data models in database management system

All Data models in DBMS

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Data Models In Database Management System

All Data models in DBMS

Page 2: Data Models In Database Management System


• Data

• Information

• Database

• Data Model

Types of Data Model

1. Record Base model

• Relationship model

• Network Model

• Hierarchical Model

2.Entity Relationship Model

3.Object-Oriented Model

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar2

Page 3: Data Models In Database Management System

A data is known as the row fact which is stored incomputers memory and used by the user as theoutput.



Page 4: Data Models In Database Management System

InformationCollection of data its called information.

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Page 5: Data Models In Database Management System

DatabaseA collection of inter related data its called database.

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Data Model A data model is a collection of concepts thatcan be used to describe the structure of adatabase.

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Types of Data Models

1.Record Base model

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar7

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Types of Data Models

1.Record Base model • A record based data modelis used to specify the overalllogical structure of thedatabase.

• Each record type defines afixed no. of fields having afixed length.

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar8

Page 9: Data Models In Database Management System

Relational model

• In the relational model, data is

organized in two-dimensional tablescalled relations.

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar9

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CIS15 Intro to C 5

CIS17 Intro to Java 5


CIS51 Networking 5



Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar10

Page 11: Data Models In Database Management System

• Attributes.

Each column in a relation is called an attribute.


• Tuples

Each row in a relation is called a tuple. Atuple defines a collection of attribute values.

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar11

Page 12: Data Models In Database Management System

Network ModelIn the network model, the entities are

organized in a graph, in which some entitiescan be accessed through several paths

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Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar12

Page 13: Data Models In Database Management System

Hierarchical Model

The hierarchical data model organizesdata in a tree structure

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Hierarchical Model

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar14

Page 15: Data Models In Database Management System

2.Entity Relationship Model

• The E-R (entity-relationship) data model views the real world as a set of basic objects (entities) and relationshipsamong these objects

ER Model Basics•Entity•Entity Set•Attributes•Relationship

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar15

Page 16: Data Models In Database Management System


• entity is a thing in the real world with an independent existance. and entity set is collection or set all entities of a particular entity type at any point of time.

Prepared By Amad Ahmad BSSE 5th Semester Abasyn University Peshawar16