dat602 database application development lecture 12 c/s model database application

DAT602 Database Application Development Lecture 12 C/S Model Database Application

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DAT602 Database Application Development

Lecture 12 C/S Model Database Application

• In this lecture, you will see how to create a simple Client / Server model database application.

• We will build a simple library book management system for demonstration.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• There are basically two major kinds of modern architectures: two-tier client/server and three-tier—also commonly called n-tier.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• Two-tier client/serverA two-tier application ideally provides multiple workstations with a uniform presentation layer that communicates with a centralized data storage layer. The presentation layer is generally the client, and the data storage layer is the server.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Two-tier client/server• Following diagram shows how two-tier

systems give clients access to centralized data.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• Two-tier limitations- Fat clientsTwo-tier, fat-client systems are notorious for their inability to adapt to changing environments and scale with growing user and data volume. Even though a client's primary task is the presentation of data, a fat client is loaded with knowledge completely unrelated to that task.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• Two-tier limitations- Object reuseIn one common sense, object reuse is simply code reuse.In two-tier model, code is too close to database server, it is not easy to be modified when business logic changes. Two-tier model lacks flexibility.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• When to use a two-tier design?If you can answer "yes" to each of the questions in the checklist, then a two-tier architecture is likely your best solution.- Does your application emphasize time-to-market over architecture?- Does your application use a single database?- Is your database engine located on a single host?- Is your database likely to stay approximately the same size over time?- Is your user base likely to stay approximately the same size over time?- Are your requirements fixed with little or no possibility of change?- Do you expect minimal maintenance after you deliver the application?

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• Three-tier’s advantage- Isolated database connectivityThree-tier model helps you to split presentation layer and data storage layer. Changes of these two layers won’t affect each other.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• Three-tier’s advantage- Centralized business processingThese centralized rules for processing data inside business objects are called business rules . No matter what your problem domain is, the rules for how data should be processed rarely change.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• Three-tier’s advantage- Business object presentationThe presentation layer of a three-tier application should therefore contain only user interface code that can be modified easily on a whim.The presentation layer of a bank application:• The teller window's console at the bank• The ATM machine• The web applet

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• Drawbacks to the three-tier architectureChief among its drawbacks is the level of complexity it adds to a system.It is also harder to find software engineers who are competent in three-tier programming skills such as transaction management and security.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

• In next, I’ll give you a demonstration for how to create a simple two-tie client server database application.

• This C/S database application is developed for library management.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Step 1: write your specification of this library application.What kind of users be involved in this application?What features this application should has?Simple hierarchy of your application.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Extremely Simple Specification• In this application, there are two kinds of users:

librarian and normal user.• Librarians has fully authorization, they can add, modify

or remove books, users information, and also can add or modify loan log.

• Normal users can observe their loan log and check their accounts’ status.

• This application should consists with two client GUIs, one for librarians, and another for normal users.

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Step: 2 Design and build database of this library application.

Diagram: Structure of library application

• Step 3: implement basic operation: insert record, remove record, query for each table.

• Step 4: Design GUI

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12

Database Application Development - Lecture 12