give you!

2. Spam the Hell outta Facebook!

• Kidding! Spamming is a NO NO! But that’s what all people do.

• Never start the conversation with a message related to your product/company or any info with your affiliate links. It compels the other person to block you, but most people are nice, so they don’t

• If you spam people, you make them run away from you, because they don’t like it!

• So drop a nice message to people while connecting with them, get to know what they do first, you need to build relationship with them, its a ‘people’ business after all!

• Sales is all about identifying others’ problems and solving them. So you do that.

2. Spam the Hell outta Facebook!

• Kidding! Spamming is a NO NO! But that’s what all people do.

• Never start the conversation with a message related to your product/company or any info with your affiliate links. It compels the other person to block you, but most people are nice, so they don’t

• If you spam people, you make them run away from you, because they don’t like it!

• So drop a nice message to people while connecting with them, get to know what they do first, you need to build relationship with them, its a ‘people’ business after all!

• Sales is all about identifying others’ problems and solving them. So you do that.

3. Give the Juice, to get the Juice 

• Go their wall, like, comment on their posts, let them know that you’re around, do this with 50 different people and soon they’ll start noticing you.

• They’ll come and visit your timeline(wall) and learn about the stuff you’re promoting.

• And guess what, Facebook will observe 2-sided engagement, and soon your posts will start showing up in their news feed, powerful stuff if you stay consistent with this. :)

PS: Not the best marketing strategy. But works for some reason

4. Give value- spam free way to attract prospects

Here’s the different between people who come to Facebook to spam, and the 7 figure marketers on the Internet. People who make 7 figures on the internet produce value, they are attraction marketers.

Only way to attract people is to let them know that you’re here to help them

How to help people on Internet? But producing content, which helps them!

Why do people come online? To get entertained, educated, informed, inspired!

Give them what they want!

Your marketing checklist

This is your checklist which I think you should follow on a regular basis, feel comfortable to add more, but this is minimum!

On Facebook, for example, post one of these each day.

1. Content rich blog post/video- content which helps people in their lives/business. (content which serves your target market- tips to make money/drive traffic/lose weight- this will ‘attract’ your target market towards your blog/profile) 2. Inspirational quotes/motivational video3. Entertainment- Viral videos etc. 4. Other people’s content (blogs/vids)- which helps your audience. Eg- share this presentation.

5. Never stop learning


1.Your mind needs in formation to grow, just like your body needs food.

2.You need new ideas- techniques/skills/strategies, to improve your business

Turn to the next slide, there’s something I want to give you for being here watching this presentation and sharing it as well

Want more? My FREE GIFT for you:

MLM Recruiting Secrets eBookLearn the secrets which 1000s of MLMers/HomeBiz people are using to sell stuff & recruit people,

•Without picking up the phone

•Without doing meetings

•Without Spamming Affiliate link all over Social Media

Go to the next slide to find out how to get it

Go to right now and click on the button on top-right corner to download your Free eBook

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