darver & dromiskin parish...darver & dromiskin parish january 3rd 2021 second sunday of christmas...

Darver & Dromiskin Parish January 3rd 2021 Second Sunday of Christmas Priest: Fr. Pat McEnroe PP Ph: 042-9379147 0ur Parish email address: [email protected] Priests of Our Lady Queen of Peace Pastoral Area: Fr. Gerry Campbell, P.P. Kilkerley & Knockbridge 042 9374125: Fr. Brian MacRaois Kilkerley, 042 6827409, Fr. Seán McArdle, P.P. Louth, 042 9374285 Website address: ourladyqueenofpeacepa.org. BAPTISMS BY ARRANGEMENT 0429379147 Parents to avail of Parish Baptismal Programme. Daily Mass Times St. Peter’s Dromiskin: Mon. Mass & Novena @ 7pm & Wed. & Fri 9.30am St. Michael’s Darver: Tues., Thurs. @ 9.30am Weekend Masses: Sat. Vigil St. Peter’s 7.00pm & Sun. St Michael’s @ 10.30am SPECIAL PARISH DATES FOR 2021 First Communion: St. Michael’s Darver: Sat. 8th May St. Peter’s Dromiskin: Sat. 15th May Confirmation St. Michael’s Darver: Sat. 22nd May St. Peter’s Dromiskin: Sun. 23rd May THE BIBLE IS FOR YOU! Todays gospel passage is the prologue to St John’s gospel, a very deep teaching on the mystery of the incarnation. But do not let yourself be intimidated by the depth; remember that it was written for you; like the whole Bible, it was “for you and for your salvation that it came down from heaven.” St. Michael’s Darver . Sun Jan 3rd 10.30am People of the Parish. Sun. Jan. 10th 10.30am M.M Kathleen Wallace. Av. Frank, Mary Anne, Marie ,Kathleen, Rose Frankie & baby Kieran. St Peter’s Dromiskin Sat. Jan. 2nd 7.00pm Av. Margaret & John Matthews. Intentions of all who prayed for Anthony Langan. Sat. Jan. 09th 7.00pm Av. Briege Reilly. Recently Deceased : Please pray for: Kieran Quinn, Brendan Bellew, Christy Clarke, Muriel Hamill, Seamus Brady, Mary McQuillan, John Carroll, Eve Anne Kelly & Ann Toner. GOSPEL MATTERS The year 2020 was like no other we have known. It will be remembered all through our lives and far beyond. It is the fourth worldwide pandemic in three hundred years. 1720, Black Death: 1820, Cholera: 1920, Spanish flu: 2020, Covid 19. Every hundred years for three centuries. On March 12 th 2020, I was in school around 12.30pm when the government declared a country wide shut down. Lockdown, shutdown, closed, stay at home; no meetings or contacts outside of home. It was called cocooning. No travel, no schools, no Masses for the public. Congregations could not assemble. Weddings, First Penance, First Eucharist, Confirmation: all cancelled indefinitely. God rest those who died. Funerals were brutal because of restrictions and isolation. Those grieving were denied the traditional healing support that we, Irish, are so good at. If stones could cry! The experience of this pandemic was away beyond that of anybody living in Ireland. We all felt so vulnerable, helpless and powerless. It was as if all that we had did not now matter. What we had could not protect us. Wash your hands, keep your social distance i.e. 6 feet: and no congregating. For some time it was grossly unclear whether the outdoors were safer or more dangerous than indoors. Many of us stayed indoors. Later we were told that the outdoors were 18 times safer than indoors. But during these terrible times truly wonderful and heroic things were happening. A nation of volunteers stepped forward offering whatever was needed. Visits/shopping for those living alone, and the elderly. Simply keeping in touch in person or by phones and other technology. Then we had those front-liners: they risked their own lives to protect us and some of them paid the price. God rest them. I continue to be deeply moved when I think of these wonderful, fearless, loving, protecting and life-giving people. They are the best of who we are. I salute you one and all. You are shining lights and inspirational. Thank you. For 2021 I invite us all to care and keep a caring eye in family and neighbourhood. Be courageous and wise enough to pray daily. I really hope you will have a purpose to get out of bed each morning asking God’s help. And every night before you sleep to have reason to thank God for your day. IN 2021 may God protect and keep us all close, healthy and safe. Happy 2021 PARISH OTTO RESULTS October 12th 2020 Numbers drawn: (01) (21) (25) (26) Jackpot €4,600 not won No winner with 3 numbers share 200 Next draw 3 numbers win or share 400 JACKPOT €4,800 Thanks for your continued support! Epiphany of the Lord: Holy day with obligations. Masses: Tues. 5th Jan. in St. Peter’s, Dromiskin @ 7.00pm: Wed. 6th Jan. St. Michael’s, Darver 10.30am Christmas is now something we are beginning to talk about as having happened: ‘How did you get over Christmas?’ are the opening words of many of our conversations at the moment. But for us Christians we are still trying to reach some of the depths of what it means to confess that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. So we have gathered here to offer thanks to the Father through Christ, while in our readings we will be trying to make sense of what it means to say that ‘Christ has come among us.I LOVE THIS QUOTE “Far from being the ultimate measure of all things, human beings can only realize themselves by reaching beyond themselves"..... Pope Paul VI. Beyond ourselves = God. Lord, humanity today wants to live independently of You, and even Christians speak as if You created the world and then left it to its own devices. But St John reminds us that all things come to be only because You speak a Word, and that every single thing that exists today has its being because that Your Word continues to be spoken in it, and the only way that anything which has come to be and continues to have life today is because Your Word lives within it.

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Post on 29-Jan-2021




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  • Darver & Dromiskin Parish January 3rd 2021 Second Sunday of Christmas

    Priest: Fr. Pat McEnroe PP Ph: 042-9379147 0ur Parish email address: [email protected] Priests of Our Lady Queen of Peace Pastoral Area:

    Fr. Gerry Campbell, P.P. Kilkerley & Knockbridge 042 9374125: Fr. Brian MacRaois Kilkerley, 042 6827409, Fr. Seán McArdle, P.P. Louth, 042 9374285 Website address: ourladyqueenofpeacepa.org.



    042– 9379147

    Parents to avail of Parish Baptismal Programme. Daily Mass Times St. Peter’s Dromiskin:

    Mon. Mass & Novena @ 7pm & Wed. & Fri 9.30am St. Michael’s Darver: Tues., Thurs. @ 9.30am

    Weekend Masses: Sat. Vigil St. Peter’s 7.00pm & Sun. St Michael’s @ 10.30am


    First Communion:

    St. Michael’s Darver: Sat. 8th May

    St. Peter’s Dromiskin: Sat. 15th May


    St. Michael’s Darver: Sat. 22nd May

    St. Peter’s Dromiskin: Sun. 23rd May


    Today’s gospel passage is the prologue to St John’s gospel, a very deep teaching on the mystery of the incarnation. But do not

    let yourself be intimidated by the depth; remember that it was

    written for you; like the whole Bible, it was “for you and for

    your salvation that it came down from heaven.”

    St. Michael’s Darver .

    Sun Jan 3rd 10.30am People of the Parish. Sun. Jan. 10th 10.30am M.M Kathleen Wallace.

    Av. Frank, Mary Anne, Marie ,Kathleen, Rose

    Frankie & baby Kieran.

    St Peter’s Dromiskin

    Sat. Jan. 2nd 7.00pm Av. Margaret & John Matthews.

    Intentions of all who prayed for Anthony Langan. Sat. Jan. 09th 7.00pm Av. Briege Reilly.

    Recently Deceased: Please pray for: Kieran Quinn, Brendan Bellew, Christy Clarke, Muriel Hamill, Seamus

    Brady, Mary McQuillan, John Carroll, Eve Anne Kelly & Ann Toner.


    The year 2020 was like no other we have known. It will be remembered all through our lives

    and far beyond. It is the fourth worldwide pandemic in three hundred years.

    1720, Black Death: 1820, Cholera: 1920, Spanish flu: 2020, Covid 19. Every hundred years

    for three centuries. On March 12th 2020, I was in school around 12.30pm when the

    government declared a country wide shut down. Lockdown, shutdown, closed, stay at home;

    no meetings or contacts outside of home. It was called cocooning. No travel, no schools, no

    Masses for the public. Congregations could not assemble. Weddings, First Penance, First

    Eucharist, Confirmation: all cancelled indefinitely. God rest those who died. Funerals were

    brutal because of restrictions and isolation. Those grieving were denied the traditional

    healing support that we, Irish, are so good at. If stones could cry! The experience of this

    pandemic was away beyond that of anybody living in Ireland. We all felt so vulnerable,

    helpless and powerless. It was as if all that we had did not now matter. What we had could

    not protect us. Wash your hands, keep your social distance i.e. 6 feet: and no congregating.

    For some time it was grossly unclear whether the outdoors were safer or more dangerous

    than indoors. Many of us stayed indoors. Later we were told that the outdoors were 18 times

    safer than indoors.

    But during these terrible times truly wonderful and heroic things were happening. A nation

    of volunteers stepped forward offering whatever was needed. Visits/shopping for those living

    alone, and the elderly. Simply keeping in touch in person or by phones and other technology.

    Then we had those front-liners: they risked their own lives to protect us and some of them

    paid the price. God rest them. I continue to be deeply moved when I think of these

    wonderful, fearless, loving, protecting and life-giving people. They are the best of who we

    are. I salute you one and all. You are shining lights and inspirational. Thank you.

    For 2021 I invite us all to care and keep a caring eye in family and neighbourhood.

    Be courageous and wise enough to pray daily. I really hope you will have a purpose to get out of bed each morning asking God’s help. And every night before you sleep to have reason

    to thank God for your day. IN 2021 may God protect and keep us all close, healthy and safe.

    Happy 2021

    PARISH €OTTO RESULTS October 12th 2020

    Numbers drawn: (01) (21) (25) (26)

    Jackpot €4,600 not won

    No winner with 3 numbers share €200

    Next draw 3 numbers win or share €400

    JACKPOT €4,800 Thanks for your continued support!

    Epiphany of the Lord: Holy day with obligations. Masses: Tues. 5th Jan. in St. Peter’s, Dromiskin @ 7.00pm: Wed. 6th Jan. St. Michael’s, Darver 10.30am

    Christmas is now something we are beginning to talk about as having happened: ‘How did you get

    over Christmas?’ are the opening words of many of

    our conversations at the moment.

    But for us Christians we are still trying to reach

    some of the depths of what it means to confess

    that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

    So we have gathered here to offer thanks to the

    Father through Christ, while in our readings we will

    be trying to make sense of what it means to say that

    ‘Christ has come among us.’ I LOVE THIS QUOTE

    “Far from being the ultimate measure of all things,

    human beings can only realize themselves by reaching beyond themselves"..... Pope Paul VI. Beyond ourselves = God.

    Lord, humanity today wants to live independently of You,

    and even Christians speak as if You created the world and

    then left it to its own devices. But St John reminds us that

    all things come to be only because You speak a Word, and

    that every single thing that exists today has its being

    because that Your Word continues to be spoken in it, and

    the only way that anything which has come to be and

    continues to have life today is because Your Word lives

    within it.