date 28/06/2010 - save the children · web viewto individuals and households selected by save the...

INVITATION TO TENDER FOR SAVE THE CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL CAMBODIA 07 th September 2020 Framework Agreement for Mobile Money Transfer Service on Behalf of SCI Cambodia Invitation to tender: ITT/SCI/CAM/2020/_004 “Mobile Money Transfer services” 1

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Date 28/06/2010




07th September 2020

Framework Agreement for Mobile Money Transfer Service on Behalf of SCI Cambodia


7th September 2020

Invitation to Tender (ITT) Reference No:


Dear Sir/Madam,

Save the Children International (SCI) invites you to tender to become a preferred supplier under a framework agreement for the provision of Mobile Money Transfer services to individuals and households selected by Save the Children, as recipients of its humanitarian and non-humanitarian assistant. This tender pack has been specifically created to provide you with all the information required to understand SCI’s requirements, and complete a response to the tender.

Below is a summary of all the information included in the tender pack (you can use the hyperlinks to navigate the document:

Part 1: Tender Information

Part 2: Conditions of Tendering

Part 3: Terms & Conditions & SCI Policies

Part 4: Response Forms

Response Form 1: Eligibility Criteria

Response Form 2: Application Form

Response Form 3: Capability Statement

Response Form 4: Commercial Criteria

Part 5: Appendixes

Appendix 1 – Framework Agreement Template (including Terms & Conditions)

Responses should be submitted no later than 03PM (Cambodia time), 08th October 2020 using the Bidder Response Document provided in Part 3 of this tender pack. For further guidance on how to submit your response, please follow the instructions detailed here.

Queries should be directed to [email protected] until 02nd October 2020.

We look forward to receiving your response.

Phalkun Leng

Supply Chain Manager



SCI is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Save the Children strives to achieve a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. We work to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Across all of our work, we pursue several core values: accountability, ambition, collaboration, creativity and integrity.

We achieve change for children by building evidence from innovations, partnering with key stakeholders, and being the voice for change to implement our programs at scale to impact millions of children. Last year our programs benefitted more than 70m children globally.

Our Vision – a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Our Mission – to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

We do this through a range of initiatives and programmes, to:

· Provide lifesaving supplies and emotional support for children caught up in disasters like floods, famine and wars.

· Campaign for long term change to improve children’s lives.

· Improve children’s access to the food and healthcare they need to survive.

· Secure a good quality education for the children who need it most.

· Protect the world’s most vulnerable children, including those separated from their families because of war, natural disasters, extreme poverty or exploitation.

· Work with families to help them out of the poverty cycle so they can feed and support their children.

For more information on the work we undertake and recent achievements, visit our website at


Save the Children International in Cambodia has received USAID’s additional funding under USAID Cambodia’s Family Care First (FCF) program to support USAID in mitigating the secondary impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to implement the following activities for the period June 2020 to Dec 2021.

Save the Children in Cambodia will work through FCF to scale up interventions in the areas of child-sensitive livelihoods and social protection in response to COVID-19. The proposed areas of activity, as outlined by USAID, are as follows:

1. Child-sensitive cash transfer assistance to support vulnerable and at risk FCF households in situations of high economic insecurity due to the impacts of COVID-19, in order to prevent them from resorting to negative coping strategies that could lead to increased Child Protection risks.

2. Child sensitive livelihood promotion interventions, including trainings and micro grants provision for vulnerable households and youth who have lost their sources of income due to COVID-19, in order to prompt livelihoods restoration and prevent the use of negative coping strategies potentially harmful for children in a sustainable manner.

By implementing child sensitive livelihoods to secure/restore basic incomes and providing at the same time child-sensitive cash transfer assistance to enable vulnerable families to access sufficient resources to invest adequately in their children, Save the Children aims at reducing the risks for children in extreme poverty, helping children and families to stay together safely, and mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19 in the long run.

Please see below a summary of the requirements for which Save the Children invites you to bid on. Further detail on the specific requirements of the project (volumes, dates, services specifications etc.) can be found in (Specific Requirements) of this Tender Pack.

Purpose of the tender: Framework Agreements for Mobile Money Transfer Services for Save the ChildrenThe purpose of the tender is to identify and preposition qualified financial service providers able to legally operate in Cambodia. Save the Children may implement cash transfer projects requiring the use of mobile money transfer services in 2020 and 2021, according to available projections, as described in the section “Specifications of the required services”.

The selected service provider(s) will be offered to sign a framework agreement with Save the Children for the duration of 24 months. The framework agreement pre-qualifies providers for the required service. Please see below a summary of the service requirements for which Save the Children invites you to bid on. Project specific requirements would be shared with the Supplier through a scope of work, which would specify the volume, frequency, location, etc. of transfers, after the project has been secured by Save the Children.





Description of goods or services

Mobile Money Transfer Service


02 Years Framework Agreement

Agreement Type

SCI wishes to enter into an agreement with bidder which outlines the key details in which we anticipate purchasing from in the future. Such an agreement is known as a ‘Framework Agreement or FWA’. SCI makes no commitment under this agreement until we issue subsequent purchase orders outlining specific products/service or volumes.


The below table indicates the key dates for this tender process. The issuing of this Invitation to Tender and Tender Pack represents the start of the tender process.



Issue Invitation to Tender

07th September 2020

Deadline for questions from Bidders

02nd October 2020

Deadline for Return of Bids

08th October 2020

Bid Clarifications Eligibility Review

26th October 2020

Competitive Bid Evaluation

30th October 2020

Shortlisted Supplier Assessment & Interview

30th October 2020

Award Contact

13th November 2020


20th November 2020

Go Live

01st December 2020

Please note that the above timings / dates are being shared for indicative purposes only and are subject to change. However, SCI commits to ensure Bidders are treated fairly, equally and have sufficient time made available to participate in this tender process.


As one of the leading humanitarian aid agencies in Cambodia, has been responding using different modalities, of which being cash transfers. Within this framework, SCI is looking to contract one or more financial service providers, who can provide an efficient, reliable and secure system for the transfer of cash via a mobile telecommunications network to the households selected by Save the Children.

The geographic scope includes all regional states (Kandal, Phnom Penh, Battambong, Siem Reap and Sihanouk Vill) and to be extended to other region where SCI is operational.


The service to be delivered is fund transfers via mobile phone to recipients selected by Save the Children through. The specifications of services required are described below.

Service requirement

Service specification

Creation of mobile money accounts

The Supplier will be responsible for registering project recipients and setting up their mobile money accounts (for all new SIM cards issued and for any existing mobile numbers of recipients already on the operator’s network).

Save the Children and the Supplier’s specific roles and responsibilities in the registration process will be defined for each project. The Supplier will however be responsible for ensuring they provide sufficient and appropriate staffing to enable the creation of mobile money accounts within agreed timeframes.

Provision of cash transfers through the mobile money system

Save the Children will submit a transfer file (of a format to be agreed with the supplier) with the required information to enable the Supplier to process the payment to the recipients’ mobile money accounts.

The Supplier will be responsible for verifying the transfer file, processing the transfer request by depositing the requested amount in each recipient’s account, and notifying the recipients via SMS once the transfer is processed.

Provision of a payment network to enable mobile money cash out by recipients

Save the Children will request project recipients to cash out their entitlement within an agreed period of time. The Supplier is responsible for establishing and maintaining a network of agents with sufficient capacity to enable recipients to cash out money from their mobile accounts in each geographic area for which the Supplier is bidding, within the period set out to project recipients.

In geographic locations where the Supplier does not have in place a sufficient number of agents, at the request of Save the Children, the Supplier will provide mobile distribution agents based on the needs of the programme.

The Supplier will ensure that its sub-offices and agents always have sufficient liquidity to facilitate the smooth collection of mobile money transfers by recipients. The Supplier is to include a contingency plan in the technical proposal which sets out how they will ensure availability of cash at the agents’ level.

The Supplier and their agents are responsible to ensure correct payments are made to the recipients according to the balance in their wallets without any deductions. The Supplier will be solely responsible for any overpayment made by the agents to the recipients.

The Supplier is responsible for dealing with complaints from recipients at the time of the cash out process in the manner agreed with Save the Children mobile transfers.

Save the Children will follow up with beneficiaries who have not cashed out their entitlement within the agreed timeframe, and will set out the next steps for any remaining balances in the recipients’ accounts (e.g. keep the balance or offload the account).

Provision of customer support

Save the Children will agree with the Supplier the extent to which customer support will be provided directly by the Supplier to project recipients.

Operating language with recipients and Save the Children

The primary operating language is English or the working language of SCI across the country. Depending on the situational dynamics the working language could be the approved working language of the specific regional state.

Reporting and invoicing

Within an agreed period of time following the cash out period, the Supplier will submit a transaction report written in English, and the invoice corresponding to the transaction fees for the amount disbursed to beneficiaries. The transaction report template will be agreed with Save the Children based on the payment platform’s reporting capabilities but will be required to include at a minimum:

· Funds successfully loaded onto recipients mobile money accounts;

· Failed transfers;

· Balances available on recipients mobile money accounts at the time of reporting.

In addition, the supplier will be required to produce a reconciliation between the funds required to be disbursed (transfer file), funds successfully loaded onto recipients’ accounts, funds uncollected from recipients’ account, amounts repaid to Save the Children. If applicable, the supplier will also need to reconcile to any amounts pre-financed by SCI.

Invoices and transaction reports cannot be cumulative of multiple geographic area. They have to be specific for each area. Therefore, a Supplier engaged in multiple areas, will issue as many transaction reports and invoices as are the areas.

The funds will be transferred to the Supplier once Save the Children verifies the submitted documents, provided that the transaction reports and reconciliations are generated by the system indicating clear audit trails and are complete and accurate.

Provision of training on mobile money transfer service

The supplier will be responsible for providing Save the Children staff with training on all aspects of the mobile money transfer service and payment platform used by the supplier and provide the related reference materials and guidance/ manuals.

The supplier will be responsible for developing with Save the Children staff suitable training materials for building the capacity of project recipients to use the mobile money transfer services. These will need to be developed in all relevant local languages where appropriate.

The supplier will be responsible for delivering training sessions to project recipients jointly with Save the Children at agreed training locations and within agreed timeframes.

Availability for Audit

The Supplier is responsible for ensuring that all financial and programmatic records are safely kept and available for audit by Save the Children or any other designated party.

Desirable service: Provision of Payment and Account Management platform

The supplier will adhere to basic key principles of confidentiality and data protection in the management of the services through the platform. The Supplier will guarantee strict standards and processes for the confidentiality of beneficiary data in order to mitigate the risk of data breach.

The supplier will provide Save the Children with a secure multi-layered access to the platform to perform key tasks including but not limited to account management, cash transfers management and authorization, and general financial and programmatic reporting.

Additional desirable service: voice messaging

Provision of a platform to enable voice messages up to 90 seconds long, in agreed local languages, and of a content agreed with Save the Children to be sent to mobile money account holders.

Additional desirable service: bulk text messaging

Provision of a platform to enable bulk text messaging to mobile money account holders in local languages.

Table 1: Geographic Area to be disbursed for two years

Geographic Area #


Geographic Area 1

Phnom Penh

Geographic Area 2


Geographic Area 3

Siem Reap

Geographic Area 4


Geographic Area 5

Sihanouk Ville

Geographic Area 6


Geographic Area 7

Kampong Cham

Geographic Area 8

Kampong Chhnang

Table 1: Estimated amount to be distributed by number households in Yearly (2020-2021)



Estimated amount

Yearly Distribution (USD)


Suggested average number of cash transfers:

6 transactions/per household


Number of households intended to support:

2424 households

Expected quality standards

· Geographic Areas cannot be split. A supplier applying for one Geographic Area will have to operate the totality of the transfers, in all regions covered within the Geographic Area.

· Security and safety of recipients and Save the Children’s staff and property are ensured at all stages of the process where applicable.

· It is SCI’s pre-eminent obligation to protect beneficiaries' privacy and security. Therefore, the proposed financial solution and framework design must align with the SCI Policy on the Protection of Personal Data of Persons of Concern to SCI and need to reflect rules and processes, which allow for encryption and/or tokenization of beneficiary ID data.

· All financial transfers, processes and transactions, and the underlying infrastructure need to be compliant with existing regulatory frameworks in Ethiopia. especially with regards to licenses granted by the government, taxation, Know Your Customer procedures (KYC), Anti-Money-Laundering (AML), Anti-Terror-Financing (ATF), Data and Privacy laws and mandatory security standards and/or requirements.

Part 2: Conditions of Tendering


SCI is committed to running a fair and transparent tender process, and ensuring that all bidders are treated and assessed equally during this tender process.

Bidder responses will be evaluated against three categories of criteria: Essential Criteria, Capability Criteria, and Commercial Criteria. These criteria have been especially created to help SCI determine which bidder is able to offer the best quality and most commercially competitive solution to meet our needs and deliver the most effective programming to our beneficiaries.


These are criteria which bidders must meet in order to be successful and progress to the next round of evaluation. If a bidder does not meet any of the Essential Criteria, they will be excluded from the tender process. This criteria is scored as Pass or Fail and will not be evaluated against capability and commercial criteria.

CAPABILITY STATEMENT (Capability Criteria)

These are criteria will used to evaluate the bidders ability, skill and experience in relation to the requirements of SCI. All bids which pass the Essential Criteria will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Capability Criteria, which will have been created by a committee of representatives from SCI.


These criteria will be used to evaluate the commercial competitiveness of a bid. All bids which pass the Essential criteria will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Commercial Criteria, which have been created by a committee of representatives from SCI.

All Capability and Commercial Criteria will be weighted accordingly to reflect their importance. The Commercial Criteria will account for at least 40%. The Capability Criteria will account for up to 60% of the score.


To ensure bidders provide all the required information in order for SCI to be able to effectively evaluate bidders bids against the Evaluation Criteria, a Bidder Response Document has been created. Bidders must complete the Bidder Response Document and provide various pieces of information as part of their submission.

Further information on the Bidder Response Document can be found in Section 4 of this Tender Pack, and a copy of the Bidder Response is provided in Schedule 2.


Prior to a bidder supplying any goods / services they must first be vetted and cleared to work with Save the Children. This involves checking bidders and key personnel against Global Watch Lists, Enhanced Due Diligence Lists and Politically Exposed Persons Lists.

The vetting of bidders will be completed after the award decision has been made. If any information provided by the Bidder throughout the tender process is proved to be incorrect during the vetting process (or at any other point), SCI may reverse their award decision.


General Guidelines

Bidders wishing to submit a proposal to this Invitation to Tender must use the Bidder Response Document template in Part 4: Bidder Response forms of this Tender Pack. Any bids received using different formats will not be accepted. This document has been created specifically for this tender and allows Bidders to demonstrate their ability to deliver the required goods and / or services.

The Bidder Response document is linked to the Essential, Capability and Commercial Criteria which will be used to evaluate the quality of the bids received. Within the Bidder Response Document instructions are provided on how to complete the document and specific guidance is provided on what information / supporting documentation is required.

The Bidder is expected to sign the statement in section 4 of the Bidder Response Document to confirm that the bidder response is accurate and can be relied upon.

Information must be accurate and truthful. Save the Children reserve the right to ask for proof and evidence of statements, especially with regard to capacity.

1. Request the electronic files and templates that are part of this Tender from [email protected]

2. Complete all the Bidders Response forms below. The bidder’s response in split into 04 sections detailed below all of which correspond to the Evaluation Criteria referenced in the Invitation to Tender.

· Bidders Response Form 1: Eligibility Criteria

· Bidders Response from 2: Application Form

· Bidders Response Form 3: Capability Statement

· Bidders Response form 4: Commercial Criteria

At the end of the Bidder Response Document is a Checklist. This should be completed by the Bidder prior to submitting their response to ensure all the relevant information and supporting documents have been included in the response.

The Bidder is required to sign a copy of the Checklist as part of their submission.


Where a response is required from a Bidder instructions and commentary is provided to illustrate what Save the Children expects and requires. The guidance provided details the MINIMUM requirements expected by Save the Children. If a Bidder wishes to add further information which it believes is relevant, this is acceptable, but the additional information should be limited to only items which are relevant to the tender.

· For the avoidance of doubt, bidders are required to complete all items within the Bidder Response Document unless clear instruction is provided otherwise.

· If a Bidder does not complete the entire Bidder Response document, their submission may be declared void.

· If a Bidder is unable to complete any element of the Bidder Response Document, they should contact Save the Children through the using the contact details provided for guidance.

By submitting a response, the bidder confirms that all information provided can be relied upon for validity and accuracy.

Complete the screening questionnaire in Bidders Response form 1: Eligibility Criteria. The screening questionnaire is to determine eligibility to be considered as potential supplier. Applicants that do not meet the eligibility-to-apply criteria will not be considered for shortlisting. Applications with incomplete Eligibility Questionnaire will not be considered.

Complete Response Form 2 – the Application Form

Complete the Capability Statement questionnaire in “Response form 3: Capability Statement”, in all its parts. Applications with incomplete Capacity Statement will not be considered.

Read SCI mandatory policies. Upholding these policies is an eligibility criterion for Save the Children’s contracting, and failure to commit to comply will result in rejection of the application by Save the Children.

a. Child safeguarding policy

b. SCI Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) policy

c. SCI’s fraud, bribery and corruption policy

d. SCI’s human trafficking and modern slavery policy

e. SCI Policy on the Protection of Personal Data of Persons of Concern to SCI

3. Print out and compile the following documents in hard copy and include them in the envelop:

a. Registration certificate

b. Bank statement


Responses will only be accepted in the requested format. Any incomplete responses or responses not in the format of the provide templates may be treated as void.

Bids can be submitted by hard copy:

Paper Submission:

· Two hard copies of bid submitted on headed paper

· Bids to be submitted to:

· Bids should be submitted in a single sealed envelope addressed to “Mobile Money Transfer Services”

· The envelope should clearly indicate the Invitation to tender reference number (ITT/SCI/CAM/2020/004), but contain no other details relating to the bid.

· All documentation submitted should be done in their own clearly labelled envelopes (e.g. Bidder Response Document, Financial Accounts, Bill of Quantities etc.), which are submitted in one single envelope as detailed above.

Or; Electronic Submission (if paper submission is not feasible):

· An email containing a copy of the bid:

a. Email should be sent to [email protected]

b. Email should be addressed to Sotheara Taing Please note – this email box is a sealed tender box so DO NOT SEND QUESTIONS related to this tender to this email address.

c. The subject of the email should be “Invitation to tender (ITT/SCI/CAM/2020/004) Bidder Response – ‘Bidder Name’, ‘Date’’

d. All documents should be clearly labelled so it is clear to understand what each file relates to.

e. Email size should not exceed 15mb – if this limit is breached bidder should split the submission into two emails.

f. Do not copy other SCI email addresses into the email when you submit it as this may invalidate your bid.


Your bid must be received, either at the specific address or email address, no later than 03.00PM (Cambodia time) 08th October 2020. Failure to submit your bid prior to the Closing Date may result in your quote being void.

All Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of not less than 60 days from the Closing Date.


Should you have any questions about Save the Children, this invitation to tender or anything related to this document, please contact the Save the Children contact detailed below. Enquiries should be submitted in writing via email / mail.

Taing Sotheara, Director of Support Services

Save the Children International

No. 5, St. 242, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,

[email protected]

Please be advised local working hours are: Morning: 7.30 am - 12.00 pm, Afternoon: 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm.

Please allow up to 03 working days for a response.

Where the enquiry may have an impact on other parties within the process, Save the Children will notify all other Bidders to maintain a fair and transparent process.

Please do not submit any questions to the email address used for tender submissions – this is a sealed mailbox and questions will not be read or responded to.


Please refer to the separate document titled “CTP3 Local FWA”, which details the terms of the Framework Agreement you will be asked to agree to. It also includes SCI’s mandatory policies.

If you are unable to comply with any part of the agreement you should insert comments into the document and include this as part of your submission. Please note that SCI will look more favourably on bidders that are able to fully comply with our agreements and mandatory policies.

Please also refer to the below terms and conditions for tendering.


In addition to the terms defined in the Cover Letter, in these Conditions, the following definitions apply:

(a)Award Criteria - the award criteria set out in the Invitation to Tender.

(b)Potential supplier - a person or organisation who bids for the tender.

(c)Conditions - the conditions set out in this 'Conditions of Tendering 'document.

(d)Cover Letter - the cover letter attached to the Tender Information Pack.

(e)Goods and/or Services - everything purchased by SCI under the contract.

(f)Invitation to Tender - the Tender Information, these Conditions, SCI’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase, SCI's Child Safeguarding Policy, SCI's Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy and the IAPG Code of Conduct.

(g)SCI - Save the Children International (formerly known as The International Save the Children Alliance Charity), a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 03732267; charity number 1076822) whose registered office is at St Vincent House, 30 Orange Street, London, WC2H 7HH.

(h)Specification - any specification for the Goods and/or Services, including any related plans and drawings, supplied by SCI to the Supplier, or specifically produced by the Supplier for SCI, in connection with the tender.

(i)Supplier - the party which provides Goods and/or Services to SCI.

1. The Contract

The contract awarded shall be for the supply of goods and/or services, subject to SCI’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase (attached to these Conditions). SCI reserves the right to undertake a formal review of the contract after twelve (12) months.

2. Late tenders

Tenders received after the Closing Date will not be considered, unless there are in SCI’s sole discretion exceptional circumstances which have caused the delay.

3. Correspondence

All communications from Potential suppliers to SCI relating to the tender must be in writing and addressed to the person identified in this Invitation to Tender. Any request for information should be received at least 5 days before the Closing Date, as defined in the Invitation to Tender. Where appropriate responses to questions submitted by any Potential supplier will be circulated by SCI to all Potential supplier s to ensure fairness in the process.

4. Acceptance of tenders

SCI may, unless the Potential supplier expressly stipulates to the contrary in the tender, accept whatever part of a tender that SCI so wishes. SCI is under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender.

5. Alternative offer

If the Potential supplier wishes to propose modifications to the tender (which may provide a better way to achieve SCI’s Specification) these may, at SCI's discretion, be considered as an Alternative Offer. The Potential supplier must make any Alternative Offer in a separate letter to accompany the Tender. SCI is under no obligation to accept Alternative Offers.

6. Prices

Tendered prices must be shown as both inclusive of and exclusive of any Value Added Tax chargeable or any similar tax (if applicable).

7. No reimbursement of tender expenses

Expenses incurred in the preparation and dispatch of the tender will not be reimbursed.

8. Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality

Potential suppliers must treat the Invitation to Tender, contract and all associated documentation (including the Specification) and any other information relating to SCI’s employees, servants, officers, partners or its business or affairs (the "Confidential Information”) as confidential. All Potential suppliers shall:

· recognise the confidential nature of the Confidential Information;

· respect the confidence placed in the Potential supplier by SCI by maintaining the secrecy of the Confidential Information;

· not employ any part of the Confidential Information without SCI's prior written consent, for any purpose except that of tendering for business from SCI;

· not disclose the Confidential Information to third parties without SCI's prior written consent;

· not employ their knowledge of the Confidential Information in any way that would be detrimental or harmful to SCI;

· use all reasonable efforts to prevent the disclosure of the Confidential Information to third parties;

· notify SCI immediately of any possible breach of the provisions of this Condition 9 and acknowledge that damages may not be an adequate remedy for such a breach.

9. Award Procedure

SCI’s Procurement Committee will review the Potential suppliers and their tenders to determine, in accordance with the Award Criteria, whether they will award the contract to any one of them.

10. Information and Record Keeping

SCI shall consider any reasonable request from any unsuccessful Potential supplier for feedback on its bid and, where it is appropriate and proportionate to do so, provide the unsuccessful Potential supplier with reasons why the bid was rejected. Where applicable, this information shall be provided within 30 business days from (but not including) the date on which SCI receives the request.

11. Anti-Bribery and Corruption

All Potential suppliers are required to comply fully with SCI’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (attached to these Conditions).

12. Child Safeguarding

All Potential suppliers are required to comply fully with SCI’s Child Safeguarding Policy (attached to these Conditions).

13. Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

All Potential suppliers are required to comply fully with SCI’s Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Policy (attached to these Conditions).

14. Exclusion Criteria

Any Potential supplier is required to confirm in writing that:

· Neither it nor any related company to which it regularly subcontracts is insolvent or being wound up, is having its affairs administered by the courts, has entered into an arrangement with creditors, has suspended business activities, is the subject of  proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous  situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national  legislation or regulations;

· Neither it nor a company to which it regularly subcontracts has been convicted of fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, any money laundering offence, any offence concerning professional conduct, breaches of applicable labour law or labour tax legislation or any other illegal activity by a judgment in any court of law whether national or international;

· Neither it nor a company to which it regularly subcontracts has failed to comply with its obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the relevant country in which it the Potential supplier operates.

Any Potential supplier will automatically be excluded from the tender process if it is found that they are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the required information within their tender bid or fail to supply the required information.

15. Conflict of Interest / Non Collusion

Any Potential supplier is required to confirm in writing:

· That it is not aware of any connection between it or any of its directors or senior managers and the directors and staff of SCI which may affect the outcome of the selection process. If there are such connections the Potential supplier is required to disclose them.

· Whether or not there are any existing contacts between SCI, and any other Save the Children entity, and it and if there are any arrangements which have been put in place over the last twenty four (24) months.

· That it has not communicated to anyone other than SCI the amount or approximate amount of the tender.

· That it has not and will not offer pay or give any sum of money commission, gift, inducement or other financial benefit directly or indirectly to any person for doing or omitting to do any act in relation to the tender process.

16. Assignment and novation

All Potential suppliers are required to confirm that they will if required be willing to enter into a contract on similar terms with either SCI or any other Save the Children entity if so required.



This Schedule is to be used by Bidders wishing to submit a response to this Tender Process. The Bidder Response is split into the 5 sections detailed below (including hyperlinks), all of which correspond to the Evaluation Criteria referenced in the Invitation to Tender.

· Bidder Response Form 1: Eligibility Criteria

· Bidder Response Form 2: Application Form

· Bidder Response Form 3: Capacity Statement

· Bidder Response Form 4: Commercial Criteria

At the end of the Bidder Response Document is a checklist. This should be completed by the Bidder prior to submitting their response to ensure all the relevant information and supporting documents have been included in the response.

The Bidder is required to sign a copy of the Checklist as part of their submission.


Where a response is required from a Bidder instructions and commentary is provided to illustrate what Save the Children expects and requires. The guidance provided details the MINIMUM requirements expected by Save the Children. If a Bidder wishes to add further information which it believes is relevant, this is acceptable but the additional information should be limited to only items which are relevant to the tender.

· For the avoidance of doubt, bidders are required to complete all items within the Bidder Response Document unless clear instruction is provided otherwise.

· If a Bidder does not complete the entire Bidder Response document, their submission may be declared void.

· If a Bidder is unable to complete any element of the Bidder Response Document, they should contact Save the Children through the using the contact details provided for guidance.

By submitting a response, the bidder confirms that all information provided can be relied upon for validity and accuracy.

Bidder Response Form 1 – Eligibility Criteria

For Procurement Committee to check

The bidder is not a prohibited party under applicable sanctions laws or anti-terrorism laws or provide goods under sanction by the US or EU.

☐ yes☐ no

Instructions – Bidders are required to complete all sections of the below table.



Bidder Response


Do you accepts Save the Children’s ‘Terms and Conditions of Purchase’ included within Appendix 1 of the ITT, and that any work awarded from this tender process will be completed under the attached ‘Terms and Conditions of Purchase’?

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

Yes / No

Comments / Attachments

a. Complete and sign the Terms and Conditions Review Feedback Form.

The submission of this form should be included in the Bidder Response Documents


Yes / No

Comments / Attachments



Are you fully qualified and licensed with the national Bank of Cambodia as an authorised Financial Service provider of mobile money services?

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

Yes / No


a. If you are a Bank or Micro-Finance Institution (MFI), will Save the Children need to enter in a contractual agreement with the Technology Service Provider (TSP) supporting the payment platform?

Yes / No


b. If you are a TSP, will Save the Children need to enter into a contractual agreement with a Bank or MFI?

Yes / No


c. If yes to questions a or b, please describe the nature the contractual relationship that will need to be entered into with the other party.

Yes / No


For Procurement Committee to check

The following documents have been attached

Legitimate business address ☐ yes☐ no

Tax registration number & certificate☐ yes☐ no

Business registration certificate☐ yes☐ no

License from NBC☐ yes☐ no



Bidder Response


Does your company and all staff (and any sub-contractors used) agree to comply with SCI and the IAPG’s policies and code of conducts listed below, throughout this tender process and during the term of any contract awarded.

Yes / No


1) SCI’s Child Safeguarding Policy

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

2) SCI’s Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) policy

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

3) SCI’s Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Policy

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

4) SCI’s Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

5) SCI’s Policy on the Protection of Personal Data of Persons of Concern to SCI,

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

6) IAPG Code of Conduct

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.


Our requirement is that you share a recent bank statement. Would you be ready to do so?

If response is no, the Supplier is not eligible.

Yes / No



Accept our CTP Assessment and Interview

Under Covid-19 situation, you may choose the following:

· Physical Interview

· Video Interview

Please kindly note that the assessment is mandatory, If response is no, the Supplier will not be eligible for the final selection

Yes / No


□ Physical Interview

□ Video Interview


The Bidder confirms it is fully qualified, licenses and registered to trade with Save the Children (including compliance with all relevant local Country legislation).

This includes the Bidder submitting the following requirements (where applicable):

· Legitimate business address

· Tax registration number & certificate

· Business registration certificate

· Trading license (from NBC) or equivalence

Yes / No





Bidder Response / Attachments


Legitimate Business Address

Tax Registration Number & Certificate

Business Registration Certificate

Trading License

Important Notes

Save The Children Framework Template, Terms & Conditions

Bidders are required to fill out the following Terms and Conditions Review Feedback Form to confirm their agreement to accept our Terms & Conditions stated in Appendix I in this ITT. If you have any concerns, reservation or disagreement with our clauses, please fill them out in the form, and we will be in touch with you for clarifying these clauses as soon as possible.

This is part of the tender evaluation, therefore, accepting our Terms and Conditions will be strongly recommended and a plus point for successful bidders.

We strongly recommend you to start reviewing the Terms and Conditions as early as possible, so both parties will have sufficient time to have further discussion and reviews, should there be any clarification or changes.

Terms and Conditions Review Feedback Form - Mandatory

You are requested to fill out this form if you

· agree to Save the Children’s Terms and Condition of Purchase’ included within Appendix 1 of this Invitation to Tender, or

· you have questions or would like to propose amendment to these ‘Terms and Conditions of Purchase’.

Please note that in principle, accepting the ‘Terms and Conditions’ is a prerequisite for successful bid. We will contact our Legal Counsel should there be any proposed amendment.

Please “✓” the box if you agree to the statement next to it.

If you cannot find Appendix 1, please follow this link.

Clauses I to 34

Mandatory and must not be amended unless specifically marked

□ I have read and agree fully to these clauses

□ I have read but would like to propose the following amendment:

· Clause #:

· Reasons for amendment:

· Proposed Amendment:

Clauses 25 and Annex 3

Data Protection

Mandatory and must not be amended unless specifically marked

□ I have read and agree fully to this clause and Annex 3 Data Protection.

□ I have read but would like to propose the following amendment.

· Reasons for amendment:

· Proposed Amendment:

Sign-off to acknowledge your agreement or amendment request

Name & Position



Bidders Response form 2: Application form

Instructions – Bidders are required to complete all sections of the below table.


Organisation Name

Please provide details of the primary Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) /services supplied by your organisation

Please explain your experience of providing CVA or services requested in this tender document.

Website address


Main Address

Registered Address

(if different)

Address for Payments

(if different)

Company Registration Number

Tax Number

Year of Registration

Country of Registration

Type of Business

(e.g. Manufacturer, Distributor, Contractor)

Primary Country of Operation

Total Annual Revenue

(please state the currency)




Annual Revenue

(from CVA services requested in this tender)

Have you supplied CVA services to SCI previously? If so, please provide a brief summary.


Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

Emergency Contact


Job Title

Date of Birth

Phone / Mobile




Provide details of what insurance cover you have, including its name, risks and the maximum value covered

You may be requested to provide a proof of your cover


Which employees will be responsible for providing CVA services to SCI? Please list names, and job titles and contact details (e.g. account managers).

Job Title


E-mail Address

1. For which Geographic Areas are you able to provide mobile money services?

Geographic Area #



Geographic Area 1

Phnom Penh

Geographic Area 2


Geographic Area 3

Siem Reap

Geographic Area 4


Geographic Area 5

Sihanouk Vill

Geographic Area 6


Geographic Area 7

Kampong Cham

Geographic Area 8

Kampong Chhnang

2. How long after the contract signature is your company able to start performing mobile transfers?

3. If your company was awarded the contract by Save the Children, does your company intend to sub-contract the service or part of it? If so, please specify the components to be subcontracted and how you will ensure the performance of the sub-contractor.

Bidders Response Form 3 – Capability Statement

Instructions – Bidders are required to complete all sections of the below table.



Bidder Response



Bidder shares two (2) examples of their experience in providing services similar to those included within the scope of this tender.

Examples provided must be for similar projects within a similar environment / context to that in which Save the Children operates, and within the last two (2) years.

(Note – the Bidder must ensure that for any client references shared, the nominated client is happy to be contacted / visit by Save the Children)

Client Name

Contact Details (Name & Email)

Project Description



Section 1: Company profile and experience

1 Can you describe the legal status of the institution you represent? Choose one option only.

☐ Telecommunication Company

☐ Bank

☐ Post office

☐ Money service business

☐ Microfinance institution

☐ Other, specify _____________

2 What type of delivery mechanisms do you operate with / offer? You can choose multiple options.

☐ Cash over the counter

☐ Cash in hand at distribution site

☐ Cash via ATM

☐ Mobile money

☐ Other, specify _____________

3 Have you ever worked in partnership with humanitarian actors or the government to offer cash transfer services to shock-affected or vulnerable populations?

☐ Yes

☐ No

4 If you answered yes to the previous question, for which agencies do you deliver cash / manage vouchers? In which regions and zones? What was the value of assistance disbursed?

Fill out the following table. Add rows as necessary.



Payment mechanisms used with the client

Can select multiple options

Value of assistance disbursed

[name of Client 1]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

☐ Cash over the counter

☐ Cash in hand at distribution site

☐ Cash via ATM

☐ Mobile money

☐ Other, specify _____________

[name of Client 2]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

☐ Cash over the counter

☐ Cash in hand at distribution site

☐ Cash via ATM

☐ Mobile money

☐ Other, specify _____________

[name of Client 3]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

☐ Cash over the counter

☐ Cash in hand at distribution site

☐ Cash via ATM

☐ Mobile money

☐ Other, specify _____________

[name of Client X]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

[Region name, list of zones]

☐ Cash over the counter

☐ Cash in hand at distribution site

☐ Cash via ATM

☐ Mobile money

☐ Other, specify _____________

5 Approximately how many individuals are you serving on behalf of your client agencies, by zone?

Fill out the following table. Add rows as necessary.

Geographic Area

Number of recipients on behalf of client agencies

[name of geographic area 1]

[name of geographic area 2]

[name of geographic area 3]

[name of geographic area 4]

[name of geographic area 5]

[name of geographic area 6]

[name of geographic area 7]

[name of geographic area 8]

6 What additional services do you offer? (e.g. voice messaging, bulk text messaging, payment and reporting platform)

Section 2: Operating systems and procedures

7 Please provide a flow chart or a description of the proposed process for mobile money transfers from start to finish. Please specify timeframes and detailed information on the following processes:

· Distribution/ activation of SIM cards

· Registration of new customers to set up the mobile money accounts (location, timeframe, documents required, etc.)

· Set up of Save the Children mobile money account

· Loading of individual mobile money accounts

· Notification of customers of transfer transaction

· Peer to peer mobile money transfers (if available)

· Cash out

· Type of customer service

8 Does your company have standard operating procedures to perform cash transfers such as the service pursued by Save the Children?

☐ Yes

☐ No

If yes, please provide a copy as supporting documentation of your bid.

9 Does your service work on basic mobile handsets using USSD or SMS services (i.e. doesn’t require internet connectivity)?

☐ Yes

☐ No

10 Does your company as part of its core business services offer basic mobile phone handsets (non-smartphones) or will it require subcontracting through another company?

11 What strategies do you have in place to enrol large numbers of new customers at one time? When have you done this previously?

12 What minimum information and/or documents do you require on recipients’ identity to issue SIM Cards and create mobile wallets? Does these Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements vary depending on the value of funds transferred (if so please specify how)?

13 Are there any limitations on the amount of money that can be transferred to each recipient? If yes, please state.

14 Are there any other limitations on the dates, frequency, or period for recipients to cash out their entitlement? If yes, please specify.

15 What type of training / support are you able to provide for your new customers? Can agents be utilised to provide any trainings for new users?

16 What customer support mechanisms do you provide? What languages are they available in, and what are their operating hours? Are there any fees associated with accessing customer service?

17 Do you already have an established payments and accounts management platform according to the described services?

☐ Yes

☐ No

a. If yes, can you provide a high level description of its functionality. (You may provide a user manual as supporting information).

b. If yes, is it possible and how long would it take your company to potentially customise/ modify the system to meet the needs of Save the Children?

c. If yes, does the platform offer a secure multi-layered account access for Save the Children (e.g. submitter, reviewer, approver)?

d. If yes, what reporting capabilities does your payment management system have? (if possible please provide an anonymised report as an example).

e. If no, how would your company manage the loading of mobile money account and any reporting required by Save the Children?

Section 3: Service Coverage

18 Does your company (or the telecom company contracted by your company) have cellular network coverage across the different geographic areas? Please fill in the table below and provide any relevant additional documents as required (e.g. network coverage map).

Geographic Area #


Availability of network coverage?


Service provided directly or subcontracted? (Please specify the name of the company subcontracted to)

Geographic Area 1

Phnom Penh

Geographic Area 2


Geographic Area 3

Siem Reap

Geographic Area 4


Geographic Area 5

Sihanouk Vill

Geographic Area 6


Geographic Area 7

Kampong Cham

Geographic Area 8

Kampong Chhnang

19 If no, are you willing to extend the cellular network coverage to all areas? And how long will it take you to do so? (This can include establishing a portable cell tower: e.g. Cell on Wheels).

20 How do you process transactions when cellular networks are unavailable?

21 Do you have contingency plans for offline environments or network outages? Please specify them below and share supporting documentation as needed.

22 Does your mobile money service work across different banks and MFI networks? (if yes, please state these networks).

23 Do you have offices, and/or branches, and or agents in each of the Geographic Areas you have indicted you can operate in?

Fill out the table below and provide detailed lists of offices, branches and agents locations and addresses in annex.

Geographic Area #


Office / branch / agent

(Please tick and provide numbers in the table below)

Geographic Area 1

Phnom Penh

☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

Geographic Area 2


☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

Geographic Area 3

Siem Reap

☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

Geographic Area 4


☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

Geographic Area 5

Sihanouk Vill

☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

Geographic Area 6


☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

Geographic Area 7

Kampong Cham

☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

Geographic Area 8

Kampong Chhnang

☐ Office :

☐ Branch :

☐ Agents :

24 Do all your agents have the required hardware and technology to process the payments for the project recipients?

☐ Yes

☐ No

25 Would you need to expand your network of agents to service Save the Children’s recipients? (for example through mobile agents or setting up temporary agents?) If so, how long would it take and what kind of agents would you provide?

26 What are your agents’ current cash out capacity? (Please specify average financial volume and number of cash out transactions per day and per week for the different types of agents in your network)

27 How you do monitor and support your agents?

Section 4: Controls and risk mitigation measures

1 What is your cash management strategy and how do you ensure that agents maintain enough cash liquidity?

2 Who within your organization is responsible for monitoring liquidity? How to they address any liquidity issues within your agents’ network?

3 How much cash liquidity do agents have, and how quickly do your cash partners provide liquidity when needed?

4 How quickly would you agents be able to provide additional cash out service for additional customers in the quantities below?

Number of additional customers per week

Timeframe for agents to provide additional cash out services




> 200

5 Within the selected Geographic Areas, in which Regions do you expect you will face liquidity risks? (see table below) And if so how will you mitigate them? (You may wish to provide a separate contingency plan for managing liquidity issues.)

Tick if Applies


Likelihood of liquidity risk

Mitigation Measures if (yes )

Phnom Penh

☐ Yes

☐ No


☐ Yes

☐ No

Siem Reap

☐ Yes

☐ No


☐ Yes

☐ No

Sihanouk Vill

☐ Yes

☐ No


☐ Yes

☐ No

Kampong Cham

☐ Yes

☐ No

Kampong Chhnang

☐ Yes

☐ No

6 How will you ensure that agents are providing an ethical and high quality service to the recipients?

7 What system do you have in place to collect complaints against your agents and how do you deal with them?

8 What control mechanisms does your company set in place against money laundering?

9 Does your company have a business continuity plan to avoid/ manage any disruptions to your operations?

☐ Yes (please share in annex)

☐ No

10 What information/ documents do customers need to provide to perform a cash out transaction? How will you deal with recipients who are not able to provide the necessary documents/ information to perform their cash out transaction?

11 Do you have a policy covering information management and data protection?

☐ Yes (to be attached)

☐ No

12 What controls would your company put in place to ensure that beneficiary information is protected?

13 Does your company have a secure encrypted system to share data and information with Save the Children?

14 What information security management systems does your company have?

15 Have you (or the mobile network operator you are partnering with) signed up the GSMA Code of Conduct for Mobile Money Providers?

16 What information management system do you operate with for clients’ accounts?

Describe how clients’ data is protected.

17 What reconciliation mechanisms and tools do you use to compare funds actually disbursed and cashed out to funds requested to be disbursed?

Bidders Response Form 4 – Commercial Criteria

Please indicate below prices (please also specify taxes as required) you are offering to Save the Children as part of your bid. (If pricing variations apply for specific geographic areas please submit a table per geographic area as additional documents). Please refer to the specification of services above for further details on service levels expected.

Line No

Description of good/ services



Price per unit (in ETB)

Taxes applicable in %


Mobile phone (please specify model(s) and price for each model)




Provision of SIM cards




Provision of replacement SIM and PINs




Creation of mobile money accounts




Provision of cash transfers through the mobile money system (Service fee)

Please insert your fee thresholds if applicable (e.g. x% for transfers over $50, $100, $200, $300 etc.)

% of transfer value per account



Cash out service fee




Provision of customer support




Training on mobile money transfer service

Training per person



Any other value-added service you would like to propose

Please provide pricing for any additional services offered by your company in the table below (add rows as required).

Line n.

Description of good/ services

Unit/ form

Price per unit (in ETB)

Taxes applicable in %





1. Can you fix prices for the duration of the contract? If not please provide details of how long prices will be fixed for.

2. If prices cannot be fixed for the duration of the contract, please specify factors that would affect the price and indicate how changes to these factors would affect the price of the stated products and services.

3. Do you require the funds for the mobile money transfers to be deposited in advance (i.e. do you require Save the Children to advance the funds being disbursed to beneficiaries)?

4. Do you require the payment for service fees to be deposited in advance?

5. Do you have the ability to raise invoices for service fees?

Important Note:

After Capability and Commercial evaluation, shortlisted suppliers will be invited to a final CTP assessment and interview. This assessment is mandatory for Save the Children to complete the selection process. Our team will notify shortlisted candidates with the assessment date and time once evaluation is complete.


We, the Bidder, hereby confirm we have completed all sections of the Bidder Response Document:



Please Tick


Response Form 1 – Eligibility Criteria

– Terms and Condition Review Feedback Form


Response Form 2 – Application Form


Response Form 3 – Capacity Statement


Response Form 4 – Commercial Criteria

We, the Bidder, confirm we have uploaded all of the required information and supporting evidence:


Required Document / Evidence

Please Tick

Eligibility Criteria Evidence

(Essential Criteria)

Proof of legitimate business address

Copy of tax registration number & certificate

Copy of business registration certificate and licensing

Capability Statement Evidence (Capability Criteria)

Completed Bidder Response Document

(Bidder response Form 3)

Commercial Criteria Evidence

Completed Bidder Response Document

(Bidder Response Form 4)

We, the Bidder, hereby confirm we compliance with the following policies and requirements:



Conditions of Tendering

Framework Agreement (CTP3 Local FWA), including:

· Child Safeguarding Policy

· Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy

· Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery Policy

· Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy (PSEA)

· Anti-Harassment, intimidation & Bullying Policy

· IAPG Code of Conduct

 We confirm that Save the Children may in its consideration of our offer, and subsequently, rely on the statements made herein. 




…………………………………………………………………….  Name 


……………………………………………………………………..  Job Title 


……………………………………………………………………..  Company 


……………………………………………………………………...  Date 



Invitation to tender: ITT/SCI/CAM/2020/_004 “Mobile Money Transfer services” 4