data, insight & evidence-based decision-making

Data, insight & evidence-based decision-making Nick Poole, Chief Executive, CILIP 16/03/2017

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Page 1: Data, insight & evidence-based decision-making

Data, insight & evidence-based decision-makingNick Poole, Chief Executive, CILIP16/03/2017

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We’re living in the early days of a revolution in the ways in which people use information and technology in their daily lives.

In the next 20-30 years, every person, every organisation and business will need access to information, library and data skills and professional values to succeed.

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Britain’s society, industry and economy are changing fast.

Looking ahead to the next decade, we need to invest in skills, infrastructure and innovation to ensure that we remain globally competitive as an economic and industrial power.

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The Centre for Economics & Business Research (CEBR) estimates that 182,000 new jobs will be created in the Data Sciences by 2020.

Demand for data & information skills in the UK is outstripping supply by 40%.

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CILIP/ARA Workforce Mapping (2015)

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CILIP represents ~15% of the UK workforce

‘Wider’ workforce - 87,000

‘LKIM’ workforce - 69,000

CILIP membership - 12,350

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12,350 members, UK-wide...Consulting/independent information professionals Prison Further Education/Colleges PublicGovernment and Armed Forces ResearchHealth Care SchoolSocial Care Special CollectionsHigher Education (including LIS teaching staff) Industry (Extraction)*Law Industry (Manufacturing)**Museums, Archives, Galleries and Heritage Industry (Commercial Services)***National Libraries Not working****Not for profit/3rd sector/Charity Other

* Any extraction industries, for example: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarrying** Any Manufacturing industries, for example: Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, Automotive *** Any commercial service industries: Business, Finance, Communications, Hospitality, Retail**** Unemployed/Retired/Full-time Student/Career Break

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No longer defined by job title

Information Professionals

Additional roles

Allied professions



Information Rights

Knowledge Managers




Data Managers







Web Managers



Project Managers





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“Today, after two further industrial ages, driven first by electricity and then by electronics and the internet, we find ourselves at the start of a new, Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

The world is witnessing an unprecedented fusion of new technologies that blur the traditional boundaries between the physical, digital and biological spheres.

Breakthroughs – and new products – in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, drones, 3D printing and nanotechnology have already captured the imagination of the public. Now the policymakers must respond.

- Alan Mak MP“Masters of the Revolution” Mak, Alan (2017)

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CILIP’s goal for 2020 is to ‘put library and information skills at the heart of a democratic,

equal and prosperous society’

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We put the ‘I’ into ‘IT’ (and possibly in to ‘AI’ too...)

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Active citizens who can take control of the information in

their lives

Information Society &

Knowledge Economy



Information, knowledge &

library professionals (whether LIS-

qualified or not)

The UK’s library and information association

SocialCulturalEducationalEconomicPersonalbenefit for everyone

At home

At work





CILIP’s ‘Theory of Change’ model

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“The House of Commons Library provides impartial information and research services for Members of Parliament and their staff in support of their parliamentary duties.”

Copyright (C) House of Commons. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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The Northern Ireland Assembly's Research and Information Service (RaISe) aims to meet the information needs of the Assembly Members, their staff and the secretariat. It employs subject specialists and library professionals to provide research and information support across the range of Assembly business areas.

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“National government and local public services will benefit from access to a world leading network of centres providing robust, comprehensive evidence to guide decision making on £200 billion of public spending.”Danny Alexander MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury

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“On the Friday of a live weekend, we capture a lot more data from a car than we do on Saturday or Sunday. That data feeds into the rest of the factory: so to the wind tunnel, the vehicle science, the technology guys and our simulator.

We use the Friday to capture R&D data and then Saturday is all about getting the car equipped for the race.”

Graeme Hackland, CDOWilliams Martini

Copyright (C) Williams Martini Racing 2017

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“Knowledge is profoundly social. It’s about trust, exchange, communication and telling stories. That’s about people. It’s not about tools or giving a database, it’s about participation and engagement, asking questions and maintaining curiosity.”

Ed HoffmanChief Knowledge Officer, NASA

Copyright (C) Oscar Javier Guerra. Some rights reserved

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“Every day across the healthcare sector more than a million decisions are made which have a profound impact on people’s lives and which influence the quality and cost of healthcare services. 

The Government and health organisations have obligations under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to ensure the use of evidence from research and to make use of the best available evidence in their decision-making.”

Professor Ian Cumming OBE, Chief Executive, HEE

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“Putting timely knowledge into the hands of healthcare professionals working across care settings is vitally important for making clinical decisions that are based on sound evidence.

With unprecedented time pressures on health professionals, embedded health librarians and knowledge services to support them in clinical and community settings are a vital resource.”

Professor Wendy Reid. Director of Education and Quality, Medical Director HEE

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“For 20 years, the government has addressed England’s widening literacy gap through national strategies.

We now know that a new, targeted approach is needed as our work with Experian reveals the country’s literacy challenge to be intensely local”

Jonathan DouglasNational Literacy Trust

Copyright (C) Experian 2016

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Information literacy:

“Knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner.”

Copyright (C) IFLA 2017

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As the professional association for people working in information and knowledge management and libraries, we have to ensure that our own work and decisions are evidence-based

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We are consulting on the creation of a School Libraries Data Group, bringing together key stakeholders to improve the qualitative, quantitative and directional data around school library provision in the UK.

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Can we embrace data, analytics and visualisation to create a better picture of the health, impact and development needs of our nation’s libraries and information services?

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The library & information workforce is 79% female and 21% male*

But 47% of top earners are men

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97% of the library and information workforce self-identify as white

(Compared to 88% in the overall UK workforce)

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61% of the library and information workforce hold a postgraduate qualification

(Highest qualification of most of the UK workforce is A-level or equivalent)

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We have to continue to build a future workforce with the skills and ethics needed to unlock the power of data, information and knowledge for society and the economy

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Our profession has the skills and values needed to build an open, democratic society and a globally-competitive information-based economy

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